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Alumno: Omar Esteban Ojeda Medina Matricula: 19305017

Materia: Ingles VIII Trabajo: Portafolio de evidencias 1P.

Docente: Mauricio Alberto Aguirre Bustos

Grado y grupo: ER9.

La Paz – B.C.S. -08/06/22


Identify qualifying adjectives that describe physical appearance, clothing, and personality.
Identify the relative clauses that include the relative pronouns "Which", "Where", "Who" and
identify connectors "With", "as well as", "nevertheless, "however", etc.
In order to improve the linguistic level of the English language for the acquisition of clarity and
depth in the use of the language

Diagnostic test – Elaboration date 12/05/2022

Types of documents – Elaboration date 13/05/2022

Hi Darren,
Sorry I wasn't able to get to your house warming party last Friday. I was really looking forward to it and I
was all ready to leave the house when my aunt from Ireland arrived at the house for a surprise visit!! She
was only in town for the one evening before she went to my brother's house so I had to stay with her. I'm
really sorry Dazza.
I tried to telephone you but your line was busy the two times when I telephoned. Then I was out with my
aunt in town and didn't have the chance to ring again.
I hope you understand. I know you wanted to get me to meet that girl, Yvonne, who you work with. Oh
well, next time maybe! My evening was really boring...if that makes you feel any better.
See you soon

Regards Nicholas.
Tourists at a zoo in Thailand left behind their junk food, and a monkey ate it. He
became so fat that people started to call him ‘Uncle Fat’.
He is 26 kilograms heavy – three times the normal weight. A vet explained how
dangerous the mass of fat is. In the end, it can lead to heart diseases.
Zookeepers placed the monkey on a strict diet. He eats only lean protein, fruit and

Difficult words: weight (how heavy something is; how many kilograms are in

something), lean (with little fat), protein (a type of food which is in meat, eggs, beans, soy,


After gorging himself on junk food left behind by tourists, a morbidly obese wild
monkey called ‘Uncle Fat’ has been placed on a strict diet. He has been limited to lean
protein, fruit and vegetables.
The zoo’s veterinary physician said that the mass of fat became a type of benign
tumour possibly also causing diabetes, vascular disease and eventually heart
diseases. At the current 26 kilograms, the monkey is three times the average weight
for his species.

Difficult words: gorge on (eat a large amount), morbidly obese (so fat it can kill

you), lean (with little fat), benign (not malignant – cancerous), vascular (relating to blood
Gustavo (a student of mixed abilities)
Gustavo reads well at this level and he is gradually developing his understanding of
English text. However, he will need to work on skim-reading texts more effectively in
his future studies. That said, Gustavo can pinpoint important areas of text by scanning
and he analyses texts with a degree of insight.
Gustavo's writing is competent and he has worked hard to extend and improve his
writing skills. His written English sometimes flows quite naturally and his spelling skills
are well developed. He now needs to consider punctuation rules in more detail.
Listening is an area in which Gustavo is confident but he is capable of better progress
if he applies himself. He sometimes listens for the gist of a script successfully and he
notes specific details competently. Gustavo can listen equally well to a range of audio
Gustavo finds spoken communication hard but he is progressing at a good rate. He
speaks with a moderate level of accuracy and now needs to work on communicating
with greater fluency. He should also pay close attention to pronunciation when learning
Gustavo has a good command of grammar and he has obviously learnt from the
material presented in class. His knowledge and understanding of different structures is
adequate. He also uses the structures he knows correctly in conversation and on
Gustavo has developed a fair-sized vocabulary for this level and he has learnt many
words during lessons. Nevertheless, his vocabulary needs to cover a bigger range of
different topics and contexts. On the other hand, he understands quite well how to
deploy words naturally and accurately.
Gustavo has been a reasonably active member of the class and he worked moderately
hard during lessons. He completed his homework to a satisfactory standard and he
made helpful contributions during class activities.
A/an Letter :
is a means of communication written by an issuer (sender) sent to a recipient
(recipient). Normally, the name and address of the recipient appear on the front of
the envelope. The name and address of the sender appear on the back of the
sender (in the case of handwritten envelopes) or on the front (in pre-printed
envelopes). There are letters without a sender, in which the address of the sender
of the letter is not recorded, either due to forgetfulness or conscious omission of
the sender. The letter can be a different text for each occasion, since the message
is always different. In that sense, only partially can be considered fully expository

A/an Articule :
is a text that presents the personal position of a journalist in front of an event, a
current problem or of general interest. These texts are often intended to influence
the opinion of readers. To achieve this, the writer uses arguments or reasons that
seduce the reader by bringing him closer to his position, persuading him to a topic
or fact. In the article, part of the approach of a problem or problematic situation,
that is, of conflicting or opposing opinions. Who writes an article not only analyzes
the facts, but when interpreting them or giving their opinion, they argue for or
against them. All these factors make the article an argumentative text.

A/an Report .
This type of document is intended to convey information, although it may have
different objectives. There are informative, persuasive and other types. This can be
the final part of an investigation or adopt a problem-solution structure based on a
series of questions. If the report is graphic, it is accompanied by graphs, diagrams,
tables of contents and footnotes so that it is easy for the reader to understand.
Pages 114 and 115 from the book - Elaboration test 13/05/2022

Listenning skills
1. courtney
2. her sister boyfriend
3. Positive
4,3, 1,2
1. What does she look like
2. What are they like
3. What is he like
4. What does he look like
5. What do they look like
Describing a person – Date 19/05/2022
Answer these questions about yourself in a simple way.
 How old are you? 21
 What do you look like? What are you like? I am tall , and funny
 What kind of clothes do you wear? Why? Jeans and tshirts because are
 What kind of occupation do you have? Do you like it? Im Student because
is interesting
 What are your favorite hobbies? Why do you like them? Riding on Bicycle
because is fun
 Where do you live? La Paz
 Do you like living there? Why or why not? Yes because the people its so

Now that you have the information about yourself ready.
Fill in the gaps in to complete this descriptive paragraph about yourself.
I am __21____ years old, I_______am tall_______________ (your looks). I
___am a quiet guy_____________________(your personality)because I
_______l don’t speak too much___________; I usually wear _____jeans and t-
shirts___________ because I ___like it ___________. I am a _______engineer
student______________(occupation). I like / don't like it because _______is
interesting______________. I often _____ride on bicycle______________
(describe your hobby). I also feel interested in ______bike
mechanic____________ (write about another hobby) because ______is
interesting________. I live in ______La Paz______. People in _______La
Paz_____ are _________kind_______ . I enjoy / don't enjoy living in ______La
Paz________ because _____the weather is good_______.

Ask your friends the same questions as in Exercise I and write paragraphs about
Verbal test (Class mate)
I am going to describe Jorge Luis Torres, who loves play football with his friends.
He is short with brown hair; he is very funny and strange guy. He is 23 years old;
he loves La Paz because the environment and the weather are comfortable for
him. He is renewable energies engineer and he does not like it because is difficult.

Relative clauses – Date 20/05/2022

Relative Clauses
Mr. William Bradley, who is an actor from Oklahoma U.S.
W. Bradley started his acting career in soap operas in 1987.
Mr. Bradley is an American actor and film producer
One of his greatest commercial successes has been “Legends of the fall” (1994).
He has six children (some of them adopted).
He had a love relationship with Angelina Jolie.
Defining or Non-defining relative clause?
W. Bradley is an actor from Oklahoma U.S. who (that) starred “Mr. and Mrs.
Brad Pitt, who is living in L.A., performed “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”.
Brad Pitt performed “Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who got in love to A. Jolie in such film.
“Mr. and Mrs. Smith” is a film which (that) was performed by W. Bradley Pitt.
Tonight´s film, which was filmed mainly in outdoor location, is “Mr. and Mrs.
Tonight´s film is “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”, which was filmed mainly in outdoor

Brad Pitt got divorced from J. Anniston, which isn´t understandable, because of
the rumor of cheating.

Who vs Which vs That Activitie – Elaboration date 20/05/2022

Who vs Which vs That

For the following exercises, complete the sentence with either who, that, or
1. The painting Which was hanging over the fireplace was one of
Monet’s finest works.
2. The student Who received an F felt the test was unfair and petitioned
to the university president.
3. Tina would not admit That she was wrong.

4. The World War II painting consisted of presidents killing men instead

of soldiers, Which caused a lot of controversy.
5. Professor Tomero, Who teaches a Sociology class, was out sick this
6. Kim Kardashian’s obsession with fur and leather has increased
world-wide sales, Which has led animal rights advocates to protest.
7. The politician Who wore the blue suit shouted angrily at the mayor.

8. The vase of roses Which were on my dining room table shattered

when I knocked into the table.
9. The movie Which Jesse and I saw last night was three hours long.

10. Tina Fey, Who was one of the hosts on Saturday Night Live,
will be a presenting at the Oscars.
11. The ASC, Which helps students with reading and writing,
English exam – Date 03/05/2022

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