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1. Are there many seafood restaurants in your hometown? How often do you go

 No, there are not many seafood restaurants in my hometown. Because you know, my
hometown is Kon Tum province, it is located in the central highlands. So there are very
few seafood restaurants and seafood can be sold there at high prices. I only go there with
my family on special occasions.

2. Is there a supermarket in your neighborhood? What do you often buy in the


 Yes, there is a supermarket in my neighborhood. It is on a corner. You can go straight to

the end of the road, it’s on the right.
 I often buy some foods in the supermarket like noodles, eggs, milk,…

3. What do you like about Danang City?

 There are many reasons why I like Danang. First of all, Danang is a very clean and
beautiful city. Second, the food here is not only delicious but also cheap, suitable for
students. The next, the landscape in Danang is very wonderful, I was very excited when I
came here the first time. And finally, I really like the enthusiasm and friendliness of the
people here.

4. What is your university like?

 My school is Dong A University. Although it is only a private school, the quality and
environment here are very good.

5. What do you say when someone says thank you to you?

 When someone says thank you to me, I will say No problem, You’re welcome, Anytime,

1. What time do you usually get up?

 I usually get up at 6 a.m if I have a class. And if I have not a class, I will get up at 9 a.m.

2. When do you have lunch?

 I often have lunch at 12 p.m, after class.

3. When do you often study?

 I often study after dinner. I spend 2 to 3 hours studying, preparing for the next class.

4. What do you do after class?

 I usually go to coffee with my friends after class, or come home to relax myself after a
long day of study by taking a shower or listening to music,..

5. When do you start/finish school?

 In the morning, my class started at half part 7 and finish at 11:50 a.m
 In the afternoon, my class extend from 1:30 p.m to 5:30p.m

1. Who do you live with?
 I live with my friends at a flat.

2. How old is your father/mother?

 My father is almost 50 and my mother is over 40.

3. Who is your favorite family member? Why?

 In my family, I love both father and mother. Because they always trust and support me

4. What do you like to do with your family?

 I like to have dinner with my family. When I have dinner with my family, I feel very
warm and happy. Sometime, we also watch TV, sing karaoke together.

5. How often do you go out with your family?

 I rarely go out with my family, we

6. Where do your parents live?

 My parents live in hometown, Kon Tum province.

7. What do your parents do?

 My father is an electrician, we have a home appliance repair shop and my father owns it.
My mother is a house wife. Although busy, our parents always love and take care of us.

8. Are your grandparents still alive?

 Yes, my grandparents are over 80. They live with my aunt in hometown.
1. What colors are your clothes right now? Do you like those colors?

2. What colors do you want to receive on your birthday?

 I like pink and white, so I hope received something pink or white on my birthday.

3. What clothes should students wear to school?

 Students should wear uniform to school.

4. What clothes will you give your friend on her/his birthday?

 I will give a dress for my girl friend on her birthday and give a T-shirt for my boy friend
on his birthday.

5. On which occasion do you wear nice clothes?

 I will wear nice clothes on important occasions like New Year, birthday, wedding,… or
when I hang out with my friends, my lover, I will wear nice clothes too.

1. What does your father look like?

 My father is a big man. He’s tall and has a big stomach from drinking beer a lot. I have
black and curly hair from my dad. His face looks a bit fierce, so my friends are scared od
him everytime they come to my house to play. Sometimes he was very strict with me, but
also trusted and supported me when I was in trouble. My dad loves me and my family
very much, so I love and proud of him too.

2. What does your mother look like?

 My mother is a housewife, a women in the family. She is not tall, but thin. My mother has
a long black hair and big eyes. I own white skin from my mother. Every day my mother
does everything in the house from cleaning to cooking, always taking care of us little by
little. My mother has made great sacrifices for us, and to me she is the greatest women in
my life.

3. What does your English teacher look like?

 My English teacher is a very beautiful young girl. She’s tall and thin, her legs are long
and I also want to be like that. She has an oval face, Her eyes are big and she is cute
everytime she smiles. She is very humorous and enthusiastic about the students, so we
like her very much.

4. Does your teacher have black hair?

 Yes, she has a long black hair is very beautiful.

5. Is he handsome/ Is she beautiful?

 She is very beautiful and

1. What is your full name?

 My name is Duong Ngoc Diem Quynh.

2. Where are you from?

 I come from Kon Tum province, it is located in the central highlands and more than 200
kilometers from here.

3. What do you/ your family do in your/ their free time?

 In my free time, I often go to coffee with my friend or go to the cinema with my lover.
 In my family’s free time, my dad
4. What don’t you like to do in your free time?

 I don’t like to study in my free time because I have time to study after dinner and I just
want to study during that time. So, study in my free time make me uncomfortable and
unable to concentrate.

5. What sports do you often play in your free time?

 I often play badminton in my free time, because it is not only good for my health but also
helps me relieve stress.

1. What are you going to do this weekend?

 I’m going on a picnic with my friends this weekend, we’ve been planning since last week.

2. What do you want to be in the future?

 In the future, I want to be a tour guide. Being a tour guide, I will have the opportunities to
travel a lot, explore and discover many things about countries and new things. I will be
able to make friends with people from many lands, many nations, different personalities
and interests. Besides that, this is also an industry with attractive in come, I will practice
and improve my communication and behavior skills.

3. What is your plan next month?

 Next month, my plan is to go to learn Chinese.

4. How often do you go to the movie?

 I go to the movie once or twice a month. I often go to the movie with my friends and if I
have a boyfriend, I will go there with him :3

5. What is your free time activity? How often do you do it?

 In my free time, I often go to coffee with my friends, sometimes go to the cinema to

watch movies or go to drink beer with them. I do it twice or three times a week.

1. How do you feel when you have an exam?

 I feel nervous whenever I have an exam that I don’t study or don’t review well, but if I
study hard, I feel very comfortable and confident.

2. How do you feel when you live far away from home?

 When I first left home, I felt homesick, I missed my mother and father. But now it’s been
a year, t have gradually gotten used to feeling away from home, everything is getting
better for me.

3. Have you ever been angry? If yes, when? If no, why?

 Of course,
4. How do you usually release your anger?
-> I usually release my anger by watching horror movies because the fear of watching horror
movies will make me no longer angry.

5. What are some things or events that make you feel happy?
-> I feel happy when my mother sends money and passes the exam.

1. What do you have for breakfast?
 I often eat Quang noodles for breakfast because I really love noodles and for me, it is very
delicious. Quang noodles is specialty food in Danang city. It’s made from noodles,
lettuce, eggs, chicken or meat. I can eat it at many restaurants in Danang, but my favorite
place to eat is the restaurants on Le Thanh Nghi Street.

2. Which kind of movies do you prefer, fiction movies or action movies?

 I prefer fiction movies to action movies because I don’t like violence and fiction makes
me feel attracted.

3. What movies do you usually watch?

 I usually watch romantic movies or cartoon. Sometimes watching horror movies can help
relieve my stress.

4. Which city did you like best, Danang or Ho Chi Minh?

 I prefer Danang City to Ho Chi Minh City. Because I feel that Danang is a peaceful City,
not noisy, not traffic jam, not crowded like Ho Chi Minh City and I seem to belong to
Danang more than Ho Chi Minh City.

1. What can you do?

 I think I’m good at communicating and learning English. Because I am quite confident, so
I think t can do it easily.

2. What can’t you do?

 I think I’m bad at singing, my voice is terrible when I sing and I don’t think people want
to hear it.

3. How many books are there in your university’s library?

 My university’s library has a lot of books, I don’t know exact munber but I think maybe
more than 2000

4. How many followers do you have on facebook?

 I have only about 900 followers on facebook, not many.

5. What skills do you have?

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