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Ways to Just Say Hi:

Hi, how was your weekend?

Hey, how’s your week going so far?
Hi. What have you been up to lately?
Hey, how are things with you today?
Hi, any fun plans for the weekend?
Hi, I hope your week is going well.
Hi, how are you? 🙂
Hi there. How’s life treating you today?
Hey, what are you up to today?
Just stopping by to say hello. Hello!
I just had to say hi to you. Hi!
What’s up? How are you?
How’s your day going so far?
I hope you’re having a nice day 🙂
Hi there, how are you?
Just wanted to say hi!
Hey there! 🙂
Hi, I hope you’re having a great day.
Saw your profile and just had to say hi.
Hey, what are you up to right now?
Flirty/Funny Hellos:

I can’t think of anything better than getting a reply from you.

I want this message to be the reason you smile at your screen.
Do you ever feel like something really great is about to happen? I kind of feel
that way now.
If you respond to one message today, let it be mine.
I kind of, sort of, well, pretty much think you seem amazing. Want to chat
If you wanted to talk, it’d definitely make my day… or maybe year.
Hello. Also, you are amazing.
Could you please reply to this message and make me feel like the luckiest person in
the world?
You have no idea how happy it would make me to talk to you.
You had me at It’s a Match.
I tend to wear my heart on my profile. 🙂
Hello, bonjour, aloha, salut! (I wasn’t sure how to say hi, so I tried a bunch.)
Rawr means hello in dinosaur. RAWR!
That awkward moment when you try to message a guy/girl and all you can think of is
Just saying hi. Because I’m annoying like that.
I’m willing to risk the cooties if you are.
I like how your nose is in the middle of your face. That’s really cute.
I like hugs.
I will always tell you when you have something in your teeth. That’s just the kind
of person I am.
I’d love to talk to you. For reals. No fakesies.
I think I quite fancy you.
You seem super duper.
Double thumbs up to you.
Anyone can be cool but awesomeness like yours takes practice.
You (yes, you) are the person I want to talk to.
I don’t flirt, but I will totally seduce you with my awkwardness.
I’m looking for someone I can be a complete nerd with. You interested?
I like it when a guy/girl talks nerdy to me.
I’m the good kind of weird. How about you?
You deserve a whole sheet of gold stars.
The truth? I like you a lot. And I don’t even know you yet. I just have an idea.
I passed by your photo too many times not to stop a say hi.
My atoms are attracted to your atoms. It’s chemistry.
Hello amazingness.
You make me smile. That is all.
You had me at online now.
I want to be the reason you look into your phone and smile.
I was more excited to see your profile photo than pizza. And I really like pizza.
I bet my dog would like you.
I bet my cat would like you.

...............Question to break ice...........

There’s just something about you. I haven’t figured out what it is yet. Do you
You drive me a little crazy, you know that?
You know you’re amazing right?
Wanna get outta here?
What would you say if I asked you out to dinner?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What’s behind that smile of yours I wonder?
Is it too early to tell you how amazing I feel around you?
Can you name three things that always make you smile?
What are you thinking of right now?
What am I thinking of right now? Guess.
What makes you tick?
How you doin’?
I want to know everything about you. Where would you like to start?
Where did you get eyes like that?
What was the last book you read? I’ll read it too and then we can talk about it.
What’s your type?
Do you think you could fall in love tonight?
What’s a girl like you doing on an app like this?
How can I get to know you more?
Have you noticed me noticing you yet?
You make me smile. Can I return the favor?
Want to go on an adventure together?
Whatcha doing right now?
Want to know a secret?
Are you bored right now?
Who are you? I simply must know.
Do you like dogs?
Are you feeling adventurous?
Would you like to share my umbrella with me?
Is this seat taken?
Were you just checking me out? I dunno, I’m pretty sure you were checking me out?
So, what would you like to know about me?
Do you like guys who ask a lot of questions?
Would you consider pride a fault or a virtue?
What’s the one thing you could talk about forever?
What’s your obsession?
You know you look beautiful tonight, right? I don’t have to tell you do I?
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?
Do you have any flaws? I’m trying to find one and can’t.
What’s your biggest pet peeve? I’ll try my best to avoid it.
When’s the last time you felt butterflies?
What color are my eyes?
So what do your friends think of me?
What are you like when you really let go?
Where should we go next?
Are you ready to fall in love? I didn’t think I was at first.
You don’t realize how amazing you are, do you?
Are you always this much fun?
Are you a romantic? A hopeless one?
Do you like hugs? I think hugs are the best.
Do you have plans this weekend? Want to make some?
What are you doing for the rest of your life?

What’s something you could talk about for hours?

What type of stuff do you like to do on the weekend?
What kinds of things do you like to do for fun?
What’s a typical day in your life like?
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
What do you like to do when you go out?
What type of stuff do you do in your spare time?
If you could be a character in any movie, who would you be?
What actor/actress would play you in the movie of your life?
What’s your favorite book?
What’s one thing I should know about you that’s not on your profile?
What’s your favorite sports team?
How did you pick your display name?
What’s one saying you try to live by?
Do you have any tattoos? If you got one what would you get?
Are you close to your family?
If you could choose a superpower what would it be?
What’s the nerdiest thing you’re willing to admit?
What are you most likely to stay up all night talking about?
I love hearing other people’s stories. Do you have a good one to tell?
What’s your idea of the perfect day?
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
What’s one city you want to travel to?
What’s your favorite band?
What’s your favorite movie?
What’s your favorite song?
What’s one great book you’ve recently read?
Are you an adventurous person?
What’s your favorite cocktail?
What’s your favorite restaurant?
Would you describe yourself as a romantic person?
Yes or no: Do you like to dance?
Yes or no: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes or no: Are you romantic?
Do you have any pets?
Do you have any nicknames?
Where did you grow up?
Are you an outgoing person or are you on the shy side?
Do you like working out?
What’s your favorite TV show?
What are your favorite things to do in your spare time?
Do you have any hobbies you’re passionate about?
Are you an outdoorsy person?
Do you play any sports?
What’s one thing you’d bring with you to a deserted tropical island?
What’s the fondest memory you have?
What’s your favorite place in the whole world?
Tell me one random fact about yourself.
If you had three wishes from a genie, what would you wish for?
If you could redo a year of your life over again, what year would it be?

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