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Getting Away TOPIC PREVIEW 4 mate the vacation words onthe eft with their meanings onthe right. Write the eter onthe line 1. __wildlife a. travel by ship or boat 2. accommodations _b. drinks 3. ___beverages « movies, concerts, plays 4. ___ entertainment d. food 5. __meals @. hotels, hostels, resorts 6. __cuise f. animals 7. __rates 9. the money you pay WHAT ABOUT YOU? In your country, where would you go on vacation for... nature and wildlife? history and culture? family activities? physical activities? <> wiar asour You? Complete the paragraph. Use your own ideas. When | go on vacation, | usually go to | like to visit and I like to eat __________ | don't really like to ee ee 67 LESSON 1 complete the conversations. Write the best response on the lines. Use sentences from the box. No, thanks. That's too bad. Pretty boring. Well, that’s good. No, not too bad (Weed help wit help with \ Tey 9 3 == ——_ Il bet the food >) as terrible. Of course, the train wasn't on 68 UNITS Write statements. Use the words in parentheses and was, were, wasn't, or weren't. 1. (The cruise / tervific) The cruise was terrific 2. (The accommodations / pretty nice) 3. (Our room / a little small) 4. (There / not / any good family activities) 5. (There /a lot of friendly people) 6. (The flight / not / very long) & Write yes /no questions and short answers. Use the past tense of be. 4. A: (your / bus /on time) _Was your bus on | 2 B: No, it wasn't It was over an hour late! 2. A: (the movie theater / open) 5 _—______? B: Yes, They had a late show. 3. A: (the weather / good) a ee B: No, Itrained every day. 4, A: (there / a movie / on your flight) - - 7 B: No, It was so borin 5. A: (there / any problems / at the airport) 2 B: Yes, My flight was canceled. 4 complete the conversation with information questions. Use the past tense of be. ‘A: Hey, Marty. — ? 1 Where you B: My wife and I took a little vacation. A: Really? z howe B: Too short! But we stayed at a great resort ‘A: Oh yeah? z B: Over in Wroxton. We drove down Friday night. ‘A: Wroxton? That's pretty far. a Wowwiong ine are About three-and-a-half hours. There wasn’t, any traffic. A: Nice! ? Kd Thow the weather B: Actually, the weather was pretty good. Only rained once! A: Sounds wonderful. B: Just three days. We didn’t want to come home! Getting Away 69 > WHAT ABOUT YOU? Read the questions. Write responses. Use your own words. 1. “When was your last vacation?” ou low long was it?" ou 3. “How was the weather?” vou LESSON 2 MOST POPULAR VACATION According to the World Tourism Organization, the world's most Popular vacation destination 4&8 France. In 2001, 765 million international visitors came to France. That was 11% of all international travelerst It was also more than the population Of France, which was around 60 miltion. Spain was second, with 49.5 million visitors, and the US. was in third place, with 45.5 million ‘Source: © complete the chart with the presentor the simple past tense Deed Sa caeey Pre: 1.| call 2 arrived buy 3 studied do 4.| get leave 5. | stop ate Choose the correct responses to complete the conversation. Write the letter onthe lin A: Hi, Emily. | didn't see you at the gym this weekend. ‘A: Really? How was it? & ‘A: What did you do? B ‘A: That sounds nice. Did the kids have a good time? 70 unite |. We went to the zoo and ate lunch downtown. Yes, they did. They love nature and wildlife. And they slept all the way home in the car! . I didn’t go. We took the kids to Toronto. Terrific. We had a lot of fun. > complete the sentences wth the simple past tense ait some nice souvenirs, but | oor) —___ alot of money. 2. We __ to Montreal, but we or aad the train back. 3. We __a great time at the baseball game! The kids sandwiches and me ___ soda, and they the ‘ein wna) game, too—a little! at at 10:00. 1 eave) or back at noon. <)> rend the responses. Put the wordsin order to make questions lid you 4. A (did / eat / Where / you) Whe B: At a Japanese restaurant. 2. As (Did / go / with Jane / you) e No, | went with Deanna > No, | didn’t. It was pretty boring. (you/ did / When / leave) ‘We left on Tuesday morning = Pere She bought a souvenir Tshirt. : At the resort. { (did / How long / stay / you) ePeer A little over a month <®> war aour You? Read the questions. Write a response. Use your own words. 1. “Did you sleep late this morning?” vou. 2. “Where did you eat lunch yesterday?” (ike / Did / the art exhibit / you) (What /she / buy /did) : (did / play tennis / Where / you) you, 3. “When did you exercise this week?" vou Getting Away 71 LESSONS 3 AND 4 4G Look at the vacation peture. Now read the statements. Who is speaking? Match each statement to a person in the picture. Write the letter on the line. We wanted to go on a cruise, but they canceled it. There was a problem with the boat. Someone stole my bag! Host all of my money and my passport. | went parasailing, A boat pulled me up high in the air. It was so exciting! 72 units I got a massage on the beach. It was so relaxing! The entertainment was terrible. They only had one musician—and he needed guitar lessons! The local beverages were delicious. | had a drink made of coconut milk every day at the beach. > complete the vacation postcard. Use adjectives from the box. scary relaxing perfect — terrible. scenic_—_unusual. Getting Away 73 AMMAR BOOSTER © choose the correct response. Write the letter on the line. 1, ___ “How was your vacation?" a. No, it wasn't. It rained all week 2, __ "Where did you go?” b. Terrific. It was so much fun. 3. ___ “How long were you there?” © Jamaica. 4, ___ “Was the weather good?” . Yes, there were. We were busy all the time. 5, ___ “How were the accommodations?” fe. Yes, it was good. But a little spicy. 6. __ "Were there a lot of things to do?” f. Just a week 7. __ “Was the food OK?" 9. Clean and comfortable. © correct he erorsin the email message, Dear Mari, was My vacation were lots of fun! My family and | went to Hawaii, The only problem were the hotel. It was very nice. The beds were terrible. Everything else were perfect. There was many activities. My favorite activity wasn't parasailing. It were terrific. Laura NI @& wiiat aBour YoU? Write questions with the past tense of be. Then answer the questions with complete sentences. Use your own words. 1. when / your last vacation 2. it/long 2 3. how / the hotel cou 4. the weather /good on 5 how many/people/with you ou 74 unite © Rewrite the sentences. Use the simple past tense and a past time expression. 1. We go to the beach every year. We went to the beach last year 2. The weather isn’t very good today 3. How long does the trip usually take? 4, We don’t stay in a hotel. 5. | often cook clams at the beach. 6. Everyone has a good time. 7. Is your flight canceled? & Read the statements. Write questions in response using the words in parentheses. 1. As She bought a new printer. Why did she buy a new printer 2 (why) 2. A: We went on vacation. ? (where) They went to the gym. 2 (when) 4. A: I visited some friends a 2 (who) 5. A: He spent a lot of money. B: 2 (how much) Getting Away 75 JUST FOR FUN ® Find the words in the puzzle. Circle the words. Words can be across (-+) or down (1). scenic amazing relaxing interesting boring bumpy unusual short comfortable long exciting eck cg eoeue incredible © at can you doin you free time? Unscramble the undertined words Write the activity on the line. ti 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. . visit an tarsemumy = . do bacseori The food was terrible— play fgol and the portions were . take a ruisce go on a rasfai visit the ozo visit the 200 see a labbasel meag = _ a 76 units

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