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Development of a global financial

j. Increase in the share of the world
economy controlled by multinational
• It is the process of bringing people corporations
together and making them interact and Advantages of Globalization
exchange ideas across traditional
borders. The world, driven largely by a. Peaceful Relations
advances in technology, has become ⎯ Most countries have resorted to
interconnected across distances and trade relations with each other in
other boundaries order to boost their economy,
• It is the increasing economic, political leaving behind any bitter past
and cultural integration and experiences if any
interdependence of diverse cultures b. Employment
• The formation of Global Village- closer ⎯ Considered one of the most
contacts between different parts of the crucial advantages, globalization
world, with increasing possibilities of has led to the generation of
personal exchange, mutual numerous employment
understanding, and friendship, between opportunities. Companies are
world citizens moving toward developing
countries to acquire the labor
c. Education
⎯ A very critical advantage that has
aided the population is the spread
of education. With numerous
educational institutions around
the globe, one can move out from
the home country for better
opportunities elsewhere.
d. Product Quality
⎯ The product quality has been
Signs of Globalization enhanced to retain the customers.
a. Increasing in international trade Today the customers may
b. Increase in international flow of capital compromise with the price range
including foreign direct investment
the process in which a
minority group or culture but not with the quality of the
comes to resemble a
society's majority group or product. Low or poor quality can
c. Greater trans-border data flow, using assume the values,
such technologies such as the internet, behaviors, and beliefs of adversely affect consumer
another group whether
communication satellites and telephones fully or partially. satisfaction
d. Spreading of multiculturalism and better ⎯ Globalization has brought in
The process by individual access to cultural diversity, on fierce competition in the markets.
Communication every single
which a cultural
element blends into
another culture by
the other hand, some reduction in This theory proposes that
Western thought has led to
modifying the
diversity through assimilation, globalization, and that
globalization propagates
piece of information is easily
element to fit
cultural norms.
hybridization, Westernization, Western culture, leading to
a cycle of Westernization.
accessible from almost every
Americanization, or Sinosization of corner of the world. Circulation of
cultures the process by which information is no longer a tedious
non-Chinese societies
e. Greater international travel and tourism come under the influence task and can happen in seconds.
of Chinese culture
the exporting of
American f. Greater international cultural exchange, The internet has significantly
brands and
consumer for example through the export of affected the global economy,
thereby providing direct access
Hollywood and Bollywood movies
g. Greater immigration, including illegal to information and products
immigration e. Transportation
h. Development of global ⎯ Considered as the wheel of every
telecommunications infrastructure business organization,


connectivity to various parts of the e. Disparity
world is no more a serious ⎯ Though globalization has opened
problem. Today with various new avenues like wider markets
modes of transportation available, and employment, there still exists
one can conveniently deliver the a disparity in the development of
products to a customer located at the economies. Rich nations are
any part of the world huge difference
moving their factories to foreign
f. Travel and tourism countries where there is cheaper
⎯ Through globalization, different labor
places in every part of the world
are being promoted through
social media and different GLOBAL ECONOMY
websites. International trade
among different countries also • Global Economy or the world economy is
helps in increasing the number of the economy of all humans of the world,
tourists that visit different places referring to global economic system that
around the world includes all economic activity within
nations and between nations, including
Disadvantages of Globalization production, consumption, economic
a. Health Issues management, exchange of financial
values and trade of goods and services
⎯ Globalization has given rise to
more health risks and presents • The economy of every country which is
new threats and challenges for the considered as giant economic system
epidemic – the dawn of HIV/ AIDS. • It includes everything we all buy, sell and
Not only this, the world is own
experiencing a pandemic-the When we talk about global economy:
rampant spread of coronavirus
b. Loss of Culture a. Interdependence of nations- one
⎯ Globalization greatly affects the nations depend on the other nations
culture of one nation because b. Globalization – process by which
large number of people are national and regional economies,
moving into and out of the country societies and cultures have become
integration by
that result to the loss of identity. means of integrated through the global network of
commz and trade trade, communication, immigration, and
People may adopt to the cultural
norms of the resident country, and transportation
they tend to follow the foreign c. International Trade- refers to the
culture more, forgetting their own exchange of goods and services between
roots. This can give rise to cultural different countries, and it has also helped
products/services countries to specialize in products which
conflicts of a country and
c. Uneven Wealth Distribution showcase it to they will be known and will have an
other nations
⎯ It is said that the rich are getting advantage over the others
richer while the poor are getting d. International Finance- money can be
poorer. In the real sense, transferred at a faster rate between
globalization has not been able to countries compared to goods, services
reduce poverty and people, making international finance
d. Environment Degradation one of the primary features of global
⎯ The industrial revolution has economy. It talks about currency
changed the outlook of the exchange rates.
economy. Industries are using e. Transaction – is between countries can
natural resources by means of be significant in assessing the economic
mining, drilling, etc. which puts a conditions of the other country
burden on the environment f. Global Investment- refers to an
investment strategy that is not
constrained by biographical boundaries
investment on markets (ex: bitcoin)


Why is Global Economy Important? Benefits of Global Economy:
demolishes trade barrier and allows a nation to introduce,
Microeconomics- is the study of individuals a. Free trade export and establish their products and services
gives numerous job opportunities across the globe;
and businesses decision b. Movement of labor removes geographical inequality
c. Increased economies scale lowers price rates for consumers
Macroeconomics- looks at the decisions of
d. Increased investment
countries and government
Economic importance at a macro and micro

⎯ Microeconomics and • Occurs when prices among different

macroeconomics are two fields of locations or related goods follow similar
study that involves the behavior in patterns over a long period of time
certain areas of the economy over • Groups of goods often move
a period of time proportionally to each other and when
⎯ Microeconomics is specific and this relation is very clear among different
smaller in scale, looking at the markets it is said that the markets are
behavior of consumers, the integrated
supply and demand equation in
Role of International Financial Institutions in
individual markets, and the hiring
the Creation of Global Economy
and wage-setting practices of
individual companies ⎯ IFI’s (International Financial
⎯ Macroeconomics has a broader institution) is charted by more than one
focus, such as the impact of fiscal country and therefore are subjects to
policy, big picture causes of international law. Its owners or
unemployment or inflation, and shareholders are generally national
how government actions impact governments, although other
nationwide economic growth international institutions and other
⎯ Macroeconomics strive to answer organizations occasionally figure as
the following: shareholders
a. Which factors determine how ⎯ The most prominent IFI’s are creations of
many goods and services a multiple nations, although some bilateral
country can produce financial institutions (created by two
b. What determines the number countries) exists and technically IFI
of jobs available in an ⎯ The best known IFI were established after
economy? World War II to assist in the
c. What factors cause the reconstruction of Europe and provide
economy to speed up or to mechanisms for international
slow down cooperation in managing the global
d. What causes of organization to financial system
hire or fire more labor in a
national scale The International Financial Institutions (IFIs)
e. What causes the economy to 1. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
grow over the long term? 2. Multi-Cultural Development Bank
f. What the State of the nation (MDB’s) which include:
economic health is based on a. World Bank Group provides loans

the improvement in the b. African Development Bank

standard of living, low c. Asian Development Bank
unemployment and low
⎯ Government
⎯ Private sector
secure financial stability and sustainable
⎯ Non-government organization
economic growth; reduce poverty around
the world
⎯ Development agencies
⎯ Community based
⎯ The different foundation


d. Inter-American Development Bank • These international operations are
e. European Bank of Reconstruction and pursued as a result of strategic potential
Development provided by technological developments
making new markets a more convenient
Membership Composition of IFIs
and profitable pursuit both in sourcing
1. Only sovereign countries are admitted as production and pursuing growth
Significance of Global Corporation
2. Broad country membership to include
borrowing developing countries and ⎯ International operations are therefore a
developed donor countries direct result of either achieving higher
3. Membership in regional development levels of revenue or a lower cost structure
banks include countries around the world within the operations or value-chain.
as members (not limited countries from ⎯ MNC operations often attain economies
the region) of scale, through mass producing in
4. Has its own independent legal and external markets at substantially cheaper
operational states costs, or economies of scope, through
horizontal expansion into new
Main Objectives:
geographic markets. If successful, these
1. IMF provides temporary financial both results in positive effects on the
assistance to member countries to help income statement (either larger revenues
ease balance of payments adjustments or stronger margins), but contain the
2. MDBs provide financing for development innate risk in developing these new
to developing countries through: opportunities
⎯ Long term loans (with maturities of
Why is Global Corporation Important?
up to 20 years) at interest rates
way below market rates. Funding 1. Operating in more countries means
comes from international capital access to more customers, which means
markets and relend to borrowing more revenue and profit. If you sell goods,
government in developing higher volumes can reduce costs
countries 2. Operating in global markets is also good
⎯ Very long-term loans (sometimes way to reduce risks and to leverage new
called credits with maturities at opportunities
30-40 years) at interest rate below
market rates. Funding for loans GLOBAL INTERSTATE SYSTEM
come from direct contributions by • It is the whole system of human
government in the donor interactions. The modern world system is
countries structured politically as an interstate
⎯ Grant financing by some MDBs for system- a system of competing and
technical assistance advisory allying states. Political scientist
service or project preparation commonly call this the international
GLOBAL CORPORATION system and this is the focal point of the
field of international relations
• It is known as global economy. It is • World systems are defined by the
coined from the base term “global” existence of division of labor. It has a
which means all around the world. It is multi-state political structure and
one that operates in more than one therefore its division of labor is
country. This is generally referred to as international division of labor
multinational corporations (MNC). It is a
company that operates in two or more Three zones of Division of Labor of
countries, leveraging the global Wallerstein
environment to approach varying 1. Core
markets in attaining revenue ⎯ high income nations in the world
generations. economy. This is the
manufacturing base of the planet


where resources funnel in to was more productive than hunter-
become the technology and gatherer societies. This became
wealth enjoyed by Western World the new agricultural economy.
today Farming helped societies build
⎯ are dominant capitalist countries surpluses, meaning, not everyone
that exploit peripheral countries had to spend their time producing
for labor and raw materials their foods. This led to major
2. Semi-Periphery developments like permanent
⎯ Are the middle-income countries, settlements, trade networks and
such as India and Brazil. These are population growth
considered semi-periphery due 2. Industrial Revolution
to their closer ties to the global ⎯ This is the 2nd major economic
economic core revolution of the 1800. With the
⎯ Peripheral countries share rise of the industry, new economic
characteristics of both core and tools like steam engines,
peripheral countries manufacturing and mass
3. Periphery production came. Factories
⎯ Called as the low-income popped up and work functions
countries, whose natural changed. Instead of woring aat
resources or labor support the home like what they did before,
wealthier countries, first as they started to work as wage
colonies and now by working for laborers and then becoming more
multinational corporations under skilled and began master their
the use of economic,
neocolonialism political, cultural, or strengths in their chosen field.
other pressures to
⎯ Peripheral countries are control or influence Overall, productivity went up,
other countries,
dependent on core countries for especially former standards of living rose and
capital and have underdeveloped people had access to varieties of
industry goods due to mass production
A. Capitalism- it is a system in
which all natural resources
and means of productions are
privately owned. It
emphasizes profit
maximization and competition
as the main drivers of
efficiency. This means that
when one owns a business, he
needs to outperform his
competitors if he is going to
• Before the rise of modern economy, succeed. He is incentivized to
people only produced for their family. be more efficient by
Nowadays, economy demands the improving the quality of the
different sectors to work together in product and reducing its cost
order to produce, distribute and B. Socialism – the means of
exchange products and services. What production are under
cause this shift in the way people produce collective ownership. It rejects
for their needs? Let us go back 12,000 capitalism’s private property
years ago and hands-off approaches. In
1. The Agricultural revolution and here, property is owned by
Industrial revolution the government and allocated
tame (an animal) and
⎯ The first big economic change is keep it as a pet or for to all citizens, not only those
farm produce.
Agricultural revolution with the money to afford it. It
(Pomeranz,2000). When people emphasizes collective goals,
learned how to domesticate plants expecting everyone to work
and animals, they realized that it for the common good and


placing a higher value on
meeting everyone’s basic
need than on individual profit

3. Information Revolution
⎯ This is our time- the rise of
technology. This reduced the role
of human labor and shifted it from
a manufacturing-based economy
to one that is based on service
work and the production of ideas
rather than goods. This had
residual effects on the economy.
Computer technology is at the
root of this change, and continuing
advancements in that technology
seem to ensure that this revolution
would touch the lives of people


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