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American Association of Petroleum Geologist

2017 – 2018
Become the leader, I can’t work by myself. We need good teamwork and
communication to achieve the organizational goals. I have the
responsibilities to all the decisions for the organization also I have to keep
I am bachelor of Geophysical Engineering.
the condition mood on my organization. Activities in this organization are
I am 25 years old. I graduated from very diverse which is invites presenters or professionals to share the
University of Brawijaya on February 2020. knowledge and experience in oil and gas industry, learning course,
For now I am trying to fill one of the roles in charity, and many more. As a leader I have to cadre the members to have
the real world, hopefully I can bring good a leadership skills.
benefits to those around me. I am a person American Association of Petroleum Geologist
who is able to work individually or in a team. Vice President
I have good communication skills and I can 2016 - 2017
immediately adapt to new circumstances. In As a Vice President I have a duty to taking care of internal problems
addition, I can operate most of geophysical and giving advice to the leader in making decisions. When the
leader can’t handle the task because an emergency situation, I
tools, especially resistivity geoelectrical
have to replace their task and of course with the permission the
method for acquisition, processing and President.
Student Executive Board of Brawijaya University
Senior Staff of Ministry of Youth and Sports
2015 - 2017
Senior Staff have a duty as an initiator of various events at
University Level related to Sports, Youth and Culture. And prepare
the young staff for the upcoming management.

Student Council of SMAN 5 Malang

Leader of the Student Council
Mobile Phone : +6281-259-091-325 2013 – 2014
Have the responsibilities to making decisions and become
Email : liaison beetween teacher and student.
Address : Sengkaling Indah 2
Regency, Kemuning 3 Street
no. 7, Malang , East Java.
Senior Marketing
2015 - 2021
As a market services in the form of variety of party supplies,
concert and events.


Geophysical Engineering 2017 – 2019
2015-2019 Help the lecturer to provide material subject for the student. Assist in
the field activities also helping the student to understand about the
SMAN 5 MALANG material subject that has been previously obtained.



Writting thesis “Efforts to Discover Archaeological Sites Submerged Under Earth's Surface Using 2D and 3D Modeling
Resistivity and Ground Penetrating Radar Methods Around the Ngawonggo Site, Ngawonggo Village, Tajinan District,
Malang Regency”


Student Internship Program
Seismic Interpretation Data 3D PSTM (PreStack Time Migration) Dani Field Salawati Basin – Papua


Sales & Marketing Staff
Agustus 2020 – Agustus 2021
1. Doing date entry using ERP JDE
2. Receiving and releasing Purchase Order (PO) and forecast to PPIC and related department
3. Handling sales documentation
4. Maintain business relationship with customer inc, customer request and related department
5. Maintain record of sales and other business transaction (PO, Forecast, Delivery Order, Sales Report and Invoice)
6. Doing team work with internal department to fullfill the customer needs

PT. TAH SUNG HUNG (Manufacturer of Adidas)

Management Trainee
Desember 2021 – Now
1. Understand the entire procedure of the production process
2. Maintain and communicate with related department regarding schedule production
3. Maintain the goods in and out process
4. Scan and location the good in the warehouse
5. Following up regarding Closing PO
6. Maintain business relationship with customer inc, customer request and related department
7. Maintain record of sales and other business transaction (PO, Forecast, Delivery Order, Sales Report and Invoice)
8. Doing team work with internal department to fullfill the customer needs

Consultant Management System

Part Time Consultant
Januari 2022 - Now
1. Internal Audit Health and Safety
2. Make sign about HSE
3. Checklist APAR
4. Make the policy and Procedure for social audit and HSE
5. Make the policy and procedure for Training Employee.
6. Make SOP for Job description.
7. Prepare and controlling BSCI (Busines Social Compliance Initiative) Audit
8. Prepare and controlling SLCP (Social and Labor Convergence Program) Audit
9. Review HIRAC (Hazard Identification Risk Assessment)

Basic Geology Fieldtrip in Southern Malang (2016)

Structure Geology Fieldtrip in Southern Malang (2016)

Gravitation and Magnetic Method Survey to search the distribution of piropilit mineral mines in East Sumbermanjing,
Southern Malang (2016)

Seismic Refraction Method Survey to search the superficial layers below the surface, Malang (2017)

Petroleum Inspiring Talk Fieldtrip in Cepu, Blora , Central Java (2017)

Mapping the distribution of rocks in Karangsambung, Kebumen, Central Java (2018)

Magnetotelluric Method Survey to search the subsurface geothermal sources in Batu (2018)

GPR Method Survey to search the cavity on the foundation building of the Faculty of Computer Science at
Brawijaya University (2018)

Search the potential geotourism sites and the impact of disasters in South Malang (2019)

Geophysic Workshop (Gravitation Method, Magnetic, Seismic Refraction, Magnetotelluric, GPR, Resistivity, SP) in
Ngawonggo, Tajinan, Malang (2019)

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