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Introducing Myself:

My name is Damanveer Singh and I am from India, Punjab. I got my primary and higher
education from Sita Grammar School, located in small city of Punjab, Malerkotla. I completed
my secondary education with commerce stream.

Why did I choose Business program:

My main motive to choose Business course is that in future I want open my own clothing
company and I want make that company a brand. And the other reason for choosing business
program is that I am commerce student.
What will potential employer find attractive about mine current or past
accomplishments or education?

At my last work I have completed almost every task they gave but they mostly gave me a death
time task which I should have to complete in short time. They gave those tasks because they trust
me that I can do that and I completed those tasks every time, this accomplishment should attract
the employer and also I had completed my previous education in same field as work with good
grades, so that can also be plus point.

My Marketable Skills:

 Analyzing situations: -
I can judge the very well and in short period of time and start
working according to the situation to make the situation good if it is not good or to maintain the
situation if it is going well.

 Assembling equipment: -
Assembling different things or different equipment is a
kind of my hobby from my childhood and assembling things interests me a lot and at my last
work I did assemble battery cages.
 Coaching, guiding or tutoring: -
After completing my higher education I taught high
school students for 4 months and they score well in the subject that I taught them, so I can say
that I am good in tutoring.

 Listening: -
I am not an excellent listener but I know I am good in this skill because I
always listen to others to gather their experience to know what they did wrong while doing some
particular task and what they did right in it and after overviewing their steps taken I make my
own to do that particular task.

 Responsibilities: -
When some person give some work or task to do I take it like it’s
my own work, if something wrong happens while doing that task I feels like I am going to bear
the loss of it not that person who gave that work to do so.
Responsibility Example

 Situation: -
I was working at Artechs Manufacturing which is machine part making
company and I was working in cleaning department of that company, means I have to make parts
presentable to customers.

 Task: -
Company was making one new part, they are making a cage for engine and
battery and it was approximately a big as a bed room. They had to show that sample to their new
customer, it was really a big deal for company but workers got late in making that part just one
day left to present the sample to the customer and the whole part was left for cleaning. Manager
of the company trust me that I can complete it so he gave task to clean the cage.

 Action: -
Time was pretty less for cleaning the weld and make the part shine but I took
the responsibility to complete task. First I did, I gather all the equipment I needed and then I
divided my time according to the different parts of the cage. I had decided to spend 1 hour for
cleaning each part, 1 hour for quality check, 1 hour for after process, and 1 hour for shinning.
And then I started working on it. On that day I worked for direct 6 hours with no break and then
finally at 8pm I had completed that task.
 Result: -
On the next day when the cage was shown to the customer, customer said yes
on the spot, company got that great deal and they promoted and made me a head of cleaning
department. It was really a proud moment for me.

My biggest career aspiration

My biggest long-run dream is to open my own clothing company on the name of my dad and I
want my name written on the top of the list of worlds biggest business mans.

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