TRAVEL 2035: A Journey To The Future of Travel

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The year is 2005. The younger George Bush is There are elements of the future of travel that
just starting his second term as President of we can already divine with certainty today.
the United States. Nokia dominates the mobile Chief among these:
phone market, and the first iPhone is still two
years away from reality. In Asia, Thailand and • We will live in a world that will be much
several of its neighbors are just recovering more volatile, uncertain, complex and
from the devastation of the 2004 tsunami. ambiguous. According to our Global Monitor
research, for instance, more than half of
If you were alive and traveling in 2005, could people around the world today worry about
you have imagined a time when one could getting sick in an epidemic. This will only get
travel internationally without a map or a worse as increasing antibiotic resistance
guidebook, or when one could confidently stay creates more and more superbugs that defy
in a stranger’s home rather than in a the power of medicine. Amidst this context
traditional hotel or hostel? Could you have of uncertainty, people will become
imagined staying in touch with family and increasingly cautious and selective in where
friends without a phone card or access to an and how they travel.
Internet café?
• The technologies we depend on in daily life
And yet here we are, less than 15 years later, will become much smarter, with wearables,
and the world of travel has changed so voice interfaces and the Internet of things
drastically that smartphones – a word that building on the ubiquity of mobile phones.
didn’t even exist in 2005 – has become the one As this happens, people will expect more
absolute necessity in planning and taking a and more seamlessness and personalization
trip, displacing not just computers, but maps, in every aspect of the travel experience –
guidebooks and cameras too. from planning a trip to coming home again.


A future where fully integrated
 A traveler’s paradise where border control

virtual and physical spaces have made
 is a thing of the past, and travel

logging in the key to true mobility experiences are hyper-personalized



A world where travel is no longer
 A future where data vigilance

about physical exploration, but
 enables people to realize travel’s

rather about localized experience delivery promise of adventure and discovery


However, exactly what the world of travel will • Smart Pangaea. High mobility of both
look like in 2035 is far from certain or clear. people and data have created a traveler’s
There are two big critical uncertainties whose paradise where border control is a thing of
resolutions will decide the longer-term future the past, and hyper-personalized travel
of travel: experiences based on the open sharing of
data is a reality.
• Data mobility. Will today’s concerns about
data privacy result in policies that • In this version of the future,
permanently restrict the gathering, data can travel freely across national
exchange and use of personal data, borders, but people cannot. As a result,
hampering efforts to make travel optimally physical spaces have had to grow fully
seamless and personalized? Or will functioning digital avatars, and “travel” has
blockchain technology enable a tokenized increasingly become a virtual endeavor.
and anonymized exchange of data and
algorithms that ultimately unleashes the full • Data-Frayed Universe. High human
potential of data to revolutionize the mobility combined with low data mobility
consumer travel experience? has created a world where people embrace
the promise of adventure and discovery that
• Human mobility. Will today’s rising travel offers, while depending heavily on
populism and anti-immigration sentiments data security systems that allow them to
lead to significantly more stringent border travel as ciphers.
controls, making international travel even
harder, esp. for people from emerging • World of Walls. Low mobility of both
middle class countries like China and India? people and data has shifted the travel
Or will the economic arguments in favor of industry to a model where experiences are
a more borderless world prevail, leading to created for people where they are, in a way
global freedom of movement and less visa that’s increasingly hyper-local and
restrictions? fragmented.

The different ways that these two big critical There are early signals today of each of these
uncertainties might resolve give rise to four different versions of the future; and big
possible futures for the travel sector: industry players still have it in their power to
push the world in the direction of the future
which most benefits them.

How can you shape the future of travel? How can you make sure that your business is ready for
whichever version of the future comes to pass?

Kantar Consulting can help. Please contact Stephane Alpern or Vicki Lai.

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