American Literature in The 1920s

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Compare a prescribed text to another text of the same

genre on a similar topic that you have read. What are
the interesting similarities and dissimilarities that you
have discovered?

Done by Hannah Dorothy Benjamin

12 Humanities 2021-2022
The 1920’s was a groundbreaking phase in America. It gave rise to a lot of artistic inspiration,
specifically with writers and authors.
From my point of view the most important aspect of Death of a Salesman is the time period it
was set in and the way society and the economy existed almost congruent to one another.
Moreover, talk of something called the ‘American Dream’ was going around. The ethos of the
American dream was based on the premise that advancing in the economy equaled prosperity.
It encouraged consumerism and materialism profoundly.
I found the running theme of the American dream in the play interesting to read about because
not only does it teach the readers about the consequences of perverted ambition but isalso is
indicative of American history.

A few months ago I took it upon myself to expand my reading list of literature. While doing so I
came on across a book called The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This book needs no
introduction as it is widely known and is even considered the great American novel. Something I
noticed was that the themes, the setting and the characters were of great similarity to that of
Death of a Salesman.
I chose this topic not only because The Great Gatsby and the death of a salesman are two
beautifully written pieces of work but because the two are also connected by history and both
the authors’ similar view on how society was negatively impacting man at the time.


Arthur Asher Miller was an American playwright and essayist in 20 th century theatre. His most
notable works include The Crucible, Death of a salesman, All my Sons and a View from the
Bridge. He also won several awards during his time, namely, The Pulitzer prize for drama, the
Kennedy center honors and the Jerusalem prize. Death of a salesman his a widely acclaimed
drama and is on the short list for some of the finest American plays of the 20 th century.


Francis Scott Fitzgerald was one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century. He
popularized the term ‘the jazz age’ and was well known for writing novels depicting its
ambience. His most notable works are The Great Gatsby, The Beautiful and the Dammed and
the Last Tycoon.

History usually precedes literature and in many ways, literature is not just about suspenseful
plots and engaging characters but can also be a portal to the past. Death of a salesman, play by
Arthur Miller is set in the 1920’s of urban America. There was great economic recession, stocks
and investors were doing well and society was thriving, hence the name the roaring 20’s. A
large number of people were buying into the American dream and it was a prominent topic.
The American dream by definition is the attainment of success by monetary gain and it was
dominating American society.
All of this sparked inspiration into the minds of blossoming writers and it initiated a new era of
work. Famous American writers such as Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway and F Scott
Fitzgerald were including such themes into their works.


To create a quick introduction to both the pieces of work, Death of a Salesman is a play
following the lives of the Loman family. Willy Loman, the male protagonist is the husband of
Linda Loman and Father to Biff and Happy Loman. Willy has allowed his extreme ambition and
deranged definition of the American dream to deter his life from a healthy path. It has led him
to make irresponsible decisions as a father, husband and as a salesman and has led him to
develop severe mental problems. As the play unravels we visit the lives of each character and
their confrontation to the mess that the family has ultimately become.
The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F Scott Fitzgerald. It is narrated by Nick Caraway who has
moved to New York after finishing university to start a career for himself. He narrated his past
two years and the development of his relationship with his cousin Daisy Buchanan and her
husband Tom. Nick’s neighbor, an enigmatic rich man, Jay Gatsby is soon introduced as the two
become friends. Jay’s past quickly unravels along with his past relationship with Daisy. Once
Daisy and Jay reunite, they immediately start to bring out the worst in other causing infidelity,
deception and the murder of a family friend. Readers are enticed to accompany the characters
as they explore wealth, love and indecisive morals.

The two pieces of literary work have striking similarities and dissimilarities, namely:

1. The protagonists:
Both Jay Gatsby and Willy Loman have similar qualities. They are both extremely fixated
on money and have allowed that to ruin their lives. Willy allows his consumerism to
deter him from looking after his family which has led to broken relationships and
mistrust with his wife and son.
In the Great Gatsby, Jay deceptively appears to be wealthy but is later on revealed that
he gained money from bootlegging. He came from a poor background and fell in love
with Daisy, Nick’s cousin but she refused to marry her because he was poor. After
accumulating money, he returns and tries to restart the tryst he once had with Daisy
which leads infidelity and surprisingly, second degree murder.
Furthermore, the two protagonists lay emphasis on being liked. Willy tries to maintain
his charisma and Jay hosts frequent partied to gain popularity.

However, there is one dissimilarity between the two. Jay Gatsby has everything, a great
house, a range of friends and he is quite literally living out the lavish American dream.
Except, he lacks love and relationships. He befriends Nick for the purpose of reuniting
with Daisy. Willy on the other hand, doesn’t have wealth and lives in a menial house,
driving a broken down car. But he does have love. Linda Loman is a loyal and caring wife
despite her husband’s mood swings and unfriendly character.

Unlike Willy, Jay has worked hard in his youth and from a young age had ambition to be
something great. Willy, on other hand, exists in a false reality of believing that he is
greater than he actually is.

2. The American dream :

The American is the central theme of both the play and the novel. Both Arthur Miller and F
Scott Fitzgerald carefully sculpted this theme to portray American society at the time and
how it was affecting people’s morality. What the authors wish to convey to their readers is
that obsession with money and the economy will not lead you to a good place. It can cause
you to lose the things that matters most and can ultimately mess up your life.

3. The Setting and time period:

Both works were set in what was called the Jazz Age (a term popularized by Fitzgerald), or
the Roaring Twenties, the play and the novel captures a historical moment: the economic
boom of postwar America. They are both are set in New York, America.

4. Deception and Infidelity:

Disloyal marriages are seen in both the literary works. In death of a salesman, Willy has
relations with another woman to advance in his job and he never tells Linda about it.
Biff discovers his father’s infidelity which causes mistrust and fosters secrecy in the
In The Great Gatsby once Daisy rekindles her flame with Jay, she has an affair with him,
betraying Tom, her husband. She doesn’t tell him the truth and lies when confronted.
This is just one example of questionable morals that both protagonists share.
5. The tragic ending:
Tragedy befalls both Willy and Jay. From the first act itself it is revealed to the readers
that Willy has suicidal tendencies and that it is only a matter of time till his own mind
gets the better of him. He eventually ends up taking his own life because he thinks it will
be a financial gain for his family. The play ends with Willy’s funeral.
Jay Gatsby also meets his death in the ending of the novel. He is avenged for Myrtle’s
death her husband and is found by Nick, floating dead in the pool.

In conclusion, I think the Great Gatsby and death of a salesman are two exceedingly
similar pieces of work. The characters, the setting and context and to some extent, even
the plot emulate the same atmosphere.
I think reading literary works and appreciating the way the writer has woven society,
economy and his environment into his work is often underappreciated and is a
paramount hint of artistic integrity
Death of A salesman and The Great Gatsby are two very absorbing stories. Analysis and
research creates a different understanding for the reader creating an appreciation for
not only the top layer of the stories but the context, history and themes.
I think that the contrast between the two protagonists and the outcome of the stories
shows the significance of what the author was trying to get across to the readers.

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