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We as a future educators and educators that guides everybody with
readiness has their sword and shield to stand and battle concede the widespread
that we are confronting presently. Enable teachers has no conclusion this can be
not a simple act that we do it features a greater portion for long-standing time of
each kids we all can see how our teachers did their best fair to supply the great
quality of instruction that no one can this hardship that they give is priceless and
will checked to each future experts also. All of us has capabilities to do on things
that what we truly like but we some of the time overlooked what we truly need.
We have to be open our eyes to see that teachers are here to educate and direct
us and not grant us what we need as it were presently teachers needs us to
memorize something by sharing how Bataan landmass state college adjust the
unused typical.


Cultural tendencies impact the way children participate in education.
Teachers who lack knowledge about a culture might misinterpret the behavior of
a child and inaccurately judge students as poorly behaved or disrespectful. And
culture is part of the school system.
I can say that all the teachers recognized here are extremely talented doing
all they can even when we are facing a test that we do not know how to
completely avoid it so as not to have it. Because it is not easy to have a covid-19.
But in order to fully educate the students our teachers will and will do so that we
can be taught using the online class. So I salute all the teachers as well as all the
front liners.
We all know that the teacher is the best super hero, because in this time of
pandemic they do other plan on how they teach the students and how they share
their knowledge to us. We believe that we can survive this fight in the help of our
nurses and doctors.
As a future educators I can surely say that all inspiring teachers have a
unique strategies to teach or educate their students. Even if is not face to face
they doing their best to their students. This time of covid-19 I know that we have
a new normal teaching by online classes but they are do their very best to teach
their students.
According to Abdul Kalam, “teaching is a very noble profession that
shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual”. As a future educator I
agree with this statement, because being a teacher is not easy, you need to have
a long patience to your students. Nowadays we face a crisis which is the Covid-19
pandemic and being a students, it’s hard to face this but with the help of all the
teachers we overcome our problems in our studies. Others say that the teacher is
our second parent and it’s true especially when we have a face to face class. But
for now, we are in a Flexible Learning or Online Learning but our teachers never
give up to teach us. They make a lot of strategies and techniques during the class
for us to understand their lesson in a proper and better way. As a student I just
want to say THANK YOU to all the teachers and front liners out there, “KAYO ANG


School leaders know that they can only make marginal improvements in
standards of attainment and achievement by continuing an exclusive focus on
teaching and learning in the classroom and on the mainstream curriculum. They
know that schools exist in a social context and they must take this into account if
they are to effect true transformation in the lives of the children and young
people they teach. They also recognize that they can no longer do this work alone
and must work in partnership with other agencies and organizations in the private
and voluntary sector.

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