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Student first name: Inesh_________________________________________________________________

Student last name: Shrestha______________________________________________________________

© 2015 RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd

Eduworks Resources is a division of RTO Advice Group Pty. Ltd.

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This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of CHCCCS015 Provide
individualised support.


This unit requires that you complete 4 assessment tasks. You are required to complete all tasks to
demonstrate competency in this unit.

Assessment Task About this task

Assessment Task 1: Written questions You must correctly answer all questions to show that you
understand the knowledge required of this unit.

Assessment Task 2: Case study You are to read the case study and answer the questions that

Assessment Task 3: Workplace project You are to develop a report on the support
services provided to three different clients.

Assessment Task 4: Workplace You need to complete this task in your workplace. There are
observations two parts to this task:
 Part A requires you to provide support services to a client
 Part B requires you to complete and store reports and
documentation as per your workplace’s policies and
Your assessor will observe you during this task.

How to submit your assessments

When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.
Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for
each task, making sure you sign the student declaration.
Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write this on the back of
the Task Cover Sheet.
Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the
documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.

Assessment appeals
You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it to us. Refer to
your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 3
Assessment plan
The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for this unit. You are required to complete all
tasks to demonstrate competency in this unit.
Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table below.

Assessment Requirements Due date

1. Written questions

2. Case study

3. Workplace project

4. Workplace observations


Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure
you sign this before you start any of your assessments.
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment?  Yes  No

Do you understand the requirements of this assessment?  Yes  No

Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?  Yes  No

Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment?  Yes  No
If yes, what are they?

Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?  Yes  No

Student name: Inesh Shrestha_________________________________________________________________________

Student signature: Inesh Shrestha_______________________________________ Date: ________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 4

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Name: Inesh Shrestha

Date of birth: 24/04/1994 Student ID:

 CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support.

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Resubmission? Sufficient/
Assessment Task Y/N initials insufficient Date

Written questions Is


I Inesh Shrestha____________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: Inesh Shrestha_____________________________________________________________________

Student name: Inesh Shrestha_________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 5
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 6
© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 7

 This is an open book test – you can use the Internet, textbooks and other documents
to help you with your answers if required.
 You must answer all questions correctly.
 Write your answers in the space provided.
 If you need more space, you can use extra paper. All extra pieces of paper must
include your name and the question number/s you are answering.
 You may like to use a computer to type your answers. Your assessor will tell you if
you can email them the file or if you need to print a hard copy and submit it.


 Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
 Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your answers).


 You will do this task in your own time.
 Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _____________________________________


If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will
need to do one of the following:
 Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.
 Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 8
Provide a definition of each of the following:
 Person-centred practice

Person-centred practice puts the person at the centre of everything we do. It recognises that every patient is a
unique and complex person. It respects their needs and preferences and the knowledge they bring about their
health and healthcare needs.
Person-centred practice can minimise the functional decline of older people in hospital and help us tailor care to
meet each person’s needs. It can result in decreased mortality, readmission rates and healthcare-acquired
infections; improved functional status and increased patient and carer satisfaction. 1

 Strengths-based practice

Strengths-based practice is a collaborative process between the person supported by services and those
supporting them, allowing them to work together to determine an outcome that draws on the person's strengths
and assets.
For example, a person can believe their strengths are patience, optimism, and persistence. ... The strength-
based approach is focusing on the positive attributes, of a person or a group, rather than the negative ones.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 9
 Active support

Active Support empowers people with a disability to do things for themselves when possible,
rather than a staff member doing it on their behalf.
Support staff also make sure they customise their supports for each individual based on their
needs. For
example, if someone does not need support with feeding, following Active Support, support staff
empower the person with a disability to do this for themselves.
It’s about people with a disability controlling their lives, making choices, and taking part.

Explain the following types of person-centred approaches.

 PATH – Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope

PATH is a person centred and goal setting tool, that uses graphic facilitation to map out a vision of a
desirable future for an individual or a group of people. The process is highly effective when used to develop
a vision or plan for a positive future for an individual with a disability and planning personalised supports
and services. It can also be used by organization for strategic planning or by individual/ families for
personal goal setting.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 10
 MAPs – Making Action Plans

MAPS, or Making Action Plan is that help the focus person construct a personal history or life story based
on personal milestone. After getting to know the focus person better and exploring his or her dreams for the
future, the team begins to build a plan to move in the direction of the individual’s dreams following the
different step process.

 PFP – Personal Futures Planning

PFP employs an on-going process in which planning teams replace system-centred methods with person
centred methods. This process is meant to encourage the focus person and those working with them to
become aware of the potential for the focus person to become an integral, contributing member of the

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 11
 Circles of Support

Circle of support are a group of family, friends and supportive workers who come together to give support
and friendship to a person. People with learning disabilities often find a circle of support is a good way to
make their life better.

Describe what the term ‘self-directed support services’ means.

Self-Directed support is an approach which enables people with a disability and/or their family to have
choice and control over their disability supports and services to achieve positive outcomes in their lives. By
using funding and other resources to plan, purchase and select supports and services that suit
individualised needs, people with a disability and/or their families become active participants in the design
and delivery of their disability support.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 12
Describe the concept of ‘self-determination’.

The process by which a person controls their own life including making decision for fulfilling their goal and

Part of your role and responsibilities when providing individualised support is to meet your service’s
documentation requirements.
What documentation are you required to complete as part of your work in providing client support? Provide at
least three examples and explain the purpose of each one.

Example 1: Referral’s report

Example 2: Complain report

Example 3: Incident report

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 13
Under what circumstances might you need to complete a client risk assessment? Provide three examples.

Example 1: Loss of weight

Example 2: Change in behaviour

Example 3: Change in problem handling ability


a) Provide a definition of each of the following and an example of each in practice.

 Privacy

Broadly speaking, privacy is the right to be let alone, or freedom from interference or intrusion. Information
privacy is the right to have some control over how your personal information is collected and used.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 14
 Confidentiality

The definition of confidentiality is the state of being secret or of keeping secrets. An example of
confidentiality is when a lawyer is not able to reveal the secrets of his clients because he has a duty to keep
those secrets to himself. (uncountable) The property of being confidential.

 Duty of care

The "duty of care" refers to the obligations placed on people to act towards others in a certain way, in
accordance with certain standards. The term can have a different meaning depending on the legal context
in which it is being used.

 Dignity of risk

'Dignity of risk' refers to the concept of affording a person the right (or dignity) to take reasonable risks, and
that the impeding of this right can suffocate personal growth, self-esteem and the overall quality of life

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 15
 Discrimination

Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as
race, gender, age or sexual orientation. ... Often, discrimination stems from fear and misunderstanding

 Mandatory reporting/compulsory reporting

Mandatory reporting is when the law requires you to report known or suspected cases of abuse and
neglect. Mandatory reporting is when the law requires you to report known or suspected cases of abuse
and neglect risk of physical or sexual abuse or ill-treatment. parent or caregiver's behaviour towards the
child causes or risks serious psychological harm (emotional abuse) incidents of domestic violence and as
a consequence a child or young person is at risk of serious physical or psychological harm

 Responsibilities and limitations relating to work role boundaries

Work role boundaries are limits which protect the space between a worker's professional power and their
client's vulnerability. Problems for care workers that can arise if these boundaries aren't maintained are:
Becoming overly involved or attached to a client. Showing exceptional behaviour towards a client. Some
examples of professional boundaries may include Not discussing a client's private health information with others;
Keeping work contact numbers separate to your personal contact numbers; Not performing additional favours for
clients, outside of the scope of your role

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 16
b) Now read each scenario and match it with the correct ethical issue or breach in the table below.

Scenario A
Nancy converted to Islam in her late 30s and is now a practicing Muslim. Nancy became confined to a
wheelchair after a car accident in her late 20s.
Belinda, her support worker, often makes strong political and racial comments about Muslims living in
Australia to both clients and colleagues. She is unaware that Nancy is a Muslim.

Scenario B
You overhear Beth, one of your colleagues, talking on the phone to her friend during her lunch break. Beth
is laughing to her friend over the phone about the mental health issues of one of her aged care clients and
disclosing personal details. Beth is outside in the garden area – you are pretty sure that at least one client
has overheard her conversation as well.

Scenario C
Jason, one of the support workers, tells you during his handover that he noticed a few bruises on Carly
whilst bathing her before bedtime. Carly is one of his youngest clients, who is only 13 years old.

Scenario D
Steven, one of the support workers, has been known as popular with the female clients. He likes to joke
around with them and make them laugh. On occasion he brings in surprise treats or gifts for them.
Lucy, one of his regular clients, tends to receive more gifts from him than the others. This includes flowers,
clothes and chocolates. Steven has also been observed to spend time with her beyond the hours of his

Scenario E
Clients in wheelchairs who visit your recreational facility once a week have not been properly informed
about the rotting ramp board at the front entrance. There is a side entrance clients can access safely,
however they are not advised to use it as the front board seems to be holding up for the time being.

Scenario F
Georgie has a mental illness and wants to go outside and put the fallen twigs that have accumulated in the
garden into a big pile. Felipe, his support worker tells him strictly that he’s not allowed to go outside for fear
of him poking himself in the eye or falling over. Georgie has fallen over in the garden once before. Felipe
locks the door and Georgie begins to cry.

Scenario G
Maria has a mild intellectual disability. She has capacity to make her own decisions, and has not identified
anyone who can make decisions on her behalf. Amy, her sister, approaches a new employee at your
service and asks them for health information about Maria, particularly related to some new medication she
has heard Maria is taking. Maria says she wants to research the medication and make sure that it is the
right choice for Amy. The carer looks up Maria’s record and provides Amy with the medication details.

Ethical issue/breach Which scenario covers this?

Privacy/confidentiality B

Discrimination A

Work role/boundaries D

Duty of care E

Mandatory reporting C

Dignity of risk

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 17
Explain the key objectives of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The purpose of UNCRPD is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights
and fundamental freedoms by all person with disabilities and promote respect lot for their inherent dignity.

Provide three examples of circumstances that require you to make an adjustment or variation of a client’s
individual plan.

Example 1: Gradual weight loss

Example 2: Difficult in hearing and speaking

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 18
Example 3: Change in behaviour

Provide five examples of client rights that you must uphold as part of your job role.

Example 1: Confidentiality

Example 2: Privacy

Example 3: Treated with self esteem

Example 4: Free to express opinion and ideas

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 19
Example 5: Ability in making choices

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Provide two examples of when members of the support team might be required to provide feedback on
individual plans.

Example 1: Change in health outcome

Example 2: Identification of new goals

List three situations where a care worker may experience a risk to their health or safety.
 hazardous substances contact.
 slips on wet or food contaminated floors.
 stress from the work environment.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 21
a) Identify three examples of risks that can occur in a care environment.

Example 1: Physical Hazare: the most common workplace hazard, including vibration, noise, and slips
trips and falls

Example 2: Chemical Hazard: any hazard substance that can cause harm to your employee

Example 3: Ergonomic Hazard: physical factors that harm the musculoskeletal system, such as repetitive
movement, manual handling and poor body positioning.

b) Explain what steps a worker should take when they are confronted with such risks to one’s safety.
 Step 1: Identify hazards, i.e., anything that may cause harm. ...
 Step 2: Decide who may be harmed, and how. ...
 Step 3: Assess the risks and act. ...
 Step 4: Make a record of the findings. ...
 Step 5: Review the risk assessment.

For each area below, identify three examples of how carers can support ongoing skills maintenance and
development of new skills in each area

Life skills

Example 1: Hygiene

Example 2: Shopping

Example 3: Preparing food

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 22
Social skills

Example 1: Interacting with other people in society

Example 2: Maintaining good communication with other

Example 3: Actively participating in social activities

Vocational skills

Example 1: Working in groups

Example 2: Appropriately understanding and following instruction

Example 3: Management of time

Personal support skills

Example 1: Technical skills

Example 2: Communication skills

Example 3: Attention to detail

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 23
a) Read the scenario below and identify a minimum of five factors that would affect the support received by
this client.

Antonio is a 45-year-old male client who sustained an acquired brain injury after a
motorcycling accident. He is an Italian expatriate who moved to Australia with his family 5
years ago. He speaks little English and prefers to use Italian where possible, depending on his
children to assist him with translation. He is unable to work as a result of his injury and has
become isolated since the accident, rarely leaving his home and relying predominantly on his
wife and children for support.

Five factor that would affect the support received by Antonio can be as follows
Language barrier

b) Explain how social devaluation can impact clients who require support.

The process of devaluation consists of perceptions of people as being in negative social roles -- e.g. as
nuisance, sick person, object of pity, eternal child, danger to society -- with negative consequences for the
person -- e.g. loss of opportunity, rejection, segregation, lack of choice, poverty, risk of abuse.

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c) Explain how cultural differences can affect clients who require support.

Literacy and language barriers may play a role in poor communication between doctors and patients from
different cultures. ... Older adults from many cultures may not make direct eye contact with those they do
not know well. The language barrier can also contribute to high levels of caregiver stress.

There are many people you would be expected to work alongside and liaise with in your profession as an
individual support worker. In order to provide the best possible care for your clients, it is important to
understand the roles and responsibilities of different parties.
a) For each of the following roles, provide a description of what their expected responsibilities in the
workplace would be.

Role Responsibilities

Carers and families Aged Care Workers provide support to elderly people by assisting with daily
activities and personal tasks. This often includes providing support with eating,
showering, dressing, tidying and cleaning. Aged Care Workers can work from
their client's home or residential care facility.

Person being supported respect for their individual human worth and dignity. ... respect for their
confidentiality. comprehensive information, education, training and support to
facilitate their care and support roles. receive services that assist them to
provide care and support.

Health professionals All healthcare professionals and aged care workers have an important role to
help with planning and ensuring people have choice in their care.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 26
Individual workers Community support workers facilitate daily activities for individuals and make
sure they are able to attend activities or social events and outings.

Supervisors  Facilitate the interests and rights of clients.

 Facilitate the empowerment of older people.
 Coordinate services for older people.
 Implement interventions with older people at risk.
 Provide support to people living with dementia.
 Facilitate individual service planning and delivery.

b) For each role pairing below, describe the type of interaction that would occur as well as the
communication methods or channels.

Role pairing Reasons for interaction Communication


Supervisor/Individual Employers who invest time and energy Written communication, verbal
workers into delivering clear lines of communication.
communication will rapidly build trust
among employees, leading to
increases in productivity, output and
morale in general. ... Team building –
Building effective teams is really all
about how those team members
communicate and collaborate together.

Health professionals/ How clinicians communicate with a Verbal communication, written

Carers and families patient can profoundly impact on a communication, via phone call
person's care experience, and it has
been shown that effective
communication and engagement with
patients can positively influence
person's health outcomes, reduce
readmission to hospital following
discharge, and prevent adverse events
during care.

Person being supported/ Patients are less informed and  face-to-face conversation,
Health professionals involved in making decisions about telephone, email or a medical
their health care than they would like to record
be. Shared decision making can
improve satisfaction with care and
leads to better quality decisions.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 27
Role pairing Reasons for interaction Communication

Individual workers/Carers Having a strong network of support aids face-to-face conversation, telephone,
and families recovery, so working with you and the email or a medical record.
person together may lead to the best
possible outcomes. You have a right to
be included in the work that occurs
between a staff member and the person
as it may have an impact on your life as

Supervisor/Carers and Effective communication with your Face to face, written, emails
families supervisor is a key element of your
eventual success in the workplace.
Therefore, it is important that you feel
comfortable and prepared to approach
your supervisor in a timely manner to
discuss concerns, request assistance,
or report work progress.

Person being supported/ A carer should be respected and Face to face, non-verbal
Individual workers recognised as a person with their own communication.
needs, as a carer and as someone with
special knowledge of the person they
care for. ... It's important to support care
relationships, for the health and
wellbeing of both the carer and the
person being cared for.

Provide a brief description for each model of care in the table below.

Model of care Description

Person-centred model Person-centered care, also referred to as patient-centered care, is defined by the
World Health Organization as “empowering people to take charge of their own
health rather than being passive recipients of services.

Service delivery Service provision or delivery is an immediate output of the inputs into the health
system, such as the health workforce, procurement and supplies, and financing. ...
Ensuring availability of health services that meet a minimum quality standard and
securing access to them are key functions of a health system.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 28
Advocacy The advocate provides support, information and representation, with the aim of
empowering their partner and enabling them to express their needs and choices.
This type of advocacy can be undertaken on a short-term or long-term basis

Inter-agency approach Interagency working: more than one agency working together in a planned and
formal way, rather than simply through informal networking (although the latter may
support and develop the former). This can be at strategic or operational level

Charity model Charity Model. Charity model of disability also views the person with disabilities as
the problem and dependent on the sympathy of others to provide assistance in a
charity or welfare. This model treats the disabled as dependent upon the
society. ... Under this model disabled people are depicted as people deserving pity.

Medical model The medical model describes the approach to illness which is dominant in
Western medicine. It treats the human body as a very complex mechanism and
advocates the treatment of symptoms through the use of medical intervention and
procedures. This model focuses on cause and effect scenarios

Rights model Rights-based approaches provide a framework for aged care providers to protect
and promote the rights of residents in aged care facilities, strengthening their
freedom of choice and ultimately enhancing their quality of life. At its heart, a rights-
based approach to aged care is person-centred

There are some situations that you may encounter where it is appropriate to confirm information or details in a
client’s individualised plan with their family and/or carers.
Provide three situations under which you may need to communicate with the client’s family and/or carers.

1. If the client had a fall

2.if the client need to be send to hospital

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 29
2. To let the family know if there is any changes with client behaviour.

One of your responsibilities as a care worker is to observe your clients for changes and report them to your
supervisor. List three observations you might make that you would need to report to your supervisor.

1.Change in Behaviour like agitated, confused

2.Refuse to talk and wants to stay alone

3.refuse to eat and change in daily activities.

It is part of your role and responsibility as a care worker to complete workplace documentation, including
progress notes and observations of your clients. Services will have specific requirements around how you are
to record your information.
Indicate at least six guidelines that must be followed when documenting observations and client information.

1. Be factual, consistent, and accurate

2. Be updated as soon as possible after any recordable event

3. Provide current information on the care and condition of the patient

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 30
4. Be documented clearly in such a way that the text cannot be erased

5. Be consecutive and accurately dated, timed and all entries signed (including any alterations)

6. All original entries should be legible. Draw a clear line through any changes and sign and date

As part of a service’s privacy procedures, client documentation and other information must be stored in a way
that will keep client’s information private.
Explain three ways in which a worker must ensure that information is stored as per procedure.

1. Control access and use confidential waste bins and shredders. ...

2. Lockable document storage cabinets

3. Secure delivery of confidential documents and employee training

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 31
As you are working closely with clients, you will get to know them well and will often be able to identify when
something may be wrong or of concern. The signs you are seeing could be that the client has unmet needs.
List four indicators of unmet needs you may encounter in your work as a care worker.

3. physical well -being.

4. Emotional well being

3.Environmental context

4.Medications and chronic conditions

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to each question 

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 32

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of birth: Student ID:

 CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Resubmission? Sufficient/
Assessment Task Y/N initials insufficient Date

Case study


I _________________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 34
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 35

You are to read the case study and answer the questions that follow.


 Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
 Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your responses).


 You will do this task in your own time.
 Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _____________________________________


If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will
need to do one of the following:
 Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.
 Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.

Read the case study below and answer the questions.


Tully is a 75-year-old female who has an intellectual disability. She enjoys art, reading and music.
She is not overly social and tends to spend time alone privately completing recreational activities. She has
been a smoker for 40 years and usually smokes up to 8–10 cigarettes a day. She is able to go for walks for
short periods at a time only.
Tully is sensitive to loud noises in the environment, which causes her to become quite anxious and
stressed. Being anxious or stressed causes Tully to smoke more frequently through the day.
Tully’s father passed away from lung cancer due to smoking when she was younger, so one of her goals is
to cut back on smoking. She is hoping to smoke only 2 cigarettes per day.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 36
1. Imagine you were Tully’s support worker. Explain how you would do the following:
 Interpret and clarify your role in putting in place an individualised plan for Tully, and why.
 Who you would work with in putting together the individualised plan and why.
 Who you would discuss issues with if you encountered situations that were beyond your skills,
knowledge or area/s of responsibility, and what the role of that person would be?
 Ensure that Tully understands her rights as a client and what she can do if she feels her rights are
being infringed upon.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 37
2. Explain how you would work with Tully to determine strategies to help her achieve her goal. In your
answer, identify at least three strength-based activities that would assist in promoting her independence,
and how you would ensure Tully is able to make her own informed decisions.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 38
3. Identify at least two other health professionals who may be involved in supporting Tully to achieve her

4. It’s two weeks later and Tully tells you that she wants to go for a longer walk today, down a particular tree-
lined street that she finds relaxing. Her confidence has been building as she has noticed progress in her
general health and wellbeing.
You know that the end of the street has some roadworks being done on it and there are a few noisy trucks
and machinery. You tell Tully no, it’s not a good idea and explain why. She becomes frustrated and upset
– she was so looking forward to the walk and thinks she can deal with the noise if she knows it’s coming
and she can approach it slowly.
Have you done the right thing for Tully? Explain your answer. What other options could you have

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 39
5. It’s many months later and Tully has successfully quit smoking. She managed to get down to two
cigarettes a day, and then decided to quit completely. She is ecstatic at exceeding her original goal!
Explain how you would support Tully to maintain the strategies and skills she learned to help her quit
smoking, to ensure that she does not ‘fall off the wagon’ and start smoking later down the track.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 40
6. You go on leave for several weeks and when you return you notice that Tully’s stress and anxiety levels
seem to have increased somewhat. She also appears to have put on some weight. There are several
unfinished craft activities put aside and she appears to have no interest in completing them.
What appears to be the problem and what might be the risks involved? What would you do in this

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your answers to these questions 

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 41

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of birth: Student ID:

 CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Resubmission? Sufficient/
Assessment Task Y/N initials insufficient Date

Workplace project

Client 1

Client 2

Client 3


I _________________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 42
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 43

You are required to write a report on the provision of support services for three clients in
your workplace (one report for each client).


 Access to your workplace
 Access to three clients in your workplace
 Supervisor’s permission form for each client (see end of this task)
 Access to three individual support services plans
 Access to a computer (if you prefer to type out your answers).


 You will do this task in your workplace.
 Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _____________________________________


If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of each report correctly, or have not worked with
three clients, they will give you some feedback and you will need to resubmit.

This task requires you to choose three clients and report on how you used their individual support plans to
provide support.
Before you begin this task, you must obtain permission from your supervisor to work with each client. Where
possible, try to choose at least one client who has a guardianship or advocacy arrangement in place, or who
has a family member or carer involved in their care.
Ask your supervisor to sign the permission forms at the end of this task. You will need to submit this as part of
your assessment.
Review the report template provided – there is one for each client you will need to fill out. This will help you
figure out what you need to do and write about.
Your reports will need to be filled in over a period of time, as you will more than likely not be able to fill them
out based on one day or one shift of work. Where you are unable to answer or experience any of the items in
the template provided, talk to your supervisor about how these items are addressed by carers.
Provide as much detail as you can in your report for each area (at least one – two paragraphs).
Remember, in order to adhere to privacy and confidentiality procedures, you must make sure that you do not:
 identify your clients by name
 identify family members or friends of the client by name
 document any other identifiable information (such as names of health practitioners, locations of other
services being used, etc)
 identify colleagues by name.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 44
You should refer to clients as Client 1, Client 2 and Client 3 or similar. Refer to family as Family 1, Family 2 or
mother, sister, father, husband etc. Refer to locations in the generic sense, such as ‘a trip to the GP’ or ‘a
session with their counsellor’ and so on. Refer to colleagues as Colleague 1 or Staff 1 or Support Worker 1 or
When you have finished each report, give it to your supervisor to review and sign off that your statements are
accurate and true records of your work activities and performance.

What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Your completed report for client 1 

Your completed report for client 2 

Your completed report for client 3 

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 45
Provide Individualised Support – Permission Form for Client 1

Supervisor’s approval

I, ___________________________________________________________________________________________,

<Supervisor’s name> approve

<student’s name> to undertake this project with

<Client’s name>.

Approval is dependent on the following conditions:

 The student is to work with three clients.
 The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.
 The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other
arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself.

Supervisor’s name:



Provide Individualised Support – Permission Form for Client 2

Supervisor’s approval

I, ___________________________________________________________________________________________,

<Supervisor’s name> approve

<student’s name> to undertake this project with

<Client’s name>.

Approval is dependent on the following conditions:

 The student is to work with three clients.
 The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.
 The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other
arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself.

Supervisor’s name:



© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 46
Provide Individualised Support – Permission Form for Client 3

Supervisor’s approval

I, ___________________________________________________________________________________________,

<Supervisor’s name> approve

<student’s name> to undertake this project with

<Client’s name>.

Approval is dependent on the following conditions:

 The student is to work with three clients.
 The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.
 The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other
arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself.

Supervisor’s name:



© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 47
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 1

Client support needs

How did you understand your role and

responsibilities when determining support
needs for this client?

What was your role in implementing the client’s

individual plan?

What are the support needs for this individual

according to their plan?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 48
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 1

Explain the process you followed/took to

confirm with the client the details of their
individualised plan, and why you would need to
do this.

Did you need to confirm any information in the

plan with the client’s family or carers? If yes,
explain why. If no, indicate NA.

How did you ensure that your client understood

their rights?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 49
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 1

How did you work with the client to support

their needs?

How did you prepare for support activities?

What documentation did you review and
information did you gather?

Explain your role and duty of care for this client.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 50
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 1

Describe the role and responsibilities of each

member of the support team, including your

Who did you seek support from when you were

implementing aspects of the support plan,
outside the scope of your job role and/or

What are the skills opportunities according to

the client’s plan?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 51
Providing support

Describe your communication with this client

and members of the support team, including
your supervisor.

What strategies did you use to develop and

maintain trust with your client?

What equipment were you required to

assemble or use? How did you know what to
do and how to do it?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 52
How did you include family and/or carers as
part of the support?

How did you help to achieve a safe, healthy,

clean and comfortable environment during
your work with this client?
What procedures do you follow to ensure the

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 53
Maintaining support

How did you collaborate with the client to

ensure services were meeting their needs?

Were any changes to the plan identified? If so,

describe the process undertaken, including
how the care team, the supervisor and the
client worked together.

How did you support the client’ self-


© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 54
What documentation was completed as part of
organisation policy and procedures?

Describe the process you take to ensure your

client’s information is stored according to
workplace policy and procedures. How is client
information kept secure from unwanted

Supervisor sign off: The student’s report is a true and accurate representation of their interactions with the client, their family and/or
carers (where applicable) and employees in the workplace.


© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 55
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 2

Client support needs

How did you understand your role and

responsibilities when determining support
needs for this client?

What was your role in implementing the client’s

individual plan?

What are the support needs for this individual

according to their plan?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 56
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 2

Explain the process you followed/took to

confirm with the client the details of their
individualised plan, and why you would need to
do this.

Did you need to confirm any information in the

plan with the client’s family or carers? If yes,
explain why. If no, indicate NA.

How did you ensure that your client understood

their rights?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 57
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 2

How did you work with the client to support

their needs?

How did you prepare for support activities?

What documentation did you review and
information did you gather?

Explain your role and duty of care for this client.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 58
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 2

Describe the role and responsibilities of each

member of the support team, including your

Who did you seek support from when you were

implementing aspects of the support plan,
outside the scope of your job role and/or

What are the skills opportunities according to

the client’s plan?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 59
Providing support

Describe your communication with this client

and members of the support team, including
your supervisor.

What strategies did you use to develop and

maintain trust with your client?

What equipment were you required to

assemble or use? How did you know what to
do and how to do it?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 60
How did you include family and/or carers as
part of the support?

How did you help to achieve a safe, healthy,

clean and comfortable environment during
your work with this client?
What procedures do you follow to ensure the

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 61
Maintaining support

How did you collaborate with the client to

ensure services were meeting their needs?

Were any changes to the plan identified? If so,

describe the process undertaken, including
how the care team, the supervisor and the
client worked together.

How did you support the client’ self-


© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 62
What documentation was completed as part of
organisation policy and procedures?

Describe the process you take to ensure your

client’s information is stored according to
workplace policy and procedures. How is client
information kept secure from unwanted

Supervisor sign off: The student’s report is a true and accurate representation of their interactions with the client, their family and/or
carers (where applicable) and employees in the workplace.


© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 63
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 3

Client support needs

How did you understand your role and

responsibilities when determining support
needs for this client?

What was your role in implementing the client’s

individual plan?

What are the support needs for this individual

according to their plan?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 64
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 3

Explain the process you followed/took to

confirm with the client the details of their
individualised plan, and why you would need to
do this.

Did you need to confirm any information in the

plan with the client’s family or carers? If yes,
explain why. If no, indicate NA.

How did you ensure that your client understood

their rights?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 65
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 3

How did you work with the client to support

their needs?

How did you prepare for support activities?

What documentation did you review and
information did you gather?

Explain your role and duty of care for this client.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 66
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 3

Describe the role and responsibilities of each

member of the support team, including your

Who did you seek support from when you were

implementing aspects of the support plan,
outside the scope of your job role and/or

What are the skills opportunities according to

the client’s plan?

Providing support

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 67
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 3

Describe your communication with this client

and members of the support team, including
your supervisor.

What strategies did you use to develop and

maintain trust with your client?

What equipment were you required to

assemble or use? How did you know what to
do and how to do it?

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 68
Assessment Task 3: Report on Client 3

How did you include family and/or carers as

part of the support?

How did you help to achieve a safe, healthy,

clean and comfortable environment during
your work with this client?
What procedures do you follow to ensure the

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 69
Maintaining support

How did you collaborate with the client to

ensure services were meeting their needs?

Were any changes to the plan identified? If so,

describe the process undertaken, including
how the care team, the supervisor and the
client worked together.

How did you support the client’ self-


© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 70
What documentation was completed as part of
organisation policy and procedures?

Describe the process you take to ensure your

client’s information is stored according to
workplace policy and procedures. How is client
information kept secure from unwanted

Supervisor sign off: The student’s report is a true and accurate representation of their interactions with the client, their family and/or
carers (where applicable) and employees in the workplace.


© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 71

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.


Date of birth: Student ID:

 CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support

Student to complete Assessor to complete

Resubmission? Sufficient/
Assessment Task Y/N initials insufficient Date

Workplace observations:

Part A

Part B


I _________________________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own


None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 73
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: __________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 74

You will need to complete this task in your workplace in the presence of your assessor.
There are two parts to this task:
 Part A requires you to provide support services to a client
 Part B requires you to complete and store reports and documentation as per your
workplace’s policies and procedures.


 Access to the client’s individual support plan
 Approval from your workplace supervisor to work with a client
 Access to your workplace service
 Access to the client and/or family members of the client
 Access to your workplace’s policies and procedures
 Access to workplace reports and documentation
 Access to your supervisor.


 You will do this task during your assessor’s visit to your workplace.
 Write in the date of your assessor’s workplace visit: _____________________________________


If your assessor sees that you have not shown appropriate skills or knowledge during any of these tasks,
they will give you some feedback and you will need to do the specific task again.

You will need to complete this task in your workplace during your assessor’s visit. Your assessor will
observe you as you work.
You will need to choose one client to work with. You must obtain permission from your supervisor to have
this client participate in the task – see the permission form provided at the end of this task.
Look at the checklists below and talk to your supervisor about your choice of client – will you be able to
demonstrate all of these things?
Note that your assessor may observe you over more than one occasion if they are unable to see all the
requirements at the one visit.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 75

For this part of the assessment your assessor will observe you providing support services to a client by
following their individual support plan.
The types of support you provide your client will vary depending on your client’s needs. Ideally your work
will involve the use of some equipment.
If your client does not use any equipment, your assessor will ask you to demonstrate the use of some
equipment commonly used the workplace for support activities. A time will be organised for you to do this
in consultation with your supervisor so you can have access to the equipment. Further instructions will be
Following this observation, your assessor will ask you some verbal questions.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

 Review your client’s individual support plan before any care activities commence.
 Use your client’s individual support plan to provide the support services.
 Effectively communicate with the client, family and/or carer to talk about the contents of their plan and
any activities or actions that support the plan.
For example, this should include being polite and courteous; speaking in a way that the client/family can understand; listening
and confirming that messages have been understood; appropriate use of body language; and so on.
 Ensure you are organised and prepared to undertake support activities
 Follow organisation process and procedures when providing support
For example, WHS, privacy and confidentiality, client support, code of conduct and so on.
 Safely use required equipment (if there is not equipment required this may be simulated following the
observation with the client) when providing support
For example, this should include following manufacturer’s instructions, following directions, obtaining advice and so on.
 Maintain a safe, healthy and comfortable working environment when providing support
For example, following safe work procedures; doing risk assessments and implementing risk controls; making sure the client
is comfortable and so on.
 Maintain a clean environment when providing support
For example, use of infection control procedures; leaving things clean and tidy, disinfecting surfaces where required; wearing
PPE; using correct hand-washing procedures and so on.
 Follow procedures to accurately complete workplace documentation to record information
For example, completing shift notes, progress notes, checklists, etc; may also include verbally reporting to other staff or the
 Work collaboratively with members of the support team
For example, discussing tasks with the team; sharing information; asking for advice; following instructions; reporting
 Respect the client and their family and/or carer during service provision and all discussions
For example, respecting differences; being polite and courteous; by being non-judgmental; treating everyone as individuals
and so on (may not be able to be seen if you do not have access to the client’s family or their carer)
 Communicate and interact with the client in a way that shows a trusting relationship and that you respect
their privacy and dignity
 Talk to the client about how their needs are being met and whether they want to change anything
 Seek assistance as required for tasks outside the scope of own role
For example, when a situation occurs that you don’t know how to handle; if a client has a need that you are unable to
address; a client asks for advice that you are not qualified to give, etc
 Correctly answer the verbal questions.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 76

For this part of the assessment, your assessor will observe you updating and completing reports and
other relevant documentation following the provision of support services. This part of the task will also
include you discussing your client observations with your supervisor (for example, it may be part of
handover or end-of-shift procedures).
Following this observation, your assessor will ask you some verbal questions.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

 Complete and maintain documentation by following workplace policy, procedures and protocols
For example, writing a clear and concise report of observations; maintaining confidentiality/privacy; using correct terminology
and so on.
 Accurately reporting your client observations to your supervisor.
For example, providing a concise and accurate account of observations; answering any questions; may be required as part of
end-of-shift/handover protocols, referring to information already documented (progress notes or checklists) etc.
 Store information by following workplace policy, procedures and protocols
For example, by filing documents in correct place; by transferring information onto a computerised record; by maintaining
confidentiality (such as locking filing cabinets; not leaving passwords lying around; not leaving client documentation where
others can view it, and so on).
 Correctly answer the verbal questions.

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 77
Provide Individual Support (observation) – Permission Form

Supervisor’s approval

I, ___________________________________________________________________________________________,

<Supervisor’s name> approve

<student’s name> to undertake this project with

<Client’s name>.

Approval is dependent on the following conditions:

 The student is to be observed by their assessor while completing this task.
 The student must be supervised at all times when working with the client.
 The client or their family may request that this project be stopped at any point. In this case, other
arrangements will be made in consultation with the student, the student’s assessor and myself.

Supervisor’s name:



What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

You do not need to submit anything for this task NA

© 2015 Eduworks Resources, a division of RTO Advice Group Pty Ltd Page 78

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