Home Environment and Academic Performance of Junior High School Students in The First District of Northern Samar

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 1, November-December 2021 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Home Environment and Academic Performance of Junior

High School Students in the First District of Northern Samar
Melagrosa U. Saludaga-de Asis
Faculty Member of the Basilio B. Chan Memorial Agricultural and Industrial School,
Lavezares, Northern Samar, Philippines

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Melagrosa U.

The study focused on the home environment that affects academic Saludaga-de Asis "Home Environment
performance of the junior high school students. This was conducted and Academic Performance of Junior
among junior high school students in the first District of Northern High School Students in the First
District of Northern Samar" Published in
Samar. This was conducted within the third quarter of the school year
Journal of Trend in
Findings showed that more than one half of the parents have no time Scientific Research
in helping their children in their academic activities. In terms of and Development
family income, majority of the students belong to the families whose (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
income is less than Php10,000. 6470, Volume-6 |
Issue-1, December IJTSRD47957
In terms of the school environment, results showed that students find 2021, pp.1179-
it not supportive to their learning. The time devoted by the mother 1185, URL:
and father to their children, the number of siblings, peer behaviour www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd47957.pdf
and teacher behaviour significantly correlated student’s academic
performance. The findings of this study will serve as an input in Copyright © 2021 by author(s) and
improving the learning environment of the students to improve their International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
academic performance.
Journal. This is an
KEYWORDS: home environment, academic performance, junior high Open Access article
school students distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

The environment plays a very significant role in the Poor learning environments have always been
development of students’ behavior and acquisition of identified as key factors that lead to poor performance
knowledge. The extent to which students develop in public schools (Fraser and Tobin, 2008). Physical
behavior and learn new knowledge could be enhanced characteristics of the school have a variety of effects
depending on what the home, community and school on the teachers, students and the learning process.
environment provide (Fraser and Tobin, 2008). It is Poor lighting, noise, high levels of carbon dioxide in
believed that a well-planned environment will classrooms and inconsistent temperatures make
mobilize expected outcomes of education that will teaching-learning process difficult. Poor maintenance
facilitate effective teaching-learning process and level and ineffective ventilation systems lead to uneasiness
up academic performance of students. among the students and promote bad behavior among
In the Philippines, the government has put up the learners (Lucban, 2009).
measures to ensure all public schools have all the Indeed, home environment is a crucial factor in the
required physical facilities, instructional materials success of students’ academic performance. Home is
among others variables that may lead to effective the first institution of a child that have significant
teaching-learning process. Instructional materials are relationships with students’ overall life (Khan,
a major component in the process of teaching and Begum, Imad, 2019). The home environment is a
learning and textbooks are often the most cost combination of physical and psychological
effective means of improving academic performance environment. The physical environment includes
and increasing the efficiency of schools. rooms, basic facilities such as water, shelter, clothes,
food and other physical needs of the individuals. On

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the other hand, the psychological environment of Home Environment
home includes the mutual interactions of family Parents’ educational level has been shown to be a
members, respect, say in family matters and such factor in academic performance. Parents serve as a
other things. Both these aspects have a direct and role model and a guide in encouraging their children
significant influence on the overall academic to pursue high educational goals and desires by
performance of students (Mukama, 2010, Muola, establishing the educational resources on hand in the
2010). home and holding particular attitudes and values
towards their children’s learning. Family income is
In the First District of Northern Samar school
determined to be a predictor of academic
environmental factors such as availability of
performance. Studies repeatedly discovered that the
instructional materials, availability of physical
parents’ annual level of income is correlated with
facilities, class size and school location are factors
students’ math performance scores (Eamon, 2005).
that may affect the teaching-learning process.
Socio-economic status was found significant in
Effective teaching-learning process may not take
primary math and science performance scores (Ma &
place when rate of repetition, drop out and
C. Klinger, (2000). Another study found poor
absenteeism seems to be high in the division and
academic performance of Canadian students to be
these affect behavior and performance of learners.
attributable to their low socio-economic status. Socio-
Students are exposed to a variety of environmental
economic status was examined and found to be one of
variables that place them at risk for antisocial
the four (4) most important predictors of discrepancy
behavior (Kitsantis, Ware, and Martinez-Arias, 2004).
in academic performance of Canadian students (aged
Understanding these factors will help parents and
15) in reading, academic, and science by the Program
teachers understand the influences affecting children
for International Student Assessment (Human
and their behavior.
Resources Development Canada, 2001).
The foregoing statements show that the best way to
A number of studies indicated that student
influence students’ behaviour towards the best
performance is correlated highly with the educational
academic performance is by controlling and balancing
attainment of parents (Coleman and Schneider, 2006).
the things that stimulate the human senses (Kitsantis,
For instance, students whose parents had less than
Ware, and Martinez-Arias, 2004). It should not be
high school education obtained lower grades in
any surprise to know that people are influenced by the
academic than those whose parents had higher levels
environment, after all the experiences are brought
of education (Campbell, Hombo, and Mazzeo, 2000).
together cognitively by the senses. People design their
Research has shown that parents’ educational level
homes to induce comfort, the workplaces to induce
not only impact student attitudes toward learning but
productivity, why not the schools to induce learning?
also impact their math performance scores.
It is from this issue that the researcher decides to
conduct this study. Investigating the environment of a On the other hand, studies showed that parents with
student at home, community and school, could lead to higher socio-economic status are more involved in
a better conclusion on the factors that shape student’s their children’s education than parents of lower socio-
behavior. economic status. This greater involvement results in
development of positive attitudes of children toward
2. Objectives
school, classes, and enhancement of academic
The study sought to:
performance (Epstein, et al., 2002-2009). It is
1. determine the home environment of student-
believed that low socio-economic status negatively
respondents in terms of:
influences academic performance, in part, because it
1.1. daily time devoted by the mother,
prevents students from accessing various educational
1.2. daily time devoted by the father,
materials and resources, and creates a distressing
1.3. monthly family income,
atmosphere at home (possible disruptions in parenting
1.4. number of siblings,
or an increased likelihood family conflicts). For these
2. determine the academic performance of students
reasons, socio-economic status of a student is a
for current school year;
common factor that determines academic
3. determine significant relationship between home
environment and students’ academic
performance; Apolonio revealed that several investigations have
shown that the socio-economic status appears to be of
3. Review of Literature
crucial importance in determining a learner’s
Characteristics of home-related factors have been
academic performance. According to her, this is also
identified in the research literature to have important
one of the variables which affected the performance
influence on academic outcomes.

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of the respondents in her study. She stated that based Thus, teachers are seeing more and more dads at
on the a geographical and statistical analysis of 1993 school and parent-teacher conferences.
survey data, it shows that educational inequalities Regardless of who is providing the parenting, strong
among black school age children were substantial and parenting and a supportive environment, including the
systematically associated with socio-economic status. support offered by a child's school, is the key to
Children of more affluent, better educated and positive academic and social outcomes for children.
metropolitan parents progressed better in schools,
thus attaining higher levels of education and also Academic Performance
outperformed others who had progressed in terms of Academic performance is synonymously being
cognitive outcomes, measured by literacy and referred to as academic success. The concepts of
numeracy test scores (Apolonio, 2009). academic success vary from researcher to researcher.
Ellis & Worthington explained academic success
According to a study by the Illinois State Board of refers to those successful students who have ability
Education, poverty is the single greatest predictor of and endeavor to manage the demand of university
academic and social failure in U.S. schools. An effectively both in society and academic, to have a
analysis of state data in Illinois and Kentucky found desire to be successful and to be considered as
that income level alone accounted for 71 % of the socially proficient, intrinsically motivated and goal
variance in standardized performance scores. It may oriented (Ellis and Worthington, 1994). According to
surprise some educators to note that additional Strydom, University of the Witwatersrand
variables such as English proficiency, student race, Institutional Repository 1996, by continuous
class size, and several teacher-related variables improvement of learning, learners develop and get
accounted for only an additional 7% to the used to a specific circumstance adequately basing on
predictability of student performance. And, as their specific demands as well as faculties existing in
Kauffman (2001) points out, academic failure in the circumstances which is described as academic
school is directly related to challenging classroom success. Generally, academic success can be simply
behavior. defined as student self-motivation, self-efficiency and
Children raised within impoverished environments his power to cope with the study environment, with
are at risk for challenging behavior problems because the only goal is to achieve excellent academic
they are frequently living in neighbourhoods where performance at university and college as well.
there are limited positive role models for appropriate A lot of careful researches have attempted to find out
social behaviors. Frequently, the only adults children the factors that predict the academic success of
see who are making a "decent" living are making it in student, especially the undergraduate student, and the
illegal activities. These children are more likely to be way these factors are diversified due to the fact that
exposed to community violence, and this exposure is students’ populations, academic and other needs are
positively related to teachers' ratings of children's differentiating. Specifically, numerous of research
aggression within the classroom. As outlined by studies focus on measuring the student intellectual
Walker and Sprague (1999), poverty sets the and non-intellectual factors that can be considered as
foundation for a variety of negative outcomes useful predictors of student academic success in
including school failure, delinquency, and violence. general.
Second only to poverty, children in single-parent Many scholars from a lot of universities have tried as
families are at increased risk for academic failure; much as possible to classify the determinants of
increased likelihood of dropping out of high school or academic success for years. Kuh and his assistants,
becoming a teen parent; and increased levels of for example, did the same thing when they pointed
depression, stress, anxiety, and aggression (Casey out that there should be five factors that influence the
Foundation, 2005). Thirty percent of American academic success of the students (Kuh, et al., 2007).
children live in single-parent households. Forty-two The first factor is the background characteristics of
percent of children in female-headed households live students, such as his or her demographic and other
in poverty compared to 9% of children living with pre-college experiences. The second factor is the
married parents (Casey Foundation, 2005). structural features of the institution, such as its
In addition, an increasing number of fathers (3.6 dimensions, missions and admission standard. The
million in 2003) are staying home with the kids while third factor relates to the interactions between student
Mom goes to work. This is a 54% increase from and faculty, student and university staff, and student
1986, and it reflects a new generation of dads who, and peers. The fourth factor is the students’
unlike many of their fathers, believe it is important to awareness of learning environment. Finally, the
play a primary role in the parenting of their children. performance behaviors of students during their study

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period at college are one of the most important factors Table 1.3: Monthly Family Income
which put a big effect on academic success. Monthly Family Income Frequency Percent
4. Methodology 20,001 above 12 3.55
The respondents of this descriptive-correlational 15,001 to 20,000 39 11.54
research-study were 368 junior high school students 10,001 to 15,000 93 27.51
from 10 secondary schools in the first district of the 5,001 to 10,000 120 35.50
Division of Northern Samar enrolled in the Academic 5,000 below 74 21.89
Year 2018-2019. They were selected using Total 338 100.00
proportionate sampling technique. The first district is Number of Siblings
composed of 14 municipalities, to wit: Allen, Biri, Table 1.4 shows the number of siblings of the
Bobon, Capul, Catarman, Lavezares, Lope De Vega, respondents. It shows that less than 10 percent of
Mondragon, Rosario, San Antonio, San Isidro, San them have no siblings. Most have three or more
Jose, San Vicente, and Victoria. siblings which is higher than the typical Filipino
5. Results and Discussion family statistics which says that the average number
Home environment of student-respondents of Filipino children is three (Philippine Statistics
Time devoted by Father Authority, 2017).
Table 1.1 shows the time devoted by father to their Table 1.4 Number of Siblings
children. It can be deduced that more than half of the Number of Siblings Frequency Percent
parents do not spend time helping their children in 7 above 58 17.16
their academic activities. This finding shows that 5 to 6 97 28.70
most of the students do not receive the necessary 3 to 4 136 40.24
support from their father in doing academic tasks.
1 to 2 22 6.51
Table 1.1: Time devoted by Father None 25 7.40
Time devoted by Father Frequency Percent Total 338 100.00
5 hours or more 27 7.99
Academic Performance of Students
3 to 4 hours 43 12.72
The academic performance of the students was
1 to 2 hours 88 26.04
arrived at by getting the average grade in the last
None 180 53.25 three grading periods (Table 2). Almost half of the
Total 338 100.00 students were just above the passing grade with 136
Time devoted by Mother or 40.24 percent as such. Only 28 of them got a 90
Most of the mothers, on the other hand, support the percent and above academic performance. These
academic activities of their children. This is shown on findings suggest that most of the students are
Table 1.2 where almost two-thirds of the mothers performing below the average. This is however a
claimed to have spent at least one hour helping their challenge for the teachers to take a look at the factors
children in their tasks. This means that mothers, that affect the dismal performance of the students.
compared to the fathers, make more time for their Considering the environmental factors would be a
children’s education. start in improving the academic performance of the
learners. It is good to note however that none of the
Table 1.2: Time devoted by Mother
students got failing grades.
Time devoted by Mother Frequency Percent
5 hours or more 22 6.51 Generally, these findings imply the need for teachers
3 to 4 hours 74 21.89 to look at the factors that affect learning. Similar to
1 to 2 hours 126 37.28 this study, a lot of researches have attempted to find
None 116 34.32 out the factors that predict the academic success of
Total 338 100.00 student, and the way these factors are diversified due
to the fact that students’ populations, academic and
Monthly Family Income other needs are differentiating. The current study
In terms of income, Table 1.3 shows that more than which focused on measuring the student
half of the students belong to a family whose income environmental factors can be considered as useful
is less than 10,000. This means that most of the predictors of student academic success in general.
families are living in poverty (Philippine Statistics
Authority, 2019) and parents could not satisfy the
basic needs of the students.

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Table 2: Academic Performance of Students learner’s academic performance. According to her,
Academic this is one of the variables which affected the
Frequency Percent
Performance performance of the respondents in her study. She
90% and above stated that based on the a geographical and statistical
28 8.28 analysis of 1993 survey data, it shows that
85% to 89% (Very educational inequalities among school age children
67 19.82 were substantial and systematically associated with
80% to 84% socio-economic status. Children of more affluent,
107 31.66 better educated parents progressed better in schools,
75% to 79% (Fair) 136 40.24 thus attaining higher levels of education and also
74% below (Poor) 0 0.00 outperformed others who had progressed in terms of
Total 338 100.00 cognitive outcomes.

Relationship between Home Environment and Table 3: Relationship between Home

Students’ Academic Performance Environment and Students’ Academic
Multiple regression analysis was used to test for Performance
significant relationship between home environment Home Academic
and students’ academic performance (Table 3). Result Environment Performance
of the analysis showed that the time devoted by the Daily time Beta 0.677
mother to their child significantly correlated the devoted by Significance 0.000
child’s academic performance (β=0.677, sig.=0.000). the mother Interpretation Not Significant
This finding implies the significant role of the time Daily time Beta 0.092
spent by the mother in guiding the students. Although devoted by Significance 0.129
the time spent may not always be about academics, the father Interpretation Not Significant
the emotions involved in spending the moment with Beta 0.101
the child create an assurance on the support of the Significance 0.409
family income
mother to the learner. This is grounded on the theory Interpretation Not Significant
of Bronfenbrenner that a supportive parent indirectly Beta -0.598
affects not only the academic performance of the Number of
Significance 0.004
child but the development of the child in general. A siblings
Interpretation Significant
child who grew up in a family with supportive parents
gain confidence in the process resulting to better 6. Conclusions
performance or academic success. Based on the findings of the study, the conclusions
below are drawn.
Similarly, the number of siblings significantly
correlated academic performance (β= -0.598, Most students have big families and are living in
sig.=0.004). The negative coefficient, however, poverty. However, they have mothers who show
suggest that students with fewer siblings have higher support and devote time for their needs.
grades compared to students with many siblings. This Home environment begin to build students’
finding implies that students with fewer siblings get confidence in their ability to do well. Because
bigger support from the family than students with lots student’s notion of their mother’s capacity to be
of siblings. Sibling rivalry could indeed be true in this involved with child’s education is so important to
case. engagement in school and learning. Similarly, the
The not significant finding however on monthly number of siblings contributes much on the academic
family income contradicts Apolonio’s findings that success of the child, that is, few siblings.
family income is determined to be a predictor of The study also makes the case that student
academic performance. Previous studies repeatedly performance is enhanced by learning activities that
discovered that the parents’ annual level of income is involve student-to-student interaction. Teacher
correlated with students’ performance. Socio- training strategies should focus on assisting teachers
economic status was examined and found to be one of to create collaborative, supportive environments with
the four most important predictors of discrepancy in high but achievable standards.
academic performance of students.
7. Recommendations
The present finding also contradicts the findings of On the basis of the highlights of the study, the
Apolonio who revealed that socio-economic status hereunder recommendations are set forth.
appears to be of crucial importance in determining a

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