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The Legend of Jodoh River

Fazri Rahman
Room 11
SMPN 16 Batam

Thursday, January 06, 2022

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Mrs. Bongsu. She is an
orphan and works as a maid at Mrs. Piah's house. Mrs. Piah, an old
woman who is very greedy and has a child named Siti Mayang who is
very similar to her mother.
One day, as usual Mrs. Bongsu went to the river to wash clothes. A
snake that passed nearby made Mrs. Bongsu very scared. However, the
snake did not attack Mrs. Bongsu, he swam around the girl while
showing the wounds on her skin. Feeling Pity for the snake's wound,
Mrs. Bongsu ventured closer to the snake and took it. She brought the
snake to his house and put it in his room. While Mrs. Bongsu was
attending to it, the snake peeled its skin. Apparently, the skin
turned into gold! Mrs. Bongsu was happy. In a short time Mrs.
Bongsu became a rich girl. Local residents were surprised by Mrs.
Bongsu's wealth. However, Mrs. Bongsu was a generous person.
She always helps the local people sincerely.
Mrs. Piah was curious how Mrs. Bongsu accumulated her
wealth. She spied in Mrs. Bongsu’s house and found out that it
was the snake which gave her wealthy.
The mother and daughter went to the forest looking for
snakes. They found a venomous snake which they brought home,
then released it in Siti Mayang's room. They think that the snake
will bring abundant wealth. However, what they found was a
disaster. Siti Mayang died, because she was stung by the
venomous snake.
Meanwhile, the snake that was cared for by Mrs. Bongsu had
recovered. One day, when Mrs. Bongsu was about to feed him, the
snake said to Mrs. Bongsu, "Tonight, please take me to the river".
Mrs. Bongsu took the snake to the river. When they arrived
at the river, the snake said, "Mrs. Bongsu, it's time for me to
propose to you as my wife."
Mrs. Bongsu was taken aback. Instantly the snake
transformed into a dashing and handsome young man.
Meanwhile, his skin became a magnificent and very beautiful
house. They then married and lived happily.
They said, because of this incident, the village was called the
village of Tiban by the residents, which means the arrival of
sustenance in Indonesian Language. Meanwhile, the river where
the Prince proposed to Mrs. Bongsu, was called the Match River,
because it was believed to be a place to meet a soul mate.
The moral of the message is Covetousness and greed will
bring misfortune, but a generous and helpful attitude will bring
happiness and goodness in abundance.

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