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Insfra Technologies (Private) Ltd.
Bandarawela Rd, Badulla


As a partial requirement of the certificate course of Human Resource Management.

This report is mainly based on recruitment and selection function of the organization.
Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd is organization I have selected to prepare this report.

So I have focused recruitment and selection of the Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd.
Detailed information about the recruitment and selection functions as well as
practically usage of the recruitment and selection process had identified during my
field visit to Insfra Technologies company.

The 1" chapter of this report illustrate brief summary of the Insfra Technologies (pvt)
Ltd. recruitment and selection process theory about the Human resources management
describe in the 2nd chapter.

Furthermore 3rd chapter is this report explain the way of utilization main function of
the recruitment and selection process in the Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd.

Table of Contents
SUMMERY ......................................................................................................................
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... ii
List of Figures................................................................................................................ iii
List of table .................................................................................................................... iii
List of abbreviation........................................................................................................ iv
CHAPTER 01 ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Company Profile ................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1What They Do? ............................................................................................... 1
1.3 Organizational Chart ............................................................................................. 2
1.2 Corporate Plan ...................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Vision ............................................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 Mission ........................................................................................................... 2
1.2.3 Values ............................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER 02 ................................................................................................................. 4
2.1. Purpose and methodology of the study ................................................................ 4
2.2 methodology ......................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Literature Review ................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER 03 ................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Recruitment and Selection Process in INSFRA TECHNOLOGIES (PVT) LTD. 8
3.1.1 Recruitment .................................................................................................... 8
3.1.2 Selection ....................................................................................................... 13
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 22
SUGGESIONS ............................................................................................................. 23
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 24
ACKNOWLEDGMENT .............................................................................................. 25
ATTACHMENTS ........................................................................................................ 26

List of Figures
Figure 1: Company LOGO ............................................................................................. 1
Figure 2: Organization chart ........................................................................................... 2
Figure 3: Company inside ............................................................................................ 26
Figure 4: Front of the company .................................................................................... 26

List of table
Table 1: Methods of Recruitment ................................................................................. 10
Table 2: Selection methods .......................................................................................... 13

List of abbreviation

 (PVT) LTD -Private Limited

 USA -United States of America
 SEO -Search Engine Optimization
 SEM -Search Engine Marketing
 HRP -Human Resource Planning
 NAITA -National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority
 ID -Identity Card


Figure 1: Company LOGO

1.1 Company Profile

With globalization, information technology has transformed the world into one global village.
I was choosing Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd for the project report. It is a company that has
been actively involved in the current business organization with it and hands on business.

Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd is an information technological business that bring both
innovative and competitive solutions to its stakeholders. Insfra was formed in 2008 under the
name Dilsoft and renamed as Xcellency in 2011. The company was able to expand its business
into three branches addressing the Global market including USA within the next 10 years. And
today it has become a successful business in the industry.

Insfra Head office is located at Bandarawela Rd, Badulla. In the head office of insfra they
have to separate departments as Administration and Marketing.

Engineering and Research and Development of Insfra is located at Gangodawila, Nugegoda.

There they have the main Engineering Department of Insfra.

Marketing and Administration Support Team is located at Maharagama and they closely work
with Marketing Department at Head Office while supporting customers.

1.1.1What They Do?

Their passion over inspiring both businesses’ and individuals’ lives with the advancement of
technological environment is what has driven they to who they are today. Their products and
services include;

 Mobile App development

 Mobile App Optimization on both app store environments etc.

To put it in the simplest from, they put their IT expertise and excellence into practicality so as
to fit into their clients’ requirements thereby they find pleasure in doing their business.

Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd is a business organization focused on partnering with the IT and
innovation commerce foundation to deliver their products and services internationally. There;

1. Providing their own products and services

2. Preparation of third party projects

1.3 Organizational Chart

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Operating Officer

hief Executive Officer

Chief Operating Chief Information Chief Marketing Administrative
Officer Officer Officer Officer

Human Chief Administrative

Executive Officer officer

Figure 2: Organization chart

Chief Operating

1.2 Corporate Plan Resources

1.2.1 Vision Officer

To be the company that best understands clients’ requirements and bring them innovative
solutions to reach their success through our services.

1.2.2 Mission
To enrich businesses with innovative web and mobile development services while providing
digital strategy to help them gain a broader market share, making the society more advanced
and connected together.

1.2.3 Values

Inspire people

Navigate our clients to success

We Solve customer problems

Facilitate our clients

Redesign future

Appreciate Quality


2.1. Purpose and methodology of the study

I prepared this project report with the aim of studying how the Insfra Technologies
recruitment and selection process is going. My aim was to study the recruitment and
selection process of Insfre Technologies, how to establish the hiring employees in the
job and how to provide basic qualifications for the employee.

2.2 methodology
I used both written and non-written sources to prepare this project report. I used
documents, Internet, and videos as the written documents for get the information about
the organization and conducted interviews too.

The chief executive officer and the staff of the human resources management staff
were there to support me.

I selected a sample of several employees to represent all aspects of the company,

presented a questionnaire to employees and collect the data and finally analyzed it.

2.3 Literature Review

Human resource is the most valuable asset in an organization. That is the staff working
there. Therefore, in today’s competitive business environment, an organization need to
understand how to use human resources effectively and efficiently to achieve its goals
and objectives.

Human resource management " it deals with the PEOPLE aspect of an

organization. It is a term used to describe the set of tasks aimed at effectively
managing an organization’s employees or human resources".

1. Human resource planning

The human resource planning is the process of finding the right number of people for
the right kind of a job, at a right time and the right place, by forecasting the
organization’s demand for and supply of human resources in the near future.

As a leading Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd Company maintain a good process for
human resource planning. As a first step need to forecast the future demand for that
this factory prepare the employee budget year by year or according to their necessary,
they prepare the employee budget for short time periods.

They can able to identify how many software developers, software engineers,
technician need to the sections through employee budget analysis. They are identifying
through this budget analysis how many employees are in arrears, how many
employees company wants to fulfill their shortages, how many attract to the company
through call the interviews, advertisements. After that they take necessary measures to
mitigate their employee shortages. Considering the future demand main affecting
factor is normally some of employees resign the company because of various kind of
reasons here personal matters of their employees are severely affected, such as
marriage problems, family issues, higher education, etc. Since it is usually done to the
company, they always prepare it through pre-defined analysis

Furthermore, staff members’ recruitment procedure is also totally deferent from flow
members’ recruitment procedure. To recruit staff member director approval is needed
and to recruit the floor member it’s not needed.

2. Recruitment

Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting suitably qualified people to apply
for employment. Recruitment is the set of activities an enterprise uses to attract job
candidates who have the abilities and attitudes needed to help the enterprise achieve its
objects. It is the process of generating a pool of qualified applicants for organizational
jobs (Mathis and Jackson, 1998). Recruitment results in creation of a pool of job seeks
from which persons are selected.

Often the responsibility of performing the recruitment function goes to HR department

of an organization. A very large organization continuously recruits applicants for job
vacancies and therefore, there may be a separate HR specialist called recruiter or
recruitment specialist.

Importance of recruitment

 To acquire most suitable and qualified job seekers. (Not over or under
 Low cost.
 To reduce the applicants’ possibility of leaving the organization.

Recruitment process

1. Identify job vacancies

(From HRP and specific requests made by management)

2. Ascertain job requirements

(From job analysis information and management comments)

3. Consider factors affecting recruitment

(Organizational policies, cost, time, and others)

4. Prepare job application

(Standard one or self-prepared)

5. Select the method of recruitment

(Internal or external)

6. Implementation
(Individuals apply and their applications are received)

7. Evaluation of recruitment effort


Selection is the process of making the choice of the most appropriate person from the
pool of applicants recruited to fill the relevant job vacancy. Determining applicants
who have the highest capability to produce the desired job performance occurs in
selection. It involves the use of one or more methods to assess candidates in order to
make a decision as to their suitability to perform duties and responsibilities of the job

Selection methods

 Application Evaluation

To select a person, company use their applications. This application use

measure successfulness of their recruitment process too. While selecting
It field technician, company use very limited time for this activity
because of high turnover.
 Interviews

This is the main method of selecting an employee. But this interview is not
much more complex one. When employee come to the company, she/he have
to face very friendly discussion with interview board.
 Employment Test

Medical test come first in here. Every employee has to face medical test
and mainly consider about physical availability of employee. If any
employee rejects from medical test will not be selected.
 Background Investigation

Assessing employment, finance, character and such other factors considering

before employer select to the company.


3.1 Recruitment and Selection Process in INSFRA TECHNOLOGIES (PVT)

3.1.1 Recruitment
1. Principles of recruitment in Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd.

 The Board’s Recruitment and Selection Policy and Equal Opportunities Policy
will be brought to the attention of all applicants for vacant posts within the
 The recruitment process, from job analysis and design onwards - including
identification of selection criteria, will be fair, reliable.
 All applicants will have a positive experience of the recruitment process.
 Resourcing will be conducted both internally and externally in an open, fair
and transparent manner and reviewed regularly so that supply is sustainable
and inclusive of all available talent.
 Any appointment made will be compliant with current employment legislation.
 The recruitment process will ensure the fair assessment of candidates.
 Appointments will be made on the basis of competency based assessment,
incorporating the Board’s values, with interviewers who use effective,
nondiscriminatory recruitment and selection methods.
 Volunteers are handled under a separate recruitment process. See Volunteering
Policy and Procedure.

2. Managers responsibility

Recruiting managers will be responsible for ensuring that the appropriate staff are
recruited to meet the Organization’s needs. The Human Resources Department, in
turn, is responsible for providing assistance as required to meet the recruitment

Managers are responsible for ensuring that the recruitment and selection process is
followed correctly. Specifically, in consultation with the Human Resource
Department, Managers are responsible for:

 Ensuring they are appropriately trained
 Identifying the selection panel
 Drawing up selection criteria
 Short listing against this criterion
 Providing a draft advert
 Providing the most up to date version of the job description for the post
 Booking an appropriate room for interviews and ensuring they have the
appropriate equipment for the interview (e.g. Overhead Projector etc.)
 Chairing the selection panel
 Keeping appropriate interview records
 Deciding on the successful candidate/s

Managers are not responsible for agreeing any terms and conditions of
employment, including salary, relocation expenses, incremental credit, pension
arrangements etc.

3. Human resources responsibility

The Human Resources Department is responsible for ensuring that the Insfra
Technologies (pvt) Ltd operates a fair and robust recruitment and selection process for
all applicants.

The Human Resources Department will:

 Ensure all recruiting managers are adequately trained in the recruitment and
selection processes.
 Make all appointments
 Agree all Terms and Conditions of Employment with successful candidates
 Monitor and audit the recruitment processes on a regular basis.

In Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd Company there is a formal process for recruitment. In
the company mainly employees are consisting with staff members and It field
technician. It field technician are considering as “fuel” of the company. If they work
hard other sections will work automatically is the reason for that.

So, recruitment process also mainly focuses on It field technician, but staff members
also have different type of recruitment process in the company. Here we discuss on It
field technician’s recruitment process.

Table 1: Methods of Recruitment

Internal recruitment sources

01 Job Posting
Company put posters in public places (Canteen, Main gate) in the company. It
helps to make pool of applicants.

Job posting procedure

I. When a post becomes vacant or a new post arises, the Recruiting Manager
will, prior to seeking approval from the Workforce Review Group, consider
the following:
• Exit interview feedback where provided
• Whether the post is still required
• The roles and responsibilities and whether these have changed
• Whether these responsibilities still need to be undertaken by the
same group/grade of staff
• The opportunities for the post to be redesigned
• Duration of role e.g. permanent, fixed term, temporary

• Whether previous applicants are suitable for the post (where the
post has been advertised/interviewed in the last 6 months)
II. All vacancies must be approved prior to being advertised and it is the
responsibility of the Recruiting Manager to obtain all required signatories
on the Vacancy Approval Form before submitting to the Workforce
Review group for approval see Appendix. All documentation should be
completed electronically.
III. No recruitment will be undertaken by the HR department until approval has
been given by the Workforce Review Group or, in the case of short term
temporary posts, the required documentation has been received.
IV. The Recruiting Manager will be responsible for providing an updated:
• Job description,
• Person specification
• Draft Job advert
These documents are required prior to the vacancy being taken to the
Workforce Review group.
V. All employment criteria should be reviewed by the Recruiting Manager to
ensure they are relevant to the post and that no individual or group is
unintentionally disadvantaged by them, (e.g., requirements for a particular
type or level of qualification should be justified and equivalents, gained
under a different education system, or earlier forms of the qualification,
must be considered. Not to do so could indirectly discriminate against, for
instance, older candidates, or those of a different ethnic origin.)

02 Skills Inventories
When employee interring to the company, they note down and identify what
are the skills of employees and they maintain it regularly. Base on those
inventories they make pool of applicants.

03 Promoting Employees
Company use present employees for recruitment process. They tell their
employees to introduce new employees to the organization. If he/she introduce
a new employee to the organization, company will pay or give other material
benefits for founder.

External recruitment sources

01 Advertisement

In here they use announcements, leaflets and letters. Mainly leaflets focus on
young crowd in society. They divide them in crowded town, fair and places.
Announcement and awareness programs also target for recruitment. While
announcing, team of other members go to the door to door for make a pool. As
company makes attractive letters for students, graduates or other unemployment
people to attract to the company.

I. The Recruiting Manager will draft the advertisement and submit it to the
Recruitment Team with the completed Vacancy Approval Form. The advert will
be reviewed in conjunction with the HR Manager or Senior HR Advisor and
amended as appropriate, for example, to ensure that there is no unintentional
discrimination. The Recruiting Manager will be advised of the recruitment media,
the date that the post is being advertised and the closing date. Where appropriate,
the Communications department may be involved in designing adverts.
II. They will also be advertised on the Board’s intranet and/or external website.
III. Staff on their Redeployment Register will be considered prior to a post being

IV. Where external advertising in addition to SHOW is considered necessary, this

should be discussed at the Workforce Review Group. The decision on the choice
of suitable advertising media will be influenced by:
 the grade and level of the post
 the professional, technical or specialist skills and experience
 historic information on the availability of suitable candidates
 budgetary constraints, ensuring a cost effective medium
appropriate to the vacancy
 existing national arrangements (e.g. in the case of medical
V. The final decision with regard to advertising media expenditure rests with the
Head of HR who holds and controls the recruitment advertising budget.

02 External Job Posting

For this activity human resource manager use banners and cutout campaigns.
Campaigns implementing in very scientific methodology and never cover one
route twice. Daily they done this activity.

03 Job / Career Fairs

This company also participate Job / Career Fairs and gathering applicants.
Provincial secretarial office is the base source of them and participate their
job fairs and always follow unemployment reports in A/G office. Students who
follow the NAITA course also focus them in recruitment.

So, this process helps to determine present and future requirement of the
organization and good quality people to the organization.

3.1.2 Selection
Selection is the process of making the choice of the most appropriate person from the
pool of applicants recruited to fill the relevant job vacancy.

Table 2: Selection methods

01 Application Evaluation
To select a person, company use their applications. This application
use measure successfulness of their recruitment process too. While

selecting It field technician, company use very limited time for this
activity because of high turnover.

 The quality of information provided to candidates can have a significant

impact on the quality and quantity of applications received for a post. The
Recruitment Team is responsible for ensuring that appropriate
information is included with the on-line job adverts/application data.
 Job information packs will include at least the following:
• Job description
• Person specification
• standard application form
• Covering letter confirming closing date
• Additional information about the post
 Information will be available on-line.
 All applicants are required to complete an NHS Scotland Standard
Application Form. The Recruitment Team will ensure that all applicants
have completed and signed the Declaration that forms Part B of the
application form to ensure that all details have been provided to the best
of the applicant’s knowledge and are true and complete.
 The declaration that forms Part B of the application form provides the
Board with the authority to:
• retain the information on the form as part of the successful
candidate’s personnel file
• obtain references and verify referee reports
• verify educational qualifications and professional registrations
 Where an incomplete application form is submitted, the Recruitment
Team will contact the candidate to advise that the application cannot be
progressed further until full documentation is received.
 Applications received by the advertised closing date will be retained by
the Recruitment Team in the relevant job file. The Recruitment Team is
responsible for containing the Equal Opportunities Monitoring data,
recording the details on the confidential HR database and keeping the
forms in a secure place. The Recruitment Team will note whether any
applicant requires special arrangements for interview. These will be

divulged to the Recruiting Manager after short listing has been

02 Interviews / Shortlisting
This is the main method of selecting an employee. But this interview is not
much more complex one. When employee come to the company, she/he
have to face very friendly discussion with interview board.

Shortlisting and interview arrangements

 Short-listing will be robust and based solely on criteria for the post as detailed
in the Person Specification. At least two members of the selection panel will be
involved in the process. Reasons for not short listing should be detailed on the
Short Listing Rationale Form and returned to the recruitment team. The form
should also contain the details of requirements for interviews, including any
tests, presentations or informal activities that are planned and also the names of
the Panel Members. The recruitment team will not arrange interviews without
receipt of correctly completed documentation from the Recruiting Manager.
 Other than in exceptional circumstances, only those applicants who meet the
essential criteria in full will be selected for interview. Exceptional
circumstances would include occasions when none of the applicants meet the
essential criteria in full and it is necessary to revisit the essential criteria
identified. Where a large number of applicants meet the essential criteria, the
desirable criteria, as detailed in the Person Specification, may be used to
reduce this number. All criteria used must be objective and relevant to the post.
Advice may be sought from the Human Resources Department if required, to
ensure that no individual or group is unintentionally discriminated against.
 The Board is committed to meeting the requirements of the award of the
‘Positive about Disabled People’ symbol. Any disabled applicant who meets
the essential criteria for a vacant post is guaranteed an interview and all
Recruiting Managers should be aware of this requirement.
 The Recruitment Team will confirm interview arrangements with the
Recruiting Manager and will at this point notify the Recruiting Manager if a
short listed candidate needs any special arrangements for interview. It may be

necessary to adjust the interview arrangements in order to accommodate these.
Any concerns should be discussed with an HR Manager.
 The Recruitment Team will write formally to short listed candidates, inviting
them to interview. On occasion and where it has been agreed in advance with
candidates, communication may take place by telephone or email. Candidates
will be advised of the opportunity to seek an alternative date or time for the
interview, although in some circumstances it will not be possible to provide
alternative dates.
 Unsuccessful applicant details will be held for 12 months and then destroyed
by shredding.

Interview process
I. Verifying identity
It is vital that the identity of all candidates is reliably verified before
they are engaged in work. The recruitment team will inform all short-
listed candidates of the requirement to bring photographic ID with them
when they attend for interview. This may be a:
• Valid national identity card
• valid passport
• Driving License

II. The Chair of the Interview Panel will be responsible for checking the
identity documents of all candidates attending for interview and
indicating that this has been done on the Candidate Assessment
III. Following a decision about the successful candidate the Recruitment
Team will make further identity checks. These checks are designed to
• Determine that the identity is genuine and relates to a real
• Establish that the individual owns and is rightfully using that
• At this point individuals will need to provide either of these
two combinations:

• Two forms of photographic personal identification and one
document confirming their address
• One form of photographic personal identification and two
documents confirming their address.
IV. If an individual seems genuinely unable to provide any acceptable
photographic personal identification, then each of the following should
be requested:
• Two forms of non-photographic personal identification
• Two documents confirming their address and
• A passport-sized photograph
V. All documents must be from a different source. In order to prove the
identity of the individual photographs must be endorsed by someone
who works in (or is retired from) a recognized profession or be a person
of good standing in their community.
VI. They cannot be closely related to or involved with the person applying,
they must have known the person concerned for at least two years and
they must be in a position to be able to identify them. They should
write on the back of the photograph “I certify that this is a true likeness
of (title and full name)” and add their signature and the date. They
should also provide a separate signed statement confirming that they
have known the individual for more than two years and that the
individual is who they claim to be. This must contain their name,
address and telephone number. It is good practice to contact the
signatory to authenticate the details of the statement.
VII. The recruitment team will check that both signatures match and should
contact the signatory to authenticate the details of the statement.

Selection assessments and interview

 All assessment and selection processes will include at least one
competency based interview. Composition of the interview panel will vary
according to the nature of the post but will involve a minimum of two
people, one of whom will usually be the immediate Recruiting Manager for
the post.

 All members of the selection panel should have been formally trained in
effective recruitment and selection methods and will be aware of the
requirement to be fully inclusive.
 Each panel member will be provided, at least two days in advance of the
interviews, with copies of the short listed candidates’
• Application forms
• Job description
• Person specification
• Candidate Assessment Form
• Interview Questions Record Sheet
 Panel members should meet prior to the interviews taking place in order to
discuss the process and agree on questions to be asked. It is considered to
be best practice to use a structured interview approach with specific, agreed
questions to be asked of all candidates.
 If a short-listed candidate is personally known to a member of the
interviewing panel and there may be a conflict of interest (eg. a relative, the
interviewer may not take part in the interview of that candidate and a
substitute panel member introduced.)
 The use of additional assessment methods, (e.g. presentation, typing test,
etc.) should be arranged to effectively coincide with the interview itself,
both in venue and time allowed. The use of additional assessment methods
must be made known to the short listed candidate when invited to
interview. Advice may be sought from the HR Manager with regard to the
suitability of selection methods, as it is important that these are fair, do not
unintentionally discriminate against particular individuals or groups and are
relevant to the post.
 Notes of the interview should be kept by all panel members on the
Interview Questions Record Sheet. The use of structured questions does not
limit the right of each panel member to probe further when an answer is
incomplete or leads to another related question.
 It is considered best practice to review each candidate at the conclusion of
their individual interview rather than at the end of the interview process.
Interviews should therefore be timed to allow for this to occur between

 At the end of the interview the Chair of the interview panel will inform all
candidates of the next step in the appointments process following the
conclusion of the interviews
 Where nationally defined guidance for recruitment and selection exists for
certain posts, e.g., consultant appointments, that guidance will be strictly
adhered to in preference to any variance within this policy.

Informing candidates of outcome

Successful Applicant(s)
 The successful candidate should be telephoned as soon as possible by the
Recruiting Manager, and offered the post. The candidate should be advised that
the offer will be conditional upon receipt of the following
• Occupational Health clearance
• Satisfactory employment references
• Disclosure Scotland checks
• Confirmation of current appropriate registration (where applicable)
 Under no circumstances should the Recruiting Manager offer a salary at this
 In circumstances where the successful candidate rejects the offer of
employment, the panel may revisit the remaining candidates and, if a further
suitable candidate is identified, make an offer to the alternative candidate.
 Where internal candidates are successful, a release date should be agreed
between the Recruiting Manager and the candidate’s present Line Manager, by
personal discussion between the two. It is recommended that such a notice
period does not exceed the contractual notice period of the successful

Pre-employment checks
I. Offers of employment
 The Recruitment Team is responsible for issuing offers of employment
which are conditional until medical clearance is confirmed and
satisfactory references covering at least three years of previous
employment/training history are received. The Occupational Health

Pre-Employment Screening Policy and Procedure can be accessed on
 Verification of professional registration and evidence of
professional/educational qualifications is also required and must be
confirmed once an offer of employment has been issued.
II. Should a successful candidate wish to give notice to their current
employer before all recruitment checks are complete, it must be made
clear to the individual that, should any checks prove unsatisfactory and
the offer of employment is withdrawn, their existing employer may not
agree to rescind the notice given.
III. The Board has a standard contract of employment that cannot be
amended. Where special arrangements have been agreed with the
successful candidate, these will be reflected in the accompanying offer
letter, which the individual should be asked to sign as acceptance.

Unsuccessful Applicants
I. Where unsuccessful candidates request feedback on the selection
process, this should be given verbally, by the Recruiting Manager;
using an objective approach and focusing on the candidate’s perceived
development needs. Information about other candidates must not be
divulged. If a candidate requests feedback in writing, the response from
the Recruiting Manager must be approved by the Human Resources
II. It is vitally important that existing employees, who have been
unsuccessful in an application for another post with the Board, at either
short listing or interview stage; remain motivated to fulfill their current
roles and extra care should be taken in explaining their current
shortfalls and how these may be addressed.

03 Employment Test
Medical test come first in here. Every employee has to face medical
test and mainly consider about physical availability of employee. If
any employee rejects from medical test will not be selected.

04 Background Investigation
Assessing employment, finance, character and such other factors
considering before employer select to the company.

Criminal convictions

 Where it is identified that an individual has failed to disclose unspent (and

where appropriate, spent) criminal convictions, they will not be offered
 In the case of regulated work, The Insfra Technologies has the right to ask
about vetting information. Therefore, where a Scheme Record Update reveals
that vetting information exists and where the individual refuses, without good
reason, to provide their copy of the last Scheme Record or consent for the
Board to seek an upgrade to a new Scheme Record they will not be offered
 Where an individual is barred from undertaking regulated work, they will not
be offered employment in regulated work. If the Insfra Technologies is aware
of an individual seeking to do regulated work from which they are barred, the
police should be contacted.
 Volunteers will undergo similar checks.


Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd under the human resource planning they have a proper
method to forecast the future human resource demand with an employee budget. The
recruitment process of Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd Company is more different and
unique. Because they always attempt to apply new methods for recruiting. Various
categories of society are able to apply for their jobs with less conditions reflects that
explained fact.
The Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd Company has a tactical and far-sighted selection
process. The reason for that is selection process consist of three tests. They are
medical test, training school test and engineering test. However finally, the decision is
taken by the human resource assistant or human resource manager.
The induction programmed is not only about induction. But also, it includes a
motivational session. With the impact of that session it leads to increase the efficiency
of the company naturally. The company does not consider only about it is
performance. But also, they highly concern about the employee safety and satisfaction.
Transport services at low price, annual trips are the things which are related with
welfare. Therefore, welfare of the company is at effective level. The company itself
carries a training programmed for employees. As well as, the company allows to the
training programs for employees who expect the training on needed areas. It reflexes
that company also respect to the employee's suggestions, Also, company have planned
remedies for unexpected situations. That are related to the human resources. Hiring
man power employees is important here.


I would like to propose a few suggestions for the success of the company by
conducting a practical study on the selection and establishment of Insfra Technologies
(Pvt) Ltd.

 Directing employees to select the job vacancies of the organization to satisfy

the most desirable and capable of employment.
 Focus on testing the employee through various aspects and focusing on more
practical activities
 To motivate existing employees in the organization to persuade the new
employee to be closer to the company.
 To take measures to encourage and retain the employee during the probation




I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who supported me directly and
indirectly in making this report a success.
A special gratitude to my human resources management lecture of the Kuliyapitiya
Open University of Sri Lanka, Mrs. A.R pabasari who contributed in providing us a
vast knowledge on human resource factors and helped me coordinate my report.
I extent my heartfelt thanks to Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd Company for providing
me with and unforgettable experience in company visit and for providing me with all
the details and necessary documents in completing this report.
Last but not in the least l express my sincere thanks to everyone who were with me in
completing this report .


Figure 3: Company inside

Figure 4: Front of the company


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