To Increase The Professional Competence of The Teacher in The Secondary School

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 1, November-December 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

To Increase the Professional Competence of the

Teacher in the Secondary School
Pardayev Zafar Shukurovich1, Nazarova Yorqinoy Normaxammatovna2
Samarkand VXTKHQTMOHM Teacher, Uzbekistan
Urgut District 109-Teacher of General Secondary School

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Pardayev Zafar

the article gives opinions and comments on the creation of engine on Shukurovich | Nazarova Yorqinoy
the improvement of public education staff skills in secondary Normaxammatovna "To Increase the
schools. In this explained that the personal initiative of each teacher Professional Competence of the Teacher
in the Secondary School" Published in
will serve to improve the quality and effectiveness of continuous
(continuous) professional development, as a result of which the
Journal of Trend in
foundation is laid for teachers to achieve an increase in their Scientific Research
professional experience and skill levels. and Development
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
KEYWORDS: continuous training, professional skills, qualification, 6470, Volume-6 |
experience, life-long study, short-term, targeted courses for Issue-1, December IJTSRD48074
professional development 2021, pp.1463-
1465, URL:

Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Increasing quality and efficiency in education, Also, the criteria for granting category will be
ensuring is one of the main factors of comprehensive revised, depending on the knowledge of the teachers
development for all periods and countries. Obviously, in their science, their pedagogical skills and
the professionalism, experience, qualification of the psychological preparation...” (From the fourth appeal
teacher in this case; depends on the level of of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan
knowledge from specialization, pedagogy-psychology Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Parliament).
and methodology, on their continuous improvement.
Decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan
In this regard, opinions, proposals and comments are
on measures to ensure more effective organization of
given in some normative-legal, socio-economic,
the process of acquisition of rights over land parcels
educational documents.
and other immovable property as part of the South
Including: Caucasus pipeline expansion project more:
From the decree of the president of the Republic of “ create the necessary conditions for the regular
Uzbekistan” on approval of the concept of increase in the professionalism and effectiveness of
development of the people's education system of the pedagogical workers, to improve the system of
Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030: professional development on the basis of the principle
“...It is known that teachers at the moment raise their of “life-long study”...”.
qualifications every 5 years. From now on, their Decree of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan
continuous improvement of their skills on the on measures to ensure more effective organization of
principle of” studying throughout life " is established. the process of acquisition of rights over land parcels

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD48074 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 1463
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
and other immovable property as part of the South Bringing and thinking a lot of such questions is one of
Caucasus pipeline expansion project more: the main issues of each era. In particular, today “what
topical issues and problems can be raised and
“...the needs of the staff of public education for
resolved positively in order to improve the quality
professional development are studied and their
and effectiveness of education in the Republic of
individual professional development training is
Uzbekistan?” - it is natural that the question arises, of
created through the special electronic platform
course, it is necessary to continue the solution of this
“continuous professional education”...”;
issue from the moment of finding the most simple,
“ ... in addition to the traditional qualification, simple solutions to the most difficult and difficult
harmonized vocational training, which is carried out problems.
in conjunction with the work process, distance and
Below we will show some simple elements of bias to
other types of training are introduced...”.
this issue (on the example of educational, educational,
All the above-mentioned points are aimed at organizational issues that are carried out between the
improving the professional qualifications of teachers teachers of secondary schools in general).
as well as the quality and effectiveness of Education,
For professional, personal development, the choice of
which, of course, reflects the achievements and
a suitable secondary institution. With each employee
experiences of some foreign countries in the
of the school team, determine specific and targeted
educational system.
tasks aimed at short-term professional development,
When it comes to the passage of the lesson, it should professional development. To achieve the
be remembered that until a certain period of time in establishment of personal control over oneself with
traditional education, students were taught only to the aim of achieving the set goals and objectives, to
acquire ready-made knowledge, such a method develop effective actions for this.
hindered the development of independent thinking,
Formulate in each of the school community a sense of
creative search, initiative in students. And today, let's
social genius, pride in the success of the school and
face it, the teacher of the teachers of the German
every employee who works in it: in particular, “my
nation, be aware of how right it is that the teacher-
school”, “my colleague”, “This teacher (leader,
scientist Adolf Disterveg said that “a bad teacher
librarian, janitor, guard) works with me in the same
presents the truth, a good teacher teaches him to find
school”, “this student (child) receives motivation
it.” However, we can not say that even now this
from such achievements and thoughts as” studied
situation: “gives a positive result in all regional and
(studied, graduated) in my school".
educational institutions”. One of the original reasons
for this situation can be said that there is insufficient Education is the study of the work experience of
interest and motivation in the students in relation to teachers of developed foreign countries, innovation
education or that their worldview is low. and application of this experience in practical
activities for professional development, raising the
We listen to the opinion of eastern and Western
rating of an educational institution and other types of
scientists, Mahmudkhuja Behbudiy, a major
success. Through this step-by-step professional
manifestation of the movement of speed: “in order to
development and achieving an increase in the school
stand in the World, secular science and science are
necessary, a rich nation from the science and science
of the Times violates others.” Y.A.Komensky: ”as it To realize that the key to success is to make a clear
is said that the management of the process of giving and thorough plan and to organize activities on this
and acquiring knowledge is carried out by teachers, basis.
the acquisition of knowledge should be at the disposal Understanding that achieving the goals set is when
of full-time students." It can be said that in order to team members gather their strength together.
achieve high results in the educational process, Development (continuous, purposeful) of feelings of
teachers need Skill, Qualification, interest and need in interaction, self-control, professional development
students, educational cooperation between them, as (development), self-awareness, socialization in team
well as the experience of foreign countries that have employees.
achieved high results in education.
For each employee, it is necessary to be able to draw
When can you say that a teacher has a high level of up a personal roadmap of development, get used to
skill, skill, knowledge? What factor, method, means mutual and self-critical evaluation, as well as
is it determined, manifested? What kind of teacher summarize the results, develop a corresponding road
can ensure that the training is of high quality and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD48074 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 1464
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
map of development (positive deviation if it is 2. In the improvement of qualifications, taking into
negative, positive development if it is positive). account the previously identified needs of the
Every action of the staff of the school team should be people's education staff, opportunities for the
aimed at professional development, achievement, formation of the basis of orders for the
development of education (this should become a daily improvement of qualifications and the
habit for employees). organization of purposeful professional
development are created.
Do not work for reports;
3. To ensure that the content of professional
Make a real road map of increasing the school development of the staff of public education is at
rating; the level of modern requirements, a foundation is
Improve the professional skills of the teacher, created for the formation, improvement.
make a clear road map of professional 4. The study, identification, analysis of professional
development, etc. needs and the development of the content of the
If organizational issues in schools are organized in necessary professional development roadmap, the
this order, in a strict plan and implementation is mechanism of making changes, etc.
ensured, then of course, innovative approaches to Sources used
independent professional development will arise in
teachers, including the possibility of achieving the 1. Decree of the president of the Republic of
following in the future: Uzbekistan “on approval of the concept of
development of the people's education system
1. The quality and effectiveness of continuous of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030”.
professional development of public education
staff in the school are regularly improved. As a 2. Decree of the president of the Republic of
result, taking into account the professional needs Uzbekistan “on measures for the development
of teachers, the foundation is laid for achieving of education and science in the new
modern improvement in the content and methods development period of Uzbekistan” № 6108.
of professional development courses. At the same 3. Decree of the president of the Republic of
time, it is achieved to increase the professional Uzbekistan “on measures to support research
training of teachers and the quality and activities in the field of public education and to
effectiveness of the educational process in the introduce a system of continuous professional
school through the correct Organization of the development” No. 4963.
continuous process of professional development
in the school, efficient use of its many different

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD48074 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 1 | Nov-Dec 2021 Page 1465

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