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Date: July 8, 2021

Subject: Franchisee Dashboard “My VIP Function”

Dear Valued Partners,

Good afternoon.

In line with one of the agenda’s we’ve discussed on Saturday the 3rd of July 2021 regarding the “My VIP”
tab on your franchisee dashboard, I am glad to announce that the function is now activated and we will
slowly roll out attaching your VIPs to your dashboard.

This function should help us to:

1. Monitor the Remittances of your VIPs B-Wallets. By having access to see the pay outs that we
upload to your VIPs B-wallet, you should be able to answer immediately your VIPs the status of
there’s anything that they do not understand. Therefore; we will be able to cut the inquiry
process of remittances status from VIP to Branch to HQ.
2. Through this function, this should help us address the issue of pirating of VIPs. Once the VIP is
attached to your dashboard, it’ll always be in your dashboard UNTIL the VIP himself or herself
requested to be moved to another branch.

To start this process, our CS team are tasked to do the attachment, my immediate request to all of you
is to please use the excel form attached herewith and fill it up with the Airship account numbers of your
VIPs and send to any of the email below. You will find the Account number of your VIPs by clicking on
“Senders” + Search for your VIP. (See sample below)

Send your VIP info here using the excel attachment format included in this email:
Here are a couple rules we need to follow when requesting to attach a VIP to your dashboard.

1. By default, our AMs who receives a new VIP registration will call the VIP to welcome, create
their B-Wallet and attach them to the branch who covers the area where the pick-up location of
the VIP is, if there is no branch available, we will approach the nearest branch if they are willing
to look after the VIP.
2. For any walk in VIPs that branch owners or cashiers registered themselves, after the
registration, please ensure to send an email to the below people to attach your VIPs to your
branch by using the subject “VIP Attachment”. Provide the details of the VIP you wanted to be
attached to your branch such as the Store name, Email address and/or Account Number on
Airship. (Please use the format attached herewith)
3. If a certain VIP is already attached to a branch, and another branch requested that the VIP be
moved to them, the requester is required to show a proof that the VIP personally requested to
be moved and be serviced by them.
4. If a certain branched picked up from a VIP that is not attached to his/her dashboard, please note
that the credits/commission will still be credited to the branch where the VIP is originally
5. Our system is designed to not accept a duplicate file of a VIP.
6. Our system is designed to notify you via email if have attached a new VIP to you, your
responsibility is to check this new VIP and it is our recommendation that you call the VIP,
introduce yourself or branch and inform the VIP that you are the one who will look after them.
7. If there’s any complaint from branches regarding pirating or other process they do, please email
me directly so we can set up a meeting with all concerned parties to resolve the issue.

If despite these technological measures there are still proven violations, a separate attachment in this
email re: rules of zoning shall be applied strictly.

Thank you for your usual cooperation!


Benj Maglente

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