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by S. Floreen

The physical metallurgy of

marag ing steels

MARAGINGSTEELSARE A CLASSof high-strength steels The 200/0nickel steel, Alloy B, has an Ms temperature
characterised by very low carbon contents and the use of the order of 2000 C (4000 F) and completely transforms
of substitutional elements to produce age-hardening in to martensite after solution-annealing. In this case
iron-nickel martensites. The term 'maraging' was hardening requires only a maraging heat-treatment in
coined from a combination of martensite and age- the 425-4850 C temperature range. The general
hardening. characteristics and properties of both steels are given in
The initial development of these steels was carried Ref. (I).
out by C. G. Bieber of The International Nickel Com- In Ig60, Decker, Eash, and Goldman2 discovered the
pany in the late 1950s. This work resulted in the first very effective hardening produced in Fe-Ni martensites
two grades of maraging steel, the so-called 25 % and by cobalt + molybdenum. A number of alloy compo-
20% nickel steels. The compositions of these steels are sitions based upon this mode of hardening have been
given in Table I as Alloys A and B, respectively. These developed. Alloys C, D, and E in Table I are the so-
alloys depend on a combination of titanium, aluminium, called 18Ni (200), 18Ni (250), and 18 Ni (300) grades of
and niobium to produce age-hardening. maraging steel. These alloys all have an 18% nickel
Alloy A, the 25 % nickel steel, is a semi-austenitic base with varying levels of cobalt, molybdenum, and
composition; that is, after solution-annealing the Ms titanium, to produce nominal strength levels after
temperature is sufficiently low for the alloy to remain maraging of200, 250, and 300 ksi, respectively. Titanium
austenitic upon cooling to room temperature. To is used in these compositions as a supplemental hardener,
achieve transformation to martensite, the alloy is first but the primary strengthening effect comes from the
heat-treated at temperatures of the order of 7000 C combination of cobalt and molybdenum.
(13000 F). This heat-treatment, called 'ausaging' (aus- In addition, several more specialised alloys have been
tenite + age-hardening), precipitates nickel-rich inter- developed. Alloy F is a composition with greater re-
metallic compounds in austenite, and the consequent sistance to austenite reversion which has proved of
removal of alloying elements from solid solution raises
the Ms temperature sufficiently for essentially complete
Table I. Nominal chemical compositions (wt.-%,
bal. Fe) of maraging steels
transformation to martensite to take place when the alloy
is then refrigerated at - 770 C (- 1060F). Alternatively, Alloy Ni Co Mo AI Ti Other
the alloy can also be transformed by cold working at
least 25 % and then refrigerating at - 77° C. In either A 25 0-3 1-4 0'4Nb
case, final hardening is accomplished by maraging at B 20 0·3 1-4 0-4Nb
425-4850 C (800-go00 F). C 18 8 3-2 0-1 0-2
D 18 8 5-0 0-1 0-4
E 18 9 5·0 0-1 0-6
F 15 9 5-0 0-7 0-7
S. Floreen, B.S., M.S., Ph.D_, is with the Paul D. Merica Research G 18 12 4-0 0-1 1-6
Laboratory, The International Nickel Coo, Inc_, Sterling Forest, H 17 10 4-6 0-1 0-3
Suffern, N.Y., U.S_A. I 12 3-0 0-3 0-2 5Cr


Floreen: The physical metallurgy of maraging steels

interest for elevated-temperature magnetic applications. austenite will not decompose into the equilibrium aus-
Alloy G is a recent composition that achieves a 350 ksi tenite and ferrite compositions, even if held for very
strength level. Alloy H is a cast alloy. Alloy I is the long times in the two-phase region. Instead, with further
so-called 12-5-3 maraging steel. This latter alloy differs cooling, the austenite transforms to martensite that has
from the recent maraging compositions in that it does a b.c.c. crystal structure. The martensite transformation
not use a combination of cobalt and molybdenum for temperatures as a function of nickel content are shown
hardening; it is intended primarily for applications re- in the metastable equilibrium diagram of Jones and
quiring very high fracture· toughness at strengths of the Pumphrey9 (Fig. 2).
order of 180 ksi. In all the alloys the carbon content is If the martensite is reheated one of two things may
specified as 0 '03 wt.- % maximum. Titanium in most happen. If the alloy is brought to a temperature below
cases plays a double role of hardener and refining agent the As temperature (i.e., the start of the ex -*y transforma-
to tie up residual carbon. tion shown in Fig. 2) the martensite will decompose into
The heat-treatments and properties of these alloys the equilibrium austenite and ferrite compositions, i.e.
have been described in a number of publications. the martensite reverts to the equilibrium structures given
Typically the alloys are solution-annealed for I h at by Fig. I. The rate of this reversion reaction depends
8150 C (1500° F), although other annealing tempera- upon the temperature and, fortunately for maraging
tures or multiple annealing heat-treatments are used in steels, the rate at temperatures of the order of 485° C
certain cases. After annealing the alloys transform com- (gooOF) is slow enough for considerable precipitation-
pletely to martensite upon cooling to room temperature. hardening to be achieved before the reversion reaction
Because of the high nickel content and the virtual absence predomina tes.
of carbon, hardenability is not a problem and the cooling If, on the other hand, the alloy is heated above the
rate after annealing is unimportant. In the as-annealed As temperature, the martensite transforms by a shear
condition the alloys have a hardness of the order of reaction back to an austenite of the same composition.
Rockwell C 30, and can be readily machined or fabri- In practice, it is quite often found, even with relatively
cated. Hardening is then achieved by maraging, fast heating rates, that some reversion occurs during
generally using a treatment of 3 h at 485° C (gooOF). heating which influences the subsequent shear reaction.
Dimensional changes during age-hardening are very Fig. 2 indicates only that alloys containing up to ro-.I
small, and in many cases completely finished pieces 33 % nickel will transform martensitically. This diagram
can be machined in the annealed condition and then is actually rather oversimplified, because recent work
hardened by maraging. The alloys are readily weldable, has revealed that a surprising variety of transformations
and possess resistances to hydrogen embrittlement and can take place in these alloys.l0-16 In the range 0-
stress-corrosion cracking that generally are superior to 100/0 Ni, ferrite will form at slower cooling rates and
high-strength low-alloy steels. Perhaps their primary martensite at higher cooling rates.I7 Increasing nickel
attribute, however, and the main reason for the interest
in them, is the distinctly better toughness they exhibit
at high strength levels.
Following the development of maraging steels a
considerable amount of effort has been devoted to 2500
studying the characteristics of alloys of this kind. Some
of the earlier results have been discussed in previous
reviews,3-7 but a considerable amount of work has been y
done since then. This review will be concerned primarily
with the various phase transformations and age-harden-
ing reactions that occur in these alloys. No attempt will
be made to discuss welding, corrosion, machinability, or 400 a+y
other technological considerations. Also no attempt will a 500

be made to review precipitation-hardening or maraging \


stainless steels. o
o 10 20 30 40 50

[Courtesy Iron Steellnst.

Iron-rich portion of the iron-nickel equilibrium diagram.
(Owen and Liu.8)
Martensite formation
Several basic characteristics of maraging steels are
directly related to the characteristics of the iron-rich end
of the iron-nickel phase diagram. Actually two dia- ;' 600
1000 ~
grams must be considered. The first is the equilibrium w
7g~ ~
diagram, shown in Fig. I, as given by Owen and Liu.s ~
500 ~w
Recently, some modifications to this diagram have been ~ 200 a.
::!: fj
proposed but these changes need not concern us here. w
l- 0 /0% 0 l-

The essential point to be noted is that at lower tempera~ 90%

tures the· equilibrium phases for alloys containing 3-300/0 -200

10 20 30 40

Ni are ferrite and austenite. WEIGHT PERCENT. NICKEL

In practice it turns out that upon cooling an alloy [Courtesy Iron.Sleellnst.

containing, say, 180/0 nickel from the austenite field the 2 Metastable iron-nickel diagram. (Jones and Pumphrey. g)


Floreen: The physical metallurgy of maraging steels

contents lower the cooling rate necessary to form

martensite, and at ,......, 10% nickel a completely marten~
sitic structure is formed even with very slow cooling.
This particular martensite has generally been called
massive martensite.
Massive martensite is found over a composition range
10-25 % Ni. The composition limits are not exact,
of ,......,
and vary not only with cooling rate but also the anneal-
ing temperature18 and interstitial content.10,12
Beginning at,......, 25% Ni two new martensite mor-
phologies start to form, one containing an internally
twinned structure, and a surface martensite. The reasons
for the formation of these various structures is a matter of
conjecture at this time. Fortunately, however, only the
massive martensite transformation is of importance to the
present story.
Figure 3 is a typical example of the structure of
massive martensite. This consists of a series of elongated
laths or platelets that contain a high density of dis-
locations. Patterson and Wayman19 report that the
dislocations in structures of this kind tend to lie in [Courtesy Amer. Soc. Test. Mat.
[I I I ]b.c.c. directions and are predominantly screw in
3 Transmission electron micrograph of massive martensite
nature. The platelet interfaces are usually rather wavy. structure in Fe-21'9 % Ni alloy. (Mihalisin.'°)
At one time it was believed that adjoining platelets
were twin~related, but this does not appear to be gener~
ally true.12 Recent work20 has indicated that the habit upon the total composition of the alloy. One rather
significant exception is cobalt, which raises the Ms
plane is [0.463,0.532, 0.708].r (100 from (111)1')' The
orientation relationship is believed to be Kurdjumov- ternperature in Fe-Ni alloys24 and maraging steels in
Sachs, i.e., general. Goldman and Robertson25 have suggested that
this effect is due to the lowering of the austenite shear
modulus by cobalt. In practical terms, this effect of
(111)1'11 (OIl)" cobalt has been very helpful in allowing higher alloy
[I 1o] l' II [i I I]" contents to be added to the steels.
To date, no formal microscopic theory has been pro~
posed to describe the transformation. Indeed, there is
considerable controversy at present about many aspects The properties of massive martensites
of this martensite transformation.
Structures of the type illustrated in Fig. 3 have been Studies of the plastic deformation of an 180/0 Ni binary26
observed in a variety of iron-base alloys containing both and several Fe-Ni-Cr ternary 27 massive martensites
substitutional and interstitial solutes. In the case of the showed that the alloys all behayed in a rather similar
maraging-type compositions, Miller and Mitche1l21 fashion. The yield strengths of these alleys were of the
have examined the structures of a series of Fe-7% order of 100 ksi. Their work-hardening behaviour, the
Co-S % Mo-O'4 % Ti alloys with various nickel contents. temperature- and strain-rate dependences of the flow
They found that massive martensite was formed with stress, and the derived values of the activation volumes
nickel contents up to 23 %, and twinned martensite at and energies for deformation, were all reasonably con-
higher nickel contents. In some instances22 the lack of sistent with the behaviour observed in iron or low-alloy
visible surface shears on prepolished samples has raised steels. The Petch slope values, based on the prior
doubts as to whether the 18 Ni (250) steel always trans~ austenite grain diameters, were on the low side of the
forms to massive martensite. All the transmission micro~ results reported for low-alloy steels. In most respects,
scopy evidence indicates, however, that-with the ex- however, the deformation characteristics of the alloys
ception of the 25 % nickel steel-all maraging steels were about what might be expected of highly alloyed
normally have massive martensite matrix structures. b.c.c. iron.
The suggestion has been made that the major factor The 18% nickel alloy showed quite good tensile
determining whether massive or twinned martensite is ductilities even when tested in liquid hydrogen. In
formed is the Ms temperature, with lower Ms tempera- the Fe-Ni-Cr ternary alloys, higher nickel levels con-
tures favouring the twinned structure. 23 This general siderably improved the impact properties at sub-zero
rule is of interest as regards maraging steels, because, as temperatures. Chromium was also slightly beneficial to
discussed below, there is some evidence that after ageing the toughness.
a massive martensite matrix gives better toughness than One rather noticeable deformation characteristic
a twinned martensite. The desire to avoid forming a found in the 18°~ Ni alloy was the propensity for slip to
twinned martensite, and also to avoid the presence of be concentrated in localized bands. This may result
untransformed austenite, places rather definite limits from the dislocation structure introduced by the mar-
upon the alloying additions that can be made to an tensite transformation. Basinski and Jackson28 observed
Fe-Ni base. The alloying elements commonly used similar slip behaviour in copper single crystals that had
generally lower the Ms temperature, but the effect of been initially deformed by torsion or compression and
any individual addition often is not constant but depends then strained in tension. They attributed the localised
Floreen: The physical metallurgy of maraging steels

slip during tensile straining to the 'alien' dislocation dis- Garwood and Jones33 too have examined ausaging
tribution introduced by the initial deformation. It in a 25 % Ni steel. They also observed spherical y'
seems likely that the martensite transformation could precipitates within the matrix, and cellular y' as well
also introduce an 'alien' dislocation structure and con- as "I), the hexagonal form ofNi3 Ti, in the grain boundaries
sequently deformation behaviour analogous to that after overageing. As opposed to Pitler and Ansell, they
described by Basinksi and Jackson. reported that the spherical y' particles distinctly showed
Heat-treating the massive martensites at temperatures a preferred orientation. Hornbogen and Mayer34,35
up to 4000 C (7500 F) produced fairly large increases in also found oriented y' precipitates after ausaging Fe-Ni-
the elastic limits, and small increases in the yield and Al and Fe-Ni-AI- Ti alloys. In view of the close match-
ultimate tensile strengths. Other investigators have ing available between austenite and y' one would
noted small decreases in residual microstress29 and expect a preferred orientation.
electrical resistivity, so after heat-treating 25 % nickel The variations in Ms temperature with ausaging are
alloys. In the case of the Fe-Ni-Cr alloys the increases rather interesting. Since alloying elements are being
in the elastic limits were inversely related to the Ms removed from solution during the process, one would
temperatures of the alloys. The reasons for the observed expect the Ms temperature to rise. If, however, ausaging
change in properties with tempering are not certain. is done at temperatures of the order of 6000 C (I I 150F)
Part of the effects may be due to the precipitation of the Ms temperature initially decreases, and only starts
residual amounts of carbon or nitrogen. It seems likely, to rise after fairly long ageing times.34-39 Figure 4
however, that a recovery reaction to relieve the residual shows an example of this from the recent work of Horn-
stresses generated by the martensite transformation is bogen and Mayer. The figure also shows that ageing at
the primary reason. 27 7000 C (12950F) produced only a continuous increase
in the Ms temperature, as has been noted by other
Ausaging reactions Hornbogen and Mayer reported that small particles
Several studies have been made of the precipitation of f.c.c. e: copper or y' precipitated in austenite were
reactions during ausaging. Reisdorf31 states that sheared to a b.c.c. crystal structure when the austenite
ausaging the 25 % Ni steel for 4 h at 7050 C (13°00F) was transformed to martensite. They attributed the
produced small, spherical precipitates that by microprobe decrease in Mstem pera ture after short ageing times at
analysis were found to contain 70 % Ni, 20 % Ti, and 6000 C (I I 15 F) to the excess energy required to shear

small amounts of Fe, AI, and Si. these particles to a new crystal structure. After longer
A more extensive study was made by Pitler and ageing times the precipitates in the austenite became
Ansells2 of an alloy containing 28 instead of 25 % Ni, coarser and no longer were transformed on cooling.
and also higher Ti, AI, and Nb contents. They observed When this happened the effect of removing alloying ele-
that ausaging for 0·1 h at 7050 C (13°00 F) produced ments from solid solution began to predominate and the
50-A-dia. precipitates. The precipitates increased in Ms temperature rose.34,36,37 It has also been suggest-
diameter at a rate proportional to (time)l up to ,......, ed that mechanical stabilisation, or destruction of
150 A dia., and then grew at a slower rate. After 64 h martensite embryos by precipitation, might influence
precipitation within the grains was uniformly distributed the Ms temperature. 3,38
as 250-A-dia. spheres. In addition a cellular precipi- Variations in Ms temperature can produce correspond-
tate was observed at the grain boundaries. Both pre- ing variations in the resulting martensite structure.
cipitates were identified as y' -Nis(Ti, AI). Surprisingly, Hornbogen and Mayer34,36 established that when the
these authors found that the spherical particles were Ms temperature was Iowa twinned martensite was
randomly oriented within the austenite grains. produced, but when the Ms rose after further ausaging,
a massive martensite was formed. This change is in
agreement with the predicted influence of Ms on mor-
+400 u.. phology discussed earlier.
With the 25 % nickel steel Decker et al.! found that

+ 200 ~
when martensite was formed by cold work re- +
frigeration the resultant mechanical properties were
~ superior to those of martensite formed by ausaging +
refrigeration. Garwood and Jones33 showed that in the
-200 I-

-400 former case a massive martensite structure was pro-


duced, while the latter treatment gave a twinned

martensite. They attributed the differences in mechan-
- 196 ° C
600°C (1115° F) cal properties to the difference in martensite structure.
i 800 (-320° F) This seems quite likely, since Bonizewski and Baker40
have shown, for example, that a twinned martensite
(/) structure had a much poorer resistance to fracture than
~ 400
massive marten sites in hydrogen-charged samples of
J: various steels.
O~I I 10 100 1000

[Courtesy 'Acta Metallurgica'. Maraging after au~aging

4 Variation in the Ms temperature after ausaging a 29-7 % Ni,
6% AI alloy at 600° C (1115° F) or 700 C (1295° F). (Hornbogen
0 During maraging of samples that had previously been
and Mayer.37) ausaged and refrigerated, Pitler and Ansell32 discovered
Floreen: The physical metallurgy qf maraging steels

that the y' precipitates started to dissolve, and become Maraging reactions
replaced by '11 phase. The '11 phase formed as thin plates
in a Widmanstatten pattern. Many different substitutional alloying elements can
In the work of Garwood and Jones, 33 however, the produce age-hardening in Fe-Ni martensites. The
originally spherical y' particles became elongateq. during degree of hardening, however, may vary appreciably
maraging. They proposed that a Ni3Ti precipitate with with changes in the nickel content,41 or with variations
the £c.c. structure of y' was nucleated at the original in the ageing kinetics or the reversion reaction. In
y' particles. Reversion of the martensite matrix to addition, there can be rather strong interactions between
austenite also appeared to be nucleated at the y' particular combinations of elements, such as that between
particle surfaces. Precipitation of '11 was observed only cobalt and molybdenum. Qualitatively, though, one
in segregated regions in which there were fewer y' can classify the alloying additions roughly as follows:
particles. Garwood and Jones have suggested that the elements that produce 'strong' age-hardening (Be and
differences between their results and those of Pitier and Ti) ; 'moderate' hardeners (AI, Nb, Mn, Mo, Si, Ta, V
Ansell might have been due to the somewhat different and W) ; and 'weak' hardeners (Co, Cu, and Zr).
chemical compositions of the alloys studied. In recent years a considerable amount of effort has
Prior ausaging can increase the Vickers hardness of gone into studying maraging reactions and identifying
as-formed martensite by up to r-...J 100 points.3,33,34,36 the precipitates formed. Table II summarises the results
During subsequent maraging the hardness differences of the various phase-identification studies.
between ausaged specimens and those that have not A number of comments must be made on the results
been ausaged generally grows smaller, and in some in Table II. The first concerns the procedures used to
cases the samples that were not ausaged may eventually identify the precipitates. The most common technique
become harder. Normally, however, prior ausaging has been the study of diffraction patterns from extracted
makes a significant contribution to the final strength precipitate particles. Quite often it has proved difficult
after maraging. to extract the very small particles present after normal

Table II. Results of precipitate identification studies in maraging alloys

___ ,
Composition (wt.- %, bal.I Fe) Heat·
Investigator Treatment, Precipitate Ref.
Ni Co Mo Ti Other °C(OF)Jh
Reisdorf 17·9 7·6 4·9 0·35 485(900)/3 Ni3Mo 31
20·0 1·38 0·52 Nb 485(900)/1 Fe2Ti
0·23 AI
25·8 1·20 0·52 Nb 455(850)/1 F.c.c. ppte., ao = 3·58 A
0·31 AI

Speich 20 3 500(930)/1 l1-~iaTi 42

500(930)/24 Fe2 ri
20 5 500(930)/100 NiaMo
20 10·7 Cu 400(750)/100 E-copper

Pitler & Ansell 28·2 1·93 1·07 Nb 425(800)/16 ll-NiaTi 32

0·92 AI

Baker & Swann 18 Ni(250) maraging ? Ni3Mo; 43

possibly Ni3Ti

y 670(1240) /? NiTi 44

_K_a_rd_o_n_S_k _&_p_e_rk_a_s
.__ 8__
1 I 1'5 (esCI structure)

Kardonsky & Perkas 8·2 1·6 AI 600(1115)/1 NiAI and Ni3AI 45

Borrelly 1;"61== 4·9 _ 480(895)/14 Ni3Mo 46

Reisdorf & Baker 17·4 7·6 4·8 0·43 485(900)/8 NiaMo; possibly NiaTi 47
18·8 9·0 4·8 0·80 485(900)/3 Ni3Mo; also possibly Ni3Ti after
longer times
17·7 7·5 4·7 485(900)/80 a-FeMo
17·7 7·5 0·46 485(900)/8 Possibly y'-NiaTi
18·0 7·5 0·42 AI 400(750)/3 F.c.c. ppte., ao = 4·16 A
18·0 4·7 485(900)/30 a-FeMo
Goldman & Manenc 5·0 4·1 11·6 Mn 500(930)/1 Ordered tetragonal ppte.; ordered 48
cubic ppte., ao = 3aou
500(930)/16 ,,+ Fe2Ti
Gavrilova & Tyapkin 8 1·5 AI 400(750)/4 (Fe,Ni)AI (CsCI structure) 49
29 2AI 480(895)/9
29 3·5AI 400(750)/4
Malyshev & Vasilevskaya 27
~I 500(930)/1/3 n-Ni Ti
3 50

Floreen: The physical metallurgy of maraging steels

Table II continued

Composition (wt.- %, bal. Fe) Heat-

Investigator treatment, Precipitate Ref.
Ni Co Mo Ti Other °C(OF)/h

Miller & Mitchell 18·7 - - 1·4 - 600(1115)/3 ll-Ni3Ti 51

18·1 8·2 - 1·6 - 690(1115)/3 ll-Ni3Ti
- -
14·4 7·5 5·1 0·4 - 600(1115)/3 NiaTi+ Fe2Mo

Banerjee & Hauser 17·7


2·5 AI
Garwood & Jones 25·7 - - 1·68 0·23 AI 525(980)/3 ll-Ni3Ti 33
0·4 Nb
Mihalisin & Bieber ,8 18 14 - - 485(900)/20 [1.-Fe7Mo6 53
Marcus, Schwartz, & Fine 17·2 8·0 4·9 0·52 - 480(895)/3
Probably NisMo

Mihalisin 19·0 28·5 - - - 485(900)/3 Coarse and fine austenite pptes. 55

Bane~e~Capenos,& 18·5 9·1 5·1 0·62 - ? NiaMo6 56

Hauser possibly NiaTi

Kardonsky & Perkas 8 - - - 4 Mn 510(950)/? NisMn (CusAu structure) 57

Hornbogen & Mayer 30 - - - 6AI 400(750)/140 (Fe,Ni)sAI 34
800(1470)/? (Fe,Ni) AI
26·5 - - 2·8 4·3 AI 500(925)/135 (Fe,Ni)s AI 35
20 - - - 10 Cu 400(750)/20 &-copper & a (b.c.c.)-copper 36
Chilton & Barton 18·4 9·0 4·9 - 1·06 AI 485(900)/6 NisMo and FesAI 58
18·1 7·7 5·1 - 1·65 V 485(900)/3 NiaMo and O'-FeV
17·3 8·3 4·9 0·42 - 485(900)/8 NisMo and O'-FeTi

Detert & Moon 15 25 5 - - 550(1025)/100 Fe2Mo 59

12 20 5 - - 550(1025)/100 Fe2Mo
12 20 - - 2 Nb 550(1025)/100 Fe2Nb
15 25 - - 2 Nb 550(1025)/100 Fe2Nb
12 20 - 1 - 550(1025)/100 ll-NisTi
15 25 - - 5 Ta 550(1025)/100 ll-NiaTa
12 20 - - 1·6 Ta 550(1025)/100 Orthorhombic NisTa
14·8 29·4 - 0·52 3·5 Ta 550(1025)/100 ll-NisTa
0·64 AI
15 25 - - 2 Cr 550(1025)/100 r' -NisSi
2 Si
15 25 - - 2V 550(1025)/100 r'-NisSi
1 Si
15 25 - - 0·5 Be 550(1025)/100 r'-NisSe
12 20 - - 0·5 Be 550(1025)/100 r'-Ni3Se I

15 25 - - 5W 550(1025)/100 F.c.c. ppte.


maraging heat-treatments and so overaged specimens techniques have been used. In some cases, it has been
were used. In many cases, the diffraction patterns possible to obtain selected-area electron-diffraction
obtained do not closely agree with the standard pattern patterns from thin foils. In others, the chemical compo-
of the phases believed to be present. Also, in some sitions of the extracted phases have been determined by
instances the standard patterns of two phases that might microprobe analysis. Notable in recent studies are the
be present are very similar to each other, and distinguish- use of Mossbauer spectroscopy 54 and the analysis of
ing between them is extremely difficult. Finally, there the angles between diffraction spots. 58
are always problems inherent with extraction methods A study of the results summarised in Table II quickly
in that lines from inclusions, oxides formed by the ex- reveals a number of discrepancies between the precipi-
traction solution, or other extraneous sources may confuse tates that were identified in some cases in alloys of almost
the results. Because of these difficulties, there is fre- identical compositions. Part of the reason for these
quently an element of uncertainty in the phase identifi- variations is no doubt the uncertainties inherent in the
cations. phase identifications. In spite of the variations, however,
Several additional or supplemental identification certain trends in the results deserve comment.
Floreen: The physical metallurgy qf maraging steels

In the case of molybdenum precipitation, the results might be related to the higher electron: atom ratios
generally show that ageing for several hours at tempera- with higher nickel and/or cobalt, or perhaps to changes
tures of the order of 485° C (gooOF) produced NisMo in the lattice parameter that might favour coherent
in alloys containing 180/0Ni. In alloys aged for longer precipitation of AsB compounds.
times, or at higher temperatures, either Fe2Mo Laves Chemical analyses of the precipitates extracted from
or (1 phases were detected. Also, alloys with higher 180/0 Ni alloys have shown that the actual precipitate
molybdenum and/or lower nickel levels tend to form compositions are not simply those indicated by the
Fe2Mo or Fe7M06. While there are exceptions to these structural formulas given in Table 11.6,31,47,52,56
results, tHe data generally suggest that the conventional Generally, the precipitates. contained a considerable
maraging heat-treatment of several hours at 485° C amount of iron. Small amounts of other alloying
produced a metastable NisMo precipitate, and after elements were also sometimes co-existent. Cobalt, on
longer times and/or higher temperatures this precipitate the other hand, was usually present only in small
was replaced either by Fe2Mo or by (1. quantities, if at all. The M6ssbauer study54 also indi-
Perhaps the best evidence for a sequence consisting of cated that no significant precipitation of cobalt occurred
metastable and then a more stable molybdenum pre- during maraging.
cipitate is the M6ssbauer study of Marcus et al.54 Numerous transmission electron-microscope studies
Maraging an 18 Ni (250) steel for 3 h at 480° C (895° F) have been made of maraged alloys. Figure 5 is an ex-
produced a precipitate believed to be Ni3Mo. After ample of the structures seen: in this case the specimen
41 h this initial precipitate had disappeared and a new was an 18Ni(250) alloy that was aged for 8 h at 4850 C
precipitate that definitely could be identified as Fe2Mo (gooOF). The structure consists of rod or ribbon-like
was present. These authors also found that the depletion Ni3Mo precipitates and spherical particles believed to
of alloying elements from the martensite matrix was com- be a titanium-containing (j phase. 58
plete after 3 h at 480° C. Many investigators have noted that some dislocation
Detert60,61 has pointed out that the good lattice fit rearrangement, and usually a decrease in the dislocation
available between AsB precipitates with an h.c. p. density, takes place during the early stages of maraging.
crystal structure and the b.c.c. martensite matrix might These changes are presumably part of the recovery re-
favour the precipitation of AsB compounds. He further action within the martensite matrix mentioned earlier.
pointed out that, on the basis of the equilibrium phase The onset of precipitation probably prevents further
diagrams, NisMo would not be expected to be the dislocation motion.
equilibrium precipitate. He suggested that while the Some evidence has been found suggesting that pre-
better fit with the matrix might favour the initial pre- precipitate zones may form during the initial stages of
cipitation of NisMo, it was possible that increased co- age-hardening. Garwood and jonesS3 observed dif-
herency stresses could limit the growth of Ni3Mo and fraction streaks in a sample of the 25 % Ni steel that was
lead to the nucleation of the equilibrium precipitate. cold worked, refrigerated and then aged for 2 min at
The identification of the titanium precip!tate in the 4750 C (8g00F). They suggested that there was a
various maraging steel compositions also poses some G.P.-zone stage in which segregates formed parallel to the
problems. In the 20 and 25°A>nickel steels titanium is [I I I ]b.C.C. direction. Diffraction pattern streaking was
the principal hardener. In compositions of this type the also observed in the titanium-containing alloys stud-
results in Table II are in reasonably good agreement ied by Miller and Mitchell. 51 They suggested that
that ll-NisTi is the precipitate formed during maraging. titanium initially formed metastable, ordered h.c.c. zones
In alloys of the 18 Ni (250) type titanium is used as a of Ni3Ti having a DO s crystal structure. These zones
supplemen tal hardener. In these alloys the role of were subsequently replaced by ll-NisTi. In the case of
titanium is not so certain. Several investigators have molybdenum, they detected several additional diffrac-
indicated that the titanium precipitate was probably tion lines which indicated that molybdenum formed
ll-NisTi. The problem in this instance is that the very zones having a f:c.c. crystal structure with a lattice para-
similar structures of NisMo and ll-NisTi make the
simultaneous identification of both precipitates very
difficult. Chilton and Barton,58 on the other hand,
found that titanium precipitated as a (1 phase. It is
also possible that part of the titanium may be present
in the molybdenum precipitate, i.e., as Nis(Mo, Ti).
The exact role of titanium during maraging of the
molybdenum-containing alloys is therefore rather diffi-
cult to assess. A titanium precipitate is probably formed,
but the identity of the precipitate and how much of the
titanium is present in it is not certain.
One other trend that is suggested by the precipitate-
identification studies is that AsB-type compounds appear
to be favoured by higher nickel or nickel + cobalt
contents. At lower levels of these elements the precipi-
tates are usually A2B(Laves) or A7B6(!L) phases. Here
again there are exceptions to this generalisation, but it
is interesting to note that in the case of precipitation of
substitutional elements from austenite this same trend Courtesy Amer. Soc. Metals.
of stabilisation of AsB precipitates with higher nickel 5 Transmission electron micrograph of 18 Ni (250) maraging
and/or cobalt levels has also been observed.5 The trend steel aged for 8 h at 485 C (900° F). (Chilton and Barton.58)


Floreen: The physical metallurgy of maraging steels

meter of.-, 4"1 A. After overageing, Fe2Mo was found. B2-type long-range ordering developed during maraging
The formation of copper-rich G.P. zones in Fe-200/0 a 22 '7% Ni-19·3% Co ternary alloy. He also observed
Ni-Io% eu alloys is discussed by Speich42 and by two types of precipitate that were structurally identical
Hornbogen and Mayer. 36 Some of the results from the to austenite after maraging a Ig'O<yoNi-28·5 % Co
studies of maraging kinetics are also indicative of zone composition. Presumably then, strengthening of the
formation. These data will be considered later. higher-cobalt alloys is due to a combination of ordering
When precipitates are formed during maraging, they and precipitation-hardening. In alloys ofI8°~ Ni-80/0 Co
quite often appear to have been nucleated at dislocations composition, however, no evidence of either long-range
or at the martensite platelet boundaries. In general, the ordering or precipitation-hardening has been discovered.
precipitates are distributed in a relatively uniform Nevertheless, maraging produces a strength increment of
fashion, and coarse precipitates at grain boundaries or .-, 25 ksi in alloys of this composition. 66 Since the
zones denuded of precipitates are not normally seen. strengthening due to cobalt increases in a continuous
No doubt the massive martensite dislocation structure is fashion (Fig. 6) one would suppose that the same
helpful in providing a quasi-uniform distribution of sites hardening mechanisms could operate over the range of
for precipitation. From a strength-toughness point of cobalt contents studied. Conceivably then, the harden-
view a uniform precipitate distribution would be ex- ing at the 18% Ni-8°/0 Co level may be due to a low
pected to be very helpful. degree of long-range ordering that may escape detection
After ageing for several hours at .-, 4850 e (gooOF) in neutron-diffraction analysis.
the precipitate particles generally reach a size of several Floreen and Speich62 have compared the strengths of
hundred Angstroms in their largest dimension. A a number of 180/0Ni-X ternary and 180/0Ni-8% Co-X
number of different precipitate morphologies, e.g., quaternary alloys, where X is AI, Be, Mn, Mo, Nb, Si,
needles, plates, spheres, have been seen. Sometimes or Ti. With the exception of molybdenum the addition
quite small changes in composition or heat-treatment of 80/0 Co increased the yield strength by .-, 20-45 ksi;
rather markedly altered the morphology. i.e., of the order of the strengthening produced by
Often the precipitates have a preferred orientation. cobalt discussed above. Thus, in these alloys cobalt
They are frequently believed to be coherent with the supplied only a relatively small, roughly additive
matrix, and in many cases strain fields have been strengthening contribution. In the molybdenum-con-
detected around the particles.32,33,36,45-47,51,58 Here taining alloys, however, the strength was increased up
again, however, there are variations between the results to 75 ksi by the cobalt addition. Examination by
of different investigations. An interesting effect noted transmission electron microscopy suggested that the
by Chilton and Barton58 was that the orientation of the addition of cobalt resulted in a finer dispersion of pre-
Ni3Mo precipitate was changed by the secondary pre- cipitates in the molybdenum-bearing alloys. Since, as
cipitate. When the secondary precipitate was either a discussed previously, cobalt has not been found to be
Ti- or V-bearing cr phase, the Ni3Mo had one orienta- present to any extent in the molybdenum precipitates,
tion, but when an Fe3AI precipitate was present the it was considered that cobalt might have lowered the
Ni3Mo had a different orientation. As pointed out by solubility of molybdenum in the matrix, and thus in-
Chilton and Barton, these results illustrate the difficulty creased the amount of molybdenum precipitate. Miller
of generalising about the orientation relationships of pre- and Mitchell also came to this conclusion. 51
cipitates in different alloys. Peters and CUpp63 studied the precipitation behaviour
Garwood and jones33 have called attention to the of a number of ternary and quaternary alloys by
fact that a preferred precipitate orientation could arise electrical-resistivity measurements. This technique
because of the preferred orientation of the dislocations proved very useful because it was shown that the resis-
within the martensite matrix.19 If precipitation occurs tivity w~s directly proportional to the molybdenum in
along the lengths of the dislocations the precipitates solid solution, but that changes in cobalt content had
would tend to lie in [I II]b.c.c. directions. In several a negligible effect on the resistivity. The measurements
cases this type of orientation has been observed. showed that the resistivity changes due to the recovery
reaction in the matrix were very minor compared to
those produced by precipitation.
The cobalt/molybdenum interaction Figure 7 illustrates the resistivity changes observed by
Perhaps the most interesting strengthening effect in Peters and Cupp in an 18°10 Ni-5 % Mo ternary and an
maraging steels is that due to the combination of cobalt 18% Ni-5 o~ Mo-8°/o Co quaternary alloy during
and molybdenum. Decker, Eash, and Goldman2 found 30

that the hardening when these two elements were

present together was much greater than the sum of the ~ 25
strength increments produced when they were added ~
individually. Although Banerjee and Hauser52 did not l-

observe this effect, the data of at least three other ~ 20

Fe -25Ni
investigators47, 62, 6'3, show this general result. Q

Age-hardening can be produced in ternary Fe-Ni-Co ..J

~ 15

alloys, and at higher nickel and cobalt levels very high Fe-IBNi
strengths can be achieved. 55, 64,65 Figure 6 shows the
curves of yield strength vs. cobalt content for two dif- o 10 15 20
ferent nickel levels and two different maraging heat-
[Courtesy Iron Steel Insf·
treatments. The strengths appear to increase approxi- 6 Yield strength of Fe-Ni-Co ternary alloys. (Floreen.65)
mately linearly with increasing cobalt concentration. • Maraged 24 h at 425° C (800° F)
Using neutron diffraction, Mihalisin55 states that a • Maraged 3 h at 4850 C (900° F)
Floreen: The physical metallurgy of maraging steels

ageing to 4550 C (8500F). Both curves show an initial w

~ 100 _
loss in resistivity due to the precipitation of molybdenum Fe -/8% Ni- 5% Mo
followed by an upward turn due to the formation of a
austenite. The cobalt addition tended to accelerate the <t 90
ageing reaction and to remove more molybdenum from Z

solution. Peters and Cupp concluded that adding 8°1o 4

Co was equivalent to adding another 20/0Mo, and that
~ 70
the principal effect of cobalt was thus to increase the
amount of molybdenum precipitation. t-
Fe-/8%Ni-5%Mo- 8%Co
~ 60
It has also been suggested that cobalt may alter the t-

dislocation structure of the martensite matrix to provide w
a: 50
a higher, more uniform, number of nucleation sites for
subsequent precipitation.6,52 While this may be possible, ANNEALED ·001 ·01
10 100 1000

it seems unlikely that this mechanism could be the main [Courtesy Amer. Inst. Min. Met. Eng.
reason for the cobalt/molybdenum interaction. Since 7 Variations in electrical resistivity of two Fe-18 % Ni-base
precipitation often occurs on dislocations, one would alloys with ageing at 4550 C (850° F). (Peters and CUpp.63)
expect that, if changes in the dislocation distribution
were important, then cobalt would have significantly
raised the strength ofa number of the 18% Ni-8% Co-X
quaternary alloys studied by Floreen and Speich.62 ~
That study, however, made it clear that cobalt exercised
~a 46 Fe-/8%Ni-5%Mo-8% Co
a strong hardening effect only in conjunction with I
molybdenum, and that with the other hardeners cobalt :u
produced only a small, approximately additive, .J
.J 38
strengthening effect. For this reason the hardening ~
contribution due to cobalt changing the martensite u~
0 34
dislocation structure would seem to be minor.

ANNEALED ·001 .01 ·0 I 1·0 10 100 1000

Maraging kinetics AGEING TIME, HOURS

[Courtesy Amer. Inst. Min. Met. Eng.

A number of studies has been made of the age-hardening 8 Variations in hardness of two Fe-18 % Ni-base alloys with
kinetics, particularly with alloys of the 180/0nickel type. ageing at 4550 C (850° F). (Peters and CUpp.63)
As can be gathered from the previous discussion, a
number of reactions can take place during maraging, The resistivity changes occurring during ageing of these
and complete unravelling of these individual reactions same alloys are shown in Fig. 7. Again, small but real
has not been possible. Up to the time when the reversion changes in resistivity were noted after the shortest ageing
of the martensite matrix to austenite becomes a major times. Results such as these led Peters and Cupp to
factor, or roughly up to the time when peak hardness is conclude that the incubation time for age-hardening
attained, the kinetics can be studied reasonably well. was zero. Miner et al.67 came to a similar conclusion
Fortunately, these times are greater than those of the from their internal-friction study.
standard maraging heat-treatments. Peters and CUpp63 also found evidence of a molyb-
As noted before, many investigators have seen some denum precipitate reversion. This reversion reaction
clislocation rearrangement and loss during the initial involved only the precipitate and should not be confused
stages of mar aging. The kinetics of this recovery reaction with the reversion of the martensite matrix to austenite.
has been studied by Miner et al.67 by means of internal- Peters and Cupp showed that there was a pronounced
friction techniques. They found a rapid initial drop in discontinuity in the ageing behaviour of the quaternary
clamping that was temperature-independent and similar Fe-180/0 Ni-7'8% CO-5'7°~ Mo alloy at 4500 C !"J

in general appearance to the recovery observed in cold- (8500F). This discontinuity appeared in Arrhenius plots
worked metals. They concluded that the recovery was of the times to reach constant hardness or resistivity
due to athermal dislocation glide, and was ended by values, or in the peak-hardness vs. ageing-temperature
precipitation. curves. Brief pre-ageing at 5350 C (10000F) removed
Quite often precipitation-hardening takes place very the discontinuities.
rapidly. In the 18 Ni (250) steel the Vickers hardness More recent work by Peters69 has shown that a con-
was raised by the order of 100 points after several siderable fraction of the molybdenum first precipitated
minutes' ageing at 4850C (gooOF). 68 Comparable hard- at temperatures < 4500 C (8500 F) would go back

ness increases were observed in a number of Fe-18°/0 into solution when the alloy was then subsequently aged
Ni-base ternary alloys66 after similar heat-treatments. at temperatures above the first ageing temperature.
Figure 8 illustrates the hardness changes observed by Peters interpreted the evidence to indicate that below
Peters and CUpp63 after ageing an 18% Ni-5 % Mo 4500 C there were two forms of molybdenum precipitate,
ternary and an 180kNi-8% CO-5%>Mo quaternary alloy and speculated that there might be a dislocation-
at 4550 C (8500F). The results show that hardness in- nucleated precipitate and a matrix precipitate that was
creases in both alloys were detected after ageing for possibly a molybdenum-rich zone. When the tempera-
< I min. The small bumps in the curves at 0'1 h
f"o-.I ture was raised, the smaller particles of the matrix pre-
were believed to be due to the precipitation of residual cipitate tended to dissolve and the molybdenum then
carbon. precipitated only at dislocations. The matrix precipi-
Floreen: The physical metallurgy of maraging steels

tation was believed to be due to the high supersaturation preted in this way, and it seems possible that the tem-
of molybdenum. Pre-ageing at 535° C (1000° F) low- perature-dependence of nucleation might be responsible
ered the supersaturation and eliminated the precipitate for the low activation-energy values observed. Any inter-
reversion and thus, evidently, the matrix precipitate. pretation must remain speculative, however, until the
A much smaller amount of precipitate reversion was de- precipitates can be more positively identified.
tected in a Fe-180/0 Ni-5'4% Mo ternary alloy, presum-
ably because of the lower degree of molybdenum super-
saturation in the absence of cobalt. Effects of working before maraging
In many cases it has proved that the isothermal
ageing kinetics could be expressed quite well by a Many investigations have been made of the effects of
relationship of the type: ~x/xo = Ktn, where x is either warm or cold working the 180/0Ni steels before marag-
the hardness or electrical resistivity at time t, Xo the as- ing. The warm-working experiments have generally been
annealed value, and K and n are constants.61,63,66,68 of the ausforming type, i.e. def~rmation of the austenite
Quite often the values of the time constant n were of preceding the transformation to martensite. These
the order of 0 '2-0'4; i.e., well below the n value of results have shown that ausforming produced only very
0'5 for the idealised case of diffusion-controlled growth minor improvements in the final strength.56,68,73,74
of platelets. Arrhenius plots to determine activation Furthermore, a rather noticeable loss of toughness in a
energies have not always given completely linear curves. direction transverse to the original working direction is
In all the 180/0 Ni-type alloys studied, however, the apparent. 56 The lack of any significant hardening as a
nominal values of the activation energies were fairly result of ausforming has commonly been interpreted as
low, typically of the order of 30-40 kcal/mole. The due to the very low carbon contents of the maragin
values were thus well below those commonly observed steels.
for substitutional-element diffusion in ferrite. One interesting effect noted by Bush73 was that when
On the basis of these results, it has generally been con- the material was rolled at 200° C (400° F) so that f',,)

cluded that the maraging kinetics was primarily deter- 65% of the structure transformed to martensite during
mined by the martensite matrix structure. The lack of rolling, the final strength was increased by 50 ksi. f',,)

an incubation time has been attributed, after Cahn,70 This strength increase was much greater than that observ-
to the elimination of the free-energy barrier to nuclea- ed in material that was warm rolled in the entirely
tion under conditions of high supersaturation and pre- austenitic condition, and was also somewhat greater
cipitation at dislocations.63 The low values of the time than that found in material that has been cold rolled
constant n and the activation energy have commonly in the entirely martensitic condition. The explanation
been interpreted in terms of pipe-diffusion through the for the higher strengths after rolling at 200 C is not 0

dislocations present in the martensite matrix. clear at this time.

Recent evidence suggests, however, that this inter- Cold working the martensite before maraging has
pretation, i.e. that the kinetics is dictated solely by the been found to give more substantial strength in-
martensite structure, is not correct. Peters and Floreen 71 creases.41,56,60,61,68,73-77
Figure 9 shows the tensile and
have studied the ageing kinetics of an Fe-8 % Ni- I 3 o~ toughness changes due to prior cold working observed
Mo alloy. By suitable heat-treatment this alloy could by Kula and Hickey.74 Cold working tends to increase
be made either ferritic or martensitic. The ageing be- the initial rate of hardening somewhat,60,61,68and the
haviour was then evaluated in both the ferritic and largest strength gains are usually found after short ageing
martensitic matrices, and also in a ferritic matrix that
had been cold rolled 50% before ageing. The hardness
curves of the martensite and the cold-worked ferrite stru-
tures were essentially identical. More important, all 260
three structures exhibited noticeable incubation times,
and the activation-energy values for age-hardening of
all three structures were of the order of 65 kcal/mole; -x." 240
i.e., of the order of the diffusion values for the substitu- I-
tional element. l1J
In addition to these results, Marcus et al.72 have t;
determined an activation-energy value of 60 kcal/mole
for the ageing of a martensitic stainless steel. These
findings show that activation-energy values commen-
surate with diffusion of the substitutional alloying ele- TENSILE ELONGATION

ment can be obtained during ageing in a massive marten-

site matrix. It follows, therefore, that low values of the z
activation energy, and also the absence of an incubation ~
enlie:: 100
period, cannot be interpreted simply in terms of a mar-
tensite matrix structure. If)

The question then is why do the 18% Ni alloys Z

~ 80
harden as fast as they do? At present this question can- ::>
0 20 40 60
not be answered. Conceivably, the behaviour may be
[Courtesy Amer. Inst. Min. Met. Eng.
related to the tendency of the higher-nickel alloys to
9 Changes in tensile properties and fracture toughness of
form A3B precipitates and to the close fit with the b.c.c. 18 Ni (250) maraging steel with cold rolling and subsequent
matrix that is generally possible with structures of this maraging at 485 C (900 F) for 3 h. Toughness specimens all
0 0

type. The absence of incubation times could be inter- ground to 0·038 in. thickness after ageing. (Kula and Hickey. 74)
Floreen: The physical metallurgy of maraging steels

times. In the case of the 15 % Ni steel (Alloy F in Table tion.80,81 Additional alloying elements can markedly
I), Detert78 found that cold rolling 5 % lowered the affect the reversion reaction. Part of the reason for the
ductility and also the coercive force. He suggests that effect of an alloying element on reversion may be ex-
these changes may have been due to the elimination of plainable in terms of whether the element tends to
a small amount of untransformed austenite. stabilise austenite or ferrite.82 A much stronger effect
The effects of cold working after maraging and of probably results from the change in matrix composition
subsequent re-ageing, were also explored by Kula and that accompanies precipitation. Titanium, for example,
Hickey.74 The strength changes produced by these has been found to markedly retard reversion, evidently
treatments were relatively small. because the formation of Ni3Ti lowers the nickel content
of the matrix. 81
Molybdenum additions, on the other hand, enhance
Effects of neutron irradiation reversion.81 In this case reversion was believed to have
been associated with the dissolution of Ni3Mo and the
Neutron irradiation of the 18 Ni (250) and the 12-5-3 formation of Fe2Mo.61,81 Presumably, when Ni3Mo
maraging steels has been studied by Cupp et al.79 goes into solution the local enrichment of the matrix
Irradiation with integrated flux levels of 1'5-3'1 X 1019 with nickel leads to austenite formation.
n/cm2 (> I MeV) produced a 4% loss in strength in Austenite usually starts to form at the martensite
maraged 18 Ni (250) samples, and a 5% strength in- platelet boundaries, and after large amounts of austenite
crease in maraged 12-5-3 samples. The notched impact have formed the structure is lamellar in appearance with
transition temperature of the 12-5-3 steel was increased elongated austenite ribbons strung out along the
only 45-50 degC (80-go degF) upon irradiation, and the boundaries, as shown in Fig. 10. In addition, smaller
upper shelf energy decreased by only a small amount. austenite pools form within the platelets. The precipitate
These property changes were much smaller than those particles sometimes have been observed to be dissolved
observed in other high-strength steels. by the austenite.
With prolonged holding at temperatures of the order
of 400-700° C (750-1300° F), very appreciable amounts
Austenite formation of stable austenite can be formed. When this happens
the strength is considerably reduced. Generally, the
As indicated by the phase diagrams in Figs. I and 2, the austenite formed in this temperature range cannot be
iron-nickel martensite matrix is metastable and after pro- transformed to martensite by refrigeration. Cold
longed holding at elevated temperatures will eventually working, however, will transform the austenite to
decompose by a diffusion-controlled reaction to ferrite martensite. 83,84The presence of austenite in the struc-
and austenite. Depending upon the temperature and ture considerably increases the uniform elongation
composition, the austenite formed may be so enriched during straining, and Legendre84 has shown that this
in nickel that upon subsequent cooling its Ms tempera- can be very helpful in operations such as deep drawing.
ture is well below room temperature and consequently He also showed that subsequent maraging of the cold-
austenite will remain in the microstructure. worked material produced quite good combinations of
The rate of austenite formation is quite sensitive to strength and ductili ty.
composition. In binary iron-nickel alloys increasing Austenite can also be formed by heating the alloy
nickel levels generally tend to accelerate austenite forma- above the As temperature. In this case the martensite
tran~forms by a shear reaction to an austenite of the
same composition. Studies of this reaction in iron-
nickel binary alloys have shown that the resultant
austenite contains a high density of dislocations. 85-89
Orientation relationships indicate that the crystallo-
graphic nature of this transformation is similar to the
austenite ~ martensite transformation.
If the heating rate is slow enough, some reversion of
the martensite matrix to austenite + ferrite by the dif-
fusion-controlled reaction may occur. When this hap-
pens the subsequent shear reaction may be affected. The
general effect seems to be that the reversion reaction
tends to stabilise the martensite and raise the As tem-
perature. This effect might be due to mechanical
stabilisation by the austenite particles formed during
heating, and/or to the corresponding decrease in the
nickel conten t of the martensite.
When additional alloying elements are present the
changes in the shear reaction with composition and
heating rate can become very complex indeed. In the
case of the 180/0 Ni steels the general trend still appears
to be that decreasing the heating rate raises the As
[Courtesy Amer. Soc. Metals.
temperature, 90,91but the multiplicity of reactions makes
10 Replica electron micrograph showing austenite formation in interpretation of the data difficult.
an 18 Ni (~50) maraging steel heat-treated for 1 h at 6500 C As the temperature is increased above the As tempera-
(1200° F). (Floreen and Decker.68) ture a homogenisation reaction becomes predominant.
Floreen: The physical metallurgy of maraging steels

That is, precipitates dissolve and concentration gradients In the case of the strengthening mechanism, the yield
due to precipitation or reversion are removed. 3, 81,92 strengths of unaged maraging steels are typically r'-I 100
The time and temperature for complete homogenisation ksi. After maraging, the yield strengths of the various
will, of course, depend upon the composition and history. 180/0 Ni steels range from 200 to 300 ksi, so that the
In most cases an hour at 815° C (1500° F) has been values are raised 100-200 ksi by age-hardening. Several
adequate for the various maraging steel grades. Very investigators have pointed out that precipitation-
prolonged exposures in the 400-700° C (750-1300° F) strengthening of this magnitude can be accounted for
range, however, would probably require considerably quite reasonably by an Orowan relationship, viz.
higher temperatures and longer times for homogenisa-
Recovery, recrystallisation, and grain growth of the
(j = (jo + -)..-
austenite can also all take place during austenitising. where is the total strength, 0 the matrix strength, ex
(j (j

As would be imagined, these reactions are very depend- a constant, G the shear modulus, b the Burgers vector,
ent upon the specimen history. To date, no systematic and ).. the interparticle spacing. After maraging the
study has been made of these reactions in maraging-
type compositions.

Changes in other physical properties with 200

400 600
0 F
1000' 1200

II· 0 /""'-- .•... ,
Figure I I shows the changes in the thermal-expansion a/degF 6.0 a/degC
a. ",/ "... 400
x 10-6 X 10-610.6
coefficient, X-ray characteristic temperature, elastic 5·8
---------, 4W

modulus, electrical resistivity, and hardness detected by 5,6

10·2 ()

Perkas and Potapov93 during ageing of an Fe-8% Ni-

1'5 °10 Ti alloy. A similar series of measurements on a 200
binary Fe-8% Ni alloy revealed practically no change in 3·0

these quantities over the range 200-700° C (400-1300° F). % ~~ 2·0

Variations in the elastic modulus similar to those shown
in Fig. 10 were a!~f)found by Banerjee et al.56 during
ageing of the 18 Ni (300) alloy. They suggested that
the modulus changes were due to depletion of nickel from - - - - - - -'- -- - - ..
0'7 P
the matrix during ageing. Heat-capacity measurements
\ ,
of Fe-801o Ni-base alloys containing various levels of 0·6

aluminium are given by Itkin et al.94,95 350

The magnetic properties of various maraging alloys
have been examined in several recent studies. 59-61,78, HV HV
81,96-98 The room-temperature d:c. magnetisation 250

curves of the 20 Ni, 18Ni (200), and 18Ni (250) maraging 200
100 300 500 700
steels were similar to each other and to those of several TEMPERING TEMP" ~c
other steels, as shown in Fig. 12.
[Courtesy 'Physics Metals Metallography'.
The magnetic properties of various maraging compo-
sitions did not change appreciably during maraging, as 11 Variation in coefficient of linear thermal expansion (a),
X-ray characteristic temperature(6), Young's modulus
long as austenite did not form. With the start of austenite (/::;£/£), electrical resistivity (P), and hardness (HV) of an
formation, however, the coercive force increased mar- Fe-8 % Ni-1·5 % Ti alloy after tempering. (Perkas and Pota-
kedly.6o,61,81 This variation with ageing has been pOV.93)
attributed to the fact that large changes in coercive force
could be expected only when particles of the dimensions
of the domain walls, or !"oJ 1000 A in size, were present.
The precipitate particles were, thus, generally too small
to significantly affect the properties, but the austenite
particles formed by the reversion reaction were of the
right size.
The desire to maintain good magnetic properties after
prolonged elevated-temperature exposures has led to
several alloy modification studies.59,78,96,98Alloys with
higher cobalt contents, in particular, have proved to
have greater high-temperature stability.

The relationship of structure to strength

and toughness
The primary attribute of maraging steels is their excel- o 50 100 150 200 250 300
lent combination of strength and toughness. This seems FIELD STRENGTH J OERSTEDS

to be especially true of the 180/0nickel grades, which in [Courtesy Amer. Soc. Metals.
general have a toughness superior to that of the other 12 Room temperature d.C. magnetisation curves for selected
grades at high strength levels. high-strength steels. (Honeycutt and Steigerwald. 96)


Floreen: The physical metallurgy qf maraging steels

values of A are of the order of 300-500 A, and the corres- should be so is difficult to see, because structurally there
ponding strength increments are f'J 100-200 ksi. Thus is nothing particularly unique about NisMo compared
an Orowan-type hardening involving dislocation motion to other precipitates. The one distinctive aspect that has
between the precipitate particles can account for the been noted regarding molybdenum-hardening is that
strengths observed.6,43,47 the precipitate is metastable and eventually goes into
On the other hand, Detert60,61 has suggested that solution. Conceivably, this process may start during
hardening could be controlled by the stress necessary to the normal 3-h maraging heat-treatment to give a
shear through the precipitate particles. Reisdorf and structure of Ni3Mo particles with adjoining austenite
Baker47 have observed, however, that after straining that might be more effective in preventing void forma-
1-2% the structure of the 18 Ni (250) steel showed tion at the precipitates, and thus delay ductile fracture.
tangles of dislocations around the precipitate particles, Whether voids actually are nucleated at precipitate
and also instances of dislocations bowing between the particles in maraging steel is not known. It seems likely
particles. Moreover, the initially high work-hardening that they could be, because, e.g. Palmer et al.lOO have
rate of the steels is in general more consistent with an demonstrated that voids could be nucleated at particles
Orowan mechanism.6,47 For these reasons an Orowan- as small as 50A in internally oxidised copper alloys.
type hardening mechanism seems more likely in marag- These questions of void nucleation and crack growth in
ing steels. maraging steels have not been well explored. Such work
The temperature-dependence of the flow stress has is needed if the reasons why certain precipitates give
been analysed by Conrad. 99 He concluded that the superior toughness are to be made clear.
effective shear stress varied with temperature in the same
way as that of mild steel, and that the major strengthen-
ing was due to long-range internal stresses such as would
be developed by fine precipitate particles. I. R. F. Decker, R. B. G. Yeo, J. T. Eash, and C. G. Bieber,
The reasons for the superior toughness of the 18% Ni Mat. Design Eng., 1962, 55, (5), 106.
2. R. F. Decker, J. T. Eash, and A. J. Goldman, Trans. Quart.
maraging steels are not clear. It has often been noted ASM, 1962, 55,58. .
that the elimination of carbon and other deleterious 3. R. F. Decker, 'The Relation Between the Structure and Mech-
impurities should be beneficial. Also the relatively uni- anical Properties of Metals,' p. 648. 1963: London (H.M.
form precipitate distribution achieved by age-hardening Stationery Office).
4. W. Steven, 'Metallurgical Developmentsin High-Alloy Steels',
in a massive martensite matrix would be helpful. In (Special Rep. No. 86), p. 115. 1964: London (Iron Steel
this regard molybdenum appears to play an important lnst.).
role in minimising embrittlement of the prior austenite 5. R. F. Decker and S. Floreen, 'Precipitation in Iron-Base
grain boundaries. Floreen and Speich62 reported that Alloys', p. 69. 1965: New York, &c. (Gordon and Breach).
6. G. Pellesier, 'Problems in the Load-Carrying Application of
low-energy intergranular fractures of Fe-I80;0 Ni- High-Strength Steels', DMIC Rep. (210), p. 173, 1964.
8% Co-base alloys hardened with aluminium or titanium 7. G. P. Contractor, J. Metals, 1966, 18, 938.
could be eliminated by additions of 20;0 Mo. It should 8. E. A. Owen and Y. H. Liu,J. Iron Steel Inst., 1949, 163, 132.
be noted, however, that although the molybdenum 9. F. W.Jones and W. 1. Pumphrey, ibid., 1949,163, 121.
10. J. R. Mihalisin, 'Fifty years of Progress in Metallographic
additions raised the Charpy impact energies from Techniques' (Special Tech. PubI. No. 430), p. 250. 1968:
"'" 3 ft-Ib to 17 ft-Ib, the latter values were still relatively Philadelphia, Pa. (Amer. Soc. Test. Mat.).
poor compared to the properties of the 18% Ni steels. 11. A. G. Haynes, Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Met. Eng., 1957, 209,
The possible role of the high nickel content of the 1314.
12. W. S. Owen, E. A. Wilson, and T. Bell, 'High-Strength
matrix in preventing fracture also has to be considered. Materials', p. 167. 1965: New York and London (John
In low-alloy steels, nickel reduces the tendency to cleav- Wiley).
age and lowers the ductile-brittle transition temperature. 13. W. S. Owen and E. Gilbert, Acta Met., 1962, 10,45.
In maraging steels this effect of nickel could be helpful 14. C. M. Wayman, 'Physical Properties of Martensite and Bainite'
(Special Rep. No. 93), p. 153. 1965: London (Iron Steel
in minimising the effects of hydrogen embrittlement, lnst.).
where quasi-cleavage fractures have generally been ob- 15. G. R. Speich and P. R. Swann,J. Iron SteeIInst., 1965,203,480.
served. Normally, however, fracture in maraging and 16. R. Huizing and J. A. Klostermann, Acta Met., 1966, 14, 1693.
other high-strength steels occurs by a localised ductile- 17. W. D. Swanson and J. G. Parr, J. Iron Steel Inst., 1964, 202,
fracture process, i.e., by the nucleation of voids followed 18. W. S. Owen and E. A. Wilson, Ref. 14, p. 53.
by either coalescence of voids or the propagation of a 19. R. L. Patterson and C. M. Wayman, Acta Met., 1966, 14, 347.
crack between the voids. Whether nickel would be help- 20. K. H. Eckelmeyer and G. Krauss, to be published.
ful in preventing fractures of this type is not certain. 21. G. P. Miller and W. 1. Mitchell, J. Iron Steel Inst., 1965, 203,
More directly, the fracture toughness of other marag- 895·
22. T. Bonizewski,Brit. Weld. J., 1965, 12, 557.
ing compositions has generally been found to be signi- 23. O. Johari and G. Thomas, Acta Met., 1965, 13, 1211.
ficantly lower than that of the 18Ni (250) steel when com- 24. R. B. G. Yeo, Trans. Met. Soc. A.I.M.E., 1963, 227,884.
pared at equal strengths.62,66 These other steels also 25. A. J. Goldman and W. D. Robertson, Acta Met., 1965, 13,
had low carbon and impurity contents, massive marten- 26. S. Floreen, Trans. Met. Soc. A.I.M.E., 1964,23°,842.
site matrices with fairly uniform precipitate distribu- 27. S. Floreen, ibid., 1966, 236, 1429.
tions, and high nickel contents. It follows, therefore, 28. Z. S. Basinski and P. J. Jackson, Appl. Phys. Letters, 1965, 6,
that while these variables may be necessary to achieve 148.
29. V. M. Kardonsky, V. G. Kurdjumov, and M. D. Perkas,
good toughness, they are not sufficient to account for Physics Metals Metallography, 1961, II, (4), 117.
the superior toughness of the 18 Ni (250) steel. 30. L. F. Porter and G. J. Dienes, Trans. Met. Soc. A.I.M.E., 1959,
Evidently then there is something rather special about 215,854.
the 18 Ni (250) composition. Since molybdenum is the 31• B. G. Reisdorf, Trans. Quart. ASM, 1963, 56, 783'
32. R. K. Pitler and G. S. Ansell, ibid., 1964, 57, 220.
primary hardener in this steel, it thus seems that Ni3Mo 33. R. D. Garwood and R. D. Jones, J. Iron Steel Inst., 1966, 204,
is a precipitate that gives better toughness. Why this 512•
Floreen~' The physical metallurgy of maraging steels

34. E. Bornbogen and W. A. Mayer, Z. Metallkunde, 1967, 58, 65. S. Floreen, to be published.
372• 66. S. Floreen, Trans. Quart. ASM, 1964, 57, 38.
35. E. Bornbogen and W. A. Mayer, ibid., p. 445. 67. R. E. Miner,J. K.Jackson and D. F. Gibbons, Trans. Met. Soc.
36. E. Bornbogen and W. A. Mayer, ibid., p. 297. A./.M.E., 1966, 236, 1565.
37. E. Bornbagen and W. A. Mayer, Acta...Met., 1967, 15, 584' 68. S. Floreen and R. F. Decker, Trans. Quart. ASM, Ig62, 55,
38. K. A. Malyshev and M. M. Vasilevskaya, PhysicsMetals Metal- 518.
lography, Ig65, 18, (2), 150. 69. D. T. Peters, Trans. Met. Soc. A./.M.E., 1967, 239, 1981.
39. C. G. Bieber, unpublished data. 70. J. W. Cahn, Acta Met., 1957,5, 169.
40. T. Bonizewski and R. G. Baker, Brit. Weld. J., 1965, 12,349. 71. D. T. Peters and S. Floreen, to be published.
41. M. D. Perkas and V. 1. Snitsar, Physics Metals Metallography, 72. H. L. Marcus, J. N. Peistrup, and M. E. Fine, Trans. Quart.
1964, 17, (3), 75· ASM, 1965, 58, 177.
42. G. R. Speich, Trans. Met. Soc. A.I.M.E., 1963, 227, 1426. 73. R. H. Bush, ibid., 1963, 56,885.
43. A. J. Baker and P. R. Swann, Trans. Quart. ASM, 1964, 57, 74. E. B. Kula and C. F. Hickey, Trans. Met. Soc. A.I.M.E., 1964,
1008. 230, 1707·
44. V. M. Kardonsky and M. D. Perk as, Physics Metals Metallo- 75. H. W. Maynor and C. C. Busch, ASM Metals Eng. Quart., 1966,
graphy, Ig65, 19, (2), 133. 6, (1),20.
45. V. M. Kardonsky and M. D. Perkas, Metal Sci. Heat-Treat. 76. M. D. Perkas, Physics Metals Metallography, [963, 15, (4), 62.
Metals, 1964, (11),672. 77. M. D. Perk as, Metal Sci. Heat-Treat. Metals, 1964, (I 1),664.
46. R. Borrelly, 'Contribution a l'Etude au Microscope Electroni- 78. K. Detert, Trans. Met. Soc. A.I.M.E., 1967, 239, 553.
que des Aciers "Maraging" a 18% de Nickel', Thesis Univ. 79. C. R. Cupp, E. P. Sadowski, and L. P. Trudeau, ibid., p. 1468.
Lyon, 1965. 80. N. P. Allen and C. C. Early, J. Iron Steel Inst., 1950, 166, 281.
47. B. G. Reisdorf and A. J. Baker, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio, 81. D. T. Peters, Trans. Quart. ASM, Ig68, 61, 62.
Tech. Rep. (AFML-TR-64-390), 1965. 82. S. Floreen and R. F. Decker, ibid., 1963,56,4°3.
48. A. J. Goldman and J. Manenc, Trans. Quart. ASM, 1965, 58, 83. D. L. Corn, 'Structure and Properties of Ultra- High-Strength
645' Steels' (Special Tech. Publ. No. 370), p. 54. 1965: Phila-
49. A. V. Gavrilova and Yu. D. Tyapkin, Physics Metals Metallo- delphia, Pa. (Amer. Soc. Test .•Mat).
graphy, 1965, 20, (2), 145. 84' P. Legendre, Cobalt, 1965, (29), 171.
50. K. A. Malyshev and M. M. Vasilevskaya, ibid., Ig65, 18, (2), 85. G. Krauss, Acta Met., 1963, II, 499.
80. 86. H. Kessler and W. Pitsch, ibid., Ig67, 15,4°1.
51. G. P. Miller and W. 1. Mitchell, J. Iron Steel Inst., 1965, 203, 87. Y. A. Izmaylov and V. G. Gorbach, Physics Metals Metallo-
8gg. graphy, Ig65, 20, (I), 101.
52. R. B. Banerjee and J. J. Hauser, Wright PattersonAFB, Ohio, 88. S. Jana and C. M. Wayman, Trans. Met. Soc. A.I.M.E., Ig67,
Tech. Rep. (AFML-TR-6(l-166), Ig66. 239, 1187.
53. J. R. Mihalisin and C. G. Bieber, J. Metals, 1966, 18, 1033. 89. G. Shapiro and G. Krauss, ibid., p. 1408.
54. B. Marcus, L. H. Schwartz, and 1\1. E. Fine, Trans. Quart. go. W. A. Petersen, Weld. J., 1964,43, 428S.
ASM, 1966, 59, 468. gl. A. Goldberg and D. G. O'Connor, Nature, 1967,213, 170.
55. J. R. Mihalisin, ibid., p. 60. 92. A. J. Sedriks and J. V. Craig, J. Iron Steel Inst., 1965,2°3,268.
56. R. B. Banerjee, J. M. Capenos, and J. J. Hauser, "Advances 93. M. D. Perkas and L. P. Potapov, PhysicsMetals Metallography,
in Electron Microscopy' (Special Tech. Publ. No. 396), 1965, 19, (4), 134·
p. 115. 1966: Philadelphia, Pa. (Amer. Soc. Test Mat.). 94. V. P. Itkin, B. M. Mogutnov, and L. A. Shvartsman, ibid.,
57. V. M. Kardonsky and M. D. Perkas, Metal Sci. Heat-Treat. Ig66, 21, (5), 85'
Metals, 1966, (4), 254· 95. V. P. Itkin, B. M. Mogutnov, and L. A. Shvartsman, ibid.,
58. J. M. Chilton and C. J. Barton, Trans. Quart. ASM, 1967, 60, 1966,21, (6), 72.
528. 96. C. R. Honeycutt and E. A. Steigerwald, Trans. Quart. ASM,
5g. K. Detert and D. Moon, to be published. 1966, 59, 113·
60. K. Detert, Trans. Quart. ASM, 1966, 59,262. 97. D. M. Pavlovic and J. J. Clark, J. Appl. Physics, 1966, 37,
61. K. Detert, Arch. Eisenhiittenwesen,1966, 37, 579. 1208.
62. S. Floreen and G. R. Speich, Trans. Quart. ASM, 1964,57,714. 98. D. T. Peters, to be published.
63. D. T. Peters and C. R. Cupp, Trans. Met. Soc. A.I.M.E., 1966, 99. H. Conrad, Trans. Quart. ASM, Ig64, 57, 747.
236, 1420. 100. 1. G. Palmer, G. C. Smith, and R. D. Warda, 'The Physical
64. M. Tanaka, T. Suzuki, and J. Komura, J. Japan Inst. Metals, Basis of Yield and Fracture', p. 53. 1967: London (lost.
1967,31, 1016. Physics and Phys. Soc.).

© The Metals and Metallurgy Trust. 1968.


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