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Green buildings

1. B120010308 RACHIT MUNJAL B120010330 RITU SAINI B120010322 RASHMI MALHOTRA B120010321

2. INTRODUCTION • Green building (also known as green construction or sustainable building) expands
and complements the building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort. • A Green
Building is one which uses less water, optimizes energy efficiency, conserves natural resources, generates
less waste and provides healthier space for occupants as compared to conventional buildings.

3. OBJECTIVES OF GREEN BUILDING • Green Buildings are designed to reduce the overall impact on
human health and the natural environment by the following ways: • Using energy, water and other
resources efficiently. • By reducing waste, pollution, and environmental degradation.

4. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES • • • • • Structure design efficiency Energy efficiency Water efficiency

Materials efficiency Waste and toxic reduction

5. • STRUCTURE EFFICIENCY:  It is the concept of sustainable building and has largest impact on cost
and performance.  It aims to minimize the enviornmment impact associated with all life-cycles. •
ENERGY EFFICIENCY:  The layout of the construction can be strategised so that natural light pours for
additional warmth.  Shading the roof with trees offers an eco-friendly alternative to air conditioning.

6. • WATER EFFICIENCY: To minimize water consumption one should aim to use the water which has
been collected, used, purified and reused.

7. • MATERIAL EFFICIENCY: Materials should be use that can be recycled and can generate surplus
amount of energy. An example of this are solar power panels,not only they provide lightening but they
are also a useful energy source. • WASTE AND REDUCTION: It is probable to reuse resources. What
may be waste to us may have another benefit to something else.

8. INDIAN GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL • The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) was formed in the year
2001 by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). • The aim of the council is to bring green building
movement in India and facilitate India to become one of the global leaders in green buildings by 2015.

9. IGBC RATING SYSTEM • IGBC has developed green building rating programmes to cover commercial,
residential, factory buildings, etc. • Each rating system divided into different levels of certification are as
follows:  „Certified‟ to recognise best practices.  „Silver‟ to recognise outstanding performance. 
„Gold‟ to recognise national excellence.  „Platinum‟ to recognise global leadership.

10. GREEN BUILDINGS PROJECT IN INDIA • • • • • • • • • • • • • Suzlon Energy Limited-Pune Biodiversity

Conservation India-Bangalore Olympia Technology Park-Chennai ITC Green Centre-Gurgaon The Druk
White Lotus School-Ladakh Doon School-Dehradun Raintree Hotels-Chennai Nokia-Gurgaon Rajiv Gandhi
International Airport-Hyderabad Hiranandini-BG House, Powai ABN Amro Bank, Chennai Palais Royale at
Worli, Mumbai Punjab Forest Complex,Mohali
11. • SUZLON ENERGY LIMITED,PUNE:  Several accolades continue to shower upon Suzlon‟s global
headquarter in Pune “One Earth”.  LEED certified it as „PLATINUM‟ and it is built on an area of
10.13acres.  One Earth can be counted as among the largest green building projects in India.

12. • RAJIV GANDHI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTHYDERABAD:  India‟s first Greenfield airport is

undeniably among the top 10 green buildings in India.  First airport in asia to be certified with „SILVER‟
rating.  This green building ensures optimal use of natural light and minimal wastage of electricity or
energy consumption.

13. • NOKIA-GURGAON:  „GOLD‟ rated building by LEED.  Its smart lighting, heat recovery wheel and
high efficiency chillers makes this office stand out from the rest.


15. DIFFERENT FROM OTHER BUILDINGS • The design,maintaince and construction of buildings have
tremendous effect on our enviornment and natural resources. • Green Building is different from the
other buildings because it use a minimum amount of nonrenewable energy, produce minimal pollution,
increases the comfort, health and safety of the people who work in them. • It also minimize the waste in
construction by recovering materials and reusing or recycling them.

16. INCREASING GREEN BUILDINGS IN INDIA • Today more than 1053 green buildings (as on April 2011)
are being constructed all over India, of which 147 green buildings are certified and fully functional.

17. BENEFITS OF GREEN BUILDING • Buildings have a large effect on the enviornment,human health and
the economy. • The successful adoption of GREEN BUILDING development can maximize both the
economic and enviornmental performance of the buildings.

18. ENVIORNMENTAL BENEFITS • • • • Protect biodiversity and ecosystems Improve air and water
quality Reduce waste streams Conserve natural resources

19. ECONOMIC BENEFITS • Reduce operating costs • Create, expand, and shape markets for green
product and services • Improve occupant productivity

20. SOCIAL BENEFITS • • • • Enhance occupant comfort and health. Heighten aesthetic qualities.
Minimize strain on local infrastructure. Improve overall quality of life.

21. Environment Social Economics

22. AFFECT ON NATURAL RESOURCES • According to surveys conducted in 2006, 107.3 million acres of
total land area is developed, which represents an increase of 24 percent land covering green buildings
over the past 3 years. • In terms of energy, buildings accounted for 39.4 percent of total energy
consumption and 67.9 percent of total electricity consumption.

23. CONCLUSION • This research identified the exciting developments taking place on the technology
front and analyzes their implications for intelligent and green buildings, highlighting examples of “best in
class” buildings employing green and intelligent technologies. These buildings are dynamic environments
that respond to their occupants‟ changing needs and lifestyles. This research provided documented
evidence to educate and influence end-users, building owners, architects, and contractors that a
“greener building” can be achieved using intelligent technology and that this “greening” will provide a
tangible and significant return on investment.

24. REFRENCES • • •
greenbuilding.html • • •
greenbuildings-in-India-1011.asp •



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