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(General Purpose Printer)

Software Installations

Version 7.0
This Manual is subject to change without notice.

All Rights Reserved

This Manual contains important information related to our trade secrets. Unauthorized reproduction of this
Manual in whole or in part is prohibited.

© 2016-2020 Fujitsu Frontech Limited.

Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................... 3
1.1 Contents of Driver Kit CD.......................................................................... 3
1.2 About general installation ......................................................................... 4

2 Installing GPP Handler ............................................................................... 7

2.1 Installation precautions ............................................................................ 7
2.2 Installing scenario .................................................................................. 9
2.3 Installing GPP Handler ........................................................................... 10
2.3.1 Clean installation......................................................................................................10
2.3.2 Overwriting installation .............................................................................................16
2.4 Selecting the printer.............................................................................. 18
2.4.1. Printer selection tool with standard specifications .........................................................18
2.4.2. Printer selection tool with APPS specifications ..............................................................22
2.5 Checking the connection......................................................................... 25
2.5.1 BPP Test print ..........................................................................................................26
2.5.2 BTP Test print ..........................................................................................................30
2.6 Checking/switching the COM port to be connected ......................................... 32
2.7 Uninstalling GPP Handler ........................................................................ 33

3 Installing Windows Driver ........................................................................ 35

3.1 Installing Windows Driver using the installer................................................. 35
3.2 Uninstalling Windows Driver .................................................................... 40
3.3 Updating Windows Driver ....................................................................... 45
3.4 About the procedure to confirm the installation status ..................................... 46
3.5 In the case that the test page is not printed ................................................. 50

4. Using with the F9860 ............................................................................. 53

4.1. When neither the F9870 or F9860 are installed ............................................ 53
4.2. When the F9860 is installed.................................................................... 53
4.3. When the F9870 is installed.................................................................... 53

5. Inheriting Config Information................................................................... 54


Before installation:
The latest FUJITSU 9870 GPP software are posted at the following site:
URL ownloads/

Download and use new versions of these drivers.

The password to decompress a compressed file is "FTEC9870".
* This manual uses the following abbreviations:
FUJITSU 9870 GPP -> F9870
General Purpose Printer Handler -> GPP Handler
Boarding Pass Printer -> BPP
Baggage Tag Printer -> BTP
* Some tool operations may vary depending on the protocol used.
Below, the specifications of TravelSky Technology Limited (Chinese aviation IT provider) are referred to as the
APPS (Airport Passenger Processing System) specifications.
Also, the specifications of other protocols are referred to as standard specifications.

1.1 Contents of Driver Kit CD

The following is the contents of the driver kit CD:

\ F9870MenuStarter.exe Driver Installation Program.

\GPP_Handler PECTAB Software.
\Windows Windows Driver.

\Manual Printer Manual.

The official name of Windows is Microsoft Windows Operating System.
Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 are the trade names of Microsoft Corporation.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and
other countries.
All other company names and brand names contained in this Manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of
their respective owners.

Reference document
FUJITSU 9870 GPP(General Purpose Printer) Maintenance Manual (P1KD04107-1002)

1.2 About general installation

a) Installation precautions:

Install a F9870 GPP Handler: V02 series application (V02L02 or later) on operating environments with the F9860
GPP (General Purpose Printer) Application installed to make the F9860 and F9870 available for use. Ho wever, COM
ports assigned to BPP/BTP for the F9860 cannot be assigned for the F9870.
* Change the COM port used for the F9860 as necessary. (For more details, see ‘4. Using with the F9860’)

* When installing the F9860 GPP Application on operating environments with a GPP Handler: V01 series
application (V01LXX) installed:
Make sure to uninstall the GPP Handler before installing the F9860 GPP Application.
Note) When using an operating environment that already has a F9870 GPP Handler: V02 series application
(V02L02 or later) installed, you may immediately install the F9860 GPP Application without uninstalling
the F9870 GPP Handler. For more details, see ‘4. Using with the F9860’)

* If GPP Handler is installed with the protocol of the standard specifications, the protocol cannot be changed with
Config Editor to the APPS specifications. Conversely, the protocol cannot be changed from the APPS
specifications to the standard specifications.
If you want to change the protocol, reinstall GPP Handler.

Windows 7:
- Click [Yes] if the User Account Control dialog appears.

Windows 8/Windows 8.1:

- Click [Yes] if the User Account Control dialog appears.

Windows 10:
- Click [Yes] if the User Account Control dialog appears.

Before installation, check the following items:

Essential system requirements

Check that your computer meets the following essential system requirements.

If your operating system does not properly meet the requirements, an error message may appear.

- Windows 7 (x86, x64) Windows 8/Windows8.1 (x86, x64) Windows 10 (x86, x64)

- 200 MB or more of free hard disk space for installation

Connecting the printer

When installing software, you usually connect F9870 to the PC then turn on the power.

You can also install software without connecting F9870 to the PC (with the power off). Note that you need to
register the F9870 to be used as BPP/BTP after installation is complete.

For the instructions on how to register the F9870, see the following chapters.

For more information about the printer selection tool, see 2. 4 Selecting the printer.

For more information about the automatic printer exchange function, see 4.9. Automatic Replacement Functions
of the Printer in the FUJITSU 9870 GPP Maintenance Manual.

Administrator privileges

You need administrator privileges to install software. If you do not have administrator privileges, contact your
system administrator.

b) Starting the Installer:
Once the driver kit CD is inserted, the menu screen automatically appears.
If the menu screen does not appear, execute "F9870MenuStarter.exe" from the CD.

- When you click [Exit,] the installer will close.

- When you click [F9870 GPP Handler,] the GPP Handler installation screen appears.
- When you click [Windows Driver,] the Windows Driver installation screen appears.
- When you click [Manual Explore,] the Windows Explorer window opens , and you can browse to the folders
on the CD drive.

For instructions on how to install the respective drivers, see the following chapters.
- GPP Handler: Chapter 2 Installing GPP Handler
- Windows Driver: Chapter 3 Installing Windows Driver

(*1)The following Screens might be displayed by OS and the Settings of Windows. Please click on the Screen.

After clicking, the following Screens are displayed. The Menu screen is displayed by clicking

2 Installing GPP Handler

This chapter describes the procedure to install/uninstall GPP Handler.

2.1 Installation precautions

Before installation, check the following items:

About the program to be used

The following program is used for installation.

F9870GPPSetup(xxxx).exe: F9870 GPP Handler installation program (xxxx represents the version number.)

Application to be installed

When you install GPP Handler, the following folders will be created then the files will be copied to each folder.

GppData: The GPP Handler management files will be installed.

GppService: The GPP Handler service program and DLL will be copied.

The files copied to this folder will also be copied to the system folder, except for the setup
information file.

(e.g. C:\WINDOWS\system32 / C:\WINDOWS\sysWOW64)

GppTool: The program for verifying GPP Handler operation, changing the initial configuration values, and
the version number will be copied

VICDriver: The virtual COM port driver for connecting with the applications installed on the PC will be copied.

About COM ports

GPP Handler runs using the virtual COM port driver.

By default, the virtual COM port is displayed as "COM8" for BPP and "COM9" for BTP.

If these ports have already been used, you can assign other available COM port to GPP Handler.

If you want to change the default, you can select a COM port that is not used in the range of "COM1" till "COM24."

Assign a COM port to GPP Handler, according to the current environment.

If COM ports are assigned that are used by other applications, an error occurs after the PC is restarted.

About the protocol to be used

The tool screens and operations vary depending on the protocol used, which is described below by protocol type.
- Protocol used: Other than APPS/APPS-2/CHECK/Xian => Standard specifications
- Protocol used: APPS/APPS-2/CHECK/Xian => APPS specifications

Overwrite installation

If GPP Handler is already installed, GPP Handler is uninstalled automatically and then will be updated.

When overwriting the GPP Handler: V02 series application (V02L02 or later) installation, Config information set fo r
the BPP printer and BTP printer respectively will be inherited if the same installation folder (the GPP Handler
installation folder), and the same protocol are used.

*For more information on inherited items, see ‘5. Inheriting Config Information’.

Installing Windows Driver and GPP Handler

F9870 used with Windows Driver cannot be used as F9870 for GPP Handler.

Additionally, F9870 registered for use with GPP Handler cannot be used with Windows Driver. (Installation cannot
be performed).

* GPP Handler manages F9870 using a unique serial number (8 digits).

Using F9870 assigned to GPP Handler with Windows Driver

You can remove the F9870 assigned to GPP Handler using the printer selection tool so that F9870 can be used
with Windows Driver.

(Installation can be performed.)

Assigning F9870 used with Windows Driver to GPP Handler

You can uninstall Windows Driver first, and then assign F9870 to GPP Handler
using the printer selection tool. For instructions on how to uninstall Windows Driver, see 3.2 Uninstalling
Windows Driver.


F9870 GPP Handler: V02 (V02L02 o r later) can be installed if the F9860 GPP Application has already been installed.

For more details on use with the F9860 GPP Handler, see ‘4. Using with the F9860’.

To install the F9860 GPP Application on an operating environment with a V01Lxx series F9870 GPP Handler
installed, first uninstall the F9870 GPP Handler before starting the installation. Installing the F9860 GPP
Application without uninstalling the F9870 GPP Handler has not been tested to work.


To restore the F9870 GPP Handler to an older version (V01LXX or V02L01) on operating environments with V02L02
or a later version of F9870 GPP Handler installed, first uninstall F9870 GPP Handler. If F9860 GPP Handler, uninstall
F9860 GPP Handler.

*Do not restore F9870 GPP Handler to an older version.

2.2 Installing scenario

The following is the installing flow for GPP Handler.

- Close all the applications.

- Connect the F9870, and then turn on the power.

- The printer driver is automatically installed. Be sure to install GPP Handler after the installation completed
message appears.

- Execute the F9870 software setup disk provided.

- Immediately before setup is complete, select the printer to be used as BPP/BTP.

- After setup is complete, the message may appear, prompting you to restart the PC. If the message appears,
then restart the PC.
Otherwise, you cannot use GPP Handler.

* In the case of update installation, the message may appear, either prompting you to r estart the PC or
informing you that you do not need to restart the PC, depending on the scope of the update.

If you do not need to restart the PC, you can start using GPP Handler right after installation is complete.

2.3 Installing GPP Handler

2.3.1 Clean installation

Follow the steps in the following procedure to perform a clean installation.

1. Click [F9870 GPP Handler] in the Software Installation screen.

"VxxLyy" on the screen indicates the GPP Handler version.

2. The setup wizard screen appears. Click [Next.]

"VxxLyy" in "...F9870 GPP Handler VxxLyy_64" on the screen indicates the GPP Handler version.
The number varies depending on the F9870 GPP Handler version.
The "_64" means 64bit installation version and "_32" means 32bit installation version.

3. The BPP protocol selection screen appears. Select the protocol to be used, and then click [Next.]

* If the protocol used is APPS, APPS-2, CHECK, or Xian, select the APPS specifications.
* If only Windows Driver is used, select [Windows Driver Only].

4. The virtual COM port number selection screen for assigning the virtual COM port number to the print service
appears. Confirm the selected COM port number, and then click [Next.]

Select the BPP COM port number.

* The airline application will be connected to this COM port number as BPP.

* This screen does not appear if [Windows Driver Only] was selected.

5. Next, select the BTP COM port number.
* The airline application will be connected to this COM port number as BTP.

* This screen does not appear if [Windows Driver Only] was selected.

6. The installation destination selection screen appears. Confirm the selected installation destination folder then
click [Next.]
By default, GPP Handler will be installed to [OS Installation Drive\GPP Handler.] You can change the folder by
clicking [Browse…] to select any folder or directly enter any folder.

<The following is an example using the C drive as the OS installation drive.>

If the folder is already selected, the following screen appears.

If you click [Yes,] the screen switches to the screen for confirming the installation destination.
If you click [No,] the screen returns to the screen for selecting the installation destination.

7. The installation destination confirmation screen appears. If it is OK, click [Install.]

If you click [Cancel] while the setup wizard screen through the installation destination confirmation screen are
being displayed, the following screen appears.

If you click [Yes,] the GPP Handler installation process will be canceled.
If you click [No,] the screen returns to the screen being displayed when [Cancel] was clicked.

8. When installation is complete, configure the F9870 serial number to be used as BPP or BTP. By default, no
F9870 serial number is assigned. [Not Selected] is displayed.

Once you have changed the printer serial number, click [Setting.]
For instructions on how to configure the settings, see 2.4 Selecting the printer.

* The above screenshot is the screen for the standard specifications.

* To connect the printer used with Windows Driver together with BPP/BTP, select [Disable] in [Printer
Auto Exchange].
* This screen does not appear if [Windows Driver Only] was selected.

9. When GPP Handler installation is complete, a message appears, prompting you to restart Windows.
Select [Yes, restart the computer now,] click [Finish,] and then restart the PC.

* The screen prompting you to restart the computer will not appear when installing an update. This screen
will appear under the following circumstances.

When differences are detected with the installed GPP Handler environment (COM port no.).

When the computer needs to be restarted to apply a GPP Handler update.

If the airline application cannot be connected to the F9870 after GPP Handler is installed, check the
configuration information in the BIOS setup menu on the PC.
If the USB Legacy Support setting is available in the BIOS setup menu, disable this setting, and then check to
see if the airline application can be connected to the printer.

The GPP Handler installation procedure ends here. Proceed to 2.4 Selecting the printer.

2.3.2 Overwriting installation
Follow the steps in the following procedure to perform overwrite installation.

1. If GPP Handler is already installed, uninstall GPP Handler first.

The following uninstallation screen appears.

2. When uninstallation is complete, follow the same steps as described in 2.3.1 Clean installation, from step 2

3. When installation is complete, the following screen appears, if the same environment (the COM port number)
where GPP Handler was installed will be used (in the case that restart is not required for this GPP Handler

Click [Finish.] You do not need to restart the PC and can start using GPP Handler right after installation is

When installation is complete, the following screen appears, if the same environment (the COM port
number) where GPP Handler was installed will not be used (in the case that restart is required due to this
GPP Handler update).

Select [Yes, restart the computer now,] click [Finish,] and then restart the PC.

The GPP Handler installation procedure ends here. Proceed to 2.4 Selecting the printer.

2.4 Selecting the printer

Select the F9870 to be used as BPP/BTP from the list of multiple F9870 connected to the PC.
Printers are distinguished by the serial numbers respectively assigned to each one.

The printer selection tool is registered in the Start Menu. To launch the printer selection tool:
- Windows 7
Go to Start > [All Programs] > [F9870 GPP Handler], and then launch F9870 Printer Selector.
- Windows 8 / Windows 8.1
Go to Start, type [F9870 Printer Selector] in the [Search] charm, and then launch F9870 Printer Selector.
- Windows 10
Go to Start > [All apps] > [F9870 GPP Handler], and then launch F9870 Printer Selector. Or,
Go to Start > [Ask me anything(Search Charm)] > [Input the F9870 Printer Selector], and then launch [F9870
Printer Selector]

The screens and operations of the printer selection tool vary depending on the installed protocol, which is described
below by protocol type.
- Protocol used: Other than APPS/APPS-2/CHECK/Xian => Standard specifications
- Protocol used: APPS/APPS-2/CHECK/Xian => APPS specifications

2.4.1. Printer selection tool with standard specifications

The following screen appears. 1 2

* The BPP and BTP version numbers and protocols are displayed on the bottom of the screen.
The actual version numbers and protocols may vary from the o nes displayed in the screen s hown here.

The serial numbers assigned to BPP and BTP are displayed.

Immediately after installation, no serial number is assigned to BPP or BTP so that [Not Selected] is displayed.
To select BTP, select the serial number of the F9870 displayed in the list box 1. [Remove] displayed in the list
indicates that the F9870 will not be used.

First of all, when BPP is selected, the number of Bin of F9870 used is selected from the list box 2.
Next, select the serial number of the F9870 displayed in the list box 3.
[Remove] displayed in the list indicates that the F9870 will not be used.

[Printer Reload] is the button for recognizing the repowered F9870 that is connected to the PC.
Once the F9870 has been recognized, the serial number is added to the selection list.

* The F9870 for which Windows Driver is installed will not be displayed in the selection list.
(GPP Handler and Windows Driver cannot share the same F9870.)

When you select BTP and BPP, you can now select [BTP Setup]/[Bin1 Setup,] as shown in the screen below.

* This is an example when the number of bins for BPP is set to 1.

* To connect the printer used with Windows Driver together with BPP/BTP, select [Disable] in [Printer
Auto Exchange].

Configure the BTP paper information in BTP Setup.

Configure the RFID Parameter Setting when the RFID option is connected.

Configure the default RFID settings for the BTP in “RFID Parameter”.

Click “OK” to register the default RFID settings to the F9870 selected.

Configure the BPP Bin1 paper information in Bin1 Setup.

When you click [OK,] the configured paper information is registered to the selected F9870.

Look up the firmware version of the selected F9870, and then update the firmware as appropriate if it is older than
the one contained in the installer.

For more information about this tool, see 4.2 Printer Selection in the FUJITSU 9870 GPP Maintenance Manual.

2.4.2. Printer selection tool with APPS specifications

The following screen appears. 1

* The BPP and BTP version numbers and protocols are displayed on the bottom of the screen. The actual
version numbers and protocols may vary from the ones displayed in the screen shown here.

The serial numbers assigned to BPP and BTP are displayed.

Immediately after installation, no serial number is assigned to BPP or BTP so that [Not selected] is displayed.
To select BTP, select the serial number of the F9870 displayed in the list box 1. [Remove] displayed in the list
indicates that the F9870 will not be used.
First of all, when BPP is selected, the number of Bins of F9870 used is selected from the list box 2.
* The number of Bins in the APPS specification is two Bins at maximum.

Next, select the serial number of the F9870 displayed in the list box 3.
[Remove] displayed in the list indicates that the F9870 will not be used.

[Printer Reload] 4 is the button for recognizing the repowered F9870 that is connected to the PC.
Once the F9870 has been recognized, the serial number is added to the selection list.

* The F9870 for which Windows Driver installed will not be displayed in the selection list.
(GPP Handler and Windows Driver cannot share the same F9870.)

When you select BTP and BPP, you can now select [BTP Setup]/[Bin1 Setup] as shown in the screen below.

* This is an example when the number of bins for BPP is set to 1.

* To connect the printer used with Windows Driver together with BPP/BTP, select [Disable] in [Printer
Auto Exchange].

Configure the BTP paper information in BTP Setup.

Configure the RFID Parameter Setting when the RFID option is connected.

Configure the default RFID settings for the BTP in “RFID Parameter”.

Click “OK” to register the default RFID settings to the F9870 selected.

Configure the BPP Bin1 paper information in Bin1 Setup.

When you click [OK], the configured paper information is registered to the selected F9870.

Look up the firmware version of the selected F9870, and then update the firmware as appropriate if it is older than
the one contained in the installer.

For more information about this tool, see 5.1 Printer Selection in the FUJITSU 9870 GPP Maintenance Manual.

2.5 Checking the connection

GPP Handler installation is now complete, so verify GPP Handler operation.

The diagnostic tool is registered in the Start Menu. To launch the diagnostic tool:
- Windows 7
Go to Start > [All Programs] > [F9870 GPP Handler], and then launch F9870 Diag Tool.
- Windows 8 / Windows 8.1
Go to Start, type [F9870 Diag Tool] in the [Search] charm, and then launch F9870 Diag Tool.
- Windows 10
Go to Start > [All apps] > [F9870 GPP Handler], and then launch F9870 Diag Tool.
Go to Start > [Ask me anything(Search Charm)] > input the [F9870 Diag Tool], and then launch [F9870 Diag

The following screen appears.

Select BPP or BTP whose operation you want to verify, and either get the printer info rmation or perform a test
If the F9870 is not turned on, or if the serial number of the F9870 to be used is not configured, the BPP or BTP tab
will not be displayed.

2.5.1 BPP Test print

You can perform a test print to verify the BPP operation.

When you click [Print Test] in the BPP tab, the following screen appears.

When you click the respective buttons, the printer starts a test print. The following is the printing results.

Slant printing

Barber pole printing

Hatch printing

Barcode printing (1/2)

Barcode printing (2/2)

Font printing (1/4)

Font printing (2/4)

Font printing (3/4)

Font printing (4/4)

ATB sample printing

2.5.2 BTP Test print

You can perform a test print to verify the BTP operation.

When you click [Print Test] in the BPP tab, the following screen appears.

When you click the respective buttons, the printer starts a test print. The following is the printing results.

Slant printing

Hatch printing

Scale printing

Barcode printing

Font printing (1/2)

Font printing (2/2)

BTP sample printing

2.6 Checking/switching the COM port to be connected

When printing from the application currently in use, you need to switch from the currently used COM port to the GPP
Handler's virtual COM port. The GPP Handler's virtual COM port is the virtual COM port selected during installation.

Switch from the currently used COM po rt to the virtual COM port selected during GPP Handler installation, and then
connect the port.

You can also switch from the virtual COM port selected during GPP Handler installation to any other port. This tool
is registered in the Start Menu.
To launch F9870 Virtual Com Port Selector:
- Windows 7
Go to Start > [All Programs] > [F9870 GPP Handler], and then launch F9870 Virtual Com Port Selector.
- Windows 8 / Windows 8.1
Go to Start, type [F9870 Virtual Com Port Selector] in the [Search] charm,
and then launch F9870 Virtual Com Port Selector.
- Windows 10
Go to Start > [All apps] > [F9870 GPP Handler], and then launch F9870 Virtual Com Port Selector.
Go to Start > [Ask me anything(Search Charm)] > Input the [F9870 Virtual Com Port Selector], and then
launch [F9870 Virtual Com Port Selector]

The following screen appears.

(When you switch the virtual COM port using this tool, you need to restart the system.)

If the serial number of the F9870 to be used is not configured, the BPP or BTP tab will not be displayed.

For more information about this tool, see 4.6 Changing in the Virtual COM port in the FUJITSU 9870 GPP
Maintenance Manual.

2.7 Uninstalling GPP Handler

Follow the steps in the procedure below to uninstall GPP Handler.

1. Close all the applications.

2. Check to make sure that the F9870 is turned off. Also check to make sure that the connection cable is not
3. Click [Add/Remove Programs] in the Control Panel.

Windows 10 or Windows 8/Windows 8.1:

Right-click Start button, and click [Control Panel] > [Programs], and then click [Programs and features.]

Windows 7:
Go to Start > [Control Panel] > [Programs], and then click [Programs and features.]

4. Select [GPP Handler,] and then click [Uninstall.] The following message appears.

If you click [No,] the GPP Handler uninstallation process will be canceled.
If you click [Yes,] the GPP Handler uninstallation process will begin.

5. When uninstallation is complete, the following message appears.

If you click [OK,] the GPP Handler uninstallation process is completed.

6. Even after GPP Handler is uninstalled, the following files and folders as well as the upper folder in which these
files and folders are stored will not be deleted.
You can delete these files and folders manually.
- Folder and file under GppData of GPP Handler installation destination folder.
(Example : C:\GPP Handler\GppData)
Print data information /Print data image in the \GppData folder
Behavior log under the \GppData\LOG folder
Printer setting information in the \GppData\Setting
Printer statistics under \GppData\info

- User-created files and folders

3 Installing Windows Driver

This manual contains the procedures for installing/uninstalling Windows Driver.

3.1 Installing Windows Driver using the installer

a) Before installation:

When installing Windows Driver, connect only one F9870.

(If more than one F9870 is connected, Windows Driver cannot be installed. Note that exceptions apply to
the F9870 that are assigned to GPP Handler.)

Install Windows Driver after GPP Handler is installed.

Windows Driver cannot be installed on an F9870 assi gned to GPP Handler.
If F9870 Windows Driver is already installed, you need to remove it first and then reconfigure it .
For the instructions on how to remove Windows Driver, see 3.2 Uninstalling Windows Driver.

- Check to make sure that the cover is closed.

- Check to make sure that the interface cable is connected properly.
Check the above items before turning on the printer.

When an USB interface is co nnected, the New Hardware Wizard may start automatically when the printer
is turned on.
Follow the steps in the following procedures.

Windows 10 or Windows 8/Windows 8.1:

1. The Device Settings ion appears on the task bar. But, no specific action is necessary.
2. The wizard finishes automatically. The Device Settings icon disappears.
3. Proceed to the next step, b) Installation procedure.

Windows 7:
1. The "Installing device driver software" balloon message appears (in the lowe r right area of the screen).
But no specific action is necessary.
2. Finally, the message switches to the "Your device is ready to use" balloon message. And the wizard
finishes automatically.
3. When you click the balloon message, the "No Printer Attached" message appears. But you can ignore
this message. Click [Close.]
4. Proceed to the next step, b) Installation procedure.

b) Installation procedure:

When the power supply of F9870 is turned on after GPP Handler is installed, the following messages are
Please click “No" when you install Windows Driver.
( In case of "Yes", the printer is assigned to GPP Handler and cannot be used with Windows Driver. )

・The confirming message is displayed if F9870 is assigned first to BPP of GPP Handler.

・The confirming message is displayed if F9870 is assigned to BTP of GPP Handler.

1. Click [Windows Driver] for the driver type.

If GPP Handler is not installed, the following message appears.

2. Confirm the serial number, select the type of paper to be used, and then click [Install.]

The screen displayed during installation

3. When Windows Driver installation is complete, the following message may be displayed.
Please click "OK".

4. Confirm the installation status in the list of printers.

5. In the case that Windows Driver cannot be installed:

- If you installed Windows Driver without connecting the F9870, the following message appears.

Check the F9870 connection, and try to reinstall Windows Driver.

- If you installed Windows Driver with multiple F9870 connected, the following message appears.

Connect only one F9870, and try to reinstall Windows Driver .

- If the connected F9870 has been assigned to GPP Handler, the following message appears.

* GPP Handler cannot be installed on an F9870 assigned to Windows Driver.

6. The following message may appear during installation: This device driver software will be installed. Click

7. The Windows Driver installation procedure ends here.

* To confirm the installation status, follow the procedure described in 3.4 About the procedure to confirm the
installation status.

3.2 Uninstalling Windows Driver

Click [Yes] if the User Account Control dialog appears.

Steps to remove Windows Driver:

1. Perform the following steps to display the Devices and Printers screen.

Windows 10 or Windows 8/Windows 8.1:

Right-click Start button, and click [Control Panel] > [Hardware and Sound], and then click [Devices and

Windows 7:
Go to Start, and then click [Device and Printers.]

2. Select [Fujitsu Frontech F9870-XXXXXXXX(USBXXX),] and then select [Remove Device.]

3. "Remove Device Fujitsu Frontech F9870-XXXXXXXX(USBXXX)" will be displayed. Click [Yes.]

4. Select an installed printer such as [Fax] or [Microsoft XPS Document Writer,] and then click [Print Server

The following is the Print Server Properties screen.

5. Click the Driver tab. And then, click [Change Driver Settings]

6. The screen switches as follows.

7. Select [Fujitsu Frontech F9870] from the Installed printer drivers list , and then click [Remove.]

8. "Remove Driver And Package" will be displayed. Select [Remove driver and driver package,] and then click

9. The following remove confirmation message appears. Click [Yes.]

10. The Remove Driver Package screen appears. Click [Delete.]

11. Click [OK] after the driver is removed, and then close the Print Server Properties dialog.

12. Turn off the F9870, and then restart the PC.

3.3 Updating Windows Driver

Update procedure:
1. Remove the installed driver.
* For the instructions on how to remove Windows Driver, see 3.2 Uninstalling Windows Driver.
Note that you do not need to restart the PC at this point.
After completing step 2 below, restart the PC.

2. Install the new driver.

* For the instructions o n ho w to install Windows Driver, see 3.1 Installing Windows Driver using the installer.

3.4 About the procedure to confirm the installation status

Follow the steps below to display the Devices and Printers screen.

Windows 10 or Windows 8/Windows 8.1:

Right-click Start button, and click [Control Panel] > [Hardware and Sound], and then click [Devices and

Windows 7:
Go to Start, and then click [Device and Printers.]

Steps to confirm:
1. Right-click the Fujitsu Frontech F9870-XXXXXXXX(USBXXX) printer, and then click [Printer properties.]

2. In the Fujitsu Frontech F9870-XXXXXXXX(USBXXX) properties screen, click [Preferences….]

3. For Printing Preferences, select the same type of paper selected during Windows Driver installation, click
* If the type of paper selected for the printer does not match that configured for Windows Driver, printing
may not be performed properly.

4. In the Fujitsu Frontech F9870-XXXXXXXX(USBXXX) properties screen, click [Print Test Page.]

5. The printer prints the test page. When printing is complete, click [Close.]

The following is the printing results. (The following is a printing sample output from Windows 10.)

* If the test page is not printed successfully, follow the instructions described in 3.5 In the case that the test
page is not printed to check the status.

3.5 In the case that the test page is not printed

a) Check to make sure the printer is online

1. Check to make sure that paper is properly loaded in the F9870.

Load the type of paper selected during Windows Driver installation in the F9870.
2. Check to make sure that the top cover is closed.
3. Check to make sure that the interface cable is connected.
4. Check to make sure that the F9870 is turned on.
5. Check to make sure that the F9870 is online.

Follow the steps in the procedure below to check the status of the F9870.
Follow the steps below to display the Devices and Printers screen.

Windows 10 or Windows 8/Windows 8.1:

Right-click Start button, and click [Control Panel] > [Hardware and Sound], and then click [Devices and

Windows 7:
Go to Start, and then click [Device and Printers.]

Steps to confirm:
1. Select [Fujitsu Frontech F9870-XXXXXXXX(USBXXX)] from the list of printers, and click [See what’s

2. The status of the printer is displayed.
- In the case that the printer is configured to use offline (This applies to conditions such as the printer not
being turned on or the cable not being connected.)

- In the case that the printer is temporarily off

- In the case that paper is not loaded in the printer

- In the case that the cover of the printer is open

3. If [Use Printer Offline] is checked for Printer, click [Use Printer Offline] to clear it.

4. If [Pause Printing] is checked for Printer, click [Pause Printing] to clear it.

4. Using with the F9860

The F9870 and F9860 can be used together.

The following three circumstances are covered in this section as examples.

・ When neither the F9870 or F9860 are installed to the PC.
・ When the F9860 is installed to the PC.
・ When the F9870 (V01LXX) is installed to the PC.
* The operating environment used in these examples is as follows.
F9860: BPP printer: COM8 (optional)
F9870: BTP printer: COM9 (optional)
* The auto add printer function will be applied when connecting another F9860 or F9870 printer other than the F9860:
BPP printer, F9870: BTP printer assigned to work in conjunction with one another.
Do not connect any printers not in use.

4.1. When neither the F9870 or F9860 are installed

(1) Install the F9870 (V02L02 or later) first.
When assigning a COM port at installation, assign an unused COM port other than COM8/COM9 for F9870 BPP as
this will not be used.Assign F9870 BTP to COM9.
While a screen prompting you to restart the computer will appear after installing, you do not need to restart the
computer just yet. (The computer will be restarted after installing the F9860.)
(2) Next, install the F9860.
When assigning a COM po rt at installation, assign the F9870 BPP COM po rt to COM8, and then assign an unused
COM port other than COM8/COM9 for F9860 BTP as this will not be used.
When the screen prompting you to restart the computer appears after installation, restart the computer.
(3) When restarting the computer, you can use either F9870:BTP or F9860:BPP.

4.2. When the F9860 is installed

(1) Assign the BTP COM port not in use with the F9860 to an unused COM port other than COM9 in ‘F9860 Comm
Port Selector’.
While a screen prompting you to restart the computer will appear after changing the COM po rt, you do not need
to restart the computer just yet. (The computer will be restarted after installing the F9870.)
(2) After changing the F9860 BTP COM port, install the F9870 (V02L02 or later).
When assigning a COM port at installation, assign an unused COM port other than COM8/COM9 for F9870 BPP
as this will not be used, and then assign F9870 BTP to COM9.
When the screen prompting you to restart the computer appears after installation, restart the computer.
(3) When restarting the computer, you can use either F9870:BTP or F9860:BPP.

4.3. When the F9870 is installed

(1) If the F9870 (V01LXX) is already installed, overwrite the F9870 installation (using V02L02 or a later version).
* When overwriting the installation, do not change the GPP Handler installation folder.
When assigning a COM port when overwriting the installation, assign an unused COM port other than
COM8/COM9 for F9870 BPP as this will not be used. Assign F9870 BTP to COM9.
While a screen prompting you to restart the computer will appear after overwriting the installation, you d o not
need to restart the computer just yet. (The computer will be restarted after installing the F9860.)
(2) Next, install the F9860.
When assigning a COM port at installation, assign the F9870 BPP COM port to COM8, and then assign an
unused COM port other than COM8/COM9 for F9860 BTP as this will not be used.
When the screen prompting you to restart the computer appears after installation, restart the computer.
(3) When restarting the computer, you can use either F9870:BTP or F9860:BPP.

5. Inheriting Config Information

When overwriting (installing without uninstalling) an F9870 installation (to V02L02 or a later version), Config settings
information will be inherited.
However, note that changing any of the following settings when installing will prevent Config settings information from being
inherited. (Default Config settings will be used.)
・ When changing the installation folder
・ When changing the protocol


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