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CANDIDATE - Follow the instructions below to complete

the skills test. Once you have completed the tasks, save
your sheet and upload it according to the directions on the
skills test page. You may skip any tasks that you do not
know how to complete. If you decide to skip a task, enter
"SKIPPED" in the yellow cells under Column A for that


Format the header font to size 16 and bold. Freeze the top row so it is
visible during scrolling.
Sheet 2 -
Use conditional formatting to change the fill color according to the
conditions below. Apply this to the column OPPORTUNITY_STATE.
"Won" should have a green cell background, "Lost" or "Abandoned"
should be red, and "Open" should be blue.

Filter so that only leads from August 2018 are visible.

Determine the largest BID_AMOUNT among all August 2018 leads and
place that number in cell E1. Bold and underline the text in E1 showing
the largest amount in US dollars.

Sheet 3 - Follow the instructions on sheet 3

Write a VBA function that changes the cell value of E3. Create a button
on sheet 4 to increase the value by 1. Name this button "Higher." Then
create a button below it that will decrease the number by 1 and name it
Sheet 4 - "Lower." Save the function so we can review it.

FINISHED? When you are done, save your spreadsheet and upload it according to the
directions on the skills test page.
OPEN 5-Aug-18 BRANDON 21118
Lost 5-Aug-18 CARL 25881
Abandoned 5-Aug-18 DOUG 32912
Lost 17-Aug-18 CARL 35616
OPEN 5-Aug-18 BRANDON 44797
Lost 5-Aug-18 CARL
Lost 5-Aug-18 KEVIN
LOST 23-Aug-18 CARL
Lost 5-Aug-18 CARL
Lost 17-Aug-18 CARL
Do your best to write a formula that will automatically calculate total
price for any amount of units placed in C12.

Unit Quantity Price per unit Low High

Below 5 36 0 4
5 to 10 34 5 10
11 to 30 31 11 30
31 to 50 26 31 50
51 above 20 51

# of Units 6
Total Price 204

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