航船布告 第13號 臺灣西部海域-海上工程 (附加檔案1)

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13 (暫) 臺灣西部海域 - 海上工程

依 據 交通部航港局中部航務中心111年1月25日中技字第1113250471A號函。
說 明 即日起至111年12月31日在下列位置進行海上工程,航經該水域船隻請注意避讓。
位 置 詳如附件。
海 圖 04508 - 04509 - 0356

海軍上校 孫 永 大

Published by Naval Meteorological & Oceanographic Office, R.O.C.

13 (T) Taiwan West Waters – Maritime Work

Source Central Taiwan Maritime Affairs Center, Maritime and Port Bureau, MOTC, letter No.
1113250471A dated January 25, 2022.
Details Maritime work is being undertaken at the following position until December 31, 2022.
Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the area.
Position See attachment.
Chart affected 04508 - 04509 - 0356

CAPT. Yung-Da Sun

Commanding Officer, NMOO

Attachment NM 13

連接下列各點(Joining the following points):

點位 WGS84 點位 WGS84 點位 WGS84
Point Point Point
1 24°11'55.9"N., 119°45'35.5"E. 10 24°07'31.7"N., 120°22'49.5"E. 19 24°08'01.0"N., 120°16'01.6"E.
2 24°11'33.7"N., 119°54'21.8"E. 11 24°07'21.2"N., 120°24'05.8"E. 20 24°10'29.7"N., 120°04'24.2"E.
3 24°11'13.3"N., 120°02'17.0"E. 12 24°07'00.8"N., 120°23'50.0"E. 21 24°09'34.0"N., 120°01'00.1"E.
4 24°12'34.3"N., 120°03'19.8"E. 13 24°07'12.2"N., 120°22'48.2"E. 22 24°06'54.2"N., 119°58'56.5"E.
5 24°11'02.4"N., 120°04'42.7"E. 14 24°07'14.6"N., 120°20'38.9"E. 23 24°07'08.8"N., 119°51'22.3"E.
6 24°08'34.6"N., 120°16'16.1"E. 15 24°07'50.0"N., 120°17'55.7"E. 24 24°08'26.9"N., 119°52'15.2"E.
7 24°08'30.8"N., 120°16'49.8"E. 16 24°08'02.2"N., 120°16'46.8"E. 25 24°08'34.0"N., 119°49'49.8"E.
8 24°08'17.9"N., 120°18'02.5"E. 17 24°08'02.8"N., 120°16'38.5"E. 26 24°11'38.2"N., 119°45'23.3"E.
9 24°07'34.2"N., 120°20'45.4"E. 18 24°08'01.6"N., 120°16'12.4"E.


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