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Title of the Paper

Authors (in order of the extent of contribution to the paper)

Bachelor of Secondary ( ) Education, College of Teacher Education,
Cebu Normal University, Cebu City, Philippines

personal email address of each author


Text starts here.

Keywords: 3-5 keywords in alphabetical order


Text starts here. Write here your Rationale of the Study.

Theoretical-Conceptual Framework

Text starts here. Introduce your framework, illustrate the framework, and explain it.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Text starts here.

Statement of the Problem

Text starts here.

Significance of the Study

Text starts here.

Definition of Terms

 Definition in bullets, sentence format, and alphabetical order.


Page 1 of 12
Research Design
Text starts here.

Research Environment
Text starts here.

Research Participants
Text starts here.

Research Instruments
Text starts here.

Research Procedure
Text starts here.

Treatment of Data
Text starts here.

Ethical Considerations
Text starts here.


Text starts here.

Text starts here,


Text starts here.


Text starts here.

Acknowledgement. Text starts here.

Page 2 of 12

Africa, A., Cortez., F. & Gamara, A. (2017). The extent of digital distraction among college
students of University of Batangas in the Philippines. Journal of Education and Social
Sciences, 7(1), 147-161.

Page 3 of 12
A – Letters of Correspondence
Transmittal Letter

Page 4 of 12
Informed Consent Letter

Page 5 of 12
B – Research Instruments

Page 6 of 12
Online Tool (Screenshots)

Page 7 of 12
Documentation of Interview

Page 8 of 12
C – Raw Data

Page 9 of 12
D – Sample Output

Page 10 of 12
E – Ethics Clearance

Page 11 of 12
About the Researchers

Page 12 of 12

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