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7/29/2021 TEST#2: Sub Inspector BS 14

TEST#2: Sub Inspector BS 14

Each question carry 1 mark

0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer

Sub Inspector preparation

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Rana zohaib

Q#1: In MS PowerPoint, Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are 1 point
known as ?

A. Transitions

B. Effects

C. Custom animations

D. None Of These… 1/35
7/29/2021 TEST#2: Sub Inspector BS 14

Q#2: Microsoft Power Point is used to create? 1 point

A. Accounts

B. Presentations

C. Documents

D. All of these

Q#3:In MS PowerPoint, Clip Art Option is available in ____ menu? 1 point

A. Home

B. Insert

C. Design

D. None Of These

Q#4: Which of the following is not a PowerPoint view? 1 point

A. Slide show view

B. Slide view

C. Presentation view

D. None Of These… 2/35
7/29/2021 TEST#2: Sub Inspector BS 14

Q#5: In PowerPoint a new presentation can be created from? 1 point

A. Blank presentation

B. From existing presentation

C. From design template

D. All of these

Q#6: You can edit an embedded organization chart object by ? 1 point

A. Right clicking the chart object, then clicking edit MS-Organizaiton Chart object

B. Double clicking the organization chart object

C. Both A&B

D. None Of These

Q#7: Mac operating system is developed by which company? 1 point

A) Google

B) Apple

C) Microsoft

D) None of these… 3/35
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Q#8: In Microsoft Power Point two kinds of sound effects files that can be added to the 1 point
presentation are?

A. .wav files and . mid files

B. wav files and .gif files

C. wavv files and jpg files

D. None Of These

Q#9: What is the name of the founder of Zoom video conferencing app? 1 point

A. Mark Zuckerburg

B. Jeff Boss

C. Eric Yuan

D. None Of These

Q#10: A single page of PowerPoint presentation is called? 1 point

A. Worksheet

B. Document

C. Media

D. None Of These… 4/35
7/29/2021 TEST#2: Sub Inspector BS 14

Q#11: What lets you to create new presentation by selecting ready-made font color and 1 point
graphics effects in PowerPoint?

A. Design Template

B. Chart Wizard

C. Presentation

D. None of these

Q#12: Which key on the keyboard can be used to view slide show? 1 point

A. F2

B. F4

C. F6

D. None Of These

Q#13: Which short cut key inserts a new slide in current presentation in PowerPoint? 1 point

A. Ctrl + N

B. Ctrl + M

C. Ctrl + S

D. None Of These… 5/35
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Q#14: In MS PowerPoint. Slide master option is available in ___ tab? 1 point

A. Home

B. Insert

C. View

D. None Of These

Q#15: In Power point 2016, ‘Rehearse Timings’ option is available in? 1 point

A. Home Tab

B. Slide show Tab

C. Review Tab

D. None Of These

Q#16: To stop a slideshow in MS Power Point which of the following option a correct? 1 point

A. Press Shift

B. Press CTRL

C. Press Escape

D. None Of These… 6/35
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Q#17: Which language is used to create Macros in MS Excel? 1 point

A. Visual Basic

B. Java

C. Visual C++

D. None Of These

Q#18: Which file is responsible to start MS word? 1 point

A. Win.exe

B. Word.exe

C. Winword.exe

D. None Of These

Q#19: In Excel which key is used to select entire row? 1 point

A. Ctrl+Space

B. Shift+Space

C. Alt+Space

D. None of these… 7/35
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Q#20: In Excel which key is used to open the Excel formula Window? 1 point

A. Shift+F6

B. Shift+F3

C. Alt+Shift+F3

D. None Of These

Q#21: Which area in Excel window allows entering values and formulas? 1 point

A. Title bar

B. Menu bar

C. Standard toolbar

D. None Of These

Q#22: In MS Excel 2016, = Now() is used? 1 point

A. To show say name

B. To show time only

C. To show date only

D. None Of These… 8/35
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Q#23: In MS Excel 2016, ‘Print Titles’ option is available in _____ menu? 1 point

A. Review

B. View

C. Insert

D. None Of These

Q#24: Which symbol must all formula begin with? 1 point

A. =

B. *

C. #

D. All of these

Q#25: To fix values in MS Excel we use? 1 point

A. Absolute reference

B. Thumbnails

C. Threads

D. None of these… 9/35
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Q#26: Which of the following is not a function in Microsoft Excel? 1 point




D. None Of These

Q#27: In MS Excel 2016, mainly ____types of ‘page Orientation’ are available? 1 point

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. None of these

Q#28: In MS Excel you can zoom from? 1 point

A. 10 to 300%

B. 10 to 400%

C. 20 to 500%

D. None of these… 10/35
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Q#29: In Microsoft Excel the Intersection of columns and rows is called a? 1 point

A. Data

B. Table

C. Cell

D. None Of These

Q#30: A collection of related worksheets is called? 1 point

A. Workbook

B. Worksheet Segment

C. Spreadsheet

D. All Of These

Q#31: In MS-Word 2016 which key is used to increase the font size? 1 point

A. Ctrl +]

B. Ctrl + }

C. Alt + }

D. None of these… 11/35
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32. Who was the founder of the Microsoft Corporation? 1 point

A. Paul G Allen

B. Bill Gates

C. Both A&B

D. None Of These

Q#33: In MS Word, which of the following is used to correct spelling or grammar errors? 1 point

A. Auto Entry

B. Auto Correct

C. Auto Dictionary

D. None Of These

Q#34: Which key should be pressed to start a new line in MS-Word? 1 point

A. Down Cursor Key

B. Enter Key

C. Shift + Enter

D. None Of These… 12/35
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Q#35: In MS word, what is the function of ‘Ctrl + R’? 1 point

A. Open the print dialogue

B. Update the current web page

C. Close the current window

D. None of these

Q#36: In MS word, which view shows margins and the rulers? 1 point

A. Normal

B. Page Layout

C. Page Setup

D. None Of These

Q#37: In MS Word 2016, ‘Cover Page’ option is available in? 1 point

A. Home

B. Insert

C. Design

D. None Of These… 13/35
7/29/2021 TEST#2: Sub Inspector BS 14

Q#38. Which key combination is used to center align text? 1 point

(A) CTRL + B

(B) CTRL + C

(C) CTRL + F

(D) None of These

Q#39: To open a template in word first go to file and then? 1 point

A. Click New

B. Click Display

C. Click Open

D. None Of These

Q#40: In MS word 2016, ‘Watermark’ option is available in? 1 point

A. Design

B. Layout

C. Insert

D. None Of These… 14/35
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Q#41. In MS Word 2016, which shortcut key is used to replace text or specific 1 point

A) Ctrl + K

B) Ctrl + T

C) Ctrl + H

D. None Of These

Q#42: MS-Word Automatically save document after every? 1 point

A. 20 minutes

B. 40 minutes

C. 60 minuets

D. None Of These

Q#43: " Abrogate" synonym? 1 point

A. Adapt

B. Seize

C. Repeal

D. None Of These… 15/35
7/29/2021 TEST#2: Sub Inspector BS 14

Q#44. Synonym of Abrupt is _____? 1 point

A. Gradual

B. Noisy

C. Calm

D None of these

Q#45: Synonym of ALERT is? 1 point

A. Intelligent

A. Vigilant

C. Observant

D. None Of These

Q#46: Synonym Of "Expedite " is? 1 point

A. Delay

B. Hinder

C. Accelerate

D. None Of These… 16/35
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Q#47: Synonym Of "Ample " is? 1 point

A. Abundant

B. Meager

C. Scarce

D. None Of These

Q#48: Synonym Of "Amicable" is? 1 point

A. Hostile

B. Unfriendly

C. Cordial

D. None Of These

Q#49: Synonym Of "Adhere" is? 1 point

A. Stick

B. Pardon

C. Waver

D. None Of These… 17/35
7/29/2021 TEST#2: Sub Inspector BS 14

Q#50: Synonym Of "Admonish " is? 1 point

A. Rebuke

B. Praise

C. Esteem

D. None Of These

Q#51: A frog in a well knows nothing of the? 1 point

A. Pond

B. Ocean

C. Sea

D. None of These

Q#52: Complete The Proverb. Make hay while the______shines. 1 point

A. Moon

B. Sun

C. Both A&B

D. None of These… 18/35
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Q#53: Complete The Proverb. Even______Sometimes Nods. 1 point

A. Homer

B. Milton

C. Shakespeare

(D) None of these

Q#54: One man's. Meat is another another man's? 1 point

A. Vitamin

B. Poison

C. Medicine

D. None Of These

Q#55: Familiarity breeds_____? 1 point

A. Friendship

B. Enemy

C. Contempt

D. None Of These… 19/35
7/29/2021 TEST#2: Sub Inspector BS 14

Q#56: Foreign Phrase "De facto" means? 1 point

A. Defective

B. Legal

C) Actual, as a fact

D. None Of These

Q#57: "Roll up" foreign phrase means? 1 point

A) To arrive

B) To leave

C) To die

D) None of these

Q#58: A Friend in need is a friend ____? 1 point

A. Of Others

B. Need

C. Indeed

D. None of these… 20/35
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Q#59: Let Sleeping _____lie. 1 point

A. Lions

B. Sheeps

C. Cats

D. None Of These

Q#60. "Gift of the gab" Idiom Meaning? 1 point

A. A good personality

B. A talent for acting

C. A talent for speaking

D. None Of These

Q#61: Kill two___ with one stones. 1 point

A. Doves

B. Dogs

C. Snakes

D. None Of These… 21/35
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Q#62: You can lead a horse to water , but you cant make it? 1 point

A. Drown

B. Clean

C. Drink

D. None Of These

Q#63:Idiom " Hide one's light under a bushel" meaning? 1 point

A. To save Electricity

B. To conceal one's talents

C. To avoid limelight

D. None Of These

Q#64:Idiom " To gather orange blossoms" means? 1 point

A. To Get Oranges

B. To Get a Bride

C. To get a Groom

D. None Of These… 22/35
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Q#65:Complete the saying. " Truth is stranger than_? 1 point

A. The News

B. Falsehood

C. Lies

D. None Of These

Q#66: Complete the Sentence.Be___in your language. 1 point

A. Strong

B. Meticulous

C. Precise

D. None Of These

Q#67: A Bad Workman quarrels with his____? 1 point

A. Partner

B. Tools

C. Hammer

D. None Of These… 23/35
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Q#68: East Or West, ____ is the Best? 1 point

B. Home

A. School

C. Lahore

D. None Of These

Q#69. Ignorance of Law is no____ 1 point

A. Excuse

C. Issue

C. Worry

D. None Of These

Q#70: There is no place like____? 1 point

A. School

B. House

C. Home

D. None Of These… 24/35
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Q#71: Birds Of a feather _____together. 1 point

A. Fly

B. Sit

C. Flock

D. None Of These

Q#72: Keep your friends close and your enemies? 1 point

A. Close

B. Closer

C. Both A&B

D. None Of These

Q#73: A Sleeping fox catches no_____? 1 point

A. Grapes

B. Bird

C. Poultry

D. None Of These… 25/35
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Q#74: A narrow piece of land connecting two large masses of land is known as 1 point

A. Gulf

B. Isthmus

C. Peninsula

D. None Of These

Q#75: Antonym of "Consensus" 1 point

A. Agreement

D. Disagreement

C. Neutral

D. None Of These

Q#76: "Eminent" Antonym? 1 point

A. Famous

B. Notorious

C. Unknown

D. None Of These… 26/35
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Q#77: One who eats Flesh only is Called? 1 point

A Herbivorous

B. Semivorous

C. Omnivorous

D. None Of These

Q#78: "To build castles in the air" Idiom means? 1 point

A To make castles in the sky

B. To run away with the wind

C. To indulge in day-dreaming

D. None

Q#79: "To add fuel to the fire" Idioms means? 1 point

A To make a bad situation worse

B. Calm down the situation

C. Exploit someone

D. None Of These… 27/35
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Q#80: "An Eye Wash" Idiom Means? 1 point

A. Eye Cleaning

B. Surgery Of Eye

C. Misleading Statement

D. None Of These

Q#81: In Pakistan the fundamental rights are enforceable through: 1 point

(A) The Supreme court

(B) The High Court

(C) The Parliament

(D) Both A and B

Q#82: A national census is mandated by the Constitution of Pakistan to be held: 1 point

A. After Every 2 Years

B. After Every 5 Years

C. After Every 8 Years

D. None Of These… 28/35
7/29/2021 TEST#2: Sub Inspector BS 14

Q#83:Article 15, of the Constitution of 1973 provided freedom of 1 point

A. Speech

B. Movement

C. Trial

D. None Of These

Q#84: 31. Slavery, forced labour, etc. are prohibited in Article ______, of the Constitution 1 point
of 1973?

A. 11

B. 11 A

B. 12

D. None Of These


Q#85: When Afghanistan called back its ambassador and senior diplomats from 1 point


A. July 15, 2021

B. July 16, 2021

C. July 18, 2021

D. None Of These… 29/35
7/29/2021 TEST#2: Sub Inspector BS 14

Q#86: The Azad Jammu and Kashmir Election Commission will hold the elections in ____ 1 point

constituencies on July 25, 2021.

A. 12 constituencies

B. 24 constituencies

C. 33 constituencies

D. None of these

Q#87: Who is the only Pakistani cricketer to take 100 wickets in T20 international? 1 point

A. Shahid Afridi

B. Sana Mir

C. Umar Gul

D. None Of These

88. ‫مشہورڈرامہ ‘’ قرطبہ کا قاضی ‘‘ کس کی تصنیف ہے‬ 1 point

A) ‫سعادت حسن منٹو‬

B) ‫احمد ندیم قاسمی‬

C) ‫پطرس بخاری‬

D) ‫سیدامتیازعلی تاج‬… 30/35
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89. ‫اردو میں” سید االحرار” کس شاعر کو کہا جاتا ہے‬ 1 point

A) ‫جوش ملیح آبادی‬

B) ‫موالنا حسرت موہانی‬

C) ‫محمد علی جوہر‬

D) ‫جگر مراد آبادی‬

Q#90: In Dasu bus explosion, how many Chinese engineers were killed? 1 point

A. Seven

B. Eight

C. Nine

D. None Of These

Q#91: Current Speaker of Sindh Assembly ? 1 point

A. Rehana Leghari

B. Aagha Siraj Durani

C. Shehla Raza

D) None of these… 31/35
7/29/2021 TEST#2: Sub Inspector BS 14

Q#92: Pakistan was ranked ____ on the Global Food Security Index of 2020 out of 113 1 point


A. 70th

B. 75th

C. 80th

D. None Of These

Q#93: Former President of Pakistan Mamnoon Hussain passed away on 1 point

A. July 12, 2021

B. July 13, 2021

C. July 14, 2021

D. None Of These

Q#94: Recently, PML-Q’s Moonis Elahi was inducted into the cabinet as Federal Minister 1 point

A. Petroleum

B. Water Resources

C. Education

D. None Of These… 32/35
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Q#95: In which Province Abdul Sattar Edhi’s statue installed? 1 point

A. A. Sindh (Karachi)

B. Punjab (Lahore)

C. Balochistan (Quetta)

D. None

Q#96: How long was the reign of Hazrat Umar e Farooq ? 1 point

A. 11 years

B. 12 Years

C. 2 years

D. None Of These

Q#97: On July 25, 2021, The ___ general elections for the Azad Jammu and Kashmir 1 point

Legislative Assembly would be held.

A. 10th

B. 11th

C. 12th

D. None Of These… 33/35
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Q#98: Name of range which separates China from Pakistan ? 1 point

A. Hindu Kush

B. Pamir

C. Himalayas

D. None Of These

Q#99: A train 240 m long passes a pole in 24 seconds. How long will it take to pass a 1 point
platform 650 m long?

A. 80 Sec

B. 89 Sec

C. 90 Sec

D. None Of These

Q#100: What is the other name of Surah Fatiha? 1 point

A. Umm al-Quran

B. Umm al-Kitab

C. Both A & B

D. None of these

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