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9702/42 A Level Physics - Mark Scheme March 2022


Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

PHYSICS 9702/42

Paper 4 A Level Structured Questions Feb/March 2022


Maximum Mark : 100

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9702/42 A Level Physics - Mark Scheme March 2022

Cambridge Assessment International Education – Generic Marking Principles

These general marking principles must be applied by all examiners when marking candidate answers. They should be applied alongside the specific content of the
mark scheme or generic level descriptors for a question. Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these marking principles.


Marks must be awarded in line with:
 the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptors for the question
 the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptors for the question
 the standard of response required by a candidate as exemplified by the standardisation scripts.
Marks awarded are always whole marks (not half marks, or other fractions).
Marks must be awarded positively:
 marks are awarded for correct/valid answers, as defined in the mark scheme. However, credit is given for valid answers which go beyond the scope of
the syllabus and mark scheme, referring to your Team Leader as appropriate
 marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do
 marks are not deducted for errors
 marks are not deducted for omissions
 answers should only be judged on the quality of spelling, punctuation and grammar when these features are specifically assessed by the question as
indicated by the mark scheme. The meaning, however, should be unambiguous.
Rules must be applied consistently e.g. in situations where candidates have not followed instructions or in the application of generic level descriptors.
Marks should be awarded using the full range of marks defined in the mark scheme for the question (however; the use of the full mark range may be limited
according to the quality of the candidate responses seen).
Marks awarded are based solely on the requirements as defined in the mark scheme. Marks should not be awarded with grade thresholds or grade descriptors
in mind.

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9702/42 A Level Physics - Mark Scheme March 2022
Science-Specific Marking Principles

1. Examiners should consider the context and scientific use of any keywords when awarding marks. Although keywords may be present, marks should not be
awarded if the keywords are used incorrectly.

2. The examiner should not choose between contradictory statements given in the same question part, and credit should not be awarded for any correct
statement that is contradicted within the same question part. Wrong science that is irrelevant to the question should be ignored.

3. Although spellings do not have to be correct, spellings of syllabus terms must allow for clear and unambiguous separation from other syllabus terms with which
they may be confused (e.g. ethane/ethene, glucagon/glycogen, refraction/reflection).

4. The error carried forward (ecf) principle should be applied, where appropriate. If an incorrect answer is subsequently used in a scientifically correct way, the
candidate should be awarded these subsequent marking points. Further guidance will be included in the mark scheme where necessary and any exceptions to
this general principle will be noted.

5. ‘List rule’ guidance (see examples below)

For questions that require n responses (e.g. State two reasons…):
 The response should be read as continuous prose, even when numbered answer spaces are provided
 Any response marked ignore in the mark scheme should not count towards n
 Incorrect responses should not be awarded credit but will still count towards n
 Read the entire response to check for any responses that contradict those that would otherwise be credited. Credit should not be awarded for any responses
that are contradicted within the rest of the response. Where two responses contradict one another, this should be treated as a single incorrect response. 
 Non-contradictory responses after the first n responses may be ignored even if they include incorrect science

6. Calculation specific guidance

Correct answers to calculations should be given full credit even if there is no working or incorrect working, unless the question states ‘show your working’.
For questions in which the number of significant figures required is not stated, credit should be awarded for correct answers when rounded by the examiner to
the number of significant figures given in the mark scheme. This may not apply to measured values.
For answers given in standard form, (e.g. a x 10n) in which the convention of restricting the value of the coefficient (a) to a value between 1 and 10 is not
followed, credit may still be awarded if the answer can be converted to the answer given in the mark scheme.
Unless a separate mark is given for a unit, a missing or incorrect unit will normally mean that the final calculation mark is not awarded. Exceptions to this
general principle will be noted in the mark scheme.
7. Guidance for chemical equations

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Multiples/fractions of coefficients used in chemical equations are acceptable unless stated otherwise in the mark scheme.
State symbols given in an equation should be ignored unless asked for in the question or stated otherwise in the mark scheme.

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Examples of how to apply the list rule

State three reasons…. [3]

A 1. Correct  F 1. Correct 
2. Correct  2 (4 responses) 2. Correct 
3. Wrong  3. Correct 
CON (of 3.) (discount 3)

B 1. Correct, Correct , 
(4 responses) 2. Correct  3 G 1. Correct 
3. Wrong ignore (5 responses) 2. Correct 
3. Correct  3
Correct ignore
C 1. Correct  CON (of 4.) ignore
(4 responses) 2. Correct, Wrong ,  2
3. Correct ignore
H 1. Correct 
(4 responses) 2. Correct 
D 1. Correct  3. CON (of 2.) (discount 2)
Correct 
(4 responses) 2. Correct, CON (of 2.) , (discount 2) 2
3. Correct 
I 1. Correct 
 (4 responses) 2. Correct 
E 1. Correct 2
(4 responses) 2. Correct  3 3. Correct 
CON (of 2.) (discount 2)
3. Correct, Wrong 

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

1(a) at least 4 straight radial lines to P B1 All lines must pass within the dot (when
extended if needed)
straight by eye
Allow lines of any length if they look straight

all arrows pointing along the lines towards P B1 Do not allow any arrows pointing away from P
1(b) Any 2 from: Ignore incorrect points unless directly

gravitational force provides the centripetal force Allow ‘acts as’ or ‘causes’ or ‘is’ for ‘provides’
Allow gravitational force provides centripetal
Allow gravitational force acts towards the
centre of the circle / planet
Ignore ‘equals’ for ‘provides’
Ignore gravitational field provides centripetal
Ignore Fg = Fc

(centripetal or gravitational) force has constant magnitude Allow (centripetal) acceleration for (centripetal)

(centripetal or gravitational) force is perpendicular to velocity (of moon) B2 Allow (centripetal) acceleration for (centripetal)
/ direction of motion (of moon) force
Ignore gravitational field is perpendicular to

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

1(c)(i) GMm 2 M1 Allow T2 = 4π2r3 / GM and ω = 2π / T

= mrω 2
r GMm mv
Allow 2 = and v = rω
r r
Allow without both little ‘m’s for both versions

r 3 ω2 gradient A1 gradient = r 3 ω 2 can be implied by substitution

M= and gradient = r 3 ω 2 hence M=
G G M must be the subject
Allow only one change implied by the
or substitution

r3 = GM  1/ω2 so gradient = GM hence M=
G M must be the subject

1(c)(ii) M = 4.1  1023 / (6.0  107  6.67  10-11) = 1.0  1026 kg B1 Allow use of any correctly read point(s) to  ½
small square from Fig.1.2
Gradient = 6.83  1015
Allow gradient of 7  1015 (leads to the correct
answer to 2 sf)
Allow final answer to 1 s.f.
Do not allow if POT missing from gradient

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

1(c)(iii) GMm mv 2
r r

GM C1 GM 2
2 Allow 3
= ω and v = rω
r r
Allow v2 = gradient / r

Allow ECF for gradient value if using

C1 v2 = gradient / r
2 6.67 ×10−11 ×1.0 ×1026
v =
1.2× 108

2 7 −1
v =5.6 ×10 m s
v = 7500 m s 7455
Correct to at least 2 s.f. AFC
Allow 7600 AFC

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

2(a) 0 B1 Allow none, no change

2(b) pV = nRT C1 Allow pV = NkT and n = Nk / R

(n =) 1.5  105  4.2  10-3 / 8.31  540

= 0.14 mol A1 0.140 Correct to at least 2 s.f. AFC

2(c) Mark the table, not the working

missing pressure 1.5 ( 10 )5

both missing volumes 1.8 ( 10-3) B1 1.79  10-3

Accept a value that rounds to 1.8 to 2 s.f.
2(d)(i) Allow if all three are consistently reversed in direction
Allow ‘gas’ for ‘system’ throughout
(ΔU:) increase in internal energy (of the system) B1

(q:) thermal energy supplied to the system B1 Allow ‘heat’ for ‘thermal energy’
Allow energy transferred to the system by heating

(W:) work done on system B1 Allow ‘to’ for ‘on’

Special case: Allow 1 mark for change in
internal energy, thermal energy, work
2(d)(ii) volume increases and work is done by the gas B1 Allow volume increases and W is negative
Allow ‘gas expands’ for ‘volume increases’

temperature decreases and internal energy decreases B1 Allow temperature decreases and ΔU is negative
Ignore references to thermal energy

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

3(a) upthrust, weight B1 both must be stated, in either order

Allow ‘buoyancy’ for ‘upthrust’
Allow ‘gravitational force’ for ‘weight’
Allow ‘gravity’ for ‘weight’
Do not allow ‘thrust’ for ‘upthrust’
Ignore hydrostatic force
3(b) upthrust greater than weight so (resultant force is) upwards B1 Allow ‘buoyancy’ for ‘upthrust’
Allow ‘gravitational force’ for ‘weight’
Allow ‘gravity’ for ‘weight’
Allow ‘>’ for ‘greater than’
Allow upwards force greater than downwards
force so (resultant is) upwards
3(c)(i) Allow names not symbols for both marks
Allow a /acceleration for force for both marks
Allow distance from equilibrium position for
displacement for both marks

A, g and ρ all constant so F  x B1 Ignore references to m

minus sign means F and x are in opposite directions B1 Allow minus sign means force / acceleration
directed towards equilibrium / mean position
Allow ‘fixed point / centre’ for ‘equilibrium
Do not allow ‘rest position’ for ‘equilibrium

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

3(c)(ii) F Agρx Allow (F = ma so) mω2x = Agρx

(a = so ) a = (-)
m m M1 Allow ma = (-) Agρx

so ω =
2 Agρ
hence ω =
m √

3(d)(i) damping due to viscous forces B1 Allow ‘drag’ or ‘resistive’ for ‘viscous’
Allow energy is lost due to friction due to the
3(d)(ii) These two C marks can be gained in either order.
1 C1 Allow A for xo
( E = ) m ω 2 x 02
2 Do not allow x unless substituted as 0.020 or
0.016 or otherwise clear it is amplitude

C1 Can be awarded from numerical evidence of

ω = (-) gradient
2 gradient calculation – allow any values that can
be identified as an a and an x
ω2 = 115 / ω = 10.7

Allow use of ‘m’ for gradient if clear it is

1 gradient, not mass
( ∆ E = ) m ω 2 ( x12 - x 22 )
Allow reading of gradient points and
1 2.3 2 2 displacements to  ½ small square
¿ ×0.57 ×( )( 0.020 - 0.016 )
2 0.020
A1 4.72 Correct to at least 2 s.f. AFC
Do not allow a negative answer
= 4.7 × 10 J

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

4(a) direction of force B1 Ignore ‘path’ for ‘direction’

Ignore references to magnitude or strength
force on a positive charge B1
4(b)(i) Q
V =
4π εo r

4.0×10 -9 -7.2×10 -9 Allow C mark if minus sign missing

+ = 0 C1 Allow with any or all of 4, π, εo,  10-9 missing
4π εo x 4π εo (0.120 - x)
Allow 120 for 0.120
4 ( 0.120 - x ) = 7.2 x
A1 Correct to at least 2 s.f. AFC
x = 0.043 m
4(b)(ii) fields are in the same direction so no B1 Allow ‘cannot be zero’ for ‘no’

4(b)(iii) straight arrow drawn leftwards from X in direction between extended B1 must be between these two directions, not on
line joining Q and X and the horizontal one of them
arrow must touch X

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

5(a) (energy stored =) area under line or ½ QV C1 Allow E = ½ CV2 and Q = CV

= ½  8.0  1.2  10-4

= 4.8  10-4 J A1 Correct to at least 2 s.f. AFC

5(b)(i) (τ=) RC C1 Allow use of τ = Q / I and I = V / R and


(τ=) 220  103  (1.2  10-4/8.0) = 3.3 s A1 Allow 220  103  1.5  10-5 = 3.3 if working
for value of C shown in (a)
Allow any correct pair of co-ordinates from
graph read to  ½ small square
5(b)(ii) E  V2 C1 Allow E = ½ CV2 or E = ½ Q2 /C
Allow all 3 C marks in terms of Q instead of V
(so time to) Vo/3 C1 Allow V = 8 / 3 or 2.67 V

V = Vo e RC

Vo C1
= Vo e 3.3

1 3.3
A1 Correct to at least 2 s.f. AFC

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

t = 3.6 s
5(c) (total) capacitance is doubled M1 Allow ‘increased’ for ‘doubled’
Ignore total capacitance is sum (of individual
time constant is doubled A1 Allow time constant becomes 6.6 or 6.7 s
Ignore ‘increased’ for ‘doubled’

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

6(a) less in smaller solenoid B1 Ignore any explanation

Do not allow it is zero
Allow r.a.
6(b) greater in smaller solenoid B1 Ignore any explanation
Allow r.a. but do not allow it is zero
6(c)(i) direction of (induced) e.m.f. M1 Allow electromotive force, voltage for e.m.f.
Ignore current
Do not allow electromagnetic force for e.m.f.
Do not allow any reference to magnitude of
induced e.m.f.
such as to (produce effects that) oppose the change that caused it A1 Allow opposes the change that causes it
6(c)(ii) change of flux (linkage) in smaller solenoid induces e.m.f. in smaller B1 Allow magnetic field lines are cut by smaller
solenoid solenoid inducing an e.m.f. in smaller solenoid
Only one reference to smaller solenoid required
Allow ‘generates’ for ‘induces’

(induced) current in smaller solenoid causes field around it B1 Ignore ‘eddy’

the two fields (interact to) create an attractive force B1 Allow (unlike) poles of the two solenoids attract

7(a)(i) two diodes added in correct directions (Both diodes pointing inwards B1 Allow without line through the centre of diode
and upwards), correct symbols only and with or without circles and arrows

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

Do not allow added wires if circuit will no

longer work correctly

7(a)(ii) ‘+’ anywhere on upper output wire B1 Allow any other indication of the correct location
Centre of the plus must be above half way
between the two open circles
7(b)(i) ω = 2π/T C1

= 2π/2.5 No tolerance on reading of T

= 0.80 π or 4π/5 or 2.5

(V =) 3.5 sin (0.8π t) or 3.5 sin (4π t/5) or 3.5 sin (2.5 t) A1 Allow 3.5 sin (2πt / 2.5)
Allow 7/2 for 3.5
7(b)(ii) V2 C1
( P= ) or ¿

2 2
3.5 2.47
= or
2×12 12
A1 0.510 Correct to at least 2 s.f. AFC
= 0.51 W

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

8(a) h h M1
λ = or λ =
p mv

where h is the Planck constant and

p is the momentum (of particle) / mv is the momentum (of particle) / m
is the mass (of particle) and v is the velocity (of particle) A1

8(b)(i) (electron) diffraction B1

8(b)(ii) moving electrons behave like waves B1 Allow particles for electrons
Allow ‘they’ for electrons, e.g. when moving
they behave like waves
Do not allow particles when part of ‘they
behave like particles and waves’
8(b)(iii) spacing between atoms ≈ wavelength of electron Allow nuclei / ions / molecules for atoms
Allow gaps in lattice for gaps between atoms
or Ignore regular spacing of atoms so crystal acts
as a diffraction grating
diameter of atom ≈ wavelength of electron B1 Allow ‘radius’ for ‘diameter’
Ignore ‘size’ for ‘diameter’
8(b)(iv) Any one of: M1 Ignore references to frequency
 wavelength has decreased
 electron had greater momentum Allow ‘speed’ or ‘velocity’ for ‘momentum’
Ignore ‘energy’ for ‘momentum’
so (accelerating) p.d. was increased A1

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

9(a) 207, 82 for lead B1

4, 2 for alpha B1
9(b)(i) (half-life found as) 0.52 s or correctly read points substituted into C1 Allow tolerance of  ½ small square
-λ t
N = No e


A1 Unit required to gain A mark.
λ = 1.3 s -1
1.33 Correct to at least 2 s.f. AFC
Allow 1.4 s-1 AFC
9(b)(ii) A= λN

= 1.3 × 24 × 10
12 ECF from (b)(i)

= 3.1 × 10 Bq
A1 Ignore any minus sign
Use of all s.f. leads to 3.2  1013 AFC
Correct to at least 2 s.f. AFC
9(b)(iii) upwards curve of decreasing gradient starting from (0,0) B1 Allow tolerance of  ½ small square

passes through (0.52, 12) and (1.2, 18.8) B1 Allow tolerance of  ½ small square vertically

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

9(c)(i) The C marks can be gained in either order

16  10 and 7.2  10 12
C1 Mark for reading the two N values from the
graph  ½ small square
Allow 8.8  1012

6900  103  1.6  10-19 C1 Mark for converting eV into J

Allow 1.10  10-12

(16  1012 - 7.2  1012)  6900  103  1.6  10-19 This line gains both C marks

= 9.7 J A1 9.72 Correct to at least 2 s.f. AFC

9(c)(ii) lead nuclei have kinetic energy B1 Allow reference to single nucleus only
Allow lead nuclei recoil / have momentum

gamma photons are also emitted Allow energy is released as gamma

Ignore heat lost to surroundings

Do not allow decay is random / spontaneous

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

10(a) energy = mc Δ T C1 The C marks can be gained in either order

energy = ItV C1 mc Δ T = ItV gains both C marks

0.40×0.020×75 000 × 0.95 Substitution can provide evidence for first 2 C

(Δ T =)
0.015×130 marks.

= 290 K A1 292
Correct to at least 2 s.f. AFC
Missing 0.95 leads to 308 K, 1, 1, 0 max
10(b) I =I o e−μt C1 Allow x for t
Allow X for I since it cancels
-0.22 t Substitution can provide evidence for first C
0.20 = e
Allow 0.80 = e-0.22 t
t = 7.3 cm
A1 Correct to at least 2 s.f. AFC

10(c) either

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

(linear) attenuation coefficients / μ very different for bone and muscle M1

(very) different amounts (of X-rays) absorbed so good contrast A1 Allow transmitted for absorbed
or (very) different intensities transmitted so good contrast Allow (very) different degrees of blackening so
good contrast
or Allow ‘forming the image’ for ‘transmitted’

(linear) attenuation coefficients / μ similar for blood and muscle (M1)

similar amounts (of X-rays) absorbed so poor contrast (A1) Allow transmitted for absorbed
or similar intensities transmitted so poor contrast Allow similar degrees of blackening so poor
Allow ‘forming the image’ for ‘transmitted’
Ignore any references to the reflection of X-
rays throughout.

11(a) substance containing radioactive nuclei that is introduced into the body Allow liquid or gas for substance

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

or Allow ‘radioactive material / substance’ or

substance containing radioactive nuclei that is absorbed by the tissue ‘material / substance that emits positrons /
being studied B1 ionising radiation’ for ‘substance containing
radioactive nuclei’

11(b)(i) a particle interacting with its antiparticle so that mass is converted into Allow mass of electron and positron converted
energy B1 into energy
Allow ‘photon(s)’ for ‘energy’
Allow ‘an’ for ‘its’
Allow ‘meet / collide’ for ‘interact’
11(b)(ii) electron(s) and positron(s) B1 both needed
Ignore symbols
Ignore gamma photons as well, not any other
11(c)(i) E = 2mc

= 2×9.11× 10-31 ×3 .00× 10-82

= 1.64× 10-13 J
A1 1.640
Correct to at least 2 s.f. 1.6 × 10-13 AFC

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

11(c)(ii) 2 hc C1 hc
λ = Allow λ =

2×6.63×10-34 ×3.00× 108

= -13 ECF from (c)(i)

A1 2.426
= 2.43 × 10-12 m
Correct to at least 2 s.f. 2.4 × 10-12 AFC
2.5 × 10 AFC
11(d) Any 3 from: Allow ‘they / gamma / photons’ for ‘gamma
 the two gamma photons travel in opposite directions photons throughout
 gamma photons detected (outside body / by detectors)
 gamma photons arrive (at detector) at different times
 determine location of production (of gamma) Allow determine location of annihilation
 image of tracer concentration in tissue produced

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

12(a) total power of radiation emitted (by the star) B1 Allow total radiant flux (from the star)
Allow ‘energy per unit time’ for ‘power’
Do not allow brightness, radiant flux intensity
Do not allow if clearly power of visible light
12(b) L C1 Allow r or x in place of d
F =
4π d 2


= 1340 W m -2 A1 1337
Correct to at least 3 s.f. AFC
Unit required to gain the A mark.
SF and wrong unit – do not take as SF penalty
12(c) E
m = 2

3.83× 1026

= 4.26× 109 kg A1 4.256

Correct to at least 2 s.f. 4.3× 109 AFC

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Question Answer Marks Guidance

12(d) L = 4π σ r 2 T 4
T 4 = 1.11  1015
3.83×1026 = 4×π× 5.67×10-8 × 6.96×1082 × T 4 leading to T = 5770 K
B1 Fully substituted
12(e) 1 C1 Allow λ(max)T = constant
λ (max) ∝
T Allow constant as 2.885  10-3 or any
calculated value if used again with the other
5.00× 10−7 9940 temperature
λ 5770

-7 A1 2.902
λ=2.90 × 10 m
Correct to at least 3 s.f. AFC

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