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10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)


HOUSE OF KNOWLEDGE & Iqra Bilal Education System

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( Topic: punctuations or use of capitals, 5 Marks) Q#1: According to punctuation mark, 1 point

Choose the correct statement:

a) My aunt who lives in Mumbai is a doctor.

b) My aunt, who lives in Mumbai, is a doctor.

c) My aunt, who lives in Mumbai is a doctor.

d) None Of These

Q#2: Which of these is not a punctuation mark? 1 point

a) Full stop

b) Comma

c) Colon

d) None Of These… 1/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#3: Which of these is used after a nominative absolute? 1 point

a) Colon

b) Comma

c) Full stop

d) None of these

Q#4: "Full stops" are also called? 1 point

A. Periods

B. Endings

C. Points

D. None Of These

Q#5: In British English, ( ) are called "round brackets", but in American English they're 1 point
often called?

A. Round braces

B. Square brackets

C. Parentheses

D. None Of These… 2/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

(Topic: correct usage of tense)Q#6: Our sir teaches Mathematics . . . . . . English. 1 point

A. across

B. besides

C. beside

D. none of these

Q#7: I ____ this book since morning. 1 point

A. had been reading

B. has been reading

C. have had read

D. None Of These

Q#8: Identify the tense used in the following sentence. “When I reached the bookstore, 1 point
all the copies had already been sold.”

A. Past perfect tense

B. Past indefinite tense

C. Present perfect tense

D. None Of These… 3/35
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Q#9: The Chief guest, with his wife, ____. 1 point

A. left

B. are leaving

C. have left

D. None Of These

Q#10: Each of the four army soldiers _____ for the mission. 1 point

A. were ready

B. are ready

C. was ready

D. none of these

(idiomatic expressions) Q#11: To set the people by ears: 1 point

A. To box the people

B. To insult and disgrace the people

C. To punish heavily

D. None Of These… 4/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#12: Choose the correct meaning of the idiom: “A Gordian Knot”. 1 point

A) A piece of rope

B) An easy task

C) Difficult or complex problem

D) None of these

Q#13: What is the meaning of the Idiom “A wet blanket”? 1 point

A. a comfortable thing

B. an unpleasant situation

C. someone presence damps enthusiasm

D. None Of These

Q#14: To be at the zenith of? 1 point

(A) Be at the peak of

(B) Face difficulty boldly

(C) To die an immature death

(D) None of these… 5/35
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Q#15: Meaning of this idiom “On edge”? 1 point

A. nervous

B. unhappy

C. disheartened

D. none of these

Q#16: “Carried off his feet” meaning of this idiom? 1 point

A. became delirious

B. danced on his toes

C. was dizzy

D. none of these

Q#17: To take a leaf out of someone’s book? 1 point

A) To steal something from others

B) To take him as model

C) To follow somebody actions

D) None Of These… 6/35
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Q#18: All Agog means? 1 point

A) Everybody

B) Restless

C) All ready

D) None of these

Q#19: To hold something in leash means? 1 point

A) To restrain

B) To fight

C) To discourage

D) None of these

Q#20: The idiom “Kick the bucket” means? 1 point

A. To kill

B. To achieve a goal

C. To die

D. None Of These… 7/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

(Prepositions ) Q#21: The metro station is right ______ the airport. 1 point

A. Below

B. Under

C. Beneath

D. None of the above

Q#22: You should refrain……….hurting her feelings? 1 point

A. To

B. On

C. With

D. None Of These

Q#23: I can not make ….. what this beggar wants? 1 point

A. Of

B. Out

C. From

D. None Of These… 8/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#24: I suspect him ____ stealing the pen. 1 point

A. for

B. of

C. to

D. none of these

Q#25: Before sometimes, the monkey jumped . . . . . . the river. 1 point

A. on

B. into

C. near

D. none of these

( Topic: articles,conjunctions) Q#26: He Gave Me Not Only a Book _____ Money. 1 point

(A) But

(B) Also

(C) But Also

(D) None Of These… 9/35
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Q#27: Although She Works Hard ___ She Fails. 1 point

(A) But

(B) Then

(C) Yet

(D) None Of These

Q#28: If You Come Here, ____I Will Teach You. 1 point

(A) But

(B) Then

(C) Yet

(D) None Of These

Q#29: He saw ___ Ali nor Aslam. 1 point

(A) Never

(B) Either

(C) But

(D) None Of These… 10/35
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Q#30: Arslan is not so dull ___The Teacher Expected. 1 point

(A) As

(B) Than

(C) Then

(D) None Of These

Q#31: . I Want To Appoint___Assistant 1 point

Option 1

A. A

B. An

C. The

D. None Of These

Q#32: We Drink___Water. 1 point

(A) A

(B) An

(C) The

(D) None Of These… 11/35
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Q#33: Gold is___Precious metal. 1 point

(A) A

(C) An

(C) The

(D) None Of These

Q#34: “Wow” is an example of? 1 point

A. Article

B. Conjunction

C. Interjection

D. None Of These

Q#35: Choose the correct article:Wait for me by ____ school gate at 4 o clock. 1 point

A. An

B. A

C. The

D. Article is not required.… 12/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

(Topic :Collective Nouns) Q#36: Pick the correct option: 1 point

a) A group of geese is called a gaggle.

b) A group of ducks is called a pack.

c) A group of emus is called an army.

d) none of these

Q#37: Which is the correct option? 1 point

a) A drove of goats.

b) A herd of goats.

c) A tribe of goats.

d) All of the above.

Q#38: Collective nouns can be? 1 point

a) Singular.

b) Plural

c) Both A&B

d) None of These… 13/35
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Q#39: Fill the blanks with proper collective nouns: A ____ of sailors. 1 point

A. Pack

B. Zoo

C. Crew

D. None Of These

Q#40: A ____ of bananas. 1 point

A. Bunch

B. Brood

C. Basket

D. None of these

(Topic: Foreign Phrases) Q#41: Prima facie: 1 point

(a) without any evidence

(b) unceremoniously

(c) on the face of it

(d) none of these… 14/35
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Q#42: Ab initio (Latin): 1 point

(a) Initiative

(b) The initial

(c) From the beginning

(d) none of these

Q#43: Dei gratia (Latin): 1 point

(a) Thankfully

(b). I am grateful

(c) By the grace of God

(d)None of These

Q#44: Bourgeois (French): 1 point

(a) A member of the middle class

(b) Beggars

(c) A member of a secret society

(d) None of these… 15/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#45: Locus standi (Italian) 1 point

(a) Local stand

(b) One’s stand for one’s beliefs

(c) The right to bring something in front of the court

(d) None Of These

(Topic: change of speech & change of voice) Q#46: We waste much time on trifles. 1 point

a) Much time was wasted on trifles.

b) Much time will be wasted on trifles.'

c) Much time is wasted by us on trifle’s.

d) none of these

Q#47: We have already done the exercise. 1 point

a) Already the exercise has been done by us.

b) The exercise has already been done by us.

c) The exercise had been already done by us.

d) none of these… 16/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#48: The pilot landed the plane safely. 1 point

a) The plane had been landed safely by the pilot.

b) The plane has been landed safely by the pilot.

c) The plane was to be landed safely by the pilot.

d) None of These

( Topic: vocabulary through analogy questions to locate logical relations among words) 1 point
Q#49: GRAIN: SALT ::

A. shard: pottery

B. shred: wood

C. chip: glass

D. None Of These

Q#50: Fear : Threat :: Anger : ? 1 point

(a) Compulsion

(b) Panic

(c) Provocation

(d) None of These… 17/35
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Q#51: “Radical” is related to “Moderate” in the same way as “Revolution” is related to .. ? 1 point

(a) Change

(b) Chaos

(c) Peace

(d) none of these

Q#52: “Life” is related to “Autobiography” in the same way as “Witness” is related to 1 point

(a) Papers

(b) Acceptance

(c) Documents

(d) None Of These

Q#53: Appreciation : Reward :: Disgrace : ? 1 point

(a) Crime

(b) Guilt

(c) Allegation

(d) None Of These… 18/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

(Topic: Verbs&Proverbs) Q#54: My mother has offered to look _____ the children, so we 1 point
can go to the party.

A. after

B. into

C. for

D. None Of These

Q#55: He heard the train ___________ coming. 1 point

A. is

B. were

C. will

D. None Of These

Q#56: Identify the action verbs in the following phrase: “The children talked to each 1 point
other all night instead of staying asleep.”

a) To be.

b) Asleep.

c) Talked.

d) None Of These… 19/35
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Q#57: . — of all trades master of none? 1 point

a) Tom

b) Harry

c) Jack

d) None Of These

Q#58: . Half a ___ is better than no bread. 1 point

A. Card

B. Cup

C. Milk

D. None Of These

Q#59: Complete the proverb: “There is no place like _____ “ 1 point

A. Home

B. House

C. Heaven

D. None Of these… 20/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#60: What is the meaning of “Get Away With”? 1 point

A. Succeed

B. Love

C. Appreciate

D. None Of These

( Topics: antonyms, synonyms, one word substitution) Q#61: Synonym of ARROGANT is? 1 point

A. Conceited

B. Humble

C. Noble

D. None Of These

Q#62: Synonym of “glare” is? 1 point

A. Scowl

B. Hide

C. Display

D. None Of These… 21/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#63: Synonym of “obligatory” is? 1 point

A. agreeable

B. required

C. useful

D. None Of These

Q#64: Synonym of “contiguous” is ? 1 point

A. disparate

B. distant

C. emergent

D. None Of These

Q#65: Synonym of Incredulous is ? 1 point

A. Dishonest

B. Honest

C. Reliable

D. None Of These… 22/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#66: Synonym of ZEST is ? 1 point

A. Passive

B. Enthusiasm

C. Disgust

D. None Of These

Q#67: Synonym of “sagacity” is ? 1 point

A. attentiveness

B. courage

C. wisdom

D. none of these

Q#68: Synonym of “incorrigible” is ? 1 point

A. commendable

B. incorruptible

C. unchangeable

D. None Of These… 23/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#69: What is the antonym of Assent? 1 point

A. disagree

B. approve

C. sanction

D. None Of These

Q#70: Choose the most appropriate antonym of OBSOLESCENT: 1 point

A. Shining

B. Fashionable

C. Cheap

D. None Of These

Q#71: Antonym of “Paucity” is? 1 point

A. Scarcity

B. Surplus

C. Presence

D. None Of These… 24/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#72: Antonym of LUCID is ? 1 point

A. Evident

B. Vague

C. Explicit

D. None Of These

Q#73:Antonym of DENIGRATE is ? 1 point

A. Asperse

B. Besmirch

C. Boost

D. None Of These

Q#74: Antonym of DOCILE is? 1 point

A. Unyielding

B. Pliant

C. Quiet

D. None Of These… 25/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#75: Antonym of “accelerate” is ? 1 point

A. Risk

B. Monitor

C. Deny

D. None Of These

Q#76: Choose the most appropriate antonym of VILIFY: 1 point

A. To praise

B. To sing

C. To weep

D. None Of These

Q#77: Find the antonym of “Candid”? 1 point

A. Bluff

B. Devious

C. Careless

D. None Of These… 26/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#78: Antonym of Exonerate? 1 point

A. Acquit

B. Absolve

C. Release

D. None Of These

Q#79: Choose the most appropriate synonym of PARITY: 1 point

A. Being equal

B. Being close

C. Being oppose

D. None of these

Q#80: Find the synonym of “Decipher"? 1 point

A. Clear

B. Disregard

C. Interpret

D. None Of These… 27/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#81: Convert to indirect form: She asked him “Are you crazy?” 1 point

A. She asked him if she was crazy

B. She asked him if he was crazy

C. She asked him if he is crazy

D. None Of These

Q#82: Choose the most suitable indirect speech of: She said to him, “Go down stairs.” 1 point

A. She told him to go downstairs.

B. She said him to go downstairs.

C. She told him that to go downstairs.

D. None Of These

Q#83: Choose the most suitable indirect form of the sentence: He said to her, “What a 1 point
cold day!”

A. He said that it was a cold day.

B. He told her that it was a cold day.

C. He exclaimed sorrowfully that it was a cold day.

D. None Of These… 28/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#84: He asked me, “Did you see that car?” Find the correct indirect sentence? 1 point

A. He asked me if he had seen that car.

B. He asked me if I had seen that car.

C. He asked me I had seen that car.

D. None Of These

Q#85: A person who renounces the world and practices self-discipline in order to attain 1 point

A. Sceptic

B. Ascetic

C. Devotee

D. None Of These

Q#86: Commencement of words with the same letter? 1 point

A. Pun

B. Alliteration

C. Transferred epithet

D. None Of These… 29/35
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Q#87: The murder of Brother? 1 point

A. Homicide

B. Regicide

C. Fratricide

D. None Of These

Q#88: Custom of having many wives? 1 point

A. Misogamy

B. Bigamy

C. Monogamy

D. None Of These

Q#89: A person who wastes his money on luxury is? 1 point

A. Luxuriant

B. Luxurious

C. Extravagant

D. None Of These… 30/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#90: From the given group of words, choose the word wrongly spelt 1 point

A. Imperative

B. Ilicit

C. Imminent

D. None Of These

Q#91-95: Read the fol lowing passages carefully and answer the questions given below them.
No actual black hole has yet been located or studied, but the concept has provided endless
imaginative fodder for science fiction writers and endless theoretical fodder for physicists and
astrophysicists.Black holes are one of the more exotic theoretical manifestations of general
relativity. The standard model for the formation of a black hole involves the collapse of a large
star. For extremely massive stars that are four to five times the mass of our sun, the exclusion
principle—the resistance between the molecular particles within the star as they are
compressed—will not be strong enough to offset the gravity generated by the star’s own
mass. The star’s increasing density will overwhelm the exclusion principle. What follows is
runaway gravitational collapse. With no internal force to stop it, the star will simply continue to
collapse in on itself, until it reaches a point of infinite density and zero volume, a phenomenon
known as a singularity.The star now disappears from the perceivable universe, like a cartoon
character who jumps into a hole and pulls the hole in after him. What this process leaves
behind is a different kind of hole—a profound disturbance in space time, a region where
gravity is so intense that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. Any object falling within
the boundary of a black hole will be sucked in and will disappear from our universe
forever.What would happen to an object, such as an astronaut, as it vanished into the black
hole? Physicists have been amusing themselves with this question for years. Most believe that
the astronaut would be destroyed by the intense gravitational forces within the black hole, or
would explode in a flash of gamma rays as he or she approached the singularity at the hole’s
core. Theoretically, an astronaut who managed to survive the passage would experience some
very strange things, including acute time distortion, which would enable him or her to know, in
a few brief seconds, the entire future of the universe in all its detail.

Option 1… 31/35
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Q#91: The word “fodder” is closest in meaning to? 1 point

A. material

B. stories

C. support

D. None Of These

Q#92: The word “offset” could best be replaced by? 1 point

A. carry

B. arrange

C. overflow

D. None Of These

Q#93: It can b?e inferred from the passage that black holes are 1 point

A. a source of inspiration and entertainment

B. a scientific impossibility

C. the key to the entire future of the universe

d. None Of These… 32/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#94: The opposing force between the molecular particles inside a star is called? 1 point

A. general relativity

B. the exclusion principle

C. infinite density

D. None Of These

Q#95: It can be concluded from paragraph 3 that light? 1 point

A. destroys a black hole

B. can barely reveal a black hole

C. does not exist near a black hole

D. None Of These

Q#96: Which one of the following sentence is correctly punctuated? 1 point

A. The weather this winter has been: windy, wet and unpredictable

B. The weather this winter has been windy, wet and unpredictable

C. The weather this winter has been, windy, wet and unpredictable

D. None Of These… 33/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#97: Correct the sentence: I came to work with the bus today? 1 point

A. I come to work with the bus today.

B. I would come to work with a bus today.

C. I come to work by bus today.

D. None Of These

Q#98: Correct the sentence: He got up and run to the door. 1 point

A. He get up and run to the door.

B. He gets up and run to the door.

C. He got up and will run to the door.

D. None Of These

Q#99: Complete the sentence: It started to rain while we _____ tennis? 1 point

A. are playing

B. were playing

C. had played

D. None Of These… 34/35
10/20/21, 11:24 PM TEST#10: TEHSILDAR (ENGLISH)

Q#100: Identify the correct spellings in the following set of words? 1 point

A. Ocassionally

B. Occasionally

C. Ocassionally

D. None Of These

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