Task 3 - Speech Act

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Muhammad Hisyam Alfalaq Pragmatics 6A


Topic: Speech Acts
 What is speech acts?
 Layers of speech acts: Locution, Illocution and Perlocutionary Acts
 Conditions for successful performance of speech acts
 Types of Speech acts
- Assertive/ Representative
- Declarative
- Expressive
- Commissive
- Directives
Answer the following questions

1. What is speech acts? (summarize your own conclusion after reviewing at

least three experts' ideas; use appropriate)
No Experts Definition of speech acts Conclusion
1 Austin The actions performed in saying The action performed by a
(1962) something. speaker with an utterance.
2 Aitchison A number of utterance behave
(2003) somewhat like actions.
3 Yule (1996) An action performed by utterances.

2. There are three facts of speech acts—locutionary acts; illocutionary acts and
perlocutionary acts. Find examples of speech act; then use and analyze the
examples to explain the concept of locutionary acts; illocutionary acts and
perlocutionary acts
Example of speech act My hands itchy

Locutionary Illocutionary Acts Perlocutionary

Acts Acts

A statement that Conveyed by the speaker is not Used by the speaker to

describes the merely to describe the condition create the effect of
Facts of speech acts physical condition of his hands that are feeling fear on the hearer.
of the speaker who itchy, but more than that, that This fear arises, it
is feeling itchy on the speaker performs certain could be because the
his hands. actions related to itching. For speaker is a bouncer.
example, taking painkillers, and
Conclusion Locutionary Acts
The act of saying something with words and sentences according to the meaning
in the dictionary and according to the syntax rules.

Illocutionary Acts
Speech acts that contain intent, the relationship with sentence forms that embody
an expression.

Perlocutionary Acts
Perlocutionary speech acts refer to the effect the speaker has on saying

3. There are some conditions for successful performance of speech acts—

preparatory condition, sincerity condition, essential condition, and content
condition. Find examples of speech act; then identify the conditions and
show how the conditions contribute to make successful performance of
speech act
Example of speech act Patrick Colm Hogan in "Philosophical Approaches to the Study of Literature"
explains the condition of felicity with this example:

Suppose I am playing and say the sentence 'I promise to kill the evil Don
Conditions for Definition Indicators/parameter Analysis of examples
successful performance
of speech acts

Preparatory Condition This condition requires embedded in a Unqualified as the

that the speech act is conventionally preparatory requirements
embedded in a recognized context because it certainly did not
conventionally recognized have the authority to kill
context, thus, only by anyone.
saying a promise, the
event will not occur by
itself, there must be a
commitment from the

Sincerity Condition In taking the right action, sincerely uttered unqualified because he
the actor must have a actually didn't intend to
certain psychological kill anyone
regarding the content of
the utterance proposition.
For example, when a
person makes a promise,
he must have the intention
to keep that promise.

Essential Condition The essence condition of perform the intended unqualified as the essential
an utterance is related to action requirements because he
its intention to make the doesn't expect his words
participant perform the to be followed up
intended action

Content Condition Conditions proposed by understanding of the unqualified as the

the speaker or listener and content of the provisions of propositional
here requires participants' utterance content: He actually acts
understanding of the
content of the utterance.
Conclusion Preparatory Condition
where the speech opinion and the state of the speech act are appropriate to be
carried out successfully

Sincerity Condition
where the speech act is done seriously and sincerely

Essential Condition
where the speaker intends for an utterance to be acted upon by the recipient

Content Condition
which requires participants to understand language, not act like actors

4. There are at least five types of speech acts—assertives, declaratives,

directive, expressive, and commissive, complete the following table with
concepts, indicators/parameters and examples of each type of speech acts
No Types of Concepts/Definition Indicators Examples Analysis of
speech acts example

1 assertive State what the speaker speaker believes The earth is flat. That utterance
believes to be the case or can be called as
not. a claiming. The
believes that
earth is flat, but
the earth is not
flat actually.

2 declaratives Kinds of speech acts that change the I now pronounce The meaning is
change the world via world via you husband and declaring which
utterance. utterance wife a person who
utters it is the
3 directive An intention to produce action by the Don’t touch that! The words have
some effect through hearer meaning and
action by the hearer. contain a
which orders
the hearer for
not touching

4 expressive expressive speech act speaker feels Congratulations! The meaning is

state what the speaker congratulating
feels that is uttered
by the speaker
to someone.

5 commissive Commits the speaker to Do action in I’ll be back The words have
some future action. future meaning and
contain a
promise that the
speaker will
back to that

5. Find an article about the analysis of speech acts and discuss it with the
concept of speech acts used in your task
Lida Marbun & Nurma Dhona Handayani. (2020). AN ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACT IN THE GROWN
UPS MOVIE. Journal of English Education, 6(1), 19–28.

This article can classified the type of speech act in the Grown Ups movie. The finding reveals that the
character played like to tell their speech act through the utterance. As a result of this research, it contains
illocutionary, perlocutionary, and locutionary speech act. The reason also different based on the speech act
that they used.

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