Marketing Strategy Process Analyzing The Sequential Relationship Among Its Strategic Activities

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Review of Business Management

ISSN 1806-4892
e-ISSN 1983-0807

Marketing Strategy Process: analyzing Received on

the sequential relationships among 10/4/2018

Approved on

its strategic activities 06/14/2019

Responsible editor:
Prof. Dr. Guilherme de Farias
Lucas Lira Finoti¹
Ana Maria Machado Toaldo¹
¹Federal University of Parana (UFPR), Business School, Curitiba, Brazil
Evaluation process:
Loise Cristina Schwarzbach² Double Blind Review
Renato Zancan Marchetti²
²Pontifical Catholic University of Parana (PUC-PR),
Business School, Curitiba, Brazil

Purpose – Our focus in this paper was to analyze the activities inherent
in marketing strategy making. We aimed to sequentially test the
relationships between the activities belonging to the formulation and
implementation processes of marketing strategy.
Design/methodology/approach – We collected data from 105 firms
through an online cross-sectional survey, using Partial Least Squares
(PLS) path modeling for the data analysis.
Findings – Considering the formulation of marketing strategies, our
results show that communication quality positively influences cross-
functional integration, which in turn affects strategic consensus. About
strategy implementation, we have found that resource commitment is
influenced by strategic consensus, and it influences the emphasis on
marketing capabilities.
Originality/value – The main contribution of this study is the
relationships established between the marketing strategy process
activities. We have changed the focus of the investigation from the
causes and consequences of the strategy process to the analysis of how
each element contributes to the process dynamics. We also contribute
to the research stream on marketing strategy making by explaining how
marketing strategy formulation and implementation may be related
through strategic consensus.
Keywords – Marketing Strategy Process. Strategic Activities. Strategy
Formulation. Strategy Implementation. Review of Business

DOI: 10.7819/rbgn.v21i5.4031

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Lucas Lira Finoti / Ana Maria Machado Toaldo / Loise Cristina Schwarzbach / Renato Zancan Marchetti

1 Introduction studies have focused on understanding the

activities in a separate way, without considering
Marketing strategy is broadly accepted the relationship with other variables in the process.
as the core concept in the field of strategic Some researchers have investigated the
marketing. It refers to the organization’s crucial relationship between the processes of marketing
decisions related to the creation, communication strategy formulation and implementation. In
and delivery of valuable products to customers general, their results demonstrate that formulation
(Varadarajan, 2015). In this regard, the sequence alone is not capable of generating positive
of ideation and operationalization activities of results for the company, always depending on
marketing strategy, known as the marketing the implementation process (Finoti et al., 2017;
strategy process, is central to the practice of Morgan, Katsikeas, & Vorhies, 2012; Morgan,
marketing (Hutzschenreuter & Kleindienst, Zou, Vorhies, & Katsikeas, 2003; Trez & Luce,
2006; Morgan, Whitler, Feng, & Cheri, 2019). 2012). Thus, despite the established relationship
Due to its importance to marketing between the two process steps, and the broad
practice, the marketing literature has extensively interest on the topic, little is known about the
investigated the antecedents and the results interrelationships among the activities at each stage
elements of marketing strategy process. For and even less about how the formulation activities
example, we highlight the studies on organizational individually influence the implementation ones
antecedents such as innovative culture (Menon, (Hutzschenreuter & Kleindienst, 2006) (see
Bharadwaj, Adidam, & Edison, 1999), market Figure 1, p. 5 for an overview of how researchers
orientation (Lee, Yoon, Kim, & Kang, 2006) are exploring the marketing strategy process).
corporate structure (Jarrat & Fayed, 2001), and We argue that this is a gap in the literature
organizational vision (Naidoo & Wu, 2011). since the marketing strategy process is defined as
Regarding the results of marketing strategy the sequence of activities that managers develop to
process, researchers have emphasized the strategy analyze the environment and address the market
success (Noble & Mokwa, 1999; Thorpe & needs (Hutzschenreuter & Kleindienst, 2006).
Morgan, 2007), sales and profit growth (Sashittal Thus, by neglecting the relationships among the
& Jassawalla, 2001), market share (El-Ansary, actions, researchers have missed the opportunity
2006), customer satisfaction (Toaldo, Didonet, to refine the available theoretical models, to
& Luce, 2013), and new product success (Finoti, determine how process activities influence each
Didonet, Toaldo, & Martins, 2017). other, and to establish which sequence of activities
Another stream of research has analyzed provides greater efficiency to the process (Ashill,
the importance of some isolated activities and Frederikson, & Davies, 2003).
decisions to marketing strategy making. In We also highlight that, in support of our
this regard, researchers have pointed out the argument, Morgan et al. (2019) have recently
relevance of communication quality (Lages, pointed out the scarcity of studies regarding the
Lages, & Lages, 2005; Roberts, Varki, & Brodie, core domain of marketing strategy. The authors
2003), functional integration (Ferrel & Hartline, call for research regarding a more granular
2006), strategic consensus (Zanon, Alves, & understanding on the strategy formulation-
Jabbour, 2013), marketing capabilities (Akdeniz, process, and on the factors that influence the
Gonzalez-Padron, & Calantone, 2010), and activities of strategy implementation.
resource commitment (Heide, Grounhaug, & To fulfill the identified gap, our purpose
Johannenssen, 2002) for companies to achieve in this study was to sequentially analyze the
better results through the marketing strategy relationships among marketing strategy process
process. It is worth noting that the mentioned activities. We have followed previous studies

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Marketing Strategy Process: analyzing the sequential relationships among its strategic activities

(Brooksbank, Subhan, & Calderwod, 2018; El- actions at the formulation and implementation
Ansary, 2006; Menon et al., 1999; Morgan et al., stages of the strategy process. Although it is
2003), to establish and test our specific objectives. well-established that strategies, even when well
Thus, regarding the formulation process we have designed, require implementation efforts to
tested the influence of communication quality on achieve the established goals (Hrebiniak, 2006),
cross-functional integration, and the influence our results provide greater understanding on
of cross-functional integration on strategic how the activities of one phase impact the other
consensus. We have also proposed the relationship process activities (Morgan et al., 2012). The
between formulation and implementation third contribution raises on the establishment of
throughout strategic consensus. Regarding the strategic consensus as the missing link between
implementation process, we have analyzed the strategy formulation and implementation.
influence of resource commitment to strategy on Thus, we also contribute to the research stream
the development of marketing capabilities. on marketing strategy making by offering an
To achieve our goals, we developed a survey explanation about how marketing strategy
with Brazilian SMEs of the Information and formulation and implementation may be related.
Communication Technologies (ICT) sector. The Finally, the fourth contribution comes from
ICT sector is known for a high rate of innovations the investigation of marketing strategy making
in products and processes, and shorter product life in small and medium firms. The relationships
cycles (Akman & Yilmaz, 2008), which implies stablished in this study can offer insights to
a constant need for reformulation of marketing managers on how to act to formulate and
strategies. Therefore, the ICT sector represents a implement marketing strategies in SMEs since
valuable context to explore the issues introduced most of the available knowledge on the subject is
in the present study. We also highlight that most related to large companies.
of the literature on marketing strategy making We have structured the paper as follows: in
has a normative standard based on models tested the next section, we present the theoretical basis
in large companies. Considering that SMEs can on marketing strategy making. Following, we
also improve organizational performance when detail the data collection and analysis techniques
formulation and implementation activities are used in the study. Then we present our results
well developed (Chung, Wang, & Huang, 2012; and discuss them in light of the revised theory. In
Finoti et al., 2017; Thorpe & Morgan, 2007), conclusion, we summarize the research findings
we argue that the current study has important and set the theoretical contributions, main
implications to theory development regarding limitations and suggestions for future research.
strategy making in small and medium firms.
The development of this study brings four 2 Theoretical background
main contributions to the marketing literature. Menon et al. (1999) defined marketing
First, by exploring the communication between strategy making (also called marketing strategy
marketing and other functions, the integration process) as a set of routines and activities
among employees to achieve marketing goals inherent in the marketing planning ideation and
and the use of scarce resources to implement implementation. The authors have developed
marketing activities, our study explores how and tested a process model which contemplates
essential elements of strategic marketing literature seven elements: (a) situational analysis, (b)
(e.g., Leong, Randall, & Cote, 1994; Verhoef & comprehensiveness, (c) emphasis on marketing
Leeflang, 2009) improve the marketing strategy assets and capabilities, (d) cross-functional
process when analyzed simultaneously. The second integration, (e) communication quality, and
contribution comes from the interrelationships of (f ) resource commitment to the strategy. They

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Lucas Lira Finoti / Ana Maria Machado Toaldo / Loise Cristina Schwarzbach / Renato Zancan Marchetti

analyzed the variables as independent activities, marketing strategy process. Brooksbank (1990;
not relating them to particular steps, such as 1996) for example, has established the basic
formulation and implementation. strategic activities needed to the development of
Their study is a milestone in the the marketing planning process. According to
marketing literature because it established the author, the planning process comprises (1)
how antecedents and results are related to each adopting a marketing philosophy, (2) defining
activity in the marketing strategy process. For a business mission, (3) conducting situation
example, they have found that innovation culture analysis, (4) developing marketing objectives,
(organizational antecedent) positively impacts (5) formulating marketing strategy, (6) designing
resource commitment (process element), which marketing organization, and (7) implementing
has a positive influence on market performance marketing control.
(strategy result) (Menon et al., 1999). However, More recently, Brooksbank, Subhan and
no assertions were developed about the possible Calderwod (2018) have advanced the literature on
relationships of resource commitment to other marketing strategy by comparing the marketing
process variables, such as strategic consensus and planning activities of firms in developed and
emphasis on marketing capabilities. emerging countries. The authors have found
Following the organizational strategy significant differences between firms established
literature, some researchers have advanced the in India compared to firms from US. Their results
marketing field, by considering the marketing shed light on the importance of investigating the
strategy making as formed by two major steps: marketing strategy process in different contexts
formulation and implementation (e.g. El-Ansary, other than North America and Europe.
2006; Finoti et al., 2017; Morgan et al., 2003; Although the paper of Menon et al. (1999)
Morgan et al., 2012; Morgan, 2012; Trez & Luce, and the work-life of Roger Brooksbank (see
2012). The results of these studies show that the Brooksbank, 1990, 1996, Brooksbank & Taylor,
formulation processes only have an impact on 2007, Brooksbank, Subhan, & Calderwod, 2018,
firms performance when they are followed by among others) are relevant to the literature on the
implementation efforts. Although the division of marketing strategy process, we highlight in Figure
strategy process into two steps is quite common in 1 a bunch of previous studies to show how the
practice, it is important to note that this division marketing literature have addressed the issue of
may be dysfunctional when not adequately marketing strategy making until now. We can note
analyzed (Hrebiniak, 2006), causing harm to the that most studies are focused on antecedents of the
firm’s goals in the market. Thus, we argue that strategy process, while others are more engaged
understanding the relationships among activities in some of its activities. In the current study, we
in each step is critical to advance the knowledge expand the knowledge on which activities are part
about the marketing strategy process. of the formulation and implementation processes.
We should also highlight that some Additionally, our main contribution is the test
prescriptive writings offer a great overview of of the relationship among the strategy process
the set of activities developed throughout the activities, as shown in the last column of Figure 1.

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Marketing Strategy Process: analyzing the sequential relationships among its strategic activities

Figure 1. Previus studies in the marketing strategy process

According to the framework of activities makers. In this regard, internal and external
proposed by Menon et al. (1999) and the communication related to processes, distribution
division of strategy process presented above channels, and target audiences ends up being
(e.g., El-Ansary, 2006; Morgan et al., 2003), in fundamental for information exchange in
the current study we consider communication marketing decision making (Simkin, 2002).
quality, cross-functional integration, and strategic Jarrat and Fayed (2001) defined the information
consensus as elements of strategy formulation, and communication management as capabilities
while resource commitment and emphasis on needed to formulate strategies. For Dishman
marketing capabilities are studied as part of the and Calof (2008) the process of developing
implementation process. We could not find marketing strategies involves the collection,
support in the literature to explain how situational analysis, and communication of information
analysis and comprehensiveness (part of strategy from the environment. Based on these studies,
formulation) are related to communication we understand communication quality as a critical
quality, cross-functional integration and strategic element of the marketing strategy formulation
consensus. Thus, we did not include these process.
variables in our study. Cross-functional integration reflects the
In the next section, we present a brief extent to which every functional area in the firm
discussion on each activity related to the marketing is represented in the strategy-making process
strategy formulation and implementation (Menon et al., 1999). In this study, we understand
processes. cross-functional integration as a decisive element
in the strategy formulation process (Webster,
2.1 The elements of marketing strategy
1992). We argue that when the marketing strategy
team has access to information from different
To better formulate marketing strategies, departments (or functional areas) and combine
firms need to guarantee information exchange, it in a way the final strategy represents the
availability, storage and access to decision demands, resources, and capabilities of the entire

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Lucas Lira Finoti / Ana Maria Machado Toaldo / Loise Cristina Schwarzbach / Renato Zancan Marchetti

firm, then the formulated strategy has higher (Kanagal, 2016). In this sense, marketing strategy
chances of success. For example, the formulation execution can be improved when the company has
of a new product strategy is highly dependent resources that competitors cannot easily develop.
on how well integrated are the marketing and The implementation team needs to
production departments (Swamidass, Baines, & develop abilities to take the firm’s offering to
Darlow, 2001). Some researchers have shown that market. It may include research intelligence,
approximately 60% of American firms employ promotion, communication and customer
cross-functional integration to create marketing relationship capabilities (Kanagal, 2016). When
strategies, such as new products strategies (Griffin, firms have a clear focus on marketing capabilities
1997). it may generate competitive advantage; cause
Based on previous research, we also employees to implement marketing strategies
investigate strategic consensus as part of the strategy faster and prevent competitors from copying them
formulation process (e.g., Dess, 1987; Emwanu (Hrebiniak, 2006). This advantage may arise from
& Snaddon, 2012; Priem, 1990). The strategic the emphasis on the dimensions of the marketing
consensus is the agreement within a group mix, when the company uses its resources and
that the best possible decision has been made capabilities related to price, product, promotion,
to achieve the firm’s goals (Dooley, Fryxell, & sales, and market research to implement its
Judge, 2000). In this regard, Jocumsen (2004) marketing strategies (El-Ansary, 2006; Kanagal,
has shown that the alignment and resolution of 2016; Morgan et al., 2012).
internal issues is an essential element in strategy Firms may still find it difficult to
making that leads to a final commitment to operationalize their marketing activities if the
marketing strategy. Past research has put a great marketing strategy conflicts with the prevailing
emphasis on the relationship between strategic power structure. The lack of support from top
consensus and organizational performance (Dess, management and insufficient resources are
1987, Rapert, Velliquette, & Garretson, 2002; the main problems associated with strategy
Wooldridge & Floyd, 1990). Despite its relevance implementation (Hrebiniak, 2006; Kanagal,
to organizational performance, we highlight 2016). Resource allocation is a task related to
that the literature on marketing strategy making the implementation of marketing strategies
(Dishman & Calof, 2008; Lee et al., 2006; Menon (Morgan et al., 2003), and the lack of strategic
et al., 1999; Morgan et al., 2003; Slotegraaf & resources is one of the leading causes of strategy
Dickson, 2004; White, Conant, & Echambadi, implementation failure (Simkin, 2002). Thus,
2003) is silent on how strategic consensus relates marketing managers should guarantee enough
to other process activities, and how it affects strategic resources in order to implement
the subsequent activities before influencing marketing strategies properly (Kanagal, 2016).
performance. Based on the previous discussion, in
the current paper we consider the emphasis
2.2 The elements of marketing strategy
on marketing capabilities and the resource
commitment to strategy as elements of marketing
Strategy implementation encompasses strategy implementation.
the “communication, interpretation, adoption,
2.3 Hypotheses
and enactment of a strategy or strategic market
initiative” (Noble & Mokwa, 1999, p. 57). The marketing strategy process is not an
Strategy implementation is a process formed by isolated exercise. It develops among multiple
a set of techniques and behaviors which firms groups, requiring interaction and coordination
need to develop to reach a competitive advantage of activities and functions (Menon et al., 1999).

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Marketing Strategy Process: analyzing the sequential relationships among its strategic activities

In this way, we argue that good communication regardless the direct involvement of these areas
between individuals is essential for firms to in the operationalization of marketing strategy
achieve functional integration and formulate its (Shiraishi, 2009).
strategies successfully. For example, Andrews and In this regard, the better way to manage
Smith (1996) emphasize the importance of good the cross-functional relationship is to encourage
communication between departments during employees from different departments to solve
strategy formulation. According to them, firms their conflicts by nurturing good communication
can have better marketing results when there are to reach a joint agreement (Ruekert & Walker,
communication and integration between product 1987). Thus, we understand that cross-functional
managers and other functional areas within the integration depends on communication quality
firm to develop new product strategies. (as stated in hypothesis 1), and can lead firms to
We define in our study that communication achieve strategic consensus.
quality is the degree of formal and informal When multiple functions engage in
communication between individuals during the strategy formulation, it is easy to accomplish
marketing strategy process (Menon et al., 1999). a higher level of strategic understanding. A
In this regard, information transmission and better understanding may improve the sense
understanding are essential to generate desired of belonging, which influences the employee’s
actions and feedback in strategic processes. desire to work towards the achievement of firm’s
Problems in strategic planning models are mostly objectives (Tonnessen & Gjefsen, 1999). We
associated with internal resistance to change due argue that it happens because individuals align
to lack of communication and integration (Ashill their goals with the firm’s objectives, raising the
et al., 2003). idea that the firm’s strategic targets are shared with
The lack of communication is the main employees from all departments (Adler, 2001).
issue when problems appear between functional Considering the strategic decision making,
areas in a firm; thus, improving communication Finkelstein, Hambrick and Cannella (2009)
quality should lead to better integration among proposed that the higher the integration among
departments (Ruekert & Walker, 1987). Bringing strategy team members, more natural is the
this idea to strategy formulation, we understand achievement of consensus on the chosen strategy.
that communication quality should lead to better In the same way, González-Benito, Aguinis,
integration between departments during the Boyd and Suárez-González (2012) highlight the
strategy-making process. Thus, we present our importance of good communication between
first hypothesis: different functions in order to firms reach strategic
consensus. Based on the previous discussion, we
H1: Communication quality positively present our second hypothesis:
influences cross-functional integration
along marketing strategy formulation. H2: Cross-functional integration positively
influences strategic consensus along marketing
In the current study, cross-functional strategy formulation.
integration is the arrangement of teams with
multiple functional skills to elaborate marketing Even the best strategies fail to achieve
strategies (Menon et al., 1999). Cross-functional superior performance if they are not well
integration is an essential element in marketing implemented (Noble & Mokwa, 1999). By
strategy making because the marketing function neglecting the relationships between the activities
is not isolated in the firm. Marketing decisions within the marketing strategy process, researchers
constantly interact with the other functional areas, have failed to address essential questions that

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Lucas Lira Finoti / Ana Maria Machado Toaldo / Loise Cristina Schwarzbach / Renato Zancan Marchetti

could help managers implement better marketing Cespedes (1991) once stated that strategy
strategies, such as: What are the elements that link implementation effectiveness is related to the
formulation and implementation activities? How firm’s ability to transform the available resources
do formulation activities impact implementation? into realized marketing actions. We understand
(Hutzschenreuter & Kleindienst, 2006). that the resource’s transition to marketplace
Following the reasoning of our previous offerings fits the definition of marketing capability
hypotheses, we argue that the sequence of (Vorhies & Morgan, 2005). Therefore, we argue
formulation activities leads to strategic consensus. that firms need to emphasize its marketing
Now, we are going to show how consensus in capabilities when marketing strategies are being
strategy formulation impacts marketing strategy implemented (Kanagal, 2016; Menon et al., 1999;
implementation through an emphasis on Morgan, 2012).
marketing capabilities and resource commitment. The literature on marketing capabilities
Our argument is based on the idea that effective has consistently shown the importance of
implementation is dependent on the shared resources to capabilities’ development. One
understanding of the chosen strategy (Rapert et type of resource that can be directly related
al., 2002). Thus, the strategy implementation to capabilities’ development is the marketing
depends on the agreement among all the personnel resources. For example, sales personnel and
in charge of strategy formulation (Finkelstein et marketing research are essential inputs for
al., 2009). firms to reach better performance compared
To implement marketing strategies, to its competitors (Yalcinkaya, Calantone, &
managers need to translate strategic plans into Griffith, 2007). Advertising expense, customer
actions, and this is only possible when they
base development, and investment in customer
allocate appropriate strategic resources (Morgan
relationship are also related to the development
et al., 2003; Trez & Luce, 2012). It is widely
of marketing capabilities (Akdeniz et al., 2010;
known that the marketing function is sometimes
Nath, Nachiappan, & Ramanathan, 2010).
considered a source of waste because it is hard
Previous research has also emphasized the
to measure its direct influence on performance.
importance of different types of resources (besides
Thus, the consensus about a marketing strategy
marketing resources) to marketing capabilities
is crucial to guarantee the resource commitment
development. In this regard, Spyropoulou,
to strategy implementation (Dooley et al., 2000).
Skarmeas and Katsikeas (2010) have found that
Heide et al. (2002) also stated that
without access to cash and capital, companies
adequate resource allocation is an essential part
may find it challenging to develop relationship
of implementing the strategy, without which it
management capability. Kaleka (2011) has also
is difficult to operationalize the implementation
shown that there is a direct link between financial
actions. In this sense, Floyd and Wooldridge
resources and marketing capabilities.
(1994) pointed out the role of middle managers
in allocating budgets to achieve the firm’s strategic Technological resources are also relevant to
goals. Middle managers need to conciliate the marketing capabilities’ development. Mohammed
wants and needs from top management and and Rashid (2012) have discovered that when
functional areas to achieve consensus on how firms invest in technology-based CRM, they can
strategic resources are going to be used. Following develop marketing implementation capabilities,
this reasoning, we present our third hypothesis: that is, the ability to transform marketing plans
into action in the market. Similar results were
H3: Strategic consensus positively influences found by Wang and Feng (2012), who proved
resource commitment along marketing that investment in CRM technology improves
strategy implementation. the relationship capability, leading the firm

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Marketing Strategy Process: analyzing the sequential relationships among its strategic activities

to achieve better performance. According to different resources to emphasize the marketing

Chen (2012) when firms invest in IT resources capabilities throughout strategy implementation.
such as database management systems and Following the presented evidence, we state our
decision support systems, it is possible to last hypothesis:
minimize customer complaints, quickly respond
to customer needs and improve the quality H4: Resource commitment positively
of services to the customer, which means that influences the emphasis on marketing
marketing capabilities are in operation. capabilities along marketing strateg y
More than isolated resources, it is the implementation
complementarity between them that guarantee
the development of marketing capabilities (Fang Figure 2 summarizes our theoretical
& Zou, 2009). Thus, marketing managers model, presenting the hypotheses that are
need the commitment and arrangement of developed in the next section.

Figure 2. Theoretical Model

3 Method (~ 10.1%), above most sectors of the Brazilian

economy, even the GDP, which was close to
Our main purpose in this paper was to test 2.3% in the period (Brazilian Association of
the relations between the activities belonging to Software Companies, 2014), and have the best
the formulation and implementation processes of innovative performance in the country when
marketing strategy. Data were collected through compared to other economic activities (Britto &
an online cross-sectional survey. The final sample Stallivieri, 2010), which indicates the probability
consists of 105 marketing decision makers of the of investments in innovative performance and
ICT sector. In Brazil, the software and services marketing strategies.
sectors together showed strong market growth

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Lucas Lira Finoti / Ana Maria Machado Toaldo / Loise Cristina Schwarzbach / Renato Zancan Marchetti

The data collection involved four strategies with marketing researchers for adequacies and
of contact with the respondents: (a) directly with pre-tested it with managers from the ICT sector.
the companies (email and telephone); (b) through We performed Exploratory Factor Analysis
business associations (Software by Maringá in (EFA) with oblique rotation (Oblimin) to uncover
Maringá-PR and APL TI Curitiba, in Curitiba- the underlying structure of constructs under
PR); (c) via LinkedIn®; and (d) in post-graduate measurement. Except for the variable emphasis
courses in the area of information technology. on marketing capabilities, which formed two
The descriptive analysis of the sample separate factors, the AFE indicated that all the
composition (N = 105) shows that firms are variables behaved as predicted in the literature.
classified as small-sized (67%) and medium-sized Nevertheless, we tested the model using a priori
(33%) – the firm size criterion was used according criteria, that is, considering the emphasis on
to the number of employees (between 10-49 marketing capability as a single factor variable
employees for small-sized, and 50-99 employees (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 2005).
for medium-sized); with its portfolio concentrated Furthermore, we have excluded items that
in the production and commercialization of presented commonalities and loading below those
software (49.5%) and hardware (2.9%), and recommended in the literature (Hair et al., 2005).
service provision in ICT (47.6%); 71% of the It resulted in the exclusion of item numbers 1, 12
participating firms are consolidated, with more and 9 from the emphasis on marketing capabilities
than more 10 years in the market; almost 60% variable. Table 1 presents all items measured in
of respondents were marketing managers; all the study followed by its respective loadings,
the companies are Brazilian brands located in and for all constructs, the Bartlett sphericity test
the country, distributed in the south (50.5%), (p-value <.05), the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test – or
southeast (41%), and other states (8.5%). KMO (>.7) and Cronbach’s coefficient alpha (>.7)
Executive Directors, Executive Managers, were presented.
Owners and Consultants who responded to the This study has employed self-report
survey declared direct participation in marketing measures for both endogenous and exogenous
strategies formulation and implementation. variables from the same source in a single survey,
The questionnaire was developed with which calls for a test of common method bias
established multi-item scales. We measured the (CMB) (Lowry & Gaskin, 2014). Harman’s
variables with the scales developed by Menon single-factor test was applied to verify CMB.
et al. (1999). The scales were converted to 10 The result generated more than one single factor.
points since a higher number of categories makes Furthermore, the first factor explained 48% of
the discrimination between the objects more the variance which suggests that CBM was not
refined (Malhotra, 2012). Before submitting a problem in this study (Podsakoff, MacKenzie,
to respondents, we discussed the questionnaire Lee, & Podsakoff, 2003).

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Marketing Strategy Process: analyzing the sequential relationships among its strategic activities

Table 1
Construct measurements
Variable Items Loadings
Communication 1. The players involved had continuous interaction during the strategy process. .90
Quality 2. The strategy’s objectives and goals were communicated clearly to the involved and
(α = .93) .90
concerned parties.
(KMO=.856) 3. Team members openly communicated during the
(Bartlett – X² = .93
strategy process.
345,130, p <.05)
4. There were extensively formal and informal communications during the process .89
Cross-functional 1. The marketing unit responsible for this strategy
Integration was well integrated with the main business.
(α = .93) 2. The members of the strategy team had the
(KMO=.869) .92
necessary skills and motivation to carry it out.
(Bartlett – X² = 3. The strategy team was well organized. .91
470,151, p <.05)
4. There was smooth coordination of the activities of
group members during the strategy process.
Strategic Consensus 1. All involved parties worked hard to make sure
(α = .93) that the strategy was implemented successfully.
(KMO=.752) 2. The consensus was evident during the strategy process. .94
(Bartlett – X² = 3. The entire company “bought the idea” of the
247,450, p <.05) .93
formulated strategy.
Emphasis on 1. Pricing below competitors. *
Marketing Capabilities 2. New products .79
(α = .91) 3. A broad range of products .79
4. Extensive customer service capabilities .82
(Bartlett – X² =
715,993, p <.05) 5. Building brand image .73
6. Developing and refining existing products. .84
7. Premium quality products and services .83
8. Strong influence over channels of distribution .66
9. Focus on specific geographic markets *
10. Advertising expenditures above the industry average .49a
11. Products in higher-priced segments .71
12. Products in lower-priced segments. *
13. Innovation in marketing techniques .72
Resource Commitment 1. The number of people working on the project was
(α = .86) considered sufficient.
(KMO=.816) 2. Everyone was committed to making it possible to
(Bartlett – X² = .81
achieve the expected results.
193,342, p <.05) 3. Adequate resources were allocated for the
implementation of the strategy.
4. The amount of time that managers worked on the
project was considered sufficient.
Note: (*) Indicators eliminated due to low commonality (<.40). (a) Indicator removed from CFA by the weak load in
cross-loading analysis

Data were checked for normality using to structural equation modeling is often utilized
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests. and is appropriate for explorative models with
The results revealed that the data are non-normally relatively small samples (Hair, Sarstedt, Hopkins,
distributed (p<.05). Taking this result into account & Kuppelwieser, 2014). Moreover, PLS was
and considering the relatively small sample size, chosen because of its robustness for deviations
Partial Least Squares (PLS) path modeling was from multivariate normal distribution (Chin,
chosen for the data analysis. The PLS approach Marcolin, & Newsted, 2003).

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Lucas Lira Finoti / Ana Maria Machado Toaldo / Loise Cristina Schwarzbach / Renato Zancan Marchetti

Table 2
Convergent and discriminant validities

Variables AVE CR (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Emphasis on MKT Cap. (1) .61 .93 .78 0 0 0 0
Communication Quality (2) .83 .95 .69 .91 0 0 0
Strategic Consensus (3) .87 .95 .66 .84 .93 0 0
Cross-Functional Int. (4) .78 .93 .62 .79 .71 .88 0
Resource Commitment (5) .70 .90 .67 .73 .75 .66 .84

The internal consistency and convergent 2, the AVE square root values were higher than
and discriminant validities of the measurement the correlation with other latent variables, which
model were assessed. Table 2 shows the results for suggest discriminant validity in the model (Fornell
average variance extracted (AVE) and composite & Larcker, 1981).
reliability (CR) of the constructs. The results
shown in Table 2 are above the recommended 4 Results
threshold values of .70 for CR and .50 for AVE
Table 3 shows the results of all direct effects
(Bagozzi & Yi, 2012). Additionally, discriminant
for the hypothesized model. As noted, paths with
validity was examined using the square root of
t-value greater than 1.96 are considered significant
the AVE and cross-loadings as recommended by
(Hair et al., 2014). Therefore, we have accepted
Fornell and Larcker (1981). As shown in Table
all the hypotheses developed in the current study.

Table 3
Hypotheses test

Hypotheses β t-value R² Results

H1 = Communication Quality → Cross-Functional Integration .796 18.03* .63 Accepted
H2 = Cross-Functional Integration → Strategic Consensus .717 10.52* .51 Accepted
H3 = Strategic Consensus → Resource Commitment .756 17.70* .57 Accepted
H4 = Resource Commitment → Emphasis on Marketing
.674 11.49* .45 Accepted
Note: (*) >1.96. Source. Adapted from “A practical guide to factorial validity using PLS-Graph: Tutorial and annotated
example”, de D. Gefen, & D. Straub. Communications of the Association for Information systems, 2005, 16, p. 5.

Regarding the elements of strategy In relation to strategy implementation, our

formulation, the test of hypothesis 1 confirmed third hypothesis stated that strategic consensus
that communication quality directly and positively would have a positive impact on resource
impacts the cross-functional integration. The path commitment. The results supported hypothesis
coefficients between the two variables reveals 3 (β = .756; t-value = 17.70). Thus, we can argue
that the strategic consensus is an essential element
a significant (t-value = 18.03, p> 1.96) strong
of strategy formulation that enables firms to start
relationship (β = .796). In hypothesis 2 we argued
the implementation process. Our results also
that cross-functional integration directly and support hypothesis 4. Thus, we can state that,
positively influences the strategic consensus about throughout marketing strategy implementation,
marketing strategy. The results show a strong the resource commitment has a significant impact
(β = .717) significant (t-value = 10.52) relationship (β = .674; t-value = 11.49) on the emphasis on
between the constructs. marketing capabilities.

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Marketing Strategy Process: analyzing the sequential relationships among its strategic activities

It is important to note that PLS-SEM aims causes conflicts between different functional areas,
at maximizing the R2 values of the endogenous and has implications to decision making. Thus,
variables in an established model (Hair et al., communication quality is essential to achieve
2014). While the interpretation of the R2 value expected actions throughout decision making,
depends on the particular research discipline, which may improve feedback loops in strategic
in general, R2 values of 0.75, 0.50, or 0.25 for processes that involves several departments, as is
the endogenous constructs can be described as, the case of marketing strategy.
respectively, substantial, moderate, and weak (Hair Our results also help establish the sequence
et al., 2014). Our model presents R2 results that of activities needed for decision makers to reach
can be classified between moderate and substantial consensus along marketing strategy making. We
(see Table 3). The greatest result appears in the have shown that, when there is integration among
variance of Cross-Functional Integration, which the individuals who need to make marketing
is 63% explained by Communication Quality. decisions, higher is the consensus about what
The lowest result is shown in the variance of needs to be done in order to implement the
emphasis on marketing capabilities, which is 45% strategy. Thus, the results also give support to the
explained by resource commitment. Although it propositions made by Finkelstein et al. (2009),
is the lowest R2, we considered it as a reasonable who highlighted the importance of integration
explanation since the literature on marketing between departments to achieve consensus about
strategy has some well-established antecedents of the firm’s strategic goals.
marketing capabilities, such as market orientation Bringing this discussion to the marketing
(Vorhies & Harker, 2000), innovation orientation strategy process, we understand that, when
(Theodosiou, Kehagias, & Katsikea, 2012), different functional areas are integrated, decision
management capabilities (Cruz-Ros & Gonzalez- makers can reach better alignment between
Cruz, 2015), among others. marketing and the overall firm’s goals. This
alignment enables the smooth coordination
5 Discussion of activities during the strategy process. Such
By confirming all the study’s hypothesis, coordination may help the entire company “buy
our results show that communication quality the idea” of marketing strategies (Menon et al.,
has a positive influence on cross-functional 1999). Our results confirmed these assertations,
integration, which in turn impacts consensus and this is how cross-functional integration leads
over the strategy to be implemented. We have to strategic consensus in marketing strategy
also shown that strategic consensus positively making.
influences the resource commitment to strategy, We also add to the explanation of why
which has a positive impact on the use of some elements of the marketing strategy process do
marketing capabilities in strategy implementation. not directly influence organizational performance.
These results have implications for researchers Menon et al. (1999) found that communication
and practitioners on marketing strategy making. quality, cross-functional integration, and strategic
In the following paragraphs we discuss these consensus did not have a direct relationship with
implications. market performance (sales and profit) as it was
First, the influence of communication predicted. The current study shows that, although
quality on cross-functional integration advances there is no direct influence on the organizational
previous research on communication problems results, when these elements are considered
and interdepartmental conflicts (Ashill et al., sequentially, they have important implication
2003; Ruekert & Walker, 1987), which suggest to strategy formulation, and also to strategy
that poor communication is a decisive element that implementation.

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Lucas Lira Finoti / Ana Maria Machado Toaldo / Loise Cristina Schwarzbach / Renato Zancan Marchetti

With the acceptance of hypothesis 3, in the marketing strategy process (Toaldo &
we could determine the exact point where Luce, 2006). Thus, these results highlight the
formulation and implementation are connected. importance of organizational engagement in
Since insufficient resources are the main barriers marketing strategies.
associated with strategy implementation Regarding the division of marketing
(Hrebiniak, 2006; Kanagal, 2016), our study strategy process into formulation and
provides to firms the information needed to implementation, we have tested the influence
overcome this critical limitation. When firms of strategic consensus (formulation) on resource
formulate marketing strategies and reach strategic commitment (implementation). We have found a
consensus, that is, the entire organization has positive link between the variables, which means
bought the marketing idea, it is more likely that that when the formulation reaches consensus
enough time, people and financial resources (everyone has accepted the strategy developed/
are going to be reserved to marketing strategy chosen), it is more likely that the organization will
implementation. provide the resources needed for the marketing
By accepting hypothesis 4, we have department to implement the strategy. Our results
confirmed an established proposition about the have shown that strategy operationalization occurs
relationships between resources and capabilities. by emphasizing the firm’s marketing capabilities,
Although it seems an obsolete issue, we argue that which may involve pricing, promotion, sales, and
positioning this relationship along the marketing other activities.
strategy process represents a new contribution to Despite acceptance of the studies
the marketing literature. First, because it shows hypotheses, we acknowledge some limitations
how different streams of research in marketing of our study, which put some restrictions on our
are connected. We had explained how strategy- findings. First, our study focused exclusively on the
making activities, when sequentially developed, elements of marketing strategy making proposed
lead to capabilities employment. Considering the by Menon et al. (1999). The literature has evolved
emphasis on marketing capabilities as the ‘final’ since then. Thus, more relationships should be
step of the marketing strategy process, we argue analyzed within the newest process activities, such
that our results explain how marketing strategy- as segmentation, targeting, and control (Lee et al.,
making leads to improved firm’s performance. We 2006). We also highlight that we could not find
inferred it because the literature on marketing support in the literature to explain how situational
capabilities have explored mainly the positive analysis and comprehensiveness (part of strategy
influence of capabilities on performance (Ngo & formulation) are related to communication
O’Cass, 2012; Theodosiou et al., 2012; Vorhies quality, cross-functional integration and strategic
& Morgan, 2005). consensus. In this way, we encourage qualitative
Hence, regarding the formulation activities, investigations that may be useful to understand
our results have shown that communication how those activities are linked to other elements
quality directly and positively impacts cross- of the marketing strategy process. Finally, we
functional integration that, in turn, influences emphasize that these results were obtained only
strategic consensus. We argue that, without by observing the reality of the Brazilian ICT
proper communication, there is no information market with consolidated firms of medium and
exchange within the firm, which raises the feeling small size. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate
that the marketing strategy is being ‘imposed’ by this literature encompassing firms of larger sizes.
the marketing department. The three variables In addition, it is possible that such results are
of strategy formulation investigated in the restricted to the Brazilian culture. Cross-cultural
current study are organizational elements present studies are relevant to the strategic planning

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Marketing Strategy Process: analyzing the sequential relationships among its strategic activities

literature of marketing (Brooksbank; Garland, We also contribute to the research stream

& Werder, 2012; Brooksbank, Subhan, & on marketing strategy making by offering an
Calderwood, 2018). We therefore believe that explanation about how marketing strategy
other researchers may study the relationship formulation and implementation may be related.
proposed in our study by checking the influence of Recent research has addressed the importance
other cultures as well as the relationship between of marketing formulation and implementation
cultures. processes in order to firms achieve higher
performance (Finoti et al., 2017; Morgan,
6 Concluding remarks 2012; Morgan et al., 2012; Trez & Luce, 2012).
Based on the previous discussion, we claim However, by offering a fine-grained analysis of the
that the main contribution of this study is the relationships among the activities in each step,
relationships established between the marketing we could determine that strategic consensus is
strategy process activities. Our findings expand the formulation element that guarantees the link
the knowledge about the functioning of the with the implementation efforts.
marketing strategy process. We have changed Although much is said about the
the focus of the investigation from causes and importance of formulation and implementation
consequences of the strategy process (Lee et processes of marketing strategies, in this paper,
al., 2006; Sashittal & Jassawalla, 2001; Thorpe we have argued that the literature is absent on
& Morgan, 2007) to the analysis of how each how activities along the processes are related.
variable (element) contributes to the process To fulfill this gap, we employed a survey with
dynamics. This is a major contribution since marketing decision makers in firms from the ICT
the strategy process, as any process, is formed sector. Our results have shown that, regarding
by a sequence of actions (Hutzschenreuter & strategy formulation, managers need to incite
Kleindienst, 2006) that need to be analyzed in communication quality in order to guarantee
order to guarantee process efficiency (Ashill et cross-functional integration and, in turn, reach
al., 2003). To the extent of our knowledge, our
strategic consensus. We have also proposed that
study is the first to address the strategy making
strategic consensus is the formulation element
activities, and the relationship among them, under
that enables strategy implementation. Our
this perspective in the marketing literature.
findings have shown that strategic consensus
Our second contribution to the marketing
has a positive impact on resource commitment
literature is the theoretical construction that
which, in turn, affects the emphasis on marketing
enabled the understanding of how consensus
can be reached in the marketing strategy process
(Rapert et al., 2002). By detailing the sequence of
antecedents and consequences of consensus, our
results help to uncover the “black box” models Adler, P. S. (2001). Market, hierarchy, and trust:
that are used in the literature to explain consensus The knowledge economy and the future of
in strategic decisions (González-Benito et al., capitalism. Organization science, 12(2), 215-234.
2012). We also add to the management literature
(González-Benito et al., 2012; Kellermanns, A k d e n i z , M . B . , G o n z a l e z - Pa d r o n , T. ,
Walter, Lechner, & Floyd, 2005; Priem, 1990) & Calantone, R. J. (2010). An integrated
by showing important elements (such as resource marketing capability benchmarking approach
commitment and emphasis on capabilities) which to dealer performance through parametric and
may explain the relationship between strategic nonparametric analyses. Industrial Marketing
consensus and organizational performance. Management, 39(1), 150-160.

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
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Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787
Marketing Strategy Process: analyzing the sequential relationships among its strategic activities

Supporting Agencies:
Capes – Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior

1. Lucas Lira Finoti, Ph.D. in Business Administration, Federal University of Parana (UFPR), Curitiba,
Brazil. Email:
2. Ana Maria Machado Toaldo, Ph.D. in Business Administration, Federal University of Parana (UFPR),
Curitiba, Brazil. Email:
3. Loise Cristina Schwarzbach, Ph.D. Candidate in Business Administration. Pontifical Catholic
University of Parana (PUC-PR), Curitiba, Brazil. Email:
4. Renato Zancan Marchetti, Ph.D. in Business Administration, Pontifical Catholic University of Parana
(PUC-PR), Curitiba, Brazil. Email:

Contribution of each author

Ana Maria
Lucas Lira Loise Cristina Renato Zancan
Contribution Machado
Finoti Schwarzbach Marchetti
1. Definition of research problem √ √ √ √
2. Development of hypotheses or research questions (empirical
√ √ √ √
3. Development of theoretical propositions (theoretical work) √
4. Theoretical foundation / Literature review √ √
5. Definition of methodological procedures √ √ √
6. Data collection √ √
7. Statistical analysis √ √
8. Analysis and interpretation of data √ √ √ √
9. Critical revision of the manuscript √ √
10. Manuscript writing
11. Other (please specify which)


Where was written:

“Review of Business Management, São Paulo, v.21, n.5, p.767-787, oct/dec. 2019.”

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“Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787”

Rev. Bras. Gest. Neg. São Paulo v.21 n.4 oct-dec. 2019 p. 767-787

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