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Alpha Team: Mission Deep Freeze RPG

NOTE: This archive is complete for the first three hundred posts, ending with ~M~’s post on
Jan 2 2005, 04:24 PM. After that, the remainder of archive is incomplete and only
selectively covers posts, most of which are related to Frozeen’s storyline.

Victor Draven
Dec 21 2004, 10:09 PM

This RPG is based on this year's ALPHA TEAM series.

This is just like BZPRPG... just do whatever you want. You don't need to wory about health.
This is a story... you must try to defeat Ogel's drones before the planet has its second Ice

1. No spamming, flaming, etc.
2. You have no minimum or limited ammount of words to be posted. Just say what you
need to. But if its one to three words per post, see ya.

OOC: John, can I discuss my plan with you via AIM?

IC: Jerry spun around in the Blue Eagle and evaded the Drones. He shot lasers at the
Scorpion Orb Launcher, and it exploded.


After two warnings, you will be banned.

1. Create a profile consisting of:
Name of Agent:

Here are Vehicle Choices:
ALPHA MODE- All Terain Walker
ALPHA MODE- Stealth Helicopter
ALPHA MODE- Magma Drill
ALPHA MODE- Ice Glider
I know there are other vehicles, but those are reserved for Elite Agents.


You must follow all rules, be kind, and kick Ogel butt. Once you become an Elite Agent, you
can switch your vehicle to these:

Post that Profile in your first post, then, as soon as you do that, in the same post, start


This is your enemy. Destroy it. And save the world.
The little red and black thing on the bottom.
The WHOLE fortress. ***RULE***: You can attack it, destroy Drones, but you can't destroy
the Base.
These deploy Ice Orbs.

If you find Ice Orbs on your missions, keep them. Collect Ice Orbs and bring them back to

There can only be two Elite Commando Agents... Dash(unplayable), and me, because I am
the Maker, he is head of ALPHA TEAM.

I can give you missions, but you don't have to accept. Elite Agents can give Missions out as
well. If you accept, go ahead and do it. If you reject, then just do something else.
Remember, this is YOUR mission

OK, here's the profiles:



Name of Agent: Subzero

Age: 32
Ability: Engineering, Leadership, Weapons, X Ray Vision, Telekenisis, Ice
Vehicle: Blizzard Blaster

Name of Agent:Capt. Falcon
Age: 20
Ability: Flying anything that flies
Vehicle: Blue Eagle


Name of Agent: Valcone

Age: 19
Ability: Works great under pressure, Strange, controlled Magma Bursts
Vehicle: Ice Blade
Agent Type: DECEASED


Name of Agent: Erice

Age: 21
Ability: Master at Martial Arts
Vehicle: Ice Blade


Name of Agent: Rich

Age: 17
Ability: Light Technology
Vehicle: Blue Eagle


Name of Agent: Dodge

Age: 25
Ability: Very agile, skilled with ropes.
Vehicle: Chill Speeder


Name of Agent: Frozeen

Age: 36
Ability: Very, quick, good with drills
Vehicle: Tundra Tracker


Name of Agent: Databoard

Age: 26
Ability: Technology Wiz, can fix almost anything
Vehicle: Ice Blade


Name of Agent: Kalius

Age: 16
Ability: Very good driver, good at leading
Vehicle: Tundra Tracker
Agent Type: DECEASED


Name of Agent: Slick

Age: 30
Vehicle: Blue Eagle with Extreme Modifications


Name of Agent: Redcap

Age: 22
Ability: Very Clever
Vehicle: Ice Blade


Name of Agent: Kotua

Age: 20
Ability: Technology
Vehicle: Ice Blade


Name of Agent: Henry

Age: 13
Ability: Demolitionist
Vehicle: Modified Chill Speeder


Name of Agent: Cruncher

Age: 16
Ability: Agility
Vehicle: Tundra Tracker


Name of Agent: Polar

Age: 25
Ability: Able to translate many languages, can decode things, can reprogram any known
Vehicle: Ice Blade


Name of Agent: Epsilon

Age: Unknown
Ability: Architecture
Vehicle: Ice Blade, Glacier Glider


Name of Agent: Cash

Age: 29
Ability: Flying Anything
Vehicle: Blue Eagle


Name of Agent: Nm501

Age: 28
Ability: Freeze Ice/Negative Energy
Vehicle: Chill Speeder

Vakrohk Visorak of Time

Name of Agent: Viper

Age: 40
Ability: Venom, Disguise, Piloting difficult vehicles.
Vehicle: Blue Eagle
Agent Type: Regular

Victor Draven
Dec 21 2004, 10:46 PM

Name of Agent: Subzero

Age: 32
Ability: Engineering

IC: Subzero was briefed by Agent Dash about how Ogel was trying to freeze the world using
Ice Orbs. Agents Dash, Charge, Radia, Diamond Tooth, Arrow, and Tee-Vee set out in the
Mobile Command Center, and their own vehicles.
Bliz jumped into his Blizzard Blaster and turned it on.
"Initiate Alpha Mode." said Subzero. He buckled his seatbelt as the Blizzard Blaster crouched
down and unfolded into a pontoon type Ice Shark. He shot out of the Base, to fight off
Ogel's forces.
Dec 21 2004, 10:59 PM

Name:Capt. Falcon
Ability:Flying anything that flies
Vehicle:Blue Eagle

OOC: Hey Barda now I get it!!

Victor Draven
Dec 21 2004, 11:04 PM

OOC:GOOD!!! Allright, lets get this show on the road. I'm going to enter you into the Agents
Database, then I'll start RPing again.


Dec 21 2004, 11:27 PM

Name: Valcone
Age: 19
Ability: works great under pressure
Vehicle: Ice Blade

IC: Valcone was in the air inside his Ice Blade. "Come in. Alpha Team HQ, come in," he said.
All he got was static. Then, two drones came out and started shooting at Valcone. " Great,"
he said, "Now I got drones to worry about."

OOC: Barda, is that okay or not?

Victor Draven
Dec 21 2004, 11:32 PM

IC: Subzero swept through. He suddenly saw a Scorpion Orb Launcher. "Lock and Load."
Subzero converted back to Blizzard Blaster, and prepared to fight.

OOC: Great, Vito. KUTGW.

Dec 21 2004, 11:37 PM

OOC: Thanks, you got me hooked.

IC: Valcone was fighting off the drones when he saw LOTS of fire in the vacinity. He
launched a missle at the drones and flew to the fired shots in the distance.

Dec 21 2004, 11:41 PM
Sounds like a spiffy RPG:

Agent Name: Erice (Pronounced air-ice)

Age: Hm. . .21 is a nice age

Ability: A little unlear on this one. Would saying "Martial arts"

Vehicle: Alpha Ice Blade. (I LOVE that vehicle)

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 21 2004, 11:58 PM

Name of Agent: Rich (a.k.a. Rookie)

Age: 17
Ability: Light (which includes lasers, infra-red, etc.)
Vehicle: Blue Eagle

OOC: Is it okay if we give our vehicles some minor upgrades? Like, a small
weapon, extra scanning gear, stuff like that?

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 12:51 PM

IC: Capt. Falcon gets da gear. While in da sky, Capt. Falcon bombs a Snow Crawler and
destroys an Ice Orb. Ogel gets mad and sends more Snow Crawlers,
OCC:Hey, more people!!!

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 01:09 PM

OOC:Sure, go ahead. As long as you don't give it an A-Bomb, I say go ahead.

IC: Subzero's Blizzard Blaster jogged toward the Scorpion Orb Launcher. He used the main
cannon and aimed it straight at the cockpit. "Later." Daros pressed the buttons on the yoke,
and the cannon fired. A blast of energy went through the SOL, and it exploded.
A few feet from the burning remains of the SOL, an iceburg in a frozen river cracked.
Suddenly Icy Shards flew everywhere, and Snow Crawlers scurried out, firing lasers at the
Blizzard Blaster.

Dec 22 2004, 01:20 PM

IC:Capt. Falcon goes to the HQ to get a machine gun with red lens a detector to find Ice
Orbs and blast them!

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 01:27 PM
IC: Subzero used the mini lasers to blow apart some Snow Crawlers. "Initiate Alpha Mode!"
The Blizzard Blaster converted into the Ice Shark. Subzero aimed the main cannons at a
mountain side and shot. He zoomed off as an avalanche swept the Snow Crawlers away.

Dec 22 2004, 01:42 PM

OOC: Barda, you said you'd give me missions. I apologize for being unpatient.

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 01:56 PM

IC: Subzero sped away in the Ice Shark, and came to the Base. He saw Captain Falcon.
"You need a mission, Captain Falcon?" asked Subzero. Falcon nodded vigorously. "Come
with me to this destroyed glacier... some Snow Crawlers came from it. I'm thinking that
theres a tunnel leading to Ogel's fortress... or somewhere near there. So do you accept or

Dec 22 2004, 02:04 PM

IC: Valcone switches to Stealth Helicopter and flies over an avalanche. He see's some
drones, blasts them and heads back to HQ for a mission objective.

Dec 22 2004, 02:07 PM

IC: "Coming." Capt. Falcon and Subzero get to the glacier and blast the army of Snow
Crawlers to shreds with machine guns and lasers.
OOC: this is fun!

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 02:13 PM

IC: Subzero nodded at Captain Falcon. "Good fighting. Let's go down this tunnel."
He switched to Blizzard Blaster, and stepped down the tunnel. He turned on Infrared to light
the tunnel. Suddenly a Scorpion Orb Launcher burst out and flung an Ice Orb. Subzero
initiated the Decoder and neutralized the orb. Then he shot the legs off of the SOL, and shot
the drone inside. He stepped on the SOL, and marched off. "Let's go, Falcon.

Dec 22 2004, 02:20 PM

IC:Capt. Falcon and Subzero find Ogel's fortress and contact the other agents,"We found
Ogels Fortess."

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 02:25 PM

IC: Suddenly thousands of Snow Crawlers skittered out of the fortress. "Let's get out of
here. We'll come back with... MAJOR backup. At least we know where Ogel's base is." The
two Agents sped off.

OOC: I'm back, lets get back to RPing!

Master of the Rahkshi Dec 22 2004, 02:40 PM

IC: Rich flew across the icefield in his Eagle, gripping the controls nervously. Deep
Freeze HQ had just called in for major reinforcements, and was so desperate, they
were calling in trainees! He surveyed the ice beneath him, flying in circles while
waiting for the agent called "Subzero" to come and give him his first assignment.

OOC: I await my task.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 02:49 PM

IC: Subzero entered the base and converted back to Blizzard Blaster. He walked it to its
charging station, then hopped out. In his pocket he felt a vibration, and took out his palm
pilot. Apparently, a rookie named Agent Rich needed to see him. He specialized in Light
Technology. He sent a message to Rich's Blue Eagle.
Subzero got a cup of Hot Chocolate and waited for Rich while he sipped the Hot Chocolate.

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 02:50 PM

OOps, sorry. I hate Errors.d

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 02:56 PM

IC: Rich read the message three times before checking for HQ coordinates. He
turned to fly there, alternately excited and afraid. As he flew his Eagle into a
charging station, he suddenly hoped his last-minute "upgrades" he had given it
would go unnoticed. An agent was waiting for him when he disembarked. "I'll be
taking you to your briefing," he said and led Rich away.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 02:59 PM

IC: Valcone drove in in his Ice Blade. He hopped out and saw Subzero, Elite Agent, drinking
hot chocolate. While the cockpit closed, Subzero heard an Ashley Simpson song playing in
the Ice Blade. Subzero glanced a confused look at Valcone.
"" said Valcone emberassed.

OOC: No, I don't listen to Ashley Simpson though there is nothing wrong with her.
Edit: Dang, MotR posted right before me. I was going to the response of Barda.

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 03:12 PM

IC: Subzero glanced at both agents. "You must be Rich and Valcone. I have a mission for
you that both of you need to work together on. I need you to sneak into Ogel's Mountain
Fortress and try and find his datajournal. It might help our cause. Bring it straight to me.
Don't read it. Be careful."

Dec 22 2004, 03:19 PM

IC: "I accept this mission, though don't you think it's a little suicidal," said Valcone. "Alpha
Team needs you," said Subzero.

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 03:24 PM

IC: "The type of Suicide you speak of is "overly dangerous with high risk of death." Well,
ALPHA TEAM is all about danger."
Subzero turned to Rich. "How about you? To take a large burden off your shoulders, I'll lead
an attack on the fortress to let you guys sneak in the back way. Now what do you say?"

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 03:25 PM

IC: Rich stood there, stunned. My first assignment...I have to steal Ogel's
journal...did HQ pick me because they think I'm a thief? He nodded slowly at
Subzero's question. "Good," the agent said. "Go get your equipment; the outfit
team is waiting for you." He heard Falcone talking next to him. "Come on, Rookie;
let's get our gear." Rich nodded again, still stunned, and shambled along after
Falcone towards the equipment room.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 03:29 PM

IC: "(getting dressed) Suicide mission. (mockingly) That's what Alpha Team is all about.
Ahh, let's just get this over with," said Valcone.

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 03:33 PM

IC: Subzero frowned. He could sense that Rich was slightly offended. "I chose you because
you use light technology, and can break in easily. I chose Valcone because he can work
great under pressure. So in the end, you make a great team. You think you can do it? I
didn't choose you because you might be good AT Thieves, just your abilities." The two
Agents nodded and ran away to prepare.
Subzero turned on his palm pilot and typed a message to all Agents except those two,



Subzero sighed. This was going to be something he would probably regret for years.

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 03:45 PM

IC: Rich dressed in silence, following the suggestions of the outfit team, lining his
pockets with technology. He purposefully left a few empty, remembering what had
happened before he had left...
"Now Rich," his training instructor had said, "I know you've modified your vehicle
beyond normal specs. But I'm going to let you get away with it...once. If what I
heard is correct, you're going to need them. Take these," he said, handing Rich
several pieces of equipment. "They're experimental and were sent to me for field
testing. Just don't tell anyone I gave them to you, or HQ will be out for my blood."
One of the crew tapped him on his arm, shaking Rich out of his thoughts. "You'll
be leaving in ten," she said. Rich nodded; his mouth had suddenly gone dry.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 03:51 PM

IC: Subzero ran to the command deck, and got on the loudspeaker, looking at Valcone and
Rich. "You two are some of the bravest agents I've ever met. Good luck. Remember... don't
read the data journal. Not yet, at least."
Subzero backed away from the loudspeaker and went to his office. He now just had to wait
for volunteers.

Dec 22 2004, 03:54 PM

IC: "Yeah, that's me," said Valcone, " the bravest of the brave. The agent all want to be.
The great Valcone." "Shut up," said a female Agent next to him.

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 04:15 PM

IC: Rich couldn't help but smile as the crew member snapped at Valcone. His smile
vanished as he turned back to the current situation. Brave. Me. Yeah right. If I
were any more scared, I wouldn't be able to move. He went over the modifications
he had made to his Eagle as he strapped himself in. He had boosted the lasers on
the wings. Added an infra-red scanning system. Installed a highly experimental
holographic projector system that was more likely to blow up the ship than
actually work. And had also put in a BlinderBomb. And then there was the
equipment Thrasher had given him; he still had no idea what any of that was. And
then there was Valcone; tough, more experienced, with an Ice Blade. And
apparently was great with it. But he had no idea what Valcone's specialty was yet.
All in all, it seemed a pathetic combination to throw at several hundred Ice Orb
crawlers and who knew what else.
Well, it's too late for that now, he thought as he blasted off.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 04:17 PM

IC: Subzero had to find Volunteers quickly. People were applying for fighting in it, but
nobody had signed up for leading in it. So he would be alone. They would need to set out
before Valcone and Rich got there. Subzero got out his Palm Pilot and typed:
Subzero ran to the garage to wait for the Agents. He grabbed another cup of Hot Cocoa and
began sipping it. Five minutes later, about thirty agents arrived.
"Lets hope Ogel is feeling good today..." moaned Subzero. He cleared his throat.
"Here's our plan. We're going to attack Ogel's Mountain Fortress. Now that its been found,
Agents have reported a journal that Ogel locks away everyday. We are going to attack the
fortress, so that Ogel pours everything he has against us. That will give Agent Valcone and
Agent Rich a chance to go in, get the journal, get out. With this journal, we'll be able to
prevent some of his plans to freeze the planet. As soon as I get a message from Agent
Valcone, we will retreat. Immeadietly. There are thousands of drones and Snow Crawlers.
So be on guard. Enough talk... to your Vehicle!"
Cheers erupted, and agents got in their vehicles. Subzero got in his Blizzard Blaster.
"Initiate Alpha Mode." The Blizzard Blaster changed into the Ice Shark, and other vehicles
transformed into their faster forms.
Subzero started off, and thirty vehicles followed. Subzero sighed, hoping his plan would

Dec 22 2004, 04:24 PM

IC: Valcone was looking at Rich and noticed he was worried. They were already in the air
and Valcone typed a message to Rich.

~Rich, don't worry. We will go in, grab Ogel's little diary, then be out. It's either a nice
semi-safe sneak mission, or go out to help get shot down. Don't worry, I got your back.~

Valcone looked over and saw a smile on Rich's face through his cockpit.

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 04:32 PM

IC: Subzero typed on the datapad a message to both Agents.

Subzero uploaded the map, then sent it to both of the Agents. Subzero smiled, then saw the
top of Ogel's Mountain Fortress.

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 04:42 PM

IC: Rich nodded slowly as he read the message. So it was because he was a thief.
"Robbing for the good of mankind," he muttered to himself. "Who'd have known?"
Then Valcone's voice crackled over the comm.
"There it is, Rookie. Ice Central."
Rich gaped at the fortress. It was huge! He was still staring at it when his
scanners notified him that a fleet of Alpha Team vehicles was hanging back,
waiting to strike.
"I'll be following you in, Valcone."

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 04:46 PM

IC: "As soon as you get inside, turn to stealth, shut off engines, and get out," said Valcone.
"Then enter the code and we will slowly make our way to the diary. DON'T go in without
me. Valcone out."

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 04:48 PM

IC: Subzero converted to Blizzard Blaster and it jogged toward Ogel's Mountain Fortress. He
launched his main cannon, and the blast hit the fortress. Suddenly Drones, Snow Crawlers,
Scorpion Orb Launchers, and other things poured from the fortress.

Subzero typed a message to the two Agents. Simple, but understandable-


Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 04:52 PM

IC: Valcone dove towards the fortress as the battle on the ground began. Rich
followed, switching to stealth as he did so. They both coasted into a small
crevasse that hid them from view. Rich jumped out, and saw Valcone do the same.
They dashed towards the abandoned back door, and Valcone punched in the code:
15-7-5-12. The door hissed open, and the agents slipped in.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 05:00 PM
IC: Subzero shot lasers at the Snow Crawlers and watched as a Scorpion Orb Launcher
grabbed a Stealth Helicopter and smashed it on the ground. Subzero shot lasers at the legs
like last time, but it was too fast. It jumped into the air, and Subzero saw his chance. He
shot the cannon, and the blast went straight through its torso. Subzero saw the Ice Orb fly
through the air.
I must destroy it... for Valcone and Rich...
With a split second reaction, Subzero turned on his Decoder, and the Orb was neutralized.
He jogged over to it in the Blizzard Blaster, and picked it up, storing it.
Then he spun around, shooting Snow Crawlers and Drones alike.

Dec 22 2004, 05:01 PM

IC: "Alright, don't stop moving. If you do, there may be plenty of traps. And for gods sake,
please stop chattering your teeth, if we die, it is for the team. Now, be quiet and lets go."
Valcone and Rich walk around untill they see a large golden door guarded by a huge new
deadlier looking drone then they have ever seen. "I will distract lumpy," said Valcone, "while
you get in there." "Okay," said Rich. " it." "Don't worry agent, I got your back,"
said Valcone. Valcone then ran out and had the large drone follow him. While he was
running he looked back and saw Rich was worried. He yelled, "If this doesn't promote us to
Elite, I don't know what will." That gave Rich the courage he needed.

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 05:05 PM

went through the windshield of a SOL.

OOC: I have to go for now, be back soon.

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 05:12 PM

IC: Rich crouched by the door, thinking Win. Win. That's all that matters. Get
through this; you'll do fine. Get through this, you'll be promoted. He glanced over
at the monster nervously, wondering how in the world Valcone was going to
distract it, when he just marched out into the hall, threw a rock at its head and
yelled "Hey ugly!" The monster grunted and started lumbering off after Valcone,
who started running in the opposite direction, yelling various taunts and insults.
Rich darted over and pulled the door open. He had just slipped inside when he
stopped, his heart hammering worse than before.
Nobody told me Ogel sleeps here! he thought.
But there he was; Evil Ogel, snoring away on a fluffy pink bed, surrounded by
stuffed animals. Had he not been so nervous, Rich would have laughed. He saw
the safe, and moved over to it, drawing out a Stunner from his pocket in case Ogel
woke up.
Hope Valcone's doing okay...

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 05:19 PM

IC: Valcone was running and got a load of laser in his left leg. He dodged out behind a crate
and sent a message to Rich.


Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 05:36 PM

IC: Rich read the message, then turned back to the vault. He twisted the dial
slowly, feeling for the lick that meant a tumbler had locked.
Click. Click. Click. Click. Thunk.
One down.
He twisted the other way. Two down. He went through two more tumblers, his
hands slippery with sweat. Come on...come on...
Click. Click. Thunk.
Almost sick with relief, he pulled the safe open. There was the journal, large,
made out of some shiny red material. But before he could pull it loose, he noticed
the wires attached to it. He immediately pulled out his messenger and sent
Valcone a message.
He reached in and pulled the journal loose. The wires disconnected, and klaxons
immediately began to blare. Ogel woke with a start; Rich shot the Stunner straight
at his head as he ran, not knowing if he hit him or not. He turned hard and pelted
down the tunnel to the exit.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 05:48 PM

IC: "Run! Run! I can't even walk and I got a large robot blasting every where. I wish this
rookie would think." Valcone started sending a message to Subzero when he saw a large
group of reserve drones coming his way.


That was Valcones last message to Subzero. He barely managed to hit send before he was
swarmed by drones.

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 06:58 PM

IC: Subzero shot a SOL, and then sent a blast straight toward the base. It hit it head on,
and a gate opened. A Scorpion Orb Launcher skittered out. It was modified. It threw Ice Orb
after Ice Orb, Subzero neutralizing all of them. Then it did what no ordinary Drone would
do. It launched Orbs over and over, all the while firing machine guns.
Suddenly Subzero's pocket vibrated. He looked at the message.

Subzero quickly typed a message to all Agents:


All of the vehicles left except one. It was Subzero versus this drone. Subzero shot a blast at
the SOL, but it dissapeared underground. The place where it had been exploded. Suddenly
the Blizzard Blaster was flung into the air.
"Initiate Alpha Mode!" The Blizzard Blaster shifted into the Ice Shark, and sped away. That
was no ordinary Drone.
"We'll meet again." hissed the Drone. Though Subzero couldn't hear it, he knew that they
would. And Subzero would give him one heck of a fight.

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 07:07 PM

IC: Rich dashed to his Eagle; Valcone's Ide Glider was still there. What happened
to him? Rich thought. I told him to run...he should be here...he must have gotten
captured! Rich was torn; he knew it would be suicide to go back in there, but he
just couldn't leave him imprisoned...but he had to get the journal back. And he
couldn't get Valcone out of there alone.
He took out some camouflage foil and draped it over the Glider; it wouldn't stand
under close scrutinization, but it would keep it out of sight. Rich then got into his
Eagle and took off after the rest of the fleet. When he was far enough away, he
switched to Alpha Mode, and glided through, trying to find Subzero's Ice Shark.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 07:17 PM

IC: Valcone awoke in a large cell chained to a wall. Ogel was in the corner holding a one
eyed teddy bear and crying. Not over the fact that he had just gotten shot in the head by a
stun ray, but that he lost his journal. Then, a big robot that had recently atained battle
damage landed and shot a huge stun ray at Valcone. Valcone passed out at the sight of his
palm pilot being loaded into a computer.

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 07:19 PM

IC: Subzero grinned from ear to ear. They had triumphed. They had gained the journal.
He sent a message to both Agents:


Soon enough, Rich slid up to the Ice Shark.

"Um... where the heck is Valcone?"

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 07:38 PM
IC: Back at HQ, Rich told them everything. The trip, when they sneaked in, the
guard, Ogel's pink obsession, the journal, Valcone not showing up, and (he took a
deep breath) leaving the Ice Glider behind, hidden. He sat back and waited for the
yelling to start.

OOC: Gotta wrap some presents; I'll be back in thirty minutes max.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 07:40 PM

IC: Ogel was yelling at his minions because they couldn't get any info off the palm pilot.
Valcone, still in a state of confusion, tried to think of any thing to get him out of this
situation. And like a poor family digging for oil in their backyard, he came up empty

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 07:44 PM

IC: Subzero frowned. "You did a brave thing, still. But now we must save Valcone. To the
garage. Just you and me." Subzero smiled at Rich. "None of this is your fault. I owe you
this." Subzero handed Rich an Elite Agent's badge. "Also, if you want, you may be the head
of a Blue Eagle Squad." Subzero walked away towards the garage.
Subzero nearly bumped into Agent Iris, a beautiful female agent.
"Oh, hi Iris."
"Hey Zero. I heard about your attack today."
Subzero nodded. "Yeah. Someone had to distract Ogel's forces."
"Yep." She returned to her work, and subzero sighed with hapiness as he walked toward the
Blizzard Blaster.

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 08:17 PM

IC: For the second time that day, Rich was stunned. Today, he had broken into
Ogel's fortress, stolen his journal, and been promoted to Elite Agent with a chance
of leading his own squad; yesterday, he was a trainee illegally modifying his Blue
Eagle. And before that...
Well, this just goes to prove that life can't be predicted. With the journal, Subzero,
and their vehicles, they may just be able to get Valcone out.
Ready to put your neck on the line again? he asked himself.
Sure. Why not?
He grinned and walked to his Eagle.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 08:25 PM

IC: Subzero closed the cockpit of the Blizzard Blaster. He took a look at Agent Iris again,
and she caught him staring.
"Icicles..." he moaned, glancing away. He sighed and went Alpha Mode. The Ice Shark
turned out of the base, but Subzero waited for Rich.
Sub got Rich via headphone.
"Go into Alpha Mode. Follow alongside. Before we get to the OMF, I'll send you a message to
stop. From there we hide our vehicles and walk the rest of the way to find a miracle way of
saving Valcone."
He looked at Iris again, then sped away.

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 22 2004, 08:54 PM

IC: Rich and Sub rocketed away from HQ; the trip on ice would take longer than by
air, and they were circling around behind the base, so it would be hours before
they even got within striking distance. Along the way, Rich set the Glider on
autopilot and examined the field-test units. What he saw upon examination
amazed him. With these things, we'll have no trouble breaking in or out at all!
Another hour passed uneventfully, until Sub suddenly called "Halt!" Rich brought
his Ice Glider to a halt and looked to see what was the matter. He found the
problem with ease.
The ice in front of them had shattered, leaving a half-mile wide stretch of
turbulent water. Rich could fly over it easily, but Sub would be stranded. "We'll
have to spend the night here," Sub said regretfully. "The gap hould be sealed by
They converted the cockpits of their vehicles into temporary tents, and as Rich fell
asleep, he wondered: Should I tell or not? SHould I tell or not? Should I...

OOC: Hate to break off at a critical point, but my parents have said I've spent
enought time on the computer. sad.gif See ya tomorrow.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 09:16 PM

IC: Subzero crawled into the Ice Shark wearily.

The previous mission had been codenamed Mission Deep Sea. Some of the equipment from
there would have been nice. but water was unexpected in such a polar area.
There was something about that though...
Suddenly a Mobile Command Centre pulled up.
"Hey guys, need a safe, warm, cocoa filled place to bunk?" asked Iris.
Sub looked at Rich. Rich nodded. But he gave him a your secret's safe with me kinda look.
They crawled into the MCC, and it closed. Sub lay down on one of the many pop-out beds.
No sooner had he fallen asleep than suddenly the Meda-Drone came. He was in his custom
SOL. The SOL now had a special ability... to freeze things shut. It used that new ability on
the MCC. It shut all entrances/exits. And proceeded to push the MCC toward the water.
Sub got out his palm pilot. Suddenly there was a lurch, and the MCC was under freezing
cold water. The power went out on the MCC, and Sub lost power on his Palm Pilot. He put it
away, and looked at Iris, then at Rich.
"What do we do?" asked Iris. "The water will eventually return to an ice cube state."
"I have a plan. But someone needs to operate this thing before the cockpit is closed off from
the rest of the MCC. Someone waits there, while the water freezes around us. Then the pilot
uses the bottom lasers to start tunneling. Once the ice is melted enough, we expose the top
cannon and begin melting ice into slushies." said Sub.
Both agents nodded. Iris ran to the cockpit as a sheet of ice cut the cockpit off from the rest
of the MCC. Now it was time to wait.

Victor Draven
Dec 22 2004, 09:19 PM

IC: Subzero crawled into the Ice Shark wearily.

Then he remembered. "The Ice Shark can speed across water." said Sub to Rich.(It really
Sub turned on the engine, and they crossed the river. It was time to save Valcone.

OOC: I went to S@H, and in the Blizzard Blaster's bio, it said that the Ice Shark can speed
across water.

Dec 23 2004, 10:25 AM

IC: Valcone was still swinging on the chains in Ogels fortress. Ogel came over to him and
was staring right at Valcone like most evil villians do. Then, Valcone let out a walloping kick
and sent Ogel flying. "Ohh, you shattered my headplate. I payed two months allowance for
"You still get allowance," responded Valcone. "When I am good and do my chores."

Victor Draven
Dec 23 2004, 10:32 AM

IC: Sub typed the message to Rich.


The two Agents set out on foot to find Valcone.

Dec 23 2004, 10:46 AM

IC: Valcone is hanging there when he see's shadows dancing in the background. Literally,
Rich is doing the cha cha trying to be sneaky, so it looks. Valcone knows this is it. He starts
making sure everyone is looking at him so Sub and Rich can sneak in. He starts screaming
and kicking and spitting. (ewww)

Victor Draven
Dec 23 2004, 12:12 PM

IC: Sub and Rich stopped.

"Lets wait and hide in this ventalation shaft." said Sub. They crawled up the shaft right
above Valcone and looked down. Valcone was going crazy.
"no..." whimpered Sub. "we're too late."
They watched as Valcone kicked a Drone away.

Dec 23 2004, 03:00 PM
Hey. I'd like to play!

Name of Agent: Dodge

Age: 25
Ability: Very agile, skilled with ropes
Vehicle: Chill Speeder

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 23 2004, 03:05 PM

IC: Rich looked down into the room, his heart sinking. "Maybe we can get him out
and reverse whatever Ogel's done..."
"Maybe," Sub said grimly. "But we'll need a diversion first."
"Way ahead of you." Rich started digging around in his pockets and pulled out one
of the field-testers. "What is that?" Sub asked, frowning. "Light grenade," Rich
answered, accessing its systems. He went over what it was in his mind: the light
grenade was a smaller version of the BlinderBomb he had installed in his Eagle. It
emitted a massive blast of light that would blind any creature looking at it, as well
as blowing out most optics systems. It was a one-use only--after it went off, it
would self-destruct. In theory. Rich set it for Level Seven; when it went off, none
of the drones would be seeing anything for several days. Unfortunately, it might
also blind Valcone. "Gonna have to take the risk," he muttered. He strapped a
mini-speaker to it, took a deep breath, and threw it into the chamber. It landed
with a loud clunk; one of the drones went over and picked it up, puzzled. Rich
spoke through the speaker: "Hey! Look over here!" The drones' heads swiveled to
see what was making the noise; so did Ogel.
"Morons," Rich said. He pushed the detonate button.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 23 2004, 03:24 PM

IC: Dodge hovered across the snow in his Chill Speeder. "That noise came from
somewhere over there," he thought. Then he saw it- drone parts everywhere. He
saw several other agents nearby, chuckly smuggly. There was a drone behind
them. He was about to through an orb...

"Behind you!" shouted Dodge. His Chill Speeder hit a rock and tumble over. Dodge
grabbed his stun gun and pointed it after the drone. The drone dropped the orb
and began running away. Dodge shot after him. "Missed. Darn. He'll be telling Ogel
about us, guys, we'd better get out of here!"

Dec 23 2004, 04:24 PM

IC: Valcone stopped what he was doin and looked up to see Rich throw something. Rich said
something then Valcone's eyes went black.

Dec 23 2004, 04:45 PM
Hmm... This sounds fun!

Name of Agent: Frozeen

Age: 36
Ability: Very quick, master of drills
Vehicle: Tundra Tracker

IC: Frozeen just got out of bed. Diamond stood above him. "What is it, Diamond?" Frozeen
"Our scanners show that there is a Snow Crawler in the mountains," Diamond answered,
"and as you know, I'm injured thanks to that Skeleton Drone. We need someone to reach
"What's wrong with Dash in the Blue Eagle?"
"This Snow Crawler is in a cave. The cave's enterance is blocked by boulders. We need to
get there before the Snow Crawler comes out and causes more mayhem." Diamond
explained. Frozeen quickly got into the Tundra Tracker.
"Set scanners onto Snow Crawler... Check..." he mumbled as he got ready for the mission.

Victor Draven
Dec 23 2004, 05:22 PM

IC: Sub waited for the light to blank, then pulled out blasters. He shot the drones, but Ogel
crawled away. Rich got out a field-testing blaster, and aimed at Ogel.
"Leave him! Cover me while I grab Valcone!"
Sub jumped down and grabbed Valcone. Rich blasted Drones as they ran in. Sub saw that
Valcone was now blinded. He shot a grappling hook and climbed into the shaft.
"Let's go."
The agents crawled out. The others ran. Sub pulled out a cylindar.
"Merry Christmas, morons." He pulled a pin, threw it in the shaft, and ran. The grenade
detonated, and an awful smell circulated throughout the fortress.
"Works like a charm." said Sub, running to the Ice Shark. They all left, and took Agent
Valcone to the Medical Wing.
Sub went to his office and saw two new agents in the database. Their names were Dodge
and Frozeen.
"Well, I'll take them, Rich, Valcone, and maybe some others on a scouting mission."
Sub laid down to grab some sleep after sending messages to all four agent's Palm Pilots.

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 23 2004, 05:37 PM

IC: Rich sighed. It had been a busy day, and he was dog tired. Finally, I can get
some slee-- His Palm Pilot beeped. Groaning, he took it out and looked down. A
scouting mission? Scouting what? He checked the time they were supposed to
leave. May get some sleep after all...and that's enough time for Valcone's sight to
return. He glanced at his status; it hadn't been updated yet. He was still listed as a
regular agent, as was Valcone. He shuddered. If this is what it's like to be
regular...I just hope I can cope with being an Elite...maybe it's actually easier...
Yeah. And maybe Ogel will join the PTA, he thought. He went to his room; he
didn't even look around, just headed straight for his bed and fell in.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Victor Draven
Dec 23 2004, 05:53 PM

IC: Sub was troubled by nightmares of the sun. Sub hated the sun. He hated beaches. And
water. Its why he was glad he wasn't needed for Mission Deep Sea.
Then he remembered. He had to update the status of Valcone and Rich. So he did.

Dec 23 2004, 06:00 PM

IC: Agent Valcone was in the medical room with bandages over his eyes. He heard two
agents talking to the nurse and listened.

" How is he?"

" He is doing pretty good, though no telling when he will be able to see again."
" Oh, well let me know everything, carry on."
" I will."

Agent Valcone went to sleep over the thought that he will be forever blind.

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 23 2004, 06:49 PM

IC: "Sir?"
Rich groaned. Groggily, he opened his eyes. He loked at the clock. Geeze, I've
been asleep for only five hours... He looked up at his visitor. It was one of the base
nurses. "Sorry for disturbing you," she said, "but what setting did you put that
grenade at?"
"Seven," Rich muttered. He struggled to remember the details. So tired... "He
should regain full sight in two days. I don't know if there's a way to speed it up."
"Thank you, sir."
Rich went back to sleep.

OOC: Dangit, gotta leave!

-Master of the Rahkshi

Victor Draven
Dec 23 2004, 06:50 PM

IC: Sub got up and opened the Journal.

"Time to read some of this baby."
He opened the cover, and saw it was an oversized Palm Pilot.
He accessed the entries. All of them had been done. Then the last one.
"Once I find the ALPHA TEAM Agent Database, I will know everything there is to know about
those pathetic excuses for heroes. Once I do, they won't know what hit them. I plan to
invade the base on Thursday, December 23rd at 6:35 pm. Once I copy the database on a
disk, I will know every member's abilities, where they live when they're not do-gooding, and
everything. And they will suffer in my icy wrath."
Sub looked at his Atomic Clock. 6:35.
"Oh no."
He pulled out the Palm Pilot and typed:


All over the base, Agents glanced at the message and dropped what they were doing. They
pulled out weapons and ducked for cover.

Sub waited. And waited. So long that through the ventilation system crawled the Meda-
Drone. Sub turned around and saw.
"Oh-" suddenly an orb hit him, and he was caught in a block of ice, just like Agent Radia
once was. He watched through unblinking eyes as the Meda-Drone put a disk in the drive of
the ALPHA TEAM DATABASE, and watched in horror as the Meda-Drone copied the entire file
onto a disk.
And then the MD left. Several agents ran into the room and saw Subzero. They picked him
up and carried his entire block out of the room to the Medical Wing, where they worked for
hours. Rich ran into the room and saw him get pulled out of the block.
"What happened, Sub?"
"The Meda-Drone! It got in and stole the Database!"
"Thats impossible. We checked the Database, and everything was there." said an Agent
named Volcom.
"He didn't literally take it. He copied it on a disk while I was in this block of ice."
"Whats Ogel going to do with it?"
"Destroy all the Agents. Hunt us down and freeze us in blocks. In Alphabetical Order."
Sub sighed. "I need to get it while enough agents are thawed and mobile." He ran towards
the Vehicle Garage. "Anyone can come who wants to."
He charged his Blizzard Blaster, and drank Hot Cocoa. Iris walked by. She smiled a kind of
sad smile.
She's going to be frozen before me. thought Sub. I hate alphabetical order. I can't let this

Dec 23 2004, 08:03 PM

IC: The Tundra Tracker raced over snow. Frozeen suddenly stopped the vehicle. He thought
he spotted an ice orb. He climbed out, looking around. None were in sight. "Oh, great,"
Frozeen mumbled. "Where's that 'activate red lens' button?" He pushed it. The Tundra
Tracker's windsheild turned into a red lens. The ice orb was suddenly found. "Well, better
grab it," Frozeen raced out of the vehicle. When he picked it up, something made him look
up, and there were at least twenty ice orbs! "Yes! I hit the jackpot! Better bring these to the
AT base!" he said. Frozeen grabbed the closest and brought it to the storage part of the
Tundra Tracker. Once he did this to every single ice orb, Frozeen hopped back into the
vehicle. "Twenty-one ice orbs! Wow, I wonder why Ogel's not guarding them."
"Hey, what are you doing with those?" a voice called. Frozeen thought that the voice
sounded familiar, but he couldn't figure it out. A small figure apeared. He wore a blue
helmet, a red and black uniform, and his face looked just like a skull. A Skeleton Drone.
"Not now," Frozeen grumbled, "not when I have a mission of stopping a Snow Crawler..."

Dec 23 2004, 08:04 PM

Delete this post! I double clicked "add reply" again! mad.gif

Dec 23 2004, 08:40 PM

IC: Valcone awoke to loud sirend. " Code RED, what is going on?"

Then the nurse came back and told Agent Valcone to get into the shelter downstairs. "No, I
won't let no Drone get the best of me," he said as he tripped over another bed. He grabbed
a walking stick and began to shuffle towards Agent Subzero's office. He could smell the hot
chocolate and tell it was still in the pot. He knew something was wrong. Agent Subzero
NEVER left any Hot Chocolate in the pot.

Dec 23 2004, 08:59 PM

IC: The Skeleton Drone did not try to attack. Instead, he ran off. "He's probably going to
tell Ogel about this," Frozeen worried. Then he checked the radar. He was nearby the cave.
"Initiate Alpha Mode!" The Tundra Tracker shifted into the powerful Magma Drill. "Time to
drill!" Frozeen yelled. He drilled through the boulders. Sure enough, there was the Snow
"Alpha Team!" the Drone cried. He began throwing ice orbs at Frozeen. The quick vehicle
dodged them.
"So you want to play dirty, eh?" Frozeen said. Then his Magma Drill drilled right into the
Snow Crawler. "There, playing dirty!" He captured the Drone. "Now tell me what Ogel is up
"Your pathetic Alpha Team is in danger," the Skeleton Drone said, "especially Dash,
Valcone, and, most of all, Subzero!"

Victor Draven
Dec 23 2004, 09:18 PM

IC: Sub nearly ran into Valcone on his way back to his office.
"Why are you out of bed? You can't see." He didn't wait for an answer.
"I looked in the journal. Ogel had planned to steal the Database. Ironically, at the very
moment I finished reading the plan, it went into effect. He's going to freeze every Agent on
the planet. Alphabetically. Out of me, you, and Rich, you'll be the last frozen. So whatever
you do, when it comes down to you, hide somewhere unknown in the database for you.
Don't go home. Go somewhere far away. And keep moving." Sub went into his office and
grabbed his Rapid-Fire Assault Blaster with laser sighting. He put it in the Blizzard Blaster,
and put numerous other weapons in. Valcone wobbled his way over, and put something in
the Blizzard Blaster.
"Wha-" Sub looked in and saw a box of Hot Chocolate and a pot. Sub grinned. "Thanks,
He climbed into the Blizzard Blaster and looked at his friends... Val, Rich, Iris, the other Elite
Commando Agents(all the official characters).
He felt good. He knew this was what Alpha Team was all about.
Not fighting with high tech weaponry.
Not kicking Ogel and Drone butt.

It was saving the world and watching your friends live good lives.

Dec 23 2004, 10:00 PM

IC: Frozeen hopped back into the Magma Drill. "Initiate Alpha Mode." The Magma Drill
converted back into the Tundra Tracker. He noticed there was a message waiting. In was
transmitted 6:50, PM. It said "ALL ALPHA TEAM AGENTS: CODE RED, CODE RED!" "Wow,
that bad?" Frozeen said. "That means I need to get back to Alpha Team HQ quickly!"
He drove as fast as the vehicle could. Just halfway there, he heard a noise. Ice orbs came
out of nowhere and froze the wheels. "Drat! Now I can't get back! It can't get much worse,
can it?" Frozeen said.
Then suddenly, he was surrounded by SOLs. And in one of them was the Meda-Drone.
"Prepare to meet your doom, Alpha Team agent!" it said.
Frozeen frowned. "Obviously, it can get worse." He quickly sent a message to all AT agents:



Victor Draven
Dec 23 2004, 10:18 PM

IC: "Oh great." those were the only two words Subzero could say without getting yelled at.
There was Agent Frozeen, surrounded by SOLs.
He launched the cannon. It blew apart a SOL, and then he shot lasers at the others, and the
SOLs were destroyed. All except the Meda-Drone.
Sub shot three cannon shots, then transformed to Ice Shark and shot forward. The Meda-
Drone's SOL was getting pummeled, and this move wasn't going to help.
The Ice Shark collided with the SOL, and it flew into the air. It landed on its back. Sub
turned around and launched a cannon shot. The custom SOL exploded, and Frozeen covered
his eyes from the extreme glare. Sub returned to Frozeen.
"Everythings fine at base. The database was copied and stolen, so now I have to get the
copy and destroy it. Well, I might have done just that." Sub pointed at the flaming debris.
"Continue on your mission or whatever." said Sub, walking off. Time to continue.

Dec 23 2004, 10:40 PM

IC: Sub got back into the Ice Shark and sped away. Frozeen melted the ice on the wheels of
the Tundra Tracker and drove off. There was something wrong. He poked his head out of
the Tundra Tracker. Big Mistake. An ice orb hit him. Oh, I keep getting into trouble, thought
Frozeen. Ogel appeared.
"Ah, Agent Frozeen, you are first to fall for my plan," Ogel said. "You may not be first in
alphabetical order, but you will be the first to be frozen!" He picked up the ice block and
loaded it into a Snow Spider. He flew away, carrying Frozeen.
When the trip came to an end at a cave, Ogel carried the ice block carrying Frozeen and set
it in a far end of the cave. "I will seal this cave with a metal so strong, it can resist even the
blasters of the Blizzard Blaster and Mobile Command Center, and since the walls of this cave
is of solid rock, not even a Magma Drill could drill through!" Ogel said, then laughed evily.
As he said he would, he walked out of the cave and sealed it.
I didn't send for help in time, nobody saw me get captured, and I'm in a cave where no AT
vehicle can get into! How am I going to escape?

OOG: I'm going to NY tomorrow, so unless I can fit another post in tonight, I won't be
posting for a while.

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 23 2004, 10:45 PM

IC: "Little help here!" Rich yelled into his comm. Orbs were flying everywhere, it
was only a matter of time before they all got hit...
He watched helplessly as another Eagle got iced and plunged to the ground.
"Repeat, Eagle Flight is under attack! We've got twenty-three Ice Crawlers and ten
SOLs!" He glanced down in time to see another shape skitter up. "And the Meda
Drone has decided to join the party." The comm crackled. "Rich, we're on our way,
but did you just say the Meda Drone is there?"
"That's impossible. The Meda Drone was destroyed. I was there."
Rich frowned. Two of them...? His thoughts were cut short by a fresh wave of orbs.
"Flight, split up!" he yelled. "Divide the targets and head for backup!" With that,
he flew off towards the icy mountains. Glancing down, he groaned. Four SOLs,
eight Crawlers, and the Drone had broken off to follow him. "Okay," he whispered.
"Get rid of them. Use a tactic. Which tactic?" He saw a canyon. "Crusher." He flew
towards it. The vehicles followed him. He flew into it, high above their heads. They
followed obediently. Suddenly, he flipped over and dove straight at them. They
opened fire, not bothering with orbs. The roar of machine guns echoed in the
canyon. One of the SOLs launched a missile. He listened. Loud enough, he thought,
and flew straight up out of the canyon. A massive avalanche, dislodged by the
gunfire, swept down and crushed them. Good. That took care of them... Two ice
orbs flew up at him. Rich dived, barely missing them. What!? he glanced over. The
Meta-Drone was facing him, tail arching back for another shot. "Your ploy did not
work, Agent," a cold voice hissed on his radio. "I have acccess to all your tactics!"
It flung the orbs. Rich dodged, but one hit his wing, coating the lasers in ice.
"Nothing you do will succeed. I know every capability of your craft, know every
tactic in existence, know every rule in your pathetic book--" Rich fired his charged
lasers, shattering the ice. "Every rule, huh?" he muttered, firing a BlinderBomb
and extending the Eagle Claw. "Well, I never was one for following the rules." The
bomb struck; temporarily blinded, the Drone's SOL wavered. That was the moment
he was waiting for. He swooped down, catching the forked tail with the claw, and
flying away. "I know your procedure!" the Drone hissed. "You will take me back to
your base! Even then, you will not be able to defeat me--"
"Shut up," Rich muttered. "I'm not taking you to the base." He swooped over the
open ocean and hit the Release button. "Take a swim, maniac," he said as the
Drone plunged into the water.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Victor Draven
Dec 23 2004, 10:52 PM

OOC: Well... um... your frozen... and... what else is there... to... post?

IC: Sub suddenly felt something was wrong. He looked at the Meda-Drone's SOL's burning
wreckage. Frozeen's Tundra Tracker was still there.
"Oh, ICE ORBS!" cried Sub, spinning around in the Ice Shark. Suddenly the Meda-Drone
leapt onto the vehicle.
"Thought I was gone, huh?" said the MD. Inside its storage was the Database CD. Sub
punched the Drone, and ran him over several times. The MD got up and ran toward Ogel's
Mountain Fortress.
Sub turned up the speed and went toward the OMF also. He had to destroy that CD.

Dec 23 2004, 11:34 PM

IC: Valcone knew all the other agents left, but he couldn't help the fact that he felt someone
was there. He knew that the data disc couldn't be to Ogel yet either. Unless they had an
insider. Valcone heard noises coming from the hall in front of him. He jumped into a
ventallation shaft and waited.

The two "agents" were talking.

" That info was delivered days ago. How else would the Meda Drone know where they held
the Master computer."
"Do you think anyone is on to us?"
"No, they're all clueless."

Valcone couldn't just let this stand. He got on a comlink to the temp computer board
operator, Tee-Vee.

"Tee-Vee, lock down the Medic hall and don't open it unless I say so. This may sound crazy,
but do it. We have intruders. Don't sound the alarms, just don't open the halls. I repeat,
lock down the medical hall. As soon as I get to your room, lock the vents as well. Agent
Valcone, over and out."

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 23 2004, 11:35 PM

IC: Reinforcements had arrived in the form of the Team Elites (Dash and the
others). With their help, Eagle Flight mopped up the rest of the assault and
defrosted the downed agents. Rich was telling them about the second Meda Drone
when their Palm Pilots beeped. All the agents took them out and looked down.

Immediately the agents sped towards their vehicles and took off, flyers in the lead
with ground vehicles following. Soon enough, they saw the Drone and Subzero on
the screens. "Dangit!" Dash yelled. "Out of fuel! Kid, you'll ge there first." Rich
thought. Strategy...I need to have a strategy...what can I do...need to catch the
Drone, but how...unles I can somehow make it walk right up to-- He had an idea.
"Tell Subzero he'll see an Ice Crawler fly up to the Drone! Tell him not to shoot it!"
Rich reached down and activated the holographic system. Immediately, his Eagle
was replaced with the image of a flying Ice Crawler. He zoomed towards the Drone
while Radia frantically switched frequencies on the comm in the Command Center.
"I can't raise him!" she yelled.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 24 2004, 12:15 AM

OOC: Name of Agent: Databoard

Age: 26
Ability: Techlogy whiz, can fix almost anything.
Vehicle: Ice Blade.


Alpha Team agent Databoard shot down an icy canyon. He picked up his comlink.
"Alpha Team Command Central, Please transmit Identification" Databoard spoke
into his com: "Agent Databoard Speaking. I am in persuit of a squad of Snow
Crawlers. I will report back later" He hung up his com and pressed a button.


Soon, Databoard was flying high in the sky. From this hight, he could see about
ten Snow Crawler 20 meters ahead. He fired a missile, which blew up one of the
Crawlers. The rest switched to flight mode and began lauching Ice Orbs.
Databoard responded by firing some missiles at the canyon wall, and buried three
Crawlers under ice, snow and rock. However, one of the Ice orbs hit the Cockpit,
icing over the window. The helicopter flew out of control. There was no way to


Victor Draven
Dec 24 2004, 07:09 AM

OOC: Welcome, Chrinicler of Ko-Koro! Enjoy the RPG... we have a lot of fun. Let me add
you to the database.

IC: Sub looked down at his scanner. There was a whole slew of Alpha Team vehicles, along
with the owner's name. Suddenly "Blue Eagle: Rich" transformed on screen to "Snow
Crawler: Enemy".
"What the..." He decided it was better to check it out first, shoot later.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 24 2004, 10:45 AM

Databoard got an Idea. He turned on his targeting scanner Now he could see
everything within his area. he could also see several SOL's heading for him. "Just
great." He muttered and picked up his com. "This is Agent Databoard." He said
into the com. "I am under attack by 6 Snow Crawlers and 4 Scorpion Orb
Lauchers. Visual Negative. Backup required." At this point he hung up his com.
Any nearby Alpha Team agents would recive the message and, hopfully, respond.
All Databoard could do wait and struggle to avoid the Ice Orbs flying in his


Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 24 2004, 01:16 PM

IC: Rich flew overhead, swooping around the land in front of the Meda Drone, and
was extremely relieved to find that Sub didn't shoot him. The Drone looked
surprised and relieved, and immediately headed for Rich. Rich popped opent he
cockpit, grabbed a thermo-blaster and opened the cockpit, hitting Deactivate on
the projector.
The Drone ran towards the Crawler, roaring, "Quick, open the hatch to let me get
in!" Nothing happened. "Did you hear me?! Open the--" The Drone skidded to a
halt as the Crawler disappeared, and was replaced by a Blue Eagle with an Agent
standing in front of it, with a very big gun in his hand and a grin on his face.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 24 2004, 01:42 PM

IC: Outside of the cave, a SOL was guarding. But that wasn't so easy with Agent Dash in a
Blizzard Blaster. The blaster kept hitting the SOL. Once, the blast was so hard, the SOL was
sent flying into the side of the cave.

The crash shook the whole cave. The wall didn't come down, but enough rocks fell from the
ceiling to break the ice block, freeing Frozeen. "Great, I'm free!" he said happily. Then his
joy faded when he wondered how he would get out of the cave. "Wait a minute, the ground
isn't as strong as the walls!" Frozeen smiled. He took out a small drill. But before he began
digging, he transmitted a message now that he wasn't in the ice block prison anymore.


Then he started drilling a tunnel into the ground and out of the cave.

OOC: Yes, I managed one last post before going to NY!

Victor Draven
Dec 24 2004, 01:58 PM

IC: Sub suddenly realized that it was Rich. With upgrades.

"Interesting." He said as Rich blasted the Meda-Drone. It blew into pieces, but the CD
plopped on the ground, in a fire proof container. Sub got out, picked it up, and took it out.
Then he put a mine and placed it on the CD. He tossed the CD like a throwing star, and it
blew into shattered pieces.
Sub looked at Rich. Rich was still holding the blaster.
"Thank goodness thats over with."

As soon as the Agents got back, they installed extra security for the database.
But Ogel still had plans to fulfill. And, whether he had the Database or not, he was going to
freeze every Agent he or his Drones found. Then he would be unstoppable.

Dec 24 2004, 02:05 PM

IC: "As far as I know," Frozeen said to the other agents, "Ogel still thinks I'm frozen. Would
that help us or not?" He waited for an answer.

OOC: Okay, now THIS is going to be my last post for a couple of days.

Victor Draven
Dec 24, 2004, 02:25 PM

IC: Sub listened to Frozeen's question.

"It might give us an advantage. He'll think we don't have an Agent, and he'll think we have
less of your specialty."
Sub looked at the lasers surrounding the Database. No breaking in there.
"Only time will tell." finished Sub.

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 24 2004, 03:21 PM

IC: Rich yawned. Once again, he was ready to hit the sack after a long day of
missions. But first, he though, I'll go visit Valcone and see how he's doing. Rich
walked over to the door that led to the medical hall and tried to open it. But it
wouldn't open.
"Huh?" he muttered. He pushed the doorknob again. He checked it over for any
signs of a keyhole. Nothing. There were no flashing lights, no key, nothing like
that. The thief that remained in him was intrigued. What's behind here? He shook
his head and went back to the cafeteria, where Subzero was sipping hot chocolate.
"Sub? Could you come with me for a minute?" Subzero frowned, took one last sip
of his cocoa, and then got up and followed Rich to the doorway. Rich explained,
and a worried look appeard on Rich face. He walked up to the door and opened a
hidden panel, revealing a keypad. He swiftly punched in some numbers. Nothing
happened. His frown deepened, and he pushed another button and said, "Door
Override Code 1159, Agent Subzero".
ACCESS DENIED flashed on the display screen. Subzero was about to try
something else when Iris walked up. "Have either of you two seen Valcone?" Rich
and Subzero shook their heads. "One of the nurses went into his room. She says
he's gone!" All three of them exchanged worried looks. "Control room," Subzero
said. "Maybe Tee Vee's seen him..."
THey all went to the control room; Rich opened the door, and stopped at the sight
that greeted him. Valcone, eyes still bandaged, was having a mug of hot chocolate
at one of the tables. Tee Vee was watching a moniter, which was linked to a
camera in the medical hall. On it, two agents had picked up a bed and were using
it to try and break down a door. Valcone's head turned as he heard them come in.
"I was wondering when you were going to show up."

-Master of the Rahkshi

Victor Draven
Dec 24 2004, 04:38 PM

IC: Sub looked at Valcone.

"What the..." He eyed the two agents. "ICE ORBS! WHAT ON SNOW ARE YOU DOING?" He
ran out of the room into the next. He ran over toward the agents, and they were wearing
ski masks. They tore them off, revealing Drones.
"Ice Orbs." Said Sub as he was shot with a laser. He gagged, held the wound, and fell
down, unconcious.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 25 2004, 10:32 AM

Databoard figured out that help wouldn't come in time. Using the targeting
softfare, Data board managed to land and switch back to Ice Blade. I drove it
down the canyon, but the half melted ice distorted his view. The Ice Blade slamed
into a wall. Databoard got out of the vehicle and ran. He sould hear the buzz of the
Snow Crawlers, and he knew that the SOL's were on there way. He turned around
the corner to see... a dead end. Thinking fast, Databoard tossed a grenade up onto
a ledge. and ducked behind an outcroping. The SOL's made there way into the
clearing and the Drones got out. Databoard closed his eyes and pushed the


The Drones no longer protected by there SOL's were buried under snow and rock.
He could hear the Snow Crawlers up above. Thinking Databoard went down in the
avalanch, the turned and crawled away. Databoard crawed out of the rubble.
Seeing the cost was clear, he ran to his Ice Blade, fixed up the engine and flew
back to base to await his next mission.

Victor Draven
Dec 25 2004, 06:14 PM

OOC: Merry Christmas, Agents. PM me if you got any ALPHA TEAM sets for Christmas.

Victor Draven
Dec 25 2004, 06:14 PM

OOC: Oops, sorry for the DP. My compy went whacko.

Dec 25 2004, 10:42 PM

IC: Valcone was worried after hearing the laser blast. "What was that?Where's Sub?" All he
could see was...well nothing.

OOC: MERRY Chrismahanakwanzakah.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 25 2004, 11:45 PM

As Databoard landed his Helicopter, a laser shot rang through the building. He ran
toward a security console. The shot originated from the Medical Hall. He took out a
stun gun and ran down the hall. Databoard made it halfway to the Med Hall when a
Drone stepped in front of him and fired lasers at him. Databoard dove into a
sidecorridor and readied his stun gun. He fired and the Drone fell to the ground.
"Well," Said Databoard. "That was oddly easy." "Its about to get harder." Came a
voice. Databoard turned around to see a Drone pointing a laser gun to his head.
"Don't move, Agent." The Drone said. "Drop your weapon or I'll blast your head
off." Databoard lowered his weapon to the floor. "Fool." The Drone said. " You
should have known I'd shoot you either way." Before the Drone could push the
trigger, Databoard knocked the laser out of his hand and kicked the Drone in the
chest. as the Drone crumpled to the ground. Databoard got him with the stun gun.
He ran to the nearest colsole and transmited a message across the building.
"Drones in the complex!"

OOC: And to all a good night!


Victor Draven
Dec 26 2004, 11:04 AM

IC: Sub got up, slowly, and saw blood on the floor. "Oh Ice Orbs."
He looked at his chest and saw a small hole, and the red stains. He pulled out a blaster and
saw the Drones aim theirs as well.
He got ready for anything. He pulled the trigger, and blew one apart. Then he turned to the
And heard a shot. He looked down for another hole, but saw none. The Drone was on the
ground, and Iris was standing there.
"Need help?" she asked.
"Yeah. Drones. In the..."
"I know." She looked at the door. "Whats behind it that they want?"
"Weaponry, experimental explosives, the experimental XR-36 Solar Cannon..." said Sub.
What is it they want?

Dec 27 2004, 02:32 PM

IC: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, STOP IT," screamed Valcone. " Stop being such a little baby,"
said Rebecca, one of the Alpha Team nurses, " it's just a bandage being pulled off." "Yeah,
but I still kinda want my eyebrows." Rich and Subzero then walk in and see Valcone with
tears in his eyes. " You crying," said Rich. "NO, the light burns my eyes, thanks to your
'invention' I couldn't see for two days and Sub could have been killed." Knock it off,"
commanded Agent Subzero, " we are all alive. Thats all that matters."

Toa Tilius
Dec 27 2004, 05:26 PM

Name of Agent: Kalius (Kal-eye-us)

Age: 16
Ability: Quick driving skills, good leader
Vehicle: Tundra Tracker

IC: Meanwhile, Agent Kalius was after a Drone in a snowcrawler. Kalius was in his Tundra
Tracker. He was speeding up rapidly, but the Drone was too. He lost control of the Tracker,
and crashed. Kalius escaped just in time and was out only with an injured leg. He quickly
found Rich, Valcone and Subzero. "Oh for all that is icy, please Sub, fix my Tracker" Sub
replied "I knew I had to do something. Thanks for reminding me...."
Kalius' finger dropped off. "Ah, glad to see you're okay." said Subzero.
Kalius: ohmy.gif

OOC: This okay for a first try from a guy who knows little about AT at the time?

Dec 27 2004, 09:40 PM

OOC: Okay, TT, what about your finger dropping off? And Barda, got the Ice Blade, but got
to go back tomorrow to get the Blizzard Blaster.

Victor Draven
Dec 28 2004, 01:25 AM

OOC: Welcome to the team. Not bad at all, TT.

IC: Subzero went to the Vehicle Garage and got to work on Kalius' Tundra Tracker. It was in
bad shape, but he could fix it.
He had been bandaged up, Valcone had had his sight returned to him, and Rich had... well,
anyway, Subzero replaced one of the bands that allowed a fast Alpha Mode. He replaced the
Windshield completely, then began repairing the axels.
Sub was thinking about the door the Drones had been trying to open. What did they want?
He was going to find out, as soon as he could.
Dec 28 2004, 11:32 AM

IC: Valcone walked into the garage and saw Subzero. "HI, what's up." "Nothing," said Sub,
" just fixing a Tundra Tracker that was damaged."


" Kalius'."

" Ohhh, I.m gonna take my Ice Blade out for a spin. Get it, spin, helicopter. hahaha."

" Be careful, your eyesite isn't 100% yet. Just go slow."

" Yeah right."

Valcone jumped in his Ice Blade and sped away.

OOC: If you want Valcone to be in your next post, just do it. He can come back. Nothing is
gonna happen to him.

Toa Tilius
Dec 28 2004, 12:21 PM

IC: Kalius had recovered. He saw Valcone fly overhead. Valcone mistook Kalius for a drone,
eyesite you see, and went after him. Kalius ran as fast as he could, back to where Sub was
fixing his vehicle. 'Valcone is trying to kill me' Kalius cried. 'His eyesite....' said Sub.
'Quickly, into your Tracker!'. 'Is it fixed?' asked Kalius. 'Nope stil a few glitches......' Sub
replied. 'Uh-oh' said Kalius.

Victor Draven
Dec 28 2004, 07:28 PM

IC:Sub scrambled with his palm pilot.

VALCONE, thats Kalius, don't shoot!

Valcone got the message and stopped.

Mobius 1
Dec 28 2004, 08:34 PM

hows this for a character:

age: 30
ability; mechanical genious, excellent pilot
vehicle: extensively modified blue eagle(now black eagle)
a little background: during the first fight against ogel, Slick was dismissed for reckless
behavior, although he was framed by Ogel. Slick was angry at alpha team at first and stole
his blue eagle from them, but then realized that he should be angry at Ogel. after
extensively modifying his blue eagle with he latest weaponry and stealth equipment(though
he sadly couldn't get his hands on an A-bomb), he began working against Ogel in secret.
Ic: Slick began to survey the cold, icy plains around him.checking his radar, he saw a good
taret, a cave that held two dormant SOLs. getting in his Black Eagle, he fired the EMP hurler
located just under the nose.

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 28 2004, 08:36 PM

IC: Rich lay on his bed, going over the events of the day. Right after the attack had
been thwarted, they had visited Tee Vee again.
"I am sorry, sir," he said, "but I cannot allow anyone but the head members of
Alpha Team to access that room."
"What?" Subzero yelled. He shook his head in frustration. "Well can't you ask one
of them to give us authorization?"
"I am sorry," Tee Vee repeated, "But all of the team members are on a classified
mission, and authorization must be given in person."
Iris had the same look as Sub on her face. "Well, where are they?" she asked.
"Mission details are classified," Tee Vee said.
"Is there any way of getting in contact with them?" Rich asked.
"Mission details are classified," the robot repeated.
"When will they be back?" Subzero asked, his face twitching.
"Mission details are--"
"All right! All right! We get the point!" Valcone roared from the table.
The robot had been just as informative concerning questions about what was
Ogel must really want something from here, to risk sending in drones, Rich
thought. What? He fell asleep with troubling prospects in his head. He was awoken
the next morning by a pillow thrown at his head. "Rise and shine, kid," Subzero
grinned. "Time for a new mission."

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 28 2004, 08:45 PM

OOC: I'm back!

IC: Frozeen picked something up. "This," he said, "is a small screen. I put a machine nearby
OMF to spy on Skeleton Drones, the Meda Drone, and of course, Ogel. It has a camera, and
here you can see what it sees." He pointed to a button. "This activates a laser."
Suddenly, the Meda Drone appeared on the screen. Frozeen quickly pushed the button. The
laser hit the Meda Drone. The head flew off. But the headless body picked up the head and
screwed it back on.
Subzero watched. "The Meda Drone is mechanical!" he realized.
"Oh, no," Frozeen groaned as he saw the screen turn blank. The Meda Drone destroyed his
machine, and the spying on OMF was over.

Victor Draven
Dec 28 2004, 09:39 PM
OOC: Welcome, Fox234.

IC: Agents Subzero, Iris, Valcone, Rich, Frozeen, and a few others were in Sub's office.
"Well. Now that we've seen this footage supplied by Frozeen... I think I know what to do.
Three of us stake it out tonight in the heating pipes above the door to the room. When
Ogel's goonies arrive, we crawl through the pipe into the room and watch from above what
they snatch. Then we literaly put the drop on them, and put the item back. Then we put on
extra guards, and put laser security around the weapon they want.
"This also raises up a question. How is Ogel getting Drones in? Once we find that out, we
stop it. Simple as that."
That night, Sub, Rich, and Valcone were lying on their stomachs in the pipe. He had chosen
them because of how they had fought with him before. They all worked together well.
Suddenly three Drones walked down the hallway, from the south.
"Down there is only a dead end." said Sub. "So how..." Then he had an idea. He watched
the Drones access the room, and go in. The agents followed, and saw them grab the one
thing that he had hoped they wouldn't... the Panrahk XP Explosive. It could wipe out an
entire 30 mile radius.
"Now!" said Sub, and they all dropped down into the Drones.

Dec 28 2004, 09:47 PM

IC: Valcone, Rich and Sub dropped in on the Drones. Valcone landed on one and a laser was
mis-fired onto a larger weapon which started spinning in circles. While everyone was looking
at the spinning laser, Sub grabbed the Panrahk XP Explosive and hit the Drone in the
kneecap making it drop to the ground.

OOC: Panrahk. Really now Barda. Can't think of anything more original. Ohh well. Sounds

Victor Draven
Dec 28 2004, 09:56 PM

OOC: I knew you'd like that cameo.

IC: Sub gripped the heavy explosive and kicked the Drone in the helmet. He tossed the
Panrahk to Valcone, who caught it. Sub grabbed a table and flipped into the air, grabbing a
Chain Gun as he flipped. He spun around and shot a bullet, which hit the Drone in the chest.
The Drone shrugged and inched forward. Suddenly it exploded.
"Woah... I could use one of these..." said Sub. He caught the missile and placed it on the
table, shooting the other Drones with the Chain Gun.
"Adios." The Drones exploded, and Sub dropped the gun. He supervised the security team
set up lasers protection around the Missile.
"Now, lets find out whats at the end of the rainbow," said Sub, leading the Agents down the
hall to the dead end where the Drones came from. He looked around.
Rich and Valcone looked at Subs feet, pointing. There was a manhole.
"That'll do the trick."
Sub opened the manhole and flashed a light in the tunnel. Ice. Ice everywhere. And
crawling around were several SOLs.
"Great..." began Sub. "Reinforcements, anyone?"

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 28 2004, 10:09 PM

IC: Rich hung back, fascinated by the array of technology in the room. He had to
try very hard not to steal anything. He heard Sub's comment in his earpiece and
groaned. Immediately, he started looking around the room for something that
would help. He passed a wicked looking thermo-blaster under a glass cover.
Geeze. Look at that thing. You could take out a SOL with one shot! He paused, a
grin spreading slowly over his face. Why not... He cut the glass with a laser from
his vest and pulled out another one of the field testers. He glanced down to make
sure he had the right one. Invisibility Generator. Good. Grabbing the laser, he
attached it to his belt and switched it on. Rich looked in a mirror; he couldn't see
anything! He walked past the others, still hanging back at the hole. "Be vewy vewy
quiet," he muttered, enjoying the looks on their faces as they tried to figure out
where the noise was coming from. "I'm hunting evil dwones!"
He dropped down and started blasting. Half the drones were gone in five seconds.
He grinned. There's an upside to being an Elite! Then, a small voice said:
"Energy depleted. Please recharge cannon."
At the same time, the Generator failed, leaving him fully visible and unarmed in
front of six SOLs.
"" he muttered nervously.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 28 2004, 10:12 PM

IC: " Got it," said Valcone as he dropped in. He pulled out his blaster and started shooting
away the SOL's.

Victor Draven
Dec 28 2004, 10:18 PM

IC: "Ice Orbs." Sub picked up another Explosive Chain gun, latched his legs onto the floor,
and leaned down into the tunnel, firing at the SOLs, Drones, etcetera. Valcone saw Sub's
signal and pulled Rich up. Sub dropped the empty gun and closed off the tunnel. He looked
"No one... and I mean no one... go in there until we have reinforcements." said Sub. He
looked at Rich. "By the way, I talked to the weapons team, they said you could have your
dream job- testing and using prototype weapons."
Sub took the Hot Chocolate that Iris brought him and drained it. She, Rich, and Valcone
were staring.
"I learned how to not feel heat when I was a cop in World City." explained Sub.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 28 2004, 10:27 PM

OOC: The calvery has arrived!

Databoard heard weapons fireing. He ran to his Ice blade. "Hope I don't get fired
for this." He said. Databoard turned the Ice Blade around and sped down the
hallway. Agents dove out of the way as he shot away. Databoard sped ahead
finding an open manhole cover at the end of a hall. "Here goes nothing."
Databoard fired lasers at the floor creating a hole that his Ice Blade shot though.
Some agents dove out of the way to reveal- several SOLs. "Just great." Databoard
fired lasers at the SOls and got there attention. Two of them broke of and followed
him dowm the tunnel. Databoard hoped those agents could handle the rest.
Meanwhile he had his own problems to deal with. He was driving a Ice blade with
only a few working parts and was being persued by SOLs. Databoard attivated his
rear laser gun and began firing at the SOl's legs. One of them spn out of control on
the ice and hit the other. They both exploded, sending rubble flying everywere. As
Databoard struggled to avoid the wreakage, he saw light up ahead. and a metal
grid. "End of the line." He said and hit the brakes.


Databoard remebered he hadn't installed new brakes yet. The Ice blade hit the
grid and sped out of the tunnel off a cliff. Databoard grined, Alpha mode was up
and running. The Ice Blade transformed into a helkicopter and flew back into the
tunnel, to go help the Agents.


Victor Draven
Dec 28 2004, 10:35 PM

IC: "WHO ON EARTH WAS THAT?!" screamed Sub. "The tunnel was fine!"
"That was Agent Databoard." said a nearby Agent.
Sub heard explosions. "What exploded?" asked Sub.
"Two SOLs."
"This kid might be good after all. But we need to make a new rule... no driving in the
house." joked Sub. He sipped another cup of Hot Chocolate.
"Nothin' like it." Sub sat down. "I'm going to lead some Agents on foot through the tunnel to
find out the source of the SOLs and whatnot." Sub typed a message about volunteering for
tunnel exploring, then put his palm pilot in his pocket, then drank some of his Hot Cocoa.

Dec 28 2004, 10:38 PM

IC: " PLEEEEAAAAASE. Let me go Sub." Sub frowned and told Valcone that
his eyesite needed to get better and Valcone stomped off to his bunk.

Victor Draven
Dec 28 2004, 10:40 PM

IC: Sub drank the rest of his Hot Cocoa, then went to Valcone's bunk.
"You know, I think I could use you on the mission, as long as you stick close to me and
Rich. Just make sure it doesn't come back to bite me in the rear."
Sub went to his room and turned on his I-Pod, listening to Linkin Park, relaxing on his bed.
Dec 28 2004, 10:44 PM

IC: Valcone was so happy, he blared a HIM cd so loud, Rebecca had to come down from the
Medical Hall and tell Valcone to turn it off. He said fine and looked at Rebecca with starring
eyes. " Stop it," she said as she blushed.

Victor Draven Dec 28 2004, 10:45 PM

OOC: Apparently Subzero isn't the only Agent around with the hots for someone...

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 28 2004, 10:47 PM

IC: "And you call me irresponsible?" Rich muttered to Sub, grinning. "Okay, all
joking aside, I'm in. No way I'm sitting out this one."
"Between you and Databoard, I think we've got enough to make both of you sit
this out for the rest of your lives." Subzero smiled. "But I'll let this slide." As he
walked away, Rich heard him mutter "Teenagers..."
Rich grinned and started walking for the supply room. "Hey, Data!" he yelled.
Databoard glanced over, surprised. "Come on. Let's get you packed up for this."

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 28 2004, 10:50 PM

OOC: Yeah, I met this girl, and I got to put her in an inanimate object. She is surely special.

Victor Draven
Dec 28 2004, 10:55 PM

OOC:Same with me, except its two girls in one. The best of both worlds.

IC: Sub walked in to see Rebecca and Valcone looking at each other. "Um... I'm going to
leave..." said Sub, hoping he hadn't ruined Valcone's Oportune Moment. He pulled out his
Palm Pilot and typed a message:


Dec 28 2004, 10:59 PM

IC: "Dang," said Valcone silently. He walked by Rebecca and she kissed him on the cheek. " to go...mission...with...bye."

Victor Draven
Dec 28 2004, 11:05 PM

IC: Sub waited... and then Val walked out. He grabbed him and yanked him to the side.
"I saw the whole thing, Val. Way to go. You know, I should be like that with Ir-" He stopped
as Iris walked by. "As I was saying, I should make my move soon, you never know what'll
happen on a mission."
Sub led Val toward the tunnel entrance. "Have your weapons?" Val was smiling to himself,
in a trance. He walked into a wall, then walked after Sub, still smiling. Sub snuck a grin,
then cleared his throat.
"Eye, Oh, Lets go."

Dec 28 2004, 11:07 PM

IC: Valcone was finally out of the trans(sp) when he heard Databoard yelling. Rich was
running past Sub and Val.

Victor Draven
Dec 28 2004, 11:08 PM

IC: Subzero looked up.

"What now?" He gripped his laser and followed them.

Dec 28 2004, 11:12 PM

IC: Valcone and Subzero ran to the tunnel and saw the Meda Drone crashing it's way
through the tunnel. Sub blasted the drone but it just shrugged off the laser.

Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 28 2004, 11:14 PM

IC: Rich followed Sub and Valcone in, Databoard trailing behind along with ten
other agents. It wasn't far before all light from the base had faded. "Goggles,"
Rich said. The others put on standard-issue night vision goggles, while Rich
slipped on his customs. He could switch between night vision and infra-red, as
well as see all the way up and down the light spectrum. "Weapons," Valcone
grunted. They all slipped out lasers and blasters and flicked them up to the highest
setting. "Action," Subzero muttered. They sneaked down the tunnel, Rich scouting
ahead, the others following, all tensed for a fight. And all knowing they'd get one.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Dec 28 2004, 11:18 PM

IC: Valcone was happy wether or not he made it through the mission. All he could think
about was what he was going to say to Rebecca when, and if he ever saw her again.

Victor Draven
Dec 28 2004, 11:21 PM
IC: Sub suddenly felt something. He looked around, but saw nothing but the open tunnel.
He stepped forward. Suddenly the Meda-Drone leapt on Sub, who shot at him immeadietly.
Sub was knocked over, and felt a hand grip his throat. Lasers hit the MD, but to no avail.
Sub's eyes were bulging by now.

Dec 28 2004, 11:25 PM

IC: Valcone was beating the MD as hard as he could but it wouldn't work. Sub just kept
getting choked.

Victor Draven
Dec 28 2004, 11:28 PM

IC: Sub reached his arm for the Chain Gun that was an inch away...
He grabbed it and held it up to the MD's chest.
"Ya'll...come...back...nevermind." Sub pulled the trigger, and the MD exploded. Sub got up.
He had some shrapnel that sliced him up, but he was ok.
"Let's go, guys." He leapt into the tunnel as though nothing had happened.

Dec 28 2004, 11:31 PM

IC: Sub and Val looked at each other. " I wish I was that tough, " said Rich.

Mobius 1
Dec 28 2004, 11:50 PM

IC: Slick looked upon the tunnels side entarnce. It was just large enough for his ice glider.
The vehicle would be hidden from view once he got relatively far down the tunnel. intering
his black eagle, he gave the vocal command, "initiatate Delta mode!" and the black eagle
turned into a more compact version of the ice glider(instead of the wings just pointing
down, they fold in half, then point down.) he slowly made his way down the tunnel, half his
heart hoping that he would run into some of his old Alpha Team friends.

Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 06:37 AM

IC: Sub walked down the tunnel. Suddenly an SOL dropped off the roof in front of him,
swinging itself at Subzero.
" plain.gif Oh please." Sub swung up his Chain Gun and shot. The Cockpit blew off of the
SOL, and fell back.
Sub stepped over the remains. Suddenly he heard the noise of a Ice Glider.
"Guys, weapons at the ready. We've got company... in an Ice Glider. Don't shoot, just wait."

Toa Tilius
Dec 29 2004, 09:53 AM

IC: Kalius was still in his Tundra Tracker. It was making a Grinding Noise. He entered a
cave, and was surrounded by Scorpian Orb Lanchers. He was hit by one, and now the TT
was in very bad condition. He had a plan. He dived out of his TT, just in time, as it blew up,
and the headed to a SOL, the leader of them. He knocked out the leader, and threw him in
the rubble of the TT. Kalius climbed into the SOL, and lead the pack off.....

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 29 2004, 10:22 AM

Databoard stood, laser at the ready. they had been battleing SOLs and meda drone
for who-knows how long. Now Subzero told them to ready there weapons. "Well,
this sure in fun." Databoard muttered, agusting the setting on his laser.


Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 10:22 AM

IC: Subzero heard an explosion.

"Wait... someone check to see where Kalius is, I haven't seen him since Valcone started
chasing him." An Agent ran back to headquarters. Sub called after him. "AND BRING ME A
HOT COCOA!" Suddenly the other Agents raised their weapons. "What?" Sub turned around
and found himself surrounded by SOLs. Hundreds of them.
"Ice Orbs." He said, as he was grabbed and thrown against a wall. He tumbled down, rolled
across the room, raised his chain gun, and blew one up, then another. Blasts were flying
around the room. The Agent ran back, and Sub crawled to him.
"WELL?" cried Sub over the explosions.
"HE'S BEEN OUT EVER SINCE THIS MORNING!" called the Agent, handing him his Hot
Cocoa. Sub gulped some, put it down, and shot an SOL about to grab the Agent. "GO TO

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 29 2004, 10:32 AM

Databoard strugled to avoid being hit by all the laser blasts being fired by the
SOLs. Then he got and Idea. He dove at one the SOLs and smashed through the
cockpit "Mind if I borrow your weapon of mass destrustion?" Databoard said,
flinging the pilot out. "Now this is more like it!" Databoard said. He fired laser
blasts at some more SOls, blasting them into oblivion. "One down, Who knows
how many to go!" Databoard said.


Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 10:40 AM

IC: Sub saw Databoard jump in.

"DON'T FIRE AT THAT SOL!" screamed Sub. He fired a shot at the SOLs around Databoard.
Sub looked up and saw the Agent. "THE WRECK IS ABOUT A MILE UP THROUGH THIS
"THANKS!" Sub reloaded and turned to Rich and Valcone.
"WANNA COME WITH ME? I'M CHECKING OUT A WRECK." He turned around and ran, then
leapt onto Databoards stolen SOL. "TAKE COMMAND, I HAVE SOME SEARCH AND RESCUE
Databoard fired shots at SOLs while Sub ran through, hoping the others were following. He
shot two SOLs as he ran by, reloading as he ran. He jumped on one and fired a shot
through the windshield, then ran up the flailing tail as it exploded. He leapt through and
kept running. He was drinking his Hot Chocolate as he ran, and when it was empty, he
stuffed a grenade in the cup and sealed it, then tossed it, all while running. It went inside
the Ice Orb pouch in the SOL, and it exploded, freezing the SOL in an Ice Block. Sub ran
backwards and fired a shot, shattering the ice- and SOL- into pieces.

Toa Tilius
Dec 29 2004, 10:51 AM

IC: Kalius used the claws on the SOL to pick off the Drone who had attacked Sub.
He threw him at the wall. Each SOL realised it was an Agent in the leaders vehicle. Half the
SOL's went for the on-foot agents, half were after Kalius. Kalius "initiated alpha mode" on
the SOL, and grabbed the most of the other Agents, just in time. 'What's happpening?'
asked Sub to the Agents. The other Agents held on tight to the tail and arms of the SOL.
Sub climbed up to the cockpit and saw Kalius. 'Hi.' Sub was being blown allover by the
snow. 'Let me in!' demanded Sub. He opened the cockpit and Sub climbed in. ''We'll talk
later, I've got to finish destroying all these SOLs.'

He then fired ice orbs at the SOLs. 'No! Databoards in that one!' 'Uh-oh!' replied Kalius. He
swung the tail of his SOL, so it didn't hit Databoard's machine. The other SOLs were frozen.
He lowered the agents down to sefety, and returned to Scorpian mode.

OOC: Sorry if there's a mistake in functions and things, I hope that's okay.

EDIT: Bit late, maybe you can slot this in

Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 10:56 AM

IC: Sub got out of the SOL.

"Was it your Tundra Tracker that exploded?"
"That's Kalius allright... thinks he owns a stunt car." said Sub jokingly.
"I'll get a new one for you by Friday."
The Agents moved forward through the tunnel. Soon they got to Kalius' wreck. There was a
side tunnel and another one.
"Which way? Do we split into two groups or both go one way?" He looked at the group.

Toa Tilius
Dec 29 2004, 11:01 AM

IC: 'I think we should divide, even though I can handle it alone' 'Of course you can' said
Sub jokily. 'Whatever, anyway, I'll lead one group. Yeah? Yeah? Pleaseee! I saved your
bacon! I did, I did!!!!'

'Hey, Sub, don't you think I should have a temporary machine?' 'Well....I don't know if I....'
'It's okay, be back in a minute' Kalius ran back to the SOLs, and came back with one.
'Alrighty then!''

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 29 2004, 11:01 AM

Databoard blasted SOL after SOL, but is wasn't doing any good. Thinking fast, he
fired Ice Orbs at the ground, creating a slick layer of ice. The SOLs spun around on
the ice and created a 20 SOL Pile up. Databoard blasted the SOls in that pile-up.
But there were still more SOLs. Databoard continued firing at them.


Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 11:03 AM

IC: Sub looked at Kalius. "Lets split up. All of us go one way, Big-shot SOL driver goes the
other." The two groups split, with Sub, Kalius, Val, Rich, Databoard, and others, and all the
other Agents Sub didn't know went the other way.

Toa Tilius
Dec 29 2004, 11:18 AM

OOC: I am on my own right?

IC: Kalius sped on. He was feeling colder and colder. He came to the end of the tunnel,
seeing light ahead. He came out of the tunnel, only to see Ogel and some Drones fixing a
vehicle. He went unnoticed, as he was still in a SOL. He went behind an unmanned vehicle,
and got out. He peered around the corner of the machine and saw Ogel. A table was infront
of Kalius. On it was writing, and a map. He read the map. 'No...' He grabbed it, got into his
SOL, and headed to join the other agents.

Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 11:22 AM

OOC: Actually, you were with me and the others that are real world people. Let's say you
scouted ahead.

IC: Sub sat down. "When do you think Kalius will be back?" Suddenly an SOL burst in.
Everyone jumped up, aiming their weapons. Kalius jumped out, holding something.
"Whats that?" asked Sub. He walked to Kalius.

Dec 29 2004, 11:25 AM

IC: Kailius was stopped. An SOL stepped in front of him, and no agent was riding this one. A
Drone was. Kailius pulled out a laser.
"Don't shoot!" the Drone cried. He stepped out of the SOL and took off his "head." It was
Frozeen in disguise!
"Sorry about that," Kailius said, "but weren't you still in the AT HQ?"
"I snuck down," Frozeen said mischieviously. "I made this disguise to fool Ogel and his
dumb-dumb Drones, and used this captured SOL."

OOC: It's alright that Frozeen can sneak down without even the other AT agents knowing,
isn't it?

Toa Tilius
Dec 29 2004, 11:27 AM

IC: G-g-gah!!! L-look!!!! Everybody!!! Gah!!!!

We've go to go! The Snow Crawlers will be here any minute!

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 29 2004, 11:45 AM

Databoard jumped into his 'borrowed' SOL as the rest of the Agents Rushed off.
Kalius just told them that Snow Crawlers was on there way. "Well, I guess this
sure beats fixing cars..." Databoard mutttered as he powered up the SOL and shot


Dec 29 2004, 11:49 AM

OOC: I don't have to PM you to join, right? I just join on in?

Name: Redcap
Age: 22
Ability: very clever
Vehicle: Ice Blade

Back at the Alpha Team base, Redcap got a transmission from Kailius showing the situation
they were in. While somewhat difficult to understand, Redcap knew that the whole Alpha
Team was in danger, and something needed to be done fast.
"Redcap to Kaillius, Redcap to Kailius," spoke Redcap over Kailius' communication system.
"Please send more detailed verbal transmission as to what our situation is so that we may
act on it. Thank you." Redcap sat back in his chair and awaited Kailius' reply.

Toa Tilius
Dec 29 2004, 12:01 PM

IC: 'Okay, Okay, I'll speak slower. We're in a cave, 8 miles northwards. We've just
destroyed a fleet of Scorpian Orb Launchers, and after finding a hideout of Ogel, I have
acquired a map with plans to destroy us. I doubt you'll make it in time, but we are
prepared. We have a couple of SOLs of our own, so we should be safe. I'll transmit the map
now. '
'We shall continue down this path, i have also found a tracking device in a SOL, and so an
Agent shall send it to you via a Chill Speeder. It has been modified, so shall be there in
around 2 or 3 minutes. Then you can moniter our progress and give us info on whats ahead.
' 'That's fine' replied Redcap.

Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 12:06 PM

IC: Sub ran to Kalius and gripped the walkie-talkie.

"This is Agent Subzero. Snow Crawlers are coming to the base. Set up a good defense at
the tunnel we discovered and meet us there." Sub hung up and ran. He burst out of the
tunnel to see the defense operation.
"Good." He picked up a weapon and saw all the Agents come out. Sub aimed at the tunnel
when he heard skittering.
"Steady..." Suddenly hundreds of Snow Crawlers flew out, blasting agents. Everyone shot
and blasted. Sub jumped onto a Snow Crawler and shot the Drone, then rammed it into
another Snow Crawler, jumping off as they both exploded.
Sub rammed the barrel of his blaster into the skull of a Drone, then swung and blew away
two others.

Toa Tilius
Dec 29 2004, 12:13 PM

IC: Kalius got back into his SOL and flew over the Drones, swinging the tail, knocking them
off. 'It's no use, we have to get out!' he cried, looking at Sub. Drones were climbing up the
SOLs tail. Kalius looked forward, and saw another SOL. Databoards wasn't in it. Instead,
he'd been grapped by the claws. Ogel was in his place. Kalius turned his SOL around and
flew away. Ogel grabbed the tail of Kalius' SOL. Ogel was flying after him, holding him back
by his tail. 'veryone! Save yourselves!' cried Kalius

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 29 2004, 12:31 PM

Databoard blasted snow crawlers into scrap metal before they had a chance to
return fire. "If Ogel wanted to destoy us," Databoard said. "He shouldn't have left
us all these cool toys!" "DATA! LOOK OUT!" He heard someone shout. Databoard
swung the SOL's tail around, knocking an Ice Orb back at the Snow Crawler that
fired it. It froze into a block of ice. "Yes!" Databoard shouted. "IN YA FACE!"


Toa Tilius
Dec 29 2004, 12:41 PM


Kalius swung Ogels SOL into a wall. The wall was cracking. 'No! Everybody, get out of here!
CAVE IN!' Kalius grabbed most of the Agents, Databoard grabbed the rest. The tunnel had
already knocked a boulder onto Ogel, and the rest of the tunnel was getting thinner. The
two SOLs went flat against eachother, and managed to get out with the agents. The drones
were crushed. The SOLs flew out of the tunnel and the agents were safe. But so was Ogel.
He'd climbed onto the tail and was now getting away in a Snow Crawler. He flew off.
Databoard tried to go after him, but his SOL was faulty, and couldn't move. 'We have to let
him go, for now.....'

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 29 2004, 12:52 PM

Databoard watched Ogel fly away on a Snow Crawler. He felt like such a fool. He
had a chance to stop Ogel, but failed because of faulty equipment. He used to be a
mechanic, for crying out loud! As he could do was watch as the Snow Crawler sped


Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 01:01 PM

IC: Sub was not with them. He had jumped onto the Snow Crawler and was holding on.
Suddenly Ogel's hook hand slashed around, slicing open Sub's chest. Sub looked down, and
the hook flew up, and went across his face. Sub gagged and fell off. He landed on a block,
which hit his skull, hard. All went dark.
Sub was in a hospital bed, but he could tell he was dreaming. He could hear what the
Agents were saying around him, but two of them were on fire... Val and Kalius. All of a
sudden Sub's bed burst into flames, and he jumped up, screaming and writhing, while the
others kept talking. Then he was falling through his bed, and a hook came flying. Then he
ran, and the floor fell from under his feet, and he flew up. He saw Iris, and walked towards
her, but she burst into flames, much more than the others had.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE ME, DYLAN? WHY?" Sub was shaking and sputtering. How did she
know his real name? "IRIS, NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Iris bent into a scorpion, which chased him
down a hallway to the tunnel. Sub ran through, and at the end, found someone strapped to
a wall. Sub walked up to the person, and looked at them. Suddenly their head snapped up
and stared. It was Subzero.
Sub was suddenly back in bed, and Rebecca was staring at Valcone. "He's in a coma. He
won't be up for a little while. No telling when."
Sub saw that all three of them (Val, Rebecca, and Rich) were missing their faces.

"He's in a coma. He won't be up for a little while. No telling when." said Rebecca. She had
just finished stitching up Sub's wounds from the hook. Iris walked in.
"How is he?"
"He's in a coma." said Rebecca.

Sub was walking down a passageway, and looked behind him. He saw nightmarish figures
and began running. But who were they?

Toa Tilius
Dec 29 2004, 01:54 PM

IC: Meanwhile, Kalius was taking a break in the sun. In his dreams. He was missing normal
weather so much. 'ARGHH!!!!!' he yelled, and headed to his Scorpian Orb Launcher. He
climbed into it, and sped off. Another Agents asked him where he is going. He ignored
them, and sped right on. 'He's going to do something stupid' the Agent muttered.

Dec 29 2004, 01:59 PM

IC: "Rebecca, we have to do something. Sub risked his life to save me from Ogel and I
won't rest until he's better," said Valcone, worried. "There's nothing we can do," said
Rebecca, "except hope and keep his friends close." Valcone responded, " If I stay, Alpha
Team will be one Agent down. Two knowing Rich will want to stay as well. If this fight gets
anymore intense, we will have to go." "I know," smiled Rebecca, "go get some Hot
Chocolate. We want Sub to feel at home." At that moment, a High Ranking Agent came in
and told half of the Nurses that they would be honorary Agents. " We need all the help we
can get to defeat Ogel." Rebecca just happened to be one of those that he handed a
uniform to. She looked at Sub, then Val, then walked off crying. " Rebecca wait," yelled
Valcone as he ran after her.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 29 2004, 02:12 PM

Databoard heard Kaluis yelling. He stuck his head out of the tent and watched him
speed off in a SOL. Databoard went back to what he was doing: examining a
disabled Ice Orb he found. It was a small hobbey that he had, He liked to
dismantle stuff to see how it worked. He has amazed at the intrcate working of the
Orb. Databoard yawned. He was tired, but he has also worried Ogel would try to
attack them again. Databoard picked up a laser and went to sleep, his hand on the


Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 02:17 PM

OOC: Wait, Toa Tilius, are you keeping the Tundra Tracker or the SOL?

Dec 29 2004, 02:28 PM

Redcap was overjoyed to hear that his plan of sending an unmanned magma drill to collapse
the tunnel was unneeded -- he didn't want to waste a perfectly good Tundra Tracker.
However, upon hearing of Subzero's coma, he was concerned. So he made a few phone

"Hello, Dr. Ignatius? This is Redcap. I need your assistance immediately."

Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 02:34 PM
IC: Subzero ran, and bumped into a figure, falling on his back. It was a doctor.
"The doctor... is in." said the Doctor, revealing a blue hook. Ogel burst out of the disguise
and sliced through Sub, and Sub fell down again. He was bleeding out water, and was
drowning. Suddenly Rebecca pulled him into a boat, and the lake froze. They rowed toward
Alpha Team HQ, and then...
BOOM. A Mushroom Cloud erupted from the base, and everything was obliterated. Rebecca
and Sub were screaming, and then everything went black.

Outside, in reality, Sub's heart monitor went blank. The line just kept going straight.
And Sub was shaking uncontrollably.

Dec 29 2004, 02:39 PM

IC: Valcone walked in the Medical hall after not finding Rebecca. The sight of Sub shaking
made Val lose it. " All of you nurses and not one of you with enough sense to do something.
If nobody does something about my friend, I will personally make sure you are all fired and
never work for anything that even has the same letters as Alpha Team."

Dec 29 2004, 02:41 PM

IC: Rich looked around. "Hey," he said, "where's Frozeen?"

Frozeen's disguise had fooled Ogel - too well. "Come on, you stupid Drone!" he said to the
disguised Frozeen. "Back to the base!" Frozeen was forced to ride the captured SOL and
follow all the Drones to OMF. When they reached there, Ogel turned around. "Now as you all
know, Agent Frozeen was the first AT agent to fall!" A cheer came from the real Drones.
Frozeen slipped away. He ran into the power room.
"Aha, this is where all the power is!" said Frozeen. Even though he was disguised, he still
had a drill handy. "Time to break this thing!" Frozeen drilled into the huge box where the
power was stored. The power went out, the lights went out.
"AHH!" CRASH! "OW!" "HEY, WATCH IT!" BANG! "NOT AGAIN!" Frozeen almost laughed at
the sound of the crashing Drones. But then he heard a voice. A voice from no one other
than the Meda Drone.
"Who's responsible for this?" yelled the Meda Drone. It walked into the power room, but
Frozeen was long gone.
He ran out of the fortress. He hopped into the captured SOL and mumbled, "I can't wait to
get back into my Tundra Tracker." He started on his way to AT HQ, but forgot that he was
still wearing his disguise.

OOC: If you want to include Frozeen in your next post, be sure to remember that he's
wearing the disguise and your agent may be fooled.

Dec 29 2004, 02:42 PM

Delete this post! DPing again. I hope this is the last DP...
Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 03:09 PM

IC: In reality, Sub grabbed Val's arm, and gripped it almost hard enough to break it. He
opened his eyes, but thry were all white. Then he closed them and the machine started
beeping like his heart again.

In Sub's coma sleep, he was back in his old car in World City. He was a Police Officer. That
had been his job before. And his wife was with him. His wife had died a year before he had
joined Alpha Team. It had been an attack on World City from Ogel. They had been in a car,
heading home, after a date. Suddenly the same ship that had taken him hostage to try him
out as a test gerbil came.
"Ogel." said Sub, spinning around, speeding down the lane. Drone airships came, and Ogel
shot at them with lasers. This had been in 2001. The car was hit, and exploded. Sub had
been thrown out the windshield, and landed in the river. His wife, Jess, was thrown out also.
She landed in the street, and died. He had gotten out and ran to her, shaking her over and
over. His tears fell on her body as he expressed his agony through his screams. He
personally knew Dash Justice, who had saved him before from Ogel. Dash ran to him, trying
to help. It started raining. Drones came up to them. Sub, who's name then was Dylan Zero,
got up and punched the first Drone so his fist shattered the skull, into nothingness. He
swung around and caught the laser Dash tossed to him. Dash kicked several of them while
Dylan ran away. Not as a coward. He ran to a building and scaled the Fire Escape, and got
on the roof. He aimed at the Ship and shot five times. The glass windshield shattered, and
the Drone Pilot fell over. Dylan leapt off the building and landed on the ship. He climbed into
the cockpit, then pulled out a real ammunition gun from the 'Force. He opened the door to
the rest of the ship and walked in and walked right up to Ogel, and shot several times. The
bullets bounced off his armor.
"Come now..." Ogel said. He swung his hook at Sub, who ducked, but the hook still sliced
his cheek. He punched Ogel and felt himself get grabbed. He was dragged to the cockpit
and thrown. He felt himself falling. He fell and fell, and then... Dash caught him.

And his memory was finished. Know he could remember the real reason he was fighting this
fight. Revenge.

Toa Tilius
Dec 29 2004, 03:14 PM

IC:Kalius sped through mountains and avalanches, and at last arrived at Ogels base. This it.
This is the end of Ogel. He put the SOL into auto-pilot, jumped out, as it sped towards the
base. A drone had seen it, and put up a shield aroung the base. The SOL bounced off it, and
was away with few scratches. Kalius jumped back in. 'Okay, I'll think harder this time'.

Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 03:27 PM

IC: Sub had another vision. Kalius. He was in a destroyed SOL. Then he saw Valcone and
Rebecca, clutching each other as the water around them froze. Then he saw Rich, fighting
with the field testers, and then the SOL burst out from under him, slicing him up with its
claws. Then he saw Databoard, walking up to an electric gate in a hallway, and cutting a
wire, then the gate exploded. Then he saw Iris, fall to the ground at Ogel's feet, Ogel wiping
his hook with a cloth. Then he saw the other agents in an explosion. Then he saw Ogel,
lying in bed, and a shadowy figure dropping from the cieling, putting a mine on him, then
grabbing Ogel. "DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE WAITED FOR THIS?!" Then an explosion.
Then he saw himself. "DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE WAITED FOR THIS?!" he was holding
Ogel, and then they both were caught in an explosion.
Sub found himself in the dark, and then he was with Jess. He went to her, and they were
together again.

Dec 29 2004, 03:47 PM

OOC: Barda, was that whole doctor being Ogel bit a hallucination or reality?

Dec 29 2004, 03:54 PM

IC: Valcone was still angry after the whole nurse thing. He went to get come more Hot
Coaco for Sub. When he was walking, he stepped in water. " What the.." He walked into a
room and saw Rebecca waist deep in water. " Rebecca, what.." " Valcone," said Rebecca, "I
was getting dressed and water started coming through the ventilation shafts." Valcone
waded over to Rebecca. He grabbed her hand and then a SOL appeared. It held an Ice Orb
and let it drop. Valcone grabbed Rebecca and turned so his back was facing the SOL. Then,
all was frozen.

Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 03:54 PM

OOC: Hallucination. I just felt like having a crazy, random thought.

Dec 29 2004, 04:08 PM

IC: Valcone was frozen solid. Rebecca opened her eyes and saw Val frozen protecting her.
Her legs were frozen under the frozen water. "Val..." She cried but her tear froze on her
cheek. She tried to scream, but only a hoarse squeek came out.

Dec 29 2004, 05:17 PM

Ignatius Voltage was one of the best doctors alive, and Redcap told him about Subzero's
"I didn't realize this was a sad occasion," replied Ignatius. "I shall be over there as soon as I
Redcap hung up the phone and walked towards the Alpha Team library. As he entered, he
read a sign that he had installed earlier which read
"The World is
at Your Fingertips. Please be
Quiet Here."

Redcap knew that Ogel wouldn't allow the agents to find out his plan so easily. There must
be something more that Ogel was planning. Perhaps while he was looking around the
library, Redcap would think of something.
Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 07:52 PM

OOC: I was having a hallucination in my coma. That wasn't reality. It was me having
nightmares of the possibility of Ogel winning.
IC: Sub sensed that a doctor was here. He was in a nightmare. He had to get out.
Sub was suddenly thrown back to Mission Deep Sea, when he had first joined. He was
patroling the ocean side, and saw a floating object. He went out, and looked at it. Suddenly
a squid grabbed him, and he had to escape. Suddenly he was falling down and down and
Then he was awake, out of the coma. He looked around. "What's going on?"

Dec 29 2004, 08:22 PM

OOC: I know, I though it would be cool if what you dreamed really happened. Then you
could try to prevent it or something.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 29 2004, 08:30 PM

Databoard screwed new brakes into his Ice Blade. He had several more things to
fix before it was in working order. He was glad to have gotten out of that death-
trap tunnel they had explored. His Ice Blade has ready for his next mission.
Databoard got up and walked to the Mess Hall to get a bight to eat and await his
next mission.


Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 08:35 PM

OOC: Ok.

IC: "Where's Val?" Suddenly his vision came back. "Ice..." He accessed the vehicle tracking
system, and tracked Val. He went there in his Ice Shark.
Val and Rebecca were engulfed in the ice. Sub's eyes widened. He focused the cannon on
the ice, and melted it, pulling the agents out. Val looked up. "Thanks." he said, looking at

Dec 29 2004, 08:41 PM

IC: Valcone looked emberassed to be still holding Rebecca. He started shivering and Sub
drapped a blanket around both of them. "Thanks," said Rebecca, "you protected me from
the ice." She rested her head on his sholder(sp?) and they walked to the cafateria for come
Hot Chocolate.

OOC: I think hot chocolate has been mentioned, like, 800 times in this RPG. I, personally
like coffee, so, now Valcone will drink that.
Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 29 2004, 08:58 PM

Databoard walked from the mess hall to his quarters. Being and Agent was
nothing like he expected. All his life, he was fixing cars at the Drome while the
racers got all the action. Now that he was an agent, He had spent all of yesterday
blasting Drones in a enemy vehicle. And the funny thing was, Databpard enjoyed
it. He went to bed and waited for Sub to give his another mission.

OOC: I eagerly await it.


Dec 29 2004, 09:09 PM

It came to Redcap like a smack in the face. He had been reading That Hideous Strength, a
book by C.S. Lewis(his favorite author), when it struck him. Ogel was attacking Alpha Team
so rashly not because he thought he was strong enough to destroy Alpha Team, but
because he had a greater plan. Ogel preferred to work in the shadows, and usually avoided
confrontation unless necessary. He had been merely creating a distraction. And Redcap had
an idea what he was distracting them from.

Redcap walked into Dash's office.

"Sir," he began, "I need your permission to investigate a few things in World City."
"World City has been frozen over." came Dash's confused response.
"Yes, sir. I was thinking of using my Ice Blade."
"All right. I don't know what you're trying to do, but I have no reason not to trust you, and
things are relatively quiet."
"Thank you, sir. If my lead is right, I won't let you down."

Next, Redcap tapped his headset and established a connection with Subzero.
"Sub? This is Redcap. Listen, this is important. I've got to ask you not to come back to AT
Headquarters until I contact you again. Is that all right, sir?"

OOC: I'm awaiting Barda's reply, because I don't know how Sub will answer.

OOC again: I will be gone from 1:00 MTN time tomorrow until sometime January 2nd or
3rd. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Dec 29 2004, 09:12 PM

IC: Val and Rebecca got tp the Mess Hall and drank some coffee. They were still sharing the
blanket draped around their sholders. Valcone was still shivering and Rebecca moved a little
closer. They looked at each other and smiled. Later that day, Valcone went up to Subzero.

"Hey Sub, how you doing."

"Probably better then you."

"Na, I'm fine. Hey, I was wondering if I could take Rebecca to a movie and dinner in World
City. She deserves something for becoming an Agent. I won't be gone long and I will have
my communicator incase something goes wrong."


"Why not?"

"World City is frozen. Wouldn't that be romantic."

"Dang, we need to hurry up and beat Ogel."

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 29 2004, 10:43 PM

Databoard had just woken up from a supremly awful dream. He has back at his old
job, when a shadow fell over the Drome, Snow Crawlers, so many that the bocked
out the sun, flew towards him. He tried to run but slip on a coating of ice. He
looked up to see Ogel staring down at him. "Say goodbye" Ogel said. at this point
Databoard woke up, but now he was to hyped up to sleep. Databoard got up put
on his uniform, and left his quarters. He went down to the Mess Hall and got a
sandwich and somthing to drink. After finshing up, Data walked to the library and
began reading War of the Worlds. "Just once," Databoard thought. "Can't these
guys attack us and not Ogel?" After reading for about an hour, Databoard went
back to bed, eager for his next mission


Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 10:50 PM

IC: Subzero walked to where Redcap was. "What do you need?" he asked. Sub was doing
much better now, and felt... good. But he wanted to beat Ogel so bad.
Suddenly there was a blast, and a scream. Sub took off, and saw an Agent, gagging on his
last few breaths. "What happened?" He asked the Agent.
"They took... they took her... Iris...gone... S...O...L took..." the agent choked, and fell over.
Sub looked up. Iris was gone. Sub pulled the Laser Rifle off the agent and jumped into the
Blizzard Blaster, and, without telling anyone, left, going toward's Ogel's Mountain Fortress.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 29 2004, 11:43 PM

Databoard had barely been asleep 7 minutes when he heard weapons fire. He
looked out the window and saw Subzero speeding away in the Blizzard Blaster
"Sub, what are you doing?" Databoard said. He rushed to the hanger and got into
his Ice Blade. He shot out and followed Sub's tracks into the distance.

Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 11:52 PM

IC: Sub saw Data's Ice Blade. He spoke into his headset.
"Go home, Data. I'm flying solo. They got Iris. And in case you haven't noticed, I like her. A
lot. They got my wife, Jess, and now they're getting Iris. Which I won't allow. This is my
fight. And I'm giving it to them."

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 29 2004, 11:57 PM

Databoard brought his Ice Blade to a stop. Sub needed to do what he needed to
do. Even if it killed Sub. he watched Subzero disapear into the blizzard, and then
Databoard turned back to base.


Victor Draven
Dec 29 2004, 11:59 PM

IC: Sub saw Databoard turn around. "Thanks Data. I owe you one."
Sub went full throttle, and prepared himself for the worst.

Dec 30 2004, 12:09 AM

IC: Valcone and Rebecca jumped in his Ice Blade. They took off and switched to Helicopter.
They saw Sub and stayed above him. "GO," commanded Sub. "NO," said Valcone. "They
hurt two of the ones you love, and nearly hurt the one I love, I'm coming with you," said
Valcone. Rebecca mouthed the word love silently with a smile. Sub turned around and
aimed his lasers at the Ice Blade. "This is a solo mission," said Sub. "Only I go. If you go
one inch further, I promise you won't ever love again." Valcone could sense the anger in
Subs voice. Not towards him, but towards Ogel and the situation.

Victor Draven
Dec 30 2004, 12:14 AM

IC: Sub couldn't take this. He fired three terror shots, and missed on purpose.
"That was on purpose. If you insist on coming, go ahead. But don't expect a happy-cheer
conversation along the way." He frowned. "And for your protection, Val, don't talk about
Jess, Iris, or..." he kept his mouth shut. This secret had to wait. For a long time.

Dec 30 2004, 12:19 AM

IC: Valcone flew after Sub and said a few words. "I'll stay outside. Call if you need

Victor Draven
Dec 30 2004, 12:28 AM
IC: "You can come with me. Just leave if Iris is..." Sub choked on his words. He piloted into
a valley then opened a hidden door they had used before to get in. He pulled out his Chain
Gun and a satchel of explosives.

Dec 30 2004, 12:33 AM

IC: "Right!" Valcone hopped out, gave Rebecca a gun and told her to stay in the Ice Blade.
He then grabbed a laser sighted laser rifle and followed Sub.

Victor Draven
Dec 30 2004, 12:51 AM

IC: "Val. Look." Sub pointed at the ground and saw Alpha Team boot prints in the snow
through the hall. Sub got out a tape measure.
"Womens. Size eight. That's Iris. She was alive when she was taken through here." Sub
followed the tracks to a door, and he opened it, aiming his gun. He was on a balcony, and
thousands of Drones were below. Ogel was holding Iris, and the Drones were chanting: Cut
her up.. Cut her up...
"Now tell me. How exactly will I get Agent Subzero here? Will I anger him with..." said Ogel,
but was cut off.
"I'm here already. Surprise, whack-job." Sub jumped on Ogel, pushing him against the
balcony. Ogel kicked Sub off, and got up. Iris came up to him and kicked him. Ogel grabbed
her leg and yanked. She fell on the ground. She slowly got up. Sub aimed the gun at Ogel.
"You'll kill them both." whispered Val.
"Not if I do this." Sub ran up and whacked Ogel in the visor, then picked him up with one
hand and put the barrel on his chest. He pulled the trigger, but the armor shielded him.
"Hahahaha. The end." Said Ogel. He swung his hook so that it went into his back. Ogel
backed away and slashed at Iris. She fell down at Ogel's feet. Ogel wiped the hook with a
Sub clenched his fist and broke his own knuckle. He swung at Ogel full force, and found that
Ogel was on the edge.
"I've waited for this day 3 long years, Ogel." Sub threw Ogel off the balcony, but instead of
screaming, he laughed. The Meda-Drone flew by and caught him, landing in the base.
Val plopped down next to Sub, next to Iris.
"She's still alive." Said Sub. He picked her up and carried her out to his Blizzard Blaster. He
sped away, swiftly.

Dec 30 2004, 01:00 AM

IC: Valcone hopped into his Ice Blade and told Rebecca, who was
thinking of an Alpha Team nick name, to hold the wheel. They got insight of the Meda Drone
and sped towards it. When they were over it, Valcone hopped out and did a Jackie Chan into
the space between the body and the leg. He then crawled up and found what he was looking
for, a large wire. He pulled out his pocket blaster and shot the wire. The Meda Drone started
free falling. While this was happening, Val sent a message to Sub.

~You better get here quick if you really want your revenge.~

Valcone then hopped out and was caught by Bee's piloting.

OOC: I decided to just shorten it Barda. Cool name though. Thanks.

Toa Tilius
Dec 30 2004, 04:50 AM

IC: After leaving Ogels base for an hour, Kalius was back, and this time the Drones believed
he was on their side. He flew down, and attacked a Droneand took his uniform. He put it on,
and went to Ogel's main room. He walked to Ogel and said 'The Alpha Team are attacking
from the south. They are currently in a cave. I suggest a full on attack, if I may.' 'Of
course....' said Ogel. Kalius had set a trap in that cave that would crush them all. Soon,
Kalius was leading the team of Drones to the cave. What he didn't realise, was the rest of
the team were actually heading there.

Victor Draven
Dec 30 2004, 08:30 AM

IC: Sub looked at the message.

"I can't, Val." replied Sub. "She's going to die if we don't get her home in time."
Sub blinked away the frustration that had been eating him since 2001. Suddenly an Agent
slid alongside.
"Take her." called Sub. The Agent did, and Sub spun around and shot back to Val.
It was time for Ogel to see what anger, hatred, and lust for revenge could do to a man.

Dec 30 2004, 09:12 AM

IC: When Val got the message, he was too busy to answer it. He was in physical combat
with Oget and fairing pretty well, aside from the few slashes on his face and the torn
uniform. Then, Ogel threw a crushing blow to Valcone's throat. Valcone was choking. "I
can't pass out. I can't pass out. Sub NEEDS this." Valcone picked himself and started trash
talking. Only thing worse, was the beating Ogel was giving him.

Victor Draven
Dec 30 2004, 09:28 AM

IC: Sub got out of the Ice Shark and grabbed Ogel from behind, and broke his arm. Ogel
spun around and his hook nearly took out Sub's eye. Sub kicked him, and he tackled him.
They hit an icy surface, and punched and fought. Suddenly Sub's fist went through the ice,
and went into water. He pulled it out, and the ice started cracking. The ice shattered, and
they both went through, punching and fighting. They swam to the surface, and Ogel's hook
went straight down. Right across his face. Sub punched Ogel in the helmet, and then
pushed him under. Then Ogel's hook flashed again. It went through Sub's stomach, and Sub
gasped, swallowing water. Ogel swam away, and Sub saw a Viper Escape (Ogel's Alpha
Mode for the SOL) get him and fly away.
Sub closed his eyes, and just floated there. Suddenly he was pulled from the water into a
dingy with Rebecca and Val. The Dingy sped off.
"Where's our... v...vehicles?"
"They're in Auto Pilot, going to the base." said Val. Sub clutched his wounds. Rebecca
started healing them.
"Where are we going?"
"Base. We needed to save you."
Sub lay back. They didn't see the Viper Escape flying after them.

O. Prime
Dec 30 2004, 10:08 AM

IC: The V.E. shot a laser at the Dingy and flung everyone into the sky. Bee and Sub got
back in the Dingy, but Valcone held onto a glacier.

OOC: If that isn't right Barda, tell me and I'll edit it.

Dec 30 2004, 10:17 AM

Redcap was piloting his Ice Blade around World City when he got a call.
"Redcap, this is Dash. Subzero is very wounded, we have to take him back to base."
"That's all right. I think I've just about found out what I need to. Redcap out."

Redcap drove towards the large medical center. All the employees' cars were still there.
"Odd," thought Redcap, "since World City froze at midnight. Either we've got some very
eager workers here, or they were doing something else."
Redcap made a transmission. He decided to speak in code (OOC: for the sake of time, I'll
post it uncoded here. Now I'm IC again).

"Redcap to Alpha Team Headquarters. I've discovered the reason for Ogel's overt attacks:
he's got a covert scheme. Ogel is running World City's medical facilities. He's turned most of
the workers into drones, and the others he's threatened with their life ... or worse. He's
recruiting his own workers -- such as Ignatius Voltage-- until he can completely run the
hospital. He will then unfreeze the ice covering World City, but still keep the temperature
very low. When temperatures are low, people are afraid of getting sick. When people are
afraid of getting sick, they go see doctors. The hospital has a flyer outside, just put there
recently -- advertising pneumonia vaccinations. Ogel is going to turn the people of World
City into drones without even having to lift a finger. He's going to inject drone
transformation fluid right into their blood-stream. This is why he stopped producing drone
orbs. I think that Doctor Ignatius may also have placed a tracking device inside of Sub when
he was working on him. This is --" and then a sickening thud followed.

Dash replied, "Redcap, are you there?"

A low voice came over the inter-com, which had apparently been knocked off of Redcap's
head. It was Ignatius' voice.
"Come, now, why were you sneaking around?" There was another thud. Redcap had been
surprised, beaten with a wooden bat, and now the bat gave its second hit. "Well, you'd
better come with us. You don't look too well. Perhaps you're at risk for pneumonia." And
then all was silent.

OOC: since I'll be gone, you all can decide if I'm going to be saved, and how. I won't be
back till the 2nd of January.

Dec 30 2004, 02:29 PM

OOC: Okay, since nobody included Frozeen in their post, I'm just going to continue what

IC: Valcone looked up. Not only Ogel's SOL was there, but another as well. A Skeleton
Drone was riding it. "Not now," mumbled Valcone.
The Skeleton Drone initiated Ogel Mode (or whatever you want to call it) and the SOL
turned into a Viper Escape. A claw grabbed Valcone. "We need to get out of here," the
Drone said.
"What the -" Valcone said as he was lifted up into the air. The other claw reached out and
broke off one of the claws on Ogel's SOL.
"Stop, you Drone!" Ogel cried. "I order you!"
The Drone looked at Ogel. Then the free claw reached out and broke Ogel's SOL. Then the
"Drone's" Viper Escape sped away. When far from Ogel, the Drone said to Valcone, "I'm
Frozeen in disguise." Then Frozeen took off the false head.

Victor Draven
Dec 30 2004, 06:22 PM

IC: Sub saw Val get snatched away.

"VAL!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sub looked back, and they sped off toward HQ.
Sub looked up. They were almost there. Then Sub realized it.
"Turn around." said Sub.
"What? Why?"
"TURN IT AROUND, NOW!!!!" They turned around just as an explosion blew section 11 and
12 off the base. A huge Mushroom cloud appeared, annhilating everything in the two
"That was where the Panrahk was."
Sub jumped into the water and swam to shore, and ran to the HQ.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 30 2004, 10:28 PM

A shockwave knocked Databoard clean out of his bed. He looked out the window
to see two sections of the base blown clear of the map. He picked up a laser,
rushed from his quarters, and accessed the nearest security console. "TEEVEE!
WHAT'S GOING ON!" Databoard shouted into the microphone. TeeVee's face
appeared on the screen "It was the Pahrahk XP explosive."
"The What?"
"The Pahrahk. It's an experimental explosve."
Databoard hung up. Then it hit him, the tunnel was underneath that sections. Ogel
must have sent a Drone to blow the Pahrahk! "Just great." Muttered Databoard,
and he rushed of to were the explosion ocurred.


Victor Draven
Dec 31 2004, 11:37 AM
IC: Sub went to where the old tunnel had once been. Agent Databoard came also.
"It's... gone... our access to Ogel's Drone Deployment... gone..." Sub got up and turned
around and looked at Databoard.
"Get me a Tundra Tracker and Pilot. We need to get through there again.

Dec 31 2004, 01:01 PM

IC: Valcone was dropped right by Sub and Databoard. "Did I hear you say something about
a Tundra Tracker pilot? Bee. C'm 'ere. Just because." Val looked at Sub and let loose a half
hearted laugh. "What," said Rebecca. "Sub needs a Tundra Tracker pilot. I hear that's what
you like," said Val. "She's been learning how to drive one since she was a nurse."

OOC: Barda, she ISN'T taken.

Victor Draven
Dec 31 2004, 01:30 PM

OOC: Who said I wanted her?

IC: "Rebecca, can you pilot the TT here and drill?"

"Alright. Let's go."
Rebecca ran back to the garage.
"Val, you ok? What'd they do to you?"
"It was an Agent in disguise. I'm fine."
"Good." Sub picked up a piece of rubble in the tunnel and threw it.
"Until your girl comes back, can you give me a hand?" joked Sub. He picked up another rock
and tossed it.
"Then I need to check on Iris." declared Sub.

Kotua in Space
Dec 31 2004, 01:55 PM

Name of Agent:kotua
Vehicle:Ice blade

IC:kotua looked outside the window of an Alpha Team airplane.

He remembered his previous mission, which took place underwater. Like a few agents,
kotua had stayed after the deepsea incident. He had been making sure Ogel didn't come
back to his ruined underwater base. Now he had been assigned here.
"I had hoped they would send me into space, but instead I get stuck here in the cold."said
kotua to himself, while taking his eyes off the window and taking a snack out.
From his briefing, he understood that ogel was planning to freeze the world, and had
succeded in freezing world city. Suddenly the plane wobbled, and kotua jumped an inch
from his seat.Immediately he looks outside to see something stuck to the wing of the plane,
looking alot like an ice orb.
"Couln't they have waited until we landed?"kotua said unbuckling himself from his seat and
looking for a way to get the thing outside.
OCC: how was that?

Toa Tilius
Dec 31 2004, 02:09 PM

IC: And so, Kalius went back to the AT HQ, to recieve his new Tundra Tracker. After being
out so long, Kalius needed to know what had happened. He asked Sub, and he said....

Kotua in Space
Dec 31 2004, 02:39 PM

IC:kotua sighed(SP?) and broke the window, went outside, got out some equipment, and
tried to pull the orb out. he continued pulling the orb....and it came off the wing!
Unfortunately the thing that threw the orb wasnt gone, and another one hits the wing,
causing a wobble. kotua,who was grasping the orb at the time lost balance, and fell down.
kotua looked down, to see a strange red thing flying towards the airplane.
"well he probably asked for it"kotua said, getting up with one hand, and grasping the orb
with the other.
This time a the thing shoots a lazer, and it nearly hits kotua. He scrambles inside
immediately dodging a few more lazers in the way.

Mobius 1
Dec 31 2004, 03:03 PM

IC: "initiate delta mode!" was what Slick said, but what he meant was: "turn this compact
land vehicle into the flying version so I can check out whats going on in World City!" turning
on the afterburners, the emp ATG hurler, and the cloak, he sped towards world city,
completely invisible to both human and machine eyes.

Kotua in Space
Dec 31 2004, 03:17 PM

IC:Inside of the plane kotua noticed that the pilots had escaped from the plane, taking the
only two parachutes with them.
"fools"said kotua. He moved to the cockpit of the plane, only to realize that the only flying
things he knew how to pilot was a helicopter. kotua thought it over, realized that even if he
could pilot the plane it would be useless, as the plane was civilian, he got his gear, and
jumped from the plane(with the orb!).

Dec 31 2004, 03:40 PM

OOC: No the REAL Becky.

Victor Draven
Dec 31 2004, 04:47 PM

IC: Sub looked at Kalius. "They had kidnapped Iris. I went to get her. Ogel stabbed her, and
she's in the hospital. That missile that we protected blew up, destroying two sections of the
base. Now we need someone to drill through the tunnel rubble."
OOC: Oh, I gotcha, Don Vito.

Dec 31 2004, 04:53 PM

IC: Rebecca was driving toward the rubble when Val stopped her. "Be careful."

Victor Draven
Dec 31 2004, 05:08 PM

IC: Sub ran to the Hospital Wing.

"How is she?" asked Sub.
"She's... going to make it, but she won't be able to without life support."
"...she's going to be immobile for the rest of her life. No speaking, no seeing, no..."
"...ok." choked Sub. "I understand." Sub walked away. He couldn't describe his situation
without losing his job. So he walked by Val, who asked: "And?"
Sub held up his hand and swallowed. "She's on life support. A vegetable."
He walked away and started tinkering with his Blizzard Blaster. He fell asleep against the

Dec 31 2004, 05:12 PM

IC: Val walked to Sub. He saw him asleep and left a note on the windshield.

~I can fix it. When I worked for Ogel, he had a cure. It was meant to bring people back to
normal conditions so he could turn them into Drones and further increase the size of his
army. Sorry I didn't tell you, but being Chief Security Advisor to Ogel isn't the best thing to
put on a resume.


Dec 31 2004, 05:12 PM

IC: Val walked to Sub. He saw him asleep and left a note on the windshield.

~I can fix it. When I worked for Ogel, he had a cure. It was meant to bring people back to
normal conditions so he could turn them into Drones and further increase the size of his
army. Sorry I didn't tell you, but being Chief Security Advisor to Ogel isn't the best thing to
put on a resume.


Kotua in Space
Dec 31 2004, 05:13 PM

IC:By now kotua regained his senses, and realized he had jumped out.
kotua looked down, to see he was going to land on a vehicle!
he coulnt really tell if it was an enemy vehicle, or a Alpha Team vehicle
"Great, just great!"kotua said sarcasticly, just before slaming into the vehicle's windshield,
breaking it, and passing out.

OCC: I landed on someone's vehicle....

Dec 31 2004, 05:20 PM

IC: Out of his disguise, Frozeen cheerfully hopped into his TT. "This is so much better than
the SOL," he said. He wanted to explore a mountain. When he got there, he found several
Snow Crawlers.
"Frozeen - alive?" they cried. One Drone looked at another. "We must tell Ogel about this,"
he said.
"I think not!" Frozeen said. He grabbed a laser and shot them all. However, SOLs appeared
in their place. To stop them, Frozeen catapulted a bomb. It landed near the summit. The
explosion caused the top of the mountain to fall off, causing an avalanche. The avalanche
swallowed up the SOLs, but then it headed toward Frozeen. "Uh, oh." He sent a message:



OOC: Happy New Year's Eve!

Victor Draven
Dec 31 2004, 06:09 PM

IC: Sub woke up. He saw the note and his eyes widened. He backed away and bumped into
"Val... you...why did you join us then?" he asked.

Kotua in Space
Dec 31 2004, 06:27 PM

IC:kotua regained some conciousness, and got off the floor, apparently he hadnt broken the
windshield. kotua immediately looked for his backpack(where his gear was), looked through
it, and picked took out the broken
pieces of an PDA(Personal Digital Assistant) screen.
kotua then heard something, or someone, talking. Immediately he hid where he could and
It sounded like " did you join us then?".
kotua wondered where he really was, it couldnt be drones, but he wasn't sure.
quietly he searched his backpack for any weapon.

Dec 31 2004, 08:51 PM
IC: "Why, you didn't think those drones could get information by themselves, did you? No,
just kidding. I thought I could help in a time of need. Do you want the cure or not. We will
have a big long talk later." He handed Sub a vile. "Give her this, it'll help."

Dec 31 2004, 11:04 PM

IC: "This isn't good," Frozeen mumbled. He tried to speed away as fast as possible. But still,
he got swallowed up by the avalanche. All he saw was white and he heard tons of crashes.
Finally, it stopped. Frozeen grabbed a shovel and began digging his way through the snow
and pieces of SOLs. He shoveled a tunnel to the surface wide enough for his TT. But to his
surprise, the TT wouldn't move. "What's wrong now?!?" He checked the vehicle. Broken
down. "Great! Just great!" Although the vehicle itself was broken, the message transmitter
was up and running. Frozeen transmitted another message:



Victor Draven
Dec 31 2004, 11:21 PM

IC: Sub looked up and forced a smile. "Thanks. You're good now, and thats all that
Sub ran to the Hospital and gave the nurse the vial. "Give it to her. She'll come back."
The nurse injected her.
Iris just lay there.
Then, her body began shaking uncontrolably. Sub looked as her eyes opened, and she was
shaking harder. Suddenly she shot up, and was fine.
She looked around, terrified. "Whats going on?" asked Iris.
"Nothing. You're fine now."
Sub hugged her. "I don't want to lose you." Iris smiled, and Sub walked away, saying "Part
of the base was destroyed... sections 11 and 12. I'll be there, digging out the tunnel."
Sub ran to Val, grinning. "It worked, and I owe you my life."
Sub watched as the Magma Drill went through the tunnel. Sub began moving some rocks,
and saw Iris come.

Dec 31 2004, 11:30 PM

IC: Frozeen looked at the TT. "Too bad I'm not a mechanic," he mumbled. "I hope that
someone comes and helps me out here."

Dec 31 2004, 11:45 PM

IC: "Na, we're even," said Val. They started to move the rocks with Iris while Rebecca
drilled the rubble.

Dec 31 2004, 11:53 PM

OOC: Okay, is anybody out there going to help Frozeen out? Do I have to think of some
crazy way instead?

O. Prime
Jan 1 2005, 12:07 AM

OOC: We are helping clear out the base that was destroyed. Well, a
part(s) of it. Sector 11 and 12.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 1 2005, 01:16 AM

Databoard looked out at the base, looking at the destuction. Suddenly he got a
message. It was from Frozeen. Databoard typed back:


Databoard was soon flying high in the sky in his helicopter. Far below, he could
see a Tundra Tracker half buried in snow. He brought the Helicopter in for a
landing and got out. Databoard took out a screwdriver and opened up the engine.
A cloud of smoke filled the air. "Okayy, the problem seems to be a broken fuel
valve." Databoard said. "I think I have a spare in the Ice Blade." He rumaged
though the storage comartment until he found on. "This should just about do it."
He muttered. Frozeen stared at him, amazed he fixed the TT so fast. "What?"
Databoard said. "I've been fixing cars just as advanced as this before I joined
Alpha Team."


Victor Draven
Jan 1 2005, 09:40 AM

OOC: Sorry Peabody, but when your girl is on the brink of death, and part of your home
was blown skyhigh, I don't think you'd help me right now. And besides, I need a new Palm
Pilot... mine was fried when I got in the water.
IC: Sub went back to the garage. He went to his Blizzard Blaster, and...
"WHAT THE...!" His windshield was broken, and an Agent was hanging out of it. Sub looked
up and saw a hole blasted in the roof.
"Great." said Sub. He pulled out the Agent, who he recognized as Agent Kotua. He took him
to the Hospital.
Sub walked down to the tunnel. Lots of progress. "Good." He sipped his hot chocolate, and
Iris came up to him.
"Hey." she said.
"Hey." Sub put down his hot chocolate. "You would have died for me. Why is that?"
Iris opened her mouth. Then an Agent came up.
"Agent Subzero, there is something you should see."
"Hold on..."
"No, you'll need to see this. You really need to."
Sub looked at Iris.
"I'll be back." He said in an Austrian voice. He walked after the Agent to the tunnel. The
Agent pointed. It was an unharmed Agent, half buried in the rubble. The buried agent
looked up.
"Agent Subzero... I'm sorry for being such a problem, but can someone get me some
"Yeah. You, get the survivor some water."
"Thanks for finding me. I don't know how much longer I can use this force field... it was
"Whats your name?"
"Agent Orpheus. I worked here in the lab."
"What happened?"
"A Drone came in through the tunnel, strapped with bombs, saying if we shot him, we'd all
die. He walked up to the Panrahk and set himself off. I was testing the Force Field and used
Sub nodded. He looked down. Interesting. The bombs... setting off... that? He went to the
Database to look something up.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 1 2005, 10:32

Databoard drove his Ice blade into the hanger. As he did, no noticed that
Subzero's Bizzard Blaster winsheild was bashed in. "I wonder how that
happened." Databoard thought as he got out of his Ice Blade. Frozeen's Tundra
Tracker was in prefect condition, and he should he able to handle it. He walked
though the door to the Alpha Team Database. Subzero was sitting down looking at
something. Databoard made his way to a nearby table and opened up a file on the
Drome. Ever since that dream he had, he had wanted to make sure the Drome was
safe from an Ogel attack. According to the Database, it was. But that's what
people thought about World City.


Kotua in Space
Jan 1 2005, 11:25 AM

IC:kotua woke up in a strange place, and felt pain on alot of parts of his body.
He realized that he had lost conciousness and maybe he hadnt moved until right now.
"well, it could have been worse"kotua said, remebering other ways he got harmed in
previous missions.
he looked around for anything that might help determine whether he had been captured, or
He just hoped that his PDA wasnt like in the dream/hallucination.
"I hope the pilots didnt die, or worse, were captured by that scorpion thing."kotua thought.

Victor Draven
Jan 1 2005, 11:47 AM

IC: Sub hadn't noticed Databoard until just now.

"Hey Data. Whatcha doing?"
"Looking at the Drome. They say it's fine, but I just need to know. For sure."
"Right. Well I was looking up the Panrahk... the Drone couldn't have set it off. It has a
protective shell that can't be cracked open with a laser. So I'm thinking someone was
assisting, and took the shell off before the attack. Unless our Agent Orpheus is lying."
Sub went back to the Hospital. Kotua was looking well rested.
"Hey, agent." said Sub. "Glad to see you're ok. What happened?" Kotua told him the story.
"Jeez. I can't believe it. I'll try to find those pilots..."
He wandered back to Iris room. This was his first time there. He knocked, and she let him
in. She had Iris flowers all over the place. She lived in there by herself.
"I believe you had something to tell me." said Sub.
"Yeah. Why I didn't tell Ogel. I need you to hear this. I didn't tell him because I, well, I have
feelings for you. I've loved you since I don't know when. Ever since we met in Training
Camp. We were friends, and gradually I found myself... well... you know..."
Sub's eyes were wide open, and his mouth was dry.
Suddenly he was called to the tunnel.
"!" Sub ran out the door and ran
the whole way to the tunnel. Iris looked from her door and smiled.

Kotua in Space
Jan 1 2005, 11:56 AM

IC:After telling Subzero what had happened, kotua looked around the room, and wondered
when he would be able to get back to the mission. He hoped he would be off the medical
bed and onto the mission really soon. kotua also wondered whether the doctors X-rayed

Victor Draven
Jan 1 2005, 12:06 PM

IC: Sub looked at the tunnel. "Good work."

"Yeah. But what's that?" asked an agent, pointing. It was a piece of metal.
"Nobody... touch." said Sub. He looked at his hands to make sure his gloves were on. He
pulled the metal, and looked. It was a shell. He looked at the label. PANRAHK XP
Sub shook his head. "Someone betrayed us."
Agent Orpheus walked away, and went to his room. Sub's eyes narrowed.
"Time to make a bust."
He ran to the survalence room and pulled the tape of the Weapons Lab. He watched it.
What he saw was disturbing. He saw someone with their back turned pull the shell of and
cut a wire. The person walked away, and started tinkering with something. Sub looked
closely. "Orpheus."
Then Agents came in and got to work. Sub fastforwarded, and saw the Drone come in. It
walked to the Panrahk, and set itself off. Orpheus pressed a button, and there was a flash.
Something didn't make since. Wasn't the Panrahk supposed to destroy everything within 30
miles? It had sustained itself to about 300 yards. It was strange.
But now Sub had the evidence he needed. He started walking towards Orpheus' room.

Kotua in Space
Jan 1 2005, 12:20 PM

IC: after consulting with the doctors and receiving some medical treatment, and some pills
for headaches. He walked around to to the garage. he had been informed he would drive a
Ice blade. He passed a blizzard blaster with the windshield broken.
"whoa, and I survived the fall."kotua thought, continuing on.

Victor Draven
Jan 1 2005, 12:39 PM

IC: Sub knocked on Orpheus' door. No answer.

No answer.
No answer.
Sub kicked in the door, his laser blaster in front of him. He looked down, and saw the glass
on the floor. He looked out the window and saw Orpheus running through the snow. As he
looked closely, he saw it was the Meda-Drone. A shape-shifting Meda-Drone. Sub shot the
thing three times, and it exploded.
Sub walked away.
"I've gotta see Iris."

Kotua in Space
Jan 1 2005, 01:08 PM

IC: after buckling on to his seat, kotua turned on his Ice blade, and took off to explore.
After a while of exploring, he noticed a SOL searching around.
"Hehe."kotua said.
He then moved to where the SOL was and fired.
The Sol turned around, and two more SOLs appeared.
"uh oh.."kotua said.

Jan 1 2005, 01:31 PM

IC: Val was walking down a hall and saw Sub half runnung the other way. Valcone stopped
Sub. "Hey, how did the serum work."
"Great, she's back."
"Hey Val, she said she loved me."
"Whoa, looks like we could have a double wedding."
"Well, we were thinking about. Just incase something happened, we would still be together
'till the end."
"OOh... well... I got to... Bye."
"See ya."

Sub rushed off.

Victor Draven
Jan 1 2005, 02:26 PM

IC: Sub went to Iris.

"Hey. Um... well..."
"I wanted to tell you something. I love you also."
Iris smiled.
"I know." She looked down at her Palm Pilot. She pulled it out.
"Oh no." she said.
"The tunnel was re-opened, and awaiting the workers was a whole legion of SOLs. The
workers were slaughtered. Now the SOLs are attacking the base."
"Good luck to the SOLs, the base will... wait a minute... Val was there!"
Suddenly Val rolled in, shooting.
"We got some company."
Iris looked at Sub. "Wanna know why I live alone and I have such a large bed?" asked Iris.
"Um..." started Sub.
Iris pressed a button, and the bed flipped over, revealing a rack of weapons. She handed
Sub a Chain Gun that shot detonator bullets. She pulled out a rapid fire auto reload plasma
bazooka. She launched three plasma detonators, and six SOLs exploded.
"Dang, Iris. I should have fallen in love with you years ago." said Sub, shooting SOLs.
"Okay love birds, less talk, more shoot." said Val.
Iris blasted the cockpit off of an SOL.
"Nice." said Sub. He dropped his empty gun and grabbed a gun type weapon with a wall on
it. Sub aimed at an SOL and pulled the trigger. The "wall" shot out, smashing an SOL. He
wound up the cord and did it again.
Val dropped his gun and chose another. They were making huge progress.

Jan 1 2005, 03:06 PM

IC: Val picked up a huge cannon type gun. While he was reloading the bullet, he got shot in
the stomache. "I quit Sub. *cough cough* I'm gone. Tell Bee I loved her." "Shut up," said
Iris, "you just got hit by shrapnel. You are not even bleeding." Val then looked around,
grabbed his custom laser sighted laser pistol, then started blasting things left and right.

Jan 1 2005, 03:16 PM

OOC: I just can't get LEGO Island out of my mind, so I'm making this happen.

IC: "Wow, that Databoard is great at repairing!" exclaimed Frozeen. He drove back to the
HQ, but to his surprise, a small section was blown off. "What the-" Then he saw the
Brickster, who had escaped, trying to catch a few Drones. "Okay, what is going on?"
Mobius 1
Jan 1 2005, 03:49 PM

OOC: I couldn't get 007 or those Bionicle cameo out of my head, so,

IC:Slick was halfway to World City when he heard explosives. They were coming from the
Alpha team base. thinking it over, Slick flicked off the cloak, turned on secondary
afterburners, and activated the Guurak Nanodisentigrator cannons.
he would have left cloak on, but he would still be visible due to breaking the sound barrier
with so much force it became visible. getting lower, he flew into the hanger, and landed,
setting the Guurak to autoshoot anything that was made by Ogel.

Victor Draven
Jan 1 2005, 03:52 PM

IC: "Amazing how its the women who get us back on our feet." said Sub. He shot a SOL
square in the middle of the cockpit.
He grabbed a XP Grenade .05 off the shelf and tossed it. It exploded and destroyed fifteen
"Nice." said Sub. "Oh the power." He looked at Iris, who was firing a rapid-fire laser. She
pressed a button to close the door to her room, and locked it.
"That'll keep them." she said. Suddenly a Kodan Claw burst through the door snapping.
"Or maybe not."
She pulled out a screw driver and ran over to her wall. She began unscrew her vent. Soon it
was off, and soon SOLs claws were bursting through...
They crawled through. Sub was carrying the wall gun. They soon were over Sector 5. SOLs
burst through into her room.
The Agents suddenly hit the dead end.
Sub used the wall gun and bashed the vent off. They dropped into the Database Room.
"Oh no..." said Sub, "Protect the Database if they come in. Until then, we'll take cover under
the module desks."

Jan 1 2005, 03:58 PM

IC: "Alright, this is getting whack," said Val, "Ogel is pressing way too hard on us. Ogel
can't be doing this by himself." "I know what you mean," said Sub. Then the three agents
heard an explosion and a scream cut short. "What the......REBECCA." Valcone ran out of the

Victor Draven
Jan 1 2005, 04:03 PM

IC: "Ice Orbs." said Sub. He ran after Val.

Ogel can't be doing this by himself. he remembered from Val. He has unlimited wealth. He
Sub stopped when Val stopped.

Jan 1 2005, 04:15 PM
IC: " Get up, get up." Val was holding Bee's limp body while she bled. "She's
not dead," said Sub, "he missed her heart, barely." "Now, this fight belongs to us. Me and
you Sub. Right now. Lets go. We will kill this madman today." Val picked up Bee's body and
took her to the infermery. He then grabbed his gun and walked out the door. He saw the
Meda-drone flying in the horizon.

Mobius 1
Jan 1 2005, 04:16 PM

IC: Slick heard screaming. getting out of the Black Eagle, he grabbed a laser and made his
way into the compound. Running towards the screaming, he saw a group of three people
holding off a bunch of SOLs. One of them looked familiar. looking at him, he Slick said to
himself"Dylan?no, it can't be."

Victor Draven
Jan 1 2005, 04:29 PM

IC: "Let's get her to the hospital." They ran her to the hospital. Then they ran to the
garage. "Let's go." said Sub. Iris was standing there.
"What happened?"
"Bee got hurt."
"We're getting revenge."
Iris jumped into her Mobile Command Centre. "Count me in."
The three Agents drove after the MD. "Its showtime." said Sub.

Mobius 1
Jan 1 2005, 04:36 PM

IC: Slick looked out the hanger just in time to see a MCC leave the hanger. quickly getting
in the Black Eagle, he decided to follow it. turning on the transmitter, he radioed to the
MCC, "attention. I do not mean you harm. I want ot know if there is a Dylan Zero on board.
If thier is, put him on right now."

Jan 1 2005, 04:38 PM

IC: Val looked at Sub and handed him the radio. "It's for you."

"Agent Subzero here, what is your emergency?"

Victor Draven
Jan 1 2005, 05:50 PM

IC: "Yes, I'm Dylan Zero. What do you need?"

He looked at the others. "Who is this?"

Jan 1 2005, 06:24 PM

IC: "I don't know, but they insisted they talk to you." said Val.
Jan 1 2005, 06:30 PM

IC: Frozeen watched as the Brickster chased the Drones. "Hey, come back!" the escaped
criminal cried. "Can you help me find out how to work for Ogel?"
Frozeen didn't like the sound of this. Ogel and the Brickster teaming up? He took out a laser
and shot the Drones.
The Brickster looked at Frozeen. "What'ya do that for?" the Brickster yelled.

Pepper, who was hiding, took advantage of the X-Drones and the Brickster's distraction to
catch the crook. "Got ya!" Pepper said.
"Pepper?" the Brickster and Frozeen asked.
"Sorry about that, Frozeen," Pepper said, "but this one escaped... again."
"Didn't you have pizza delivery or something instead?" the Brickster said as he was dragged

Mobius 1
Jan 1 2005, 06:56 PM

IC: Slick camly said into the phone, "nothing, just wanted to say hello to my brother-in-law.
Don't you remember? its Chris, Jess's brother."

Jan 1 2005, 07:12 PM

IC: Frozeen watched the Brickster being arrested by Nick and Laura Brick, who were
nearby. With no Drones or Brickster or Ogel to worry about, he walked into his room. He
relaxed on the couch. And fell asleep...

Frozeen was looking around. He was surrounded by Snow Crawlers and SOLs. Then at least
ten thousand Drones came and arrested him. Then the Brickster and Ogel came. The other
AT Agents appeared, trying to save Frozeen. But then they turned into Brickster Bots. The
Snow Crawlers changed into SOLs. Just as Frozeen was doomed...

"Wake up!" called Subzero.

"Oh," Frozeen stammered. "Sorry." He walked out of his room. What was that? Frozeen
thought. Oh well, just a dream...

Kotua in Space
Jan 1 2005, 09:02 PM

IC:kotua immediately went in reverse, while the SOLs continued firing. kotua then turned
the Ice blade around and took off, with the SOLs in semi-hot persuit.
"Wait a minute...Im a Agent, I can face them."kotua said. Once again turning the vehicle
around to face the SOLs.
"Initiate Alpha Mode!"kotua said.
the Ice blade immediately turned into a stealth helicopter.
"hehe, try catching me now!"said kotua going high into the air.
kotua then turned on the lazers, and began firing.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 1 2005, 10:13 PM

Databoard was fixing a Blue Eagle for an Agent named Shadow when he heard
voices coming from outside the Hanger. It was two of Ogels Drones.
"Is everything ready?"
"Yes. While Alpha Team is licking their wounds, we freeze the Drome using a test
"But first, we stop at World city to pick up some Ice Orbs."
"Let's go. Its not safe here."
And with that, The two Drone's left. Databoard jumped into his Helicopter. Fixing
Shadows Blue Eagle could wait. he was heading to World City.

The Ice Blade Shot across the streets of World City. To his left, Databoard could
see a Cop on a motorcycle, frozen in ice. To his right, he could see a hospital, the
lights on, very odd for a city in a deep freeze. Databoard decided to investigate.
Inside Databoard found several doctors, most of them Drones about to inject a
Agent with some liquid. Databoard fired a laser at a overhead lamp, which landed
on the lead doctor. The other 'doctors' fired lasers at Databoard who dove behind
a table and fired at the the doctors. After he shot all the 'doctors', The agent got
up. "We've got to do somthing!" The Agent, which Databoard recognized as
Redcap form the Database, said. "Ogel's planing to turn everyone in World City
into Drones!" "I've got bigger problems." Databoard said. "There going to freeze
the Drome with a missile, and there loading the Orbs here. "So help me or don't,
but I've got to stop them."


Victor Draven
Jan 1 2005, 10:26 PM

IC: Sub nearly dropped the reciever. "Chris... I thought you were banned from the team."
said Sub.
"I was. But I decided to do some vigilante work."
Sub thought back to he and Jess' wedding day. He, Chris, and some little kids that came
played football. He never had anything against Chris.
"They called you Slick." laughed Sub, remembering how he seemed to slip through the
defensive football team.
"What do you need?" asked Sub, determined to help his brother in law. "On Jess' grave, I
swear I'll help you. Unless its illegal."

Jan 1 2005, 11:13 PM

IC: "Wow, a relative. What's up Sub." said Val. "QUIET," said Sub.

Victor Draven
Jan 1 2005, 11:20 PM
IC: "Not my relative. My wife's brother." Iris looked up, her eyes questioning. "She died. In
Sub still waited for an answer.

Jan 1 2005, 11:26 PM

IC: Val looked away and said under his breath, "Close." Sub was still waiting for an answer,
but frowned at Val.

Victor Draven
Jan 1 2005, 11:45 PM

IC: In a split second, the MCC was thrown into the air.
"WHATS GOING ON?!" yelled Sub.
"The MCC was thrown by something!" said Iris.
Sub pulled out a blaster.
"Gotta go, Slick." said Sub into the reciever. He hung up and told Iris to initiate Alpha Mode.
The MCC opened up, and Sub poured ammo out at the Meda Drone below.
"Close it."
Sub ran to the cockpit, kissed Iris, and aimed the cannon at the MD.
"Hasta Luego." said Sub. He launched it, and the MD exploded. The MCC landed with a thud
near the OMF.

Jan 1 2005, 11:52 PM

IC: Dear Barbera, what was that all about." said Valcone. "I don't know," said Iris, "but Sub
just kissed me. Let's talk." I'll go outside and investigate. And Sub, can you contact Tee-Vee
and see how Rebecca is doing? Thanks."

Victor Draven
Jan 1 2005, 11:58 PM

IC: "Um, yeah, sure. Hold on." Sub ran to the phone and contacted the Hospital. They said
that Becca was fine.
"Good." Sub plopped on the floor, holding his head.
"I hope I didn't do anything I'll regret later."

Jan 2 2005, 12:05 AM

IC: Val went outside and sat down. He got teary eyed and hit the ground. *This is it. I got
to leave Alpha Team. Everyone I get close to gets hurt. Sub, Bee. I gotta leave. But how do
I tell Sub. I'll go back to Ogel, that's it. Become a great warrior. I won't let anyone hurt me
or Bee. Yeah.* Valcone was thinking. He started running towards Ogels base.

Victor Draven
Jan 2 2005, 12:13 AM
OOC: Are you leaving the RPG?! ohmy.gif
IC: (I'll play as Iris) "Thats what happens in Alpha Team. Its something you'll need to get
used to. But going back to Ogel makes no sense. Ogel hurt Bee, and now you want to work
for him?" she shook her orange hair.
"No. You might not know this, but you, Rich, me, and the other Elite Commando Agents are
his only friends. In the world. You leave us, and that'll be the end for Dylan."
She went inside the MCC and closed the door.
(Now I'm Sub.) "What happened?"
"Nothing." said Iris. "Nothing at all."
Sub's eyes narrowed. He closed them, and fell asleep on the floor. Iris came over and put a
blanket over him.
She looked at Sub. "I looked at the MCC, top to bottom. We're stuck here. And there's a
blizzard coming, so the Team can't help us."
Sub got up. "Where's Val?"
"I don't know. He's upset."

Jan 2 2005, 12:23 AM

OOC: No, you will see.

IC: "Iris, I HAVE to go. For Bee's sake. For your sake. All the agents are in trouble and only
I can save them. Look." Val showed Iris a note on his palm pilot.


How have you been. Good I hope. I'll need you in top physical condition. You being my
security advisor, are always welcomed back. I hope you havn't shared too many of my
secrets to the Alpha Brats. If you come back, maybe my finger won't come too close to the
launch button. Oww, you know, the Deep Freeze plan. All those poor agents. Think hard, I
know I will. Especially about keeping your little girlfriend as a pet. She is pretty. I know, I
had a Meda-drone stab her. And I emphasize A. There's many Meda-Drones where those
came from.


Iris looked shocked. "See, I HAVE to go. For your sake."

OOC: Val is Irish. He talks with little-to-no Irish accent though. Lowwes is the name he
served Ogel under. It's pronounced LOO-ES.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 2 2005, 12:43 AM

Databoard didn't have time to wait for Redcap's answer. He rushed out of the
building and to his Ice Blade. If Ogel's plan was to be stopped, he'd have to act
fast. The Ice Blade shot across the frozen streets of World City until he reached
the airport. There, about 20 Drones stood, loading Ice Orbs into the storage
compartments of a giant missile. Databoard hung low, he kne better then to face
all these Drones alone. He'd have to stop the missile from the air. The rocket shot
into the sky. Databoard turned the Ice Blade into a Stealth Helicopter and shot
after the rocket behind him, Two Snow Crawlers flew after him, firing laser blots
everywere. The rocket was fast approching the Drome. Suddenly, a lasers hit one
of the Snow Crawlers and it it exploded. A Blue Eagle shot thought air and fired at
the other. "This is Agent Shadow." A voice came in on the comlink. "I'll take care
of the Snow Crawler, You get the missile." Databoard fired missles at the rocket,
which expoded and froze at the same time, sending a shower of ice everywere.
The Drome was safe. Databoard and Shadow flew back to HQ.


Victor Draven
Jan 2 2005, 10:35 AM

IC: Subzero fell asleep. He was bombarded by haunted dreams.

He saw he was in the MCC, and they were falling off a cliff. The MCC hit the ground and
Sub awoke, terrified. They were caught in the Blizzard.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 2 2005, 10:43 AM

The Blue Eagle and Steath Helicopter were caught in the blizzard as well.
Databoard looked at the frost forming on the windsheild and radioed
Shadow."We've got to land and wait out this blizzard!" Databoard said. The two
vehicles landed and Databoard got out. Struggling against the wind and cold,
Databoard managed to set up a tent. They went inside and Databoard set up a
portable heat generator. Now they just had to wait the storm out.


Kotua in Space
Jan 2 2005, 10:47 AM

IC:In a cave stood kotua looking outside. At first fighting the SOLs seemed like a good idea.
Of course he took down two of the SOLs, but by that time the helicopter was badly
damaged, and the decision to retreat seemed like the best idea. To kotua it was obvious the
SOLs were equiped with shields, probably to stop people from trying to shoot the drone in
the cockpit. He knew that the drones might look for him, so perhaps returning back to the
base would be good.
"I wonder how the other agents are doing."kotua said.
With that he got back to making some small repairs to the Ice blade.

Victor Draven
Jan 2 2005, 10:53 AM

IC: Sub got up and looked at Iris. "Run a SONAR scan."

Iris pressed a button, and scanned the area.
"Ice Orbs." she said. "There are hundreds of Drones around us, one SOL."
"Let's destroy them."
"I would, but I can't see anything. There's nothing there."
Sub put on nightvision goggles. He looked out.
"You're right."
Suddenly the alarms went off. The MCC was rattling. Something was shaking them back and
"Drones." said Iris. She used the cannon and shot in the empty space. Suddenly, several
Drones became visible. They were on the ground, dead.
Then, something pushed them forward.
They MCC was being pushed. Towards a cliff.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 2 2005, 11:15 AM

Databoard got into his Ice Blade, Shadow transformed his Blue Eagle into an Ice
Glider. They realized the blizzard wasn't going to let up sooon so they decided to
head out anyway.
They made it a short distance when they saw an SOL trying to push an MCC of a
cliff. Databoard scanned the Command Center; There were two agents aboard.
"Hey, SOL!" Databoard shouted firing at it. "Taste the fury of my lasers!"


Victor Draven
Jan 2 2005, 11:32 AM

IC:Suddenly laser fire was heard. The roof was torn off the top of the MCC, and Sub could
see the SOL slicing through the ground with its claws. Sub looked out and saw the cliff had
been sliced off. They were falling.
Sub held on, as did Iris. The MCC hit the ground, and crumpled in the front like a Soda Can.
The front blew off, and the back fell farther down. It hit the ground, then rolled into a river.
Water started pouring in, and Sub had a broken arm. The MCC went down the river, about
to fall down a waterfall.
"GET READY!" yelled Sub.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 2 2005, 11:59 AM

The MCC fell off the cliff. Databoard blasted the SOL into peices and turned the Ice
Blade into a Helicopter. What was left of the MCC was floating down a river
towards a waterfall.Databoard struggled to follow the MCC. "Catch!" He shouted,
throwing down a rope. All he could do was hope they grab on.


Jan 2 2005, 12:02 PM

IC: "Save them." Yelled Val to Ogel. Ogel dropped a line down to the opening of the MCC
and left. Val left to , but made sure the line was secure. "Sorry guys." Valone walked off and
hoped the agents would get out okay. Ogel and Val flew off in a suped-up SOL.
OOC: To know why Ogel did it, look at my above post. Valcone is a great 'accomplishment'
to Ogel and needs him as a warrior.

Mobius 1
Jan 2 2005, 12:22 PM

IC: Slick looked around for something to stop the MCC. then he saw it. An ice orb was
sitting in a tree next to the river. aiming at the roots, he lowered the power of the Guurak
so it wouldn't simply disentegrate the tree. Firing it at the roots, it ate through them,
causing the tree to fall in the water. The shock caused the ice orb to activate, freezing the

Victor Draven
Jan 2 2005, 12:29 PM

IC: The MCC was frozen in the fall. The ice started cracking.
"Go!" cried Iris. Sub scrambled out, holding his hand out to Iris. She reached for it, but the
ice cracked, and the MCC started sliding out.
"IRIS! REACH!!!" Iris grabbed his hand, and the MCC toppled out, exploding. The two
climbed to the top of the fall, and waved to Slick.

Jan 2 2005, 02:59 PM

IC: Meanwhile, Frozeen was chased by a squad of AT vehicles. Only, they weren't AT
vehicles. The Blue Eagle was red and had six Eagle Claws, the Tundra Tracker was black and
the Magma Drill form had three drills, the Ice Blade was red and black and was covered with
lasers, the Chill Speeder was blue and red and had giant claws, the Blizzard Blaster had
eight blasters and was dark blue and black, and the MCC had ten blasters and a red color.
They were Ogel's remodels of the AT vehicles! Thankfully, no Meda Drone. Just the regular

The explosion of the MCC had stopped the Ogel Ice Blade and Chill Speeder. However, not
only did Ogel add more weapons, but also more speed. Frozeen's Tundra Tracker was no
match for the Ogel Tundra Tracker.

OOC: If you want to save Frozeen, you can. I don't have anything in mind yet.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 2 2005, 03:16 PM

Seeing he was no longer needed, Databoard and Shadow made their way across
the ice until they saw Frozeen's Tundra Tracker under assault by what apeared to
be Hybrids of Alpha Team vehicles. Databoard flew his Stealth Helicopter at the
fake Tundra Tracker, firing lasers. One of its wheels came off and it spun around
until it hit a cliff and exploded. The shockwave created an avalanch with buried
the fake MCC. Meanwhile, the two Blue Eagles squared of in the sky. Shadow was
outguned, but the Drone piloting lacked creative thinking. Each would fire at each
other, dodge, and repeat. Suddenly, the fake Blizzard Blaster fired all weapons on
Shadow's wing. The wing was torn to bits and the plane hit the ground. The fake
Blue Eagle Doe at Shadow's plane to destoy it, but Databoard threw a hand
grenade at it, and it expoded. The wreakage slammed into the fake Blizzard
Blaster and it was obliviated.


Jan 2 2005, 03:24 PM

OOC: Looks like you saved me again!

IC: Frozeen turned to Shadow and Databoard. "Thank you for saving my life again!" Then
he noticed a Skeleton Drone behind Databoard. "Look out!" he cried. He took out a laser
and shot the Drone. A small paper fell out of the Drone's hand.
"What's this?" asked Databoard.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 2 2005, 03:34 PM

"What's This?" Databoard said. Shadow looked at the peice of paper lying in the
snow, picked it up and read it. "It's a..."

OCC: Aaaannd.. I don't know what is. You can continue, PeabodySam.


Jan 2 2005, 03:41 PM

OOC: Okee-Dokee!

IC: "It says,

'Skeleton Drone,
I have made these false AT vehicles for you to ride. Their speed and weapons have been
improved. Use them to bring down Alpha Team, one by one.
Your Master,
Evil Ogel

PS Also -'
"That is all that said," said Frozeen.
"But what was Ogel's last sentence?" asked Databoard.
"Look," Frozeen handed the note to Databoard. After the word "also," everything was
smudged. Nothing could be read.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 2 2005, 04:01 PM

"We'd better get this to HQ." Databoard said. "TeeVee might be able read this."


Jan 2 2005, 04:07 PM

IC: "Are you sure that can happen?" asked Frozeen. "What if it is so smudged that even Tee
Vee can't read it?"
"I'm not so sure about anything right now, Frozeen," answered Databoard.
Frozeen nodded. "Then we must get it to Alpha Team HQ quickly."

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 2 2005, 04:12 PM

Frozeen got into his Tundra Tracker, and Databoard and Shadow manage to
squeeze into the Ice Blade. Soon they were headed to HQ.

"Well, its pretty smuged, but I might be able to read it." TeeVee said. "But I can't
give any promises." And with that, he went into the Lab. Databoard, Frozeen, and
Shadow waited outside for about an hour before TeeVee came out with the news...


Jan 2 2005, 04:15 PM

IC: "I'm very sorry," said Tee Vee, "but I said that I MIGHT be able to read. It is too
smudged." Frozeen and Databoard gasped.

Jan 2 2005, 04:19 PM

Soon after Redcap sent the transmission and was dragged down into one of Ogel's
laboratories by Voltage, Redcap woke up again, chained to a wall, and stared right into the
face of Ogel.
"Ah, Redcap. Nice to see you. You'd make an excellent drone ... but I think I'd rather kill
you." Ogel sneered.

"You would like to, wouldn't you? Alpha Team will come save me."

"Pah! Alpha Team?! The active members are far too busy saving their girlfriends. They don't
look at the big picture. I just have to keep attacking the ladies. By the time they come to
their senses, I will have control. And since they are off saving their girlfriends, they're not
going to come save you. They didn't even pay attention to your transmission. Very clever,
figuring out my plan. But now, I am afraid it is time for you to die."

Ogel turned around, grabbed a large sword that hung on the wall, and raised it above his
head, ready to bring it down on Redcap.

Jan 2 2005, 04:20 PM

IC: Frozeen asked, "Is there any way to read it?"

Tee Vee shook his head. "As far as I know, there isn't."
Databoard flung his arms up into the air. "Great! A piece of information that will never be

Jan 2 2005, 04:21 PM

Delete this post as well. I really hope my computer doesn't go crazy and DP again.

Jan 2 2005, 04:24 PM

EDIT: Oops, sorry for the double information post, my computer is being weird.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 2 2005, 04:36 PM

Oh well." Said Databoard. "It was long shot anyway." Later, Databoard was sitting
alone in his quarters. What could the smudge mean? Whatever is was, the Drone
didn't want Alpha Team knowing about it. Was it talking about some hidden
feature of the vehicles. No, the vehicles were destoyed, there was no use
concealing that info. Could be telling the Drone that more were on the way? No,
then it wouldn't tell him about his plans to use the- That was it! Ogel had more
coming, and he was using that note to throw us off! It was a streach, but it all fit!
He rushed out of his quarters and slamed into Frozeen. "What's the rush?" He
said. Databoard explained his theory to him...

Jan 2 2005, 04:47 PM

IC: Frozeen listened. "That might be the thing! Of course, it is a theory, but a good one.
After all, Ogel would want us to waste time over stuff like that so that he could attack us."
Databoard nodded. "He must've wanted us to worry about a note that wasn't even telling
the truth!"

Jan 2 2005, 05:13 PM

OOC: Alright, that's better.

IC: "We should tell the other agents about what you discovered," said Frozeen. "It might
help our team prepare... Hey what's this?" he said startled, looking at the scanners. "An
agent is being held capture at OMF!"

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 2 2005, 5:20 PM

Databoard stepped into Dash's office. "What is it." Said Dash. "Wel, sir."
Databoard said. "I have a hunch about Ogels plan's and I need to invetigate some
things at his fortress." Sure thing. Just bring backup incase something goes

Databoard stepped into the hanger. Shadow was looking over his new Blue Eagle.
"Up for a mission?" Databoard said. "Always." Said Shadow.

Later, Databoard walked up to Frozeen. "I'm going to findout if my theory is true."

He said to Frozeen. "Wanna Help?"


Jan 2 2005, 05:29 PM

IC: "I will help," answered Frozeen. "I will do whatever I can."
"That's great!" said Databoard.
"Oh," said Frozeen. "Well, let's get started!"

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 2 2005, 05:48 PM

Databoard packed some supplies into the storage compartment of his Ice Blade.
Nearby, Shadow and Frozeen were getin into their vehicles. Databoard got into his
Ice Blade and they sped of to OMF.

"There's a a matinance hatch over there." Frozeen said. "But I don't think we can
get to it without being spotted." "Taken care of." Databoard said. "Shadow, your
good at being steathy, right." "Yeah, so?" Shadow repied. Databoard handed him a
black tube. "Toss this in on of the windows away from the hatch, and get out of
there within one minute." Databoard said. Shadow snuck to a window, tossed the
tube inside, and ran. Shortly after, laserfire rang throughout the building. "What's
going on?" Asked Frozeen. "That is what I like to call a Laser Bomb." Databoard
explained. "I built it myself. It fires lasers in every direction. And it makes a good
distaction. Let's go." They ran to the hatch. Databoard opened the hatch and they
dove inside.


Jan 2 2005, 05:55 PM

IC: Frozeen looked around. He had been close to OMF before, but never actually IN there.
No Drones were in sight. He transmitted a message.


Shadow transmitted back.


This time, Frozeen transmitted to Databoard.


Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 2 2005, 06:03 PM

Databoard transmited back to Frozeen:



Frozeen replied:


Databoard typed back:



Jan 2 2005, 06:12 PM


Frozeen waited for the answer.


Frozeen looked up. A Skeleton Drone was standing there. Frozeen got out of the TT, kicked
it, and shot it with a laser. Then he got back into the TT. He got a message from Databoard.


Frozeen smiled as he transmitted back.


Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 2 2005, 06:34 PM




And with that, they each went down a diferent hallway. Databoard put on his
night-vision gogles so he see. He saw 15 Drones walking down the hallway. They
couldn't see him, so Databoard pressed himself against the wall and they walked
past him. he then sent a message to Frozeen:



Jan 2 2005, 07:41 PM

"H-h-i-i, V-val-l..." Databoard said, struggling to regain consciencness. He reached
for his laser and shot Valcone. The armor to the full blast, butit was enought for
him to release Databoard. Val slamed into the wall and blacked out "RUN!" He
shouted to Redcap and the two ran for it. He opened a door and nearly fell down a
metal trench. Below, there were hudreds of fake Alpha Team vehicles. "Jump he
said, pushing Redcap down they landed on a MCC got in and drove off to find
Shadow and Frozeen.


Jan 2 2005, 08:19 PM

Databoard drove the fake MCC down the hallway. "Well, Ogel is planing to use
modified versions of Alpha Team vehicles, like the one we're driving to defeat us.
Databoard said. He screached to a halt to avoid hitting Shadow. "Get in!"
Databoard shouted. Shadow scrambled into the MCC and they drove off. "Ogel also
tried to use a letter to throw us off." He slammed into a group of Drone that were
attackng Frozeen. He got aboard the MCC and the sped away. They made their way
down the hall when 5 Meda-Drones stepped in front of them. "Hang on to
something!" Databoard shouted as he slammed the MCC into the wall. The
armored car tore though the wall and they fell to the ground and sped away from
OMF. "We did it" Shouted Redcap. "Not yet." Said Databoard. "Look." There were
two SOLs colsing on there position.


Jan 2 2005, 08:55 PM

Databoard swerved like crazy, trying to avoid the laser blasts fired by the SOLs.
Bolts bounced off the armor, leving dents everywere. Databoard stuggled to
control the MCC as it spun on the ice. The vehicle slammed into a cliff, a short
distance from the vehicles. Databoard jumped into the Ice Blade and fired lasers
at the SOLs, which expolded. Before they took off, Databoard took out a pen
camera and shot a picture of Ogel's MCC, for evidance. They shot away from OMF,
to Alpha Team HQ.


Jan 2 2005, 09:23 PM

Redcap, Databoard, Frozeen, and Shadow got out of the vehicles and walked into
Dash's office. Databoard placed the picture he took with his pencam on his desk.
"What's this?" Dash Asked. "It's a Advanced version of a MCC, created by Ogel to
destoy Alpha Team." Databoard explained. "We found it in Ogel's very fortress,
along with hundreds of other vehicles similar to ours, but mush more advanced."
"I see." Said Dash. He turned and spoke into a mic. "Attention all, Agents. We are
going to Orange Alert. All Agent's are to be ready for a posible Ogel attack.
Repeat, we are going to Orange Alert!"


Jan 3 2005, 07:53 AM

IC: Databoard and Frozeen walked outside.

"Databoard, look out!" cried Frozeen. A bunch of Drones captured Databoard.
"Well, what's this?" one said. "One of the agents that broke into our fortress?"
"He'll just get locked up!" another said. They dragged the struggling Databoard into the
Fake MCC.
All at once, Frozeen forgot his fear. He forgot about Shadow. He even forgot his favorite
teddy bear's name! All he knew at that moment was anger. And it was focused on the
Drones. Frozeen snuck onto the Ogel MCC. He ran into the Drones, who were just about to
chain him up. "Let him go, you filths!" he yelled, clutching a laser.
"Oh, it's Frozeen!" one of the Drones cried.
"Don't worry," said the ninth Drone. "Frozeen, did you know Subzero froze his brain in
'subzero' tempatures?" All the Drones laughed. "And this Databoard needs to fix his head?"
That did it. Where ten Drones and one captured agent were standing, there was now ten
DEAD Drones and one FREE agent.
"Thank you, Agent Frozeen," said Databoard.
Frozeen smiled. "Anytime!"

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 3 2005, 08:36 AM

OOC: Favorite teddy bear, lol.

Frozeen and Databoard barely made it back to base when a laser blast hit the sno
a meter away. "RUN!" Frozeen shouted. about half a kilometer away, a small army
of Fake Alpha Team vehciles drove and flew towards the base, with several SOLs
bringing up the rear. Databoard jumped into the Ice Blade. "This is it, Ogel."
Databoard muttered to himself. "The charades are over. The real battle begins
now." And whith that, they shot towards Ogels army.


Jan 3 2005, 02:25 PM

Ogels army was no more. It lay in a field of burning wreakage. The vehicles that
survived, realizing that the tides had turned against them, were retreating. But
Databoard was worried: Ogel wouldn't fall for that trick twice. He'd come up with
a new stratgey, and send greater forces. Databoard hoped that HQ could
withstand another attack.


Jan 3 2005, 08:54 PM

OOC: Yep, favorite Teddy Bear! Just wanted to be funny. The Teddy's name was Teddy

IC: Frozeen stared at the wrekage of the Ogel vehicles. Databoard was right. Ogel will not
fall for the same defeat twice; that he was going to do a much stronger force. "I'm glad you
invented that laser bomb!" he said.
Databoard looked around. "Hey, its Kotua!"
Frozeen saw him too. "Hello!" he cried. He wasn't sure if Kotua heard him or not. But when
Frozeen turned back around, Ice Orbs were flying towards him and Databoard. "Run!"

Kotua in Space
Jan 3 2005, 09:12 PM

OOC: Teddy Fluff. Anyways which kotua do you mean do you saw? the real one, or the
drone in disguise?

IC: kotua saw Frozeen and Databoard. He also saw the ice orbs headed for them.
"start running Victor, they will help us!, if they dont get hit" kotua said running to help
Frozeen and Databoard. He immediately drew out his PDA. and he remembered the drone.
"Eject pilot, and return to coordinates!"kotua said into his PDA, which was wirelessly
connected to his Ice Blade. He then took out a small disk.
"Expand!"kotua said, and the disk turned into a round shield, with anti-ice orb technology.
Finally he took out some peperoni from one of his pockets.
"I should have remembered about this stuff earlier!"kotua thought, and headed to help his
fellow agents.

Jan 3 2005, 09:24 PM

OOC: Okay, when Frozeen saved Databoard from the ten Drones in the Ogel MCC, I admit
was being LOTRy. Frozeen to Drones: "Let him go you filth!" Exact same line as Sam to
Shelob (the spider).

IC: Kotua's anti-ice orb sheild saved Frozeen and Databoard. "Thanks for that!" thanked
Then suddenly, another Kotua appeared. "That's a Drone in disguise!" he cried.
The first Kotua said, "Oh, yeah, then what's THIS?" He pulled of Kotua #2's head, revealing
a Skeleton Drone head. The Drone frowned, then stabbed Kotua.
"Kotua!" yelled Frozeen. The half-disguised Drone turned toward them.
"Your going to suffer the same fate, Frozeen!" it said.
"Oh, yeah, I am..." Frozeen began. Then suddenly he shot the Drone. "Not!" he finished.
"We need to bring Kotua to the hospital," said Databoard.

Kotua in Space
Jan 3 2005, 09:36 PM

IC:"No need for that"kotua said.

Both Frozeen and Databoard both looked at kotua, shocked.
"That peperoni bag saved my life...the extra one....too bad now I can't eat the peperoni,
since the blade with wich the drone stabbed me might have infected my peperoni."he said,
taking out the ripped bag from another of his pockets.
"By the way this guy thats been following is the Co-pilot from the plane I was in, His name
is Victor. The other pilot was turned into a drone.."kotua said to them.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 3 2005, 10:10 PM

OOC: Hehe, Teddy Fluff.

Okay, so your okay, but we have a major problem." Databoard said. "We held off
Ogel's forces because of a mistake he made planning his stategy. He's gonna cool
of with something better, and plus Alpha Team is falling apart at the seams.
Valcone's s traitor, we have no idea were sub is, and The base has sustained
critcal damage. We've got to do something, or we're dead."


O. Prime
Jan 3 2005, 10:44 PM

IC: "Indeed," said Valcone as he walked in to the room with Databoard. "Except I'm not a
traitor. It's a LONG story. Ask Iris. Anyway, I sneaked out of Ogel's slimy grip to give you a
message. Sub is captured. Ogel is planning to kill him." Val had a sympathetic look on his
face as he left and got into his Black and Red Ice Blade.


Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 3 2005, 11:03 PM
"Okay, now I'm confused." Said Frozeen. "Vacone's not a traitor, and Sub's
captured?" "We've got bigger problems" Said Databoard. "If we don't act fast, Sub
won't have an Alpha Team to escape to." Kotua was worried. "What do we do?" He
said. "We've go to set up a defense around the HQ" Said Databoard. "Then we can
worry about Ogel."


Jan 4 2005, 08:03

IC: "At least I know one thing," Frozeen said, "Since Valcone isn't a traitor, that means he
hasn't told Ogel that I'm still alive." Then the agents began setting up the defenses.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 4 2005, 02:36 PM


Databoard sat in his quarters, asembling Laser Bombs. Shadow came up with the
idea to hide them under the snow at various points around HQ. Ogel couldn't lauch
a sneak attack without setting at least one off. Databoard also wired a sound
detector. As soon as the Laser Bomb fired, it would send a radio signal that would
trigger all the alarms in the base, ruining any element of suprise. The base was
now protcted from any ambush.

OOC: I just bought Ogel's Mountain Fortress!


Jan 4 2005, 03:52 PM

OOC: I need MCC, Blizzard Blaster, and a SOL (on my B-Day) and my AT collection will be
complete! Just need to wait till April...
Oh, Teddy Fluff is FROZEEN'S favorite Teddy B., I don't have any.

IC: Frozeen liked Databoard's strategy. "That is a good idea," he said. Then he said the
most strange thing any AT Agent had ever heard: "I hope they don't break into the HQ, my
Teddy Fluff is in there!"
Databoard looked confused. "Teddy Fluff?"
"Oh, that's my Teddy Bear!" Frozeen explained. Then he got to work adding more of
Databoard's laser bombs.
Jan 4 2005, 06:38 PM

OOC: CoKK, can I call Databoard "Data" for short?

IC: Frozeen watched as Data covered the Laser Bomb. "Hopefully now, when Ogel strikes,
there will be hope in the future," Frozeen said.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 4 2005, 08:05

Kotua rushed up to Databoard and Frozeen. Shadow soon joined them "Okay,
gentlemen." Said Databoard. "The base should be safe against Ogel, but-" Laser
fire cut him off, followed by alarms ringing from the base. "BUT I DON"T THINK
WE ARE!" He shouted as they ran for it. Databoard press the button on a detonator
and fake Alpha Team vehicles spewed out from there hiding places. "HEAD FOR
COVER WITHIN 30 SECONDS OR WE'RE ALL DEAD!" He shouted. Shadow, Frozeen,
and Kotua dove behind a rock, But Databoard lagged behind as all the Laser
Bombs detonated. "Catch!" Shouted Kotua. He tosed him the Anti-Ice Orb Sheild to
Databoard, who used it to deflect the lasers. The Fake vehicles, were not so lucky.
Many of them were blasted to bits by the Laser Bombs.


Kotua in Space
Jan 4 2005, 08:18 PM

IC: "are You okay Databoard?"kotua asked.

"Yeah i'm fine"Databoard replied
He then called His Ice Blade, which came in and started blasting the remaining Fake alpha
team vehicles.
"so now what? The lazer bombs have been triggered, so if ogel lauches another
attack.."kotua said, not finishing the sentence. He didn't have to explain himself.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 4 2005, 08:26 PM

Databoard hadn't thought of that. "I have a addional supply of Laser Bombs, but
it't no doubt Ogel wouldn't wall for this again..." Databoard said. "We'll have to hit
them at the source, Ogels Mountain Fortress." Shadow described his plan. "Are
you crazy!" He said.


Kotua in Space
Jan 4 2005, 08:48 PM

IC: "But how will we help Alpha Team HQ in not being destroyed while were out?"kotua
All four of them thought(Frozeen, Databoard, Shadow, and kotua).
"Maybe if we put some lazers in vulnerable places, and blind spots, Ogels drones won't be
able to get in!"said Databoard.
kotua thought about it...
"wait, doesnt Alpha Team HQ have its own Lazers and weaponry to protect itself?"kotua

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 4 2005, 09:51 PM

Inside Databoard's quarters. They were surveying Databoard's Battle Plan. "Okay,
We get are vehicles to this point." Databoard said, pointing at a point on the map.
"It's about 10 kilometers from Ogel's Base. From there, we take four Snowmobiles
the rest of the way. I modified the engines so the run more quietly. We sneak into
the fortress the back way, and make our way too where Ogel keeps the vehicles.
I've been there so follow me." At this point he handed everybody a backpack.
"These are filled with exposives and Laser Bombs." He continued. "Once we're in
with the vehicles, we wire them [the vehicles] with these, make our escape on the
Snowmobiles, and when we get out of shooting range, I press the detonator. Got
all that?" The other Agents nodded. "Okay, we leave first thing in the morning. Go
and get some rest." The other Agents turned to leave. "Wait!" Said Databoard.
"One more thing. Don't let those bags get shot with a laser. Good night."

OOC: Don't worry, Barda, the bombs won't blow up the base, just the vehicles.


Jan 5 2005, 08:08 AM

IC: Frozeen woke up. He knew what was going to happen today: Data was going to lead an
attack on OMF. "Well," he muttered, "better get ready."

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 5 2005, 09:41 AM

The four agents met in the hanger. "Well," Databoard said. "No going back now."
they got into their vehicles and headed toward the location Databoard pointed out.

Jan 5 2005, 06:06 PM

IC: Frozeen's Snow Mobile sped across the tundra. Then a Snow Crawler walked into a cave.
"Oh, no!" cried Frozeen.
"We should pursue," said Data. The four vehicles went into the cave. Data shot the Drone.
"There," said Frozeen, "one less Snow Crawler in the world!" When they turned around to
leave, a boulder fell and blocked the entrarnce.
"What the? How are we going to get out?" asked Data.

Kotua in Space
Jan 5 2005, 06:24

OOC: PeabodySam, I'm in the group of four(Frozeen, Databoard, Shadow, and kotua?)?

IC:"Doesn't anybody have some drills whe can use"asked kotua.

"I don't think so"replied Databoard.
"What If I blast the boulder?"kotua asked.
"With what?"asked Frozeen.
"with my PDA silly."kotua replied.
kotua got his PDA out, and pressed a button on it, it then turned into a small blaster.

Jan 5 2005, 06:28 PM

OOC: Read CoKK's posts. He mentions that we get Solar Speeders.

IC: "Hold on," Frozeen said. "This cave is so small that we won't be able to blow up the
boulder with a blaster without making another tremor. I might have a drill handy..."
"Then why didn't you say that?" asked Kotua.
"It is small, perhaps to weak, but it is worth a try," Frozeen answered. He took out a small
drill and began drilling. A few minutes later, the boulder was rubble.

Kotua in Space
Jan 5 2005, 06:52 PM

IC:kotua looked around, thinking, loudly that is.

"what if we get captured? Meda drones can change the one that posed as
me"kotua said.
"Don't worry, we won't get captured"replied Frozeen.
Suddenly, An explosion happened, and more Snow crawlers, flying, appeared.
"Uh-oh"said Databoard.
"uh...we fight them? or try to avoid them"kotua asked.

Jan 5 2005, 07:06 PM

IC: "I've got a plan!" said Frozeen. "It may act as a signal for Ogel, but it is the only choice
we've got!" He grabbed the never-used blaster and hurled it at the Snow Crawlers. It
exploded. Pieces of Skeleton Drones and Snow Crawlers were flying in the air. The other
Drones looked at the explosion with shock. Data and Kotua took advantage of their shock
and shot them with lasers. Soon, there were only pieces of the Snow Crawlers and the
Drones who were riding.

Kotua in Space
Jan 5 2005, 07:27 PM

OOC:Did Frozeen throw my PDA?

"well, so much for the element of surprise"kotua said
"doesn't matter now anyways"said Shadow.
they sped down to Ogel's fortress, but oddly enough nobody attacked...

Jan 5 2005, 08:00 PM

OOC: How Am I going to use My Ice blade again? the PDA and the Ice blade are
connected(wirelesly) and if the PDA is destroyed, the Ice blade goes into lock down
mode(plates completely cover my Ice blade, and nobody can access it.)
It also was my lazer, radar, and had important stuff...

IC: "Frozeen! Why did you do that?"kotua said, angrily.

"I already told you"replied Frozeen
It didn't matter now though, because kotua's Ice blade was covered in armored plates.
Suddenly an airplane appeared and was piloted by the pilot that was droneasized.
It flew over head the four AT agents who noticed it was full of drones with weapons...

Jan 5 2005, 08:12 PM

OOC: Hold on, if you don't want the PDA destroyed, then why did you turn it into a blaster
in the first place?

IC: "This isn't good," said Frozeen.

"Yeah," muttered Kotua. "That PDA did serve as a signal for Ogel, and the PDA's gone, so I
can't use my Ice Blade..."
"Hold on," Data said. "If you didn't want it destroyed, then why did you turn it into a blaster
when we were trapped?"
"Enough talk! Let's stop these Drones!" said Frozeen.

Kotua in Space
Jan 5 2005, 08:53 PM
OOC: I meant little lazer gun.....for blasting the boulder....
IC: "for blasting thew boulder"kotua said.
"oh I see"Frozeen said.
The airplane was by had flown over the agents and gone not the direction of the AT HQ.
"We should hurry up, no?"Databoard said.
And once again they set off to OMF

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 5 2005, 09:28 PM

OOC: I said Snowmobiles, like the ones in the MCC. (Arrow and Charge ride them).

The four agents snuck up to the rear exit of OMF. Databoard unsrewed a panel
next to it and cut ceveral. "Okay, I've created a 15 minute lapse in the security
system. They won't detect any laser fire." Databoard said. Kotua was confused.
"Why would there be a laser blast" He said. Data fired at the door and blasted a
large hole in the door. "Okay, we're in." Databoard said.


Jan 6 2005, 08:06 AM

OOC: Oh, sorry, I guess I should change my post that says "Solar Speeder."

IC: Frozeen ran inside OMF. The last two times he had been here was when he was
disguised as a Drone and when they wanted to prove Data's theory. But when they got
inside, there were tons of Drones waiting.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 6 2005, 08:30 AM

"RUN!" Databoard shouted. Shadow, Frozeen, Kotua, and himself ran, quickly
followed by an squad of Drones. The team ran into the room with the fake
vehicles. Databoard held the door shut with a nearby pole. The Drones were stuck
outside. "Quick!" Databoard shouted. "The expolsives!" They lined the vehicles
with exposives. "Okay, how do we get out of here!" Shouted Kotua. Databoard
looked around. At the other side of the room was a door. "Why have I never seen
this before!" He said as they ran towards the door. Just as Databoard slamed the
Door shut, the Drones burst into the room. Databoard pressed the detonator. The
resulting shockwave flung the doors open and Databoard off his feet. The vehicles,
along with the Drones, were destoyed. Databoard turn around- To see an Ice Orb.
And another. And at least a hundred more. They were in a Ice Orb factory. "What
do we do now?" Said Kotua. Suddenly, The Ice Orbs srceched to a halt. Shadow
was lifted into the air by some kind of Crane, and he has dangling over a pit.
Floodlights turned on the reveal at least twenty Drones, all of them pointing lasers
at them. Ogel sat at the controls of the Crane. "Well, what do we have here..." He


Jan 6 2005, 04:49 PM

IC: At the sound of Ogel's voice, Frozeen ran and hid. He still didn't want Ogel to know that
he was not frozen. Even as he hid, he still peered over at what was happening to Shadow.
Ogel was making this whole big speech on how stupid our team was. He didn't pay attention
to the Ice Orbs or the Drones beneath. Data and Kotua silently shot the Drones. Seeing
Ogel wasn't paying attention to anyone or anything other than Shadow (and himself...),
Frozeen ran, picked up an Ice Orb, and hurled it at Ogel. Ogel was frozen in mid-sentence.
Data pushed the froen Ogel aside and freed Shadow. They ran out of the Orb Factory.
Although frozen, Frozeen knew that Ogel will escape.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 6 2005, 05:04 PM

Databoard shot off in the Snowmobile, followed by Shadow, Kotua, and Frozeen.
Behind him, several Snow Crawlers were in hot persuit. They were approching
their vehicles Databoard jumped of his Snowmobile into the Ice Blade. The Snow
Crawlers were soon reduced to scrap metal.


Jan 6 2005, 05:34 PM

IC: Although it was not as fast as the Snowmobile, or as powerful as the SOL, Frozeen
always thought that ever since he joined AT that the Tundra Tracker was the best vehicle.
And he was glad to be riding it again.

Jan 6 2005, 06:13 PM

IC: Almost as quickly as he hopped into his TT, Snow Crawlers were chasing Frozeen. He
initiated Alpha Mode and drilled into them. Then he used a laser gun to shoot the Drones.
SOLs appeared. Frozeen threw bombs at them. Then Ogel's Alpha Team Vehicles were after
him. Using one of Data's spare laser bombs, Frozeen stopped them. "Whew..." he thought.
He drove into the Alpha Team repair garage. Agent Garage was in there. "Your Tundra
Tracker seems to be in perfect shape," he said. "Why then are you here?"
"I'd like to make a few changes to my vehicle..." Frozeen said.
Once Garage had finished the changes, Frozeen was sure that he wouldn't have to keep
asking Data for extra laser bombs. A laser was attached on the top, and the Magma Drill
now becomes VERY hot when activated. "And that is why they must call it the Magma Drill!"

Jan 6 2005, 06:57 PM

IC: Frozeen suddenly recieved a message. Not from an Agent, but for ALL Agents.



Data also recieved the message. He walked over to Frozeen. "Time to go!"
Frozeen wasn't very happy. Yes, Johnny Thunder was one of his best friends, but one
problem will keep him from using the Now-Improved Tundra Tracker:
How was Frozeen going to get the TT to Adventure Island?

OOC: This is NOT a trick by Ogel. This is real. Johnny, Pippin Reed, and Kilroy really are in
trouble. And they really are sending for AT's help.

Jan 6 2005, 07:15 PM

IC: kotua kept on rebuilding another PDA, which was the easy part. In order to open the Ice
blade again, kotua's PDA needed to be on the same frequenzy as the Ice Blade. the problem
was that kotua didn't remember the frequenzy.
Suddenly Shadow came in.
"Did you get the message?"he asked.
"...The only way was my PDA..."kotua replied
Shadow told kotua of the message Jhonny had sent.
"I would help, but I need transportation, and I havent gotten the frequenzy for my Ice
blade."kotua told shadow.

Jan 6 2005, 07:15 PM

IC: "Can you go by plane?" asked Data.

Frozeen nearly puked. "No, I can't. I get seasick... or airsick... or whatever you want to call
"Then I guess you can't go by cargo boat..."
Frozeen's eyes lit up. "That's it! I only get seasick in the air!"

Jan 6 2005, 07:40 PM

IC: "Data, will you come with me?" asked Frozeen.
"Of course!" answered Data. "Shadow?"
"Yep." Shadow said.
"Then let's go!" said Frozeen. They hopped onto the Cargo Boat. Their vehicles were in the
Cargo Section.
"And what's your destination?" asked the driver. Frozeen reconized him. It was Pepper!
"Adeventure Island!" said Data.
"Oh, yeah!" Pepper said. "I love that place. When that Brickster stole the Constructopidia, I
had to go there. I got to enter the Tomb of Matching Mummies! Oh, yeah, I got to ride a Bi-
Plane! And freeing the Dinosaurs from Sam Sinister's camp was easy..." And Pepper went
on telling the Agents on how he found 3 Constructopidia Pages at Adventure Island.

"...and I went home by Pteradactyl!" concluded Pepper.

"Hey," said Frozeen, "we're there!"

Jan 6 2005, 07:59 PM

IC: Frozeen could see why Johnny, Pippin Reed, and Kilroy were in trouble. Entire pyrimids
were frozen in the Shynx Area. Skeleton Drones were running around, chasing out the
mummies in the Matching Mummies' Tomb. Pepper borrowed one of Frozeen's lasers, while
Data, Shadow, and Frozeen hopped into their vehicles. "Let's see if these changes to the TT
was worth it..." mumbled Frozeen.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 6 2005, 08:51 PM

Databoard Fired lasers at the Drones, who returned fire on his Ice Blade.
Databoard swung his Ice Blade into a sharp turn. It skided on the frozen ground,
heading sideways on the Drones. Ten of them got a faceful of Alpha Team.
Suddenly, a Snow Crawler burst from the forest, firing lasers at Databoard. He
turned his Ice Blade and headed for the pyramids He drove up the side of one, the
Snow Crawler in hot persuit. Just a he reached the top, he made a sharp turn and
shot back down, passing the snow Crawler on his way down. Databoard skidded to
a stop at the base of the the pyramid. The Snow Crawler struggled to stop, but on
the ice it was imposible. It flew into the air and crashed on the other side, sending
parts spewing everywere.


Jan 6 2005, 09:30 PM

Databoard blasted Drones in every direction. Suddenly, a Meda-Drone appear out
of nowhere and jumped onto his vehicle Several others apeared and swarmed onto
his Ice Blade. "Someone help me!" Databoard shouted as his vehicle spun on the


Jan 7 2005, 08:08 AM

IC: Pepper shot the "Meda-Drone's" head. It flew of, revealing a regular Drone's head.
"Trying to trick me again, huh?" Data said as he shot the Drone. Pretty soon, all the Drones
were shot. The Mummies were walking back into the Matching Mummies' Tomb. That's when
Johnny, Pippin Reed, and Kilroy showed up.
"Wow," Johnny said. "You defeated these Drones!"
"Is there anymore trouble?" asked Frozeen.
"Yes," Pippin Reed answered. "In the Dino Jungle. Drones are freezing the Dinos there."
"Let's go!" said Shadow. They went into their vehicles and sped there. A lone T-Rex was
walking around. Nearby, a bunch of Drones were keeping her away from the Ice Blocks
behind them.
"The Dinos must be in there," Frozeen realized. Then at the sight of the poor, frozen Dinos,
Frozeen had another of those forget-everything-but-anger moments. His Magma Drill
pushed aside the Drones as he set free the Dinos. However, one Baby T. didn't move.
Mother T sniffed the baby. It was dead. The Mother T roared in rage. She charged at the
Drones, eating them up.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 7 2005, 08:16 AM

"Oh, that's gotta hurt." Muttered Databoard, as he watched the T-Rex tear at the
Drones. Up above, Shadow was fighting off Snow Crawlers that were attacking
Pteradactols. Suddenly, Databoard saw a Snow Crawler sneaking up on the T-Rex.
Databoard fired lasers at the Snow Crawler, sending in spining in the air until it
expoded. The T-Rex growled what sounded like a thank you, an charged at more


Jan 7 2005, 04:21 PM

IC: With help of the AT agents, Johnny and his friends, and a few other Dinos, the T-Rex
had destroyed the entire army of Drones. "Want to hear something strange?" asked
"Sure," answered Data. "What?"
"I haven't seen a single SOL here." Then suddenly, SOLs appeared. "AHH!!!"
"Next time don't say that!" Shadow said.
Pepper used a laser to shoot a Drone riding a SOL. Then he hopped in. "Let's just see how
powerful SOLs are!" he said. Using the captured SOL, he destroyed 3 other SOLs. Frozeen
used the TT added laser, then used the Magma Drill's burning drill. An SOL attacked from
behind. But the SOL didn't hit the TT on purpose. Frozeen turned around to see why: The
Mother and Father T-Rexes were attacking the Drone inside, making the SOL go out of
control. Soon, Ogel's army of SOLs were reduced to huge pieces of SOLs.
Dr. Kilroy walked over to Frozeen, carrying a baby T-Rex. "This is our most tamed T-Rex. As
a reword for helping us out, Mother T-Rex and Father T-Rex agreed to let you Alpha Team
keep him!"

OOC: Aww... isn't that little Baby T cute!

NOTE: Please don't give this little guy a sad ending like what happened in my last post to
one of his siblings.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 7 2005, 06:38 PM

Suddenly, the ground began shaking. Databoard hung onto his Ice Blade until the
shaking stopped. "What was that?" Databoard said. "We're not sure." Dr. Kilroy
said. "It appears to be some kind of seismic activity, but we don't know what
could be causing-" Suddenly the ground shook wildly. A giant crack opened in the
ground, leaving Kilroy and Pepper on one side, and the Agents on the other. Some
ice fell into the chasm. It melted instantly. At the bottom of the crack was
bubbling lava.


Jan 7 2005, 06:52 PM

Kilroy and Pepper ran away, but another crack appeared, leaving them trapped
"You two, go!" Databoard shouted to Shadow and Frozeen. They rushed to there
vehicles and drove to the ship. Databoard changed to Steath Helicopter and flew
above them. the ground wasn't stable enough to hold the Helicopter, so he threw
down a rope. Pepper and Kilroy climbed up and held on to side. Databoard began
flying away as the ground where they were standing colapsed into the lava.


Jan 7 2005, 07:59 PM

IC: Frozeen, Shadow, Johnny, and Pippin Reed were waiting by the ship. "Do you think that
Data, Pepper, and Kilroy will be okay?" asked Frozeen. As an answer, Data's Stealth
Helecopter landed, and out hopped Pepper, Kilroy, and Data.
"The Dinos are safe," Pepper said.
Kilroy was still holding Frozeen's new pet. "Here you go!" he said.
"Thank you for all your help!" Johnny said. Pepper, Frozeen, Data, and Shadow got onto the
boat again.
"Let me guess: You probbably want to go back to Alpha Team HQ," said Pepper.
"Yep," Shadow said. And back to the AT HQ they went.

Jan 7 2005, 08:37 PM

IC: Frozeen was busy making a bed for his new pet T-Rex. "There you go!" he said. Then
the T-Rex looked a bit sad. Thank goodness I once had a dog and I know that he's hungry,
Frozeen thought. He grabbed a few pieces of meat. "I'll name you..." Frozeen said as he
watched the baby eat up the meat, "Chompy!" The baby T-Rex seemed to like that name.

Jan 7 2005, 09:06 PM

IC: "Gotta go, Chompy!" Frozeen called to the T-Rex snuggling in its bed. "I'll be back soon!
Just go to sleep!" And that's what Chompy did. "Cute little guy..." Frozeen mumbled as he
got into his TT.
He drove off toward Strip Mountain, where he had first met Data. An ambush was waiting.
Skeleton Drones captured Frozeen before he could use his added laser. Ogel was with them.
"Wha - Frozeen alive?" Ogel stammered. Then he smiled. "Even though you somehow
escaped, you won't this time! Drones, freeze him!"
"With pleasure," the Drones said. They carried an Ice Orb toward Frozeen. Frozeen tried to
kick it away, but failed. He was frozen.
"What," Ogel taunted to the frozen Frozeen as the Drones dragged him away, "you don't
like cold? Let's see how you like... LAVA!!!

Inside Ogel's base, there was a huge chamber. A huge pit was in the center that might've
went down for a mile. A pool of lava sat at the bottom. Ogel attatched a chain to Frozeen's
ice block. "I tried to do something like this to Subzero, but because you're not an Elite
Agent, you aren't cared for as much, which means that nobody will come to your rescue!
This chain will lower you down to the lava. This is what you wanted, you didn't like the
cold!" Then Ogel laughed evily as he began to make the chain and the ice block slowly drop.

Meanwhile, Chompy woke up. Where's Friend? he thought. He wailed, then crawled out of
bed, out of the HQ, and into the cold.

OOC: You can notice that Frozeen's TT is empty of that Chompy's gone, but you can't save
or do anything bad to them. I've got an idea on how to save both Chompy and Frozeen, so

Jan 7 2005, 10:02 PM

The chain was slowly moving down the pit. Ogel got very tired. "I'm going to bed... must
sleep with Teddy Puff..." Ogel left and headed for his pink bedroom.

Chompy was very cold. Back at his old home, it wasn't like this at all. He remembered
friendly bushes and the entertaining Pteradactlys, but all that was here was snow and cold.
Then suddenly, he found shelter. He gladfully hopped inside, not at all knowing it was OMF.

By now, the ice block was so close to the lava that the ice began to melt. Within minutes,
the ice block was completely melted. Frozeen was holding onto the chain for his life. He
tried to climb up, but his weight caused the chain to lower every time he tried to climb.

Chompy sniffed the air. This place was full of... enemies... But one scent was stronger than
the rest. Friend! Chompy ran into the room where he thought Frozeen was. Sure enough, he
found a huge chain with Frozeen holding onto the bottom with lava beneath him. "Chompy!"
cried Frozeen. "What are you doing?" Though Chompy knew that there was anger in
Frozeen's voice, he also knew fear also was. He closed his jaws on the top of the chain and
began pulling. Although it was a challenge for one so young, Chompy managed to get
Frozeen out of the pit.

Jan 7 2005, 10:15 PM

IC: "Com'n, Chompy!" Frozeen said. He ran for OMF's exit, but ten Drones blocked the way.
Frozeen shot at all of them, but before he shot the 4th one, Chompy bit its shoe. No Drone
sounded the alarm in time. Chompy and Frozeen ran toward Alpha Team HQ.

Jan 7 2005, 10:23 PM

IC: Frozeen and Chompy found Frozeen's TT. "Come, Chompy!" Frozeen said. They leaped
into the TT and sped toward HQ.

"Good night, Chompy!" Frozeen called to his pet. Chompy fell asleap. So did Frozeen...

Jan 8 2005, 10:40 AM

OOC: These next few posts will have something to do with Frozeen's dark and unknown
past. A past that Frozeen doesn't remember anymore...

IC: Something was licking Frozeen. Something with Dino-Breath. "Chompy!" Frozeen said
playfully as he opened his eyes. Chompy was sitting on Frozeen's bed, wagging his tail like
a dog.

Ogel might've been asleep with his teddy bear, Teddy Puff, but he had cameras all over
OMF. One was near the door. Ogel saw the video of Frozeen escaping. He was furious.
"Skeleton Drones!" he yelled at his sevents. "Meda-Drones! Get in your vehicles! You will
not sleep until you have Frozeen! Oh, yeah, and a few other agents as well..." The Drones
and the mechanicle Meda-Drones hopped into Snow Crawlers, SOLs, and Ogel AT Vehicles.

After breakfast, Frozeen asked Diamond to keep an eye on Chompy. Frozeen hopped into
the TT and drove off. Trans-Blue spears flew out of nowhere and pierced the TT's wheels.
Ogel's army had found Frozeen. Using the TT's laser, Frozeen managed to destroy a few
things, but the Meda Drones got past that. They arrested Frozeen.

"You have escaped from me 2 times already!" Ogel yelled inside OMF. Frozeen's hands were
chained together.
Just as Ogel was about to kill him, a voice yelled, "Spare him!" Ogel and Frozeen looked up
in surprise. It wasn't an agent, it was the Brickster.

OOC: Nobody save me until I say it's okay to.

Jan 8 2005, 11:19 AM

IC: "Oh, no, now what do you want, 'biggest fan?'" Ogel asked angrily.
"We have to talk," the Brickster answered.
"Who, you and me? Or you and him?" Ogel asked impatiently.
"First, you, then this... traitor," Brickster said.
"What do you mean by 'traitor?'" Frozeen asked in confusion.
"You'll find out soon, Frozeen, soon..." the Brickster said.
"Fine," Ogel said. "But instead of death, he's going into the dungeons!"
"Deal!" And then Frozeen was thrown into the OMF's dungeons. Why did the Brickster save
me? he wondered. Why did he also call me... traitor?

Ogel locked the dungeon doors. "What is it?"

"It is about Frozeen," the Brickster said. "You see, as good as he is and as evil as I am...
We're brothers!"

OOC: Frozeen never heard that. As I said in my last post, it was about his UNKNOWN past,
so he doesn't remember being brothers either. So Frozeen doesn't know about this... yet...
NOBODY SAVE ME!!!!! I want you to know Frozeen's entire unknown past before he gets

Jan 8 2005, 11:41 AM

IC: Frozeen sat in the dungeons. Suddenly, the door opened. Ogel stepped inside. He
looked more surprised than furious. The Brickster stepped inside too, and seemed to be
wearing a smile. "Frozeen," he said, "I'm giving you a choice. Either stay here in this
dungeon... or you can join us!"
Frozeen frowned. "And why would I want to do that?"
The Brickster's smile grew. "You'll find out, but first, make your decicion!"
Frozeen stood up. "I would rather stay here than join you and betray my team, my friends,
and the world! Don't you ever think you can make me join the evil!"
The Brickster's smile died. "Then have what you wish!" Ogel was about to kill Frozeen again,
but the Brickster yelled, "Spare him!"
"Fine," Ogel said, "but you're not my master. This will be the last sparing I'll ever do!" They
walked out of the dungeons, slamming the door.
Why did the Brickster spare my life again?

Ogel yelled, "I told you this wouldn't work! You and him may be brothers, but because he
was raised by someone else, he doesn't know!"
The Brickster frowned. "Should we tell him?"
Ogel shook his head. "No, he'll just not believe us."

OOC: Okay, now you can save me.

Jan 8 2005, 12:18 PM

OOC: Since Frozeen is right now in the dungeons, I'm focusing this post on the Brickster
and Ogel.

IC: Ogel suddenly turned around. "How do I know you're telling the truth?" he asked. "How
do I know you are really Frozeen's brother?"
The Brickster answered, "Because I am. Besides, I'm your biggest fan wouldn't want to do
anything to harm you!"
Ogel frowned. "Anyone could just walk in here and say that they're Subzero's brother, or
that they're my biggest fan!"
The Brickster replied, "Fine, don't believe me? Fine! I'm going to Ogel Island!" But just as
soon as the Brickster walked out of OMF, a super-hot pizza hit him. "OW! Oh, no, not
Pepper!" he groaned. A helecopter landed next to him. Pepper was riding. The Brickster was
arrested... again...

Jan 8 2005, 12:44 PM

IC: Although the Brickster was arrested, his dumb-dumb Henchman named Dumbo wasn't.
He came into Frozeen's cell carrying a cup. "Here," he said, "I've just got some Hot Cocoa
for you to drink..."
Frozeen was confused. First, the Brickster had spared his life... twice... and now one of his
henchman was giving Frozeen Cocoa. "Uh," he said, "thanks." But when Dumbo turned
around, Frozeen poured the Cocoa into the trash. "Just why has the Brickster been treating
me like this?" Frozeen asked. He knew that because Dumbo was, well, dumb, he could trick
Dumbo into telling.
That almost worked. "Well, you might not remember, but... Wait! Brickster told me not to
tell you!"
Frozeen groaned. Well, even if he one day found out why, he still won't join the evil.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 8 2005, 02:01 PM
Databoard landed his helicopter outside the OMF. The SOLs were taking Shadow
inside the base. Databoard came up with a plan to sneak inside and get Shadow...

OOC: This part is as seen by Shadow.

Shadow was draged down the corridor and flung into a cell. Next to him was Agent
Frozeen. "Well, sure nice to see you again." Shadow muttered sarcaticly.


Jan 8 2005, 02:08 PM

IC: "I know you were being sarcastic..." Frozeen muttered. "Bad enough trying to figure out
things without a sarcastic comment."
Shadow seemed confused. "What things?"
Frozeen looked up. "The way the Brickster has been treating me."
"That's normal," Shadow answered. "He often makes fun of-"
"That's not what I meant!" Frozeen explained. "Ogel tried to kill me, twice, but both times
the Brickster told him to spare my life. What I want to know is why?"

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 8 2005, 02:18 PM

Databoard snuck towards OMF. He slipped to the back exit. He waited until a
Dorne walked out. Databoard hit the Drone and knocked him out. Databoard
slipped inside the base. Now to find Shadow. Based on memory, Databoard knew
were to find the dungons. He ruched to the cell doorway. Inside was Shadow and
Frozeen. Databoard took out a small laser cutter and cut the door off its hinges.


Jan 8 2005, 02:27 PM

IC: Frozeen and Shadow looked up in surprise. The Dungeon Door fell off. And standing
there was Data. "Come on, guys," he said.
Even as they were escaping, Frozeen still couldn't stop wondering about the Brickster. Why
the Brickster had saved him... twice.
Little did he know that Ogel knew why. And little did he know that he had a brother...

Jan 8 2005, 03:44 PM

When the trio of Agents got back to Alpha Team HQ, Frozeen was spending lots of time in
his room. Not just because he needed to care for Chompy, but his room was the place
where he could really wonder on why the Brickster had spared his life.

The Brickster was angry. Not only because he was arrested, but also because his brother
wouldn't accept an offer of joining him. Instead, he had to be loyal to his Alpha Team. "I
suppose that Frozeen will have to stay in those dungeons all his life.

Frozeen kept pacing around, trying to come up with a solution. Then he remembered
something: The Brickster and Ogel were talking outside of the Dungeons. And right there
was an AT spy device! All Frozeen needed to do was play back what the device had
recorded. He went on his computer and turned on the screen. He clicked the button that
said "Play back the Recent Recordings." Then he found out about Ogel and Brickster's
conversation and about his own past. Frozeen was horrified. It couldn't be true. But it was:
Frozeen and Brickster were brothers!

Kotua in Space
Jan 9 2005, 11:04 AM

IC: kotua looked at the power indicator, and saw that he was low on power.
The cockpit of the Snow crawler flew off, probably due to it being the escape mode.
kotua returned to the garage, because something was apparently wrong with the Robo
Blade. After a while of searching, he found that he hadn't connected the power generator,
so the Robo Blade had used Emergency power. Another Earth quake happened, and more
Lava appeared, it was getting hotter. In the distance, kotua saw a mountain, and it was
obvious thats were it was coming from. If Alpha Team didn't evacuate, Everybody in the HQ
would be in deep danger.

Jan 9 2005, 01:23 PM

OOC: Well my Bro wanted a turn on the computer yesterday, so that's why I haven't
posted. Oh, yeah, I also saw this movie called "The Sleeper"...


Frozeen was so shocked by his discovery about his own past that he fainted.


"Is he okay?"
"I think he's in a bit of a shock."
"Will he get up?"
"I don't know. But he seems to be in a healthy condition."
Frozeen woke up in the AT hospital.
"How are you feeling?" asked one of the nurses.
Frozeen's eyes widened. "How did you get here? Are you a leprechaun?"
The nurse's smile faded. "Just as I feared. He's still in shock."
"How long will he be in shock?" asked Diamond.
"For three days."
"That's not so bad!"
"Just one thing," the nurse said.
Frozeen was now yelling. "You're after me gold!"
"He'll think that everyone is a leprechaun?" guessed Diamond.
"Actulally," the nurse said, "he'll be acting insane."
Frozeen ran around the room. "WHEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Jan 9 2005, 03:17 PM

IC: The insane Frozeen looked outside at the lava. "Ooh... Pretty!"
"Frozeen!" called Diamond. "We have to get out of here!" But Frozeen wouldn't budge. Man,
thought Diamond, I can't wait for the three days of Frozeen's insanity to end!
"TACOS!!!!" yelled Frozeen.

Jan 9 2005, 03:27 PM

IC: "Must... Have... Tacos..." Frozeen said. Almost every other second he was getting more
and more insane.
But Diamond had an idea. He wanted tacos for lunch, but decided that this was going to
work. He held up his tacos. "Want these?"
"Yes, Mr. Nacho!" Frozeen said.
He tried to grab them, but Diamond pulled them back. "No, Frozeen," Diamond said. "You
can't have any unless you follow me!"
"Okay!" Frozeen followed Diamond. Then, suddenly, a door opened. A growling came from

OOC: Nobody try to do anything that has to do with the growling. I will.

Jan 9 2005, 03:38 PM

IC: Because still under the Shock of Madness, Frozeen didn't walk into the growling room
with caution. There was Chompy, growling at the lava outside. Chompy saw Frozeen, and
ran toward him. Frozeen yelled something simialar to when he first went insane. "Help!
Another leprichaun after me gold!!" Diamond just shook his head.
"Come on, Frozeen!" he yelled. "Do you still want the tacos?"
"YES!" Frozeen cried.
"Then follow me!" Diamond picked up Chompy, making sure he was safe.

Jan 9 2005, 04:26 PM

IC: Along the way, Kotua bumped into Diamond, Chompy, and Frozeen. "AHH!" cried
Frozeen. "Leprichauns are everywhere! They want me gold!"
"SHUT UP!" yelled Diamond.
"What's up with him?" asked Kotua. Just a few days ago he remembered Frozeen being a
serious person, but sometimes not thinking.
"You see," Diamond explained, "Frozeen fainted in shock. Why? I don't know. When he
woke up, he was still in shock. Therefore, he's acting insane."
"I've got to get to the HQ's hospital!" Kotua said.
"It's not safe up there now! That's why I had to bring Frozeen down here! If not for the
lava, he would've still been in the hospital."

Kotua in Space
Jan 9 2005, 04:38 PM

IC: "Oh. well its not safe the way I came, there is another enemy, looking for a target"said
Diamond noticed kotua's arm
"What happened?"he asked.
"He had some blades, and got my arm. thats why im heading yto the hospital wing."replied
"Theyre after me gold!"shouted Frozeen, grabbing a fire extiguisher from the wall, and
headed for kotua.
"Ahh!"screamed kotua dodging a hit form the fire extinguisher.
"Frozeen! Your not getting any tacos!"said Diamond, in hopes that Frozeen would stop.
Luckily, he did.
Suddenly a missile hit the wall behind kotua.
"Mwuahahahaha! ohh.."said Dr. Voltage.
"More targets!"he continued on
"Run!"said kotua pushing diamond and the rest to the other side, as the blades retracted. A
lazer appeared from one of the sides of the crawler and melted the fire extinguisher.

Victor Draven
Jan 9 2005, 04:41 PM

IC: Sub ran towards a shiny light in the snow. He stopped as it grew larger.
"A PORTAL!" He cried. Suddenly he saw a large character that looked like a monster run
out. He carried some sort of staff, and had some sort of spinny blade on his back.
"My name is Kualus! You must run! The Suukorak are coming!" Kualus picked Sub up and
ran him behind a rock. Suddenly hundreds of really big Ice Spiders skittered out.
"Those are the Suukorak." said Kualus.
"They look like really big Ice Spiders!" said Sub.
"Hundreds of years before my time exsisted very small creatures called Ice Spiders which
were used to freeze things. At one point they were used by a man named Ogel to try and..."
"...freeze the world. I know." said Sub.
"These are their descendants." said Kualus.
"So how much of a freeze can the Soo-kokrack make?" asked Sub.
"The Suukorak can freeze things for over a mile." said Kualus.
Sub led Kualus back to AT HQ.

The Suukorak went towards Ogel's Mountain Fortress, where they were accepted into Ogel's

Jan 9 2005, 04:49 PM

IC: "Hey! What's up?" Frozeen said to Dr. Voltage.

Dr. Voltage smiled. "A VERY easy target!"
Diamond called, "Frozeen, run!"
Still insane, Frozeen pulled out a drill. "I DON'T WANNA!...Okay!"
Diamond shook his head. The first of three insane days were going by too slowly.
However, the insane Frozeen turned on the drill. "YAH-HOO!!!!" he shouted. But, dumb luck
happened. He threw the drill by accedent. "OOPS!" The direction he threw it was up. The
drill broke the celieng. The roof of the room came down on Dr. Voltage. Frozeen had dumb
luck again. He stepped out of the room by "accedent" before the celieng came down on him.
Diamond was impressed that Frozeen's drill trick worked, but still couldn't wait until Frozeen
became sane again.

Kotua in Space
Jan 9 2005, 05:03 PM

IC: Diamond, chompy, Frozeen, and kotua ran through corridors that werent affected.
"If I can get to my room, I can get out a freezer gun"said kotua, as lava spewed out of one
room, with the remains of some agent. kotua shuddered
"You sure that will help?"asked Diamond.
"The Gold! Me see it!"said Frozzeen pointing at the Lava.
"No Frozeen!"shouted both Diamond and kotua.
"Look the tacos, frozeen, you want them?"said Diamond.
"Uhh...Okay!"said Frozeen runing to try to get the tacos.
kotua peeked around.
He saw his room.
"Come on!"kotua said to Diamond.
"Come frozeen."said Diamond.
kotua quickly took out something that looked like a water gun.
"Here Diamond, it requires two hands to use it."said kotua, then he explained how to use it.

OOC: we didnt see this

IC:In the collapsed room Dr. Voltage was angry, An easy target had evaded him!
This would not happen again. He pressed a button in the Crawler, and out came a bazooka
like gun.
"Mwuahahaha! Soon, I shall complete my hunt! nobody outsmarts me!"said Dr. Voltage.
suddenly from the cieling falls a pipe, strait in Dr. Voltages face.
"Grr.."he said, and got up. He aimed the gun, and fired. The target, a door, was reduced to
"Mwuahahahaha!"he laughed...

Jan 9 2005, 05:12 PM

OOC: Kotua, you definetly know how to make Frozeen look insane!

IC: Chompy was looking around, fear in his eyes. Back at his old home, he knew for a fact
the lava was dangerous.

Jan 9 2005, 05:30 PM

IC: Suddenly, the ceiling above the 3 agents and dinosaur began to collapse. Even Frozeen
still had enough sense left in him to run.

Kotua in Space
Jan 9 2005, 05:38 PM

OOC: thanks PeabodySam !

IC: kotua saw Databoard, and the wave...
"Lets go! the wave is coming!"said kotua.
Frozeen meanwhile was carrying one of kotua's Laptops, and treating it as if it were gold
"Frozeen! don't do that! Now lets go!"said Diamond.
sudenly frozeen let go of the Laptop.
"D'oh!" said kotua.
they got followed Data. kotua looked as the Lava consumed his room.
"The turkeys.. theyre coming for me gold..they cant have it!"said Frozeen making hand
movements as if he had a sword. he then took The Freezer gun and flung it in the direction
fo the lava.
"How do we know Frozeen didnt just lose his mind?"said kotua, while Frozeen startedacting
like a baby
"Its going to be like that for three days."said Diamond, carrying chompy.

Jan 9 2005, 05:47 PM

OOC: Okay, Kotua, you are starting to make me laugh at my own character!

IC: Frozeen ran inside a room. "What is he doing now?" asked Kotua.
"Not even he knows..." Diamond answered.
Frozeen came out of the room holding another fire extignuisher. "Turkeys won't have gold!
TIME TO PLAY GOLF!!!!" he yelled, shooting the lava with the fire extignusher. Then he
grabbed a few golf balls, and threw them into the lava.
"Frozeen!" cried Diamond. "Get the tacos, not the lava!"
OOC: Where did the golf balls come from?

Kotua in Space
Jan 9 2005, 06:06 PM

OOC: golf balls?

IC: "Tacos!"said Frozeen, grabbing the fire extinguisher, and trying to eat it.
"No, no ,no Frozeen, this tacos."said Diamond.
Frozeen turned around
"The Ring, We ,must have it!" Said Frozeen
"oh great, I hope the reason he fainted is a good one, because he annoys me!"said kotua.
"Well, If he fainted.."said Diamond.
"Mwuahahahaha!"said someone.
"Frozeen! Stop with the movie quoting!"said kotua>
"MMM!?"said Frozeen eating one taco.
"its me!" said Dr. Voltage.
At the appearence of Dr. Voltage, Frozeen, grabbed a golf ball, and threw it in Dr. Voltage's
"Grr."said Dr. Voltage. He got the gun and fired, but all agents(kotua had pushed Frozeen.)
had dodged.
Suddenly Frozeen got up.
"I am spider man!" he said and jumped towards Dr. Voltage, and pushed him
"Hey! You don't know who your dealing with!" said the Dr.
"uhh...A car salesman?" asked Frozeen
"Right!, I mean Wrong! I am Dr. Voltage!" said Dr.V now angry.
Diamond grabbed Frozeen and the Agents took off. kotua threw a granade into Dr. V

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 9 2005, 06:13 PM

Databoard heard the exposion. He didn't know if it hit Dr. Voltage, due to the cloud
of smoke that filled the hallway. But there way no mistaking the orange glow of
the lava. "We gotta get out of here!" He shouted. "But the turkeys will get my
gold!" Said the still insane Frozeen. "And if they don't, the chickens will!"
Databoard grabbed Frozeen by the arm and draged him away from the lava.


Jan 9 2005, 06:15 PM

OOC: Kotua... you're... making... me laugh... too... much!

IC: Frozeen looked at Kotua. "But I am Spiderman! I can deal with this car salesman!"
Kotua said, "I really wish the next three days could go by in a zip!"
Chompy was most confused of all.
Frozeen suddenly stopped. "I want a burrito!" he said. "And a barrel of flies...Two
Kotua wacked Frozeen.

Victor Draven
Jan 9 2005, 06:18 PM

IC: The base was starting to melt. Agents were evacuating the facility.
Kualus chirped and whistled, and suddenly a large, white bird with four wings swooped
down and picked them up, and flew into the base. The bird flew into Doctor Voltage, and
stopped in front of Kotua, Frozeen, Diamond, Chompy, and the others.
"Need a lift?" asked Kualus. The others just stood and gaped at the strange creatures.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 9 2005, 06:34 PM

OOC: Barba, is the Kualus thing Ogel's time portals (from that LEGO club comic) in

IC: Databoard jumped onto the bird, along with the other agents. "But the gold!
The turkeys want it!" Frozeen was shouting as the bird flew back to Kualus.


Jan 9 2005, 06:34 PM

IC: "Let me guess..." Frozeen said. "Since that guy back there was a car salesman, you
must be... the train conducter!"
Kualus rolled his eyes. "Yes," he said sarcastically.
"Really?" Frozeen asked.
"NO!" Kualus yelled.
"Don't listen to Frozeen," Diamond said. "He just has gone insane."
"Insane for sure!" Kotua said.
"What's that green thing you have there?" Kualus asked Diamond.
"That is Frozeen's pet, Chompy," explained Diamond.

Kotua in Space
Jan 9 2005, 06:50 PM

IC: Frozeen was now poking kotua.

"Is it alive?"he asked.
"Of Course I'm alive!"said kotua.
Frozeen nearly fell off shocked.
"Onward! the monkeys await, we must help defeat the cows!"said Frozeen, once again,
poking kotua.
kotua got a taco and shoved it into Frozeen's mouth.
"You'll thank me later"kotua said.
Dr. Voltage appeared, with the banged up Crawler, and headed towards the AT agents.
"No! I didnt say peperoni! I said I wanted muffins on this pizza!"said Frozeen, having eaten
the taco in record time.
kotua turned towards kaulus.
"Is there any way my vehicle can be rescued?"asked kotua
"Slinky slinky, everyone wants a slinky!"said Frozeen, while to use a rock as a slinky.

Jan 9 2005, 06:54 PM

OOC: Kotua, you're KILLING ME!!!!

IC: "SHUT UP!" yelled Kotua. He pushed Frozeen, who dropped the rock he thought was a
slinky. It hit Dr. V. right in the face.
"NOOOOOOOO!" cried Frozeen. "MY SLINKY!"
"SHUT UP!!!!"

Master of magicians
Jan 9 2005, 06:56 PM

OOC: *starts laughing at frozeen for being so insane* peabody sam is right, you really
make frozeen look insane, kotua....

IC: i sighed. i slapped frozeen. "owww!!!" he said. "oh look a huge taco!" he said. hea came
at me and started screaming: "AHH!!! the turkey's they're back! they're back for me gold!" i
sighed again. "and the chickens and spiders! they're here for it to!!!" he shouted... he ran in
circles then fell. "wait, those... are they're the..." kualus said. "suukorak." "wonderful...." i

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 9 2005, 07:07 PM

Databoard took out his Palm Pilot and pressed a button. From the burning
wreakage of the HQ, came his Ice Blade. Databoard have installed a repote control
for the Ice Blade after the returned from Adventure Island. He jumped into the
cockpit and fired lasers at the Suukorahk.


Kotua in Space
Jan 9 2005, 07:10 PM
OOC: Poor Frozeen..
IC:Frozeen, got up.
"My slinky!"cried Frozeen
kotua looked at Frozeen, who was crying like crazy...
Dr. Voltage was really mad and flew up
"you'll pay you loony!"said Dr. V
Dr. V he pushed a button, and a claw appeared
"Meet your doom!"he said.
"Hi Doom! You want something to drink?"replied Frozeen
Frozeen then grabbed a rock.
"Here, drink"Frozeen said. he then threw the rock, which hit the claws
kotua looked around, and grabbed a rock and threw it at Dr. V, in the stomach.
Dr. V fainted and hit the controls, the Crawler went flying in random directions
"Yawn, how boring this circus be."Said Frozeen, who fell asleep.
Diamond then got Frozeen to be quiet. kotua turned around and saw the "suukorak"
Suddenly the Robo Eagle apeared.
"Finally! Frozeen was driving me crazy."said kotua.(note:the Robo Blade/Eagle has a special
censor, and was barely truned on.)

Jan 9 2005, 07:31 PM

OOC: crazy..
off topic: PeabodySam, One of your posts streches the screen, the one where he says
Nooo!! , You should take out some O's
IC:"Let me in! They want to eat me!"said Frozeen, banging the Robo Eagle's windshield.
"Go with Diamond, Frozeen, He'll save you"said kotua.
"Uhh... Diamond?"said Frozeen.
he moved towards Kualus, and poked him the Eye.
"Ouch! What did you do that for!"said Kualus.
"You had a Gold stealer on your foot."replied Frozeen
"Now i know why kotua was angry at him"thought Kualus.
Frozeen started acting like a dog.
"Woof!"he said and headed for the lava
"What does it take to stop him!"exclaimed Diamond, going after Frozeen

Master of magicians
Jan 9 2005, 07:35 PM

IC: i hopped into the orb launcher.... and launched some ice orbs at the suukorak.
"dummie!" yelled kualus, he continued. "ICE MAKES THEM STRONGER!!!!" "that could be a
problem..." i said. i hopped into my chill speeder. "initiate alpha mode!" i said. my chill
speeder transformed into the x-1 defender. "here huge taco, drink!" frozeen said. he threw
it at my chill speeder... "how many days left?" i asked. "dang!" i said. my x-1's leg had
bveen broken off.... i pulled out my repair kit and went work, luckily this was just minro
damage.. i had it back on in no time.
i had it transform back into the chill speeder. the suukaorak launched the rhotuka wheels.
one hit my chill speeder. "initiate after burner!" i said, i needed to get there faster. "initiate
super speed!" i said.. i was going over 200 mph.... "now this is power!" i said. "slinky!" you
know who... (or at least i think you do) said. he picked up a stick of dinamight... "why
me?!" i said in disgust... i made my cs turn around and i grabbed the stick of dinamight....
"hmm..." i thought. "if they like the cold then how wwould they feel in the heat? but how
that much heat here iss the only question...." i remembered my stick of dinamight frozeen
had found... "that's it! if i can get them to follow the dinamight or me, i can lead them over
to the lava where they'll melt!" i thought. i threw a lighted stick of dinamight at them... they
came at me.... just like i planned. "come and get me!" i shouted. the only tough thing is
gettng over the lava... about half a mile before i got there i initiated alpha mode..... when i
got there i jumped and tranformed it into the chill speeder again.... then mid air i made it
do alpha mode again, i landed on a piece of rock in the middle of the lava field.... i did my
new move, the transform jump to get plan had worked. i knew that wasn't all the
suukorak though.... more are with ogel.

Kotua in Space
Jan 9 2005, 07:46 PM

IC: in the sky, kotua turned on the missile rack.

"Target Confirmed"said the Targeting Computer(TC)
"Fire!"said kotua.
The missile fired and hit one of the Suukorak, and it fell down.
another one took its place and forze the missile rack
"D'oh!"kotua said
"Incoming transmission"said the computer.
"proceed"said kotua
"Theyre after me gold!"said the voice.
"Who is this?"kotua asked, knowing who it was.
"I am..- sorry about that kotua, I didn't notice he got my transmitter."
"No worries"kotua said, and headed back to battle.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 9 2005, 10:40 PM

Databoard forced the Suukorak backward, but they kept firing their Rohtuka.
"Ooh, flying pizza!" Said Frozeen as a Rohtuka flew towards him. "Me eat!"
Databoard fired lasers at the spinner and blasted it to peices. "Waahhh!" Shouted
Frozeen. "Pizza get destroyed by fig newtons!"


Victor Draven
Jan 10 2005, 05:57 AM
IC: Suddenly a Rhotuka flew by, slicing the Taco Bag open. A Taco fell out, and a Suukkorak
ate it. The Suukorak exploded.
"MY TACOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Fro. He tried to grab one, and Sub saw the Hot
Sauce Taco Supremo Sauce. "Aha."
He gave a taco to every one but Fro. "Throw them at the Ice Spiders..."
"...their called Suukorak." said Kualus.
"...they can't handle heat. Or spice. Neither can I."
Sub threw his Taco at a Suukorak, and it landed on its sickly poluted white tongue.
Suddenly it began shaking, and its head blew off.
The Agents threw the Tacos until they were out.
"Now what, lean mean barbeque man?" asked Fro.
"Um..." Sub looked at the packages of Hot Sauce. One fell on the ground, and Fro stepped
on it, calling it a cockroach after me gold. The sauce flew out, and hit a Suukorak in the
face, making it burst into flames.
"Sorry, Girl Scout. I never liked your cookies anyway." said Fro.
Sub kept throwing Hot Sauce packets at Fro's feet, and he kept stomping the"Roaches."
Suukorak kept bursting in flames.
The Agents flew away, towards the north.

Jan 10 2005, 07:42 AM

OOC: Woo-Hoo! Frozeen's really going insane!


Frozeen was running in circles now. "Leprichauns were one thing," he said, "but roaches
trying to get me gold is crazy!"
"You're crazy," Sub said.
"Hey," said Frozeen. "Can I imitate other guys?"
But Frozeen didn't listen. He raised his arms and said, "I now summon the Brickster Bots-"

Nobody noticed that when Frozeen said his imitation of the Brickster that a vortex above
them began to open, but when Sub said SHUT UP, the vortex closed.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 10 2005, 11:03 AM

Frozeen was driving everybody crazy "I'm going to eat the Hindenburg!" He
shouted, running around. He tried to bite into a rock. "It tastes like onions!"
"FROZEEN! WILL YOU EVER SHUT UP!" Sub shouted. "Ice cream man!" Said
Frozeen, hugging Sub. "Will you get off me!" Sub yelled.

Victor Draven
Jan 10 2005, 06:16 PM

OOC: What do you mean?

IC: Sub and the others hid in a cave. Sub set up defenses in case the Suukorak came.

Jan 10 2005, 06:40 PM

OOC: Well, Frozeen's going to be sane, not insane, on Wed.

IC: "FROZEEN, BE QUIET!" Sub yelled.

Frozeen ran over to the radio. "Okay!" he called. Just as Sub was about to relax, Frozeen
turned on the music so that it was VERY loud.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 10 2005, 06:56 PM

Frozeen had been driving everyone crazy, so Databoard took his Ice Blade out for
a spin. He turned around a corner- and found himself surounded by SOLs
Databoard groaned. "We'll this is a nice brake form those Spiders" Databoard
muttered. "And Frozeen." He began blasting at the SOLs with lasers. Suddenly and
SOL's laser blast hit the snow and the ground caved in. The SOLs were destoryed
instantly, and Databoard was flung from the Ice Blade. Databoard was in a small
cavern He heard voices coming up ahead.
"What was that?"
"Let's check it out."
Databoard ducked behind a rock, whoever they were, he didn't want them to find
him. Two Drones stepped into the relative light of the cave. "Aw, It was just a
cave in." One said. "Lets go, They began to walk away. Databoard snuck after
them. They headed down a tunnel until they reached a steel door. One of the
Drones used a keycard to open the door.They walked inside, and Databoard
slipped inside just before the door closed.

OOC: Don't go after Databoard. You can wonder were he is, but don't go looking
for him.


Victor Draven
Jan 10 2005, 07:01 PM

OOC: Sub likes loud music like LP, Green Day, AC-DC...

IC: Sub ran outside and shot at the missiles with ice. Two froze and fell to the ground. Sub
made an ice shield around Kotua's vehicle, and the missiles hit the ice instead.

Jan 10 2005, 07:18 PM

IC: For no reason, Frozeen had brought a wheelchair with him. Now everyone could see
why: Frozeen was fooling around in it. Or rather WHEELING around. "Time ta go!" he yelled.
He wheeled out of the cave.
"YAY!" "YAHOO!" "FINALLY!" Frozeen heard cheering when he left the cave.
"Wow," he said, "my performance in the circus was that good?" Frozeen ran into two
"What? There you are!" the 1st Drone said.
"Yay!" Frozeen said. "Party people!" He grabbed two mexican hats, put them on the Drones,
and began dancing.
"Okay..." the 2nd Drone said. "What is the meaning of this?"
Frozeen suddenly grabbed back the two hats. "You're not party people! You're leprichauns
after me gold!"
"What?" the 1st Drone asked.
Frozeen pretended he had a fire extinguisher with him. He whacked the "leprichauns" and
kicked them.

Kotua in Space
Jan 10 2005, 07:46 PM

OOC: PeabodySam, I think it was obvious you me at least...

IC: "Thanks Sub!"said kotua, thankfull he was being helped, he then dodged more missiles
from Dr.V, who wasnt going away easily.
"Taste this, You little annoyances!"said Dr.V pressing a button.
A speaker like thing appeared on the bottom of Dr.V's Blue Eagle, and fired upon Subzero.
The blast hit him, and the energy waves went everywhere, causing more earthquakes. then
he turned towards kotua.
"Mwuahahahaha!"he said, pressing another button.
And a slinky fell to the ground, and went in Frozeens direction.
"Mwuahahaha!"Dr.V said, again.
He took off, and kotua, worried for Frozeen's(or everybodie elses..)safety, followed him.
Meanwhile Frozeen was Imitating a Drone, driving the drones crazy, and one took out a
"It ends here agent Frozeen!"Said one of the drones.
Suddenly a giant Slinky appeared, and Frozeen tried to get it, but the Slinky went around
and landed on Frozeen, trapping him.
"I am innocent I tell ya!"said Frozeen.
then he started thinking he had a crying hammer(OOC:crying Hammer? What the?)

Jan 10 2005, 07:54 PM

IC: The Drones smiled. "At last!"

The first on nodded. "Ogel can finally kill him. And there's no Brickst-"
"Back off!" Kotua said.
"Hey, it's taximan!" Frozeen said. "And your here to make sure the leprichauns-"
"-Don't steal your gold," Kotua finished, then sighed. Maybe he should just leave the Drones
to deal with Frozeen...
"What are you going to do, 'taximan?'" the Drones taunted.
"Hey, I can call him taximan, not you!" Frozeen said.

Kotua in Space
Jan 10 2005, 08:07 PM

IC:"Oh yeah, what atre you going to do to us, make silly faces from the slyink-"Said the
drone, who was cut off by ten missiles hitting him(OOC:OUCH!).
"Well, well ,well. what do we have here?"said Dr.V who Landed his Blue Eagle, and was
accompanied by fourteen big robots.
"Oh No!"said the second drone, runing away.
"Get him!"shouted Dr.V at one of the Robots.
The robot opened its arms, and wings appeareed, it flew off, and chased after the drone.
"Ohh, BIG toys!"said Frozeen.
The tirteen(sp?)robots turned and aimed.
"Noo!"said kotua and standed in front of Frozeen.
"Don't fire!"said kotua looking scared. Frozeen annoyed him, but he was still a good person,
when sane of course.
"Fine, Two birds, one stone!"said Dr. V
"LIke the one behind you?"said Frozeen, in his most sane sentence yet.
"SHUT IT, YOU LUNATIC!"screamed Dr.V
CRASH! A rock slammed into Dr.V and the Robots, But two still were up.
They moved towards kotua, and took out bladed hands.
"Frozeen, You better be helpfull now!"said kotua.
"WOW, knifes, what are you cooking cousing?"asked Frozeen
"please be quiet Frozeen."said kotua.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 10 2005, 08:14 PM

When Databoard got to the cave. He saw Dr. Voltage shooting at the Agents with a
modified Blue Eagle. "I am so sick of you!" Databoard shouted. He fired lasers at
Dr. Voltage, but he flew up out of rang. Databoard pressed a button "Think your
the only one who can fly?" He shouted to him.


Databoard flew at Dr. Voltage in his helicopter, each of them firing at each other.
Suddenly Databoard's rotorblade was hit by a laser. He was spinning out of control
towards the ground. "I'm going down!" Databoard shouted into his comlink.


Jan 10 2005, 08:20 PM

IC: "No, really, what are you cooking?" asked Frozeen.

Kotua rolled his eyes. If only Wednesday, when Frozeen would be sane again, could come
Frozeen was trying to remember everyone he met. "Let's see... Mr. Nacho, that Car
Salesman, the Train Conducter, the Leprichauns, the Turkeys, the Party People, the Ice
Cream man, and of course the Taximan!"

OOC: Here's Frozeen's key:

Mr. Nacho = Diamond
Car Salesman = Dr. V.
Train Conducter = Kualus
Turkeys/Leprichauns = anyone he wished to be called one
Party People = Drones
Ice Cream Man = Subzero
Taximan = Kotua

Kotua in Space
Jan 10 2005, 08:27 PM

OOC: Yep, He hates kotua(for his technology smarts), and he hates Ogel...
IC:"You think yuor puny vehicles are enough to stop ME!"Said Dr.V turning to face Data.
"Robo Blade, Catch Data!"said kotua, and the Robo Eagle transformed inot the robot mode,
and catched the Ice Blade Data was in.
"Fools!"said Dr.V taking out the Speaker like thing.
"Meet MY new weapon, the Sonic Boom Blaster!"said Dr.V.
He turned around and fired upon Frozeen and kotua.
kotua fell down in pain, but Frozeen wasn't affected.
"Me gold!"said Frozeen.
"Until later, Losers!"said Dr.V as a smoke cloud appeared.
all of the people there(except Dr.V)fell sleepy.

Jan 10 2005, 08:32 PM

OOC: Frozeen didn't get affected by the Sonic Boom Blaster? Why?

IC: Frozeen was having dreams. VERY random dreams. Dreams about tacos and burritos
and the Train Conductor beating up the Car Salesman...
Frozeen woke up. "Hey, where's the Car Salesman?"

Kotua in Space
Jan 10 2005, 08:37 PM

OOC: He was insane, and didnt feel anything other than a slight push.
IC:kotua got up, and noticed his hand hurted. He looked at it, and noticed that a something
poked him, something about like a needle. He noticed so did everyoen else had also been
poked, and were bleeding a bit.
He thought. Either Ogel, or Dr.V took some blood from them, but why?
Suddenly a another squad of robots appeared, and these were armed with missiles
"Ohh, look taximan, Crayons!"said Frozeen, thinking the Missiles were crayons

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 10 2005, 08:42 PM

Databoard woke up. Dr Voltage was gone, along with the Drones. Frozeen was
running around, confused, asking about a Car Salesman. "Weirdo..." Muttered
Databoard. He got out of the Ice Blade and survayed the damage. One roterblade
had been torn off and lay on the ground. He could easily weld that back on.
Suddenly, A Blue Eagle landed in the Snow and Shadow got out. "Turkey after me
gold!" Frozeen said, jumping at Shadow. Shadow jumped out of the way, and
Frozeen landed in a snowbank. "I was testing out my new Blue Eagle. Whats with
him?" Shadow asked. Databoard explained what happened. "I see." Shadow said.

OOC: Databoards Ice Blade landed a short distance away from the cave, so he
doesn't know about those robots


Jan 10 2005, 08:44 PM

OOC: I have yet to think of more Insane-Frozeen language names for other characters in
this RPG.

IC: "Your insane!" Kotua said.

"No I'm not!" Frozeen said. He walked over to a rock. "Hey, did you call me insane? Oh,
yeah, sure! I know you did! Ah, Shut Up! You shut up!"
"Stop talking to the rock or you'll not get anymore tacos!" Kotua yelled.
Frozeen gasped and pretened to faint.

Kotua in Space
Jan 10 2005, 08:48 PM

IC: kotua knew Dr.V a lttle, an knew he wouldnt kill people, until they got "boring."
Of course, the missiles were considered by Dr.V as "Light damage".
Suddenly Frozeen, threw the wheelchair at the bots, yelling"For the Nachos!", and the
missiles destroyed the wheel chair. they continued advancing. kotua pressed a button, and
got the Robo Blade up. It threw itself to the Robot nearest to Shadow and Data. The enemy
robot, only two feeted, and with no hands, was semi-disabled. Robo Blade delivered puches
at it, crippling the missile racks.

Jan 10 2005, 08:53 PM

IC: Frozeen, obviously still insane 'till Wednesday, sat on the rock he was yelling at. He
yawned. "I guess this circus is boring... and they have no tacos... no nachos... Mr. Nacho
isn't performing..."

Kotua in Space
Jan 10 2005, 08:59 PM

OOC: CoKK, the Robo Blade went from your place, to somewhere more near me.
IC: kotua noticed the other robots getting nearer, and Frozeen.
He pressed a button, and The Robo Blade came nearer to kotua, and jumped on a Robot
that was ready to fire its lazers. kotua set the Robo Blade on aouto pilot, and the
"robot"brain of the Robo Blade activated, continuing fighting the robot.
he runed towards Frozeen's position

Jan 11 2005, 07:46 AM


Frozeen woke up just in time to see Kotua running toward him. "Hey, Taximan!" called
Frozeen. "Can you give me a Taxi?"
Kotua just sighed. Tomorrow, Frozeen will be out of his shock, and he could finally be sane
again. But he was wondering if he could actually make it to tomorrow.

OOC: Just a quick reminder (you probably didn't need one), tomorrow Frozeen will be sane
again, so he won't be saying crazy things anymore.
ALL THE AGENTS THAT WERE ANNOYED: "Yeah!" "Finally!" "Tomorrow!" "Yes!"
Ahem... So should you post before I do on Wed, be sure to remember that.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 11 2005, 10:54 AM

Databoard screeched to a halt. Those robots were a small match for Kotua's Robo
Blade. Those robots were being being shashed to bits Databoard drove back to
where he crash-landed. Frozeen was chasing Shadow around, waving an icicle
around and shouting: "Turky won't get me gold!" Shadow shouted: "Will someone
help me!" Databoard tossed a rock in Frozeen's general direction. "Slinky!"
Frozeen shouted, and ran towards the rock. Shadow walked up to Databoard,
panting and out of breath. "You think thats annoyoing." Said Databoard. "Try
listening to that for three days."


Jan 11 2005, 03:37 PM

Databoard took out a welding iron and mask, and proceded to weld the rotor back
on. Frozeen looked at the sparks flying and shouted: "Fig Newton! Me Eat!"
Databoard turned of the welding tool. "Frozeen, stop!" Databoard shouted.
"What's the matter, iron giant?" Said Frozeen. "WILL YOU JUST BE QUIET!"
Databoard yelled, very angry. Frozeen ran away. "I'm not sure I can take one
more day of him." Databoard muttered, and returned to welding.


Jan 12 2005, 07:46 AM

IC: Frozeen looked around. He could now think straight. Dr. V. wasn't a car salesman.
"Taximan" was really Kotua. His three days of insanity were over.

And he could remember just what made him faint - the fact he discovered who his long-lost
brother was. But Frozeen didn't care about that right now. Right now he needed to help

Jan 12 2005, 08:09 AM

OOC: Well, I couldn't get the idea of having a serious character like Frozeen go insane for 3
days out of my head...
IC: Frozeen pushed a button on his belt. His TT came racing toward him. He hopped inside.
"Let's show these robots just how powerful a Magma Drill can be..." mumbled Frozeen.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 12 2005, 11:43 AM

A robot was charging at Databoard's Ice Blade. Suddenly, a drill drove through it,
folowed by the rest of a Magma Drill. It was clear Frozeen was sane again. "It's
about time." Muttered Databoard. They turn and drove at the robots.


Kotua in Space
Jan 12 2005, 06:28 PM

IC: kotua runed, but the robots catched up, luckily Data, and Frozeen had helped take down
One of the robots aimed a Sonic Boom Blaster at kotua, and fired.
kotua dodged the full effect, but as it was a few inches away, kotua flew to thew side,
slamming into a wall.
"Retreat."said one of the robots
"Affirmative."said another robot.
But the Robo Blade had appeared behind them, followed by Data, and Frozeen, who had lost
his crazyness.
"Uh-Oh!"said one of the robots.
Data, Frozeen, and the Robo Blade charged at the Robots.

Jan 12 2005, 08:51 PM

IC: The robots were defeated. And Frozeen had recovered from the "Shock of Madness."
"Great job," he said to Data. "I'm just going for a walk." Frozeen walked off. Him and the
Brickster, Brothers? He still couldn't believe it. He thought of fainting again, but then
reminded himself at how the other Agents would react. Quit Alpha Team? No, that would
just be betraying the world.
Well, he thought, if I'm brothers with the Brickster, maybe that means I have a few
powers... Frozeen tried to think of what powers the Brickster had that he might have.
Breathing fire? No, that's the effects of super-hot pizza. Flying? No, the Brickster has jet
packs. Summoning servents? That must be it! thought Frozeen. He raised his arms and
said, "I now summon the Brickster Bots," and waited. A vortex above him opened. Flying
out of it were Brickster Bots. "AHH!!!" Frozeen screamed. Then he got an idea. "Go away."
And that's what the bots did. Frozeen wondered if he could control where the bots landed.
He tried to make a few land a mile away. To his surprise, that worked! Frozeen smiled
Ogel was watching ladies do the Can-Can on TV. Suddenly, a vortex opened, and Brickster
Bots came out. They ran around, messing up his "neat" room. "Curse you Brickster!" yelled

Jan 12 2005, 09:07 PM

IC: "That's pretty cool!" Frozeen said. Then he wondered something: Should he tell the
other agents? No, they probably think he was a villain in secret all along. Okay, I can keep
it a secret. Just tell them when the time is right, Frozeen thought. Then he ran over to the
cave to join the other agents. But first, he pulled another Brickster Bot prank...

The Brickster wasn't very comfortable in jail. Then a vortex opened. "His" minions came out.
"Hey, guys!" said the Brickster. "I don't know how you got here, since only my relations can
call upon you... Maybe Mom sent for you to free me!" But to the Brickster's surprise, the
Brickster Bots picked up sticks. Anyone walking by the jail that day would've seen the
Brickster getting beaten up...

Jan 13 2005, 07:57 AM

IC: Everyone in Lego Island were still asleep. Everyone but the Brickster. He got beaten up
by Brickster Bots. One thing was sure: They were not sent to free him. Suddenly, a small
Snow Spider landed next to the jail. Ogel was riding. "Ogel!" Brickster cried. "Where've ya
Ogel looked at him angrily. "I thought you said that you would never harm me."
"And I did! Why?"
"Why then were Brickster Bots running around my room, smashing everything?!?" Ogel
The Brickster was surprised. "I didn't summon them! I was beaten up by them, though."
"But nobody but anyone related to you can summon them!" Ogel and the Brickster looked
at each other. "Unless..."
"No," the Brickster said. "He still doesn't know."

Frozeen drove back to the cave. "Chompy?" he called. Sure enough, Chompy was sitting
behind a rock. "There you are!"

Kotua in Space
Jan 13 2005, 06:16 PM

IC: kotua flew to the cave, and found Frozeen and Chompy, apparently reuniting.
"Frozeen, you won't beleive it, but, Dr.Voltage is making robotic clones of us."said kotua
"What? Why robots?"said Frozeen, confused.
"Its always the way Dr.V has been, he likes robots, not organic stuff..."explained kotua.
"Did you tell the others?"asked Frozeen.
"I thought nearly everybody was here."said kotua.
Jan 13 2005, 07:44 PM

IC: A sudden blast shook the cave, and rocks fell in, trapping the Agents.
A voice from the outside could be heard.
"Mwuahahaha! You know to much kotua, so for your good, I'll leave you trapped there
forever. Mwuahahaha!"said the voice.
kotua took out a small flashlight and turned it on.
kotua looked around the cave, and took out his PDA.


The PDA Runed out of power, and the flashlight's light faded.
"What the?! I just re-charged my PDA before taking off and have not used it!"said kotua.
"Maybe you didnt re-charge it."said Frozeen.
"I do remember re-charging it. something must be stealing the energy. Probably Dr.V left
one to make sure we didnt try to get help. Unfortuantely, our vehicles also use energy so
we are trapped."said kotua

Jan 13 2005, 07:55 PM

IC: "Drat!" Frozeen said. "My mini-drills also run on power!"

Dr. V. was sure that he had won. Suddenly, a vortex opened. A giant T-Rex came out.
Another opened. This time a gigantic robot came out. Another vortex opened after vortex
after vortex. Out came vikings who were looking for the water, a wizard by the name Harry
Potter, a purple knight named Danju, Pirates, Cowboys, strange pod-like creatures called X-
Pods, and a whole lot of other stuff. Ogel's time portals were opening.
The pirates were carrying a cannon. A few seconds ago, they were about to shoot their
enemy. Now, they were shooting at a cave-in cave. The pirates were confused.

The cannonball hit the cave. The cave came down, but the agents managed to dodge the
falling rocks. They saw the strange sight of past and future things all in the present.

OOC: Since I'm still a fan of KK, Danju's going to play a role in this RPG.

Kotua in Space
Jan 13 2005, 08:08 PM

IC: kotua couldnt believe it, future and past, in the present!
"Interesting, This natural occurrance is rare."said kotua, looking in wonder at the robots.
Of course, they still had to find the Energy-stealing device, and Dr.Voltage wasn't about to
give in. using His SBB, he pushed the Robots on top of the pirates. Pressing another button,
a lazer shot at the cowboys.
"Mwuahahaha! More targets!"said Dr.Voltage.
"Uh-Oh! Dr.Voltage will kill all of them if we don't do anything to make him retreat!"said
"Don't worry kotua"said Frozeen, seeing as Harry Potter sent Dr.V back with a blast from his
wand, The robots moved towards Dr.V too.
"I'll get you soon!"Said Dr.V.
He then retreated.
kotua looked at his PDA, and saw energy return to it, so it was obvious that DR.V's machine
had stealed energy.

Jan 13 2005, 08:19 PM

OOC: The robots, in case if you didn't know, were the Titan XP.

IC: Chompy got excited at the sight of the Dinosaurs. He leapt out of Frozeen's arms.
"Chompy!" Frozeen called. "Come back!"
Danju reached the baby T first. "What are you?" he asked.
Frozeen walked over. He pointed toward the Dinosaurs. "He's a small baby of... Him..."
Danju walked over to Harry Potter. "And what is your name, brave knight that can blast
energy through sticks?" Harry was confused.
Two strange, bug-like X-Pods hovered over to the Agents. They were Wild and Arachno.
Obviously from the future.
The Titan XP looked around. "I don't know where I am."
Another portal opened. Out came a creature similar to Kualus. Only he was green. Iruini.

Kotua in Space
Jan 13 2005, 08:27 PM

IC: kotua finished typing his message, but for some reason, there was too much
interferance in the air to send the message.
kotua watched the PDA.
"Hopefully there can be another way to get the message to the other agents."said kotua to
himself. kotua walked to his Robo Blade, and turned on the Robot mode.
Hopefully Dr.Voltage woulnd't be back soon. kotua knew Dr.Voltage was attracted to places
with alot of people. kotua walked to Frozeen. Apparently a strange creature called Iruini had

Jan 13 2005, 08:30 PM

IC: "Okay," Iruini said, "After Kualus's strange disapearance, I would never have guessed
that I would end up in an icy wasteland!"
Frozeen looked at Kotua. "We're going to have to help everyone somehow get back home."

Kotua in Space
Jan 13 2005, 08:40 PM
IC: "It's impossible Frozeen! I am sorry, But there is no legal technology to do that...and
Illegaly could harm them."said kotua.
"There has to be a way to do that!"said Frozeen.
Suddenly Light flashed from behind the agents. Both of them turned around to see what it
was. A blue craft with a astronaut sitting in it. he came out and runed towards the agents.
"Hello there, I'm a star ranger, and I am looking for this guy."said the astronaut showing a
picture of...Dr.Voltage.
kotua looked at the machine.
"How a bout a deal"said kotua.
"What?"said the star ranger.
"We help you, you help us."said Frozeen catching up with kotua's plan.
"As long as its not Illegal"said the Star Ranger.

OOC: The Star ranger thing is from .Space...I like space...but Were not going to space yet...

Jan 13 2005, 08:52 PM

IC: The Star ranger looked at both agents.

"I can't do it, this technology is barely new, Only small things could pass through."he said.
But both agents werent convinced.
"I hope your not lying"said Frozeen.
"I'm not!"replied the Star Ranger.
kotua was getting suspicious, because the Star Ranger wouldn't lift his space visor.
"Okay i'll try, just tell me where he is!"The star ranger said.
"He's somewhere in this region. He attacked us before you got here."replied kotua.
"Very well, don't interfere with my mission"said the Star Ranger said getting up.
"You will help us right?"asked Frozeen.
"Sorry, but the Star Rangers don't make deals with strangers"said the Star Ranger moving
towards his craft.

Victor Draven
Jan 13 2005, 08:55 PM

IC: Sub snuck up behind the ranger and threw him on the ground.
"You do now."
"How did you-"
"Parabolic device."

OOC: On the AT website, in crafts, you can make a Parabolic Device.

Jan 13 2005, 08:56 PM
IC: The Past/Future things were starting to get into conflict. Titan XP VS Dinosaurs, Pirates
VS Cowboys, Dragons VS X-Pods, and a whole lot more.
"This is getting out of hand!" Frozeen said.

Kotua in Space
Jan 13 2005, 09:01 PM

IC: The Ranger looked at Sub. or rather it seemed like it.

"I'll get in trouble if i do! Besides, The admirals arent happy at me, since I accidentaly shot
down a Star ranger undercover craft."said the Star Ranger.
"I...Don'!"said Sub.
"Fine!"said the star ranger, getting up.
But he took out a strange device, and his craft got up, rammed Sub, and returned to where
the Star Ranger jumped in.
"Sorry, But I need my mission to be succesful."said the Ranger taking off.
"Sub!"said kotua, he then explained Dr.V's plot to make robotic clones of the AT agents.

Victor Draven
Jan 14 2005, 05:54 AM

IC: "Well this isn't over."

He ran and jumped into an X-Wing Fighter that had appeared from a portal, throwing the
pilot out. He chased after the the Star Ranger, shooting Proton Torpedoes at him.
One of the ship' wings blew off, and the Star Ranger screamed as his ship hit a snow bank.
Sub landed and got out, and threw the Star Ranger on the ground. Then put a mine on the
Star Ranger's ship, and pressed a button. It exploded.
"What now, punk."

Jan 14 2005, 07:51 AM

IC: Meanwhile, down below, 30 Drones were attacking. Frozeen and Kotua could do nothing,
since their hands were chained. But Harry, Danju, and the Dragons were fending off the
Drones. Danju, not as fast as Jayko or as strong as Santis, was able to defeat several at a
time. Harry was using magic, and the dragons used, well, fire. The whole army was
eliminated. Danju freed Frozeen and Kotua.
"Thanks!" Frozeen said. He ran off. He had a plan. He would summon Brickster Bots and use
their pieces to build a devise capable of sending everyone back. That's what he did, but
first, he wanted to test it. Frozeen used the remote to send back a baby Stegasaurus.
The dinosaur dissapeared. A number flashed on the remote. 112,000,000 YEARS AGO. It
worked! Frozeen showed the machine to Kotua.

OOC: This devise WILL send everyone back, it works!

Kotua in Space
Jan 14 2005, 06:36 PM
OOC: wings? the craft is the PCS S.L.A.M. it has no wings....
IC: The star ranger looked at Sub.
"Why can't you understand! I can't make deals."said the Star Ranger.
"Well...too bad"said Sub
"Look out!"said the Star Ranger immediately jumping away.
Sub turned around and saw Dr.Voltage.
"Mwuahahahaha!"said Dr.Voltage.
A SBB appeared and aimed at Sub.
"Hey! you are under arrest!"said the Star ranger, pointing his lazer gun at Dr.Voltage.
"Ha! your strange costume doesn't scare me!"said Dr.V firing the SBB.
kotua was amazed, that Frozeen had created a machine that worked!
"Okay lets send them back, before they cause any more trouble."said kotua.
"Yep we should"said Frozeen.

Victor Draven
Jan 14 2005, 07:11 PM

IC: Sub was so sick and tired of this.

Inside his body, there were only two Ice Spider Venom packs left. Sub, using icy instinct,
used those two, and triggered them both.
Sub screamed as he fused anger and ice, making a huge ice flow from his body.
Everything around him froze.

Kotua and Frozeen looked to see ice energy flying towards them. They ran, and right before
it hit them, the flow ran out of power. They caught their breath, looking at the ice wall
around a radius.

Sub panted, and looked around. Dr. Voltage was frozen solid.
No coming back now.
Sub climbed his way out of the ice wall, looking at the Star Ranger.
"He was an annoying little creep anyways."

Kotua in Space
Jan 14 2005, 08:12 PM

OOC: You know trhat Dr.V will eventually come back?

IC: Frozeen and kotua were shocked.
"Uh..Sir, how am I going to take Dr.Voltage to jail, if He's FROZEN!"screamed the Star
"He is NOT going with you"replied Sub.
"When I return, I hope you realize that you'll be charged with obstructing with the law."said
the Star Ranger.
both Frozeen and kotua looked at both of them.
Victor Draven
Jan 14 2005, 09:13 PM

OOC: Dr. Voltage is annoying. He does nothing but brag and get defeated. I cannot stand
him. If he comes back, I will rip my hair out. Ogel is the main villain, but you can make up
mini villains, just if they have more screen time than Ogel, I will find a way to stop them.

IC: "Not if you don't make the trip home." Sub punched him in the face, knocking him out.
The Star Ranger fell down. Sub dragged him back to base. He stuck him in a status jail, and
locked it.

Jan 14 2005, 09:26 PM

OOC: Frozeen didn't make those portals, those were Ogel's Time Portals. Frozeen can just
summon Brickster Bots.

IC:"Thank goodness I sent everyone back before that big freeze," Frozeen said. Chompy
was safe in his arms.
"What do you think caused that?" asked Kotua.
"Either a huge Ice Orb attack or Sub's gone crazy."

Jan 14 2005, 09:35 PM

IC: Frozeen was ready for a mission. But first, he needed some Hot Chocolate. He walked to
the cafeteria, but found a chef and Sub trying to put out a fire.

Victor Draven
Jan 14 2005, 09:38 PM

IC: Sub stomped out the flames, and looked at Frozeen.

"Need anything?" asked Sub.

Jan 14 2005, 09:42 PM

IC: "Oh, no," Frozeen assured. "Just some Hot Chocolate before I continue my mission."
Sub nodded, then resumed what he was doing. Frozeen grabbed some Hot Chocolate.

Victor Draven
Jan 14 2005, 09:45 PM

IC: Sub drank his Hot Cocoa, and decided to go for a walk in the snow. So he did.
Little did he know that by the end of the day, Frozeen wouldn't be the only pet owner.
Jan 14 2005, 09:58 PM

OOC: So Frozeen isn't the only Agent with a pet! Wonder how Chompy will react...

IC: Frozeen hopped into his TT. He sped off to OMF. He had a plan in mind: To find out just
what Ogel was planning. Lately, most attacks were from Dr. V., not Ogel. A few weeks ago,
Frozeen wouldn't have wanted to do such a job, but now he knew he had the Brickster Bots'
He reached there. Frozeen drilled his way into a small section of the base. A bunch of
Drones were running away from the sudden ambush. Frozeen ran into Ogel's room.
Thankfully, Ogel wasn't there. Frozeen grabbed a piece of paper. He gasped when he read
it, then stuffed it in his pocket. He ran toward the TT, but got captured. Drones brought him
to the dungeons. They chained him up. Ogel walked over to Frozeen.
"What do I have here... Again?" Ogel said. "You won't escape! No agents are coming in this
direction, according to my scanners!"
"No agents," Frozeen answered. "But friends."
Ogel laughed. "What friends?"
"These friends!" Frozeen said. He raised his chained arms as high as he could, then loudly
spoke, "I now summon the Brickster Bots!"
Ogel stopped laughing as a vortex appeared. Bickster Bots (BB) came running out. They
smashed into Ogel with such a force that he was knocked over. BB destroyed the chains
with incredible power. Frozeen ran out of the dungeons. He hopped into the TT, letting the
BB outside deal with the Drones. He sped away, back to Alpha Team HQ.

OOC: Nobody include Frozeen in their next post.

Jan 14 2005, 10:31 PM

OOC: Great, the one chance in a million years to become an elite member, and I don't even
know the answer to the question!

IC: Diamond was walking around. He was Dino-Sitting Chompy again. Suddenly, a knock
was heard outside of the HQ. Diamond looked outside. A cloaked and hooded figure was
waiting. Just in case, Diamond packed a laser. He stepped outside. "Who are you?"
The hooded figure was Frozeen, of course. But he didn't want to reveal that yet. "I've come
to bring news on what Ogel was planning." He pulled out the paper from Ogel's room and
handed it to Diamond. Ogel's plan. He was going to send an army of 10,000 Drones and
1,000 Meda-Drones to attack Alpha Team HQ.
Diamond was horrified. "11,000 Drones in all? Even with all our weapons, we couldn't defeat
such an army! There's no hope!"
Frozeen looked down. He told himself to tell the other Agents "when the time was right."
And right now seemed right. "There... is a way."
"How?" asked Diamond.
Frozeen raised his arms. "I now summon the BB!" Diamond backed away as a vortex
opened and BB came out. At least 400 BB.
"Only relations of the Brickster can do that! Stranger, why do you terrorize us?" he asked.
"I never knew, until a week ago or so. It depends on the summoner on if the BB is good or
"Who are you?" Diamond said. Frozeen took off his hood. "Frozeen? You're related to..."
"Yes," Frozeen said. "As I said, I never knew until a week ago. But I'm good, not evil,

Jan 14 2005, 10:47 PM

IC: Frozeen tried to tell everyone about Ogel's plan and his Brickster past as possible. Of
course, they were shocked with the "Brickster thing." But they still trusted him. Frozeen
looked outside at the 400 BB. He tried to summon more, but no response came. 400? That's
all? Well, that will help us out and it's better than nothing, Frozeen thought.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 14 2005, 10:57 PM

OOC: So close! (Literaly. I posted the guy who came up with the Kelvin Scale)
Databoard looked out his window at the Brickster Bots. He didn't like the idea of
those things helping Alpha Team. He was also a little insecure about Frozeen's
powers. But he knew Frozeen was on the good guys side. Databoard went back to
asembling Laser Bombs. He knew he was gonna need them.


Victor Draven
Jan 15 2005, 10:13 AM

IC: The Drones were coming.

Sub aimed a Bazooka and shot the missile straight at the crowd. About thirty drones went
flying into the air. Sub ran to a different location and shot another bazooka charge. Then he
ran over a bridge and used the detonation chain gun. Fifty drones exploded as they were
Soon all the Drones were shooting everywhere, confused. Sub used the EVP Blaster, and
shot a plasma wall at them, and many were run down.
Sub shot more that tried to escape.
Soon half had gotten by, half were still trying.
Suddenly a missile hit overhead, and Sub was injured. More and more were slipping by. He
shot a bazooka charge, and became unconsious.

Kotua in Space
Jan 15 2005, 02:10 PM

OOC: oh okay.
IC: kotua got into his Robo Blade, and headed outside, where he saw lots of drones.
"Initiate Alpha Mode!"said kotua.
The Robo Blade turned into the Robo Eagle, and took out the SBB.
Immediately lazers from dornes began to hit the Robo Eagle's energy shield, but kotua sent
them flying with a sonic boom. He noticed that there were brickster bots.
"Hmm, the Brickster must be nearby."said kotua pressing a button on the computer. The
computer started searching for the Brickster via Infrared scan.
It found a similiar target, and without thinking, he fired a missile. Little did kotua realize,
That the target was Frozeen...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 15 2005, 02:26 PM

Databoard saw a missile flying at Frozeen. Databoard fired lasers and blew up the
warhead. He saw Kotua's Robo Eagle closing in on Frozeen. He took out a comlink
and yelled to Kotua. "Don't shoot! That's Frozeen!"


Jan 15 2005, 04:05 PM

OOC: Well, Forzeen sent all those guys from the other themes back, and know
Alpha Team HQ is under attack by a lot of Drones.

Databaoard hung up his comlink and returned to the battle. Wreakage was
everywere, Drones were either firing at us or trying to avoid being hit by lasers.
Suddenly, A large exposion blasted apart a nearby cliff, burying many Drones in
rubble. Hundred more Meda-Drones poured from the gaping hole the expolsion
created. But that was the good news. At least 700 SOLs and 200 Snow Crawlers
followed the Meda-Drones out of the rubble. "Well, things can't get much worse."
Databoard muttered.


Jan 15 2005, 04:51 PM

OOC: Well, my Brickmaster Rahaga just came, so I'm very happy...

IC: Frozeen looked at eight BB hiding in a corner. "Come, you cowards!" he yelled. Data
noticed something funny about them. Two were green, two were red, two were yellow, and
two were blue.
"What's up with them?" asked Data.
"Those are the ESPECIALLY strong BB," answered Frozeen. "And they might really help us
out...." One of the yellow BB ran toward a SOL. With almost impossible strength, he tore off
the claws. Then the stinger. Then the legs. Then the BB attacked the riding Meda-Drone.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 15 2005, 05:23 PM

Databoard watched as the BB ripped SOLs to peices. "Okay, that helps, but are you
sure Eight BB can withstand Ogel's forces?" Databoard said. "You are aware the
odds are horibly against them, despite how strong they are."


Jan 15 2005, 05:29 PM

IC: Frozeen smiled. "Only eight?" he said. A bunch more of the Colored BB came, at least
32. "How about 40?" They attacked the army of Snow Crawlers and SOLs.

OOC: (8x4) + 8 = 40. That extra 8 was the first 8.

Jan 15 2005, 06:03 PM

IC: BB noticed that Kotua was in trouble. They smashed at the ice, freeing Kotua. Frozeen
transformed his TT into the Magma Drill and began to attack the SOLs.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 15 2005, 06:18 PM

"Frozeen, you never cease to amaze me." Databoard said. He blasted SOLs and
Snow Crawlers to peices. Rubble flew everywere. Databoard blasted most of the
SOLs to peices, but then he looked at the cliff, and what he saw was not helpful. At
least 500 more SOLs were coming out of the rubble, along with 150 Snow
Crawlers. Behind them were 600 Meda Drones and too many Drones to count.
Databoard groaned. "This just keeps getting better and better." He muttered.


Jan 15 2005, 06:28 PM

IC: "You know how you said, 'Frozeen, you never cease to amaze me?'" Frozeen asked.
"Yes," Data answered. "Why?"
"How about when I went insane?" Data frowned. Frozeen was right. He temporarily ceased
to amaze Data when he went insane. "Ahead, BB!" called Frozeen. The army of BB ran
toward Ogel's army.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 15 2005, 08:21 PM

Databoard fired at the oncoming forces of Ogel. They were being blasted, but more
kept coming from the hole they blasted. Databoard fired at the hole ceiling, which
caused it to colapse, keeping Ogel from sending in any more forces. Now they just
had to fight the rest.


Jan 15 2005, 08:30 PM

IC: Just as the Ogel Army was one quarter down, the cave-in hole exploded. More Drones
came running out. Frozeen was now handing weapons to the BB. SOLs were rampaging the
land. Frozeen had no choice but to throw bombs. Just as things couldn't get any worse, Ice
Spiders were crawling everywhere, freezing the BB that weren't killing the spider or weren't
riding AT vehicles. Frozeen frowned. As if Drones, Meda-Drones, SOLs, Snow Crawlers, and
Ice Spiders weren't a big enough army, Ogel's copies of AT vehicles were also attacking.

OOC: Okay, just now, this "war" is too LOTRy. Battle of Helms Deep. Battle at Minas Tirith.
This "war" seems to be a reflection of those LOTR wars.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 15 2005, 09:34 PM

"Great, just great." Databoard Muttered. He fired Lasers in every Direction,
blasting Drones, Meda-Drones, SOLs, Snow Crawlers, and Ice Spiders, and those
few fake Alpha Team vehicles that survived the exposion. Databoard blasted
anything that came close to him, reducing it to shreds. He chucked Laser Bombs at
the more armored vehicles, blasting them to bits. He didn't know how much of
Ogels forces he had destroyed, he just kept shooting. Wreakage was all around


Victor Draven
Jan 16 2005, 08:39 AM

IC: Sub woke up behind a rock. Val was shooting Drones.

Sub pulled the pins on all his grenades and dropped them all into different places. Hundreds
of Drones blew into the air.

A group of Agents were using sniper rifles on a cliff ledge. They were led by Agent Kruze.
One of the Agents went away to go to the bathroom. Just as he was facing the wall, about
to go, he notice a skittering sound. He looked around.
Suddenly a Suukorak grabbed him in his pincers and ripped him to shreds.
The Suukorak were here.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 16 2005, 09:45 AM

Databoard looked and saw the Suukorak. "Great, not again." He muttered.
Blasting a trail through the battle, he made his way to the Suukorak. One of them
jumped at his Ice Blade. It was blown to peices. The others began to close in
around Databoard. "Time for a little bug bomb." Databoard said, tossing a Laser
Bomb at them. He turned the Ice Blade into a Stealth Helicopter and flew away.
The Suukorak fled from the Laser Bomb, but at least one didn't make it. "Hasta la
vista, Spidys!" Databoard shouted as he flew off.


Jan 16 2005, 02:15 PM

IC: A huge army of BB came to attack the Suukorak, but were just shoved aside. The 150
colored BB were taking two down. Kotua fired missles. Data kept on shooting. Frozeen was
drilling into the Suukorak. His flaming drill gave the Suukorak an easy defeat, but Drones
were trying to get to him. A few BB tried to fend them off. One BB ran into the HQ. Frozeen
thought he was running away, but he came out with lots of bombs and lasers and other
weapons. But that wasn't all. The BB was carrying something. Something huge. Something
dangerous. "NO!" yelled Frozeen but it was too late. The BB threw the most dangerous
bomb any Alpha Team Agent has ever known. A huge explosion occured. Alpha Team
Agents, Meda-Drones, Drones, BB, Ice Spiders, Suurkorak, and vehicles were flying in the
air. Ogel's army was made smaller, but so was Alpha Team's. "Why did you do that?" yelled

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 16 2005, 04:44 PM

Databoard yelled to Frozeen: "Are you sure your in control of these guys?"
Frozeen was confused. "I-I-I'm not sure." He said. "Next time you summon a an
army to combat Ogel's army, make sure you know what your doing!" Databoard
yelled. He returned to blasting enemies. The BB that threw that exposive was
firing weapons at Ogel and Agents alike. He turned to that BB and began firing.

Jan 16 2005, 05:01 PM

IC: "Well, that one made a mistake in protecting!" answered Frozeen. "I mean, I have
control over the others." The BB were attacking the BB that threw the explosive. When the
BB was eliminated, they resumed into combating Ogel. "Well that BB got what he
deserved!" Frozeen looked closer. He realized that the BB had been tampered with by the
Drones. "So that's why he was acting strange..."

Victor Draven
Jan 16 2005, 05:08 PM

IC: Sub looked around, listening to a sound. Something was coming. Suddenly all of the
Drones, Suukorak, and Vehicles left the area. The Agents were all alone.
There was a rumbling. Sub looked around, and suddenly he felt cold. He looked back to see
a wave of cold flying towards the base.
Sub grabbed Val, and they ran. Frozeen, Data, and all the other Agents started running.
OOC: Only Agents playing in this RPG make it.
IC: Fro, Data, Sub, Val, and the others ran through the base to the cafeteria. They got in
with a few newbie agents, and closed and locked the door. Dash was there, as well as the
rest of the original team.
Frost appeared on the door. Then on the walls.
They turned on the furnaces, and stayed close to the heat. They were cold.
After an hour or so, the Agents opened the door to see the horror. Agents frozen in place,
Ogel's cold waves had never killed anyone.
Only temporarily frozen them.

Back at Ogel's Mountain Fortress, Ogel smiled as Doc Ock came in.
"Did it work?" asked Ogel.
"Yes, there were only a few survivors."
Doc Ock had created a Fusion Machine that, instead of intense heat, let out intense cold.
Negative 100 degrees.
"Good. Send the Drones and Suukorak out." said Ogel. "Kill the survivors."

Back at HQ, the doors flew open, and Kualus walked in.
"How did you-" asked Sub.
"I'm used to it."

Jan 16 2005, 05:22 PM
IC: Frozeen looked around frantically. Chompy was in Diamond's arms. Chompy was safe.
Frozeen knew that the BB couldn't be killed, so once they warmed up, they would be okay
as well.
Just then, Chompy got fiesty. "What the?" asked Diamond in surpirse. Chompy hopped out
of Diamond's arms.
"Come back!" called Frozeen. Then he saw what made Chompy fiesty: a baby polar bear.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 16 2005, 05:37 PM

Suddenly, an explosion blasted through the wall next to the Agents, And Drones
and Suukorak came out. The Drones pointed Lasers at the Agents. Just as on of
them was about to shoot Databoard, someone kicked him across the room into
two other Drones. Shadow stepped into the room. "Shadow!" Databoard shouted.
"How did you surivive the cold?" Shadow smilied. "I was one an mission, so I
didn't have to deal with the cold." The Drones got up and took out their lasers.
"Enough of this! You shall die!" The lead Drone shouted. Frozeen shot him with a
laser, and the Agents (And their few pets) ran. Databoard slamed a door shut
behind them and welded the door shut with his laser. As the Drones tried to blast
down the door, the Agents made a break for it.


Jan 16 2005, 05:49 PM

IC: Frozeen was running. He was also carrying Chompy. Suddenly, he tripped. "Frozeen!"
cried Data. Frozeen got up. Chompy was thrown 3 yards when he tripped.
A Drone reached the T-Rex first. "Ha-ha!" he mocked. "I can catch dinos faster than you!
Ha-ha-OW!!!!!" He suddenly dropped Chompy. Frozeen smiled. Chompy had bitten the
"Good job, Chompy!" he cried. Chompy circled the Drone, anger seen in his eyes. Then he
lept onto the Drone like he had seen his mother do when Drones evaded Adventure Island.
He clawed, scratched, and bit at the struggling Drone. But the Drone outsmarted the dino.
Chompy got captured. Frozeen pulled out a laser, then shot the Drone. Chompy got freed.
"At least you're growing up and knowing what to do with bullies..." Frozeen said.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 16 2005, 05:58 PM

"We have to get out of here!" Sub shouted. "To the Hanger!" Sub, Data, Fro,
Shadow and the others ran for their lives, fighting their way to the Hanger. When
they got there, they had an unplesent surprise: A squad of Drones and Suukorak.
"Catch this!" Databoard shouted, tossing a Laser Bomb at them. They dove for
cover, being shot down as the Agents ran for their vehicles and drove off.


Jan 16 2005, 06:01 PM

IC: A SOL was running after them. "AHH!!!!" the Agents cried. Data was appairently out of
Laser Bombs at the moment. Suddenly, a avalanche swallowed up the SOL. "I hope the
Drone's car insurince is payed up!" Frozeen joked.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 16 2005, 06:10 PM

Meanwhile, at OMF a Drone walked to Ogel. "Sir, We sent Drones to stop the
Agents, but they... failed." "WHAT" Ogel yelled. He snapped his fingers, and two
Meda Drones Picked up the Drone and threw him from a window. Ogel yelled to

The Agents were driving down the frozen roads. They hadn't encounter and
danger since that SOL. Databoard knew this was odd, because Ogel isn't one to
give up. They rounded a corner andd stopped short. "Oh no." Databoard said.
Ahead of them were about 200 Meda-Drones.


Jan 16 2005, 06:14 PM

OOC: LOL, throw the Drone out the window...

IC: All of a sudden, something random happened. The BB, who got freed, picked up
watermelons and threw them at the Meda-Drones. The blow knocked off a few heads. Then
the BB ran toward the Meda-Drones. In the lead were the 150 Colored BB. "Now's our
chance!" Sub yelled. "Run!"
As they ran, Frozeen muttered, "I never knew that BB would throw watermelons..."

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 16 2005, 06:20 PM

OOC: Um, Watermelons?

Databoard was pushing the limits of his Ice Blade, trying to get away from the
Meda-Drones. The BB were taking care of most of the Meda-Drones, but there
were at least 50 that got away, chasing the Agents. Smoke was coming out off his
engine, and he was slowly lagging behind. "Data!" Shadow shouted.


Jan 16 2005, 06:24 PM

IC: At full speed, Frozeen turned the TT around. He initiated Alpha Mode. "Having a happy
new year, huh?" he asked. Frozeen drilled into 49 of the Meda-Drones. But one escaped and
tried to break the Magma Drill. Frozeen transmitted a message.



OOC: You CAN save Frozeen if you WANT to.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 16 2005, 06:29 PM

Databoard Blasted the Drone of Frozeen's Magma Drill. It fell to the ground,
destroyed. He sent Frozeen a message:



Jan 16 2005, 06:35



Data transmitted back.




Data lept out of the Ice Blade. He quickly fixed the broken TT.
"You should've done that to your Ice Blade when I told you to save yourself!" Frozeen said.
Data just sighed.

Victor Draven
Jan 16 2005, 07:38 PM






Sub sped off on his bike, holding a shivering Kelvin.

He found Fro and Data. He told them to head to the tunnels.
They hadn't seen Val.
Then he remembered. Val had run to Bee's room.
And everyone had left him.
Sub sped off.
Suddenly Kelvin ducked into his AT Pet Uniform. Sub looked up to see an Ogel Airship with a
huge drill.
He suddenly had a vision of a crack going under the base, making it plummet into a chasm.
He sped off to HQ.

Doc Ock was the commander of the vessel. He gave the order to drop the drill, and crawled
off, using his mechanical arms.

The drill plummeted to the ground, going through the ground, drilling through. It was
making a huge crack.
Sub looked as a huge crack flew by his bike.
Sub went even faster, pushing his bike faster than ever.

Jan 16 2005, 07:55 PM

IC: Sub rode hard and fast, right into the base. His bike slid on a sheet of ice, and he
jumped off, running inside. He killed a couple drones, and ran to Val and Becky. "Let's go."

Val and Becky got in Val's Ice Blade. Val initiated Alpha Mode, waiting for Sub. Sub was
fixing the damage on his bike.
Suddenly there was a sick lurch as the part of the continent cracked apart. The two halves
started separating.
"Go!" cried Sub. Val took off. Sub hopped onto his bike. He pressed a few buttons, and
rode. The Base began sliding backwards, making an upward incline.
Sub flew out of the base, landing on the half of the ice he didn't want. The tunnel was on
the other side.
The base plummeted into the darkness, and a huge explosion rocked the glacier. The flames
came to the top of the glaciers, sending wreckage everywhere.
Sub initiated the jets, and flew over the crack.
He joined up with the hours fifteen minutes later, sharing the awful news.

Jan 16 2005, 08:01 PM

IC: Frozeen was cooking using a campfire. Then, when Chompy walked over, he realized his
mistake. He tried to stomp out the fire, but it was too late. Drones had seen the fire, and
ran toward Frozeen, Data, Chompy, and Shadow.

Victor Draven
Jan 16 2005, 08:04 PM

IC: "Great going, pet genius." joked Sub, suddenly seeing the Drones.
"I've had enough of these guys." He raised a gun. Kelvin roared, and it echoed. The Drones
panicked and ran. Sub looked at Kelvin.
"Wow. A Pint sized cub has a gallon filled roar. I hope you don't do that to the mailman."

Jan 16 2005, 08:16 PM

IC: Sub and the others continued down the tunnel. Sub felt uncomfortable in the warm
tunnels, knowing that sharks and other unknown things were outside.

Jan 16 2005, 08:43 PM

OOC: lol. But we can use our vehicles in the tunnel.

IC: Sub laughed. Then he heard it. Another cold wave.

Everyone got in their vehicles, speeding as fast as they could. Frost was coating the walls.
Sub held Kelvin tight, maneuvering between the slower vehicles.
This was bad.

O. Prime
Jan 16 2005, 08:48 PM

IC: Very bad. Ice was shooting everywhere. But, Val had an idea. He made Becky take the
wheel to the Ice Blade and he did a Jackie Chan. Hanging out the cockpit, his eyes turned
red and a wave of lava came pouring infront of the cold wave.

Victor Draven
Jan 16 2005, 09:19 PM
IC: The magma slowed it. But that only. It was so cold, eventually the magma froze over.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 16 2005, 09:31 PM

Drones were surrounding them. They pointed there lasers at them. Databoard was
tired of them. They had attacked his freinds, his fellow Agents, and destoyed their
base repeatedly. He wasn't gonna take it anymore. Databoard took out a laser and
charged. He yelled:"I-" He shot a Drone. "-am-" He kicked a Drone into another. "-
so-" He punched a Drone in the helmet. "-sick-" He fired lasers in every direction.
"-of-" Drones hit the ground. "-you-" The Drones began retreating "guys!"


Victor Draven
Jan 16 2005, 09:36 PM

IC: Sub drove faster, holding Kelvin.

He wasn't going to lose the last family member he had.
The ice was still following them.

Outside, behind the agents, the pressure crushed the frozen pipe. Water gushed in,
sweeping towards the Agents.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 16 2005, 11:16 PM

Suddenly, the ice began to crake and colapse. Frozeen picked up Chompy and they
all ran to their vehicles. Databoard turned his Ice Blade into a Stealth Helicopter
and he and Shadow took off. Frozeen tried to outrun it, but he wasn't going to
make it. Shadow extended his Claw Arm and caught Frozeen's Tundra Tracker
before the ice under it colapsed into the sea. They flew off to World City, Frozeen
in tow.

OOC: World City is where we're going, right?


Victor Draven
Jan 16 2005, 11:40 PM

IC: Sub suddenly flew out of the pipe.

"That fast?" he said. He looked around. He was in the air, over the ocean. An AT Airship
with an open cargo bay was waiting. Everyone landed in the Cargo Bay. Sub closed it just
as water shot out of the tunnel. Sub got into the cockpit, and began flying.
But it wasn't long until Doc Ock's airship came into view.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 16 2005, 11:55 PM

Databoard, Shadow, and Frozeen were flying towards the Apha Team airship when
they saw another opening fire on it. Databoard call Shadow on his comlink.
"Shadow, drop Frozeen's TT in the Cargo hold and we'll try to draw the weapons
away from the airships in formation 329-B." Shadow released the Claw Arm and
Frozeen's TT fell into the Cargo Bay with a loud clunk. Side-by-side, Shadow and
Databoard flew at the other airship. As it opened fire, They swerved so each was
on either side and returned fire. Databoard made quite a few dents and holes in
the side, but he heard an exposion. Shadow shouted into the comlink: "I got one
of the enigines!" They pulled into the AT Airship's hold just as it sped off, leaving
the other vessel in the dust.


Victor Draven
Jan 17 2005, 12:01 AM

OOC: Yes really. Gosh, freakin' cool dude. You have the worst reflexes ever. NOBODY
name, Val.

IC: "Chapels... lets see... maybe. We'll find one, or do it like in the Drew Carrey show...
using an actor and a laptop." he grinned.
Sub flew towards the city, and landed in the main square.

Jan 17 2005, 12:15 AM

IC: Sub's hands started shaking on the railing on the rooftop they were on.
"Sub, I didn't mean it..." said Val.
"Thats not it. This building is shaking. Feel the rail." Val felt it. The building was shaking.
They looked down, and saw the whole city was shaking.
They looked down again to see the Suukorak charging through the city, all rushing at the

O. Prime
Jan 17 2005, 12:20 AM
IC: "Sun of a Gun," said Val as yee ha whopping amounts of Suukorak came pouring out of
a hole. "Let's do this," said Sub. Sub pulled out a collapsable chain gun out and started
blasting the icky spiders. Val started shooting lava flows and incasing the Suukorak in stone
due to their coldness.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 17 2005, 12:28 AM

Databoard took out a laser and began shooting Suukorak. "Taste this, you little
buggers!" A few of them fell from the roof, taking out a few more on there way
down He jumped of the side of the building, shooting Suukorak as he fell.
Databoard took out his Palm Pilot and pressed a button. His Ice Blade smashed
throught the cargo hold and drove of the roof under Databoard. He fell into the
cockpit and began firing. Its landed on a few Suukorak and crushed them. He
continues firing lasers at the spiders.


Victor Draven
Jan 17 2005, 12:31 AM

IC: Sub dropped the chain gun and pulled out his latest invention. A capsule. He twisted it,
and dropped it into the crowd of Suukorak.
He grabbed the other Agents, and they ran to the ship. They got in and flew into the air as
everything active was obliterated.
"WHAT ABOUT DATA?!" screamed Frozeen. Suddenly and IC-2 Helicopter flew up to the
"I'm ok." he said.

Jan 17 2005, 12:40 AM

IC: The Agents landed on another building, and fell asleep inside the ship.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 17 2005, 04:23 PM

Suddenly, something ripped through the side of the airship, waking up the Agents
and knocking the heat cannon out of Databoards hand. Suukorak spewed out of
the hole. Sub burst inside. The Agents took out their lasers and began shooting.


Victor Draven
Jan 17 2005, 04:49 PM
IC: Sub ran into the ship, shooting Suukorak, blasting and blasting.
Nobody noticed the Suukorak grab Sub and take him away.
Suddenly all the Suukorak left.

OOC: Nobody save me. I have things to do.

Jan 18 2005, 08:03 AM

IC: Frozeen was walking around, for no amparent reason. Suddenly, he felt something
slimy. A slimy tentacle was holding on to him. He tried to run, but the slimy tenticle
wouldn't let go. Chompy saw it, tried to bite it off, but he got stuck too. "Help!" cried

Jan 18 2005, 06:46 PM

IC: The huge, slimy tentacle pulled Chompy and Frozeen. Frozeen got his hands free. He
transmitted a message.



Jan 18 2005, 07:26 PM

IC: But before Frozeen could do anything else, the tentacle ripped the transmitter out of his
hands. The slimy thing pulled with an enourmous force. BB that were nearby tried to help,
but just like Chompy, got stuck. Frozeen looked at how long the tentacle was. At least a
mile. The slimy thing brought him to the ocean. Suddenly, other tentacles ripped out of the
water. Then, in the middle of it all, was the most ugly thing Frozeen ever saw. It was a
giant face of a monster. It had 6 eyes and the mouth had razer-sharp teeth. The creature
opened its mouth, roared, then brought Frozeen closer. Frozeen relized that he, Chompy,
and the few BB were about to be this monster's dinner.

OOC: Oh, great, being LOTR again... in Fellowship of the Ring, right before everyone enters
the Dwarf's mine, a huge, tentacled creature from the lake appeares and grabs Frodo... Just
like this...

Jan 18 2005, 08:36 PM

IC: Frozeen tried to throw drills and lasers, but those just got devoured. Suddenly, a
powerful laser hit the one of the beast's six ugly eyes. It roared in rage. Frozeen, Chompy,
and the BB looked up to see Kotua in the Voltage. The creature used one of the 100
tentacles to wack the plane.

Kotua in Space
Jan 18 2005, 09:00 PM

OOC: plane? the Voltage isn't a plane...

IC: The command deck shook with the hit.
"Activate Heavy weaponry!"shouted kotua.
"Activating"said one of the robots.
The Voltage fired heat blasts.
kotua hoped he wouldn't have to use the Sonic Boom Blaster in the Voltage, because that
one was more powerfull than the previous SBBs.
Another tentacle tried to hit the Voltage, but saw blades distracted the tentacle.
The Robo-Agents stood watching.
"Initiate the Missile bay!"ordered kotua.
"Yes Sir, Right away."said one of the Robots.
The Voltage's front panels opened, revealing lots of missiles.
"Fire!"said kotua.
The missiles fired, hitting the beast.
A Robo Blade landed nearby, and tried freeing Frozeen.
A freezer beam freezed the tentacle, and the Robo Blade broke it, Freeing Frozeen.
A beam sorrunded Frozeen and took him into the Command deck of the Voltage. The Robo
Blade moved to free Chompy, but a tentacle grabbed it's feet, and dragged him

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 18 2005, 09:14 PM

Databoard heard something in the harbor. He pulled away from Rich. When he got
there, he saw a some kind of tentacled creature, pulling Chompy underwater.
Databoard put the helicopter on Auto and dove into the water. He took out a
waterproof laser cutter and sliced through the tentacle. He grabbed Chompy and
swam for the surface. When there, Databoard and Chompy were pulled up in some
beam to a vessal up above.


Jan 19 2005, 07:49 AM

IC: The monster roared in fury as Chompy was released. Its dinner had gotten away. It
pulled itself out of the water and began to terrorize the city. With its many tentacles,
Frozeen, Data, and Kotua couldn't stop it, only delay it.

Jan 19 2005, 08:05 AM

OOC: It's a big-scary-monster-squid-thingy, so it won't freeze.

IC: Frozeen, Data, and Kotua tried to break off the tentalces using lasers. A few times, they
tried attacking the monster itself, but with failure. The beast was too strong. It ripped off a
piece of a building and threw it towards Frozeen, who dodged in the nick of time.

Jan 19 2005, 08:12 AM

IC: "Hate ta do this..." Frozeen mumbled. He drilled into the base of one of the buildings
that were empty. It collapsed onto the beast.

OOC: On the first page of this topic, I remember reading something about In-Character
talking needs to be at least 15 words. People have been breaking this rule.

Kotua in Space
Jan 19 2005, 07:02 PM

IC: kotua looked at the ruins of the building.

"Well, it looks like that too-"kotua said, but didn't get to finish, because the monster
"Prepare the Sonic Boom Blaster"ordered kotua.
The front of the craft opened, to reveal a giant SBB.
"I hope there sin't anybody down there"said Data.
"Hopefully. Fire!"said kotua.
The blast hit the monster, and pushed it a bit.
Unfortunately, behind them was a mall.
"Great going" said Robo-kotua.
"Shut it."said kotua.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 19 2005, 07:10 PM

The tentacled creature slammed into the side of the mall. Databoard flew at it with
his Ice Blade, but it grabbed it and threw it into the food court. Databoard got out
as tentacles smashed through the windows after him. He ducked into a hardware
store and slammed the doors shut. The tentacles smashed through the wall as
Databoard grabed some power tools. He turned them on and tossed them at the
tentacles. As it defended itself, Databoard ran out the back exit.


Jan 19 2005, 08:09 PM

IC: The Robo-Frozeen looked at the monster. Suddenly, one of the creature's eyes opened.
It smashed the robot. "What do it take to stop it!" yelled Frozeen. But he noticed a colored
BB run over to him. This, unlike the other colored BB, was purple. This one was made and
programed by Frozeen. It could also talk.
"Sir," it said. "Enemy is guarding."
"What?" asked Frozeen. Even though the purple BB could talk, it always spoke in an odd
"BB #213 spotted glowing guarded by enemy. Life sourse: Probbably." Frozeen was
puzzled, but relized what the BB was saying. A small part of the monster glowed, but was
always guarded by tentacles. Kotua shot there, and suddenly the monster groaned. All six
eyes shut. It fell back, dead.

OOC: The purple BB will NOT be destroyed.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 19 2005, 08:15 PM

The monster hit the ground, dead. Databoard dove out of the way to avoid being
crushed by a tentacle that hit the ground. "Ooh, that's gotta hurt." Databoard said.
"The citizens of World City are going to be in for quite a shock." Frozeen muttered,
looking at the damage.


Jan 19 2005, 08:21 PM

IC: "Enemy: Destroyed," the purple BB said.

Frozeen groaned. "Maybe you shouldn't talk about things that are OBVIOUS!" Frozeen
looked at the dead monster. It was SLIMY! And the slimy was as sticky as glue, which is
why he, Chompy, and a few NON-colored BB got stuck. But how could the monster not get
itself stuck? That was a mystery.

Victor Draven
Jan 20 2005, 04:24 AM

IC: Subzero saw a huge glob, dead in the ocean. He swooped down and landed, and got
out. Other agents were there: Data, Kotua, and Frozeen. He waved and walked over.

Jan 20 2005, 08:54 AM

OOC: Okay, I'll just delete that part of my post.

IC: "What happened here?" asked Sub.

"Enemy: Destoyed," the purple BB repeated.
"Be quiet," Frozeen mumbled. "You see, this big, monster-squid thing wanted some of us
for dinner, but got angry and terrorized the city."
"Excuse me," the BB said, "but me know what to tell Elite Commando Agent."
"Maybe I shouldn't have programed you to talk..." Frozeen mumbled.

Victor Draven
Jan 20 2005, 10:23 AM

IC: Sub looked at the Brickster Bot.

"And it's talking...because...?"
"I programmed him to talk."
"Yes, and I am fluent in over 6 forms of communication. Hola, Hello, Bonjuer, Chao, Ohio,
Ba Humbug..."
"...can you say SHUT UP? I'll give you a cd to munch on."
"Mmm... cds..."
"Fro, maybe teaching Hunk-uh-Junk over here wasn't your best idea."

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 20 2005, 01:40 PM

Databoard sighed as the purple BB droned on with unimportant details about the
battle with the big squid-like-thing. "Frozeen, when you programed him to talk,
did you give him a 'mute' button?" Databoard muttered. "Nope, sorry." Said


Victor Draven
Jan 20 2005, 02:27 PM

IC: Sub shook his head and walked away.

He had a mission for himself and possibly Valcone.
"Hey Val, I'm going to go destroy Doc Ock's Absolute Zero Ray. Wanna come with?"

Jan 20 2005, 03:34 PM

IC: Frozeen was trying to reprogram the BB. "Letsee, here..." he mumbled. "Aha!"
"Me don't need..." the BB began, but then it said something very strange. "Yahoo! I've got
monkeys in me!"
"Bah!" Frozeen yelled. "He's gone insane!"
"Now you know how we felt," Kotua said, "when you went insane."
"Okay," Frozeen said. He quickly grabbed a wrench before the BB could say anything else
that was insane.
Frozeen un-reprogramed the purple BB. "Okay, why did agent #17 actually need to turn me
cookoo?" the BB asked. Frozeen sighed a breath of relief. Its talking still was annyoing, but
at least it wasn't insane.
Jan 20 2005, 06:06 PM

IC: Frozeen fell asleep. This is his dream.

Frozeen was walking around. Suddenly, he found a bunch of awaiting monkeys in cages. He
turned around, and saw Drones riding cows. He tried to shoot them, but that didn't work.
But once he missed and hit one of the cows. The cow was defeated and the Drone looked
like HE'D been hit with the laser instead. So in order to defeat the Drones, he needed to
defeat the cows...

"It's exactly 6:02 and me should be getting ready to prepare to harass TeeVee..." a voice
said, waking up Frozeen. The purple BB.
"You're harassing TeeVee?" he repeated.
The BB smiled. "Of course not! That was just a joke. I'm joshing you!"
Frozeen smiled. Of course, by the end of the day, TeeVee WOULD be harassed by the BB
with his yippity-yap-yap-talk. Then he remembered his dream. He groaned about the
monkeys and cows.

OOC: Can anyone figure out WHY Frozeen groaned about the monkeys awaiting and the
cows who needed to be defeated?

Victor Draven
Jan 20 2005, 06:39 PM

OOC: I knew I shouldn't have started throwing in action based on Day After Tommorow.

IC: Sub suddenly heard the trickling.

The city was flooding.
"EVERYONE GET IN THE CARGO SHIP!" Everyone ran towards it.
Sub suddenly had a glimpse of Doc Ock's Airship.
He knew what was gonna happen.
They were going to freeze the water. Instantly freezing every Agent in the flow.
Sub leapt onto the huge cargo ship, which was hovering over the city. All the vehicles were
in there, including the X Wing and S.U.Z.I.
He looked forward out the window and saw a woman floating in the water.
She had escaped the first ice wave.
A survivor.
Sub had to save her.
He got in the S.U.Z.I. and flew towards the water.

Jan 20 2005, 06:41 PM

OOC: Ah, Kotua, you probbably know why Frozeen didn't like the Monkeys and Cows.
IC: Frozeen couldn't use his TT in this mission. Then he remembered something. In his first
mission as an Agent, he collected 21 Orbs. He found 20/21, but couldn't find the last one
hiding in his TT. He found it, surprisingly. He did what he could do: Throw it at the water.
The water froze into a wall of Ice. But he didn't stop there. Frozeen and a bunch of BB broke
the wall. That was the end of that.

Victor Draven
Jan 20 2005, 06:49 PM

OOC: You made one wall, but its still spreading.

IC: Sub quickly flew towards the shivering woman. The huge airship hovered over the
water. Sub jumped out and got in the water. He swam to her, and held on to her. He
launched a cable, and towed himself and the girl in. They got on the ship.
Sub flew into the air. He looked at her.
"Are you allright?" he asked.
"Yeah. Thanks a lot!" she shot him a smile.
"Whats your name?"
Sub almost gagged. That was the name of the ship. Simply Undefeatable Zion Imported.
"Oh. My name is Sub. My real name is Dylan, but my friends call me Sub."

Jan 20 2005, 06:51 PM

IC: Frozeen had used an item that was an enemy to him. But it was ONLY one. Water still
was flooding. Frozeen was running, but spotted a small green figure trying to run as well.
Chompy! Frozeen grabbed Chompy as quickly as possible.

Kotua in Space
Jan 20 2005, 06:55 PM

OOC: actually, PeabodySam, I don't...

IC: kotua looked at doc ock's airship.
"Fire!"said kotua.The robots knew what he meant.
A blast fired, and hit Doc ock's airship.
"I don't think were getting anywere by firing upon doc okc's airship, it might have hidden
tentacles."said Robo kotua sarcastically.
"Grr..SHUT IT!"said kotua.
"Sir! An army of snow crawlers are coming!"said a robot.

Jan 20 2005, 07:04 PM
OOC: There you go. The answer. While Frozeen was insane. Awaiting Monkeys... Defeat the

IC: TeeVee stormed around. He was clearly angry and annoyed.

"What is it?" Frozeen asked.
"HIM!" TeeVee answered, pointing toward the Purple BB.
"Hey," the BB said. "Me just try to tell TeeVee a story!"
"Just tell the other BB to fire at Doc Ock," Frozeen told him. The BB ran off. Just as he did, a
Snow Crawler tried to grab him.
The BB smiled, and so did Frozeen. As if talking wasn't enough, the Purple BB could fire fire.
"HELP!" the burning Drone cried.
"Take that, ya stupid Drone!" the BB said. "Now that's why I read the book "How to Defeat
a Drone" by Agent Gearbox and illistraited by..."
Frozeen sighed.

Kotua in Space
Jan 20 2005, 07:16 PM

OOC: ah, that...

IC:The water continued gushing. People who were once frozen, were now thawing out, due
to the water. He then noticed Frozeen and a purple BB.
"Hey Frozeen, need help?"asked Robo Frozeen.
"Shut it Robo Fro."said kotua.
The Voltage turned to face doc ock's airship. The energy for the SBB from the Voltage
mounted higher each second. As soon as it completed, doc ock's air ship would feel part of
the power the Voltage had.

Jan 20 2005, 07:31 PM

IC: Frozeen kept running. The wave was too strong and too fast for Frozeen, and the BB.
The wave swallowed Frozeen, Purple BB, and Chompy up. Kotua gasped. He looked around
to see if the three of them were somewhere, floating, but no sight of them. Kotua thought
they were gone. Gone, as in, forever.

OOC: They're NOT dead, just underwater.

Jan 20 2005, 07:45 PM

IC: Frozeen opened his eyes. He wasn't in World City anymore. Instead, he was in -
"Boston?" Frozeen asked.
"Actually," the BB said, "to be specific, we're in the South part of Boston, MA, one of the
states of the US and also one of the 13 original colonies-"
"Yes, yes, I know!" Frozeen snapped.
Chompy was confused. Then angry. He growled.
"What is it?" asked Frozeen. He looked up. Citizens of Boston were running, trying to escape
an army of Snow Crawlers.

Victor Draven
Jan 20 2005, 07:53 PM

IC: Sub ran to his room.

"World City's water just froze."
Suzi was holding a blaster.
"There are those Snow Crawler things out there. But somehow we're in Boston now."
"OK... thats strange." Sub looked out.
Boston was going to be frozen. They had to stop it.

Jan 20 2005, 07:58 PM

OOC: Sub ended up in Boston, too?

IC: "Too bad we needed to get hit by that wave," the BB said. "The huge, colosus,
dangerous, tall, big, enourmous..."
"Quiet!" Frozeen snapped. He was getting tired of the BB's talking. He pulled out a laser. It
was soaked after being swept by the wave and carried to Boston, but he was sure that it
still worked. He shot Drone after Drone.

Victor Draven
Jan 20 2005, 08:01 PM

OOC: The Cargo Ship was flying away from World City and arrived in Boston. A lot of agents
are on.

IC: Sub got in the S.U.Z.I. and looked at Val.

"Now would be a good time to choose whether you're coming with me or not."

Jan 21 2005, 07:52 AM

OOC: The SUZI went to Boston? The reason Fro, BB, and Chompy are there is because they
got hit by the wave and carried to Boston by it.

IC: "With my TT still in World City," Frozeen said, "I can't use it."
The BB was shooting fire. "Arr," he said in a pirate accent, "Matey's, ya going off the plank!"
He burned Drone after Drone after Drone. A few tried to capture BB by surprise, but THEY
got a surprise instead. "The book called 'Dinosaurs ate my Homework' is from the series of
books called 'Dinoverse,' by Scott Ciencin and illistraited by Mike Frederiks..." And the BB
droned on about unimportant deatails about the book. The Drones yawned, getting tired of
the BB. Then, the BB turned around and shot fire at them!
"For once," Frozeen told the purple BB as he stopped another Drone, "your talking was
worth something."

Victor Draven
Jan 21 2005, 08:02 AM

OOC: Not the SUZI, the whole Cargo Ship where everyone else is.

IC: The ship landed in the junk yard in Antarctica, and Sub jumped out.
"I need two strong guys to help me build the Magma Shield." said Sub, looking at the two

Jan 21 2005, 08:08 AM

IC: "And thy talking wasn't befoe?" the BB said in a KK accent.

Frozeen sighed. A SOL came charging toward them. Chompy hopped inside and bit the
Drone, who screamed in pain. Chompy hopped out, and Frozeen shot the Drone with a
laser. The SOL went out of control. It crawled backwords and crashed - Right into Fenway
"Man," Frozeen mumbled. "That was a nasty crash."
"Boston's going to sue us for that," the BB said sarcastically. "Fenway Park, home of the
baseball team, the Red Sox, gets crushed by SOL..."
"Be quiet!" Frozeen mumbled. "We've got to stop these Drones." He shot Drone after Drone
after Drone.

Jan 21 2005, 08:15 AM

IC: "You know what?" Frozeen asked as he shot the Drones. "We're getting sick of you!"
"Of me?" asked the BB.
"No, the Drones."
"Oh, so you're being sarcastic now, right?"
"Never mind," mumbled Frozeen.

Jan 21 2005, 07:32 PM

OOC: I've got good news and bad news about the purple BB. Good News: He isn't insane,
and he sometimes follows orders. Bad News: He won't get destroyed. EVER.

IC: A Drone ran up to the three. Chompy growled, clawed the dirt, and spat.
"Tis Darone is no thatch for thee," the BB said in his KK accent. He ran over, ready to burn
the Drone. Frozeen summoned a few more BB. They charged, as well. But the Drone was
ready. He pushed a button on his SOL. Radio Music started to play. All the BB, colored and
non-colored, stopped. To Frozeen's surprise, all the BB started to dance!
"No!" Frozeen cried. "Don't dance! Fight the Drone!" But the BB didn't listen. They kept on
Suddenly, Frozeen realized ALL the BB's weakness:

Music. Music "hypnotizes" them into not following orders. Instead, they just dance, dance,
dance until they're too weak. That was what Frozeen feared. He and Chompy backed away
as the Drone's SOL crawled over to them.

Jan 21 2005, 07:55 PM

IC: Chompy used his instinct again. He ripped apart the windshield. He tried to bite the
Drone, but missed and hit the radio instead. The music stopped. The BB stopped dancing.
"Onward!" commanded Frozeen. The BB raced forward to the Drone. Frozeen smiled.

Jan 21 2005, 08:56 PM

IC: Agent Frozeen noticed another Agent. This was Agent Gromtin. Gromtin was good at
many things. Frozeen smiled, then went back to work stopping the Drones from invading
Boston. But when he looked back at Gromtin, he was on the ground.
"That was Robo-Gromtin, right?" the purple BB asked.
Frozeen saw the blood. "No, it wasn't." He didn't notice a Drone going to attack him from
behind. When he turned around, the Drone was still, as if in shock. Frozeen looked down,
and saw why. Chompy's maw was dripping with Drone blood. Frozeen just smiled.

Jan 21 2005, 09:19 PM

IC: "Man," Frozeen said. "I'M SICK OF YOU!"

"Me?" asked the BB.
"No, the mailman," Frozeen answered.
"NO! I told you before! The Drones!"

Jan 21 2005, 09:55 PM

OOC: THat's what I call a BIG mistake...

IC: Frozeen saw a plane land nearby. "Need a lift?" It was Diamond. Frozeen, the BB, and
Chompy hopped inside. Then the plane began shooting the Drones.

Jan 22 2005, 11:59 AM

OOC: Diamond Tooth. But, you call Frozeen "Fro," Subzero "Sub," Databoard "Data," and
Brickster Bots "BB," so why can't I call Diamond Tooth "Diamond?"

IC: "From the intence, highly, sufficating cold," the BB said, "I'm VERY cold. Need some
heat. Also to help me with my fire powers..."
Diamond turned on the heat. Chompy curled up beside it. Frozeen was glad to be warmed
up as well. But the BB wasn't.
"Oh... The heat... So nice... So hot... Wait! HELP! TOO HOT! AHH!!! I'M MELTING!!!!!!" the
BB screamed.
"You're not melting!" Frozeen answered.
"Oh," the BB said. "Uh, cool."
Suddenly, the windows of the huge AT plane got smashed. Glass flew everywhere. Drones
hopped out of their flying-mode Snow Crawlers and into the ship. "Havin' fun, are you?"
they asked.
Diamond pushed a button. Then, he ran away from the controls and grabbed a laser.
Frozeen grabbed one too. They shot the Drones.
"What exact button did you push?" asked Frozeen.
"Auto-Pilot," answered Diamond. "The plane then pilots itself. It also has a radar for
shooting enemies during Auto-Pilot."
"Diamond, my friend," Frozeen said, "you never cease to amaze me!"

Jan 22 2005, 12:39 PM

IC: Diamond kept the AT airship on Auto-Pilot.

"So I've seen you've healed!" Frozeen said, remembering that when he first joined AT in
November or December, Diamond was wounded. Of course, a few month's time healed
Diamond. Chompy and the purple BB amazingly got along together. They would play "chase
the BB." Frozeen looked out the shattered windows. A few Drones were planning an attack,
of course. They got past the airship's laser. But not Frozeen's. Suddenly, all the lights went
Suddenly, the lights went back on. Frozeen, BB, and Diamond had all crashed into each
"What was that all about?" the BB asked.
"Power must've went out," Diamond answered. "But what turned it back on?"
"Look!" Frozeen cried. He pointed at Chompy. Chompy cut a few wires with his maw,
somehow turning back on the power.

Jan 22 2005, 05:37 PM

OOC: Diamond was wurt when I first joined. That was why he couldn't go on Frozeen's first
mission. So why didn't you tell me about this, then?

IC: Frozeen and Diamond looked out of the shattered windows to make sure that none of
the Drones had escaped the AT Airship's laser. One ALMOST, but got shot once the radar
picked it up. Frozeen noticed an Ice Blade speed down below. "Data!" he called, and waved.
He never knew if Data saw him or not.

Jan 22 2005, 05:53 PM

IC: Frozeen looked at what the BB was doing. He was using a transmitter.
"What are you doing?" Frozeen asked.
"Transmitting Ogel!" the BB said cheerfully. He showed Frozeen the message.


And to show who transmitted it, the BB transmitted


"You're 'etc etc?'" Frozeen asked.

"You don't think me would let Ogel know me?" the BB answered.
Frozeen couldn't help but laugh when BB transmitted it. "Shalom! Ahne gar bey AT
HeadQuarters!" the purple BB said. Frozeen was confused. "It means 'Hello! I live in AT
HeadQuarters!' in Hebrew!" Frozeen sighed.

Ogel was disgusted by the transmittion. And, even worse, he didn't know which AT agent
sent it! All he had was "ETC. ETC."

OOC: Can you figure out what old show the "etc. etc" sig. came from?

Jan 22 2005, 06:11 PM

IC: Suddenly, the alarm sounded. Frozeen rushed to the cockpit. Out the window, he could
see the AT Airship was falling.
The purple BB looked out the shattered window. "Tis one of ar Airthip's wings has beeth hit
by one of Ogel's lathers!" he said, once again speaking in KK accent.
"Get in the escape pod!" shouted Diamond over the alarms. Frozeen grabbed Chompy and
hopped into the escape pod, shortly followed by Diamond and BB. Diamond pushed a

The Drone who shot the laser smiled. A huge airship was about to crash. Suddenly, to the
Drone's surprise, a small pod flew out of the Airship and landed nearby a huge building.

Frozeen, Diamond, Chompy, and the BB crawled out of the landed pod, looking at the
Airship as it crashed. "So much for that," the BB mumbled.
"Be quiet!" Frozeen yelled. Diamond nodded and Chompy growled what seemed like
"Okay, I'll shut up!" the BB said.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 22 2005, 06:15 PM
Databoard saw the airship crash and the escape pod land on a building. He
swiched to Alpha Mode and flew up to the building. He jumped out and said: "Are
you guys okay?"


Jan 22 2005, 06:19 PM

OOC: The pod landed NEARBY the building, not on it.

IC: "Yeah," Frozeen answered. "Thanks."

"If only that stupid Drone didn't hit us..." the BB mumbled.
"Could you give us a lift?" Diamond asked. "Both Frozeen's and my TT aren't here right now.
His is in World City, and mine is at the HQ."

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 22 2005, 06:23 PM

"Sure I can." Databoard said. "But it might be a little crowded in my Ice Blade."
He continued, looking at his vehicle.


Jan 22 2005, 06:30 PM

IC: Sure enough, the small Ice Blade was very crowed with Data, Frozeen, BB, Diamond,
and Chompy all in it. The BB was droning on about unimportant details about the ship's
crash. When Frozeen looked at him in an you-know-that-you-should-shut-up expression,
the BB said, "You know what? I'll just shut up and sit here in the corner!" Sitting in the
corner gave the Agents a little more room in the vehicle.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 22 2005, 06:43 PM

Suddenly, Databoard looked at the radar. There was a SOL about two blocks away.
"Hang on, everyone!" he shouted as he sped down the road, the SOL in hot
persuit. Databoard swerved through the Boston trafic. He swerved down a
sidestreet towards the waterfront. He sped down the streetes through the
construction sites, roads, and bridges around the Big Dig. "And somehow the Big
Dig was suposed to help Boston?" The Drone said. "Shut it!" Databoard shouted.
The Ice Blade drove down a dock, followed by the SOL. At the last minute,
Databoard swiched to Alpha Mode and flew over Boston Harbor. The SOL tried to
stop, but fell into the water. "Enjoy your swim!" Databoard shouted as they flew


Jan 22 2005, 09:05 PM

OOC: I thought that you knew that "Diamond" was Diamond Tooth.

IC: Frozeen looked around. Drones were everywhere. There wasn't enough agents. But
colored BB were really taking down the SOLs.
"You know," the purple BB said, "I should be out there doing some of that!"
"Suit yourself," Data said. BB hopped out of the Ice Blade, ready ta take down Drones with
his fire.
"At least we don't need to listen to him anymore," Frozeen commented.

Jan 22 2005, 09:36 PM

IC: SOL after SOL burned in flames as the Purple BB ran about, using his power.
"At least the big-mouth is good at something," Frozeen said. Without the BB, the Ice Blade
was less crowded. And more enemies could be brought down at once.

Victor Draven
Jan 22 2005, 09:53 PM

IC: Sub felt a lurch. The Cargo Ship was tilting backwards. Agents were tumbling around.

Diamond Tooth got a message on his palm pilot from Dash. He had to go.
"Later guys." He got out of the vehicle and got onto the airship that came to pick him up to
go to the Cargo Ship.

Sub got a similar message.

Sub shook his head. The ship was tilting almost all the way back.
"Guys, come with me to the front of the ship. I have a bad feeling." The agents around him
grabbed hands and moved up the ship to the front. They all went into the Safe Room, and
buckled into wall mounted seats. Sub left them and went to the meeting.
"We need to set up a new base. Not a full scale one, but a meeting place and garage. Sub,
my team(Charge, Diamond Tooth, Flex, etc), and I will go to Antarctica. You take a team
with you, and scout for a new area for a base."
"Yes sir."
Sub got out to see Kelvin in his kennel. His kennel was strapped down, and the straps were
ripping. He looked down. Almost ten football fields length of a fall.
Sub saw the last strap pop. He grabbed Kelvins cage. It was at least 150 pnds. He opened it
and took his pet out, then let go of the cage. It fell and punctured through the door in the
Emergency shields went around the vehicles. Sub jumped and got in the safe room, and
Dash and team joined him. They buckled up just as the Cargo Ship plummeted and
smashed into the streets below. Sub felt them topple over. When he was sure it was safe,
they all left and got in their vehicles for the mission.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 22 2005, 10:15 PM

Databoard, Frozeen and Chompy flew over Boston in Data's Helicopter. Suddenly,
the Radar began beeping. "We have 5 Snow Crawlers closing on our positon!"
Daaboard said. "Hang on!" He wove in and out of skyscrapers, trying to lose the
Snow Crawlers. Databoard thought about throwing a Laser Bomb, but figured it
wouldn't be a good idea in such a populated area. He swooped under an overpass,
and a Snow Crawler slamed into the bridge and exploded. "Well, that took care of
one." Databoard muttered. "Now for the other four..."


Jan 22 2005, 10:33 PM

Databoard flew across the city of Boston, persued by four Snow Crawlers. He tried
to lose them, but they just kept following him. "Take this, you little bugs!" He said.
He blasted on with a laser. It spun it another Snow Crawler, and the both expoded.
The other two just kept persuing, no matter what Databoard did. He looked at
"Do you know how to fly a helicopter?"
"No, not real-"
"Good enough."
Databoard jumped from the Steath Helicopter, high in midair, onto one of the
Snow Crawlers. "Hello, I'm Databoard." He said. "I'll be borrowing your vehicle,
hope you don't mind!" at this point he pushed the Drone from the Snow Crawler.
Databoard turned and opened fire on the other Snow Crawler.


Jan 22 2005, 10:54 PM

Databoard saw the other Snow Crawler smash into a damaged building. Suddenly,
several of Kotua's robo Agents started firing lasers at him from a nearby building.
He sent a message to Kotua.


Jan 22 2005, 11:19 PM

Databoard transmited back to Kotua.


Databoard set the Snow Crawler on Auto and jumped back into the Helicopter. He
sat in the pilots chair and blasted the Snow Crawler to bits. the turned and flew


Jan 23 2005, 01:19 PM

Suddenly, two military planes flew up alongside The Ice Blade. "Stand down your
attack on this city or prepare to be guned down." One of the pilots said into a
radio. Databoard responded: "I'm not attacking this city, and I'm not standing
down." He pulled the Helicopter into a nosedive, and the jets followed. Databoard
knew that the planes wouldn't risk using heavy weaponry in the middle of a
crowded city, and the planes aren't the most manuverable vehicles in the skies.
"Stand down or we will have to use force." The pilot repeated. "I'M ON YOUR
SIDE!!!" Databoard yelled into the comlink.


Jan 23 2005, 02:41 PM

Databoard's Helicopter swerved around buildings, trying to avoid the military jets.
Frozeen and Chompy were being flung around like rag dolls. Databoard transmited
a message to all Agents in the area:


Jan 23 2005, 02:52 PM

Suddenly, two of Kotua's Robo Blades swooped down. The blasted the engine of
one of the jets, and it was forced to pull off. The other turned and fired on the
Robo Blades. They broke off and rejoined shortly afterward. Databoard fired on
the jet, and blasted one of its wings clean off. The pilot ejected, and parachuted to
the ground.


Jan 23 2005, 03:10 PM

Suddenly, an artitary shell blew one of the Robo Eagles to bits. Down on the
street, a Tank aimed at the other Robo Eagle. The tank fired another shell, which
Databoard blasted with lasers. The Robo Eagle blasted the tank and flew away.


Jan 23 2005, 03:35 PM

Suddenly, heavy laserfire nearly blew the Helicopter out of the skies. On the Street
was some kind of tank-like vehicle. Databoard was shocked. "What is it?" Frozeen
said. "I recognize that vehicle." Databoard said. "Back when you were insane..."

(OOC: The part in intaics is a flashback)

"Databoard snuck down the metal corridor. Ahead of him were the two Drones.
They opened a door and went inside. Databoard slipped inside an air duct and
looked down through a vent. He could see about 15 Drones, along with some kind
of vehicle. The vehicle had a gigantic gun on the end."

"...I'd managed to to destory the vehicle, but one of the Drones said Ogel was
gonna build more." Databoard coninued. "I suppose he did."


Jan 23 2005, 03:59 PM

Databoard swerved to avoid the laser fire from the Ogel Tanks, who had managed
to turn the city into a battleground. Add to the fact that the entire US military
thought Ogel was the good guy, this amounted to a bad day for any Agent.
Databoard fired on one of the Ogel Tanks, but the Lasers just bounced harmlessly
of their armor.

Jan 23 2005, 06:11 PM

OOC: Yeah, Barda, don't the soldiers see the fact the Drones look like skeletons?
Databoard swerved to avoid the weapons firing in every direction. Both the
military and the Drones were firing at their vehicles. He pulled away from the main
fire, followed by millitary helicopters. "We're the good guys!" Databoard yelled.
"We don't think so." One of the pilots responded. "Ogel tells up you're the ones
who froze World City." Databoard cut of the transmition. "Either Ogel brainwashed
them, or their just very, very gulible." Databoard muttered as he tried to lose the
other helicopters.


Jan 23 2005, 07:48 PM

IC: Suddenly, a strange bump caused Data to lurch forward and accedently push a button.
EJECT SEAT #2. "AHH!!!" Frozeen cried as he was sent flying out of the Ice Blade. He
landed nearby a SOL, unconcious. Chompy was flung out as well. He too, was unconcious.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 23 2005, 09:09 PM

"Frozeen!" Databoard shouted. Lasers had hit the Helicopter, causing Data to
accidently eject Frozeen and Chompy. He would get them, but first he'd have to
shake those helicopters. He flew through the city, swerving in and out of
construction sites and under bridges. The larger helicopters, better suited for open
spaces, were forced to break off. Databoard flew back to where he had left
Frozeen and Chompy- just a they were being hauled of in an SOL. Databoard
swiched to Ice Blade mode and gave chase.


Jan 23 2005, 09:19 PM

IC: The SOL was at top speed. Suddenly, Frozeen regained concious. He kicked the Drone
out of the SOL. Data saw the falling Drone. Then Frozeen took the controls of the SOL.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jan 24 2005, 12:01 AM

Suddenly, Databoard saw a Ogel Tank aiming at the captured SOL. The SOLs were
well armored, but the Ogel Tank could blow up bunkers better armed then that.
Databoard fired at the Tank with lasers, distacting it from its target. Frozeen took
advange of this: He attacked the Ogel Tank. He tore at the Tank with the SOL's
claws, and suceeded in destroying the laser cannon. He ripped apart the armor
and the Drones inside ran away. Databoard went in through the hole the SOL tore
in the Tank. "What are you doing?" Frozeen asked. "Frozeen, the only info we
have on these things is that Ogel wants to blow us up with them." Databoard
repied. "I think we should know a bit about these vehicles." Databoard sat down
in front of a computer console. He poped a empty CD into the disk drive. He
pressed a few buttons, and a loading bar appeared on the screen. "In a few
minutes, I'll have copied everything in this vehicle's database." Databoard
continued. "We'll know all the Ogel Tank's strengths, weaknesses, and how many
there are out there." The loading bar dissapeared, and the CD came out. "That
should do it." Databoard said. As they walked out, Databoard saw a open storage
container, with army uniforms in it. "That's odd." Databoard muttered, and then
walked out.


Jan 24 2005, 08:59 PM

IC: Frozeen was still in the SOL. Since his Drone Disguise went down with the original base,
Ogel and his Drones could easily see that Frozeen was an Agent. Frozeen tried to capture as
many of the running Drones as he could. He chased a small army of Meda-Drones. Soon,
when he caught them, he found himself facing a sign saying, 'Welcome to Peabody, MA.'

Jan 25 2005, 08:10 PM

OOC: Actually, my screenname is completely unrelated to the city of Peabody. "Peabody" is

a little inside joke between me and my friends, and recently I learned that there is a city
called Peabody near Boston.

IC: "Peabody?" Frozeen said. "What kind of name is 'Peabody?'" But, where was Boston?
The other Agents must be wondering where he was. So, he sped back to Boston was. He
saw Sub getting a S&R Mission ready.

Iwwav the Ever Changing

Jan 25 2005, 11:57 AM

IC:Agent Polar sent a message to Commander Subzero...

Polar spotted Frozeen on the Ground and sent a signal to his comm-link...



And with that he started to lower the winch for Frozeen to grab onto. As soon as Frozeen
got hold of the hook Polar brought the winch back up to the ship. He rushed to help Frozeen
onto the ship and gave the Agent a cup of Coffee. "Now we need to get you outta here."

Jan 25 2005, 05:41 PM

IC: Frozeen looked around when he climbed out of Polar's vehicle. Chompy was in his arms.
A French New-Bie Agent walked by. His name was Bounjoir. Frozeen never was able to
pronounce it.
Next to Bounjoir was Drathek, an English New-Bie Agent. Frozeen guessed that more people
were joining.
Chompy growled at what Frozeen thought to be Data. "Chompy, stop it!" Frozeen mumbled.
Chompy was now hissing. "Chompy!" Suddenly, Chompy lept out of Frozeen's arms and
attacked "Data." It wasn't Data. A Drone in disguise.

OOC: The 2 New-Bies are NOT important.

Jan 26 2005, 01:58 PM

IC: Frozeen shot the revealed Drone. Bounjoir and Drathek were shocked at the sight at
disguised Drone. Suddenly, Frozeen looked up to see none other than the Purple BB.
"What now?" asked Frozeen.
"Most of enemy has been destroyed," the BB said, "And I bought a new TV!"
"TV?" Drathek said in an English accent.
"Where is this TV?" asked Bounjoir in a French accent.
"Over there!" the BB said, pointing toward a TV. Chompy, curious, walked over to see what
was on the screen. A Science Channel show about the Dinosaur Age was on. The TV was
suddenly nocked over and smashed when Drones came out of nowhere. "Hey." the purple
BB yelled, "I bought that on sale for 100 bucks!"
"Not now," Frozeen mumbled. Chompy bit and clawed at the Drones while Frozeen shot

Iwwav the Ever Changing

Jan 26 2005, 03:44 PM

IC:Polar transmitted a message to all the Agents fighting the Drones....

The agent was very frustrated, he hated it when people decided to be awkward. "Ah well,
guess I'd better save them...." Polar said to himself as he lowered the winch for them to
climb onto AGAIN. Frozeen, Chompy and the purple BB managed to climb on but Bounjoir
and Drathek were too slow and were kidnapped by the Drones. As soon as the first lot of
Agents got on the Freighter Polar grabbed the Rocket Launcher from his mission and
Bungee jumped down on the winch whilst shooting the Drones, being careful not to hurt
Bounjoir and Drathek, and then with his free hand he grabbed Bounjoir who in turn grabbed
onto Drathek, the winch then proceeded to higher them into the ship, "You two, climb up
the rope, I need to shoot those Drones or else WE'LL be shot." Polar said to the two agents,
they then proceeded accordingly as Polar was blasting away at the Drones. All the Agents
got onto the ship and Polar put the ship at full speed and speeded towards the meeting

OOC: I'm going to wait till we get to the meeting point for Jason to kill off Bounjoir and
Drathek, if that's OK with you guys of course.

Jan 26 2005, 04:53 PM

IC: "What's going on?" Frozeen asked. He had not heard of Polar's message. "We could've
taken them on."
"Agreed," the BB said, "Hegrewof yth youf relporet." Polar, Bounjoir, Drathek, and Frozeen
looked at the BB with surprise. "Haven't you heard of the language 'Loonitik?'"
"Yeah," Bounjoir said, "along with language 'lunitic...'"
"Anyways," the BB said, jumping out, "I can handle these Drones!" That was all he said
when he hit the ground. Drone after Drone burst in flames.

OOC: No, Bounjoir and Drathek won't be killed, they're just unimportant. If they were to be
killed, I would have killed them when I introduced them. So DON'T kill them. They're just

Iwwav the Ever Changing

Jan 27 2005, 01:49 PM

lassoed the winch and caught the BB, he then promptly pulled the BB up and tied him to the
wall. Quickly before anybody else got the chance to climb out Polar shut the doors for the
you can tell Polar did not like people making his life harder. The Freighter then SPED AWAY
to the co-ordinates for meeting the other agents. They arrived at the factory and tried to
contact Subzero and the others:no response on the ship's part, Polar tried contacting
Subzero's comm-link:huzzah! Agent Polar tried sending a message....

BACK ON. I'm only shouting so that it is made clear to some people. BTW, by "We need to
get you out of here" I was referring to BOSTON not the ship.

Jan 27 2005, 07:40 PM

OOC: The BB was SUPPOSED to STAY out of your vehicle. He was trying to burn the

IC: The purple BB glared at Polar. For the first time, Frozeen saw real anger in the BB's
eyes. "Hey," the BB yelled. "DO NOT try that again!" He broke the ropes that tied him to the
wall. "And don't forget that I'm one of the stronger, colored BB! Now, get me out of here
before I GO MAD!"
Bounjoir frowned. "Now, don't be mad," he said in his french accent, "be happy!"
Frozeen whispered, "You don't want to see an angry BB go mad, just telling you."
At that moment, the BB hopped out of the vehicle for the second time. Polar heard the BB
shout, "And don't pick me back up!"

Jan 28 2005, 08:18 AM

IC: Down below, the BB was trying to stop as many Drones as possible, even though
nobody else was. He was also trying not to harm the frozen citizens.

Bounjoir got bored, and Drathek restless. They were starting to wriggle around, bumping
into Frozeen. "Stop that!" Frozeen yelled.

Iwwav the Ever Changing

Jan 28 2005, 01:05 PM

OOC: Alright, I'll start again, we're travelling over the Atlantic people! If the BB wants to be
left on the Frozen water then that's his problem but this Freighter is docking with Sub....

IC:Polar growled, "Well I dunno what that Robot is thinkin' but he must think he's still in
Boston..." Polar said to the others. "You're all bloomin' mad.." Polar tried contacting Sub's
comm-link again...


"All we can do is wait for a reply..." Polar sighed, "I suggest you go get yourselves some
Coffee, clear your heads." he told the other Agents.
OOC: Lemme make this clear: WE ARE NOT IN BOSTON!

Jan 29 2005, 06:18 PM

OOC: I don't know HOW he gets here, he just does.

IC: Frozeen looked around. All was quiet. Chompy stood beside him. Suddenly, a figure ran
towards them. A figure with a square-shaped head. A figure none other than -
The Purple BB.
"What the?" Frozeen said, startled. "I thought we left you back at Boston! What - How - did
you get here?!?"
"You don't wanna know..." the BB said. "Anyways, I defeated most of the Drones and I
thought... I want a name!"
"A name?" Frozeen asked. He looked down at Chompy as if Chompy had an answer.
Chompy did what was similar to a shrug, "How about... PBB?" Frozeen asked.
"PBB?" the BB said. "What kind of name is that?"
Frozeen explained. "PBB - Purple Brickster Bot."
"BRICKSTER Bot?" PBB answered. "Why can't I be a Frozeen Bot?"
"Face it," Frozeen answered. "You're a Brickster Bot."
"Uh..." Frozeen said.

OOC: "You don't wanna know." Don't you hate that answer?

Iwwav the Ever Changing

Jan 30 2005, 11:03 AM

IC:Polar got up and walked towards the Freighter, painfully oblivious to the work the Venom
was doing to him. Slowly changing him. Polar started up the thrusters. "Polar, are you sure
you're up to driving the Freighter right now?" Frozeen said. "Yes, I would find it logical that
you get some rest. I can take over, infact I can interface with the Computer directly." said
the Purple BB. Polar proceeded to his chamber and collapsed. Litle did he know that when
he woke up he would be a different person....

OOC: OK basically I'm going to become a Servant of Ogel for a while ('cos of the venom),
there is a special vaccine which I will only disclose the location of when I want to be saved.
But for now it will be quite the plot twist, eh?

Jan 30 2005, 05:45 PM

OOC: Iwwav, just for future reference, the purple BB is now named "PBB."

IC: Frozeen wasn't going anywhere. Of course, TT could not fly, and he couldn't take Polar's
Frieghter. Not with Polar on the ground, anyways.
"Looks like we're stuck here," PBB said.
"So," Frozeen asked, "exactly HOW did you get from Boston to Antartica?"
"You don't wanna know," PBB answered. Frozeen, Chompy, and PBB walked away. Frozeen
was sure that Polar would at one point wake up. At least, he HOPED...

Frozeen was in his TT again. PBB was nearby. An Ice Orb was a few miles away. Frozeen
sped over to it. Just as he was about to melt the Orb, the ground started to shake. "What's
going on?" Frozeen yelled above the noise.
"I - I don't kno - know - ow!" PBB stammered. "Lo -ook! U-up-p!" Frozeen did. A Meda-
Drone was riding a mini-aircraft.
"Prepare, Agent," it said, "to meet the ICE SNAKES!" Then, the Meda-Drone was gone. But,
a huge boulder rolled down a mountainside. It was moving FAST! Too little time to initiate
Alpha Mode.
"RUN!" Frozeen called. He swerved his TT around, and PBB hanging on. Rocks were coming
down on them from all sides, but the Boulder was right behind them.

The Meda-Drone watched. They were going EXACTLY where it wanted them to. Perfect.

"This way!" Frozeen called. He sped into a narrow canyon. The boulder ceased to follow.
Suddenly, white-blue snakes slithered down the cliffs. Ice followed them, and their eyes
were as red as fire.
"That must mean what the Meda-Drone meant by 'Ice Snakes!'" PBB yelled. He tried to
shoot fire, but the Ice Snakes resisted.

Jan 30 2005, 05:57 PM

OOC: A Meda-Drone is a mechanical, stronger version of a Drone.

IC: "Get out of here!" Frozeen shouted. He sped out of the canyon, the Ice Snakes close
behind. The snakes tried to shoot ice, and PBB tried to shoot fire.

Jan 30 2005, 06:09 PM

OOC: Uh... dunno.

IC: Frozeen was running low of gasoline. And that was bad, since the Ice Snakes were very
close. PBB grabbed a small, empty blaster. He filled them with rocks....

.... And....

...FIRED! Rocks flew out of the blaster, smashing the Ice Snakes. Just like with the
Suukorak. Rock after rock was blasted. Snake after snake was smashed.

OOC: Anyone see the LI reference here?

Jan 30 2005, 06:20 PM

IC: "Broken bridge ahead!" PBB shouted. Over an icy river, a bridge was broken.
But, just by luck, in front of the river was an Icy Ledge. Frozeen knew just how to use the
"HANG OONN!!!" he shouted as the TT flew up the ledge, using it as a ramp. The TT landed
just right on the other shore.
"Letsee the Ice Snakes do THAT!" PBB said. But to PBB and Frozeen's surprise, the Ice
Snakes swimed across the river.
"Uh, oh," Frozeen mumbled. He tried to speed away, but the TT just ran out of gasoline.

Jan 30 2005, 06:27 PM

OOC: Sorry, didn't remember that you didn't know.

LI stands for Lego Island. Now, you have to figure out if it is LI 1, 2, online, or sets!

IC: PBB shot the Ice Snakes. But, one shot ice at the Rock Blaster, freezing it.
"Oh, great," Frozeen and PBB said in unison.

Jan 30 2005, 07:38 PM

IC: Frozeen woke up. He was in an ice block. It was pretty obvious - the Ice Snakes had
frozen him. He looked and saw that PBB was trying to burn the Ice Snakes. He probably
resisted the Ice Snake's ice. PBB grabbed a rock and threw it at an Ice Snake, but it dodged
and it hit the Ice Block instead. Frozeen was free. He, too, grabbed rocks and threw them at
the snakes.

Jan 30 2005, 07:47 PM

IC: "We've got to get out of here!" Frozeen called to PBB. PBB nodded, then ran for the exit
of the cave. Frozeen used a drill to bring down rocks on the cave enterance, trapping the
snakes. But, Frozeen's TT was frozen. Frozeen looked at PBB. "Melt the ice?"
PBB shook his head. "No, not without melting the TT."
"Then we're doing this the hard way," Frozeen mumbled. He grabbed a mini-drill and drilled
into the ice. He mumbled and grumbled. "First, Ice Spiders, then Suukorak, now Ice

Jan 30 2005, 07:53 PM

IC: The TT could be used again. Frozeen and PBB hopped into it. Just as they did, the cave-
in exploded. The Ice Snakes were back.
"Summon the BB!" PBB said. Frozeen concentraited. A vortex opened, and BB ran out of it,
ready to fight the snakes. PBB and Frozeen took the advantage and sped away.

Jan 30 2005, 08:00 PM

IC: Frozeen reached a "safe" spot. "Well," PBB said cheerfully, "we can park here!"

Frozeen grabbed Chompy, who was still in the HQ. With no Agents in the HQ, Chompy could
be kidnapped by a Drone or someone like Sam Sinister. He was getting hungry, too. PBB,
who didn't need to eat, knew this. So, when Frozeen reached the "safe" spot again, he
found PBB setting up a camp fire using his fire power. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Frozeen
yelled. He stopped out the fire.
"Hey," PBB said, "I thought that you wanted hot food." But it was too late. Drones were
attacking the "safe" spot.

Jan 30 2005, 09:18 PM

IC: Frozeen, PBB, and Compy were ready. Frozeen shot lasers. PBB shot fire. And Compy,
well... He bit and clawed. Thankfully, it was only 15 Drones. Those were defeated easily.
"I just hope that we didn't attrack the Ice Snakes as well," Frozeen mumbled.

Jan 31 2005, 07:54 AM


Frozeen woke up to hear loud noises. He walked out of the tent. "What's all that noise?!?"
he yelled.
PBB started laughing. Frozeen looked down and realized he was still in his bathrobes.
"You..." PBB said, "look... so... funny...!" Even Chompy, who had no idea what was going
on, made chirps similar to laughing.
"What," Frozeen asked, "you've never seen anyone in bathrobes before?"

Jan 31 2005, 07:18 PM

IC: "Never seen this before," PBB said. Chompy, Frozeen, and PBB had gone out for a small
walk. However, they encountered a huge statue of what seemed to be a Yeti. "Then again, it
could be colincidence. The Yeti is a Himilayin Myth, not an Antartic one."
"Exactly how do you know that?" Frozeen asked.
"When you programed me," PBB said, "I was filled with lots of knowlage. That's why I know
that Shalom is Hebrew, Bonjoir is French, Olah is... uh... Spanish and..."
Frozeen looked closely at the "statue." There seemed to be an odd-shaped rock there. He
removed it. Chompy scratched the ground and hissed. "AHHH!!!!" The hole statue broke
into a million pieces. Underneath was a hole. And coming out of the hole was none other
than a...
"YETI!!!!!" PBB and Frozeen screamed. Chompy whimpered, and Frozeen picked up the
baby dino. The trio tried to outrun the mythical creature.

Jan 31 2005, 07:25 PM

IC: The Yeti roared, and Chompy whimpered. Then Chompy roared in fear, and the Yeti
whimpered. The Yeti ran off.
"Now that's what I call the 'Chompy Whimper-and-Growl' attack!" Frozeen joked. Chomy
made clicking sounds similar to laughing.

Jan 31 2005, 07:57 PM

IC: Frozeen decided to eat food COLD tonight, for he didn't want to attrack Ice Spiders or
Ice Snakes or Yeti or Drones or ANY of them. PBB said that he would have a sandwhich.
Frozeen accepted. After finishing the sandwhich, Frozeen decided to go Drone hunting. He
summoned a few BB before doing so.
He told the BB to lure a Drone into a small cave. Then, Frozeen would drop a trap on him.

The BB gave Frozeen a signal. The Drone was in the cave. Frozeen laughed as he threw the
net, but to his surprise, he caught -
"Sandwhiches?!?" Frozeen asked, confused. He looked up to see a sheepish Drone.
"I - uh," the Drone stammered. "was h-having those for... dinner?" Then the Drone
screamed as Frozeen shot at it.

Jan 31 2005, 09:21 PM

IC: Frozeen decided that he was going to bed earlier. Just as he was putting on his
Bathrobe, PBB walked in the tent and laughed.
"What's wrong with bathrobes?" Frozeen asked, annoyed. "And isn't your turn on guard
PBB yawned. "Nope. It's yours." Frozeen grombled as he went outside in the cold - in his

Feb 1 2005, 08:04 AM

IC: Frozeen yawned. Thankfully, nobody attacked the camp. But, he was SO tired. Just as
PBB walked out of the tent, where Chompy was still sleeping, Frozeen walked inside and fell
down, asleep.

OOC: Just figured that since I need to go to school, that Frozeen will be sleeping. He's just
not used to go on guard duty - at night.

Feb 1 2005, 04:32 PM

IC: Frozeen woke up. He made up for not sleeping last night. PBB looked worried.
"What is it?" Frozeen asked.
"You know where we left Polar?" PBB said.
"Sure," Frozeen answered. "Why?"
"He's not there anymore," PBB explained. Frozeen grew just as worried. Chompy ran inside
the tent, holding a long icicle in his maw.
Strange, Frozeen thought. Since when do icicles wriggle like worms? And since when did
they have red eyes? Frozeen realized it - that wasn't an icicle - it was an ICE SNAKE!
PBB talked to Chompy in dino-language. Then he looked up and reported, "There are Ice
Snakes nearby. Chompy was lucky enough to survive AND kill one. But, they're going to
attack any minute. We should leave." Frozeen nodded. They began to pack their supplies.

OOC: Frozeen and PBB don't know that Polar is now evil. Yet.

Feb 1 2005, 07:37 PM

IC: PBB and Frozeen were moving their camp, with Chompy in Frozeen's arms. Chompy
started to hiss and whimper. Frozeen and PBB turned around in surprise. They were too
late. The Ice Snakes were practically on top of them.

Feb 2 2005, 08:01 AM

IC: Rock after rock was thrown by Frozeen. Flame after flame was sent by PBB. And ice
blast after ice blast were sent by the snakes. Frozeen looked up. He saw a giant boulder. His
Magma Drill drilled into the ground beneath. The boulder shifted, and rolled toward the Ice
Snakes, smashing them. "Let's go!" Frozeen called to PBB and Chompy.

Feb 2 2005, 09:00 PM


It was decided that ALL three of them would go on guard duty tonight. Chompy could spot
certain things that robot and human can't, PBB what dino and human can't, and Frozeen
what robot and dino may not. After SO many conflicts with the Ice Snakes that it is stupid
to even try to tell exactly many, they couldn't afford to lose another camp. These Ice
Snakes were dangerous, quick, and unpredictible, more of those than Ice Spiders. Frozeen
just hoped that nobody else was facing these creatures.

Feb 4 2005, 07:59 AM

IC: Not much was going on. They survived Feb. 3 without a problem, though. The only
mayjor thing was the strange dragonfly. It, of course, got eaten by Chompy.

Feb 4 2005, 03:31 PM

OOC: While everyone else is someplace, Frozeen, PBB, and Chompy were left behind at
Antartica. That's why, other than Ice Snakes, things have been boring.

IC: Frozeen wasn't sure what to do. PBB walked over to Frozeen.
"Got something for you," PBB said, handing over Frozeen a paper.
Frozeen smiled, not glancing at the paper. "I've seen your grammar has improved," he said.
"You used to say 'Me' instead of 'I' and you didn't say complete sentences." Frozeen glanced
at the paper. It was a legend.


Frozeen's real name was Sam. But, he never knew if he had a name before that. Now he
knew. "So," he said, "my name's really Brickstealer? And I'm SUPPOSED to be 'The Worst
PBB nodded. "So when your parents found you in a cave, they named you Sam."
Frozeen threw down the paper and stepped on it. "Well, I'm NOT going to be a villian. I will
stay good, no matter if my name's Brickstealer or not!"

Feb 4 2005, 03:58 PM

IC: A silence was in the air after Frozeen had read the legend. All of a sudden -


"Not now," Frozeen mumbled. The Ice Snakes were back. And this time, in an army.
Practically one, anyways. At least 500 snakes hissed at once, making it sound louder than a
frieght train.

Feb 4 2005, 10:04 PM

IC: By now, the trio were FAR away from the Ice Snakes. And about a quarter had been
smashed already. It was only because of the TT's speed how they managed to get away.
They parked at a spot. To Frozeen and PBB's surprise, BB were patrolling the area.
"They can help us defend ourselves!" Frozeen said cheerfully, but PBB shook his purple
"No," he said. "They aren't the friendly type. They aren't you BB. Frozeen, these are THE
"Then," Frozeen said, "on the other hand we can worry. PBB, will you lead a small army of
GOOD BB to attack them?"
"Done," PBB answered. After Frozeen summoned a few BB, PBB charged at the Brickster's

Feb 5 2005, 01:35 PM

OOC: I still wish that on LI 2 I can still kick BB's butt... Not anymore now that I won...

IC: When all the BAD BB were disabled, PBB, Chompy, Frozeen and the GOOD BB got a
better look at why the BB were patrolling the place. There was a small hatch. Above, there
was a button. Above that, it said, "Say code to enter." The BB and Chompy wouldn't be a
good solution to this, since they can't talk, so PBB and Frozeen tried it out.
"I can do this!" PBB said. He pushed the button. "Brickster!" Nothing happened. PBB tried
again. "Brickster's friend!" Nothing still. "Brickster Bot! Brickstealer! Friend of villians!
Enemy of Infomaniac! Ogel rules! I steal bricks! Brickster and Brickstealer! Infomaniac is
stupid! I want to go to Ogel Island! Ogel's the best! Brickster rules!" Still nothing. PBB
scowled. "Well, this is one stupid door. Maybe the code is something insane..." So PBB tried
that out. "Bricks are eating me! Chickens! Mata-Nui! Monty Python! NEE!!! Monkeys await!
Cows must be defeated!"
"STOP there!" Frozeen yelled, remembering about monkeys and cows. "There must be a
trick here," he mumbled. "Say code and enter... Say code and enter..." He got up and
pushed the button. "CODE!" he yelled. The hatch opened, and PBB and Frozeen gasped.
There was all of the Brickster's stolen pieces from the Infomaniac, in storage, waiting to be
brought to Ogel Island.

Soon, the Infomaniac and his friends were busy transporting the pieces back to where they
belong: Lego Island.

OOC: This isn't your hatch, this is something else entirely.

Feb 7 2005, 07:48 AM

IC: "Hey," PBB said to Frozeen once all the bricks had been transported, "why don't we go...
Uh... You know, have an adventure?"
Frozeen looked at PBB. "Where?"
"Adventure Island," PBB listed, "Castle Island, Morcia, Hogwarts, Disney World, Lego Island,
go mess up Ogel Island... Any of them?"
Frozeen shook his head. "No, remember, we're stuck here in Antartica, with no air or boat
PBB's smile faded.

Feb 7 2005, 07:03 PM

IC: Frozeen was bored. So was PBB. They guessed Chompy was, too. All because Polar
fainted. They wondered what the other agents were doing...

Feb 8 2005, 07:44 AM

IC: Frozeen, PBB, and Chompy's boredness faded once Ice Snakes appeared on the horizon.
"RUN!" yelled Frozeen.
"Or shoot rocks!" PBB called. He ran backwords, clutching a rock-blaster. But, he was
looking at what he was shooting, not where he was going. He tripped over Chompy and
crashed into Frozeen, knocked unconious.
"One down," Frozeen mumbled, "and two injured." With PBB unconcious and Chompy and
Frozeen injured from the crash, they seemed like easy prey for the snakes.

Feb 8 2005, 04:27 PM

OOC: Am I the only one here with an AT Avatar?

IC: Frozeen, Chompy, and PBB were lucky that they hadn't been frozen. But they were
defeated. All Frozeen and PBB's weapons were perhaps lost forever. And they were standing
in front of the biggest thing that they had ever seen: The Ice Snake King. It was the largest
Ice Snake ever.
"Well, well, well," the Snake King hissed. "What'sssss thissss? A BB with a purple head, a
baby dinosssssaur, and an AT agent!"
"What do you want of us?" Frozeen asked.
"Why," the Snake King answered, "your defeat, of courssssse! You ssssee, all my
ssservantssss: the Iccce Sssnakesss, and I work for Ogel! Hissss latessst order wassss to
bring you three here - alive. But, onccce he'sss finished with you, we'll freezzze you!"
"Well, I'll burn you instead!" PBB boldly said. Fire shot out of his hands. To his surprise, the
Snake King merely laughed.
"You think sssmall flamesss will ssstop me?" the Snake King laughed. "You are but sssmall
miccce to me! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha - hey, what'sss that?" The ground began to shake. The
water in the nearby lake rippled. And bursting out of it was the tentacled creature from
World City's harbor. It roared at the giant snake. The two began to combat.
"Take the advantage of his distraction," called Frozeen. "We should get out of here!" PBB
nodded, and Frozeen grabbed Chompy. They ran as fast as they could.

OOC: The Ice Snake King WILL return...

Feb 8 2005, 07:27 PM

IC: "Where's..." Frozeen gasped, "the... blankets...?"

"Over..." PBB answered, "there..." The two of them crawled over to the blankets and
collapsed. Chompy guessed that because they were doing all the running and he was
carried, they must be really tired. Over the past few months, Chompy had learned who were
friends and who were enemies. He crawled out of the tent were an AT agent and a purple-
headed BB slept. He was ready. Chompy sniffed the air. Indeed, Drones were near. They
were in a cave. Chompy crawled on top of the cave. He growled. Screams were heard in the
cave. Drone after Drone raced out in terror. Chompy's plan worked - they thought that
Chompy was larger and more dangerous than he really was. One Drone lagged behind.
Perfect. The Drone had no idea what hit him.

OOC: That's where they really put "secret" in secret agent...

Feb 9 2005, 08:03 AM

OOC: Chompy is one super-smart, highly-trained T-Rex...

IC: Chompy reached the tent just on time, for Frozeen and PBB woke up. After being
trained so much by Frozeen, Chompy was Drone-hunting for the past few nights by himself.
Then, a small dragonfly caught his eye.
Frozeen smiled, watching Chompy chase the dragonfly around. But what were dragonflies
doing in Antartica? Then, a giant dragonfly flew out of nowhere.
"DRAGONfly!!!!" PBB and Frozeen screamed. The three of them ran away. But, where they
ended up was no better than before.
"Welcome back, you sssneaky foolsssss..."

Feb 10 2005, 07:04 PM

IC: Yes, the Snake King again. "You have essscaped from me! How dare you! You will
remain prisssonersss until Ogel comesss to deal with you!" he hissed. 50 Ice Snakes
slithered over to the three of them.
"I'll deal with them!" PBB said. He shot flames, but three of the snakes froze his hands.
"Think you can burn through that ice?" Frozeen said. PBB shook his head. The snakes
wrapped around Frozeen, PBB, and Chompy. Chompy growled and hissed. The snakes
hissed back. They brought the three of them to a dungeon.
"What now?" PBB asked.
Frozeen walked over to a wall. "Hmm..." he mumbled. He grabbed a brick and pulled. The
brick came loose, and so did the wall. "Hey," Frozeen said. "I stole a brick!"
"Great job, 'Brickstealer!'" PBB joked as they raced out of the hole.
Frozeen frowned. "Please, DON'T call me that," he mumbled.

Feb 12 2005, 12:53 PM

IC: "We MUST be in a safe spot, finally," Frozeen said once the three of them entered a
cave. "There's no way an Ice Snake can attack!"
"There'sss no way, you sssay?" hissed a voice. Rocks from the ceiling began falling.
"Quick, the side exit!" PBB yelled. They ran out of a secret exit of the cave just as the cave
was brought down by none other than the Ice Snake King. Frozeen shot lasers at the snake.
The lasers hit the Snake King right in the eye! "OW!" he screamed, wriggling this way and
that. When he stopped, he looked around. All was black. "I'm BLIND!" he hissed. "Thossse
foolsss blinded me!"
"We got to get out of here!" PBB cried. The purple BB took one step - and the Ice Snake
King "looked" right at him!
"You think you can get away? I might be blind, but I can ssstill hear you, ssstill feel you,"
the Snake King flicked his tounge, "and ssstill ssssmell you!"
"Run!" shouted Frozeen.

OOC: Hmm, suddenly this RPG seems quiet...

Feb 12 2005, 03:32 PM

OOC: Yes, I'll accept. But this takes place first!

IC: A couple of Drones were walking around. The spotted two mountain climbers.
"We should probably freeze them," the first Drone said. The second one smiled in
agreement. One of the climbers was holding a snowball. Suddenly, both mountain climbers
turned to look at the Drones.
"Why does the one without the snowball have a wierd face?" the 2nd Drone asked.
"Why does the one with the snowball look familiar?" the 1st Drone asked in response.
"And why is the snowball in a familiar shape?" the 2nd Drone asked. Suddenly, the wierd-
faced climber raised his arms. Fire shot out of his hands. Both Drones screamed.

Of course, it was PBB in disguise. He ripped off the mask, laughing. "That was great! Their
The other climber was Frozeen. "Yes, not to mention that there are now two LESS Drones in
the world!" The "snowball" shook, for it was really Chompy covered in snow.

Feb 12 2005, 05:19 PM

IC: Another dragonfly flew by. Chompy tried to catch it, but this time Frozeen caught
Chompy first. "You know what this means, don't you?" he asked, turning toward PBB.
PBB nodded. "The DRAGONfly! We've got to get out of here!" But, as soon as the words left
his mouth, a huge dragonfly appeared.
"AHH!" PBB and Frozeen screamed. Chompy whimpered. But the DRAGONfly itself was
afraid. A huge, blue and white face tried to chomp it up. The Ice Snake King.
"So it must just be afraid of this snake," Frozeen realized.
"Well, we should be worrying!" PBB cried. "That snake is not only after the DRAGONfly, it's
also after us!"
The Snake King turned toward the trio. "What?" he hissed. "There you are! I jussst knew I
would find you! You were ssstupid to even think that blinding me would ssstop me!" The
DRAGONfly had escaped, and the Snake King realized. "Bah, it took me sssseven weeksss
and ssssix days to catch it!" Then he turned toward the trio. "I could catch YOU any day!
Ssso, I'll deal with you later! You're lucky you're sssurviving this time!" Then the giant
snake slithered away.

Feb 12 2005, 08:24 PM

OOC: Go to the base? Oh, you mean to find out my mission?

PS, is the next chap of The Banned up?

IC: "That was... strange..." Frozeen said.

"Maybe there are agents in the base!" PBB guessed. "Maybe we could find a way to get
away from snake-breath!"
"Let's go!" Frozeen agreed, hopping into his TT. PBB and Chompy followed. The TT sped
over to AT Base.

OOC: I guess this takes place AFTER The Banned, right?

[insert The Banned]

Victor Draven
Feb 12 2005, 09:16 PM
OOC: Yeah, so I can give you the mission.
Chapter 4 is as far as I've written so far. But more shall come.
Yes, this is AFTER Banned.

IC: Subzero was having Midnight stitch up the long bloody slash in his back, when Frozeen
burst in.
"Commander Subzero! What on Earth happened?"
"More like what on BZKoro. After I got you out of the city, I fought Doom. Doom lost, but he
gave me some lifelong scars. Need a mission, Fro?"
"Some Drones have been fooling around with a very little known volcano here in Antarctica.
Find out whats going on, kill any Drones, and stop Ogel's plan."
Frozeen nodded and set out.

Feb 13 2005, 06:35 PM

IC: Frozeen drove around the volcano. So far, he'd shot nearly 30 Drones. One he tried to
get Ogel's plan, but failed. Then, he got an idea. He sped up to the top of the volcano and
looked down. He firgured out two things. It was dormant, and it was sort of a second base
to Ogel! Frozeen saw cranes, machines, SOLs, Snow Crawlers, Mini-Crawlers that he'd never
heard of before, an Orb Factory, and containers holding Ice Spiders and Ice Snakes. "Oh,
no," he mumbled. Then he remembered the volcano was dormant. Dormant, not exctict.
Which means it will erupt again... But when?

Feb 15 2005, 07:24 PM

IC: "This lever shall make the volcano erupt."

"But first we should move everything out of here so we loose no equipment."
"And all our traps - which should be set up by 5 O'Clock - for directing the lava toward AT's
doom should be ready."
"Hey, look at this! ESCOPPAY! Funny, 'cause it's spelled just like escape..."
"Turn off that TV!"
When the 2 Drones left to turn off the TV, Frozeen snuck down. They wanted the volcano to
erupt at 5:00. "Just going to ruin their plans," he mumbled. He pushed the lever. A siren
went off. The volcano started shaking. Drones were screaming. THE VOLCANO WAS
ERUPTING! Frozeen ran out of the volcano just as it erupted. "At least I stopped that!"
But, suddenly, a huge, collosus robot was standing right in front of Frozeen.

OOC: Take it from here, Sub!

PS, can you guess what movie the TV was playing?

toa combino
Feb 16 2005, 10:11 AM

agent:syphro strategy:agility and speed #19 age:7 vehicle:blizzard blaster ic:i was in the
base playing allways it was boring i notise that evreone was gone exept for one
of the blizzard blasters i put on a suit and went outside with a gun sneaked into the blizzard
blaster and went away.i knew evry button there was!blast alpha mode and lots other stuff.

Victor Draven
Feb 16 2005, 06:52 PM

OOC: Ok, I'm playing for you... except I'll handle the robot's description.

IC: Suddenly, under the robot's feet the floor caved, making it fall into a pit of lava.
Frozeen ran through the Volcano, and went through a shaft to the outside. He ran as lava
obliterated everything.
He jumped out, and a boat on wings with a cockpit flew through. He got pulled on by a
redheaded man, and they sped off.
Suddenly a fighter ship flew after them, firing blasts.
Inside was a robot.
"Listen. I'm an agent from the future. One of you guys, but I can't tell you who. But we
have to stop the future from happening. All of the Agents except for me are killed. By that
robot behind us. Its programmed by Ogel to kill us off one at a time."
Frozeen stared for a second. Then he realised he should handle it like Sub would.
"Who's the first target?" he asked, mimicing Subzero's deep, cold voice.
"Agent Kotua."
Frozeen grabbed the steering mechanism and they flew towards HQ.
Kotua could not die.

Feb 16 2005, 07:55 PM

OOC: Kotua, eh? I'll show that robot... Nobody harms AT! And thanks for clearing me up on
what I was supposed to do!

IC: Frozeen needed to help Kotua and stop the robot. He was thankful he knew that Kotua
was at the HQ. He hopped out of the vehicle and tried to find Kotua.

Kotua in Space
Feb 16 2005, 08:10 PM

IC:Frozeen walked through AT HQ's corridors Hurrying to find kotua.

Little did Frozeen know, somebody else was also looking for kotua, and he wasn't planning
on helping him. The Other being walked, unnoticed. He bumped into Frozeen.
"Whatch were your going pal"said Robo-kotua angrily.
"Have you seen kotua?"asked Frozeen.
"No..."Said Robo-Kotua coldly.
He continued walkig, leaving a puzzled Frozeen behind.

Feb 16 2005, 08:15 PM

OOC: Was that the evil robo-Kotua?

IC: Frozeen kept on running. He ran inside Kotua's room, where he wasn't found. The
kitchen was empty. Only the nurses were inside the hospital wing. BUT, Frozeen did bump
into PBB and Chompy.
"Where's Kotua?" Frozeen asked frantically. He wouldn't let Kotua, who'd helped him
countless times, die.
"Haven't seen him," PBB answered. "Why?"
"No time to explain!" Frozeen said.
"But I'll help! I'll check the left of the HQ while you check the right!" PBB suggested. They
ran off in opposite directions.

Feb 16 2005, 08:42 PM

IC: PBB was worried. Normally, Frozeen wouldn't be in such a hurry. Noises came up ahead.
PBB's hands glowed red, ready to shoot flames. There was something evil.

Frozeen found no sight of Kotua. Chompy had followed him. Frozeen turned to Chompy.
"Think you can pick up Kotua's scent?" he asked. Chompy nodded. Frozeen wrote a note:
He tied the note to Chompy's tail. "Find Kotua, and show him this," Frozeen told him.
Chompy ran off.

Chompy picked up Kotua's scent. He knew other things as well. Robo-Kotua was in the
building. Something fishy about Robo-Kotua, as well. He caught a glimpse of Kotua running
and took off after him.

OOC: Chompy found you, and PBB found Robo-Kotua.

Kotua in Space
Feb 16 2005, 09:10 PM

OOC:Thanks for tewlling me of my mistake PSam.

IC:kotua's PDA shook. He took it out and read the message. He replied:
he put his PDA away, and turned around, tosee Chompy, and a Drone running around the
corridor with a bag of peperoni, chased by Robo-Diamond.
"what the?"said kotua.
he looked at Chompy.
"Fine you can follow me Chompy, but its dangerous."said kotua.
Robo-kotua looked around and took out the gun. He heard steps.
It had to be kotua. He got up and aimed the gun, to find Frozeen.
"So...Your looking for kotua."said Robo-kotua.
Suddenly kotua arrived.
"What's going on?"asked kotua.
"Frozeen is trying to capture you, so he can take you to Ogel."said Robo-kotua.

Feb 16 2005, 09:19 PM

IC: Kotua glared at Frozeen. "You..." he mumbled. "You were a traitor! I knew something
was wrong with you!"
Frozeen backed away. Robo-Kotua was bad, and trying to trick Kotua. "Please Kotua,
listen," he begged.
Kotua didn't listen. He pulled out a laser.
"Sorry 'bout this!" a voice called. A purple object flew through the air, hitting the evil Robo-
Kotua and Kotua. It jammed Robo-Kotua's circuits and knocked out Kotua. Frozeen turned
to see a headless PBB. Looking at the purple object, Frozeen realized -
"You took off your head and threw it," Frozeen said.
"Yes," said PBB's head. "And can you take me back to my body?" Once PBB's head was
screwed back on, the three of them looked at Robo-Kotua.
"We must find an explanation for Robo-Kotua being bad before Kotua wakes up," Frozeen

Kotua in Space
Feb 16 2005, 09:27 PM

IC:Frozeen and PBB thought, when a Drone passed by, followed by Robo-diamond.
"Its my peperoni!"said the Drone.
"Its kotua's!"said Robo-Diamond.
They continued runing.
Soon, the other Robo-Agents were chaisng the Drone.
Robo-kotua(OOC:Good one) awoke, to find drones examining(sp?) him.
Some were looking at a screen, which was black.
"Its the purple bot! If we destroy him, we can succeed in later missions."said one Drone-
"Why kotua, since there are more important targets?"asked one.
"Because we need to know if a Robo-agent faces his organic counter-part, who would
win"replied the First DS(Drone-Scientist.)
"oh"sais the second DS.
"wheres the drone who was to help Robo-kotua?"asked another DS.
"Goofing off."said the second DS.
Robo-kotua was turned off...

Feb 17 2005, 07:41 AM

IC: The Drone banged into a radio, turning it on. But not before PBB grabbed earplugs,
knowing what would happen if he or any BB listened to music.
Frozeen looked at PBB. "I know you can't hear the radio, BUT CAN YOU HEAR ME?" PBB
didn't notice. Frozeen mumbled something, then continued trying to find Robo-Kotua's
explanation for being evil when Kotua woke up.

Kotua in Space
Feb 17 2005, 06:46 PM

OOC:The scientific-drones are like Meda Drones, but in the brain, making them smart. But
still under Ogel's commands
IC:kotua woke up, and saw Frozeen and PBB, and the knocked out Robo-kotua..
"Take this you killer!"said kotua, who launched at Frozeen.
"kotua, listen to me, Robo-kotua wanted to kill you!"said Frozeen desperately.
"Give me one good reason why!"said kotua
PBB hit Robo-kotua's head, and his eyes turned on. Suddenly a hologram appeared on top
of Robo-kotua. Two drones with white coats appeared
all three turned to look at the Hologram
"You may have Defeated R-K mkI, but the second version will destroy you! Ans since we
have the Real Robo-kotua, It will be faster making Robo-Agents! "said one SD.
"So now we'll laugh evily..."said the second one
"MWUAHAHAHA!"Both drones laughed.
The Hologram went blank.
"I'm...I'm sorry about that Frozeen, I should have known better than to attack you."said
"Its okay."said Frozeen.
"Why would the Drones tell us of their plot?"asked kotua.
"I wonder that too."said Frozeen

Feb 17 2005, 06:55 PM

IC: "How about this?" Frozeen suggested. "We highly guard the Robo-Agents that are here
and keep an eye on others. That way we'll have no way of falling for an evil Robo-Agent."
"So what was that danger?" asked Kotua and PBB.
"No time to explain!" Frozeen said. He grabbed Kotua, PBB, and Chompy and raced out of
the building. There he found the winged-boat and the strange agent from the future.
"Hop in!" Frozeen nodded, he and Kotua hopped in, and he pointed to PBB and Chompy.
"Think they'll be able to come?" asked Frozeen.
"Yes, I'm pretty sure there's enough room for all agents, pets and - important - BB."
"I'll take that as a complement," PBB said.
"So who's the next agent?" Frozeen asked.

OOC: Sub, could you PM me a list of the order of agents?

And Kotua, don't say the next name. For all we know, Sub might want that agent to be
saved last.
EDIT: I won't be here for Feb Vacation, so you might want to play me for a while, Sub.

Kotua in Space
Feb 19 2005, 11:47 PM

OOC:My computer is going to get fixed, so I might not be able to be on for the while...I
think its just this week...or just tommorrow...not sure.
IC:"The next target is Agent Databoard"said the agent from the future.
"Then we better find Data,a nd fast."said Frozeen.
"So why don't we just get every agent, and set up camp in a secret location until the threat
passes?"asked kotua.
"It won't pass"said the Agent from the future.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Feb 20 2005, 01:16 AM

OOC: They are all within the Ring of Fire, the area were most of the world's
volcanic activity occurs. Hand over the cookie.

Databoard was nearing HQ when a laser blast shot righ past the cockpit There was
some kind of fighter ship flying at him, with a robot at the controls. Databoard
returned fire, but the lasers bounced harmlessly off the side. "Just perfect."
Databoard muttered. He turned and tried to lose the attacking vehicle by
manuvering in and out of range of mountains, but the robot refused to shake him.
Databoard flung one of his Laser Bombs at the vehicle, but it had no effect. He
looked at the radar systems. There were only two Agent that could get there soon:
Frozeen and Kotua. He took out his Palm Pilot and set them a message:



Databoard pressed 'SEND' and swerved the Helicopter to avoid another laser. he
just hoped Frozeen and Kotua could get there in time.


Kotua in Space
Feb 20 2005, 10:54 AM

OOC:Computer hasn't been taken yet, so I'll RPG a bit...

IC:kotua's PDA beeped. kotua took it out and read the message.
"Guys, Data is in trouble, lets go!"said kotua.
"do you know where he is?"asked Frozeen.
"Didn't get coordinates"
They jumped into the craft of the Future agent.
The took off and started looking.
on the other side they found Data, under attack from a strange craft and robot.
"Can this craft destroy the enemy craft?"asked kotua.
"If its from the future, I'm sure its possible, right?"said Frozeen.
"Yes it is."said the agent from the future.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Feb 20 2005, 11:58 AM

Databoard put the Helicopter into a nosedive to avoid the lasers fired from the
attacking craft, which followed its persuit. Databoard pulled up, hoping for the
other ship to smash into the snow below. The robot was not shaken, however, and
kept following Databoard's Helicopter. Suddenly, another ship appeared, looking
something like a boat with wings. Databoard readied the lasers, not knowing
whether the ship was good or not.


Kotua in Space
Feb 20 2005, 01:02 PM

The Craft ramed into the Robot's craft.

kotua sent a message to Data.
kotua put away his messenger and looked outside.The Robot didnt even habve a dent.

Feb 20 2005, 03:45 PM

IC:kotua thought for a moment.

"Is it possible to hack into the robot?"asked kotua.
"You need direct contact though, as his transmissions are too protected."said the agent
from the future.
kotua looked once more at the PDA. should he send a message? that thought really
bothered kotua...
A Robo-agent walked through, unlike the others, only his eyes hinted he was a Robo-Agent,
and he covered them with glasses.
The Robo-Agent spotted who he recognized as Rich.
"Hey rich!"said the Robo-agent, with a voice that didn't hint its evil.
"Hey diamond."replied Agent Rich.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Feb 22 2005, 06:17 PM

The robot's ship prepared to fire at the ship Frozeen and Kotua were in. Databoard
sent the Helicopter at the robot, lasers firing. The lasers bounced of the vehicle's
armor, but it distracted him from Frozeen and Kotua. Databoard just hoped it
would distract it long enough, as he swerved to avoid the lasers the robots ship


Kotua in Space
Feb 22 2005, 06:30 PM

IC: The Agent from the Future moved the craft nearer to the Robot.
"Good luck"said the agent future.
"No need"said kotua.
He then jumped towards the Robot's craft.
The Future Agent's craft moved to protect Data.
Rich turned around to work on something.
Robo-diamond took out a gun, loarded it, and pointed it at Rich's head.
"I need to know a few things, i'm sure you can help."said the Robo-agent.
At that moment Sub entered
"What's going on?"he asked.
"I'll explain, just don't try anything funny, or else."said the Robo-agent

Feb 26 2005, 03:33 PM

OOC: Snuck on my Dad's laptop! So I can make this post! Though, until Wednesday, I
won't post again.
Havin' fun in Florida!

IC: Frozeen looked at the future agent. He said that he was one of the present day agents,
though he wouldn't say who. A Blizzard Blaster ran by them. According to his scanner, a
newbie had snuck on. He grumbled something. PBB ran over to help out save Data.

The Future Agent's "boat" flew over to Data. "Need a lift?" he asked.
"Sure," Data said. "By the way, who are you?"
"Not telling, at least until the time is right," the Future Agent answered.

Feb 26 2005, 04:38 PM

OOC: Err... Just say I'm in Florida. Not sure where

You explained the boat perfectly. You don't need a pic.
The newbie in the Blizzard Blaster entered the RPG in the previous page. Nobody
remembered to tell him that only elite agents get Blizzard Blasters.

IC: As Data hopped into the boat, it sped over to Kotua, Chompy, who'd just happened to
crawl out of the boat, PBB, and Frozeen. Then it flew over to the stolen Blizzard Blaster.
Kotua reached out an arm and grabbed the newbie.
"The Ice Blade and Blizzard Blaster are safe," the Future Agent said, "for they aren't what
the robot is after."
"Okay," Frozeen said, "who are the next agents?"
"Bonjoir and Drathek," the Future Agent answered.

OOC: Bonjoir will die. Bout time I kill him off.

Mar 2 2005, 07:47 AM

IC: The fighter ship was right on their tails. Or heels, depends on how you want to say it...
"There they are!" PBB said, pointing downward. Sure enough, the French and English
newbies from Boston were down there.
"Frozeen, grab a rope!" the Future Agent told him. Frozeen grabbed one, and hung it over
the side of the boat. Both Agents grabbed it.
"Climb!" Kotua called. Bonjoir and Drathek began climbing. Suddenly, a blaster from the
fighter ship shot one of the Agents. Bonjoir was the one. He fell, dead.
When Drathek boarded the boat, he looked down and said, not so sympitheticly though,
"Well, I never could pronounce his name right."
Everyone glared angrily at him.

Kotua in Space
Mar 2 2005, 07:21 PM

IC:kotua turned around and saw a robo agent runnning out of AT HQ.
"Hey!"said kotua.
"Thats me!"said Robo-diamond
The Robo Agent took out a gun and atempted to shoot, but a blast from AT HQ security
stoped him, for the while.
Suddenly the evil Robo-agent started growing, and blades, guns, and armor appeared,
covering him.
The Evil robo-agent turned around, and with two guns, destroyed ten AT security bots.
"Not another robot!"said Frozeen.
The future agent piloted the craft away from the evil robo-agent.
Mar 2 2005, 09:37 PM

IC: "Who's next?" asked Frozeen. Already, onboard there were Robo-Diamond, Frozeen,
Kotua, PBB, Chompy, Data, the newbie (can't remember the name), and Drathek.
"In a moment!" the Future Agent answered. He needed to get as far away from the evil
robo-agent. Frozeen thought it was similar to when XTREAMPOWERMOD became Turaga
Doom (see Sub's epic The Banned for details). "Okay," the agent finally said. "I believe it
is... PBB, but he's already saved. That means Agent Garage, and I remember him being at
Slick Mt."

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Mar 3 2005, 01:24 AM

Databoard sat in the already cramped boat-like vehicle as it flew towards Slick Mt.
himself and and the other Agent's were scaning the slope for Agent Garage. They
couldn't see him, but they could see sothing else: the robot's ship heading for the
mountain. "Someone figure out where on the mountain he's headed." Frozeen
said. "We've got to help Agent Garage!" Kotua took out a pair of binoculars and
looked at the slope. He spotted a figure on the mountain. "There!" He shouted and
the vehicle shot off to save Agent Garage...


Mar 3 2005, 07:56 AM

IC: "Hold on," Garage was saying, "I'm busy right now! I have to repair this Blue Eagle that
I found crash-landed. And who is he anyways?" He pointed towards the Future Agent.
"He won't tell," Frozeen said.
"And if you don't believe us that you MUST go in the boat RIGHT NOW," PBB continued,
"then you'll NEVER be busy again. The hard way."
"Fine," Garage said impatiently, "but let me finish repairing." Suddenly, a laser was shot.
The fighter ship was back.

OOC: After Garage, can we do the real agents, like Diamond or Flex or Arrow etc. etc.?

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Mar 3 2005, 02:40 PM

Databoard jumped down to help Garage fix the Blue Eagle. The two were hard at
work fixing the damaged Blue Eagle, as lasers blasted the snow nearby. Sone they
had the plane fixed, but the fighter ship was closing on them. They began to run
away from the barage of laser-fire, but the ship was closing fast. Databoard took
out the only weapon that might do any good: one of his Laser Bombs. "On the
count of three, run for the Blue Eagle." Databoard whispered to Agen Garage.
"One, two, THREE!" Garage ran towards the plane, and at the same time
Databoard flung the Laser Bomb up the mountain and ran as well. The laser bomb
detonated, and the sound of the lasers echoed across the area. It loosened the
snow, and started an avalanche. Garage had almost made it to the Blue Eagle
when the robot fired a laser and blew up the plane. Suddenly, the boat like ship
swooped down to the resque. Data and Garage jumped in as the ship flew away
from the avalanche. But they weren't out of danger yet: The robot's ship was still
following them.


Mar 3 2005, 06:35 PM

IC: "Flex is next," the Future Agent said.

"What about Sub?" asked Drathek. "How about Dash? Radia?"
"They won't be attacked yet, but we must rescue Flex first," the Future Agent explained.
"For if we go out of order, many Agents will be lost."
"I'm afraid WE will be lost," Data said. The Fighter Ship, within the robot was extreamly
angry that this strange boat was getting all the agents first, shot cannon after cannon at the
Suddenly, the wings of the boat were blown off.
"Mayday! Mayday!" PBB shouted. "We're going down!"
At that moment, Frozeen tripped, pushing a button. Two NEW wings came out of the sides.
"Well," he said, "that solves that!" They flew off to find Flex.

Mar 3 2005, 07:20 PM

OOC: Thanks for clearing that up, Sub!

IC: Flex was looking at scanners that also had a tape recorder. He saw what was going on,
and could hear what was going on as well. He sent a message to Dash, Diamond, Cam
(OOC: I don't care she's not in this mission), Radia, Crunch, Charge, and Arrow. In a few
moments, they were all there. Then, they went inside the indestructable cave which Frozeen
was once locked in. Dash set a message to Garage.

"It seems that Flex, Dash, Diamond, Cam, Radia, Crunch, Charge, and Arrow are all safe in
an indestructable cave," Garage reported.
"That means the next agent would be..." the Future Agent said.

OOC: And... I don't know. Any suggestions?

Mar 4 2005, 07:44 AM

IC: "Jason."
"Jason who?" asked Drathek.
"Jason as in Sub's son," Frozeen answered. Within seconds, the boat was flying in search of

Kotua in Space
Mar 4 2005, 06:40 PM

OOC: This is what the Guardian looks like:Guardian

IC:Far away from AT HQ, a military base exists. Deep underground of the military base,
People are hard at work. A robot stands in a platform, robotic arms adding armor, wires,
etc. A man sits in front of a computer, going over the information for the robot
Codenamed:Guardian, the latest advance in technology(for them...)
Robo-Diamond, stood up, scarred from battling Orion.
"So this is what You send against me? This time there will be no-"said the robo-Agent, cut
off by a hit from Orion. The Robo-Agent landed on the floor again.
With no warning, THe Robo-Agent started spinning in the floor, and making Orion fall down.
the RA(Robo-Agent) activated his cannons and started shooting at Orion.
The chest of the RA opened, revealing a Cannon. It fired, and a Sonic Boom hit Orion.
kotua took out his PDA.
"Maybe we can trace Jason using the GPS(Global Positioning System)?"asked kotua
"We can't"said Frozeen.
Suddenly the robot appeared again, and started blasting the craft again.

Mar 5 2005, 10:18 AM

IC:Don't use the Guardian character yet...

IC:on the military base, The Guardian project was going well. Guardian is in the firing
range, testing different firearms. So far, Guardian hasn't missed the target.
Unfortunately, Guardian's artificial intelligence can't handle flight combat, or Aquatic
kotua sighed, and sended a message to the base:
the craft continued travelling.
Robo-kotua(good one) watched the drones review the video feed from Robo-Diamond.
"So they have that robot. So what?"said one of them.
"we need to take the Voltage! Its front weapon will crush that robot."said another
"We should send more?"
"Send some SOLs to damage the robot."
"I think its cool"
"Shut up!"
Robo-kotua sighed.

Mar 5 2005, 06:39 PM

OOC: Actually, Cam is in the indestructable cave with Dash, Diamond, etc. etc.

IC: Lasers on the boat blew a hole in a frozen river. A push of a button created a cockpit
with everyone inside. And then the boat dove underwater. Before the robot could do
anything, a ray had frozen the lake surface surface. Hard. The robot shot as much as it
could, but not a crack appeared in the ice.
"Great plan!" PBB said.
"Thanks," the Future Agent said.
Frozeen was looking around when he spotted something. "We aren't as safe as we hoped.
The Future Agent followed his gaze. "Oh, no," he muttered.
"Not again!" Data, PBB, and Kotua added. For swimming in the water was the tentacled
creature that Frozeen encountered twice: once in World City, where Data and Kotua also
saw it, and in the the Ice Snakes hideout. Only this time, a whole clan was with it. Hundreds
of them.
"How about that cave?" asked Garage, pointing at a cave where the tentacled creature
couldn't get to.
"No," the Future Agent answered. "That is another Ice Snake hideout."
"If I ever live to tell," Frozeen muttered, "I will call this creature 'Vinscale Octumus.'"

Kotua in Space
Mar 5 2005, 06:55 PM

IC:"Thats an IF"said Robo-frozeen.

Frozeen just stared at his robotic counterpart.
"How do we defeat all of them?"asked Data.
"If only I could send signals to the Voltage, but that might let the Robot go through"said
(OOC:The military that worked with Guardian doesn't know Alpha Team...)
Guardian had finnished his training. He was sent to Antartic, where strange reports from
Robo-probes indicated people were "Harming" The Environment. They were easy to trace,
some came in blue, with Orange and rode transforming vehicles
, and some wore red, and rode insect like vehicles. Guardian had also been given a laser
sword, strong enough to slice trhough the Vehicles of the criminals. After A while, Guardian
landed on the Antartic, and set off to find the criminals.

Mar 5 2005, 08:29 PM
IC: The nearest Vinscale Octumus (VO) roared angrily. It swam faster, so did the other VO.
"Should we fight the VO?" asked Frozeen. "Or should we fight the Ice Snakes instead?"
The Future Agent pointed towards a button. SHOOT FLAMES it said. PBB nodded, his hands
growing red. It took a few seconds before anyone realized the decision. Ice Snakes. The
boat headed towards the cave. The moment it hit the surface, ice beams were shot
everywhere by Ice Snakes. Kotua opened the cockpit, the Future Agent pushed the Flame
button, and PBB shot fire. It was a fight between ice and fire.

Kotua in Space
Mar 6 2005, 10:59 AM

OOC:Sub, who your talking to?

IC:kotua took out a small device, and turned to face the other agents.
"I'll go get the Voltage, maybe thjat can help us."said kotua
"You can't go! The Ice snakes would catch up to you!"said Frozeen.
"I just need to get out of the water to get some signal for the Voltage"said kotua, and swam
Guardian walked acropss the antartica, and saw two red scorpion vehicles.
Guardian jumped and turned on his Laser sword. He spun it, slicing through the cockpit of
one of the vehicles. The other one threw an orb, but it harmlessly bounced off Guardian.
Guardian runned to the back of the Scorpion, and sliced off the tail. The Pilot of the scorpion
jumped off the vehicle, and runned away.

Mar 6 2005, 11:21 AM

OOC: Kotua, we're now flying IN the cave, in the AIR. We're not in the water anymore, so
you don't need to go to the surface, because you're already at the surface.

IC: Frozeen scanned the area for the Snake King. He wasn't in sight, which was good. PBB
shot flames at the snakes. Data was at the wheel, for the Future Agent was busy at the
"Who daresssss enter the cave of the Icccce Ssssnakesss?" hissed a voice. PBB groaned - it
was the Snake King. A blaster hit the giant snake, sending him hurtling backwards.
"That'll buy us time," Frozeen said. The boat flew out of the cave and into the open, leaving
the Ice Snakes behind. Unfotunately, the robot was now chasing them.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Mar 6 2005, 11:35 AM

Databoard swerved the boat craft around wildly, trying to avoid the barrage of
lasers being fired. The robot continued to persue them, trying to blast them to bits
before they could save any more Agents. Frozeen, Kotua and the future Agent
were all trying to slow the robot down with their handheld lasers, and the PBB
was shooting fire, but the robot refused to give up before it had completed its
programing: Kill the Agents of Alpha Team. The boar craft went into a series of
dips and dives, trying to avoid the lasers, but the robot refused to give up.


Mar 6 2005, 11:49 AM

IC: "OF COURSE!" the Future Agent suddenly said. He ran over to a button and pushed it.
The lasers on the boat stopped firing, and he told the Agents who were using weapons to
stop. A force field surounded the boat. The blasters couldn't break the field.
"As long as it is activated, we're safe," Frozeen said.

Kotua in Space
Mar 6 2005, 12:08 PM

IC: kotua pressed the signal for the Voltage.

"You really think that your craft will destroy the robot?"asked Data.
"No! But It might hold it off for the while."said kotua.
"Look at that!"said Frozeen.
All looked out the boat. Down in the ground a robot was walking, when SOLs appeared, but
the robot sliced through them with ease.
"Uh-oh, looks like trouble"said PBB
The robot looked up, and saw the boat.
Then looked at the robot chasing the agents.
<Enemy sighted!>
Guardian looked up, and saw a boat like thing.
And a robot.
<Enemy lock on!>
Guardian rolled out of the way, as a blast from the enemy reobots craft hit the snow where
Guardian was previously.

Mar 6 2005, 12:24 PM

IC: A Viper Escape flew through the air and landed right on the force field. It shifted into
SOL and, with a swipe of the tail, pushed the boat towards the robot.
"I thought you said that wouldn't happen!" PBB said angrily.
"I said we won't be ATTACKED, not PUSHED!" the Future Agent returned.

Kotua in Space
Mar 6 2005, 12:35 PM
IC:<Destroy them!>
Guardian's jump jets activated, and it flew up to the red vehicle, and sliced off its tail, and
broke the glass cockpit, grabbing the pilot.
the voltage took off the ground, and travelled towards kotua's location.
Robo-kotua turned around, to see he was free!
He got up and runned through the corridors. At the end of one of it, lay a beefed up SOL,
with powerfull blades for feet, and bulkier tail, and a sharp spike at the end of the tail. The
glass cockpit was replaced for a metal one.
Suddenly a voice was heard behind. Robo-kotua hid. a Robo-agent walked through.
It was Robo-Subzero.
"Find Jason. Bring him back alive!"said a figure with a gold helemet.
"Right."said Robo-Subzero.
Robo-kotua looked in horror, as RS(Robo-Subzero) walked towards a blue eagle, and flew

Mar 6 2005, 12:56 PM

IC: "Whatever that small robot is that just destroyed the SOL," Frozeen said, "I don't know
if we should trust it. Sure, it's an enemy of the SOL, but so was Dr. Voltage."
"I agree," Data said. "We need to get away." The boat flew away from the scene, the robot
that was in the fighter ship closely following.

Kotua in Space
Mar 6 2005, 01:24 PM

IC:<New info, Destroy the building in these coordiantes!>

Guardian walked to the coordinates to see a blue building.Security bots appeared and
started firing.
Robo-kotua looked around.
he had Exited Ogel's Base, which was in some dessert area.
He saw a person, and asked where he was. The person looked at Robo-kotua, Puzzled.
Robo-kotua asked again, but realized something, the man didnt understand him. He looked
around and saw a sign. He walked to it and groaned.
He was in mexico.
"Aren't there more people to help you?"asked kotua.
"No, I'm the only one"said the future Agent.
"How did you survive any ways?"asked Data.

Mar 6 2005, 01:41 PM
IC: "I'll tell you when I tell my name," the Future Agent answered. "It's a painful memory,
but if we save all the agents, the memory will no longer exist."
"Look down!" Frozeen said. There was a vehicle that he thought he'd never see. It was
empty, but still struck him. It was the Bomb Squad Blaster. But if nobody survives this
mission, nobody will ever ride it again.
"Don't worry," the Future Agent said, as if reading Frozeen's mind. "I'm pretty sure that
we'll rescue everyone."

Victor Draven
Mar 7 2005, 07:26 AM

OOC: I'm going to have the agent tell you now, so I'll play as him.

IC: The future agent sighed and fell back, flying into a hiding spot.
"I have to reveal the truth to you now. Can you guess who I am?"
Suddenly Subzero dropped down from the top, and shot the Drones that were sneaking up
on them.
"I can. I know who you are. You're... Agent Frozeen."
"No way." said Frozeen. "He's so much stronger, and more strategic, and he built this Time
Ship himself!"
"Its the truth." Said the future agent, aka Future Frozeen. "We are the survivors, Fro. All of
our friends died, killed by this machine. Subzero died as well, and also a few civilians. No
Toa arrived, as prophesized. We escape to the ruins of the old base, and we hide there. And
destroy the machine. But then the Dark Lord rose up. My mission was to come and save as
many targets as possible, but also to save the civilians and one Agent, who all become Toa.
Three in all."
"Who are they?" asked Subzero.
"I don't know. I remember Rich knew before he died, and..."
"Wait... Rich... is he THE NEXT TARGET?"
"I can't remember. I remember five agents died at once, and Rich was one of them."
"Then let's go!"
They all got back in the boat and flew towards base.

Mar 7 2005, 07:57 AM

OOC: Sub, how'd you get onto the boat?

IC: Rich couldn't die. Frozeen was sure of that. But, he was too confused about Future
Agent's idenity: Frozeen. Suddenly, the air got ice cold. Worse than that. At least -40
Degrees. How were they going to survive?

Victor Draven
Mar 7 2006, 05:03 PM
OOC: I dropped down into wherever you guys are, and then talked, then got on. I was
tracking you.

IC: Subzero suddenly felt cold. Which was really odd, because he never did. Meaning the
temperature was at least 20 below zero.
He looked at Frozeen. The present one.
He needed to survive the most, or he couldn't save agents in the future.
So he took off his uniform and gave it to Frozeen(Sub wears a hoodie and pants under it).
Frozeen put it on, and Subzero huddled in a corner of the boat.

Kotua in Space
Mar 7 2005, 07:03 PM

IC:Suddenly the spot shook and snow fell. All agents turned to see Fifty SOLs, waiting
outside, with Ice robs.
"That explains why its getting colder"said Data.
"How are going to destroy them without dying of excessive cold?"asked kotua.
Robo-kotua looked at the only agent on duty, Agent Caliente.
Caliente looked at the broken fans on the ceiling, and frowned. He was worried Robo-kotua
would be damaged due to the heat.. Robo-kotua had been lucky that Agent Caliente knew
English, because Robo-kotua knew no spanish.
<Don't destroy anything yet>
Guardian entered the strange building, and walked thorughout the HQ.
On one place were some agents talking. From what he gathered, it was "Agents" "Hacker",
and "Rich".
<Hacker? Must be some throeat, eliminate!>
Guardian turned on his sword, and runned in.

Mar 7 2006, 07:23 PM

IC: "I-I'm fro-ozen!" the Future Frozeen shivered.

"I-I know you-ou're n-name is Fr-Frozeen!" Garage shivered, misunderstanding Future
Frozeen over his chattering teeth.
"I th-think what he m-meant was I-I'm froZEN," Drathek shivered.
"Is-isn't the-re a hea-eat butt-ton on th-this boat?" PBB asked.
"I'll g-get it!" Sub said, but tripped and accedently smashed the button. PBB began creating
tiny flames on his hands to warm up the air while Kotua, Data, and present-day Frozeen
shot lasers at the SOLs.

Victor Draven
Mar 7 2005, 07:38 PM
IC: Subzero suddenly had a feeling of ability. He wasn't cold... he felt as though the ice was
under his control...
Subzero did something he didn't know he could do... he withdrew the cold, and absorbed it
into his body... and then released it, freezing everything around the boat.
"That worked out... but how did I do that?"
No one was cold anymore, and subzero put on his uniform. The SOLs were frozen in spot.
They continued after Rich.

Mar 7 2005, 07:49 PM

IC: "He was over by the HQ, right?" asked (present) Frozeen.
"That's what I remember," answered Future Frozeen. "We must make haste, for any
minute, the robot can appear again."
Chompy growled. "Speak of the devil," PBB mumbled, for, again, the robot's ship was after

OOC: Wait, when are we going to save Jason? Before you revealed Future Frozeen's idenity,
we were after Jason. Did Future Frozeen just get confused?

Kotua in Space
Mar 7 2005, 08:26 PM

IC:Robo-Subzero flew away from the government building.It was time to put his plan to
work. Soon, Ogel would rule the world! He landed at the place Jason was, and walked
towards it.
Robo-kotua looked around the Mexican AT HQ. It seemed less...technological.
After asking some questions, Robo-kotua found out that Agent Caliente was the only
Surviving agent in Mexico, with the exception of another AT Agent.
The craft entered the AT garage.
"Now what?"asked Data.
"We go get Agent Rich"said Future Frozeen.

Mar 7 2005, 08:55 PM

IC: Suddenly, the garage exploded. Protected by the force field, which was still activated,
the boat was unharmed, and nobody had climbed out yet. The robot was right on their
heels, again. No longer wanting to leave the boat in the remains of the garage, they sped
through the HQ riding it. After all, that way they could find the agent faster.
"Rich?" called Drathek. "Rich?"
Chompy seemed to sniff the air. With a satisfied grunt, he gave a small click.
"Rich seems to be that way," PBB translated. That was the way the boat sped.
To Frozeen, Future Frozeen, and PBB's surprise, a few BB were waiting for them.
"We're looking for Agent Rich," said (present) Frozeen. The nearest BB nodded, then ran
off, the others following.
"They have decided to split up and search for Rich," PBB said.

One BB looked down a hallway. Everything was dark. Unlike the more advanced PBB,
regular BB did not have fire powers. So, he had to deal with no light. Something creaped up
behind him. Suddenly, for the BB, all was black.

The Meda-Drone smiled. It'd jammed the BB's circuits. Obviously, it was looking for Rich.
And it was determened to find it before a BB or Agent did, then capture the other Agents,
and hand them over to the robot.

Victor Draven
Mar 8 2005, 06:16 AM

IC: Subzero suddenly felt strange. Like there was a target on his head. It was some strange
Suddenly he jerked his head to the right. A dart hit something nearby. Sub spun around. "A
Then, somehow, he sensed a target on another person in the area...

OOC: Who's the ToI's brother?

Mar 8 2005, 07:36 AM

OOC: MoTR, I mean the robot that has been chasing me, Kotua, Data, Drathek, Garage,
and the other Agents that were riding the boat.

IC: Future Frozeen looked at the scanners with a worried glance. "Three of the BB's circuits
have been jammed," he said. "Plus, I don't think that Rich is in a room in this hallway. But
something else."
(present) Frozeen looked at Data. "What do you think it is?" he asked. Data gave an unsure

Kotua in Space
Mar 8 2005, 06:46 PM

IC:<What?! How can this happen!>

Guardian Got up, as the Agent Rich jumped towards Guardian, and kicked him in the chest.
Guardian fleww into the wall. Suddenly Guardian Dissapeared.
"What the?" said Agent Rich.
"Take this!"said Guardian, taking Agent Rich by surprise...or not.
Rich just jumped out of the way.
Guardian quickly recovered and this time acted faster Than Rich. Guardian grabbed Rich and
spun him around the room, and let him go. Rich sailed across the room and hit Hacker.
"By the power given to me by the military, Both of you are under arrest!"saids Guardian
"What the?! How can this happen!"said a soldier, piloting Guardian.
"Whats going on?"asked the leader of the project. The soldier took off the headphones he
was using to pilot Guardian, and turned them off.
"Guardian isn't responding to my controls! Its started developing AI"replied the
"But We made sure Guardian didnt develop its own Intelligence! Where could he get
it?"asked the leader.
(evil)Robo-Subzero knocked at the door. Jason answered. "Dad?" said Jason.
"I need to tell you something"said Robo-Subzero. They both entered the place.
Sub's phone rang. Sub answeredd
"I have Jason...If you want him back alive, your going to have to do something for
me."replied the voice.
"Who is this?"asked Sub
"Your robotic self."replied the voice.
"What do you want?"asked subzero
Robo-kotua sighed.
"Who's the other agent?"asked Robo-kotua.
"Why should I tell you? You know who!"said Agent Caliente.
"I don't!"said Robo-kotua.

Victor Draven
Mar 8 2005, 07:00 PM

IC: "What do you want?"

Agent Subzero waited for an answer, and loaded Old Berg.

Kotua in Space
Mar 8 2005, 07:55 PM

IC:"To kill all Mission Deep Freeze Alpha Team Agents! If you don't, Jason will go to sleep, A
eternal sleep!"replied the voice.
"No!"said Subzero.
"Then kill them! oh, and make sure you destroy the two survivng mexican Alpha Team
agents too"replied the voice.
"Who?"asked Subzero.
But the voice had hung up.
Suddenly Drones appeared.
"Oh no!"said Agent Caliente.
"I'll destroy them!"said Robo-kotua.
"Oh really?"asked a voice.
Robo-kotua turned around, and got in a fighting stance, For the voice belonged to another
"I wish Ogel would stop making robots!"said robo-kotua(good.)
"AS soon as Ogel rules the world"replied the bad Robo-kotua.
<Stop! Guardian Retreat!>
Rich got up and kicked Guardian, and Guardian hit a wall.
<Retreat! Alert! Retreat!>
Guardian got up and punched Rich.
<Retreat! Alert! Retreat!>
Guardian jumped over Rich, just as Security bots entered, But to everyone's surprise
(except for Guardian) the Security bots just stood there.
<Retreat! Aler-Emergency override code initiated.>
Guardian stopped, and Rich jumped towards Guardian.
<Emergency Override code Terminated>
Guardian pushed Rich off like he were something weak.
Guardian walked towards Hacker.

Mar 8 2005, 07:58 PM

IC: "Strange," Future Frozeen said. "Three more BB have appeared."

PBB frowned. "They must belong to the Brickster, for I don't think they're yours."
(present) Frozeen pressed a button. "This should work." Three laser shot from the boat. In
less than 15 seconds, the 3 Evil BB disappeared.

Victor Draven
Mar 8 2005, 08:22 PM

IC: Subzero couldn't kill his friends.

But he couldn't lose his son.
So he did something he never wanted to do again...
He became Xero.
He dawned the black suit once again, and pressed a button. His motorcycle drove up. Xero
jumped on, and sped off towards Nashua, where his house was.
He had to save Jason.

Mar 9 2005, 07:54 AM

IC: "Where is Rich?" Drathek angrily asked. Future Frozeen and Frozeen were looking at all
the scanners of the boat, but they couldn't find Rich. Also, 3 good BB had also been circuit-
"I wonder who's jamming all my BB's circuits," Frozeen mumbled.
"Maybe THEM?!" Future Frozeen said, pointing to a few armed Meda-Drones that were
nearby the disappearance of the three BB.
"How'd they get in here?" asked Data.

Master of the Rahkshi

Mar 9 2005, 12:38 PM

IC: Rich and Hacker were sitting in a storage room off the main hall. Rich was
using his power to project an illusion to make a sign appear on the door that said,
"Danger! High Voltage Power Room! Stay Out!" Hacker looked at him. "How are
you doing this?" she asked incredulously. Rich shook his head. "Someone...thing...
has been giving me these powers," he said.
He shrugged. "So I can live long enough to find the three Toa and give them their
Hacker nodded as if this made perfect sense. "And do you know who they are?"
Rich leaned against the wall. "I know who one of them is."
Suddenly, they heard voices outside. Hacker put her ear to the door and listened.
"Can you tell who it is?" Rich asked. Hacker nodded. "It's a few of your fellow
agents." Rich smiled in relief and pushed the door open. "Hey guys!" The collected
agents jumped. "Rich! Where did you come from? We've been looking all over for
you!" Rich nodded. "Well, I guess I found you first."
"Great. Can we cut the discussions? There's a couple Meda-Drones to deal with
right now." Rich nodded and stepped into the hallway, flicking through mask
powers, ready for battle.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Kotua in Space
Mar 9 2005, 06:12 PM

IC:kotua took out his Anti-Ice orb Shield, and expanded it.
He then charged at one meda-drone, who quickly moved out of the way.
kotua saw Rich suddenly lift two meda-drones and throw them at other Drones
Both agents looked at the remains of the drones and Robo-kotua(bad.)
"Good job."said Robo-kotua(good.)
"Thanks."said Caliente.
"I need to tell Sub that Jason is in trouble!"said Robo-kotua.
"Theres one helicopter left, Theres space for two persons, haw about I help you?"said Agent
<I'm not finished yet!>
Guardian got up, with some difficulty.
This Agent Rich may have won the first battle, but with two Guardians, They would destroy
him, and that Agent Hacker too.
He walked thorugh a corridor, and reached the end of it.
Suddenly he saw four beings break through the wall.
A scan confirmed they were "Meda-Drones."
Rich entered.
The security camers opened, revealing lazers, and started aiming at Rich.
kotua blocked a punch from a Meda-drone, and retaliated with a punch.
The Meda drone staggered a bit.
A Lazer blast whizzed by, striking a random drone. kotua turned to see the source of the
lazer, to see four Meda-drones, and a big robot, start charging at Rich.
The security cameras shot at Rich too, but he dodged the blasts with ease.

Mar 9 2005, 09:14 PM

IC: "Get the colored BB!" called PBB.

Both Frozeens, Future and present, nodded. Within seconds, 3 yellow, 2 blue, 5 green, and
8 red BB were running towards the Meda-Drones. Suddenly, another BB jumped down and
fired at the Agents. PBB destroyed it with a blast of a laser.
"What are all the evil BB doing here?" asked Frozeen. Suddenly, the radio was turned on,
and a police report by Nick Brick was told.
"... And citizens, be on the lookout for BB or the Brickster, cause, again, he escaped..."

Master of the Rahkshi

Mar 9 2005, 09:59 PM

IC: Rich doged the lasers, thinking furiously. How do you beat this thing? It's way
too powerful! Suddenly an idea struck him. Powerful... He scanned the robot's
body. Sure enough, there was an outlet for recharging. He smiled slightly. Dodging
another burst, he ran across the hall and leaped at a door. "Catch me if you can!"
he hollered just before he crashed through it. Shaking off the splinters, he got up
and started running at normal speed down the hall.
Towards the power generator.
Another Guardian crested the hill and started marching towards HQ. A door
opened and the Orion came out and started walking toawrds the Guardian,
preparing for a fight.
Jason looked away from HQ long enough to see the two robots marching out to
meet each other. He was suprised for a moment, then started to think. That one is
obviously a hostile. It wants to join the one inside and destroy Alpha Team. He
was tempted to let it do so, might kill Rich. And the future Toa of Ice. And
they were his targets. Gritting his teeth, he pulled out some more darts, these
ones specifically designed for machines. He re-loaded the rifle and aimed towards
the Guardian 2. Sorry about this, he thought. I know your intentions are alongside
mine, but my little brother is my target. And I will let nobody else kill my targets.
-Master of the Rahkshi

Mar 10 2005, 08:04 AM

OOC: Well, Kotua, if the boat has lasers, scanners, and thousands of buttons, who says it
can't have a radio?

IC: It was getting harder and harder for Future Frozeen and Frozeen to tell the difference
between the good and the bad BB. PBB had no trouble, since he was one himself, so he shot
flames at whichever bad BB he could.

Kotua in Space
Mar 10 2005, 06:14 PM

OOC: Rich, the second Guardian isn't suppose to appear yet.(Unless its from someone
else...), but oh well, I'll just rely on another Guardian variant instead for the later
IC:<Huh? Who let him go!>
Guardian 3 looked around the military facility.
Unlike his first two "brothers" this one had no feet. Instead a tail hovered. The tail was
covered in special equipment to make a powerful blast faster than loading a gun.
For the moment, He was not part of the plan.
OOC:Now, Guardian 3 will not using him...
<Override code activated!>
The Orion seemed to be winning, throwing hard punches. Guardian 2 quickly recovered and
kicked Orion aside.
<Overrride now! Orion, destroy Subzero!>
Orion stopped, following new instructions, and headed towards subzero.
Guardian 1 arrived.
"Your not suppose to be active!"saids Guardian 1
"so?"replied Guardian 2
"fine then, but help me.Find Rich, I have an Idea to get him to kill the other agents."said
Guardian 1
Guardian 3 sneaked behind kotua, and dragged him away....
Robo-kotua saw the AT HQ, from his snow mobile. After 0having some trouble with the
drones, Agent Caliente piloted the craft to a safe place, and gave Robo-kotua coordinates to
help him in his quest. he arrived and walked towards AT HQ, to find it in lockdown mode. No
way in or out...except for a hole in the wall. Robo-kotua entered, to find trail of blood. Robo
kotua followed the trail backwards, and ended up finding kotua, and a robot...

Mar 10 2005, 06:38 PM

IC: A knife flew through the air.

"Look out!" called PBB.
Future Frozeen grabbed a shield and deflected it. "That oughta work," he said to himself.
Frozeen turned around. "So you threw the knife," he said, for nearby the boat was a Meda
Drone holding 3 black knives. Frozeen pulled out a laser, but not before the Meda Drone
threw a knife, which punctured him on the foot. "OW!" Frozeen yelped, and PBB came to his
Future Frozeen fired a cannon, and the Meda Drone was no more.
"Are you OK?" asked PBB. He looked at the wound.
"Yeah, I'll be alright," Frozeen said. "Just a stab of a knife. What could happen?" What
Frozeen didn't know was that later, he was going to regret being stabbed by the knife...

OOC: Don't do anything involving the stab, yet. After this current mission - saving all the
agents from the deadly robot - is over, then the stab will become important.

Master of the Rahkshi

Mar 10 2005, 06:39 PM

IC: The Orion walked, but its steps were halting. Two programs battled for
Destroy...destroy Subzero...follow orders...those are not my orders...they are
not...they ARE NOT! The Orion halted. Assessing situation. Outside help needed.
Presence of fully self-aware program advised. A pause. Contacting Tee Vee. A very
short discussion followed, then there were two programs inside the Orion.
Eliminate threat.
Jason fired shot after shot at the three robots. At current rate of expenditure, one
would be destroyed with a few more well-placed hits. Just then, all of them turned
and started to move away. Snarling, Jason got up and started to follow.
Rich was in the generator room, waiting. What is with this thing? What's keeping
it? The door open and Rich tensed himself.
Rich sighed with relief and ran over. "Sub! Am I glad to see you." Sub nodded,
ashen-faced. "You look like you've got something on you're mind," he said. Rich
sighed. "I've got something to tell you."

OOC: Don't kill Jason; he still has a role to play with the other two Toa.

-Master of the Rahkshi

Mar 10 2005, 07:36 PM
IC: "I think we're winning!" Future Frozeen said. Indeed, the evil BB's number was reduced
to 9 and Meda Drone's number became 17.
But, suddenly, a dragonfly buzzed through the room, quickly becoming Chompy's dinner.
But that wasn't what worried PBB - if a dragonfly was found in Antartica, it was soon to be
followed by a -
"DRAGONfly!" yelled Frozeen. Everyone turned to look at the huge DRAGONfly that was
creaping along the hallway. For the first time, Chompy saw how huge the DRAGONfly's jaws
were compared to his own.
A few Meda-Drones and (evil) BB shot at it, but it was covered with armor, so only the
Snake King could pierce through. With one bite, 5 evil BB and 10 Meda Drones were
elimited. With another, only one evil BB and Meda Drone were standing. They ran away.
Then, the DRAGONfly turned toward the good BB and Agents.
"Don't hurt us!" yelled Data.
"Oh, no, I - buzz - won't. An - buzz - enemy of my - buzz - enemy is my friend, am - buzz -
I right?" the DRAGONfly buzzed. It was surprising it could talk, though with "buzz" being
almost every other word. "I have - buzz - decided to help - buzz - you out, since you - buzz
- are enemies of Ice - buzz - Snakes and Drones."

Kotua in Space
Mar 10 2005, 07:55 PM

IC:Robo-kotua looked back, and was shocked to see the Robots easily catching up, despite
their size. Wasting not time, Robo-kotua reached inside his pocket, and took out a granade.
He threw it, and it hit exploding on one of the robots. When the smoke cleared one of the
robots cursed, as Robo-kotua was nowhere in sight.
Robo-Frozeen looked puzzledly at the DRAGONfly.
He walked to Frozeen and Future Frozeen.
"You know this-thing?"asked Robo-Frozeen.
"Yes."relpied both organic(human) Frozeens.
(OOC:when Dr.Voltage took blood samples of the agents to make the robo-agents a while
back, Sub still had his ice powers...)
Robo-Subzero Runned across AT HQ, when a pari of Meda drones appeared.
"No time!"he muttered, and froze the feet of the Meda-drones, and took off.
"Hey!"said One Meda-Drone.

Mar 10 2005, 08:20 PM

IC: "Once," the DRAGONfly said, "you - buzz - saved me by distracting - buzz - the Snake -
buzz - King."
"Oh, yeah," Frozeen said, remembering what happened right before a mission called The
Banned began. (read Sub's epic for details)
"Can you find an agent named Rich?" asked Data,'
"Please - buzz - show me what - buzz - he looks like."
"This," Future Frozeen said, pointing to a scanner with Rich's picture highlighted.

Victor Draven
Mar 11 2005, 09:04 PM

IC: Subzero felt a surge of power, and fell over. He watched as his muscle increased, and
he dawned Toa Armor. His face was covered by a golden mask, a Hau by his memory. On
his back was a gun type object called a Snow Blaster to shoot Ice Beams. Subzero was now
Toa Subzero.
"Wow... and if you said my powers would be full when the other Toa arrive..."

Master of the Rahkshi

Mar 11 2005, 09:21 PM

IC: Rich lay in the chair, gasping. He was almost completely drained, but he felt
his energy returning much faster than usual. The Toa in me, I guess, he thought.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sub shudder. "Something wrong?" he asked,
then smiled ruefully. Sub gave him a look. "What's right?" he said, then sighed. "I
hate the beach," he muttered. "Sun and sand and open water...and now I'm a Toa
of Ice, it's gonna be worse." Rich scanned his new body. "Yeah, about that. If you
just walk out into the streets like that, you're not exactly going to go unnoticed.
I'll have to use the Illusion power to make you look normal." Sub nodded. "We've
got an hour or two of flying left. I just hope we get there before Jason does."
Rich looked through the CDs, looking for something to relax him. Choosing The
Bourne Identity soundtrack, he pushed it into the player, hit play, leaned back and
closed his eyes.

OOC: Who's in Hawaii, Fire or Water?

-Master of the Rahkshi

Kotua in Space
Mar 11 2005, 09:21 PM

IC:Robo-subzero froze the feet of the Guardians, But their feet were to strong to get frozen
to the ground.
"My turn!"said Guardian 1.
Guardian 1 Focused his energy, and a blue beam flew out.
Robo-Subzero, threw himself down, but the blast was so powerful that he still fell the effects
of the cold blast. Both Guardians looked at Robo-Subzero, frozen to some doors.
The security bots apeared, and began moving towards Robo-Subzero.
kotua felt wet. He opened his eyes, but closed them again because of the light.
He opened them again, and saw he was in some big tube, suspended by some strings, and
something attached to his mouth to breathe. Suddenly the every light shut off. a door
above some stairs opened, kotua could tell because thats were there was some light coming
out. He heard a voice.
"Time to move this junk away, and start working on a new type of robot."said the voice.
The lights turned on, revealing a person, probably a scientist, walking down the stairs. He
had Brown hair, and had glasses. The person was accompanyed by some more people.
"AHHHH!!!"screamed one of them, noticing kotua.
"How did you get here?"asked brown haired one.
"He can't talk, he is in the tube, he probably can't hear you either."said another.
"But still, How did a person get here..."
"Simple...Humans!"said a voice.
"Who's there?"asked one of the persons.
"You forgot already?"replied the voice.
"You better show your face, whoever you are."
"Your in trouble!"
"oh really?"said the voice, amused.
Some soldiers runned in.
"Now, are we going to do this the hard way, or the easy one?"asked one of the soldiers
kotua fell asleep again...
<This is how they treat me!? I'm their project, and they call me junk!? They'll pay!>
Guardian 3 looked at the soldiers from above.
"The easy way?"he asked
"You could peacefully surrender.."said the soldier
"And the hard?"he asked.
"We kill you."replied the soldier.
"You know the person floating in the stasis tube? I got him, and he was armed, so it will be
a piece of cake to kill you."said Guardian 3
"Oh, really?"said a solider walking back, trying to load his gun as quietly.
<Finally a battle!>
A while later, guardian 3 stood floating there.
"They could have been nicer if they wanted to live, right sir?"asked Guardian turning
For next to kotua's stasis tube was the brown haired scientist.
"I'm sure Alpha Team would want to see a little video..."
He looked at the security camera. If he could have smiled, Guardian 3 would have.
All AT agents recieved a strange message, in which scientists and four soldiers were killed
by Guardian 3. However, there was that last part, which showed kotua, in his AT clothes,
inside a Stasis tube...

Mar 12 2005, 02:12 PM

IC: Suddenly, two creatures entered the room. One looked like a compination of a SOL and
Snow Crawler, the other looked similar to - from Frozeen's memory - a Lohrak.
"Surrender," said the SOL/SC one. "or perish. Running won't do help."
"Yes," said the Lohrak one. "for my jaws and her cleverness will surely wipe you out!"
Frozeen guessed that the SOL/SC was a female and the Lohrak thing was a male.
"And my - buzz - own jaws won't - buzz - stop you?" the DRAGONfly said. "I will - buzz -
defend them, - buzz - even if it - buzz - costs my own life!"
"Even if it costs your own life..." the SOL/SC repeated. Then she gave an awful laugh. "And
it will!"
"At lasssst, I catch you, you pesssky DRAGONfly and Agentssss," hissed a voice from the
shadows. The DRAGONfly flinched. PBB, Frozeen, and Future Frozeen readied the boats
flames. It was the Snake King. The DRAGONfly gave a shriek, flew off, with the Snake King
"Just listen!" the Lohrak thing smiled evily. A shriek and a buzz rang through the air. Then
came a comp! and the shriek and buzzing ceased. What happened didn't need to be
explained - the king of dragonflies, the DRAGONfly, had fallen.
"Why, you monter!" cried Data.
"Yes, that's what we are - monsters of Ogel!" said the SOL/SC. Then, came another shriek -
not from anyone in the room, but from the Snake King. He slithered out of the hallway and
into a shadowy area. Everyone looked outside. For outside were flying thousands of angry
dragonflies, ready to kill the killer of the DRAGONfly.

Mar 13 2005, 05:47 PM

IC: The swarm of dragonflies buzzed angrily at the windows. One pointed toward the door,
and they all flew inside. To everyone, they looked like a storm cloud rather than dragonflies.
The Snake King, the SOL/SC, and the Lohrak thing all looked in awe.
"Now's your chance!" called Frozeen. All the Agents grabbed their weapons and attacked the
SOL/SC and Lohrak thing.

Mar 13 2005, 06:21 PM

IC: With the help of the dragonflies, the agents defeated the SOL/SC and Lohrak thing.
They had stabbed it so many times that eventually, they crawled away. The Snake King was
out the door, closely followed by the angry dragonflies. "Great!" Frozeen said. Suddenly, he
groaned and dropped down.
"Oh, no," Future Frozeen and PBB said.
"Are you OK?" asked Garage.
"Yeah," Frozeen answered, "except for the fact that my foot is screaming in pain and I can
barely move it."
"Which foot?" asked Data.
"The one that got stabbed," Frozeen replied.
PBB was worried. "Come with me," he said. He and Frozeen walked out of the boat for a few
minutes before returning. Frozeen looked pale, and if PBB could also be pale, then he
would've. "That was no ordinary knife," PBB said. "It was a deadly knife, capable of taking
entire lives. One stab will not be harmful for a few minutes, but once that small time is up,
the stab will go into effect. Little by little, the body begins to weaken. Ogel might either take
advantage and attack him when he's weak, or wait till he's very weak. But when he's that
weak, a poison starts to infect him, making him a servent of Ogel. Not a Drone, exactly, but
a servent indeed. The only cure is hidden in the mountains, and Frozeen says that he might
be too weak to go there. You need to care for him, for I'll be going instead.

OOC: The next posts that I will be making will be focusing on PBB.

Mar 13 2005, 09:31 PM

IC: PBB looked around. He was riding Frozeen's TT. According to his research, it took at
least a week before a victim became evil, so he had only 7 days to find the cure, fight
whatever challenges lay before him, and bring it to Frozeen. He sure hoped that Frozeen
was all right.

Frozeen was thinking the same about PBB. He, was certainly not all right. His pain was still
great and he started having trouble moving his shin.

PBB found a bunch of pieces. They were made from crashed vehicles, yet they looekd
somehow familiar. Then PBB realized it - they were the pieces that Future Frozeen used to
build the Time Boat in the future. "Maybe if I collect these pieces," PBB thought aloud, "then
Frozeen might be able to build a Time Boat of his own!"

Mar 14 2005, 06:35 PM

IC: PBB looked at the TT's scanner. No sign of Drones, Meda-Drones, Ice Snakes, Ice
Spiders, or any danger. But, a few BB were waiting. They were the Brickster's, not
Frozeen's. Something was also different about them. They had strange markings around
their heads. A few broken pieces of other BB were on the ground. Nearby them was a
machine, which too had fallen apart. And the remaining BB were talking! What were regular
BB doing talking? "Doesn't matter," PBB said to himself. "Maybe I can trick them into their
doom!" He walked over to the BB. "Hey!" he called. "I've seen AT Agents!"
One BB turned towards him. "Where?"
PBB pointed in a direction that the agents were certainly NOT at. "That way! I saw them!"
"And you let them escape?" said another BB.
"He did," answered the third BB. "Whick means that he is malfunctioning. We must take
apart him." PBB realized his mistake. The seven strange BB were surrounding him. One shot
a blast of energy at him.
"Whoa!" cried PBB. "Since when do you can do that?"
"After the machine imploded," said a sixth BB. "It sent beams of energy at all 14 of us.
Seven couldn't take the energy and deconstructed, and us remaining got... upgraded." PBB
realized the meaning of the markings. And he realized he was doomed.

OOC: Hmm, which Bionicle Adventures Book does this remind me of?

Mar 15 2005, 04:20 PM

IC: PBB - a purple-headed BB that has an IQ - and Chompy - a young T-Rex who had gown
twice his original hight - aren't the kind of team that would be ready for this mission, but
they had to do it for the sake of Frozeen.

Future Frozeen was still worried. The robot, which was now struggling to find Rich, was still
out there. And if Frozeen either turned evil or got killed, what would happen to him?

The SOL/SC creature and the Lohrak thing looked over the many snow drifts. Suddenly,
they began to change shape. They both turned into creatures best described as Lohrak with
two claws and an extra pair of wings. A bunch of other of these creatures were behind
them. The Shifting Shadows were on the loose, and ready to stop AT.

Mar 17 2005, 07:49 AM

IC: Future Frozeen looked around. Data had taken a walk, half hoping to find something
that would help the wurt Frozeen. But he hadn't returned. Frozeen sent a scout BB to

Chompy, who had grown twice his original size when first given to Frozeen, could now see
that small flying shapes were flying around. Dragonflies, the avengers of the DRAGONfly.
Chompy tried not to chomp at them, but suddenly, his hunger was against his will. He
growled at his hunger in frustration. PBB saw this, and helped by changing Chompy's
attention. Suddenly, the drift beneath them gave way, and they both fell into a hole.
A voice asked, "Who is it?" Neither PBB nor Chompy liked the sound of it, for it sounded like
the voice belonged to someone, someone worse than Ogel.

Mar 20 2005, 07:49 PM

IC: Future Frozeen called out. Almost immediatly, all the Agents that were in the Time Boat
began shooting at the Snow Crawlers - except for the present Frozeen, that is, with his
wound. Three Snow Crawlers blasted into pieces at once.
"Hey," Drathek said, "that's a record! 3 gone at once!"

Mar 23 2005, 07:59 AM

IC: For everyone in the Time Boat, there was a huge flash of light. Then, the boat stopped
working, along with almost everything else that was electric (excluding the BB).

PBB found Chompy hiding in a snow drift. "It's okay," assured PBB. "I'm all right. But, I also
have a plan..."

When PBB returned, the upgraded BB looked at him suspiciously. "What were you doing?"
one asked.
"Oh, I was just destroying an AT item that was in the snow," lied PBB. The evil BB lost his
suspiciousness. "And," PBB continued, "I also - NOW CHOMPY!!!!"
Chompy, with a rope in his maw, nodded. He pulled on it, removing a boulder, causing a
rockslide to cover up the BB. "Great job!" PBB congraduated.
"What do you think you're doing?!?" cried a BB. PBB realized that one survived. "You are
crazy!" it yelled.
"I don't know what you're talking about," PBB casually replied as Chompy pulled another
rope, releasing another rockslide, this time, destroying the remaining evil upgraded BB.

PBB decided to test himself. He was upgraded too, so he wanted to see what he could now
do. He remembered that the upgraded BB had the power to blast energy. PBB aimed for a
rock and concentrated. A bolt of powerful energy shot out of his hand and hit the rock,
splitting it in two. "Cool!" PBB said. Then he frowned. What happened to his fire powers?
Did he loose them? Or did he get them stronger as well? This time, PBB aimed for a large
icicle. Flames shot out of his hand, but instead of the regular red-and-orange flames, out
came super-hot blue flames. It melted the icicle in 1/2 a second, and the snow beneath the
fire began to melt. "No way!" exclaimed PBB. Then he and Chompy continued the search for
the cure.

Mar 24 2005, 05:48 PM

IC: Future Frozeen wasn't that happy about the strange dissaperance of electricity.
Although many Snow Crawlers had been destroyed, the power was still out. Suddenly, a
scanner began blinking. Future Frozeen looked at it and smiled.
"Perhaps he'll help us out," he said. He could glimsp a Blue Eagle flying outside. "Perfect!"

Mar 24 2005, 07:03 PM

IC: "Cash!" called Future Frozeen. Cash landed and entered the base. He looked at both
"Twins?" he asked.
"No," Frozeen weakly answered. "Long story."

PBB looked at the bat-like creature. A Kreelix, by his memory. It roared as PBB blasted
another useless blast of energy and fire. This time, it used the energy to grow larger. It
dove for Chompy. It missed, but Chompy didn't. He bit the Kreelix's foot. The Kreelix
screamed. PBB saw his moment and hurled a super-strong energy-fire blast at the Kreelix.
It shrieked, topped over, and died.
"Well, that's that!" PBB said. He and Chompy walked away, but didn't notice that the Kreelix
was changing back into its original form - for it was really a Shifting Shadow.

Mar 24 2005, 08:02 PM

IC: "Welcome to AT," said Garage. "We hope you enjoy it!"
Cash nodded. "So what do you want me to do?"
Frozeen cleared his throught. "As not being an elite agent, I can't give missions."

Mar 24 2005, 09:55 PM
ooc:can I go on a mission with frozeen?
Ic: oh well, now I'll just watch hockey, that's the great thing about freezing the world, you
can still play hockey on the ice! *watches hockey*

Mar 30 2005, 09:05 PM

IC: PBB also knew that whoever kills off a mutant dragon, too must die. He walked
cautiously towards the guardian of the cure for Frozeen.
"WHO DARES BOTHER ME?" bellowed the monster. Then he saw PBB. "A BB? THEN YOU
MUST DIE!" He swung his massive tail and grabbed poor PBB.

Frozeen was getting weaker by the minute. Both his legs were unmovable, and his left arm
was getting heavier.

SHOULD I GO BACK AND ASK? OR FIND OUT MYSELF? The AT Mangobot was frantic. Where
was AT?

Kotua in Space
Mar 31 2005, 06:11 PM

OOC:Welcome back sub!

IC: The doctor put some curtains around Data and kotua, and began checking to see what
was wrong.
Epsilon, Subzero, and Jason stood outside the doctor's place.
Immediately after the test, the doctor called more doctors. They were going to do surgery
to remove the Mini-Guardian from kotua.Data was to wounded for a surgery.
Robo-kotua awoke. last thing he remembered, a white light overcame them. He looked
around. Both frozeens were gone, so were the other agents. excewpt for the other robo-

Mar 31 2005, 08:15 AM

IC: Frozeen knew time was running out. If PBB couldn't get to him in time, he would be
dead, or worse, evil.

PBB strugled against the Mutant Dragon's might. 'I am not here... to... harm you!" he
"OH YES YOU DO," boomed the dragon. Suddenly, it released its grip. PBB fell into a drift,
then followed the Mutant Dragon's gaze. A thousand Shifting Shadows were flying towards
them. For the first time, PBB saw fear in the dragon's eyes. Then, the dragon turned
towards PBB. "You may be right, but here's your chance to prove it!" PBB knew what the
dragon was asking - to be helped to fend off the dangerous Shifting Shadows.
Victor Draven
Apr 1 2005, 07:34 PM

IC: Thousands of Vulture Fighters flew toward New York with Kotua. They looked sinsister.

Jason crawled across the bridge. He had gotten slashed in the side by a blade. He couldn't
get the Quad Cannon. He called his father.
"Dad... can't get... to Quad... Cannon... hurt... maybe... friend..."
Subzero's eyes widened.
He tried Valcone. No answer.
Rich was able to be the gunner, but that was all.
So he tried a last resort.
"Frozeen. I know your hurt, but can you bring me my Quad-Cannon? You can be the Co-
Pilot. And get Rich, he's the gunner."
"Ok, as long as I don't have to do much. I'm almost... gone."
Subzero sighed.
"Thanks, Fro."

Apr 1 2005, 07:51 PM

IC: Frozeen, with the help of Future Frozeen, found Rich and the Quad Cannon. Suddenly,
Frozeen fainted of weakness. "He's too weak!" Future Frozeen said. "He can't go any
further! I sure hope PBB comes back soon!"
Frozeen opened his eyes. "Don't... worry..." Frozeen said slowly. "I'll be... OK... I hope..."

PBB whispered something to the dragon. Then, PBB climbed on top of the Dragon's head.
He could see the queen and king Shifting Shadow.

Victor Draven
Apr 1 2005, 08:41 PM

OOC: I'm gonna play for you, Frozeen, kadok?

IC: "Hang in there, Frozeen." said Rich.

They saw Subzero get hit by the King with an axe.

Subzero was on the ground on top of the tower. The King stood over him, holding the axe
"I, the undefeated King, will rule forever!"
Suddenly he was blown away.
Subzero looked up to see the Quad Cannon. He shattered the ice meteor, and pulled out the
Malika Stone. He got in the cockpit seat, and got a phone message.
"We found Valcone's body. He's dead."
Subzero was silent.

They drove back toward Base, and were quiet.

"Well, Frozeen. Welcome to the Trio... Me, Rich, and You will all command this Quad
Cannon. Jason, an airship will take you home."

OOC: This is where Subzero comes into my next epic, called "The Flight of the Rahkshi".
Carry on with normal RPG duties. Soon I'll post something like "ONE DAY LATER".

Apr 2 2005, 06:07 AM

OOC: Welcome to the team, NinjaMaster.

Frozeen, link to what, the Flight of the Rahkshi? I think you'll like it... its my favorite so far.

IC: Subzero returned to AT Headquarters. Good being back. He saw in his XRay Vision PBB
coming to base.
Frozeen was going to be cured.

Apr 2 2005, 05:50 PM

OOC: Yes, link to Flight of the Rahkshi.

IC: Frozeen sat down, recovered from the stab. PBB had come back, cured him, and now he
was regaining his strength. PBB sat down too and told him of his adventure.

[insert Flight of the Rahkshi]

Apr 2 2005, 07:58 PM

IC: Frozeen looked at his TT. "Good to be back!" he said. He hopped into his TT (with PBB
and Chompy following) and sped off into the tundra.

Apr 2 2005, 09:03 PM

IC: Future Frozeen looked at the portal. His mission was done. The agents had been saved
from the robot. Frozeen was healed, as well. Future Frozeen sighed. He hopped into his time
boat and flew into the portal. The portal closed, and Future Frozeen was never seen again.

OOC: I always thought that once Future Frozeen's mission was over, he would return to the

IC: PBB remembered something. Frozeen stopped the TT. PBB opened the trunk, and
revealed a bunch of pieces that he found a while back. Frozeen realized what PBB meant.
"You think that I could use these pieces to build a time boat for myself!" Frozeen said. He
thought about it. "Hmm, good idea! I will!" Then Frozeen and PBB set to work building the
time boat.

Apr 3 2005, 09:17 AM

IC: "Uh, oh..." Frozeen said. Above their heads was the still undefeated robot. They could
tell it was angry as ever. It blasted a laser at them, missing Chompy's tail by a hair's length.
It blasted again. PBB pushed the Time Boat out of the way in time. PBB then shot a
powerful power-fire blast. All it did was knock off a wing and a couple of cannons. With the
remaining cannons, the robot blasted back. Frozeen threw a rock to stop the blast from
hitting Chompy. Frozeen tried to summon BB to appear in there, but to his dismay, the
robot merely pushed the BB out of the cockpit. PBB blasted again, this time hitting the other
wing. The fighter ship swirled in air a few moments, dove groundward, and exploded.

Apr 3 2005, 10:36 AM

IC: Frozeen loaded the Time Boat into the TT's trunk. Then, he hopped into the cockpit. A
SOL appeared in front of him. Frozeen initiated Alpha Mode, and drilled into the SOL's
cockpit - and Drone driver. "That must hurt," he said to himself.

Apr 3 2005, 11:15 AM

IC: Frozeen was driving along. Suddenly, his TT's scanner found a couple of Drones carrying
Ice Orbs. Frozeen found them, but before he could shoot them, the disappeared in a hole in
the ground.

Apr 3 2005, 11:25 AM

IC: "What just happened?" asked PBB.

"Don't know," Frozeen answered, "I think that the Drones went under the ground." He
looked at PBB and smiled. "Ready for another mission?"

Apr 3 2005, 11:32 AM

IC: Frozeen and PBB jumped down the same hole that the Drones did. They could see a
huge crane. It was turned off. The few Drones were the only ones (other than PBB and
Frozen) that were down there, so Frozeen shot them, to reveal a huge computer.

Apr 3 2005, 11:41 AM

IC: Frozeen turned it on. One word appeared on the screen: PASSWORD? Frozeen groaned.
"Don't worry," PBB said. "I'll just reprogram the computer to have a different passord. Then,
pushing a bunch of buttons, he changed the password.
"What is the new password?" asked Frozeen.
"Ogel is stupid," replied PBB. Frozeen typed in OGEL IS STUPID, and activated the
Apr 4 2005, 05:24 PM

IC: Frozeen and PBB (Chompy? He's with the TT, if you're wondering) looked at the screen.
It showed some sort of strange plan, or so they guessed. First, it showed a robot that
looked like a ball with legs going inside a rocket. Then, it showed the rocket flying across
the ocean and landing in northern South America. Then, it showed what appeared to be the
robot destroying buildings. Finally, a huge clock appeared.


And the time went ticking away. Frozeen glanced helplessly and PBB. "What is this?" he
Suddenly, red lights started flashing. A monotone voice spoke "RED ALERT! RED ALERT!
INTRUDER! INTRUDER!" A bunch of armed Drones and Meda-Drones appeared.

OOC: Now, which movie is this based on?

Apr 4 2005, 05:56 PM

OOC: Okay, here's a hint: The last one (with the Drones' TV) was, as you said, was Finding
Nemo. Now, the same company did this movie that I based that post on.

IC: Frozeen and PBB were ready. With a raise of a finger, Frozeen summoned a few BB. PBB
readied a blast of energy and fire. Frozeen pulled out a laser and shot as soon as PBB's
blast was hurled. The surviving Drones and Meda Drones were chased away by the BB.

Apr 4 2005, 06:31 PM

IC: Frozeen and PBB ran out of the hole. They hopped into the TT. "Whew," Frozeen said.
"That was a close one!"
"But what was that countdown thing?" asked PBB.
"I fear... something very bad," Frozeen answered.

Apr 5 2005, 06:46 AM

OOC: Yep, the Incredibles.

IC: The TT sped off. A few Snow Crawlers appeared. They were shot at. Ice Orbs flew in the
air - to be melted by PBB's fire.

Apr 7 2005, 07:11 AM

OOC: You haven't?

IC: Frozeen looked around. All was quiet and peaceful. For now. Suddenly, a SOL appeared.
Frozeen shot the SOL's driver and PBB blasted the SOL with energy, sending it flying across
the tundra. It hit a cave with a rock blocking the entrance. Suddenly, the cave burst open. A
bunch of white creatures walked out. Ice Monsters.

Apr 8 2005, 05:14 PM

IC: Originated in Planet U, these icy creatures now lived in several parts of the Arctic and
Antarctic. Frozeen blasted one with a laser, and it crumbled. PBB raised the heat, and the
Ice Monsters began melting. They ran off before they would completely.

Apr 10 2005, 11:35 AM

IC: Out from the shadows of a cave near OMF came a SOL. But this SOL was different, in
the sense that instead of red and black, it was completely silver in color. Its cockpit was
also made of a darker material than the regular SOL, hiding the driver's identity.
Little did anyone know that the driver of this SOL was not a Drone... and little did anyone
know that he would soon change Frozeen's life forever.

Apr 10 2005, 12:11 PM

OOC: I'm just crazy about SOLs today.

IC: Frozeen looked around. No more Ice Monsters. No VO coming out of the frozen lake. No
Snow Crawlers. No SOLs. Nothing. Everything was quiet. Too quiet, Frozeen thought.

Apr 10 2005, 01:19 PM

IC: Frozeen was right; it WAS too quiet. Three SOLs appeared from behind a rock. PBB
blasted them, but missed one. That one shifted into Viper Escape and slithered over to
them, claws ready.

Apr 10 2005, 01:31 PM

IC: Frozeen shot a laser at the Viper Escape's windshield, shattering it, and hitting the
Drone rider.

OOC: Where's Sub? He hasn't posted in days...

Apr 13 2005, 06:45 AM

IC: Frozeen looked around, ready to shoot. To his surprise, he found only three Drones
(whom quickly got shot). Frozeen wiped his head, covered in sweat, and drove back to AT

Apr 13 2005, 08:06 PM

IC: Frozeen drove into the garage. Garage was standing there. "Hey," he called, "how ya
"Just great!" Frozeen said.
"So what will it be?" asked Garage. "New paint job? Repairing? Power-ups?" He thought for
a moment. "Or... changing to an Elite Agent Vehicle. You are, after all since I checked the
database, an Elite Agent!"
Frozeen gasped in excitement. He must've been made an Elite Agent after he and Future
Frozeen had saved all the Agents from the ruthless robot. He looked at his TT. "As much as
I love this thing," he said, "I think I'm going to switch it. How about... a Blizzard Blaster?"
"Okay!" Garage said.

Apr 26 2005, 05:19 PM

OOC: This is in snake language.

IC: The Snake King waited for a few other Ice Snakes to bring some news. After being
chased by the dragonflies, he was getting more and more paranoid. And more meaner.
Finally, one snake arrived. "Sssstrange man waiting," it said.
"Bring him in," commanded the Snake King.

OOC: This is in English.

IC: A strange, odd fellow in a cloak appeared. He was wearing also what appeared to be a
crown. "Who are you?" hissed the Snake King.
"You call yourself a Snake 'King?'" the man answered. "Why, I could be much better than
you ever could be!"
"What makesss you fool sssay sssuch a sssstupid thing?" replied the Snake King.
"I am the real Snake King!" said the man.
The Snake King laughed. "No, you're a fool!" Hissing a command to the Ice Snakes, they
came over, ready to freeze the intruder.
The man hissed, to the Snake King's surprise, in snake language. Suddenly, all the Ice
Snakes came to his side. The surprised Snake King hissed back, causing them to return to
his side. Then they went back to the man's side, due to the man's command. Then back to
the Snake King. For hours, it went on like this.

May 9 2005, 06:39 PM

IC: Frozeen's new Blizzard Blaster walked over to a small, mini-base. Snow Crawlers were
everywhere, and Frozeen was ready to shoot them. Activating the Blizzard Blaster's canon,
he blasted four at once. All four of the Blizzard Blaster's lasers shot down several Snow
Crawlers in the air. When the area was clear of Snow Crawlers, Frozeen smiled. Then, he
noticed a downed IC-2 Helicopter. "Data..." he said to himself. Turning to the Ogel Mini-
base, he said, "I guess attacking the base will have to wait. I need to see if Data's all right."
He ran over to the spot. Sure enough, Data was shooting at some Drones. Frozeen grabbed
his laser and joined Data.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
May 11 2005, 12:33 PM

Databoard ducked out of the way of a Drone's Ice Saw. The Drone continued to
relentlessly swing his weapon at the Agent. Databoard's laser lay several feet
away in the snow, leaving him defenseless. Databoard, trying to get out of the way
of the Ice Saw again, slipped on sheet of ice and banged his head on a rock. Just
before he lost consciousness, he saw Agent Frozeen running up and began
shooting at the Drones. Then everything went black.


May 11 2005, 08:31 PM

IC: "Back, ya freaks!?" Frozeen yelled. He shot like crazy (but didn't hit Data, thankfully).
Drone by Drone fell, but one snuck up on Frozeen. The one with the Ice Saw. It kicked
Frozeen, sending him hurtling foward. Frozeen shot at it, but missed. It threw the saw.
Frozeen dodged it, but landed beside Data.

May 12 2005, 05:53 PM

IC: Frozeen dropped his laser as he, too, slipped on ice. The Drone walked over to him,
readying its saw. Frozeen scrambled to pick it up, but in that time, the Drone knocked him
out, unconcious.

Kotua in Space
May 12 2005, 06:59 PM

IC:A Snow crawler flew over the hospital. The Ice Drone pushed a button, and a gigantic
metal ball dropped from the sky. Four tentacles with clawed ends appaeared, and a metallic
head with a red "Eye"popped from the top. Some soldiers spotted it, and began firing upon
it, but a blue lazer from the metallic ball caused them to blow up.
OOC:THe metallic Ball thing...can you guess from which movie I got the Idea?

May 13 2005, 06:47 AM
OOC: Incredibles! What other ball with legs and a red eye could it be?

IC: Frozeen woke to find himself - and Data - in chains. They were captured. Suddenly, a TV
screen above the two prisoners turned on. Ogel was on it. "Well," Ogel said, "it seems we
have some AT Agents here! Poor, fools, you should've known better than to try and stop
me! Now, meet ice!" The screen turned off, as Drones carrying Ice Orbs, Ice Spiders, and
Ice Snakes. Frozeen tried to grab a laser, rock, ANYTHING, but due to the fact his hands
were chained, he couldn't do anything. He wondered why Data wasn't doing anything, then
realized he was still unconcious. Suddenly, the place shook. The Drones dropped their Ice
Orbs, freezing their own feet to the ground. The Ice Spiders swayed, and the Ice Snakes
hissed. Suddenly, a wall burst open as Ice Monsters barged in. Thankfully, they didn't notice
Frozeen and Data. But, they noticed the trapped Drones, Ice Spiders, and Ice Snakes. The
Ice Monsters attacked them. Frozeen could see only a huge blare of white and light-blue.

May 14 2005, 01:56 PM

Sounds cool! Surpirsed I never found it before...

I'll play!


Agent NAme: Ice

Age: I'm not vain. 13
Ability: Need Strategy? Call me in.
Vehicle: Ice Blade...Customized Purple! I call it the Ice PUrpiliar


Ice gathered his things. He got his sketchboard, his gears, his coat, and his lucky amulet.
He then headed out to his Ice Blade. "Time to push that hot air out of Ogel's head." He
remembered his mission, then rushed out to the Ice Purpiliar and got in, heading off into
the horizon to hunt down Snow Crawlers, and prepare a plan to hack into Ogel's FOrtress.
THis would take some time.


How did I do?


May 14 2005, 02:26 PM
OOC: Not bad. Good start, though I don't know if Sub will be here to add you to the Agent

IC: One Drone was sent flying into Frozeen. The Ice Monster responsable for this tackled
the Drone - at thus, Frozeen as well. The good news was that the Ice Monster was so strong
that the chains broke, and Frozeen was free. The bad news was that he was bruised and cut
from the sudden impact. He grabbed his laser and freed the still unconcious Data. Carrying
Data, Frozeen ran out the base entrance. That's when he payed attention to a scanner. A
new Agent in an Ice Blade was nearby. Ice was his name. Frozeen was glad that he was
nearby. Ice might be able to help bring Data to the AT Hospital Wing. At least, Frozeen
hoped that this new Agent could help, since it appeared they weren't near Data's Ice Blade
or Frozeen's Blizzard Blaster.

May 14 2005, 05:47 PM

IC: Apparently, some Ice Monsters had left the invaded base. The first things they saw
were, apparently, Frozeen and Data. One roared, and they began running over to the two
Agents. Frozeen sighed. "Just pleasant." He had to carry Data with one arm (which wasn't
that easy) while firing heat rays at the Ice Monsters, melting them. Suddenly, a purple Ice
Blade sped right past them. "Probably Ice!" Frozeen realized. Indeed, the new Agent Ice
popped right out of the cockpit and began helping Frozeen.

May 16 2005, 12:53 PM

OOC: I'm here to help.

IC: Ice noticed a troubled agent dealing with some Ice MOnsters.
"This is new," he said to himself. He slowed his Ice Blade down and popped out of hte
cockpit. "NEed help?" he asked. THe agent nodded. Ice walked over to help when a little
noise attracted his attention. He turned to see five Snow Crawlers scratching a mountain
base. But by the time he screamed, "Avalanche," it was alreayd headed toward them.

OOC: How did I do?


May 16 2005, 07:42 PM

OOC: Not bad, Visorak Kal! You'll make a great agent!

IC: "No time to loose!" shouted Ice. He and Frozeen (who was carrying the STILL
unconcious form of Data) hopped in the Ice Blade and sped off. Away from the Ice
Monsters. Away from the avalanche. Even for a brief moment, safe.
May 17 2005, 01:53 PM

OOC: Thanks!

IC: Ice calmed himself. He relaxed, then called the fellow agent, while trying to initiate
Alpha Mode. He, by now, had learned his name; Frozeen. ICe helped him into his extra
storage in the Ice Blade and they blasted off. He initiated ALpha Mode and turned into his I-
C Helicopter.

"Well, agent. I have two questions. The questions; who are you carrying and why is he
unconscious? By the way, do you know the way to Ogel's base so we can end this Ice Age?"

The agent prepared to reply, then stopped. Ice looked down in his IC-Helicopter to notice
his transmission had been slammed. He looked around, then noticed a Scorpion ORb
Launcher attacking him and throwing a barrage of Ice ORbs.

"Great. Why is it never easy?"

He swerved down to deal with this new menace to society. Then he would head off to the
nearest AT Hospital...

If The Scorpion ORb Launcher didnt' finish them off first.

OOC: You mind answering those questions? I can't find out what happened on these forty
pages of RPG.


May 17 2005, 03:41 PM

OOC: Okee-dokee! The unconcious agent was Chronicler of Ko-Koro's character, Databoard
(Data for short). He was knocked unconcious by slipping on ice and hitting his head on a
rock when Drones attacked.

IC: The SOL (Scorpion Orb Launcher, for short) flung Ice Orbs at them. Ice tried to activate
the lasers, but missed and hit a mountain. This gave Frozeen an idea. He shot lasers at the
mountain again, releasing an avalanche. Since they were in the air, they weren't affected,
but the shocked Drone inside the SOL was. The avalanche rammed into the SOL, smashing
it apart.

Later, a hot air balloon flew by. Frozeen realized who was riding it. PBB. PBB waved at
Unfortunately, Frozeen forgot to explain to Ice about PBB. Ice gasped, grabbed a laser and
shot. "Don't shoot!" Frozeen yelled, but it was too late. The balloon had been hit, and was
out of control.

OOC: Just to clear what happened, Visorak-Kal, PBB is a Brickster Bot. Not too long ago,
Frozeen learned that he was actually the Brickster's long-lost brother. Frozeen has a small
"army" of GOOD Brickster Bots (BB for short). One of them had a purple head, and his
name was PBB. Frozeen had built PBB, unlike the other BB.
Just so you know, Frozeen's BB are GOOD. The Brickster's BB are BAD. Unfortunately, it
seems Frozeen had forgotten to tell all that to Ice...

Kotua in Space
May 17 2005, 06:40 PM

IC:While all this was going on, kotua was unconscious, having been lethally wounded.
The "Bugs" travelled all over the world, and continued their human-destroying spree. THe
military used everything they had, but the "Bugs" Overpowered them.
Frozeen wacthed in horror as the balloon flew out of control. He was even more scared
when hew noticed round things with spikes sticking out(Bugs) flying towards them. The
"Bugs" ignored PBB and headed towards their target:Agents Frozeen, Data, and Ice!

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
May 17 2005, 08:50 PM

Databoard opened his eyes. He was in what appeared to be a Ice Blade, along with
Frozeen and an Agent he did not recognize. Suddenly, a strange, ball-like object
zoomed by the window, and at this point Databoard noticed the vehicle was being
swarmed by these objects. "I'm going to have to land!" The Agent shouted, and
brought the Helicopter down to the ground. He and Frozeen took out their lasers
and began shooting. Databoard reached for his laser, but remembered it was lying
in the snow nearby the wreakage of his Ice Blade. The 'bugs' dodged the lasers
and dove at the weaponless Databoard. He dove out of the way and ran as one of
the 'bugs' persued him. He grabbed the closest thing to a weapon be could find: an
icicle. As the 'bug' came near him, Databoard swung the icicle like a baseball bat,
which shattered into icy shards. The impact did almost no damage, but it did
manage to knock the bug of course. It spun around to attack Databoard again-
only to be hit by a blast of intense fire. Databoard turned to see the PBB shooting
the fire. The 'bug' dropped to the ground, it circutry melted and fused. "Look out!"
The PBB shouted suddenly. Databoard ducked and just avoided being hit by
another 'bug'.


May 18 2005, 06:55 AM

IC: Ice shot ate PBB, who just nearly dodged. "Get back, you BB!" Ice shouted.
"DON'T SHOOT!" Frozeen, Data, and PBB all yelled at once at the confused Ice.
Frozeen shot down another bug. "No time to explain! Shoot at the 'bugs,' NOT PBB!"
"PBB?" repeated Ice, but his "question" had no time for answering. They continued shooting
at the bugs. PBB handed Data a laser that had survived the hot air balloon crash.

OOC: EDIT: Cool! 50 pages!

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
May 18 2005, 11:07 AM

Databoard shot like crazy at the 'bugs' which continued to dodge his attacks. He
ducked to avoid one, which shot right over his head. It turned around to attack,
but Databoard spun around and shot a hole clean through. He grabbed the
wrecked 'bug and flung it at another, sending crashing to the ground. Another
'bug' flew at Databoard. Instead of shooting at it, he dove at the ground. The 'bug'
exploded, barely missing Databoard. "How did I know it was going to do that?"
Databoard muttered, and returned to fighting.


May 18 2005, 11:31 AM

IC: Ice, by now, had completely grasped the situation. He quickly activated his lasers and
blasted the bugs down one by one. Frozeen's agent, Databoard, had now awakened. "Grab
the other guns!" Ice shouted. Still dazed, Databoard took no time in acting. Once the bugs
had died down, Ice piloted the helicopter in order to rescue the PBB. Frozeen explained its

"There must be more," Ice mused.

"WHat?" Frozeen asked.
"These bugs. They're not normal. Hold on." While Frozeen piloted the IC Helicopter, Ice
grabbed a bug that had fallen on.
"Interesting." he said.
"WHat?" Asked Databoard.
"These bugs are not alive. They're robots. And I can guess the controller."

"Ogel." they all said at once.


In his lair, Ogel was controlling these bugs. He then noticed the purple ICe Blade.
"ICE!" he cried.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
May 18 2005, 12:47 PM

Databoard sat in the back of the Ice Blade, examining the remains of one of the
'bugs'. He had been fighting Ogel for quite a while, and this robot's circuitry was
very different from anything Ogel had ever made. It didn't even bear the colors
common in Ogel's vehicles and other devices. "Stop the vehicle." Databoard said.
The Agent, whom Databoard now was called Ice, looked at him "Why?" He said.
"Because, Ogel didn't make these." Databoard replied. Someone el-" He was cut of
by a exposion. Databoard truned to see about 20 Snow Crawlers in Fight Mode
cloing in from every Direction. A Drone voice came on the comlink. "Ogel doesn't
let esaped Agents get away that easy. Surrender now..." The Drone shouted. "...Or
we will blow you out of the sky."


May 18 2005, 03:33 PM

OOC: I won't think of who made the bugs. You can tell me.

IC: Ice slammed the vehicle stopped. the drones had closed in. "Bummer." Ice said calmly.
"LUckily, I can deal with this." Ice's hand went slowly to a control.

" Are you nuts?" Databoard cried. "You're going to eject the engine!"

"Bingo." Ice said, pushing the buttom. The engine, which ran on molten lava, ejected into
the snowbank, causing the bank to melt and flood over the drones, blowing their circutry.

"Now we're engine-less!" Frozeen cried.

"Not exactly," ICe said. He grabbed a spare engine from the back.

"I keep these handy in case Ogel blows me." He replaced the engine, and headed the copter
toward a snowbank.

"According to my comlink, the AT Hospital isn't far from here. But we must rest tonight in
this snowbank cave. Now, if Ogel didn't make these bugs...

...WHo did?"
OOC: I love dramatic endings? Could you fill in who did for me? I can't think of a new


May 18 2005, 04:15 PM

IC: "No time for that!" Frozeen shouted. He pointed to a silver SOL.
Frozeen just sighed as the figure inside yelled, "Surrender or die!"
"It appears you have forgotten one option!" Ice yelled. "FIGHT!" He pushed a laser button,
and the IC-2 Helicopter shot at the SOL. But, to the AT Agents' surprises, the SOL merely
reflected the the shot! The silverness was silver armor. It shot back with eight lasers coming
out of the stinger. Unfortunately, the shot hit its target. With a trail of smoke, the IC-2
Helicopter spun, and hit the ground.

OOC: DON'T defeat the SOL. The SOL will have disappeared when we look outside the

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
May 18 2005, 05:02 PM

"My Ice Blade!" Ice shouted. "Don't worry, I can fix it." Databoard said.
"Meanwhile, we had bigger problems. Look" Snow Crawlers had landed and were
surrounding the vehicle. "Surrender now Agents!" Said one of the Drones. "We
don't want to destroy you." Databoard grabbed the disabled 'bug' and flung it at
the Drones. "Grenade!" The Drones shouted, mistaking it for a explosive. " Get
down!" As the Drones ducked for cover, Databoard, Ice, and Frozeen. "ATTACK!"
Frozeen shouted. They jumped from the Ice Blade and shot at the Drones. They
shot down several, but by then, the element of suprise, and a fight ensued.
Databoard ran around shooting in every direction. Suddenly, a Drone jumped up
from behind a rock and shot at Databoard. He tried to dive out of the way, but got
shot in the leg. The Drone grabbed Databoard and pushed him into a Snow
Crawler. "Databoard!" Frozeen said, rushing to help. But it was too late, the Snow
Crawler was already flying away.


May 19 2005, 06:51 AM

OOC: CoKK, don't forget to use "IC".

IC: Frozeen suddenly noticed something. "The Silver SOL! It's gone!" he yelled. Ice turned
to look, and sure enough, the Silver SOL was gone. "Then where is it?"
"No time for that!" PBB yelled. "Data's gone, and now a blizzard is raging!"
"I fear the blizzard's not the only one raging," Ice said. He pointed. A few Ice Monsters
crushed their way over to the agents - and BB.
PBB's hands growed red. "Taste this!" he yelled, firing fire at them. 2 melted, but the other
3 just got into a larger rage.

May 19 2005, 11:33 AM

IC: Ice frantically searched for something to use against the Ice Monsters, but only one idea
came to him. He grabbed two guns, tossed one to Frozeen, and fired. Two Ice Monsters fell.
But the third continued. "We're out of magma cartirges!" Frozeen cried.

"NOt to worry," Ice said. He tossed his gun at an ice pillar, and it crushed the oncoming
monster. Ice looked at his Helicopter.

"About two days to fix," he said.

"Well, we can wait," Frozeen said, and they began to repair.

Two days later, it was fixed. They had spent the blizzard in the ICe Blade. "The Ice Blade
has a magma-run engine." Ice explained. "It'll keep us through the blizzard. Hot dogs?"

Ice climbed in his cockpit and headed to OMF.

"Okay, Frozeen, here's the plan. We go to the AT Headquarters in the Antarctic East. We
retrieve more agents, then return to rescue Databoard."

"We can't," Frozeen said, "he'll be dead already."

"Very well," ICe said. "Then we try to rescue him ourselves. And I have just the plan."

OOC: Guys, how's this plan? We go to the MOuntain Fortress, disable two drones, which
should be easy, Ice has extra magma cartridges. Then we pretend to be drones, rescue
Databoard, and get out of there! If you have a better plan, tell me. Let's just rescue
Databoard before he dies. I"m itching to find Ogel.


May 19 2005, 05:01 PM

OOC: Hey, don't forget PBB! He needs to be disguised, too, so we'll have to disable 3
Drones instead of 2. Okay?

IC: PBB looked around. All was quiet. Too quiet. All of a sudden, a mountain burst open,
and out came the Silver SOL. It fired at them, and once again, hit its target. Then, the SOL
escaped - again - as the IC-2 Helicopter crashed - again. Ice sighed. "Two more days of

Two days later, the IC-2 Helicopter was repaired. Suddenly, out of nowhere, again the
Silver SOL appeared, firing lasers as usual. Again, the target was hit. Again, the SOL
escaped. And again, the IC-2 Helicopter crashed. "Another 2 more days!" Ice impatiently
"The Silver SOL seems to know we're looking for Data!" PBB observed.
"We can't go on like this!" Frozeen said. "Every time we get hit, we waste another 2 days
repairing, and by the time we find Data, he will be 6 feet under, if you know what I mean!
"6 feet under..." repeated PBB. Then, he smiled and snapped his fingers. "Yes!"
Frozeen and Ice glared at him. "What in the world has gotten into you?" and "What are you
now, the villain?" were two of the things they yelled at him, but PBB just smiled.
"No, I DON'T want Data to be dead, but I came up with an idea: We dig a narrow,
underground tunnel to OMF! If narrow enough, then there's no way that the Silver SOL
could attack us!" PBB explained.
Frozeen and Ice looked at each other, then nodded.

May 19 2005, 06:33 PM

IC: The Silver SOL shot all its lasers at the "bugs," and they were disabled. They fell to the
ground. The SOL crawled away.

"Beware," Frozeen warned. "If there's Ice Monsters, be careful that we don't run into any
Rock Monsters."
"Or Lava Monsters," added PBB.
"Now, now," Ice said, "This place is NOT turning into Planet U!" Suddenly, a wall burst open.
A Rock Monster came out.
"ROCK MONSTER!" yelled the trio of agents - well, 2 agents and 1 BB - and they grabbed
their lasers. Ice shot down one, while PBB's laser got crushed by an ambush by another
Rock Monster.
"Oh, well, I didn't need it!" PBB said as power-fire erupted out of his hands, causing the
Rock Monster to both melt and blow up.
Frozeen wasn't having as good of luck. His laser, too, got crushed, and Frozeen didn't have
the abilities that PBB had. But, Frozeen was glad that he did have the ability to summon
more BB. A vortex opened as 4 BB ran out, each carrying a laser. They shot at the Rock
Monsters. "Stay here and guard the path, make sure that NO Drone finds us," ordered
Frozeen. The BB nodded, and held their place as Frozeen, Ice, and PBB continued down the
underground passage. They later came to a fork in the road, or in this case, in the tunnel.
One went to a volcanic cavern, and the other went to an icy one. They chose the icy one.

One of the guard BB turned around. Suddenly, out of the tunnel that the Rock Monsters
came out of, the Silver SOL marched through. They shot at it, but the silver armor reflected
the lasers - and redirected them towards the BB. Four BB now became 4 destroyed BB. The
Silver SOL continued along the path.
OOC: Now, remember Visorak-Kal, DON'T destroy the Silver SOL.

May 19 2005, 07:43 PM

IC: "LOOK OUT!" yelled Frozeen as he saw the homing missiles near. They were targeted on
one thing - them. PBB blasted one missile, and Ice through a rock in the 2nd's way, blowing
up both the missile and the rock. But, Frozeen had no power blasts or rock to help him.
Only quick reflexes saved him from a certain doom.

May 20 2005, 06:54 AM

IC: "2 TARGETS HIT. 1 MISSILE MISFIRED." said the computer voice within the Silver SOL.
"Which 2 targets?" asked the figure.
The figure sighed. "These Agents are just too clever for my missiles, I admit, but not for
me!" He pushed a button that read "Auto Drive." All his four hands grabbed four lasers. His
springy but powerful legs bent in anxiousness. His wings buzzed, ready for flight. And, his
most menacing feature, his eyes glowed red with evilness. There was only one name for this
four armed, powerful legged, and winged robot. General Evil. And he was ready for battle.

May 20 2005, 11:26 AM

OOC: Whoops, I lost a lot of time. Dentists. General Evil, eh? SOunds cool. Don't worry, I
won't destroy the Silver SOL. I don't think we can.

IC: The three companions kept going towards the basement of Ogel's Mountain Fortress...or
at least one of them. Suddenly, Ice stopped his helicopter from banging into a narrow

"This is the end of the road," said Ice. "We go on foot now." They crawled through the
passage and came to a cavern. It was in this cavern that the Ultimate Battle would

"AGENTS!" a mechanical voice cried out through the darkness. PBB readied his flames. Ice
readied his gun, and handed an extra to Frozeen. They went back to back. A buzzing noise
filled the cavern.


The giant general jumped from his hidding place, slamming into the ground. Ice, Frozeen,
and PBB fired at him.
But in their hearts, they had a bad feeling.

General EVil lurched forward.

"That's it," Frozeen said, "We can't beat him."

"So we run," ICe compromised.

They ran toward the base. As they neared a tunnel entrance, PBB had a plan. He blasted
the top of the tunnel, creating a cave in on General Evil.

"We'll have to go back and get your Blade, Ice," he said, seeing the look on Ice's face.

"It'll take Evil, with all his strength, at least two hours to clear that or get his Silver SOL. By
that time, we'll be three Ogel Drones." Frozeen said. Ice nodded.

Readying launchers, they blasted out three Drones, putting on their disguises.

"Let's go rescue Databoard," they said.

On the other side of the wall, Evil was groaning.


OOC: Sorry about missing PBB. How did you get the idea for General Evil?


May 20 2005, 03:50 PM

OOC: Quite surprising. I was watching both "Revenge of the Brick" and "A Bug's Life" at the
same time, and when General Grevious appeared on "Revenge of the Brick," Hopper (the
grasshopper) appeared on "A Bug's Life." And I was also trying to come up with who the
figure in the Silver SOL was. Then, I thought to myself, "Hey, how about a General
Grevious-like robot with the wings and legs of Hopper?"

IC: General Evil smiled. An evil smile. With 2 of his 4 mechanical arms, he snapped his
fingers. The Silver SOL, wherever it was, crawled over to him. He jumped inside the cockpit.
"Activate lasers!" he shouted. The lasers on the Silver SOL's stinger fired at the cave-in. The
cave-in collapsed, but to General Evil's surprise, the Agents - and BB - were long gone. He
Three shivering figures were in a small cell. They were the unfortunate Drones of whom Ice,
Frozeen, and PBB stole from, and they were cold without their suits or helmet.

PBB probably had the most trouble getting on the helmet. After all, the helmet was
designed for round Drone heads, and he was a square-headed BB.
"You know," Frozeen said, "We could pretend we were Drones who invented a 'Drone Bot.'"
"How will that help?!?" PBB questioned.
"You could pretend you were a 'Drone Bot,' thus, coming up with an excuse for having a
square, robotic head instead of a Drone wearing a helmet," Frozeen explained.
Ice nodded. "Good plan," he said.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
May 20 2005, 04:24 PM

Databoard was sitting in his cell, guarded by about ten Drones, when heard
Frozeen's voice outside.
"Requesting access to the prisoner?"
"Denied. What's with the square-headed robot?
"Well... He's a... Drone Bot."
"I am not aware of any 'Drone bot'. Please come with us."
All of a sudden, laser fire erupted outside. "Call for backup!" One of the Drone's
shouted. "Call for backup!"

Outside, Frozeen, Ice and PBB shot at Drones. More Drones were coming, alerted
to their presense. "Well, so much for a silent operation!" Ice shouted.


May 20 2005, 04:42 PM

IC: General Evil listened to the frantic and fast-talking Drone. "Perfect!" he said. "The only
way out of the prison cell is the entrance! Let them in, I've got a plan..."

Frozeen shot open the door, then Ice, Frozeen, and PBB rushed into the cell. Data smiled.
"So you've found me!" he said.
"Come on," Frozeen said. "Let's get out of this place before any more Drones get here!"
"Any more Drones?" repeated a voice. "Drones! Is that the WORST you can think of?" Then,
a figure walked into the cell. General Evil.
"Not again..." PBB groaned.
Using all 4 of his arms, General Evil attacked them with lasers. "Who's he?" Data asked, or
yelled, as he lept out of the robot's way.
"General Evil," answered Ice. "We don't know much about him, but he seems
"And you won't live to find out more about me!" yelled General Evil. Using his powerful legs,
he hopped over to Ice. He swung his lasers, and missed Ice only by a hair. PBB blasted
some power-fire at the general, but that was only a slight push. Frozeen used a laser to cut
a bar out of the cell, and ran over to General Evil, planning on using the bar as a weapon.
General Evil knew he was there, and raised his wings. As planned, they knocked into the
started Agent, causing him to fall over. Then, with a kick, he knocked Data and Ice out cold.
Then, General Evil's eyes fell upon PBB, who couldn't get knocked out cold and wouldn't
easily get knocked over. "Then, only one thing to do!" General Evil said to himself. He
hopped over to PBB, kicked him with his powerful legs, and grabbed him. Just as Frozeen
got back on his feet, the general smiled and said, "It appears we now have 3 prisoners and
some more metal!" Then, he hopped out of the cell and pushed a button. Doors closed,
Frozeen, Ice, and Data were trapped, and PBB was in trouble.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
May 20 2005, 06:33 PM

Databoard opened his eyes. Ice was still unconsious, and Frozeen was sitting near
the door. "Oooohh..." Databoard groaned. "What happened?" "Well, after General
Evil knocked you two out, locked us in here and took PBB." Frozeen said.
Databoard frowned, annoyed. "Just great." He muttered. "This is just GREAT!" He
Hurled himself at the door, trying to knock it down. "It's no use, Data." Frozeen
muttered. "I already tried." Databoard looked around. "There must be another
way out?" Databoard said. Frozeen just shook his head.


May 21 2005, 02:44 PM

IC: PBB ran through the corridors. The Drones were gathering, and it was becoming less
and less likely that he would reach Frozeen, Ice, and Data before getting captured. Several
times he shot backwards with with energy-fire blasts, but the Drones kept regrouping. And,
even if he got rid of all the Drones, he would have to face General Evil, or worse, Ogel.
Finally, he found the cell. But, PBB slippped and fell, pushing a button. It activated lasers on
the wall, and they shot. Fortunately, they missed PBB and hit all the Drones. PBB smiled,
and turned off the lasers. Then, he used a good blast of energy to destroy the cell door.

"PBB!" gladly shouted Frozeen. Ice cheered, and Data clapped.

"Shh!" PBB said. "General Evil is right behind me!" The Agents nodded, and they ran for the
exit. Nobody noticed that Frozeen was grabbed by General Evil, and was replaced by a
disguised Drone.
OOC: You can notice that Frozeen is gone, there is a Drone disguised as him, but you can't
save him. I have a plan, where in a twist of fate, General Evil will twist Frozeen's fate.

May 21 2005, 03:51 PM

IC: Frozeen woke up in another chamber. As soon as PBB had helped them escape, General
Evil grabbed them. Someone who looked like Frozeen walked out of the OMF with Data, Ice,
and PBB.
Now, Frozeen was alone with General Evil.
"It was a good thing I followed that fool PBB," General Evil said. "I couldn't catch Ice or
Data in time, but I got you, since you left last. Earlier, I wanted to imprison you and the
rest of AT, particually Dash or Sub, but it seems you Agents escape too often. But, this
time, you won't escape."
Then, he grabbed four lasers with all four of his robotic arms. He kicked Frozeen across the
room, and shot at him. Frozeen dodged them, but then General Evil hopped over to Frozeen
with his powerful legs. Frozeen grabbed a stick and swung it. General Evil dropped all his
lasers. But, the evil robot didn't drop his legs. He kicked Frozeen, who was against the wall.
Since General Evil's legs were powerful and Frozeen was against the wall, Frozeen felt some
of his bones and ribs break. Then, General Evil threw him onto the floor and pulled out the
deadliest sword Frozeen ever saw. General Evil raised the sword, then brough it down on

General Evil laughed evily. "Now, 1 pesky Agent is killed. Just a whole team more!" He
walked away.

OOC: I am NOT leaving the RPG. Just wait and see what happens...

May 21 2005, 04:58 PM

IC: There's a strange old saying about "After your death, your disembodied spirit gets 5
more minutes to stay on Earth." Frozeen never believed this, of course.

Until now.

Of course, when General Evil stuck that sword into Frozeen, he died, and General Evil had
"triumphed." But, Frozeen's disembodied spirit woke up to see him - well, his former body -
lying on the floor, dead, and the figure of General Evil walking out of the chamber. Am I
dreaming? Frozeen asked himself. How did he survive the sword, and why was there
someone who looked just like him laying dead on the floor? Frozeen looked at his hand, and
gasped. His hand wasn't there! Frozeen realized the truth - he had been killed by that
sword, but that saying about the disembodied spirit getting 5 minutes was true. Frozeen
had 5 minutes to do something - if anything - before he had to leave Earth forever. He
floated through the wall. A Drone was staring right at him, and Frozeen flinched. Then, he
reminded himself that he was just a spirit, and the Drone was merely looking at a wall.
Frozeen floated around the OMF. Then, he saw a strange door. It said, "General Evil
bodies." Curious and hoping for something helpful, he floated inside. A large computer was
in the middle of the room, and on a table lay General Evil. But why isn't he moving?
Remembering what the sign on the door said, Frozeen guessed that it was another General
Evil body. He looked at the computer. Suddenly, it turned on. It was on this giant story.
Ogel's brother, nicknamed General Evil, was killed. Like the old saying, General Evil's spirit
had 5 more minutes. Ogel didn't like this, and came up with a way to bring General Evil
back to life in less than 5 minutes. General Evil's original body couldn't help, for once a
spirit left a living body, that body was good no more. So, he created a robotic body with 4
arms, wings, and powerful legs. By some luck, Ogel knew where General Evil was, and told
him to go within the robotic body. General Evil's spirit obeyed and entered the robotic body,
now his own. Now, General Evil will be able to live, maybe forever. But in case something
went wrong with the body and General Evil was "killed" again, Ogel had created a few extra
bodies for his brother to use. Ogel even has a robotic body planned for himself, but that
one's wherebouts are strickly forbidden to tell. If you are dead and your spirit should need
to use one of these bodies to continue living, just slimply float over it and go through it."
Suddenly, Frozeen's spirit began feeling drowzy. He looked at the clock. 4 minutes were
gone. He had only 1 minute before completely leaving the world.
He turned toward the extra General Evil body. He stared at it in disguist. Why would anyone
- unless evil - want a body with two, glowing red eyes? Then, he thought about PBB,
Chompy, and AT. PBB and Chompy would dreadfully miss him if he had died, and AT would
be 1 Agent less. 1 Elite Agent. He sighed. Frozeen floated over the robotic body, and went
through it. Then, all went black.

May 21 2005, 05:30 PM

OOC: If I just happen to run into General Evil (how about G.E. for short?) along the way, I
will take him on. If I manage to get out of OMF before G.E. finds me, I'll look for PBB, Ice,
and Data (Chompy's still at the AT HQ).
BTW, the saying about the spirit and 5 minutes if competely FALSE! I only made it up.

IC: Frozeen opened his eyes. His vision was a little unclear, as if he had been staring at
something spinning for a long time. "That whole thing...?" Frozeen asked himself, then
shook his head. It was proably a bad dream. With G.E. killing him and then his spirit
wandering OMF for 5 minutes, that just seemed completely strange. "Just a bad dream."
But, as soon as he stood up, we knew it was NOT a dream. His legs felt rather stronger, and
it felt like he had four arms instead of two, and had wings on his back. Frozeen looked at
himself. It indeed was NOT a dream, for there he was, in the robotic body used for living
after your death. Frozeen stepped foward, and fell down. "OW!" he yelped. Getting used to
his new body was not going to be easy. Frozeen got himself back up, and carefully took
anther step. Then another. Then another. Frozeen was at the door. Unlocking it from the
inside, Frozeen entered one of OMF's many hallways. No Drones were around, and he
sighed in relief. Frozeen closed the door so he wouldn't raise suspicions, and carefully
walked down the hallway.

May 21 2005, 05:59 PM

IC: "GACK!" Frozeen yelped. He fell down again. For the 6th time.
A Drone heard him, and ran over there. Seeing Frozeen, the Drone mistakened him for G.E.
"Having trouble walking?" asked the Drone.
"Yep, just my legs are a bit wobbly today," Frozeen answered. He knew who the Drone
thought he was, and realized he could use that as an advantage.
"You know," the Drone suggested, "you could just use those wings of yours then."
"Oh," Frozeen said. Noticing the Drone's suspicion, he added, "It's just that I was getting so
fustrated, I completely forgot."
The Drone smiled. "Well, I suppose Ogel will be happy that I helped out his brother!" the
Drone happily said. As the Drone walked, or should I say, skipped off, Frozeen sighed.
How could flying be any easier than walking? Suddenly, he heard a buzz, and he lifted about
a foot into the air. "So that's how it's done!" Frozeen said to himself, he just had to think
about flying! Using this new ability, he flew through the halls and made his way out of OMF.

The happy Drone crashed face-first into the real G.E. "Oh," the Drone said, "hi!"
G.E. frowned. "Watch your step! And what are you doing skipping out here when you should
be working?"
"Don't you remember?" the Drone asked. "You had wobbly legs today, and I helped you
remember that you could fly!"
G.E.'s frown grew. "Since when did I have wobbly legs? And since when did you tell me to
fly?" Before the Drone could respond, G.E. threw the Drone out the window.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
May 21 2005, 07:33 PM

Ice's Helicopter flew away from OMF, with Ice, Databoard, PBB, and 'Frozeen'
(Accually the desguised Drone, but no one knew it). Two Snow Crawlers were
flying behind the Vehicle, trying to destroy it. "We have to get out of here!"
Shouted PBB. Ice glared at him, frustrated. "What do you think I'm trying to do?"
He yelled. The Helicopter swerved and spun wildly, trying to dodge the Snow
Crawler's lasers. Suddenly, smoke began to sputter out of the engine, warning
lights flashed, and the helicopter began to fall to earth. "What's going on?"
Databoard said. Ice looked confused. "I'm not sure." H said. "The engine just died
on us!" "Engine's don't just die!" Databoard shouted. "Try to make an emergency
landing!' Ice wresled with the controls. "I'm trying, but the controls aren't
responding!" He yelled.

The Drone disguised as Frozeen simply sat in the back, watching the chaos unfold.
It had sabotaged Ice's vehicle before they left, and now, there was next to no
chance the Agents would survive...


May 22 2005, 12:39 PM

OOC: I drew a sketch of what G.E. (and now, Frozeen) looks like. I'm also planning on
drawing other G.E./Frozeen pics, including "At the Table" and "Practing Piano," each with a
slight humor.

IC: The real Frozeen ran across the tundra. He had gotten used to his new legs, and was
walking more. Suddenly, he saw the form of an IC-2 Helicopter followed by a trail of smoke
that was falling. "Ice, Data, and PBB!" Frozeen said to himself. He looked around for
anything that could help. He found a platform around the size of the helicopter. "Perfect,"
Frozeen said. He picked it up, and flew over to the form of the IC-2 Helicopter. He placed
the platform beneath it, and that's were the helicopter landed. Slowly, Frozeen lowered the
platform, himself, and the IC-2 Helicopter. The Drone disguised as Frozeen popped out. The
Drone ran over to Frozeen, once again mistaking him for G.E.
"What are you doing?" the Drone hissed. "You were supposed to let the helicopter crash,
and let the Agents die!"
Frozeen didn't answer. He grabbed four lasers and pointed them at "Frozeen." Big mistake,
for next out of the helicopter came Data, PBB, and Ice, and they thought that "G.E." was
trying to kill "Frozeen." "Frozeen!" cried PBB. His hands grew red, ready to shoot fire. But,
Frozeen realized he was not going to shoot at the Drone - he was going to shoot at him.
Ice drew out his laser, and handed one to Data. They all aimed at Frozeen. Frozeen had
only one choice: to try and reveal the Drone's idenity. "This is not Frozeen!" Frozeen said,
and he took off the Drone's mask, revealing the Drone's face. PBB gasped, and Data shot
the Drone.
"That might've been a Drone," Ice said, aiming still at Frozeen, "but we all know that you're
G.E.! Where's the real Frozeen?" Suddenly, Frozeen knew it was going to be a lot harder
than he thought to convince them that he was NOT G.E. and was Frozeen.

May 22 2005, 01:14 PM

OOC: Both are basically showing G.E./Frozeen using all four of his hands. "At the Table,"
one hand is holding a fork, another holding a cup, another petting Chompy, and another
holding a TV Remote. In "Practicing Piano," G.E./Frozeen becomes the only piano player to
be able to play with four hands.

IC: "So, G.E., tell us what you've done with Frozeen!" Data demanded.
"And no tricks!" added PBB.
"I AM Frozeen!" insisted Frozeen.
PBB, Data, and Ice all burst out laughing. "As if!" Ice said.

"WHAT?!?" screamed Ogel.

"I tell you," the Drone that helped "G.E." said, "I helped out your brother!"
"As if!" Ogel said. "G.E. doesn't need any help! Except for mine, of course!"
"Well, he needed mine, too!" the Drone claimed.
Ogel was about to throw the Drone out the window, when G.E. spoke up. "Where did you
say I went?" he asked suspiciously.
"You seemed like you were leaving OMF," the Drone answered. G.E. ran out the chamber,
and out of OMF.

"There's no possible way that you can be Frozeen!" Ice said. "Tell us where you put the real
Frozeen turned around, gasped, jumped over the Agents - and BB - and hid beneath a snow
drift. "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" he shouted as he was doing so.
"He sure runs and hops fast when he's scared," PBB said.
Suddenly, walking over the snow, came the REAL G.E. "As I thought!" the evil person said.
"You have sent a hologram, Agents, and tricked a Drone!"
"What?" Data asked, confused.
"A Drone is claiming that I was someplace where I was not, and it seems that you have sent
a hologram of me!" G.E. said. As he continued ranting, Frozeen's face popped out of the
snow behind G.E.'s legs.
Data was about to point that out, but Frozeen did a motion that meant "Zip it!", or "Shut
up!" Then, Frozeen put his hands around G.E.'s leg, and yanked it. As expected, G.E. fell
down face-first into the snow. "RUN!" shouted Frozeen. Data, PBB, and Ice obeyed. Then,
Frozeen smiled as he took out a weapon he hated - mashed potatoes.
Frozeen didn't like potatoes, but right now, they were going to help him. He stuffed them
into G.E.'s eyes, and G.E. began screaming stuff like "MY EYES! THEY BURN!" Frozeen flew
over the temporarily-blind figure and followed the two Agents and one BB.

"Thanks," PBB said, "I guess."

"So," Ice said, "if that was G.E., then who are you?"
"I tell you, I'm Frozeen," said Frozeen.
"Prove it!" Data said. Frozeen sighed. It was going to be very, very hard to prove the

May 22 2005, 02:02 PM

OOC: Until a solution is thought of, it's just going to be a back and forth "battle" of "I'm
Frozeen!" "No you're not!"...

IC: "Well, I can't exactly prove it..." Frozeen said.

"So you're not Frozeen," answered Data.
"It's true!" insisted Frozeen. "It's a long story, almost unbelievable, almost unprovable, but
I am Frozeen."

May 22 2005, 02:41 PM

OOC: It's okay, sometimes the server is crazy thus creating more than 1 post. Don't worry,
it ALWAYS happens to me...

IC: "There must be a way to prove it..." Frozeen said.

"Wait a minute..." PBB said. "There is a way to prove it. For, only 2 people in the entire
world can do something, and Frozeen is one of those 2 people."
"What is it?" asked Frozeen.

May 22 2005, 04:34 PM

OOC: Whoa, good idea! Other than the Brickster and Frozeen, nobody can do that. I'm
going to edit the post where Data says "I know something that only Frozeen and I know
about, and that'll prove that he is or isn't Frozeen" and replace that with PBB saying
something like "There's something that will prove whether or not you are Frozeen."

IC: "Only two people - Brickster and Frozeen - can summon BB, and not even Ogel can
program something to do that," PBB said. "So, summon some BB."
Frozeen smiled. A vortex opened, and out came a few BB. Data, Ice, and PBB gasped.
"Frozeen?" asked Data. "Is that really you?"
Frozeen nodded. "Yes, it's me."
"But, how did you...?" Ice asked, but didn't complete.
Nobody needed to complete that for anyone to understand. "It's a long story," Frozeen
explained, "but I'll tell it to you."

May 22 2005, 04:56 PM

IC: While they were repairing the IC-2 Helicopter, Frozeen recounted the events of what
had happened since G.E. had captured Frozeen and replaced him with a Drone in disguise.
Everyone was a bit shaky after the part about Frozeen getting killed by G.E.'s sword, but
they listened closely to the part about the G.E. body and G.E.'s origins. Finally, the story
was finished, and the IC-2 Helicopter was fully repaired.
"It's still quite hard to believe," PBB said, "but I believe you."
"I know, I can hardly beleive it myself," Frozeen admitted.
"Well," Ice said, "since the helicopter is finished, let's get out of here before G.E. finds us."
PBB, Data, and Frozeen nodded, and they all hopped into the IC-2 Helicopter.

G.E. finally got the mashed potatoes - and the stinging they caused - out of his eyes. He
looked up, and saw the shape of the IC-2 Helicopter flying off. He was about to fly after
them, but by some lucky chance, slipped on ice and fell instead.

May 22 2005, 05:37 PM

IC: "There's a problem," PBB said. "How are we going to tell you apart from G.E.? We might
put our trust in G.E. because we might think he's you, or we might start attacking you
because we might think you're G.E."
"You've got a point there," Frozeen said. They landed at AT HQ. Heading inside, they went
to their rooms for a while, due to the fact that strange bugs were buzzing around the place,
and who likes to work when bugs are everywhere outside?

When Frozeen and PBB went into their room (they share one), they tried thinking of a plan
that would help tell Frozeen and G.E. apart. Suddenly, their eyes caught Chompy in the
corner, fooling around with a brown, hooded cloak. Frozeen walked over there and picked
up the brown, hooded cloak. It was the hooded cloak that Frozeen had worn when he
delivered a message to Diamond not too long ago about some kind of giant Drone battle.
Suddenly, Frozeen smiled. "PBB, I've got the solution..." he told PBB. Putting on the hooded
cloak, he explained. "I'm sure that G.E. doesn't have a hooded cloak like this, and as long
as I'm wearing it, you'll be able to tell us apart."
"Good idea," PBB commented.

Kotua in Space
May 22 2005, 05:52 PM

OOC:PeaSam, The Bugs are actually round things with spikes, about the size of a car...
IC:Suddenly The ground shook.
"What's going on?"said Frozeen.
"I don't know" replied PBB.
Suddenly something sawed off the wall. It was a Bug! Smaller ones came out.
"Run!"said Data.
THey all ran except for PBB who threw fire balls at the Bugs.
The Craft was barely leaving the city.
"So what exactly are we going to do?"asked one of the pilots.
"Were going to destroy Alpha Team, besides its not like anybody cares, right?"replied the
"He's got a point. Those AT people haven't done anything but drain funds." said another
"And if we attack them how does that make us any better?"asked another pilot.
"Because that means we'll be able to use AT as bait for bugs...get it?"said the captain.
"Yes"said the first pilot.

May 22 2005, 06:03 PM

OOC: Actually, the bugs I was talking about were strange mosquitoes, but that's not really

IC: While PBB was keeping the "bugs" at bay with the fire balls, Frozeen, Data, and Ice
were grabbing lasers. Frozeen grabbed four while Data and Ice grabbed two. Then, they
began shooting at the "bugs." Frozeen shot four at once, and they all dropped. PBB, now
using energy blasts instead of fire, was bringing them down by the dozen. Yet they kept
seeming to bring more. Data and Ice stopped shooting, and brought something. They
covered up the hole in the wall, then Frozeen used four screwdrivers at once to screw it in.
And PBB tested to see if the blockage was strong enough. "Well," PBB concluded, "until the
wall is repaired, that will do." Frozeen hopped over to the security lasers button, and
pushed it.
Outside the HQ, it got surrounded by laser fences. Many "bugs" got shot down, and the rest
escaped. But not before wrecking all the unprotected AT vehicles...

May 23 2005, 11:55 AM

IC: Defeating bugs was not Ice's area of expertise, but creating a plan to evade them was.
He was troubling himself to think of a plan, while firing at all the nearby bugs. It hit him,
just as he noticed that the bugs were destroying particular things. They seemed to near the
vending machines. And inside vending machines!

"Frozeen! Get all the bugs into the cafeteria, using us as side dogs, and PBB's flames to lure
them away!"

Frozeen nodded. Data and ICe stood on the sides, herding the swarm, while Frozeen
directed PBB, who pushed the swarm into the cafeteria. ONce inside, they locked the door,
locking the bugs in the cafeteria.

"What will this do?" asked Data.

"The bugs are addicted to destroying food and metal. What better place than the cafeteria?
They will break out when everything in there is destroyed. By then, we'll be long gone."

They went outside to find Ice's helicopter destroyed.

"Grab the parts!" ICe cried. They grabbed his parts, and ran toward the nearest safe
snowbank, so that Ice could put his vehicle back together, while the others protected
themselves from bugs.

They needed to reach Dash and warn him. Or the bugs would rule the world.

OOC: PLease let us reach Dash and warn him, and THEN go on another adventure to defeat
the bugs. BTW, where are they coming from? Do we know yet?


May 23 2005, 07:46 PM

IC: "Where is Dash?" asked Frozeen.

"I don't know," admitted Ice.
"Well, that won't help!" said PBB. "He could be anywhere!"
"Not if we send a message," Data pointed out. He then realized that there was a message
waiting. Looking at it, he sighed. "It appears Kotua has already sent a message to all
Agents - including Dash - about the bugs."

OOC: I believe you had, Kotua. I seem to remember this post of yours...
OOC: kotua, I meant Frozeen's bugs.

IC: The IC-2 Helicopter sped towards the nearest AT Headquarters on the scanner. If all
went well, they would reach the headquarters before the swarms of both bugs, and Frozeen
and Databoard could get spare vehicles.

things hardly ever go well...

A Scorpion Orb Launcher appeared, flanked by several Snow Crawlers. ICe quickly used his
helicopter to take them out, and speed by the SOL.

After about two hours of traveling without incident, they reached another AT Emergency

"How are you feeling, Data?" Frozeen asked.

"A little queasy. It's been a tough day."

"The hospital should patch up any troubles," ICe said.

They brought Databoard inside, and an agent took him to the hospital wing. Ice sat down,
and brought with him a pencil and a sketchbook.

Suddenly, his messenger beeped.

"Who is it," Frozeen asked.

"It's Dash!" ICe cried.

He read the message aloud.

Ice, this is AT HQ. Agent Dash. We have an emergency. Agent Kotua warned us of giant
sawing bugs, and Agent Gearbox has sighted smaller mosquitos, addicted to food and
metal. I hope you have received our message for back-up and are headed to the nearest
Ogel Mountain Fortress in order to hack into his systems and discover his real base. We
have a new mission for you. You need to go to the location I am sending you via alpha-mail,
and destroy Ogel's henchman, the GEneral Evil. I expect you will do well on this. Good luck.
Dash-over and out.

Ice looked at Frozeen. Or really, he was looking beyond Frozeen, at two nearby vehicles.

"Look's like they have backup for you, Agent Frozeen. See you around?"

Frozeen nodded.

"I'll wait until Data is safe, and then head out. What about you?"
Ice got his things.

"I have a date with General Evil. And I'm breaking him up."

Ice jumped in his IC-2 Helicopter, and headed back to Ogel's Mountain Fortress. General
Evil would not be easy, but hopefully things went easier this time. IT was then that Ice
realized he needed Frozeen, and headed back, only to be intercepted by a Snow Crawler,
which ran away from him.

"Now why would that happen, unless," Ice's eyes widened. He turned around to see a
swarm of small bugs, and giant sawing machines.

"Help me," he whispered.

OOC: I guess now that you have your vehicles, we can kick some bug booty!

Kotua in Space
May 24 2005, 03:51 PM

OOC:I guess by now everybody is fighting everybody....

IC:A green beam passed by Agent Ice, destroying some of both types of Bugs. Agent Ice
looked up, and saw a strange craft in the sky...
The Carrier's captain cursed.
"Can't you aim right?"he shouted at the soldier controlling the beam turrets.
"Sorry.."replied the soldier.
"I told you to shoot at the vehicle, not next to him?"shouted the captain.
"Heavygun 24, Launching!"said a voice over the radio.
A Heavygun mobile suit launched, and flew towards the spot of agent Ice...

May 24 2005, 04:18 PM

OOC: I just drew a picture of Agent Frozeen in his new body. I'll post both my G.E. and
Frozeen pics ASAP.
Visorak-Kal, my bugs were just mosquitoes. Nothing interesting about them.

IC: Frozeen was getting used to having four arms. He was almost using them as if he had
four arms to begin with. Well, almost...
"Drat!" Frozeen groaned as he dropped his cup of cocoa. It shattered, and the drink was all
over the floor. Grabbing some paper towels, he began to clean the floor. Of course, with
using four arms instead of two, he got the mess cleared up sooner. But not soon enough.
Ants crawled through a small hole in the wall. Frozeen sighed, then took out the spray. As
he got rid of the ants, he promised to himself he'll fix that hole in the wall.
May 24 2005, 07:18 PM

OOC: Thanks, Kotua!

IC: Hearing all the noise outside, Frozeen sighed and looked out the window. To his
surprise, it was shattered. Looking outside, he saw Mossies and BladeBugs. "Geez!" Frozeen
groaned. "What's with these 'bugs?'" He ducked in time to dodge a laser being shot.

May 24 2005, 07:41 PM

IC: Using his new powerful legs, Frozeen hopped out of the shattered window. Shooting at
both the Mossies and the BladeBugs, Frozeen tried to do his best at defending AT HQ.

May 25 2005, 06:49 AM

OOC: And to think that when I created the Mossies, they weren't really that important...
Just a few insects! Now they seem like AT's biggest enemy!

IC: It was more than just the Agents and Vehicles trying to stop the attack. Dragonflies, still
avenging their lost king, joined in the battle, fighting AGAINST the BladeBugs and Mossies.
To help out even more, Frozeen summoned some BB. But, every time a Mossie or BladeBug
was shot down (or tackled down by Dragonflies), another rose in its place.

OOC: The Dragonflies are good, not bad.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
May 25 2005, 01:49 PM

Databoard dove behind a rock and continued to shoot. Not only had Dragonflies
joined the fight, but so had several Snow Crawlers, and Drones. Databoard tried to
fend off, all the attacks, but he wasn't armed well enough. This would have been
easier if he had his Ice Blade, but it was wreaked and lying somewhere in the
tundra. Databoard suddenly got an idea. He ran at a Snow Crawler, and shot the
Drone. He pushed the Drone out of the cockpit and activated Flight Mode. He flew
into the sky and began shooting. Suddenly, one of the Dragonflies, misaking him
for a Drone, attacked him "No, stop!" Databoard shouted, but it was too late. The
Dragonfly swoop beneath the Snow Crawler, pulled of some of the underside
pannels, and ripped out some of the wires. The Snow Crawler fell out of the sky
and crashed into one of the mechs. As Databoard got up, he could see the pilot
running away. Databoard was shocked when he saw who the pilot was. "Agent
Shadow..." Databoard gasped. "But why..." Shadow didn't answer. He fired a
grapling hook up to the ship, and hauled himself up, taking the rope with him.

May 25 2005, 04:43 PM

IC: PBB joined in the fight, jumping out the same window (but for him, more painfully) that
Frozeen did. "Wondered when you'd drop down!" joked Frozeen. PBB grumbled.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
May 25 2005, 07:57 PM

Databoard watched as the blue F91s swept through the battlefeild, blasting at the
other mechs. He could also see that the Snow Crawlers were retreating, knowing
better then to face the F91s. The Bladebugs and Mossies tryed to attack the blue
F91, but could not penetrate the beam sheilds. Databoard looked up to the two
ships, and remembered seeing Agent Shadow piloting one of the mechs that
attacked AT HQ. Suddenly, he noticed the ships moving towards HQ...


May 26 2005, 07:06 AM

OOC: Sheesh, yanking out teeth sure takes a while...

IC: Frozeen saw it, too. He began running - and crashed face first into PBB and Chompy.
They tumbled, then fell through a mystierious trap door and put in what seemed like a pit.
"Up's our only way out, I guess," Frozeen said. Suddenly, the trap door closed, the exit was
gone, and they were in pitch blackness.

"Okay, so how are we going to get out of here?"

"Frozeen, I can't concentrate with your wings buzzing like that!"
"Hrm?" Grr... CHOMP!
"Ow, that was my foot, Chompy!"
"Heh, heh, heh..."
"Don't you laugh now, PBB, just wait till he bites your foot!"
"Uh... no."
"Can't you watch where you're going, Frozeen?"
"That's just it! I can't see where I'm going, only pitch blackness."
"Well, maybe this will help..."

PBB made a small flame, acting as a light. Then, the trio noticed something that wasn't
there before - at least, not in the pitch blackness. A passageway.
May 26 2005, 05:59 PM


Yes, I know where the passageway leads. PBB gets a real shock! HINT: "Eww, I think I
stepped in something... squishy." Oh, by the way, Chompy is Frozeen's pet T-Rex.

Frozeen knows? Even I don't know!

IC: The trio continued along the passage. PBB's light was snall in the darkness. Chompy
kept trying to make sure not to accedently bite Frozeen or PBB by mistake. And Frozeen
wasn't so sure that whatever lie ahead in the passageway was friendy. Suddenly, they
noticed that the passage abruptly ended. And above their heads was another trap door, this
time low enough for them to get inside. Given a boost by PBB, Frozeen opened the trap

May 26 2005, 06:27 PM

IC:Viper shot out of the Alpha Team HQ 2 in his lime/gray Blue Eagle.He turned a corner
when the ground went out beneath him."Initiate Alpha Mode......" Viper stared to say but
the vehicle`s copit opened and he jumped out.
The Blue Eagle got stuck in some roots in the ground."Great." Viper said and walked into
the tunnel.
As he walked he heard some sounds that sounded like something being made.He turned a
corner and saw a large area filled witn Ice Drones making bugs."So thats where the bugs
came from." Viper said.
Then a voice said "So thats where the bugs came from Viper."
Viper turned there stood a General Grievous type thing.But he had two arms that can turn
into ten arms.He had two legs that could split into six legs."General Verove."Viper said.
"Yes it is General Veroze." said Verove back.
He turned his legs into six and climbed on the ceiling and said to the drones making bugs
"Turn on the bugs and get him!".
"Oh no! Viper cried and ran back in the tunnel.Running as fast as he can he ran into a Exo-
Person.Viper jumped in the Exo-Person and it shot off."Herrah!" Viper said but did not
notice that he ran into something very interesting."The Silver Sol 2." he muttered.

May 26 2005, 06:47 PM

OOC: Yikes, first General Evil, now General Veroze!

IC: The air in the dark chamber they entered was moist and damp, thus putting out PBB's
flame. He grumbled, then stepped foward. Frozeen heard him suddenly yelp and yell,
"Eww... I think I stepped in something... squishy."
"Hrm?" was heard, and after a CHOMP!, it was quite obvious that it was Chompy.
"Ow, Chompy, that was my foot!" Frozeen just smiled. It seemed that Chompy had decided
to do the same thing to PBB that earlier happened to Frozeen.
"Could we have some light?" asked Frozeen. A glow came from one side of the room where
PBB was.
Suddenly, a shrill scream filled the air. PBB's eyes were as wide as possible. And when
Frozeen saw what he was looking at, he screamed too. A dead body was on the floor. When
they stopped screaming, they heard footsteps, and a voice say "What's going on in
there?!?" Knowing it was an enemy, Frozeen, Chompy, and PBB all hopped back into the
trap door and closed it.

May 27 2005, 07:07 AM

OOC: I decided not to use the initails "G.E." anymore. I'm writing General Evil's name

IC: Frozeen kept the trap door open a tiny bit to see who was entering the chamber. The
door opened, and into the room General Evil walked in. Looking around for intruders, his
eyes fell upon the dead body in the corner. "I've got to get rid of that carcass," General Evil
groaned. Just as he was about to take it away, Ogel entered the room, whispered
something to General Evil, and they imediately left the room. A Drone turned off the lights
"The room's now empty," Frozeen reported, and the trio popped out of the trap door again.
"We must be inside OMF," observed PBB.
"We've got to get to the door."
"As long as I don't see that carcass again!"
"Wait, this room... it seems familiar.... too familiar... PBB, shine your light on the carcass!"
"But it's disgusting!"
"I just want to see where we are!"
"Okay! Just don't know how seeing a carcass is going to work..."
PBB's "candle" lit the corner. Frozeen, now looking at the carcass more carefully, gasped. "I
knew it!" Frozeen said. "This... this is the chamber where I was killed!"

May 27 2005, 11:41 AM

OOC: When do I find out what this thing is?

IC: Ice stepped back, and grabbed his gun. He fired at the figure coming towards him. IT
didn't falter. Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him, and saw a hatch open. It was Frozeen!
Ice walked towards him, but froze as a large four-armed creatures fell near him.

"Who, who are you?" Ice asked.

"You can call me GENERAL VEROZE!" it cried.
Ice turned the other way as another large thing fell near him. General Evil. Ice turned the
third way to see a government F-19 ready to blast him. And as he slowly turned right he
saw Ogel in his Scorpion Orb Launcher.

"ICE!" Ogel's voice said through the glass. "Long have you stood in my way. For five years,
you have told Dash everything. You alone KNOW who I am, and I cannot let Alpha Team
find out."

"I told Dash already, Ogel, or should I say BENJAMIN!"

"Ehhh, don't call me that!" OGel cried.

"why not, Ogel? You were once the same as all of us. A great Alpha Team member."

"I left Alpha Team. And for you imformation, Ice, Dash doesn't know. I intercepted all your
Alpha-Messages. ONly you know, and when I'm done with you, nobody will know."

"Not if I scream."

"YOu wouldn't dare."

"FROZEEN!" Ice cried.

PBB's head popped out. Frozeen joined his head. Well, Frozeen in General Evil's body.

"You!" General Evil cried.

"Frozeen!" Ice cried. "Ogel was not always evil. He was Agent Relay, a.k.a. BENJAMIN

"NO!" Cried Ogel, sending an Ice orb at Ice(Ice orb at Ice, get it?).

ICe froze in spot.

"NO!" Frozeen cried, then he realized Ice was not frozen. Ogel had missed.

"Evil, Veroze, KILL HIM!" OGel cried, and they jumped at Ice for the kill.

OOC: I had a secret : OGEL'S IDENTITY!


Kotua in Space
May 27 2005, 12:00 PM
OOC:What do you mean Visorak-Kal?
IC:A figure watched as Generals Evil and Veroze jumped for Ice. The figure shot at both
generals, distracting them. then the figure threw a something at the ground. it exploded,
and dust was everywhere. while the dust was around, nobody could see agent Ice. the
figure shot a tranquilizer dart at Agent Ice, and dragged him away...
OOC:You'll find who the figure is soon....

May 27 2005, 02:25 PM


No. The explanation for this is one or two pages back.

No. Maybe you could tell me VIA PM?

Visorak-Kal, maybe it would be better if General Evil still didn't know I was alive...? Oh,
well, I'll come up with an excuse for that.

IC: General Evil coughed and sputtered. Then, a giant shadow fell over him and knocked
him out, cold.

Frozeen was glad that before they left the chamber that he explained to Chompy the
difference between Frozeen and General Evil's appearances. To someone who didn't know
Chompy too well, it would look like Chompy was utterly confused, but Frozeen knew that
Chompy understood every word. But now, they needed to find Ice.

When General Evil got himself back up, he was confused. He had seen another of himself
wearing a brown cloak, and Ice had acted like Frozeen was alive. Had he been seeing things
that weren't there? Had he been hearing things incorrectly? By now, General Evil wasn't
sure that Frozeen was dead after all.

May 27 2005, 05:00 PM

IC: "Do you know where Ice went?" asked Frozeen. PBB shook his head. "Then it looks like
we're going to have to look carefully."
Chomy sniffed the air, trying to pick up Ice's scent. All that he could smell were Drones, ice
everywhere, PBB, Frozeen, General Evil's Sliver SOL, a Snow Crawler that was disabled -
General Evil's Silver SOL?
Chompy turned around and growled. At least 30 meters away from the trio was the shape of
the Silver SOL. Frozeen picked up Chompy, and they ran, knowing better than to try and
defeat the indestructable SOL and risk letting out Frozeen's secret about still being alive.
With Frozeen's powerful legs and PBB's tireless legs, they seemed to be outrunning the SOL.

Inside the Silver SOL, the computer voice noted, "3 LIFE FORMS NEARBY. IDENITIES
UNKNOWN. WORK FOR AT." All General Evil needed to hear was that they worked for AT.
He pushed the "Homing Missile" button.

Kotua in Space
May 27 2006, 05:15 PM

IC:The Government's F91 activated both VSBRs, and aimed at what was left of AT HQ.
"Finally!"he said, pressing the trigger.
Two green beams flew towards the agent's quarters, which were immediately vaporized by
the beams.
"Victory!"shouted the pilot into his radio.
The Other Mpbile suits turned around to see what had happened.
The Remaining AT F91s used that opportunity to destroy the Mobile suits.
kotua saw the F91 land and walk towards him, with the VSBRs aimed at him. the nurses
and doctors ran away, scared of the Mobile Suit.
The Mobile Suit charged up the VSBRs, and Fired.
kotua felt heat as the beam hit him...and vaporized him.

May 27 2005, 06:04 PM

IC: "Look out!" shouted PBB. Frozeen ducked out of the way and covered Chompy while PBB
shot at the missiles with energy blasts.

"MISSILES DESTROYED BY UNKNOWN FORCE," reported the computer voice.

General Evil wasn't happy at all. It seemed that he had gone through a lot of trouble to add
Homing Missiles to the Silver SOL, and now, every time they were used, they were stopped.

Kotua in Space
May 28 2005, 12:29 PM

IC:kotua was still on the same spot where he had been Vaporized, but in ghost form now.
kotua couldn't beleive he had just been vaporized. he saw as the F91 fought a Ice Blade.
kotua finally floated towards the HQ, in hopes of finding some way he could still help AT.
Agent Ice awoke. he was floating. he noticed strange squares floating around.
The Figure watched Agent Ice. The Machine had put agent Ice in something virtual like.
The AT F91s flew around but with most of AT HQ destroyed, there was'nt much left to

May 28 2005, 03:50 PM

IC:kotua walked closer to the Robo-Blade, and floated into the cockpit. he looked around.
suddenly he had an Idea.
Data suddenly saw a Robo-Blade fly out from the rubble and land next to him. Data looked
at the Robo-Blade and almost fell back in surprise, for nobod was piloting it!

May 28 2005, 04:57 PM

IC: General Evil walked over to those Drones. "Oops," one Drone said.
"CLUMBSY enough?!?!" General Evil repeated, outraged. "Well, it seems for calling me that,
I guess I will be 'clumbsy' enough to kill YOU too!" Just as he was about to give each Drone
their final blow, Ogel walked over to them.
"Calm down, brother," Ogel said. "I've got another punishment in mind for them!" General
Evil mumbled, took out lasers, and shot each Drone. "Was that really neccecery?!?" Ogel
"No, but it was fun," was General Evil's reply.

May 28 2005, 06:23 PM

IC: "However, the Drone was right," Ogel said. "We weren't supposed to KILL AT, just
freeze and capture."
"The Agents escape too often," General Evil insisted. "I had no choice but to kill him. After
all, now AT is down an Agent."

Frozeen had finally made his way to AT HQ. To his luck, the Mossies and BladeBugs weren't
there anymore. The Dragonflies were still there, resting and tending the wounded. "I
wonder where Kotua and Data are," PBB wondered.
Chompy chirped, and Frozeen nodded. "Chompy's right. We must also be looking for Ice."
"Got all your gear?" asked PBB.
Frozeen nodded. "I was able to take a few of my old lasers and drills from that carcass and -
wait, I thought you had them!"
"I thought you had them!" Suddenly, Frozeen and PBB realized they dropped the gear.
Thankfully, they hadn't dropped the gear too far away. Frozeen retrieved it.

Kotua in Space
May 29 2005, 10:59 AM

OOC: Poor Drones! They didn't even say anything! It was the Figure person...
IC: Frozeen noticed a Robo-Blade walking around, shooting at snowman with big circles on
them. The Robo-Blade missed terrible, shooting at the opposite side of the target. Frozeen
walked closer to it.
Maybe Agent kotua is in the Robo-Bladethought Frozeen.
Databoard looked around. Agent Ice floated towards Databoard.
"Where are we?"he asked Data.
"I don't know...Last thing I remember was shooting at some SOLs and getting
frozen ."Replied Data.
Suddenly the place turned into antartica. Five Sols appeared. Both Agents reached for their
guns. unfortunately, they didn't have any guns!

May 29 2005, 11:44 AM

IC:The place changed again, and now the two agents were in an hospital. both were tiny,
and everything was bigger than then, even pills. four drones with lasers walked in, their
lasers seeming huge.
"Now what?"asked Ice.
Frozeen walked closer to the Robo-Blade.
"Hey!"he shouted.
the Robo-Blade looked up. Frozeen almost fell back in surprise. Nobody was piloting it!
"Hello!"said the Robo-Blade

May 29 2005, 03:46 PM


Ah, but General Evil doesn't know that...

IC: Frozeen's jaw dropped, his eyes widened, and he was utterly speachless. Only one word
came out of his mouth. "GHOOOOOST!!!!!!" he yelled. In just a moment, he was bounding
away, screaming as loud as he could.

Kotua in Space
May 29 2005, 03:52 PM

IC:"W-W-Wait! I'm really kotua!"shouted kotua.
"GHOST!!!"shouted Frozeen moving away from kotua.
"Great, even he doesn't beleive me."said kotua.
He turned into the Robo-Eagle, and took off to follow Frozeen.
"Wait for Me!"shouted kotua.

Kotua in Space
May 29 2005, 04:06 PM

IC: "GHOSTGHOSTGHOSTGHOSTGHOST!" Frozeen kept screaming. He couldn't hear a word

Kotua said above his own screaming.
"I'm NOT a ghost!" Kotua insisted, but Frozeen couldn't hear.

A Drone was planting another Ice Orb, when its attention turned to the figure of "General
Evil" being chased by a robo-eagle, and it could faintly hear the screaming words "GHOST!"
A Ghost! thought the Drone. In a moment, it was running, yelling "GHOST!"

More Drones heard this Drone, thus they too screamed and ran. Drones heard these
Drones, thus they too ran and screamed. Drones heard these Drones, thus they too
screamed and ran. Pretty soon, many Drones for miles were screaming and running,
believing that there was a ghost.

Kotua in Space
May 29 2005, 04:21 PM

IC:kotua turned back into the Robo-Blade.

"Stop this madness!"shouted kotua.
"GHOSTGHOSTGHOSTGHOSTGHOST!!!!"shouted Frozeen, moving super fast. kotua's
thrusters pushed kotua into Frozeen, tackling him.
kotua struggled to hold him.
"I'm Really kotua!"shouted kotua.

May 29 2005, 04:30 PM

IC: Using his powerful legs, Frozeen pushed away Kotua. Before once again he could yell
"GHOST!", Kotua yelled, "I'm NOT a ghost!"
"I guess not," Frozeen admitted. Just as Kotua was about to breath a sigh of relief, Frozeen
added, "You're a GHOUL!" Then, he began running and yelling,

Kotua in Space
May 29 2005, 04:58 PM

IC:"D'oh!"shouted kotua.
He then re-setted his gun, and took off to find Frozeen...

May 29 2005, 05:11 PM

IC: "AH, PBB, THERE YOU ARE!" Frozeen yelled.

"What is it?" asked PBB.
"A GHOST IS IN A ROBO-EAGLE THAT IS CHASING ME!" Frozeen frantically said.
"Uh... okay..." PBB said. "What do you want me to do?"
Frozeen frowned. "I thought you knew!" he said. "Blast the Robo-Eagle to smitherines with
an energy blast, thus the ghost will have no vehicle to bother us!" Little did Frozeen know
was that he was accedently bringing Kotua to his doom...

Kotua in Space
May 29 2005, 05:21 PM

IC:"But Frozeen, remember that Data thought you were General Evil at first. Maybe it really
is kotua in that body."replied PBB.
"But no one is piloting it!"said Frozeen.
"Thats the point! kotua is the Robo-Blade!"PBB screamed.
"hmm...perhaps you are right. EXCEPT THERES ITS A MECH, NOT A SPARE
BODY!!!"screamed Frozeen.
kotua finally landed a few feet away.
"If it'll make you happier..."PBB said.
PBB charged up while kotua walked closer, holding his gun in defense...
PBB fired an energy blast, but kotua leaned back, and the blast flew over him.
PBB fired another blast, but kotua flew into the air.
"Back off!"shouted kotua.
Frozeen flew upwards, and kicked kotua. kotua flew backwards into the snow.
PBB threw another blast which kotua avoided easily. kotua fired his gun, but instead of
hitting PBB, it hit Chompy, stunning him.
"Chompy!!!"Frozeen screamed in horror.
Frozeen flew towards kotua, thinking Chompy was dead.
"Frozeen!"PBB said, knowing Chompy wasn't dead, but it was too late, for Frozeen and
kotua were in combat...
"Run!"shouted Data. both agents ran as the blasts vaporized the place they were standing a
few seconds ago. Suddenly the place changed once more. This time they were in a tunnel.
torches were on the wall, and it seemed quiet, too quiet...

May 30 2005, 12:58 PM

IC: Chompy woke up. Looking anxiously at the battle between Kotua and the outraged
Frozeen, he gave a confused chirp, which probably meant along the lines of "Is that really
Kotua?" or "Is there any way to stop this battle?"
"I don't know," was PBB's answered. "Frozeen looks as if he is going to bring the doom to
Kotua if it's the last thing he does, but I don't know if that's really Kotua or what." He was
right about Frozeen being in a rage. Frozeen's eyes were red as a fire let loose, and from
the looks of it, it seemed impossible to get his attention away.
Chompy gave another chirp, which probably meant along the lines of "Are you sure we can't
get Frozeen to turn his head toward me, showing I'm alive?"
"I'm afraid he's too outraged to do anything except kill whatever force is driving that Robo-
Eagle," PBB sadly answered.

Kotua in Space
May 30 2005, 01:30 PM

IC:By now, kotua had also given in to rage, making one of the Robo-Blade's systems expell
excess heat caused by the thrusters and weaponry.
kotua's missile bay opened, revealing the last two missiles left. kotua fired the missiles, but
Frozeen deflected them like nothing. kotua fired his gun at Frozeen with the same results as
the missiles.
Frozeen, however, had heavily hit kotua.
"You'll pay for what you did to Chompy!"shouted Frozeen
"I only stunned him! Hew ain't dead!"replied kotua.
"LIAR!"shouted Frozeen, ripping off kotua's left arm.
kotua opened the laser hatches, and began firing at Frozeen...

May 30 2005, 04:22 PM

IC: For once, Frozeen was happy that the General Evil body was indestructable. But the fact
that Kotua was shooting at him did not improve his mood. All it did was increase his rage.
PBB was shouting to him, but Frozeen did not pay attention at all. "He murdered Chompy,"
he mumbled to himself, "and he will pay dearly."

"They look like their fighting to their deaths," PBB said.

"Frozeen's not reacting to your shouts, either*," Chompy added. "He's too outraged*."
"He might listen if you were able to make a noise," PBB suggested. "The big problem is that
you're only a hatchling, and not a single noise you can make could catch Frozeen's attention
in this kind of a rage."
Chompy growled at PBB. "I'm almost 2 years old. Where as hatchlings are barely able to
walk, I have saved Frozeen's - and several others' - lives*." Then, standing up straight,
Chompy concluded, "I'm not a hatchling*."

OOC: *In Dinosaur language. Obviously Chompy's NOT speaking! Everytime from now on
that a * appears after what someone says, it means "In Dinosaur language."

Kotua, don't do anything involving PBB and Chompy.

Kotua in Space
May 30 2005, 07:32 PM

IC:kotua avoided four punches, and flew backwards, with frozeen in pursuit.I hate to do this
Frozeen...thought kotua.
Immediately, AT Vehicles that had no pilots deployed their weapons, and headed to hit the
enemy that a Robo-Blade had specefied. They headed in, and saw the enemy had four
arms, and seemed to have an Ogel structure...
Frozeen flew up wards, and tried to destroy the retreating kotua, but it was an unsuccessfull
effort. kotua fired his gun again, but Frozeen kept flying. Suddenly millions of projectiles hit
Frozeen, pushing him towards the opposite side.
"What the!?"shouted Frozeen as a second wave of projectiles hit again. Frozeen avoided the
third wave, and flew towards the nearest vehicle, an Ice-Blade. kotua was no where in

May 30 2005, 07:52 PM

IC: To PBB's surprise, Chompy had a look that wasn't ever seen before on his eyes - the
look of confidence. Chompy drew back a huge breath, then in one triumphant blast,
emerged a huge roar! Anyone who wasn't nearby would've thought that there was a very
large and angry T-Rex roaming the place. The roar immediately caught Frozeen's attention.
"Chompy!" Frozeen said happily as he landed and hugged the small dinosaur. "You're alive!"
Then he realized a problem - how was he going to appologize to Kotua when Kotua too was
in a rage?

Kotua in Space
May 30 2005, 08:00 PM

IC:kotua fklew out of his hiding spot.

"I've got you know!"he shouted(OOC:kotua doesn't know Frozeen has come out of his
kotua reached back and took out a Bazooka like thing.
"Prepare to have you circuits DEEP FRIED!!!"kotua shouted pressing the trigger.
PBB, Frozeen, and Chompy jumped out of the way of the blast. kotua droped the weapon
and took out a Beam Sword.
"Come on!"shouted kotua.
"I'm Sorry kotua!"shouted Frozeen.
"I'm not falling for that!"shouted kotua.
PBB noticed steam was literaly coming out of the sides of kotua's head. the eyes were more
red than Frozeen's had been. Slowly the Robo-Blade got redder...
"Prepare to be destroyed!"shouted kotua in a more evil like voice.
"I think he's lost it!"said PBB.

May 31 2005, 06:49 AM

IC: Chompy tried to roar again, but lost his opportunity when he dodged one of Kotua's
blasts. PBB was shocked to see anything in such a rage. And Frozeen wasn't so sure that
being in such a rage was any help, for now Kotua too was in a rage. Launching a missile,
Kotua was in a rage that dwarfed Frozeen's. "Plan B," Frozeen said. "RUUNN!!!!" The three
figures took off, with Kotua being not so far behind.
"Why did you have to get in such a rage?!?" PBB asked.
"I don't know," was Frozeen's answer. "It's strange, it's whenever I think something really
bad has happened, I always get in such a rage. It's almost... it's almost as if... as if it's... in
my nature."
"I wouldn't be surprised," PBB answered. "You ARE the Brickster's brother, anyway."
"Here's a good hiding spot," Frozeen pointed to a hole in the ground. "If we're quick, that...
thing will never find us!" They all jumped inside.
"Frozeen?" asked PBB in a worried voice. "You don't suppose that the Robo-Blade has a
"I don't know," Frozeen answered, "but I pray it doesn't."

Kotua in Space
May 31 2005, 06:06 PM

IC:kotua immediately changed to X-ray view, and looked down.

A missile fired from one of the AT vehicles, and headed down the hole.
The trio flew out of the hole, and into the waitong hands of kotua. the snow under kotua
literally melted away in seconds. Frozeen picked up both PBB and Chompy, and flew off into
the sky, which was cloudy. kotua followed seconds later. Little did they know kotua's new
body was made for sky fights...
Ice and Databoard Ran across the right tunnel. at the end was a room with vents. Ice
looked at Data.
"Now what?"asked Ice.
Like if waiting for an answer, a door closed behind them trapping them in the room. Torches
lit across the room, revealing a wooden stand. Two puppets which looked like Ice and
Databoard appeared.
"Hello!"sang the Ice Puppet in a voice which sounded oddly like Ogel...

May 31 2005, 06:53 PM

IC: The mist lowered, throwing the world into a eerie blurriness. Kotua grumbled, as loosing
sight of Frozeen. Suddenly, Frozeen appeared alone. Kotua shot at Frozeen but then
realized that Frozeen wasn't wearing a brown cloak. Kotua also realized it was NOT Frozeen
he was shooting at. "General Evil!" Kotua realized. Suddenly, all sign of rage disappeared
from Kotua, replaced by fear. General Evil and Frozeen may have the same kind of body -
indestructable, four-armed, winged, powerful-legged - but General Evil had lived in YEARS
in that kind of body, which meant he had MORE skill than Frozeen.

BAM! Frozeen crashed face-first into a strange pillar. When they fell to the ground, PBB
groaned and asked, "Can't you watch where your flying?"
"No, it was too misty," Frozeen answered. He studied the pillar. "Who would put a blasted
pillar in a strange place?!?" he asked angrily. Then he realized it was not a pillar. It was a
leg. The leg of a strange vehicle. It was huge, metal, and had four long legs coming out of
the middile. Also attached to the middle was a "head," where the cockpit was, along with a
few blasters. After a few moments, they knew that it was empty.
"You think we could get inside?" asked PBB.
"If we can reach the 'head,'" Frozeen answered. With one hand, he grabbed Chompy. With
two more, he grabbed PBB. Then he flew up to the "head" of the strange vehicle.
OOC: The vehicle looks like an AT-AT Walker.

Kotua in Space
May 31 2005, 07:06 PM

IC:"Fool!"shouted General Evil. kotua flew back, in hopes of avoiding fighting.

Unfortunately, Genreal Evil rammed kotua out of the sky. kotua already overheated (Thats
why kotua turned Red in the first place), burned as he fell...

May 31 2005, 07:32 PM

IC: "That'll teach 'im!" General Evil smiled. He landed and scouted the area for the Agent
that was in the Robo-Eagle. Only, no Agent was to be found, since General Evil didn't know
that the Robo-Eagle WAS the Agent. Content that the Agent had died, he flew off.

When Kotua got back up, he found a giant creature next to him. The creature looked like
either a mutated lizard or a giant, phsyco grasshopper. The creature gave a shriek. At first,
Kotua thought that it was scared. But, the red glare in the creature's bulging eyes showed it
was not fear, but a signal. General Evil walked over, and Kotua tried to stay as still as
possible. "What did you see, Cruncher?" he heard General Evil ask the mutant creature,
which happened to be General Evil's pet. Cruncher gave a screech, then some snarls. Then,
General Evil walked around Kotua, who was trying to stay as still as possible.

Kotua in Space
May 31 2005, 07:41 PM

IC:kotua wondered what General Evil was looking for. General Evil didn't seem to find what
he was looking for, because he looked dissapointed. At last it seemed General Evil and
Crunch left. kotua got up, and flew towards AT HQ, unaware of the tracking Bug General
Evil had placed on him.

Jun 1 2005, 06:50 AM

OOC: Okay, that's... creepy.

IC: Frozeen, PBB, and Chompy worked together on the controls of the giant vehicle. It
walked across the tundra. "Hopefully, that Robo-Eagle will have stopped chasing us,"
Frozeen said. He didn't know that Kotua was out of his rage.
"What if it hasn't?" asked PBB.
"Then that's why we have this," answered Frozeen. "But hopefully, we won't have to use it.
Whatever is driving that thing mad is probably gone now.

Cruncher snarled. Like its owner, Cruncher also had four arms, powerful legs, and wings.
But Cruncher was a wild, mutated, and phsyco creature, not a dead guy in a metal body.
Cruncher had a good sence of smell, too.
"You better keep looking for it," General Evil comanded. "The Silver SOL is powerful, but the
armor won't be any match for it. We mustn't stop until it is destroyed, and I hope no AT
member got their hands on it."

OOC: Let's see if you can guess what General Evil is looking for.

Jun 2 2005, 07:03 AM

OOC: Killer puppets...

IC: A figure walked across the tundra, to be meeted by General Evil. "Have you found it?"
asked General Evil.
The figure shook his head, which was hidden beneath a helmet. "No, sir," he replied. "But
maybe it would help if you actually gave me hands..."
"Oh, shut up!" General Evil spat. The figure had swords for hands, and General Evil, not too
long ago, promised that if the figure could actually do something worthy, that General Evil
would give him mechanical hands to replace the swords. "Find it before it finds us, my good
servent," General Evil commanded, "or you'll have NOTHING to replace your lost hands."
The figure nodded. "After all, I still need revenge on one of the Agents..."
"That Agent is DEAD!" the general pointed out.
"Very well," the figure answered. "I will look for it."

Jun 2 2005, 02:29 PM

OOC: Cruncher is not a mutated General Evil body, he (it?) is a physco and mutated
creature that JUST HAPPENS to resemble General Evil. Have you ever seen Disney Pixar's "A
Bug's Life?" Cruncher looks like Thumper.

IC: Slayer was the name of the sword-handed person. His past was unknown to many. Only
few knew about it, and now they were dead. Agents Caborn, Steel, and Frozeen were the
ones who knew about it. He himself had murdered Caborn and Steel, and General Evil had
reported that Frozeen was killed.

"Argh, this thing is so slow!" mumbled PBB.

"Well, what do you expect?" Frozeen asked. "It's a huge hunk of metal with legs, so you
expect it to move quickly?"
"The Blizzard Blaster does."
"You're not getting my point, aren't you?" asked Frozeen.
"Break it up*!" Chompy said.
Frozeen nodded, then turned to the scanner. An enemy was spotted. Pressing a button,
Frozeen revealed the camera screen. The enemy appeared to have swords in his hands.
"Strange that he's holding them like that," Frozeen said. "It almost looks as if his hands ARE
the swords!" Then, PBB and Frozeen burst out laughing.
Jun 2 2005, 07:12 PM

OOC: Nope, General Evil isn't looking for that. He's looking for something that can easily
destroy the Silver SOL. Once he finds that something, he'll destroy it, then the Silver SOL
will be unstoppable.

I've got a lot in mind for the future, including more of Frozeen's past, Slayer's past, General
Evil's death, the Silver SOL's destruction, Slayer's defeat, Slayer's idenity, and Frozeen's

IC: Slayer look out into the distance. He spotted the form of a giant, walking vehicle. "I'll
just blow it up!" Slayer smiled. He reached into his bag, pulled out the most powerful bomb
yet, and... couldn't light it. "Drat! If I had actual hands instead of swords," Slayer snarled,
"then I would be able to light this bomb!" Suddenly, Slayer realized that the vehicle moved.
"Oh, geez..." Slayer ran off, knowing whoever was inside the vehicle was planning on
shooting him.

He was right.

"Looks like he got away," PBB said.

"Oh, well," Frozeen answered. "He sure runs fast. And since this thing is 'so slow,' we'll
never be able to catch up!" Chompy nodded in agreement. What none of them realized was
that a STB, or Sonic Tracking Bug, was put on their vehicle...

Jun 3 2005, 07:04 AM

IC: The STB that Slayer had thrown came with a tiny camera. And Slayer was holding (very
carefully!) the screen. He saw what appeared to be General Evil at the controls. "He's
probably destroying it right now!" Slayer hoped. He began skipping, knowing he was coming
closer to when he'll be able to have hands instead of swords - and crashed face-first into the
REAL General Evil. "Oh, hi Gen-" Slayer began saying, then stopped. He looked at the
screen. General Evil was in the vehicle. He looked up. General Evil staring right at him.
"What now?!?" demanded General Evil. Slayer didn't answer. He was looking back and forth
between the screen and General Evil. The screen. General Evil. The screen. General Evil.
The screen. General Evil. "WELL?"
Finally, Slayer found his voice. "If you're standing in front of me, then... what are you doing
inside the Valesk at the same time?" Seeing General Evil's confused face, he showed
General Evil the screen.

"Hey," PBB said. "What's this doing here?" He had seen the STB.

"I seem to remember that purple-headed BB," General Evil mumbled.

PBB took off the STB. Looking around at it, he said, "Someone's watching us." Then,
Frozeen walked over there, took the STB, opened the cockpit, and threw it out the window.
"I just don't want to risk it if it's one of Ogel's STBs," Frozeen explained.
Jun 4 2005, 12:32 PM

OOC: Okay, General Evil is looking for the Valesk, also known as the vehicle that right now,
Frozeen, Chompy, and PBB are in.

IC: "It can't be," General Evil said. "If it is a colincidence, then it's an awfully strange one to
be THIS much colincidency."
"What is it?" asked Slayer.
"As you know, I killed Frozeen, and his two companions were PBB, a purple-headed BB, and
Chompy, a young tyranosaurus. But, the fact that I SEEM to be riding the vehicle with PBB
and Chompy seems strange, for that may not be me, but another General Evil body."
"Oh, I remember what you told me about the General Evil bodies."
"Which makes me wonder... is Frozeen really dead?"

Jun 5 2005, 04:02 PM

IC: "LAUNCH THE MISSILES!" shouted General Evil. Slayer nodded, then launched the

Inside the Valesk, warning lights were flashing as the missiles drew nearer. PBB ran to one
side of the controls, Frozeen ran to the other. Frozeen was desprately looking for the
"Activate Canon" button, while PBB was franically looking for the moving controls in hope of
dodging the missiles. They found what they were looking for. Unfortunately, their two plans
didn't work out together. In moving the Valesk, PBB had messed up Frozeen's aim. The
canon shot at a cliffside, which began to create an avalanche. Frozeen tried again with the
canon, this time with accuracy. The canon destroyed the missiles. However, the avalanche
was still there, growing speed by the second.

Jun 5 2005, 05:30 PM

IC: "Let's get this thing out of here!" Frozeen shouted.

"What do you think I'm trying to do?!?" answered PBB, who was fiddling with the controls.
"Well, hurry up*!" Chompy cried.
BAM! A rock hit the Valesk, knocking everyone all over the place. Chompy, whose light
weight caused him to fly farther, rammed into the controls, PBB went hurtling into Frozeen,
Frozeen into Chompy, and them all into more controls. Chompy accedently hit a button.
Suddenly, the Valesk transformed from a walking vehicle to a huge hovercraft - suitable for
escaping avalanches.
Frozeen smiled, and PBB took the controls, and flew away from the avalanche.

"So Frozeen is actually alive?" asked Slayer.

"I hope I'm having halucinations, that this isn't true," General Evil murmered. "But Ogel's
efficient STBs NEVER lie. And I NEVER have halucinations. Which means... either Frozeen is
alive, or someone else who died is alive."
Jun 5 2005, 05:41 PM

IC: "The Silver SOL!" pointed out PBB. On the ground beneath them, was the Silver SOL.
PBB began backing away the Valesk, but after a few moments, the trio realized that the
Silver SOL had no driver.
"Can we destroy it*?" asked Chompy.
"No," Frozeen answered. "The silver color is actually super-powerful armor that none of our
lasers could destroy."
"But the Valesk's lasers and canons are much more powerful than our others. Could we give
it a try*?" Chompy pointed out.
"I guess," PBB said. Frozeen reached for the canon button. A blast came out of the Valesk's
canon - and destroyed the Silver SOL in one shot!
"Great job, Chompy!" Frozeen said. "Right now, I think it's time we should get some rest."
PBB nodded, then piloted the Valesk over to AT HQ.

Jun 5 2005, 06:16 PM

IC: Frozeen layed down on his bed, PBB on his, and Chompy in his pillow. Slowly, they each
drifted off.

"You better not be a fool," warned General Evil. A Drone - disguised as Agent Charge -
nodded. Then, it ran off.

OOC: Don't do anything involving the Drone.

Jun 5 2005, 07:10 PM

IC: It was the first time that week Frozeen had some sleep, but he wasn't enjoying it. His
dreams were dark, evil, and filled with traitors and enemies that were in secret. AT HQ's
secruity sistem had gone down, and Drones were invading it, killing anyone in their path.
Even worse, some disguised themselves and fooled real Agents. And there was more
darkness and evilness than words can possibly describe.

He was shivering throughout the night with this awful dream. When he woke up he
immediately sat up. His eyes widened. For right there, standing in the middle of the room...

Was a Drone.

Jun 5 2005, 07:19 PM

IC: Frozeen was utterly speechless. He tried reaching for a laser or something, but realized
that he was frozen in fear. Nor could he try and wake up PBB or Chompy, who get
extremely grounchy and grumpy with woken up by someone else. All he could do was stare
at the Drone. Finally, he found his voice. "W-what? How d-did you-ou get-t inside h-here?"
he stuttered.
The Drone smiled, then pointed towards a disguise that resembled Charge. "Even your
security cameras could be fooled by that!" the Drone replied.
"What is it you want?" Frozeen asked.
"Agent Frozeen," the Drone told him, "you are to meet with General Evil at OMF at 6:00 PM
PRECICELY! No excuses, or else..." it added, pointing towards and Ice Orb. Then, putting
back on the disguise, the Drone walked out of the room. Frozeen was as speechless as
earlier. What was he going to do?

Jun 5 2005, 07:31 PM

OOC: How did you know...

IC: When PBB and Chompy woke up, they didn't notice Frozeen's quietness... at first. When
they were eating breakfast, PBB noted, "Frozeen, you seem quiet this morning. What's up?"
"The ceiling*!" Chompy answered, using Frozeen's favorite joke in hoping of cheering up
Frozeen didn't even look up.
"What's wrong?" asked PBB.
Then, Frozeen told PBB and Chompy his unfortunate problem.

Jun 6 2005, 06:54 AM

OOC: Okay, Kotua, I added "or else" to the end of the conservation, as you suggested.

IC: "Now that's a problem," PBB said. "Wait, I take that back. It's TWO problems! They also
know who you are and that you are not dead!"
"I know," Frozeen whispered. "I've got to come up with a plan before 6:00."
"Perhaps Chompy and I could come with you?"
"The Drones probably won't let you in."
"Sneak in?"
"Too risky."
"Wait, you don't have to go at all!"
"Nope, the Drone said 'no excuses, or else...'"
"Too bad the General Evil body is undestructable, well, good for you but bad since General
Evil is also undestructable."
"Wait a minute," Frozeen said. "It MIGHT be destructable after all. The Silver SOL seemed
undestructable until we blew it up with the Valesk. Maybe there is a chance to defeat
General Evil..."

Jun 9 2005, 02:57 PM

IC: Later that day, PBB was surprised to see Frozeen trying to destroy a little object. "What
on Earth are you doing?!?" PBB asked.
Frozeen showed PBB the object. It was a mini-model of a General Evil body. "I've created
this out of the EXACT same metal that is used in the full-sized General Evil bodies," Frozeen
explained. "I'm testing to see how to destroy it, so I'll know how to destroy General Evil."
"I'll help you out," PBB said.
"Me too*!" voluntiered Chompy.
Frozeen smiled. "You are probably two of the best friends I've ever had!" Then, the set to

"Harder?" asked PBB, who was holding a hammer.

"Harder!" answered Frozeen.

"Higher*?" asked Chompy, who was holding the model pretty high up.
"Higher!" answered PBB.

"Boom?" asked Frozeen.

"Boom*!" answered Chompy.
BOOM! A bomb exploded, yet the model remained undestroyed.
"One bomb useless, a bunch more to test."

Jun 6 2005, 04:57 PM

IC: By now, a whole lot of explosives had proved useless, leaving only one explosive left. It
was the most powerful explosive yet, and dangerously strong. "Are you so sure about this
one*?" Chompy nervously asked.
"We have to try it," Frozeen said.
"Plus, there's no other way," PBB said. "We NEED to find out how to defeat General Evil."
"Alright*," Chompy admitted. "On the count of three*!"
"One!" PBB yelled.
"Two*!" Chompy growled.
"THREE!" Frozeen shouted. "RUN!" The trio ran as far away from the spot as possible before
the bomb could explode.
When all the dust had cleared, the trio were surprised to see that...

The model had been destroyed!

Jun 6 2005, 05:44 PM

IC: "So that's how you destroy it..." Frozeen thought outloud. "Looks like we're going to
need some of those..."
"But how on Earth are we going to be able to get General Evil close enough to the
explosive?" PBB asked.
"Easy, rip apart his wings!"
"That can't work, if the explosive is the only way to destroy General Evil, then ripping apart
his wings won't work!"
"But wait!" Frozeen explained. "If the wings were actually made of the same metal as the
rest of the body, General Evil would never fly! I've discovered that the wings are actually
made of a softer metal, which can be easier to rip apart. Best bet is a sword would be best."
He felt his own wings, which were neatly folded beneath his brown cloak.
Jun 6 2005, 07:06 PM

IC: The trio walked out into the tundra. If they kept up their speed, they would be able to
reach OMF by 6:00. Suddenly, a small airship flew out of the sky and landed near them. Out
stepped a figure with swords for hands. "Beware," he said, "for I am the evil, dark,
mysterious and Ogel's helping... Slayer!"
If he was expecting a strong reaction from the trio, he would've been disappointed.
All he got out of them was a "Uh... okay..."

General Evil pulled a lever. In just a moment, Kotua was flung into the air by a trap door,
and landed nearby the Agents. With another of his four arms, General Evil pushed a button,
and Drones came in from every direction.

Jun 7 2005, 06:46 AM

IC: "What?" Slayer asked. "Aren't you supposed to be screaming and running?"
"I tell you," Frozeen said, "a few months ago, I would've, but after meeting General Evil, I
think you are dwarfed in evilness by him."
"I'm his apprentice!" Slayer shouted. "And, Agent Frozeen, I have some revenge on you to
"What did I ever do to you?" Frozeen asked.
"You remember me?" asked Slayer.
"Yep, you were the sword-handed figure we saw nearby the Valesk," PBB said.
"BEFORE that!"
"Uhh..." PBB mumbled. Chompy did something that resembled a shrug.
"I tell you," Frozeen said. "If we met before that, with swords like that for hands, I definitely
would not have forgotten. Yet I don't seem to remember you at all, which means we haven't
"We were old buddies!" Slayer reminded. "25 Years ago!"
"I never was buddies with a sword-handed man!"
"I didn't have swords back then. I had actual hands!"
"Well, then you could be anyone!"
"Do I have to take off my helmet for you to see who I am?" asked Slayer. When Frozeen
nodded, that's what Slayer did. He took off his helmet to reveal his face.
Frozeen gasped. "P-Patric Fuop?" he asked.
Slayer nodded. "Now you remember now, don't you Frozeen? Or should I say, Sam Yoir?"

Jun 7 2005, 03:47 PM

OOC: Uh, why is Ice talking to Frozeen when Frozeen's not there?

IC: "Now you remember me, don't you?" asked Slayer, AKA Patric.
"Yes, I remember well," Frozeen said. "TOO well..."

25 Years Ago...
"Where's Charlie?" asked Sam, who was taking a bite out of his lunch. "He was supposed to
be here."
"He's been absent for the last 3 days," reminded Steven.
Patric walked over, carrying his lunch tray. "Hey Sam!" he said.
"Is Charlie in today?" asked Steven.
"No," Patric answered, "and this is what I have to say - Good Ridance!"
Sam scowled. "What is with you Patric?" he asked. "For the last few days, you've been
acting rude to Steven and Charlie, but not me. Why?"
Patric smiled. "My popularity has just been raised!" he said. Patric, Charlie, Steven, and
Sam were four of the most unpopular kids in school. Steven and Sam because they did well
in school, Charlie and Patric because they didn't. "Now, I'm no longer concidered a nerd!"
Patric said. "I'm now promoted to normal!"
"And...?" Steven asked.
"Well, that means I don't have to hang out with you, nerd!" Patric answered. "I'm staying
friends with Sam!"
"What?" Sam asked. "Ain't I still concidered a nerd?"
"Nope," Patric said. "They say you're also in the normal group."
"And just because you're more popular means you won't be friends with Steven and
"Hmm... yep!"
At that moment, Sam was outraged. He grabbed his milk, and threw it at Patric. "Who
needs you?!?" he angrily shouted. Picking up his own tray and turning towards Steven, he
said, "Come on, let's go to another table."

Later, Patric found out that he wasn't promoted at all, that it was just a nasty trick. He tried
to apologize to Steven and Sam, but they were convinced that never again they would be
friends with Patric. Then, an unfortunate thing happened. Patric's house burned down.
According to the newspaper article, both parents and Patric had perished.

But now, 25 years later, Frozeen realized that Patric had not perished at all.

Jun 8 2005, 02:13 PM

OOC: I thought Frozeen was supposed be fighting General Evil.

IC: Ice once again woke up from daydreaming about beating General Evil. "Man, do I
daydream a lot..." he said to himself. After a while, he re-focused on his mission.

General Evil paced around. Frozeen should be ariving any minute. He turned to a strange
mechine that he had used on Ice. "This has been useful for taking Ice's mind off his mission
and having foolish daydreams," he said to himself. "Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work
on Frozeen. Nor does it work on Kotua, Data, Sub, or any of the Elite Agents." He laughed
at what he had recently made Ice dream of. "As if! He would never be able to defeat me like
he did in that dream!"
OOC: It's General Evil who's causing all of Ice's daydreams. He's using the machine to send
out waves that cause Ice to daydream of something ridiculas. It doesn't work on Elite
Agents, though.

IC: "I didn't die, my hands however did burn off," Patric said. "Then, Ogel and General Evil
took me in as an apprentice. General Evil has given me these swords to replace my hands."
"Well," Frozeen said, "I guess I should continue on my way - "
"Not so fast!" yelled Patric. "Prepare to die!"
Frozeen didn't even take out a laser. All he needed to do was kick Patric - and that's what
he did. PBB grabbed a rope and tied Patric to the ground. Then, the trio continued on their
way towards OMF.

OOC: Don't do anything involving Patric (Slayer), General Evil, Cruncher, Frozeen, PBB, or

Jun 8 2005, 03:15 PM

IC: Continuing with their path, now that Patric was out of their way, PBB suddenly looked at
the time. "We don't have a lot of time!" he panicked.
"Then, we'll get there the faster way," Frozeen answered. His wings unfolded, he grabbed
PBB and Chompy, then flew into the sky, looking for OMF.

General Evil couldn't help it. It was too resisting. But...

He gave Ice another daydream! Then, he cracked up about the daydream he was sending
Ice. "This sure helps the time fly by!" he chuckled to himself.

Ice found himself daydreaming again. This time, he was trying to defeat Ogel. Just as Ogel
was almost beaten, a bunch of random gorillas carrying watermelons ran over and began
pelting Ice!

"Here we are," Frozeen said as he landed. The trio walked over to OMF. Two Drone guards
were at the entrance.
"Agent Frozeen, proceed," one said. "Heh, heh, heh..."
PBB and Chompy began to follow, but the second Drone pointed its spear at them. "Only the
doomed Agent may pass," the Drone said.
Doomed Agent, Frozeen repeated silently. What kind of doom did General Evil have in mind?

Jun 8 2005, 03:49 PM

IC: "Right in here," a Drone directed Frozeen. It pointed towards a door. Frozeen slowly
opened it and entered.

"But we have to go with Frozeen!" PBB shouted.

"Let us in*!" ordered Chompy (although the Drones couldn't understand him).
"Stop your moaning and chirping!" the Drone guards yelled. "We don't take orders from a
robot with a square head and a baby but overgrown lizard!"
Suddenly, Chompy smiled a toothy grin. If they couldn't understand him, then he would
insult them - without them knowing! "You big, dumb... dummy head*!" Chompy insulted.
"I said stop with the chirping!" the Drone commanded.
"Well, you don't seem to know how to talk very nicely*!"
"Shut up with the nonsencical noises!"
"It also seems you need a shower, cause you smell bad*!"
BAM! PBB used the advantage of both Drones' distractions, and knocked them out cold.
"Come on," he said to Chompy. "Let's save Frozeen!"

"I've been expecting you, Agent Frozeen," General Evil said.

"Exactly how did you find out my idenity?" asked Frozeen.
"We were watching when you least expected it."
Frozeen gasped. "The STB in the Valesk!" he realized.
General Evil laughed. "Now, I shall lead you to a chamber very far underground," he said,
standing up. He beckoned for Frozeen to follow. When Frozeen wouldn't budge, General Evil
frowned and said, "Follow me, or your precious AT will be killed off, one by one."

Jun 8 2005, 04:08 PM

OOC: Exactly how did I know, I don't know! I guess like minds think alike!

IC: Soon, General Evil and Frozeen came to a small room. At one side of the room, there
appeared to be an endless drop. Finally, General Evil turned towards Frozeen. "I have two
challenges for you," he said. "But, obviously, by the time the 2nd one is over, you will be
"Have you learned nothing from the last time you killed me?!?" Frozeen blurted out, then
realized he shouldn't have said it.
General Evil smiled. "Indeed I have. Down here, we are miles away from Robo-Blades and
General Evil bodies, so if one of us dies, there would be no chance of returning." He
whistled, then snapped 2 of his four fingers. Cruncher entered the chamber and snarled.
Frozeen's eyes widened. "What is that thing?!?" he cried.
General Evil laughed. "What, you don't like Cruncher?" he taunted. "Challenge #1 - Defeat

Kotua in Space
Jun 8 2005, 04:19 PM

OOC:Now I see why General Evil took you underground...But how did he know about me
using the Robo-Blade as a new body?
IC:soon kotua's wires were frozen, leaving Databoard truly alone. He looked around, and
noticed a small canister labeled: Fire Extinguisher(OOC:Sp?). Databoard grabbed the bottle
and did the obvious: he used the canister to break the window. after breaking through the
glass, he struggled to break the layers of ice the millions of Ice Orbs had caused.
kotua floated out of the Robo-Blade. He ahd once again died.
Now how am I going to help AT if I can't keep myself alive!thought kotua.
He noticed a Drone sleeping, hiding in the snow.
Perfect!thought kotua

Jun 8 2005, 05:01 PM

OOC: Ack, hope General Evil doesn't know what you're about to do... Although I don't really
know how he knew you were the Robo-Blade. Perhaps when you ran into him earlier...?

IC: Cruncher snarled, and lept at Frozeen. Frozeen tried to kick away the phsyco creature,
but it bit down on his leg. Frozeen yelped. He punched it. Cruncher yelped. Then, it tried to
grab Frozeen's neck, with success. Then, it kicked Frozeen with its powerful legs. Frozeen
felt a surge of pain flow through his leg.

"Where could they have gone?" asked PBB.

Chompy began sniffing the air, then the ground. Finally, he growled, "Follow me, I'll use my
sence of smell*."
Suddenly, a couple of Drones appeared, each carrying a laser. "Just pleasant," PBB
sarcastically mumbled.

Frozeen tried to take out a laser, but Cruncher had him pinned. Frozeen did the only thing
he could do at the moment - poke the creature in one of its bulging eyes. Cruncher
screamed in pain, and Frozeen used that moment to take out a sword. Cruncher was ready.
It lept across the room just as Frozeen was about to stab it. He turned around - to find it
gone. Looking up, he groaned. Cruncher was flying right above him. BAM! Cruncher fell on
top of Frozeen. Frozeen grabbed one of the creature's legs and tripped it. Then, he got up,
brought down the sword - and cut off Cruncher's head. The phsyco creature that was
General Evil's pet was no more.
General Evil frowned. "You may have been lucky that time," he said, "but that was only
Challenge #1. Now, Challenge #2 will be much more difficult. This time... you will have to
defeat... ME!"

OOC: Visorak-Kal, if Ice is brought to the chamber, then don't have him defeat General Evil.
If anything involved with defeating General Evil happens, it is just another tampering with
the Daydream Machine.

Jun 9 2005, 06:46 AM

IC: General Evil lept down and landed in front of Frozeen. Frozeen was worried. General Evil
was much more expirienced than he was, and now he was expected to fight General Evil?
The final battle between General Evil and Frozeen was about to begin.

PBB knocked out the Drones, and Chompy kept his keen nose to the ground. Little did they
know was that someone else was following them...
And little did Patric know that he was following someone else...

Jun 9 2005, 12:02 PM

OOC: No, Frozeen, Ice will not defeat General Evil. I have someone else, a character who I
intend to make very evil.

IC: "Ogel, what is taking so long?"

"Quiet. I'm in charge here. I'm Ogel!"

"Whatever you say, Lord Ogel."

"Good. You know what to do."

"I head to your lair, where General Evil is defeating the agent Frozeen. I insure with my
Elite Drones that even if Evil dies, Frozeen does not escape."

"Perfect. And what do you do with Agent ICe?"

"I make him wish he had never been born."

"Good. Now go."

"Yes, my Lord Ogel."

Ice was dragged into the chamber, and placed in a chair. On the other side of a thick glass
wall were Frozeen and General Evil.

Frozeen was blocking General EVil's punches, but to no avail. What can two arms do against
four? Suddenly, Ice noticed that Frozeen had blocked three of Evil's hands, but from
Frozeen's point of view, it looked like four. He saw Frozeen smile.
General EVil pretended to look frightened. His fourth arm was coming around to knock
Frozeen out.

"Frozeen, behind you!" Ice cried.

Frozeen ducked, and released Evil's hands. The fight continued.

Ice had to escape the drones and help Frozeen. But he couldn't. Even if he escaped the
drones, the wall was too thick to get inside. He heard a voice.
"Yes, go now, my Elite Drones. We will insure that even if Evil dies, Frozeen does not
escape. Give the normal drones permission to eliminate Agent ICe as they choose."

That's it, Ice thought, I act now.

He pulled the soundwave machine out of his shirt, and knocked out the drones. He put it
back. It was time to watch. Ice had insured that is Frozeen defeated General Evil, they
would all escape. There was one problem with this plan.

Frozeen had to defeat General Evil.

Jun 9 2005, 04:32 PM

OOC: Visorak-Kal, Frozeen has four arms, too. Since all General Evil bodies are exactly
alike, except for Ogel's (which is STRICKLY fobidden never to mention).

IC: Patric unknowingly followed PBB and Chompy. And PBB and Chompy unknowingly led
Patric. Finally, Chompy found the underground passage. "According to my sence of smell*,"
Chompy explained, "Frozeen and General Evil went down there. We just need to follow it*."

Patric, meanwhile, found out Frozeen's and General Evil's location just by asking a Drone.
Then, he took a shortcut.

Frozeen was trying hard to dodge General Evil's attacks. His sword had fallen to the ground,
thus making it impossible to puncture General Evil's wings. "Given up yet, Agent?" General
Evil asked.
"Not until my FINAL death!" Frozeen answered.
"Which might as well be NOW!" General Evil said, attacking Frozeen again. Everything
Frozeen could do in his new body, General Evil seemed to have more expierience. So how
was General Evil going to be defeated?

OOC: General Evil's defeat will be a mixture of Chompy, PBB, Patric, one of General Evil's
own weapons, and most importantly, the strongest element in the world - The Element of

Jun 9 2005, 05:07 PM

IC: Of course, by taking the shortcut, Patric had reached the scene before PBB and Chompy.
But he hesitated, and didn't open the door right away, afraid to mess up General Evil.

With better strength, skill, and talent, General Evil had a huge advantage against Frozeen.
Frozeen dodged his blows as quickly as possible, but still being new to his new body, he
often lost his balance and fell. At one point, Frozeen had the advantage, by attacking
General Evil. He had unfolded his wings, and struck General Evil right in the head in doing
so! "I learn from my mistakes," Frozeen said, remembering that General Evil not too long
ago did that very attack on him.
"So do I!" General Evil said, quickly back on his feet. He lept at Frozeen and quickly
attacked with his powerful legs. Frozeen had no time to dodge. He was sent flying across
the chamber. Then, he began falling into the bottomless drop. Only because he already had
his wings unfolded did he survive. He flew out of the drop - only to be ambushed by General
Evil. Then, General Evil pinned Frozeen to the ground.

Patric was looking through a window. By the looks of it, Frozeen was getting defeated. "And
I shall finish defeating him!" he said to himself. Then, opening the door, he ran inside the

Jun 9 2005, 05:26 PM

IC: Ice watched Patric walk into the chamber. "Who in the world is he?!?" he thought. "And
what is he going to do?"

"Ah, Slayer," General Evil greeted. "What kind of buisness brings you here?"
"Obviously," Patric answered, "I have come to help you defeat Frozeen!"
"Bah!" General Evil spat. "I don't need no help defeating someone as weak as Frozeen!"
"Actually," Patric pointed out, "it's 'I don't need ANY help' or 'I need no help.'" Frozeen
sighed. Patric was always a grammar freak.
"Shut up!" General Evil commanded.
"I insist on helping on killing Frozeen!"
"I can do it on my own, you blasted sword-handed freak! And for breaking my rules, you
shall NEVER get your robotic hands!"
"You know," Frozeen chocked out, "you really shouldn't have called him that..." He was
right. Patric, swords raised, charged right at General Evil. General Evil jumped aside, but
Patric succeded in ripping apart one of General Evil's wings. General Evil charged back,
allowing Frozeen to escape. He had enough time to grab his own fallen sword. When he
turned towards Patric and General Evil, he saw that already all of General Evil's wings had
been teared apart with Patric's swords. Suddenly, General Evil punched Patric in the chest,
then kicked him, sending Patric down into the bottomless drop. Then, Patric/Slayer was
never heard of again.

Jun 9 2005, 05:39 PM

OOC: Yep, Slayer's gone for good.

IC: "Patric," Frozeen whispered, almost in pity. Yes, he had proven to be a horrible friend,
and he had joined Ogel's side, but at the last moment, he... he had helped Frozeen. He had
ripped apart General Evil's wings, giving Frozeen an easier chance to defeat General Evil.
"He was always a fool!" General Evil laughed. Then, he stopped laughing. "There goes
another servent. Perhaps, I can give you a chance of survival."
"What do you mean?" asked Frozeen confused.
"You see, I might let you live without even passing this final challenge. That is... if you
decide to join our side!"
"NEVER!" screamed Frozeen, lunging foward.
"Very well then, doomed Agent!" General Evil said, blocking Frozeen's attack.

By now, both PBB and Chompy had found the chamber. "We must be miles underground,"
observed PBB.
Chompy, giving the air one more sniff, pointed towards the door and said, "They are in

Jun 9 2005, 06:07 PM

OOC: Well, how could you rescue someone who has fallen into a bottomless drop when
you're in the middle of a final battle?

IC: General Evil kicked Frozeen. He was sent flying into the wall. General Evil grabbed some
ropes, and tied Frozeen to the wall. Then, General Evil took out something small. Small, but
incredibly deadly.
The very bomb that could destroy a General Evil body.
And he was planning on destroying Frozeen. "You know it's now over!" General Evil laughed
as Frozeen struggled to break the ropes. "I'll get my wings repaired, and will be out to kill
the rest of AT - but you won't be around anymore!" Laughing evilly as he lit the bomb, he
added, "It appears someone will have a tragic end today!" And, as ghastly as the sentance
It was true. SOMEONE did have a tragic end that day.

But not who General Evil expected to have it.

Jun 9 2005, 06:26 PM

IC: "We need to do something - quick!" PBB panicked. Suddenly, he and Chompy looked
each other in the eye. They both mischieviously grinned.

BAM! A noise attracted both General Evil's and Frozeen's attentions.

BAM! The noise came again, and the chamber's door rocked a bit.
BAM! A dent appeared in the door.
BAM! Another appeared.
BAM! Fear began to grow in General Evil's eyes.
BAM! The door seemed as if at any moment it would collapse.
BAM! BAM! BAM! Just when it seemed the door would fall down...
It didn't. General Evil shrugged, then readied to place the bomb near the panicked form of
Frozeen. "I'll be able to escape the bomb's explosion," General Evil said, "but you won't!"
Just as he was about to put down the bomb -
RRRROOOOOOAAAAARRRRR!!!!!! A huge roar blasted out from behind the door. To anyone,
it might seem from the banging the door down and roaring that a monster was outside.
The Element of Surprise is often very powerful, and sometimes has ghastly results.
Sometimes, when hit by this element, someone may take a step back - right into danger
and trouble. And, with the sudden roar from a "giant monster," General Evil took a step
back. And indeed, he had a dangerous and ghastly result.

Jun 9 2005, 06:43 PM

IC: For when General Evil stepped back, his foot did not meet ground, but thin air. Unable
to control his balance, he was sent plunging into the bottomless drop. With no wings to aid
him, due to the fact Patric cut them off, he kept falling. But, what brough General Evil to his
demise was... He was still holding the bomb.
Red light came out of the bottomless drop. Smoke filled the air. And the just-barely-
holding-on-to-the-wall door opened. PBB and Chompy came running in. Chompy bit the
ropes, breaking them. Then, the three companions were reunited. Their laughter and
happiness quickly tapered. The explosion was causing the ground beneath to give way. The
trio tried running as fast as they could, but the ground was giving way too quickly. They,
too, imediately fell.

General Evil's spirit was floating upward as fast as possible. He needed to find another
General Evil body or Robo-Blade quickly. His 5 minutes were quickly ticking away. Just as
he made it to the surface of OMF's basement, his time ran out. General Evil was gone for

Jun 9 2005, 06:57 PM

IC: Thinking quickly, Frozeen grabbed onto Chompy and PBB. Then, unfolding his own
wings, he began to stop his fall and fly upwards, trying to dodge all falling debris. With the
one hand that wasn't carrying anyone (1 for Chompy and 2 for PBB), Frozeen swung open
the loose door. Then, he flew in the passage leading out of OMF.

Jun 9 2005, 07:13 PM

IC: "It seems... it seems..." a Drone tried reporting to Ogel, but was just couldn't do it.
Couldn't except the fact that General Evil was gone for ever.
"What?!" Ogel asked impatiently.
"It seems..." the Drone tried again, then sighed. "General Evil has been defeated."
Ogel's eyes widened. "That means he is dead!" he cried. After a few moments of wailing,
crying, and grief, he looked up and said, "YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME EARLIER! THEN I
DISAPPEAR COMPLETELY!" Then, he threw the Drone out the window.

Kotua in Space
Jun 9 2005, 07:28 PM
IC:The Robo-Blade brought down its weapon, making it the third time he got killed. Umlike
the last times, everything white and he heard a voice. "it is time..."
"No! My fellow agents need my help! specially agent Databoard"said kotua.
"it is useless kotua."
"If your going to be that stubborn."
The Robo-Blade grabbed Databoard by the neck, and swung him into the wall. Data2 fired
his laser at Data's leg, leaving a hole in it. Suddenly, a blast hit the Robo-Blade's head,
destoying it. another hit Data2, destroying him. kotua ran towards Databoard.
"Hey Data."said kotua.
Databoard noticed kouta was in his body. He also noticed the Robo-Blade coming behind.
"Look out!"shouted Data.
kotua lifted Data, and jumped out of the Robo-Blade's way.

Jun 10 2005, 06:44 AM

IC: The Elite Drones weren't ready in time, thanfully. But, Ice wasn't so sure if Frozeen
could make it out on his own. He frantically looked for a way to get out of the room he was
in. "Why did the door have to be hidden?!?" he asked himself angrily.

Frozeen, PBB, and Chompy found the exit. "Hurry, the Drones will be after us!" Frozeen
called. Chompy nodded, then passed the message to PBB. Imediately, they ran out the exit.
But, they noticed that there was something waiting for them...

Jun 10 2005, 11:04 AM

IC: Frozeen, Chompy, and PBB ran straight into a large black figure.

"Well, agents," it said. "How nice of you to drop by." Ten elite drones entered near the

Frozeen took out his gun and fired. The figure laughed as its armor sent the bullet flying

"Who are you?" Frozeen asked.

"Well, let's see the facts, shall we not, agent? I am not a General, because I am missing
General weaponry and typical general armor. I am not Ogel, because Ogel is commanding
me. I am not an Alpha Agent because I will destroy you. I am an assassin, one who will
completely obliterate you into the dust of this fortress."

"Uh-oh," Frozeen said.

Suddenly, ICe charged out of the chamber, pushing Frozeen, PBB, and Chompy along.

"Run!" ICe said.

"Not a bad idea," Frozeen agreed. They ran quickly outside, and hid in the heat of the

"What do we do?" PBB asked.

"Well," Ice said. "I say we hide here, and when that assassin returns, we ambush him and
try to get rid of him so he doesn't destroy Alpha Team."

"I second that idea," Frozeen said.

They wouldn't have long to wait, for the Assassin and his ten Elite Drones were already on
theri way.

OOC: Whoops, I forgot Frozeen was in GEneral Evil's body.

Jun 10 2005, 02:51 PM

IC: In the meantime, PBB, Chompy (whose language had to be translated for Ice), Ice, and
Frozeen were talking about how they would defeat the figure.
"A ton of rocks would do it," thought Ice.
"If a bullet can't, how can a ton of rocks?" asked Frozeen.
"Hey, PBB, do you still have one of those super-powerful bombs*?" asked Chompy.
"Yep!" PBB answered, revealing the explosive. "Right here!"
"Be careful with that!" warned Frozeen. "It could easily destroy one of us!"
"What if the figure's armour is more powerful than General Evil bodies?" asked Ice.
"Impossible!" Frozeen answered. "Excluding the Element of Surprise, the metal made in
General Evil bodies is the strongest in the Table of Elements!"
"So it can't be any stronger than General Evil bodies," PBB said.
"Hold on*," Chompy worried, "what if the figure's armour's material is undiscovered by
anyone, so that's why it's not in the Table of Elements*?" Chompy's question made a
silence fall apon the group.

Jun 10 2005, 03:09 PM

OOC: Whoa, poor Data... and poor Kotua...

IC: "Uh, guys?" asked PBB.

"Not now, PBB," Ice answered.
"Take a look, would you?" asked PBB.
"Shut up!" Ice pleaded. "We're discussing something important!"
PBB glared at Ice, then turned to Frozeen. "General Evil's gone for good, right?" he asked.
"Yeah, whatever..." Frozeen answered.
"Then, WHAT'S THAT DOING BEHIND US?!?" PBB yelled and pointed. Everyone turned
around. The Silver SOL was standing right behind them.

Jun 10 2005, 03:23 PM

OOC: Nope, Kotua. It will be explained at the bottom of the post.

IC: Frozeen, Ice, PBB, and Chompy got ready for battle. After a while, they realized nobody
was inside. Frozeen smiled. "We didn't have a vehicle strong enough for battle against that
mysterious creep," he said, "but maybe we can use this!"
"Now, to open the cockpit..." PBB said.

It took 5 minutes - even with the conbined strength of the four figures - to open the cockpit.
They all crawled inside, ready for battle against the mysterious person.

OOC: Right after discovering that the Silver SOL was destroyed, General Evil rebuilt it. A
few days had passed between the destruction of the SOL and the Drone's message.

Jun 12 2005, 05:42 PM

OOC: Whoa, I'm gone for a day, and 2 more pages!

IC: "Beep!" a sudden voice came from the back of the Silver SOL. Frozeen, PBB, Chompy,
and Ice turned around. What they spotted in the back was strange. It was a tiny robot. It
had a cilinder (sp?) head, with small arms and legs coming out of it.
"Well, well, well," Frozeen said. "A stowaway! Who are you?"
"Beep bop!" the strange bot answered.
"He says 'Little Bot,'" translated PBB, who knew the bot's language as well as many others.
"Is he good or bad?" asked Ice.
"Good," came an answer, from the shadows. A Drone emerged from there. Ice, Frozeen,
and PBB took out their lasers, and Chompy bared his teeth. "Please!" the Drone pleaded.
"Don't shoot me!"
"Why not?" asked Frozeen, ready to shoot.
"Bop bop BEEP bep!" answered Little Bot.
"He says that this Drone rebels against Ogel," PBB translated.
"But then again*," pointed out Chompy, "if Little Bot is on Ogel's side, both the Drone and
Little Bot could be trying to decieve us*!"
At that moment, both Little Bot and the Drone sprang out of the SOL. They began running
away, but the SOL was hot on their trail.

OOC: Don't kill the Drone or Little Bot. They both have a role to play.

Jun 13 2005, 06:25 AM

IC: Frozeen, Ice, PBB, and Chompy managed to capture one of the escaping figures - Little
"We should probably keep it in a safe place so it doesn't escape to give information to
Ogel!" suggested Frozeen.
"Where should we put it?" asked Ice.
"BEEP! BEEPBOPBEEP!" Little Bot screamed.
"He claims to be inocent," PBB translated, "but not all claims are true."

Jun 13 2005, 11:46 AM

OOC: Gone for a weekend, and I lose two whole pages! Whoah! Imagine what will happen
when I'm unfortunately gone for vacation for two months! Yep, I won't be posting. But
nobody kill the mysterious figure, whose name I will reveal in this post. He will die in a
weird and twisted way.None of us kill him.

IC: "Do we trust Little Bot, or not?" asked ICe.

"I say we give him a lie detector test," PBB offered.

"But we don't have a lie detector," Frozeen explained.

"OKay, so we do Alpha LIes on him. We watch his reactions."

"Bingo," Frozeen agreed.

"Great Idea, Agents," the mysterious figure said in the back seat.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" they cried, turning on the Silver SOL and pushing the mysterious
figure out of the machine before running.

"You can run, agents, but you cannot hide. I have orders from Ogel, and I shall destroy

In the Silver SOL, the LIttle Bot began to speak.


"What?" Frozeen and ICe asked together.

"He says that is an Assassin. It's name is Tyrus."

"It?" ICe said. "Explain."

The LIttle Bot explained that Tyrus was an element in himself, who, by an explosion of five
Ogel orbs way back when, brought him to life. He now was an Assassin, who Ogel had

'How do you know this?" Frozeen asked.

The little bot answered.

"He says that he and the Drone have been studying Ogel for years. Little Bot would hack
into Ogel's systema, and Drone would spy on Ogel as well...a drone."

"Are they telling the truth?" FRozeen asked.

"No time for that, "ICe said. "We need to find Drone and get out of here, because look
who's comin' up behind us on a Robo Blade that he rigged!"

They turned around.


Jun 13 2005, 04:39 PM

IC: Frozeen banged furiously at the controls, helped by PBB, Chompy, and Ice. Little Bot,
with not a very large body, could do nothing, other than scream "BEEP! BOPBEEP!"
PBB launched the Silver SOL's homing missile, Ice opened the Ice Cannon, Frozeen tried
using the SOL's tail, and Chompy moved the Silver SOL to make Ice and Frozeen's jobs
easier. However...
Like before, the Homing Missile was horrible. While trying to help Frozeen and Ice in aiming,
Chompy only messed them up. And EVERYONE was getting irritaited by Little Bot's furious

OOC: Visorak-Kal, you are smart! How did you know what Little Bot and that Drone were
planning on doing to Ogel?

Jun 14 2005, 06:49 AM

IC: Tyrus, seeing that nobody was working together to stop him, merely laughed and

"For once, I'm not happy that these homing missiles are useless!"
"Well, I could've gotten a good blow on him if it wasn't for that tiny reptile of yours hadn't
messed me up!"
"It wasn't MY fault, I was trying to help you, and you shot at the wrong time*!"
"Chompy, all you helped Ice and me do was completely mess up!"
"And Little Bot was irritating everyone!"
All the yelling, growling, and BEEPing was unimaginably loud inside the Silver SOL.
Suddenly, PBB looked outside the window, and groaned, "Not again." The Drone they met
earlier was running at full speed towards the Silver SOL...

And it was being CHASED by a huge army of other Drones.

Jun 14 2005, 02:48 PM

IC: "HEEEEEEELLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!" the poor Rebel Drone was screaming. The other Drones
behind him kept shooting at him.
"You traitor!" the army of Drones shouted.

"Like stepping on ants when there's a whole colony," Frozeen said to himself. PBB activated
the Ice Canon, Chompy activated lasers, Frozeen activated the SOL's tail, and Ice activated
the Orb Launcher (the Orbs replaced by PBB's fire balls). Working together, they attacked
the army of Drones. But by some luck, they didn't attack the Rebel Drone.

Jun 14 2005, 03:43 PM

IC: The Silver SOL marched onward, shooting, blasting, and striking down the Drones. All
the while, Rebel Drone stayed hidden. Pretty soon, the army of Drones was reduced half its
original size. Then, a Meda-Drone walked up and said, "Give us the Rebel Drone, and you
may not be harmed. If you refuse, harm will come to you more painfully than you can
Ice, who hadn't had much expirience with Meda-Drones, tried to shoot it. Only because
Little Bot pushed him out of the way did he not shoot at the Meda-Drone. Frozeen, Chompy,
and PBB, who knew a lot about these mechanical Drones, did nothing.

OOC: Visorak-Kal, since you're new here, let me explain about the Meda-Drones for you.
They are a kind of elite Drone. Black Widow (Agent Subzero) made up these villians a long
while back. In return, I made up that the Meda-Drones were mechanical.

Jun 15 2005, 07:08 AM

IC: "Well?" asked the Meda-Drone. Without warning, Chompy lept over to the controls and
activated the Ice Cannon. It hit the Meda-Drone and blew it to pieces. Then, the fight

Jun 15 2005, 02:15 PM

IC: Chompy was doing pretty well, until...

One Drone carried what looked like a huge canon. Frozeen saw this, and imediately
reconized it. "Shield your eyes!" he shouted. But, Chompy had a disadvantage. Yes, he was
growing, and was ALMOST the height of a person, but his arms were so short...

He could shield his eyes. The Drone pushed a button, and imediately, a huge, sudden,
bright light came out of the canon. Frozeen especially hated these, called "Light Lasers."
They didn't harm one physically, but they could blind one for weeks. And Chompy was going
to discover that the hard way.

Jun 15 2005, 02:25 PM

IC: Chompy screamed. Frozeen knew that Chompy was getting blinded, but Frozeen could
help - not with his own eyes being covered. When Chompy stopped screaming in pain from
the brightness, he found that he was in total darkness. Black everywhere. Even with his
eyes wide open. He was blind.

Jun 15 2005, 02:37 PM

IC: Finally, the Light Laser turned off. Ice took that moment to blast the laser. Frozeen and
PBB ran to tend Chompy. Which left Ice and Little Bot to try and stop the rest of the Drone

Jun 15 2005, 02:57 PM

IC: "Now's your chance to prove yourself," Ice said as Little Bot lept to the controls.
"Beep!" the robot said, and Ice just shrugged. Then, they resumed trying to destroy the
army of Drones.

"Can you see me?" asked Frozeen. Chompy shook his head.
"He's been blinded," PBB said. "It's good that it is only temporarly. We'll have to allow a few
weeks, then he'll see again."
"A few weeks*?" repeated Chompy. Then, he groaned.

Jun 15 2005, 03:20 PM

IC: "Don't worry Chompy," assured Frozeen. PBB had already rushed to the controls. "I'll
make sure that you'll be okay." Then, he stood up and ran to the controls.
"Yeah*," Chompy snorted, "okay until I crash face-first into a wall*!"

Jun 16 2005, 07:01 AM

IC: The Silver SOL caught a few Drones in its tail. Then, blasted a few more with the Ice
Canon. Launching Fire Balls at the Drones really decreased their number. But still, there was
a huge amount left of the Drone Army.

"How on Earth are we going to defeat them?" asked PBB.

"I don't know!" admitted Frozeen. "But we can't give up!"
"Beop, beepbe bebity boop bep beep!" Little Bot suggested.
"He means that we should look for the Rebel Drone, grab it, then escape and get a proper
army to defeat these Drones," PBB translated.
"Oh, yeah, as if it's that easy*!" Chompy snorted.
Jun 16 2005, 02:31 PM

IC: The problem with trying to find the Rebel Drone...

Was that it looked just like all the other Drones. Even Little Bot was getting confused.
Frozeen, Ice, and PBB were trying their best to try and shoot down the enemy Drones, while
trying not to accedently hit the Rebel Drone. Chompy just sat in the corner, grumbling
about his blindness.

Jun 17 2005, 07:13 AM

IC: "BEEP BOP! BEEP BOP!" Little Bot was frantically BEEPing and BOPing.
"He means FIND HIM, FIND HIM," translated PBB, "which probably is referring to the Rebel
Suddenly, Little Bot lept to the bottom of the cockpit. There, right below the SOL, was the
Rebel Drone. "Help!" he cried. He was stuck.
"Do something!" cried PBB. Chompy ran over - right into a wall! Frozeen lept over to the
scene and tried reaching out for the Rebel Drone.
"Hang on!" he said, as soon as their grip met. Then, Frozeen pulled the Rebel Drone into the
"Let's get out of here!" the Rebel Drone yelled.

Jun 17 2005, 02:28 PM

IC: The Silver SOL transformed into the Silver Viper Escape. It began slivering away.
Suddenly, Frozeen saw something he'd wish he'd never see again. Ogel's versions of AT
Vehicles. And this time, they were driven by Elite Drones.
"Which way?" he asked. "Foward towards the Elite Drones or backward to the Drone Army?"
"Either way, we'll probably get killed!" thought PBB.
Ice activated a bunch of Drilling Missiles towards the Eilte Drones. He succeded in
destroying 1 Fake Chill Speeder, 2 Fake Ice Blades, 3 Fake TT, 4 Fake Blue Eagles, 4 Fake
Blizzard Blasters, and 5 Fake MCCs, but there was still much more. The Rebel Drone
activated the Ice Cannon, destroying 3 Fake Ice Blades.

Kotua in Space
Jun 17 2005, 02:47 PM

IC:kotua awoke, to see the horrible sight: Data being killed by Data2.
"Now its your turn,drone. And i'm not going to be as nice as Data."said kotua2.
The other agents grabbed kotua and dragged him towards another spot. kotua hoped Data
would use one of the vehicles to come back to he(kotua) had done with the Robo-

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 17 2005, 02:59 PM
Data opened his eyes to see two Databoards, one dead and tied to a chair, the
other prepared to kill Kotua. Databoard was shocked. He had be sceptical about
how Frozeen and Kotua had been come back after being killed. This was enough to
knock whatever doubts out of his head. Databoard floated over to an Ice Blade. He
wasn't sure how it would work, so he just floated into through it. He instantly saw
everything from the point of veiw of the Ice Blade. Then he remembered about
Kotua. He fired his laser at Data 2, knocking him into the air and sending his laser
flying from the hand.


Jun 17 2005, 02:59 PM

IC: As one of the Fake MCC canons hit it, the Silver Viper Escape rocked. Little Bot was sent
flying into Ice. PBB fell over, tripping Frozeen, tripping Rebel Drone. Chompy, just crashed
into the wall, due to his blindness.

Jun 17 2005, 03:34 PM

IC: After the confusion stopped, the Silver Viper Escape began slithering towards AT HQ. Ice
shot the Ice Cannon and PBB shot fireballs at the Elite Drones and Drones behind them.
Frozeen worked to make sure that the Viper Escape would not colide with anything. And
Little Bot and Rebel Drone took care of Chompy.

Jun 17 2005, 03:53 PM

IC: Suddenly, Frozeen realized that going towards AT HQ was not such a good idea. A whole
army of Drones and Elite Drones were right behind them, which meant they could attack the
HQ. And plus, all of AT thought that the Silver SOL was still evil. Rebel Drone could also be
in danger. But he realized it too late. They were already at AT HQ.

Jun 17 2005, 04:06 PM

IC: Frozeen spotted Kotua. "So that really was a ghost in the Robo-Blade," he muttered to
himself. Then, he saw Data. But, he thought he was a pilotless Ice Blade going by itself.
"Not again!" he yelled. "GHOST!"

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 17 2005, 04:14 PM

Databoard heard Frozeen screaming. "Ghost!" If the Ice Blade had eyes, he would
have rolled them. Frozeen soon saw Data 2 and mistook him for the real one.
"Databoard, whats going on?" He said to Data 2 "Frozeen, don't!" Databaord
shouted, and blasted Data 2 out of the way. Frozeen pointed four lasers at
Databoard. "Stay back ghost!" He shouted.


Jun 17 2005, 04:28 PM

IC: Then, Frozeen lept out of the Silver Viper Escape. He was soon followed by PBB and Ice.
Little Bot came down next. Chompy, well he FELL out! But when Rebel Drone appeared,
Data got confused. He began to shoot at Rebel Drone, but he dodged the blast. Frozeen
held all four lasers to Data's cockpit. "Now ghost," he whispered, "if you dare shoot him or
anyone else, you'll wish you had never been born! I've had enough of you, chasing me in a
Robo Blade!"
"I never - " Data began, then realized that he meant Kotua. Data figured it out - he thought
that Kotua was a ghost riding a Robo-Blade, and now he thought that the same "ghost" was
riding an Ice Blade. Then, glancing at Rebel Drone, he wondered what the Drone was doing
there and why Frozeen didn't want him killed.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 17 2005, 04:38 PM

"Frozeen, what's with your Drone friend over there?" Databoard asked. "He looks
an awful lot like a Drone." Frozeen had a angry look on his face. "Quiet, Ghost!" He
shouted. "Why were you attacking Data?" "I AM Data, Frozeen!" Databoard yelled.
"The other one is an clone!" What make's you think I belive you?" Frozeen yelled.


Jun 17 2005, 04:45 PM

IC: Frozeen pointed his lasers at Data. "I am no ghost!" Data protested!
"Don't listen to him!" Data2 said.
"Yes, Data," Frozeen said. PBB readied a energy-fire blast. Ice prepared to shoot as well.
Little Bot guarded the Rebel Drone. And Chompy just stood there, completely blind (and
completely angry about that!).

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 17 2005, 04:53 PM

"I'm sorry about this, Frozeen." Databoard said. Databoard/Ice Blade zoomed
backwards. Before Frozeen could catch his balance, he was flung off. Data 2, Ice,
and Frozeen all began firing their lasers at Databoard. He prepared to attack Data
2, but decided against it. Attacking his clone would only convince Frozeen that he
was evil. his best chance would be to engage Alpha Mode, as it would give him
more space to avoid the lasers. The only problem was that he had no idea how to
activate it when he was the Ice Blade.


Jun 17 2005, 04:59 PM

IC: Suddenly, Data initiated Alpha Mode just by thinking about it. "Hey!" Frozeen shouted.
"Get back here, you ghost!"
Data didn't even try to answer. Frozeen shot at him, to no avail. But, PBB's energy-fire
blasts pushed Data. Only because Data quickly regained control did he not crash. But, PBB
sent another blast.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 17 2005, 05:08 PM

Databoard avoided the blast, but just barely. He had spent several months piloting
an Steath Helicopter, but really being one was a whole other story. He barely
missed getting shot by another blast of energy-fire. Databoard didn't even want to
risk shooting back, but the Agents unfortunatly didn't have that same idea.


Jun 17 2005, 05:15 PM

IC: Frozeen, knowing his lasers were no use, flew into the cockpit of the Silver Viper
Escape. Then, it transformed back into the Silver SOL. Then, he readied his attack on the

Data2 smiled. Frozeen was helping him eliminate an enemy of Data2, without even knowing
that Data was Frozeen's friend.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 17 2005, 05:22 PM

Databoard swerved out of the way of a blast from the Silver SOL. "Frozeen, I'm
Databoard, not him!" Databoard shouted. "He's a clone!" Frozeen fired more lasers
at Databoard. "I don't belive you!" Frozeen shouted. Databoard avoided the lasers.
"This is just the same as what happened with you!" Databoard shouted. "When
you showed up in that General Evil body, I didn't belive that you were really
Frozeen!" Frozeen didn't respond, he just continued to shoot at him, and Databord
kept avoiding the lasers.


Jun 17 2005, 05:25 PM

IC: "For all I know, you could've been there at that moment, ghost!" Frozeen shouted as he
fired the Ice Cannon.
Data dodged the blast. "Don't be silly! Ghosts don't - " He was about to say "Ghosts don't
exist," but knew that wasn't true. If ghosts didn't exist, Frozeen, Kotua, and himself would
all be dead.
"Whatever!" Frozeen said. He activated the Homing Missile.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 17 2005, 05:34 PM

Databoard saw the missile flying at him. He turned and flew wildly, trying to evade
the missile. He swerved towards a wall, and began to pick up speed. The missile,
trying to follow him, picked up speed as well. As Databoard neared the wall, he
made a sharp turn away from the wall. The missle, going to fast to make such a
manuver, slammed into the wall and exploded. Kotua, watching what was going
on, shouted to Frozeen: "Stop! He's really Databoard! You'll kill him!" He wasn't
sure Frozeen heard him, but it was the best help Kotua could be, considering he
was tied to a chair.


Jun 17 2005, 05:39 PM

IC: Frozeen didn't hear Kotua over the Homing Missile's explosion. "Well, that's the best it
has done lately," he muttered. Then, he fired another Homing Missile.

PBB was ready to shoot a energy-fire blast, when Kotua yelled, "Don't! That is Data you're
about to shoot!"
Kotua2 came over, holding a laser. "Don't listen to that Drone!" he said.
Rebel Drone replied, "That's no Drone!"
Kotua2 pointed his laser at Rebel Drone. "Of course your saying that so whatever you
Drones are up to, he could succeed!"

Kotua in Space
Jun 17 2005, 05:45 PM
IC:During the commotion, kotua2 dragged the screaming kotua away.
The Robo-Blade flew after Databoard/Ice Blade.
"Hey kotua!"shouted Frozeen at the black robo-Blade, thinking it was still kotua.
The Robo-Blade readied its lasers, and locked on to Databoard...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 17 2005, 05:50 PM

At the last second, Databoard swerved, and the Robo Blade's lasers blew the
Homing Missile up. Databoard shot one of the Robo Blade's jets, and it spun out of
control until if crashed to the ground. Databoard flew towards Frozeen. "For the
last time, Frozeen I'm Databoard!" He shouted, but Frozeen wouldn't listen. And
there was no one else that could convince him.


Kotua in Space
Jun 17 2005, 05:55 PM

IC:Except for kotua...

Databoard moved out of the way as the Robo-Blade swung the damaged engine towards
kotua2 stuffed kotua into a small elevator, and shut the door, pressed a button, and sat
The elevator moved down slowly....

Jun 17 2005, 06:16 PM

OOC: Actually, Frozeen still thought that Robo-Blade/Kotua was a ghost, and he's convinced
that the same ghost is now Ice Blade/Data.

IC: Chompy walked right into Data2. "Ow," mumbled Data2, "watch it, you worthless
overgrown lizard!"
Chompy thought. That voice seemed to belong to Data, but Data would never call him a
"worthless overgrown lizard." Chompy then bit down on Data2's foot.
"OW!" he screamed in pain.
"Oh, did I bite your foot*?" asked Chompy, who was feeling Data2's leg with his tail. "Oh,
sorry! I meant to do... THIS*!" Chompy then bit Data2's leg.

Kotua in Space
Jun 17 2005, 06:31 PM
IC:The Robo-Blade fired again at Databoard, who moved out of the way(again...)

Jun 17 2005, 06:43 PM

IC: "Get off!" yelled Data2. Chompy smiled. Although he didn't have his sight anymore, he
still had smelling, feeling, and hearing to help him. He bit Data2 again, this time, on the
hand. "Ow!"

Frozeen didn't notice. He was busy firing missiles at Data. Fortunately for Data, he kept
dodging them.

Kotua in Space
Jun 17 2005, 06:45 PM

IC:after a long time The Elevator stopped, and kotua 2 stepped out.
"Do you know why I brought you all the way here, agent?"asked kotua2.
"You knew all along I was the original!?"said kotua.
"Of course, I do. Ogel told me that the other clone agents, however didn't, and to convince
them they were original. the plan was that by the end of this day, we would have eliminated
all agents. Then we would reveal our true forms. your the 2nd lucky to die."said kotua2,
turning into an Meda-Drone, and charging up electricity...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 17 2005, 07:01 PM

Databoard was in serious trouble. He was being attacked by both the Robo Blade
and the Silver SOL. "Frozeen, for the last time, I'm Databoard!" He shouted.
Frozeen fired another missile, which Databoard maneged to evade. "I don't belive
you!" He shouted. Databoad was getting annoyed. "I don't know how to prove it to
you, but I'm Databoard!" He shouted.


Jun 17 2005, 07:12 PM

Databoard flew out of the Silver SOL's firing range. It scurried after him, and he
moved away constantly. He had to find some way to convince Frozeen that he was
really Databoard. But how? He didn't have time to think, as a laser barely missed
him. He moved out of range again, trying to keep Frozeen from blasting him to

Jun 17 2005, 07:23 PM

Databoard fly away from the the Silver SOL's lasers. He knew better then too try
and fight the Silver SOL, not only was Frozeen piloting it, but it was nearly
indestructible. "Frozeen, I can't tell you any more, I AM DATABOARD!" He yelled.
Frozeen shot at him again, and Databoard evaded the lasers.


Kotua in Space
Jun 17 2005, 07:30 PM

IC:kotua noticed a small toy helicopter laying on a shelve, along with other things. the toy
copter reminded kotua of Databoard...who was probably still chased by Frozeen and the
clone agents! kotua immediately floated around. He noticed the original Robo-Blade(With a
magma drill in one hand). kotua flew into it, and noticed two metal doors on top.
"oh boy.."said kotua, flying upwards at full speed.
Databoard avoided the lasers again, when a nearby snow hill was sent everywhere, as a
Robo-Blade flew out. it Retracted its metal shield, and blocked some of the lasers headed
towards Data.
"Need help Databoard?"asked kotua.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 17 2005, 07:39 PM

"Thanks for that." Databoard said. He wasn't quite sure who the Robo Blade
person was, but he was happy for the help. The evil Robo Blade was starting to
sneak up on Databoard. "Data, look out!" The other Robo Blade leapt a the other
one. Databoard was left to fight the Silver SOL, as the two Robo Blades were
squaring off.


Kotua in Space
Jun 17 2005, 07:44 PM

IC:kotua drillled into the evil Robo-Blade's Beam Shield, destroying it. The Evil Robo-Blade
shot its beam Rifle, nearly hitting kotua in the head. kotua flew upwards, and tried firing the
lasers. unfortunately, ue to being a prototype, they didn't work. kotua saw the evil Robo-
Blade fly up in one engine, taking out a Beam sword...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 17 2005, 07:52 PM

Databoard didn't have time to help Kotua, as Frozeen was trying to kill him.
"Frozeen, why won't you belive me?" Databoard shouted. "I can belive you as a
General Evil body, why can't you belive me as a Ice Blade." Frozeen shot at
Databoard. "That is completely different!" He shouted. Databoard avoided the the
lasers. "How is it different?" Databoard shouted. "It's the exact same thing,
Frozeen, except it!"


Jun 17 2005, 08:13 PM

The fight between Databoard and Frozeen had become a battle of words. Frozeen
had run out of Homing Missiles, and Databoard could evade the rest of his
weapons. "For the last time, I'm Databoard, what is so hard to belive about that!"
He shouted. Frozeen fired more lasers, which were very ineffective. "You're an Ice
Blade, for crying out load!" Frozeen shouted. "You can't be Databoard!" "So,
you're a spare General Evil body!" Databoard yelled back. Frozeen shot at him, and
again, he avoided it.


Jun 17 2005, 08:38 PM

Databoard continued to avoid the lasers, but one bounced of the armor. He
realized it wasn't from the Silver SOL, but from a handheld laser. Agent Ice Ran at
Databoard, shooting his laser. Databoard flew up higher, out of range of the


Kotua in Space
Jun 18 2005, 12:14 PM

IC:kotua flew over Databoard, ande Frozeen, with the Evil robo-Blade in puirsuit...

Jun 18 2005, 05:02 PM

IC: Frozeen turned around, and saw Kotua. "Oh, no, not again," he muttered. He then
looked at Data. "There's TWO ghosts?" he asked.
"I don't know what's up with the Robo-Blade, but I'm not a ghost!" Data shouted.
PBB was getting impatient. He ran, then saw what he was looking for - The Valesk. He

Jun 18 2005, 05:28 PM

IC: Data was doing pretty well dodging Frozeen's blasts now that Frozeen was out of
Homing Missiles. But, something else happened...

The Valesk, with PBB inside, shifted into Flight Mode. It then flew into the fight. PBB began
blasting at Data, not only with his energy-fire blasts, but also with the Valesk's powerful
weaponry. PBB knew to be careful not to hit the Silver SOL by mistake, or Frozeen would be
under attack by this strange "ghost."

Kotua in Space
Jun 18 2005, 05:48 PM

IC:The Evil Robo-Blade's Head Vulcan guns finally Ran out, forcing the Evil Robo-Blade to
Retreat. kotua chased after the Evil Robo-Blade, which was flying on only one engine. kotua
drilled off the Feet, forcing the Evil Robo-blade to land on the only engine, eventually
wearing it out. kotua drilled off the Evil Robo-Blade's head, and went back to help

Jun 18 2005, 05:55 PM

"Look out behind you, PBB!" shouted Frozeen. PBB turned around and saw Kotua. And, like
Frozeen, he thought that Kotua was a ghost riding... a strange Robo-Blade.
"If this can destroy a Silver SOL," he mumbled to himself as he reached for the Cannon
button, "then it should destroy you."

"Looks like this fight is not going well," said Rebel Drone.
"You can say that again*!" Chompy answered. Lately, he had been getting more and more
sarcastic, grumpy, and stubborn.
"BEEP! Bopitty beep!" Little Bot complained.
"Shut up*!" Chompy growled. "Now, where is that 'Data?' Left? Right? Foward? Back -
OW*!" He yelped as he crashed right into Data2. Of course, Data2 was holding a laser,
pointed at Rebel Drone.

Kotua in Space
Jun 18 2005, 06:00 PM

IC:kotua dodged the cannon blast.

"Hey!"shouted kotua.
kotua flew even higher, and looked around...
Jun 18 2005, 06:13 PM

"Hey yourself!" grumbled PBB. He blasted another Cannon at Kotua.

Frozeen was all out of Homing Missiles, but he still had the Drilling Missiles. He launched
one at Data.

Chompy bit down on Data2's foot. "OW!" he yelped. Then, he picked up Chompy and held
the laser at Chompy's head. "Now, you worthless lizard, prepare, to - OW!" Chompy had
bitten off Data2's hand!
"Now, be careful Chompy," warned Rebel Drone, "we don't want the Agent to die!"
"Shut up, you Drone!" Data2 yelled. Furious that his hand had been bitten off, he began
chasing Chompy. Of course, since Chompy was blind, he didn't know that...

Kotua in Space
Jun 18 2005, 06:20 PM

IC:kotua got an idea. He began spinning his Magma Drill as fast as he could. Then he picked
his target: the Cannon. kotua waited until PBB fired a blast, and fired his Magma Drill. The
Magma Drill flew into the Cannon, getting stuck there. PBB obvlivious to this, fired again.
The Stuck Magma Drill overheated, causing the Cannon to explode, taking PBB with it!

Jun 18 2005, 06:23 PM

IC: "Thank goodness I'm a robot..." PBB mumbled. His arm crept over to his body. His legs
hopped over to connect to the hip. One hand made an unsucessful attempt to pick up its
arm. After a while, PBB was reconstructed. "Now, to give that ghost what it wants..."

Kotua in Space
Jun 18 2005, 06:27 PM

IC:PBB charged up, and sent bolts of fire at kotua, who was too slow for the angered PBB's
blasts. kotua flew away, with PBB in hot puirsuit. kotua flew back into Dr.Voltage's layer.
PBB followed suit, but soon got lost. kotua, already been to Dr.Voltage's layer previous
times, reached the lab. He began Rebuilding, and upgrading himself...

Jun 18 2005, 06:44 PM

IC: However, Kotua didn't know that PBB had snuck a small bomb on Kotua. "That'll teach
that annoying ghost!" he smiled to himself.
Inside the Silver SOL, Frozeen just relaxed. "Nothing that ghost can do can destroy the
Silver SOL. Now, I'll just check out the scanner..." According to the scanner, Data, Meda-
Drones, and Kotua were all nearby. But to his surprise, the scanner was pointing to the Ice
Blade ghost, saying it was Data! And it was also pointing to whom Frozeen thought was
Data, saying he was a Meda-Drone! "What the-?"

Jun 18 2005, 07:17 PM

IC: Frozeen was confused. Data was a pilotless Ice Blade? "Data" was a Meda-Drone? How
could this be? He immediately transmitted a message to Data.



Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 18 2005, 07:34 PM

Databoard rellayed a message back to Frozeen:


Suddenly, PBB charged at Databoard, shooting energy-fire. HE didn't realize that

he was really Databoard. "PBB! DON"T!" Frozeen shouted.


Kotua in Space
Jun 18 2005, 07:37 PM

IC:kotua sent a missile at PBB, sending his pieces flyign everywhere.

"Sorry PBB, but its for your own good."said kotua, further destroying most pieces, leaving
only PBB's head.
kotua then flew out of the lab, and headed towards Frozeen

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 18 2005, 08:18 PM

Frozeen blasted at the Robo Blade with his lasers. It didn't destroy it, but knocked
it backwards into a wall. It stuggled to get up, but one of its legs had suffered
damage. Frozeen drove the Silver SOL closer, reafy to finish the 'ghost', Unaware
it was Kotua...

Kotua in Space
Jun 18 2005, 08:22 PM

IC:kotua activated his cannon arm, and fired at Frozeen. The Blast caused a small dent in
the front. kotua then fired at the ground below Frozeen. The ground broke apart, and
Frozeen plunged down.
"Sorry!"shouted kotua. Frozeen simply flew out of the SOL

Jun 18 2005, 08:46 PM

Frozeen prepared to fight the Robo Blade. He was still quite a match for the Robo
Blade without the aid of the Silver SOL. The Robo Blade readied its cannon arm,
and preapared to fire. Frozeen jumped out of the way of the blast. Databoard flew
in, lasers ready. "Don't Shoot!" He shouted. But someone was about to shoot. Data
2 stood nearby, holding a portable missile launcher, and he was ready to fire...


Kotua in Space
Jun 18 2005, 08:56 PM

IC:Data2 fired the missile, which was destroyed by a blast from kotua's cannon arm. kotua
fired again, destroying Data2 for the while.[ Frozeen just stood there, confused about kotua.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 18 2005, 09:15 PM

Every Agent clone in the area took out they're lasers and began firing their lasers
at Databoard or the Robo Blade. The Robo Blade, despite sustaining damage, had
enough heavy armor and weaponary to protect itself. The Ice Blade did not. It was
hit with laser after laser, while he tried to blast them back. Databoard knew that
the Ice Blade couldn't handle much more laser fire. But the clone Agents were


Jun 18 2005, 09:52 PM

Databoard tried to avoid the lasers firing at him, but that was very hard. below
him he could see Frozeen trying to tell the clone Agents to stop shooting at him,
thinking they were real Agents. Databoard tried to tell him they were clones, but
couldn't be heard over the lasers.


Jun 19 2005, 08:44 AM

IC: In the meantime, PBB was getting repaired by Little Bot, who seemed to be a whiz at
these things. "That blasted Robo-Blade!" he grumbled.
"Even worse, it seems clones of AT Agents are appearing everywhere," Rebel Drone noted.
"Oh, those aren't clones," PBB said.
"Be bop, beep bep!" Little Bot said. "Be beepy beppitty bop beepty beep be beep boop bop
BEP beep beepy." It meant "Oh, yes they are! My inner workings and senses tell me that
those are NOT real Agents."
"Well, whether these are clones or not," PBB said, "I'm going to - "
"No time for that!" Rebel Drone called. "Look!"
"Not now," mumbled PBB. There was the remainder of the Drone and Elite Drone Armies
standing in front of them.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 19 2005, 11:37 PM

The Drone's began firing at at Databoard as well as the Clone Agents. Nearby,
Databoard could see Frozeen and Ice trying to fight the attacking Drone's. Then he
saw an Agent Clone of Ice sneaking towards him. Databoard swooped down,
despite the lasers shooting at him, and blasted Ice 2 into a wall. The real Ice
turned around and saw what seemed to be another him getting up. He was so
suprised he didn't see a Drone sneaking up on him until Frozeen defeated it.
Databoard, meanwhile, struggled to fight off the attacking Agent Clones and
Drones. He shot at one, and the other would take advantage of the situation and
attack from behind. Databoard was getting worried. It wouldn't take long for the
lasers to reach the engine, and then he would be doomed. "I miss being a normal
Agent..." Databoard muttered.


Jun 20 2005, 06:46 AM

IC: One of the many cannons on the Fake MCC blasted a whole in the wall. Chompy just
barely dodged getting hit by a laser. Ice and Frozeen were attacking one section of the
Drone army, but the Elite Drones seemed almost undefeatable. "Quick, to the Valesk!"
called Frozeen. He, Ice, Chompy (carried by PBB), PBB, Rebel Drone, and Little Bot all ran
to the mammoth metal vehicle. Then, once inside, they began blasting the Fake AT Vehicles
as well as the Drones and Elite Drones.

Kotua in Space
Jun 20 2005, 09:26 AM

IC:kotua fired at the Blizzard Blaster. The blast bounced off harmlessly. kotua dodged
another blast from the cannon, and shot at the ground beneath the Blizzard Blaster.
Suddenly the ground shook, as turrets popped from the ground, and began shooting at
literally everything that moved.
"oops"said kotua.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 20 2005, 10:56 AM

Databoard struggled to evade the blasts from the laser turrets, as well as the
lasers that there shooting in every direction. Databoard soon got a idea. He
switched to Ice Blade mode and landed on the ground. The Drone's and Agents
shot at him, but they wound up getting hit by stray shots from the other side. But
Databoard was still in danger from being hit by lasers.


Jun 20 2005, 11:25 AM

A blast from a laser turret hit Databoard, causing him to spin out of control. The
Ice Blade crashed and exploded, becoming the fourth Ice Blade for Databoard to
wreak. Databoard floated away from the firey wreakage. He would have to find
another body fast, or he'd be gone forever.


Kotua in Space
Jun 20 2005, 11:37 AM

IC:kotua stopped firing at the Blizzard Blaster, and headed towards Dr.Voltage's lab. No
doubt the security system underground had activated this turrets. kotua avoided getting hit
by a falling Blue Eagle, and dodged most blasts from the laser turrets. soon he found the
lab entrance, unfrotunately, his engines blew up, sending kotua plummeting down the

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 20 2005, 11:52 AM
Databoard floated into a nearby Blizard Blaster. He ejected the pilot, and began
shooting at the Clone Agents. The turrets began shooting at him, but he used his
rocket laucher to blow several up. He dodged the remaining turrets lasers, and
leapt towards the Drones. They attempted to shoot at him, but the much-better
armored Blizzard Blaster deflected the lasers.


Kotua in Space
Jun 20 2005, 11:58 AM

IC:kotua soon "Lands" at the Lab. as soon as he gets his lgs working, he starts looking for
the controls to the security system.
"Die!"shouts someone.
kotua turns around to see...Dr.Voltage!?

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 20 2005, 12:13 PM

Databoard blasted away at the Drones. All four of the Blizzard Blasters lasers fired
away, sending Drone's flying into the air. Suddenly, a laser barely missed him. He
turned to see a Blue Eagle flying at him. But it wasn't a normal Alpha Team
Vehicle, it was a Fake AT Vehicle. "I though we destroyed them all..." Databoard
thought. He didn't have very long to think about it, as the Fake Blue Eagle was
destroyed by Frozeen, Ice, PBB, and the others in a strange vehicle.


Jun 20 2005, 01:35 PM

Databoard turned to see Robo Agents rushing out of a tunnel along with a vehicle.
The vehicle was piloted by- Dr. Voltage? "Aren't you dead?" Dr. Voltage fired a
missile that destroyed the Blizzard Blaster. Everything went white, and Databoard
heard a voice: "It is time..."
"But they still need my help!"
"It's useless."
"I need to go back!"
"You Alpha Team Agents are always so whiny."
"You did it for Agent Kotua!"
"If you're going to be like this..."

The Robo Agents continued shooting at the Drones and Agent Clones, mistaking
them for real Agents. Suddenly, a Ice Blade zoomed through the fight, knocking
Drone's out of the way. At the controls was Databoard, back in his normal body
this time.


Jun 20 2005, 02:36 PM

OOC: Dr. Voltage's back?!? Looks like Black Widow's gonna be angry!

IC: Frozeen turned around, to see what looked like Data trying to a Robo-Data. "Waitasec!"
Frozeen said. He looked at the scanner. It pointed to Data as Data. "So the Silver SOL was
wrong..." he said to himself. But, evil Robo-Agents? "Oh, no!" he said. Dr. Voltage was
back! And so was Frozeen's awful memories on what happened while he knew Dr. Voltage.
Car Salesmen. Ice Cream Men. Waiting Monkeys. Evil Cows. Slinky Rocks. All of them
reminded Frozeen that he had gone insane for 3 days. And that was the one thing Frozeen
hated to be reminded about.

Jun 20 2005, 02:51 PM

OOC: Well, remember when Dr. Voltage was "killed?" Black Widow said that if Voltage
returned, he was going to be sick. Something like that...

IC: Frozeen summonded some more BB to help them out. Suddenly, something strange
happened. The Valesk started moving towards the BB Vortex, instead of BB coming out of
it! PBB and Ice tried to stop the Valesk from going any farther into the vortex, but it was too
late. The Valesk, Frozeen, Ice, PBB, Chompy, Little Bot, and Rebel Drone all disappeared,
and so did the vortex. No BB came. None at all.

Jun 20 2005, 05:54 PM

"Quick! LOOK OUT!" Frozeen shouted. The Valesk almost crashed into what seemed like an
asteroid. Only because PBB recovered from the shock of the vortex quickest did they not
"Where are we?" asked Ice.
"I don't know," Frozeen answered.

Jun 21 2005, 06:47 AM

IC: "Strange," PBB said, reading the scanner. "It says we're somehow in space, but there's
oxygen out here."
"I don't think we can trust whether the scanner says that there's oxygen in space," Frozeen
said. "I think our best plan is to stay in here, the Valesk, where we KNOW there's oxygen."
"What's going on*?" Chompy asked angrily, for he couldn't see that they were sucked into
the BB Vortex, thrown into space, and now nearby a strange asteroid.
"I have no idea," Rebel Drone said.
"Hold on, there's BB running on that asteroid," PBB pointed out. Then, his expression
changed. "BB on an asteroid? Oh, no... we must be on Ogel Island!"

Jun 21 2005, 02:28 PM

IC: "Ogel Island?" repeated Frozeen. "You mean that filthy asteroid that Brickster calls
"Yes," PBB answered.
"Ogel Island you say?" said a strange voice. "Bah! This is not that awful place! You are
somewhere else." Everyone in the Valesk turned around and saw what semed to be a head
in a small hovercraft.

Jun 21 2005, 03:58 PM

IC: The head in the hovercraft continued. "This would've been another Ogel Island. But,
something happened that twisted up this place, exactly 35 years ago. Everything reversed.
Evil Slimy Slugs turned into butterflies, the orbiting and dangerous asteroids and Rock
Monsters dissapeared, us citizens stopped our evil ways, and the BB who were here have
become nice. Basically, everything turned from evil to good."
"But where are we, if this place isn't Ogel Island?" asked Frozeen.
"You don't know?" asked the head. "I'm dreadfully surprised. Why, where do you think all
the good BB come from? Not Ogel Island, of course! Here, the good version of Ogel Island.
In fact, we have renamed this asteroid. We call it..."

Jun 21 2005, 04:56 PM

IC: Suddenly, a cannonball wized past the head in the hovercraft. "Drat!" it said. Not now!"
Then, it looked at the other citizens - an astronaut, a snake, a scorpion with the face of a
human, and a monkey - and shouted "SHOOT THE CANNONS!"
"What's going on here?" asked Frozeen.
"We are in war with our evil brother island, Ogel Island," said the head. "It has been this
way for a long time. Curse that Brickster! Curse that cruel place! Curse that - "
"Hold on," PBB interrupted. "You said that Ogel Island was this island's 'evil brother island?'"
"And the BB here are good?"
"Yes, why?"
PBB looked at Frozeen. Frozeen gasped. "You don't mean - ?"
"I don't mean what?"
"This island - it's called...?"
"I don't believe this."
"What is it?" asked Rebel Drone.
"The citizens here call this place..." Frozeen said,
"...Frozeen Island."
Jun 22 2005, 06:48 AM

IC: Everyone that was inside the Valesk was dead silent and surprised. Except of course for
Chompy, who didn't have a clue what they were talking about, due to the fact that he
couldn't see that floating right in front of him was a head inside a hovercraft. "What's the
silence?" the head asked.
"I-It can't be!" Frozeen insisted.
"Oh, but it is!" the head said. "Why do you think your BB are good? If they're good, they
can't possibly come from Ogel Island!"
"I know, but... Frozeen Island?"
"What were expecting this place to be called? Bafoomy Island? Nope!"
"Okay," Ice spoke up, "we know now that this place is called Frozeen Island, that's why
Frozeen's BB are good, yadadada, blah, blah, blah, but HOW DO WE GET OUT OF HERE?"
"How did you get here?" asked the head.
"Well, Frozeen tried to summon some BB," PBB explained, "the usual vortex opened, but
instead of BB coming out, our Valesk went in."
"Ah," the head said. "The reason why no BB came out is because for some reason, Ogel
Island is blocking that from happening. My fellow citizens and I are trying to break that
block. To get out of here, just TRY to summon BB. I promise you will go through the vortex,
back to Earth."

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 22 2005, 11:03 AM

Databoard thought about his options: be killed by Voltage, or try to escape and be
killed anyway. Voltage prepared to swing his saw. "Tell me, now!" He said. "Or
die!" Databoard could tell escape was not an option, he was not only stuned, but
he was being restrained by Robo Frozeen. "He left for OMF about four hours ago!"
Databoard shouted. This was in no way true, but it would stop Voltage from killing
him. Robo Frozeen threw Databoard aside, and the left along with Voltage.


Kotua in Space
Jun 22 2005, 11:37 AM

IC:Dr.Voltage walked back to his lab, along with Robo-Frozeen.

In the lab, they began rebuilding the other Robo-Agents.
"I hope Ogel is in a mood for visits."said Dr.Voltage jumping into a serpent like robot. robo-
Frozeen jumped behind him. The New Robo-agents set out to destroy the remaining agents.

after resting Databoard walked around. at one point he heard snoring. he looked around but
coulnd't see anyone. then he spotted a pair of feet. Data looked around, and picked up a
saw. he then walked towards the pari of feet, and pushed the snow out of the way. it was
just kotua, who was sleeping...
Jun 22 2005, 01: 04 PM

IC:The Drones tied up Data's arms, to make sure he couln't use anything to try to escape. A
SOL picked up the frozen kotua, and soon the Drones, frozen kotua, and Data were on their
way to OMF...

Jun 22 2005, 02:18 PM

IC:kotua was taken by drones to a mine below. they thawed him out, and gave him a
shovel. there were people, that werent drones. ranging from different types and ages. kotua
had to change his clothes for some gray ones without any sort of pockets, probably so they
couln't hide anything. drones were circling them, so escape was not an option. from what
kotua could gather, they were making a shrine for Ogel's brother...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 22 2005, 03:20 PM

Databoard ran across the frozen tundra, Voltage in close persuit. Databoard
struggled to outrun the serpent-like vehicle despite being in unbearable pain. He
ducked behind a ice covered rock, and Voltage zoomed by. Databoard waited until
he was sure Voltage was gone, then headed for AT HQ.


Kotua in Space
Jun 22 2005, 03:32 PM

IC:a while later, kotua walked out of OMF.

he walked towards AT HQ.
A few drones tried stopping him, but kotua sent missile thru their bodies with the bazooka
he had.
All he remembered was that Databoard, Frozeen, and Subzero were evil, and had to be

Jun 23 2005, 07:13 AM

IC: The Valesk stumbled through the newly made vortex. Right before the vortex closed,
the head in the hovercraft gave a small hint to Frozeen. "If you don't want to return to
Frozeen Island for a while, don't 'try' to summon more BB." The head then turned to look at
Rebel Drone, Little Bot, and Ice. A light flashed in the head's eyes. Then, the vortex to
Frozeen Island closed.
"That was something!" PBB exclaimed.
"What do you mean?" asked a confused Ice.
"Don't you remember anything?" asked Frozeen.
"The last thing I remember was Frozeen trying to summon BB," Ice said.
"Same here," Rebel Drone agreed.
"Beep boop!" Little Bot replied.
Frozeen and PBB looked at each other. "The flash in the head's eyes..." Frozeen realized, "it
was to wipe Ice, Rebel Drone, and Little Bot's memory of Frozeen Island out. For some
reason, it didn't want them knowing about it."
"Well, that's their problem*!" Chompy said grumpily. They landed the Valesk right next to
AT HQ. But, something told Frozeen that there was something dreadful waiting inside the

Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 09:04 PM

IC:kotua reached into his pocket, and pulled out something that looked like a dart. kotua
threw the dart, which flew so fast that Data nearly didn't dodge it. the dart hit a bed,
melting its metal frame. kotua reached for his backpack, and took out a small bottle., and
opened the lid.
"Looks like you've met your end"said kotua, throwing the bottle, which Data suspected had
Acid. Suddenly a fire bolt hit the jar. PBB, Frozeen, Ice, Rebel drone, little bot, and chompy
"Ha! even with your evil army, I can take on you and Databoard."said kouta at Frozeen.
"What?"asked Frozen confused
"I know your working with Ogfel to get rid of AT. But I won't let it happen!"said kotua
launching at Frozeen...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 09:37 AM

Kotua tried to kick Databoard, who jumped out of the way. "I'll kill you tratiors!"
Kotua yelled. Frozeen had the closest thing to confusion a General Evil body could
have. "What? I'm not a traitor!" He shouted. Kotua picked up his bazooka and shot
at Frozeen, who ducked out of the way. "Don't lie to me!" Kotua shouted. "I know
what you, Databoard and Subzero are planing!" Databoard leapt at Kotua and
knocked the bazooka out of his hands. Kotua kicked Databoard into a wall, adding
to his already bad pain.


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 09:52 AM

IC:kotua ran at Databoard, and kicked him again. Frozeen flew towards kotua, and with his
four hannds grabed kotua.
"You'll never get away with this!"said kotua.
Suddenly the wall was disintegrated.
"oh boy..."muttered Data.
"I'm back to destroy you! MWUAHAHA!!"shouted Dr.Voltage.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 10:04 AM

Voltage fired at Databoard, who jumped out of the way. Kotua magaged to free
himself and lept at Databoard. He ducked and Kotua went flying into a wall.
Voltage shot at Databoard, who lept out the way. Kotua got to his feet and lept at
Databoard. He kicked Databoard, who went flying into Agent Ice, who tripped over
Chompy, and they crashed to the ground. "What's going on, what's going on!*"
Chompy shouted. But Databoard of course didn't know what Chompy had said.
Databoard charged at Kotua, fliping him into the air. But Databoard was getting
worn out, and he was still in pain from the Drone's machine. He barely dodged a
blast from Dr. Voltage. "Getting tired, traitor!" He shouted and lept at Databoard.
He kicked him out of the way and avoided getting shot by Voltage.


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 10:11 AM

IC:The Robo-Agents flew in, keeping the other busy while kotua, Databoard, and Dr.Voltage
kotua kicked at Data, but he dodged, and then jumped as Dr.Voltage sent a electricity bolt
at Data. Data kicked kotua away, and lept at Dr.Voltage. Dr.Voltage flew back, and
Databoard landed on the floor. a claw hit Data in the head, knocking Data down.
"Now that I have gotten rid of Subzero, I will get rid of you!"shouted Dr.Voltage, who sent
the claw at Data again.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 10:21 AM

Just as the claw was about to come down on Databoard, Kotua grabed him by the
leg and flung him into the wall. "I'll kill you traitor!" He shouted. He began to walk
towards Databoard, but was blocked by Voltage's vehicle. "No, I'll kill him!" He
"No, I will!"
"No, me!"
"I have to kill him!"
"So do I!"
Databoard lept onto Voltage and tried to fling him of the vehicle. Voltage kicked
Databoard, who crashed to the ground. He got up, clearly in pain. He had been in
the machine almost two hours ago, but it hurt like he had just gotten out. He
avoided a blast from Voltage, and ducked out of the way of Kotua.


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 10:31 AM

IC:Dr.Voltage sent a claw towards kotua, and sent electricity through him, enough to make
him unconcious. he then dropped kotua.
"take this Data!"shouted Dr.Voltage, activating his machine guns, and opening fire at

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 10:40 AM

Databoard jumped out of the way of the machine gun fire. He would duck behind
whatever he could, and then he would run before his hiding spot was destroyed by
a blast from the Sonic Boom Blaster. Databoard was getting exausted, and he was
still in great pain. He ducked to avoid being shot by Voltage and hid behind a
medical cart. Voltage ddin't fired a sonic blast, but this time Databoard didn't get
out of the way in time. The medical cart slammed into him and crashed into a wall.


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 10:48 AM

IC:Dr.Voltage flew towards the medical cart. he then planted a granade on it, and left.
The Robo-Agents also left. Frozeen and the rest were confused.
Then the granade detonated, and the whole Medical wing was on fire, with the agents
scattered from the bomb. worse wasa Data who was stuck by the cart, and unconcious...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 11:00 AM

Databoard awoke, still in pain from the Drone's machine. He was starting to
wonder how long he would feel the effects of the machine, whwn he relized the
Med Center was on fire! Worse, he was trapped under rubble! "Help! Help! He-
*Cough**Cough*" Databoard yelled, but aecidently inhaled some smoke. He
slowly hauled himself out of the rubble and looked around. Frozeen, Ice and the
others were scatter throughout the room, trying to find a way out. Then he relized,
Kotua was still unconsious! Sure he was trying to kill him, but he was still a Agent.
Databoard walked through the burning room, trying to find Kotua.


Jun 23 2005, 11:17 AM

OOC: Let me guess, another grenade.

Databoard walked through the smoke. "Kotua? Kotua?" Databoard shouted, but
them stopped. He even if he was conscious, He would try to kill him. Databoard
soon found the unconsious Kotua. Databoard now relized he would have to find a
way out. He thrn noticed a Agent, His face hidden by a hood walking towards him
holding a fire extinguisher. "Oh good, a rescue crew..." Databoard thought.


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 11:25 AM

IC:The Drone walked closer to Data.

"Need help?"asked the drone.
"Yeah. I'm to weak to carry kotua. can you help"asked Data, coguhing from the smoke.
"First let me put out the fire near kotua."said the drone.
"okay"said Data.
The Drone raised his Fire extinguisher, and hit Data in the bakc of the head. Data fell to the
The dRone looked around, and started using the fire extinguisher, which actually had
gasoline. soon with the help of the drone, the AT medical wing, and the AT garage were on
Data awoke a while later. the fire was now on kotua's legs. Data still hurted from the head,
but he started slowly dragging kotua out of the Medical wing, and towards the snow, right in
the firing range of drones...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 12:19 PM

Databoard droped the weapon to the ground, and steped out from behind the rock.
"You got me, Drone." Databoard said. "I surrender." The Drone's that Databoard
hadn't shot surrounded him to make sure he didn't try anything.


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 12:29 PM

IC:Suddenly a fire bolt hit the drones ner kotua.

"What the?!"
PBB came runnign from the side of the lab.
Before the drones could react, Frozeen flew over the drones, and grqbbed Databoard. Ice
carried kotua back into AT HQ while PBB took out the other drones.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 12:40 PM

By now, the fire had been extingushed, and people were clearing out the burnt
rubble. Databoard looked at Kotua. He would wake up soon, and then he would try
to kill them again. They would have to figure out why he was trying to kill them.
Databoard figured it must have happened while he was at OMF, as he hadn't been
like this before. The only problem was he didn't know what had happened.


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 12:51 PM

IC:Frozeen tied up kotua, to make sure he didn't try to kill anybody.

Data had problems of his own. he still felt pain from the machine.
A drone lifted the machine, and hooked it up to another machine.
"So Ogel, sir, what we've found from agent Databoard is th..."...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 01:01 PM

Databoard looked at the now awake Kotua, who was struggling with the ropes.
"I'll kill you when I get out of this, traitors!" He shouted. Databoard ignored him,
as he still had to deal with the pain caused by the machine. It had remained very
painful for a long time, the pain should have subsided by now. Databoard tried to
ignore the pain, but that proved next to immposible.


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 01:17 PM

IC:kotua looked at Databoard.

"Traitor! You'll never get away with this!"shouted kotua.
Databoard ignored him, as the pain got more intense. Data felt like if he was in the machine
again. Data fell to the floor.
Somebody noticed this, and helped Data up.
"Whats wrong?"asked the person.
"pain...head"muttered Data.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 01:22 PM

Databoard could hear the person talking, but he didn't understand what he was
saying due to the intense pain. Everything was going blurry, and Databaord yelled
out in pain. The screaming echoed in his head, and he tried to get to his feet, but
colapsed to the ground, still in horrible pain.


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 01:38 PM

IC:Suddenly the pain stopped. Data tried to get up, but he coulnd't. he heard voices. Data
couldn't even see what was going on. he heard the voices more clearer.
"Databoard, Subzero, Frozeen, and Ice are planning to kill oyu.."
"...not...true"muttered Data.
"why didn't they help you hen you were in the fire? they weren't harmed."
"they didn't know I was trapped. they thought I got out safety."said Data.
"Thats what you think..."
"Theyre my friends!"said Data.
"They only help you becuase it would look suspicious if they didn't...think about what I
Then Data's vision returned. he no longer felt the pain.
"Are you okay?"asked Frozeen.
There were people looking at Data.
"Yeah. must have been some side effect from the machine Ogel's drones to use one me"

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 01:48 PM

Databoard wondered who that voice was. He had been in such pain that he wasn't
able to tell. He guessed it was a Drone trying to get him to betray Alpha Team. He
was still in pain, but it seemed less severe compared to what had just happened.


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 02:04 PM

IC:kotua looked around.

"So your going to make me starve? I'll never tell you of AT! Never!"shouted kotua.
people continued ignoring him.
"AT will rescue me! so its no use keeping me here! Drones!"shouted kotua.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 02:14 PM

Databoard sat in his room, staring at the wall. It had been about three hours since
he had been in the Drone's machine, and it still hurt. He was still wondering about
that voice. Had Kotua been put in the machine and belived the voice? Databoard
thought about this for a while, knowing the Drones had something to do with


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 02:21 PM

IC:"You think that by putting me in a oven I'll speak? Don'

t even bother..drone! nothing you can do will make me tell you what happened to Alpha
Team!"shouted kotua.
Data noticed kouta was sweating.
Now thats odd...thought Data.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 02:28 PM

"He's hallucinating..." Databoard muttered. "Kotua, you're not in an oven! You're
in AT HQ!" "Why should I belive you, Drone!" Kotua yelled. Databord could see
Kotua sweating even more. "Kotua, snap out of it!" He yelled. "I'm not a Drone!"
"I don't belive you!" Kotua yelled, struggling with his ropes.


Jun 23 2005, 02:34 PM

IC: "Okay..." mumbled Frozeen. He was trying to find out why Kotua was sweating and
claiming he was in an oven. And why Kotua was trying to kill Data in the first place.
Suddenly, a strange satalite-like object landed in front of him. As soon as it touched the
ground, it transformed into a mechanical, spider-like robot. Another satalite landed. And
another. It soon came to Frozeen that these satalites were not friendly at all...

Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 02:41 PM

IC:kotua looked around the giant oven. if he wasn't straped, he would have escaped. the
drnes seemed to have summoned some sort of robotic spiders.
"Fools! Robots and heat don't go together!"shouted kotua.
"Your the fool!"shouted data.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 02:47 PM

Databoard took out a laser. The spider-robots circled the Agents, as if preparing to
attack. "Heat melts robots!" Kotua said. Daatbaord turned around. "Quiet, Kotua!"
He said. Databoard then turned to face the spider-robots...


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 02:52 PM

IC:"Now feel the wrath of the robots!!"shouted the drone.

"no"said kotua.
the robots contrinued moving towards kotua.
"So you've made them heat resistant. so what?"said kotua.
"SHUT UP!"shouted the drone.
"too bad I'm in the oven, cause you can't come and fight me!"said kotua

Chronicler of KO-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 03:01 PM

"Haha! Can't get me in an oven!" Kotua said, as he seemed to be talking to an
imaginary ememy. "Will you cut that out!" Databoard shouted, annoyed by Kotua
unexplainable behavior. "Not so tough when you can't get to me!" Kotua said,
seemingly not heading Databoard.


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 03:13 PM
IC:the spiders came close to kotua.
"this is it?"said kotua, untiyng himself, and using the rope to trip the robots.
"No its your turn drone!"shouted kotua, charging at the drone outside the oven.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 03:40 PM

Databaord ducked out of the way as Kotua lept at him. "Die Drone!"He yelled.
Databoard kicked at Kotua, but suddenly, the pain started to intesify, and his
vision blured. "No... not now... not now!" Databoard thought, colapsing to the
ground. "They're going to betray you Databoard..." The voice said. "They're going
to kill you..." "No, they wouldn't!" Databoard yelled. "They wouldn't!"


Kotua in Space
Jun 23 2005, 03:45 PM

IC:kotua got up. he noticed the drone in the ground.

"Your loss!" shouted kotua, running away from AT HQ...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 04:20 PM

"Databoard, you know Frozeen, Ice, and Subzero are going to betray you..." The
voice said. "They want to kill you..." "No, they won't..." Databoard said. "Why
would they?" "Be careful about you're freinds, Databoard...." The voice said. Then
Databoard's vision returned to normal, and the pain lessened. He got to his feet,
and noticed Kotua was gone. "That's not good..." He muttered.

Jun 23 2005, 04:32 PM

IC: "Open fire!" a voice came from above. A sudden cannonball whized out of nowhere at
the spider-robots. It hit one, and exploded. Frozeen looked up to see a huge Ogel Airship.

Inisde the airship, one Drone was angry at the one who had shooten the cannon. "You're
supposed to hit the Agents, you bloody fool!" the Drone raged. "Ogel will be furious if he
finds out one of his own Drones destroyed one of his own weapons!"
At that moment, the cannon-shooting Drone smiled. He knocked out the other Drone. "It's
time that you come to realize who had snuck upon your airships!" Rebel Drone laughed. He
had snuck into the airship when he had saw it. Then, Rebel Drone took out a laser and
began opening fire on the other Drones.
Frozeen just barely dodged another cannonball, once again hitting the spiderbots. Why was
Ogel shooting at his own weapons? Then, Frozeen realized that Rebel Drone wasn't in sight.
He smiled. Rebel Drone had probably - and did! - snuck onboard the Ogel Airship.

Jun 23 2005, 05:07 PM

IC: Little Bot had also snuck on the Ogel Aircraft. Together, Rebel Drone and Little Bot fired
at the spiderobots. But, suddenly another wave of spiderobots appeared, crawling towards
the Agents. Frozeen shot a laser at one of the spiders, but the laser wasn't strong enough.
Frozeen smiled as he met an old "friend" of his - his small drill, of which he had used many
times. He began drilling into the shell of one spiderobot, and it was disabled. But, there
were more...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 05:13 PM

Databoard watched as the spider-robots aproached. He took out a laser and shot,
but the spider-robots deflected the lasers. Databoard looked up and down at the
attacking robots, searching for a weak spot. He soon found it, the joints had less
armor, to provide better mobility. He began shooting at the legs, trying to disable
the spider-robots. Unfortunatly, they would doged his lasers before he could cause
much damage.


Jun 23 2005, 05:24 PM

IC: PBB sent a energy-flame blast at several spiderobots, which exploded. One grabbed
onto Chompy with their deadly pincers, but Frozeen quickly got Chompy out of its grasp.
Then, PBB destroyed that spiderobots. Rebel Drone sent another cannonball at a batch of
spiderobots, but to everyone's surprise, they rolled up into a ball - deflecting the
cannonballs right back to Rebel Drone! "They're learning robots," Frozeen realized, "they
won't fall for the same weakness or trick twice!"

Jun 23 2005, 05:30 PM

IC: Frozeen just barely dodged another rolling Spiderobot. Then, it unfolded into its spider-
like form. It then began blasting lasers at Frozeen. "Boy, am I happy that these General Evil
bodies are almost indestructable," Frozeen mumbled as the blasts barely poked him. PBB
then blasted that one. "Be careful, they learn from their mistakes!" warned Frozeen. PBB
nodded, then attacked another Spiderobot.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jun 23 2005, 05:37 PM
Databoard leapt onto one of the spiderbots, firing lasers at it's head. The spider-
robot flung Databoard into a wall, before he could cause much damage. He got to
his feet, only to see a spider-robot attack him with it's pincers. Databoard ducked
and the pincers slammed into wall. Databoard reached for his laser, but he must
have dropped it. The spider-robot pulled its pincer out of the wall and turned
towards Databoard. "Uh-oh..." He muttered.


Jun 23 2005, 05:41 PM

IC: More Spiderobots came to Data. Pretty soon, Data was surrounded. Frozeen saw this,
and then quickly unfolded his wings. He flew over to Data, picked him up, then carried him
away from the Spiderobots. When they landed, they immediately resumed work. Someone
snuck up on Frozeen. That someone took out a long metal pole, and wacked Frozeen

Jun 23 2005, 06:51 PM

IC: Frozeen awoke somewhere else. There were a few skeletons hanging by chains, and the
entire place had a dark brick wall. He realized he was in some sort of dungeon. But, it didn't
look like the OMF dungeon. Instead of Drones, Frozeen saw people. Some, like he was,
were prisoners. Others merely worked here. But, where was he?

Jun 23 2005, 07:07 PM

IC: Frozeen knew that he - all four of his arms - was chained to the wall. He tried to break
the chains, without success.

PBB, who knew hundreds of languages, yelled "Dragonflies, we need your help!" in the
buzzing language of Dragonflies. In less than five minutes, a whole swarm of the
Dragonflies were there. "Be careful!" warned PBB as the Dragonflies flew towards the

Jun 23 2005, 07:35 PM

IC: The Dragonflies dove for the wiring in the Spiderobots' joints. They would break them,
then destroy the Spiderobot from there. "Just don't let them learn from their mistakes," PBB
constantly warned.

Frozeen fought with the chains even more, in vain. "You know," said one of the prisoners,
"you could tug on those chains all day and not get anywere." One of the people who worked
at this dungeon took out a whip and whipped Frozeen. Altough it didn't hurt as much as
when Cruncher bit him, it still sent pain through Frozeen.
"Where are we?" asked Frozeen in a whisper.
"The Snake King's dungeon!" answered one of the prisoners. "The old king was kicked out
by some strange guy. Ever since, the rules of this place have changed. Ice Snakes don't
guard these cells anymore, men do. The Ice Snakes now just do this new king's dirty work,
and -"
"Wait, you said the 'old king was kicked out?' You mean the giant snake?" When the old
prisoner nodded, Frozeen looked around. If the giant snake was gone, this whole cell may
have changed. When there might've been a route leading out of the cell before, it has been
blocked off.

Jun 24 2005, 06:31 PM

IC: "So, there's a new guy in control, instead of the giant snake?" whispered Frozeen.
The old prisoner nodded. "I don't know in detail, but it seems this man somehow convinced
all the Ice Snakes against their old leader. I don't know much other than that. I was a
prisoner for a long time, back when this team called AT was begining to form."
At hearing about AT Frozeen stood up. "You know about AT?" he asked.
"I've known for them for as long as I was a prisoner," the person replied. "For, right before I
was prisoned... I myself was a member of AT."

Jun 24 2005, 07:21 PM

OOC: Today, I bought the Alpha Team game!

IC: Frozeen just stared at the Agent, stunned. "By the looks of your face," the Agent said,
"it seems you too were once an Agent."
"Y-yes, I am!" Frozeen stuttered. "You're an Agent, too? Who are you?"
"Ah, I was Agent Kedalv," answered the prisoner. "My specialty was steath, since I was able
to move from one place to another without attracting any Drones."
"Kedalv," Frozeen said, "I seem to remember you. You were the commander of AT before
Dash was."
"Indeed I was," Kedlav answered. "But one day, I was going to destroy a few of Ogel's Orbs
here in the Antarctic, when a giant snake - The Snake King - captured me. It was only last
year this giant monstrosaty began working for Ogel."

Jun 24 2005, 07:27 PM

IC: A Spiderobot leapt at PBB. PBB responded in a energy blast. Suddenly, a shadow fell
over him. The nearest 3 Spiderobots quickly scampered away. PBB looked up to see...

The Snake King looking down at him. Before he could yell, the giant snake's tail grabbed
PBB. Then, with his prize, the Snake King slithered away.

Jun 25 2005, 12:42 PM

IC: PBB fought with the Snake King. In vain. When they finally stopped at the Ice Snake
hideout, the Snake King let go of PBB. "What is it you want?!?" PBB asked angrily.
"It issss," the Snake King hissed, "that I am no longer the ssssnake 'king.' A sssstrange
man came over one day, and convinccced ssssomehow my fellow ssssnakessss to turn
againssssst me. I'd wish I'd never have to rely on my enemy to do thisss, but you... you are
to go in there, and kill that man!"
"Why don't you?" PBB asked.
"Becausssse, when I tried to do sssso, my once loyal Iccce Sssnakessss would attack me
every time! My sssizzze makesss me eassssy to ssspot, while your puny sssizzze will keep
you from being noticccced! Walk through the dungeon, and then you should find thissss
man. Fail, well, better you than me!" Then, the Snake King laughed evily. "Go now!" PBB
reluctantly walked into the Ice Snake higeout.

Jun 25 2005, 01:03 PM

IC: "Get moving!" the Snake King yelled. PBB grumbled, then continued walking. He came
to a chamber, and saw that things had changed since the last time he was in this chamber.
Where there was once a statue of the Snake King, there was only a puddle. The lake had
been blocked off, but PBB guessed that was because of the VO of which lived in the lake.
Glowing crystals were now replaced by torches. And, not only were there Ice Snakes
laboring, but also men. PBB hid behind an ice block, looking for the dungeons.

Jun 25 2005, 01:11 PM

IC: PBB grinned. He found a sign that said "Dungeon!" on it. "Almost as if they wanted me
to find it!" he laughed. Then, he frowned. "Maybe they do want me to find it. Maybe this is a
trick." He began to turn back, but the Snake King's evil glare stopped him. PBB sighed, then
walked into the dungeon.

Jun 25 2005, 01:18 PM

IC: Every time a person or Ice Snake appeared, PBB quickly hid. The last thing he needed
was to be captured. When he entered the dungeon, he nearly gasped.

Jun 25 2005, 01:37 PM

IC: Frozeen gasped, too. He could see PBB at the other side of the dungeon. It seemed that
PBB wanted to get to the other door. "He'll never make it," Frozeen worried, glancing at the
guards. An idea shone into Frozeen's mind. Frozeen shook his head, trying to think of
another idea. But he realized that, as much as he hated this idea, it was the only way. He
looked at Kedalv. "Be warned," he warned, "this may be a bit dangerous."
"What is it you want?"
"To get PBB - over there - to the other door, where he wants to go." When Kedalv nodded,
Frozeen acted his plan. It was the only way to keep the guards from catching PBB by
distracting them. With one sigh, he yelled at the top of his voice. "LEPRICHAUNS ARE AFTER
He acted insane.

Jun 25 2005, 01:57 PM

IC: As Frozeen's plan was supposed to work, the guards got distracted. PBB's eyes widened.
What was Frozeen doing?

Frozeen continued acting insane. "Oh no, we're too late! The monkeys are locked up! The
cows have taken over the world!"
"Shut up!" yelled one of the guards.
"You don't have no love for the monkeys?" Frozeen asked. "Now, because you said that, I'm
going to make silly motions with my hands!" He began making motions with his hands.

What the guards didn't know was that Frozeen was actually speaking to PBB in Sign-
Language. What he was saying was "I'm pretending to be insane. The reason of this is to
distract the guards, so that you can continue what you're doing!"
PBB nodded, and began sneaking across the dungeon.

"Shut up, you fool!" yelled a guard, pointing his spear at Frozeen.
Just try to stab me, it'll never even pinch me!, Frozeen thought. He continued his insanity.
"Yum! An Ice Cream cone!"

Jun 25 2005, 02:18 PM

IC: Then, Frozeen "accedently" kicked away the spear, to make sure that Kedalv didn't get
hurt. "No! My Ice Cream Cone fell on the floor! Oh, well, can you give me a slinky?"
"What in the bloody world is wrong with you?!?" screamed the guards.
"No slinky? Then I'll have a taco!" yelled Frozeen, who was waiting for PBB to get to the
other side of the dungeon.

Jun 25 2005, 02:37 PM

IC: PBB was about to open the door, when he hesitated. Frozeen needed to be freed, and if
the new King of Snakes could have beaten the former Snake King, how could 1 BB - fire and
energy powers or not - beat him? PBB then turned around, and attacked at the guards.

Jun 25 2005, 02:54 PM

IC: PBB's sudden ambush hit the guards with the element of surprise. When all the guards
were killed, PBB looked at Frozeen. "Time to go!"
"Thanks, PBB!" Frozeen answered. Then, PBB grabbed the keys from one of the fallen
guards, and set free Frozeen. "Oh, PBB, meet Kedalv," Frozeen introduced.
"Kedalv?" repeated PBB. "The original founder of AT?"
"Yep!" Kedalv answered. PBB then smiled, and set free Kedalv.
"What about me?" asked one of the prisoners.
"Well, a good deal of the prisoners here are good, and I believe that some of them are AT
Agents," Kedalv said. "It's alright to set them free." Soon, all the prisoners were freed.

Jun 27 2005, 07:11 AM

IC: Frozeen, PBB, Kedalv, and the prisoners opened the door. They saw a giant, golden
throne. Sitting on it was a person wrapped in green robes. He also wore a crown. "WHO

Kotua in Space
Jun 28 2005, 08:40 AM

IC:kotua looked up, as two claws flew for both agents.

since both were already exsausted(sp?), it was easy to catch them.
"Now, you will tell me everything of AT, or else!"said Dr.Voltage.
"Not this.."muttered Data.
"why are you obsessed with destroying us? why can't you attack Ogel or something?"said
"wow, you left him speechless."said Data
Dr.Voltage dropped them, and took off, speechless.
"Lets get to AT HQ before he changes his mind."said Data.
"Good Idea."said kotua

Jun 28 2005, 09:51 AM

IC: When the Lord of Snakes realized that he was looking at escaped prisoners, he roared in
rage. "Guards! Guards!" he yelled. Immediately, Ice Snakes and other guards came rushing
into the room. The Ice Snakes were ready to shoot ice, while the other guards were pointing
their spears at the former prisoners. Frozeen, PBB, Kedalv, and the other AT Agents got
ready to fight, while the prisoners that weren't ever AT Agents cowered behind the Agents.

Jun 28 2005, 10:50 AM

IC: The Lord of Snakes didn't even notice the Agent's positions. He didn't even care. "Just
let them try," he mumbled to himself, "they'll never get past my guards."

Jun 28 2005, 03:51 PM

IC: While Rebel Drone and Little Bot continued shooting at the Blade Bugs...

Frozeen, PBB, and Kedalv were whispering a plan. "I always seem to like the element of
surprise," Frozeen whispered, "since I find it as a very powerful tool."
"So, if we make a sudden attack," PBB continued, "then it will be easier to make a run for
"And maybe we could make the Ice Snakes shoot wildly if we move fast enough," Kedalv
continued, "so wildly that it will hit another guard!"
"ENOUGH TALKING!" yelled the Lord. "Kill them before they make a plan!" Just as the
guards and snakes lurched foward...

Jun 29 2005, 10:57 AM

IC: PBB responded in an energy-fire blast, Frozeen in a kick that was strong enough to hurl
12 of the guards across the chamber, and Kedalv punched at the guards. Sure enough, the
element of surprise was enough to startle the guards and Ice Snakes. Then, the other
prisoners that were former AT Agents joined in the fight. All the while the Lord of Snakes
was yelling to the guards to "Stop standing there!" and "Kill them!" Frozeen grabbed one of
the guard's swords, threw it in the air, cut the rope that held the chandliar firm, and
performed one of the oldest stop-the-guards-with-a-chandiliar tricks in the book - having
the chandeliar fall on top of them. PBB gave Kedalv a laser, since the punches may not hold
out for long.

Jun 29 2005, 11:30 AM

IC: The Snake King had heard the conflict going on inside the hideout from outside. He
listened as carefully as he could. Suddenly, the giant snake realized there was a hole in the
wall. He put his eye to it and watched the conflict.

Jun 29 2005, 11:50 AM

IC: All the guards and guard Ice Snakes were down. Now the Lord of Snakes was furious.
"How dare you!" he yelled. "I may not have ice powers like that former fool that called him
the Snake King, but I do have this!" He picked up a staff. Immediately, lightning came out
of it, barely missing Frozeen. Electricity shot again, almost hitting Kedalv and anther
prisoner. The next lightning blast actually hit a prisoner.

Jun 29 2005, 12:26 PM

IC: "Look out!" Frozeen yelled, but it was too late. A electricity bolt hit PBB. After a long
series of BZZ!s and PFSS!s, PBB fell over. "PBB..." Frozeen whispered simpificly (sp?).
Taking advantage of the prisoners' distractions, the lightning staff hit several other

Jun 29 2005, 02:27 PM

IC: Outside the lair, the Snake King was as furious as the Lord of Snakes. "They came this
far," he mumbled, "and now the fools have to fail?!? Whether they're already dead or not, I
killing the Lord of Snakes myself!" Then, he began to batter the lair.

Jun 30 2005, 09:12 AM

IC: But, something caught the Snake King's eyes - a couple of Drones were entering the

When the Drones entered the chamber that everyone else was in, they pointed their lasers
at the Lord of Snakes. "Step down, you fool!" one Drone said. "You have not been obeying
Ogel's rules!"
"Ogel, shmogel!" the Lord laughed. "I will never follow HIS rules!"
"At least the Snake King did - " the Drone never finished his sentence. At mention of the
late Snake King, the Lord of Snakes zapped the poor Drone with electricity.
"Those who are an enemy of Ogel must be terminated," a third Drone said, looking at the
second Drone's dead body.
"You can just tell Ogel I don't need a fool like him!"
"Ah," the third Drone said, "but this is not Ogel's orders."
"Not Ogel's orders?" repeated Frozeen, confused.
"Yes," said the first Drone, "this order came - no, comes from General Evil himself!"

Jun 30 2005, 09:38 AM

OOC: Happy Day-Before-Birthday to Kotua!

IC: The Snake King lost his patience. He began rattling and battering the lair.

Inside, the ceiling was begining to collapse. One unlucky prisoner got hit by a falling rock,
while one of the Drones tripped over another rock. Frozeen grabbed PBB's stiff body to
avoid having him getting crushed by a boulder. Kedalv, with amazing agility, dodged the
falling chunks of ceiling with ease. But, the Lord of Snakes tripped over his own green robe,
and that became a fatal error when a rock fell on him.

The Snake King saw this, and laughed. Then, he slithered through the newly made hole in
the ceiling. "I know reclaim my colony of Icccce Ssssnakes!" he hissed, as the Ice Snakes
became once again loyal to him. "Now, thankssss AT Agentssss for returning me to my
proper placccce. Now... KILL THEM!" At his order, the Ice Snakes began chasing after
Frozeen (who was carrying PBB), Kedalv, and the few still surviving prisoners.

Jun 30 2005, 12:48 PM

IC: All the former prisoners thought they were doomed. Frozeen thought that PBB was
slowing him down and draining his energy. Kedalv wasn't as fast as he was back when he
founded AT. And the others, well, just weren't quick. The Ice Snakes and Drones gained on
them. They saw the entrance, and bolted out of it. Frozeen, being the last one out,
slammed on the "CLOSE AND LOCK DOOR" button, hoping to delay the Ice Snakes.

Jun 30 2005, 02:12 PM
OOC:Sorry I was gone so long,and Happy Birthday to Kotua!!!!

Viper piloted his blue eagle out of the hanger.He had seen The King of snakes furius but he
had seen something worse,ICE PHANTOMS!Viper remembered that Ice Phantoms are people
Ogel cloned,turned into Phantoms,and put very strong armour and a cape with a hood so it
gave them the appearace of a Ring Wreith.Viper knew that Ogel had became friends with
the King of Snakes,King of The Scorpoins,and King of The PHANTOMS!

The ice snakes stopped at the door delayed and sadly went back to the King of Snakes.Just
then a horde of Ice Phantoms run out the door going clear through it.Frozeen stoppedand
turned around."Oh no"

Jun 30 2005, 02:34 PM

Viper dodged the blade bugs and saw them coming back at him.Down below in the canyon
he saw Frozeen fighting Ice Phantoms.Viper pushed Auto Pilot and jumped into the luggage
department.He rummaged through a pile of guns."Pullet Gun,Machine Gun,M16,"Viper
muttered until he found what he was looking for....A Rocket Launcher!!!
Viper put a hydrogen bomb in the launcher and launched an Blade Bug dodged it but not for
his friends.All the other Blade bugs blew up and when the Blade Bug saw he was alone it fell
down too."Yes!"Viper shouted only to atract a swarm of Blade Bugs.
"Great,"Viper said and launched a hydrogen bomb.Only to not see an Ice Ninja climb on
bord of his Blue Eagle......

Jun 30 2005, 02:46 PM

IC: "They're phantoms!" Dekalv realized. "We can't fight them - we'd be fighting for naut!"
"So I see," Frozeen said. "That means Plan B... RUN!" They began running, but they found
someone that Frozeen, PBB, and Chompy all thought to be dead. They were looking straight
into the eyes of...

OOC: Okay, don't do anything involving Frozeen, Dekalv, or the figure.

Jun 30 2005, 05:45 PM

IC: Heh, heh, heh... Oh, nice avatar change!

IC: "Hello again!" General Evil smiled evily.

"Y-You're dead!" Frozeen stuttered.
General Evil's mirk grew. "You didn't think that I would doubt that somehow you would
defeat me, did you? Ogel and I know too much about AT, and we know that even when we
think that they could die at last, something would go wrong, like when I killed you, I
thought you wouldn't go wandering through OMF and found the General Evil bodies! So, I
hypnotized a former AT Agent into thinking he was me, in case that you would defeat 'me,'
as you did."
"Who's he?" asked a confused prisoner.
"I am General Evil, Ogel's own brother!" General Evil answered.
"You don't look like him," the prisoner backtalked.
"Shut up!" General Evil said. "Or you'd wish you'd never been born!"

Jun 30 2005, 06:01 PM

IC: Kedalv grabbed a snowball, and threw it at General Evil. General Evil ducked, which was
all the time the former prisoners needed to escape. But, General Evil wasn't far behind...

Jun 30 2005, 06:12 PM

OOC: I'm just going to make up an answer, Kotua. The machine he used to hypnotize the
unlucky Agent was later destroyed.

IC: Frozeen saw an empty TT in the distance. "There's a TT ahead!" Frozeen told Kedalv. "If
we can continue to outrun General Evil, then we can hop inside and make a quick drive to
"Good idea," Kedalv answered.
"You won't make it!" yelled General Evil, who was gaining on them.

Jun 30 2005, 06:35 PM

OOC: Well, let's just say he captured the Agent, hypnotized the Agent using the machine,
with him at the controls, killed the Agent, then had a "clone" of himself.

IC: Frozeen, Kedalv, and the remaining prisoners ran as fast as they could, but General Evil
was still gaining. At last, they reached the TT. Frozeen was at the controls. "Now, let's get
out of here before General Evil catches up!" he said, pushing the TT to its top speed.

Jul 1 2005, 09:29 AM

OOC: Happy birthday to Kotua, cha, cha, cha! Happy birthday!

IC: General Evil was, even with both powerful legs AND wings, not quick enough to catch up
with the speeding TT. "I'll get you next time!" he yelled.

Jul 1 2005, 03:36 PM

IC: When they reached safety, Frozeen looked at PBB, who still wasn't moving. "What's
wrong with him?" asked Frozeen.
"The electricity must have over charged him," Kedalv said.
"Well, we have to help him," Frozeen said.
Finally, PBB gave a sign of movement. Then a cough, and he opened his eyes.

Jul 2 2005, 02:34 PM

IC: "PBB, are you okay?" asked Frozeen.

"No, I am not," PBB answered, coughed, and wheezed. "That electricity blast was enough to
overcharge me, and I think my life will be... short."
"Wait, couldn't you just -" Frozeen didn't need to finish.
"There's a difference," PBB explained. "You're human. I'm... BB. Humans have ghosts. BB
don't. I think, this will be my last day of... seeing this... world..."
"No, PBB, don't!" Frozeen urged.

Jul 2 2005, 08:20 PM

IC: "When I was stabbed by the Dark Knife, there was a cure," Frozeen said. "Are you sure
there isn't a way to help you?"
PBB's speaking - and breathing - was growing lower. "No... unless.. you... can rebuild my
innerworkings... before... I - "
Frozeen snapped his fingers. "That's it! I'm going to fix your innerworkings!"
"But... my time... is... growing... short... so you... might fail..." PBB gasped, not because he
was scared, but because his breath was becoming dangerously slow.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Jul 3 2005, 10:24 AM

"It can't be them..." Databoard thought as the jets came closer. "It's imposible."
Databoard could think that as much as he wanted, but they were here, flying
towards him. He was so distracted he was nearly hit by a BladeBug, but he dodged
it in time. Databoard had discussed his past with no one, other then the fact he
worked at the Drome before coming to Alpha Team. The jets continued they're
aproach, easily avoiding whatever BladeBugs tried to attack them. Databoard saw
Kotua and Mirage leave, but Viper remained. Databoard had wanted to keep this a
secret, but it was about to be revealed...

Don Harra, a top agent of MSO (Missions & Special Operations), sat in the main
briefing room. This was several years before the formation of Alpha Team. MSO
was the AT of it's time, working in secret to keep peice. But now he had
discovered a dark secret, one that could be the ruin of MSO. He had caugt the
agency's leader, Jake Silon, collaberating with they're enemies. The only trouble
now was making the other head agents, Greg Rockman, Sandy Risan, and Bill
Dillun belive him. "That's crazy!" Greg said. "He has no reason to betray MSO!"
"He's gone mad with power." Don said. "MSO gets to do what it want's, and the
goverment has to sit back and stay safe." "More like you've gone mad with power,
Dan." Said Jake, stepping into the room. "You want them to betray me, so you can
take over." The other three Agents looked shocked, but Dan was angry. "That's a
lie!" He shouted "I woul-" "He made up the story about me helping out enemies so
you would get rid of me." Jake continued not listening to Dan. "That way he could
take over!" The others stared at Dan in suprised, beliving the lies Jake told them.
"Dan stood up and glared at Jake. "You can tell them whatever lies you want." He
muttered. "I'm quiting the MSO" He stormed out of the MSO HQ, but not before he
sent a message to the goverment about the traitorous Jake. They soon cut MSO's
funding, and the organization was belived gone. Dan began working in the Drome
for several years, until he became Alpha Team Agent under the codename
'Databoard'. He had belived to have seen the last of MSO, but he now knew he was
very wrong.


Jul 4 2005, 12:44 PM

IC: "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" asked Kedalv. Frozeen was already at work
fixing PBB's innerworkings.
"Relax, Kedalv," assured Frozeen. "If I didn't know what I was doing, then PBB would never
have been built!"
"YOU built him?" asked Kedalv.
Frozeen nodded. "After studying BB for days on end, I decided to create a BB that had fire
powers and could comunicate with me. So, I built PBB. His talking was originally annoying,
but he got less annoying the more he learned."
"You said PBB had fire powers," Kedalv said. "But, I've seen him doing energy-fire blasts.
Where did the energy come from?"
"According to PBB and Chompy," Frozeen explained, "PBB was hit by a bolt of energy,
upgrading him."

Jul 4 2005, 04:47 PM

IC: Frozeen was working at rapid pace. PBB had to be saved. But, even with all four of his
hands working at top speed, PBB's time was slowly ticking away...

Jul 5 2005, 10:05 AM

IC: Frozeen had found that most of PBB's parts were burned. "No wonder he's having
trouble functioning," Frozeen said to himself. He replaced one burned part with a new part,
then another and another. If it wasn't for the fact that the Lord of Snakes was already dead,
Frozeen would've killed him until he couldn't be killed any further.

Jul 5 2005, 10:31 AM

IC: At last, PBB was repaired. Frozeen closed the latch, and asked PBB, "How do you feel?"
"Better than before," PBB answered. "I might need some rest before I do anything else."
Jul 5 2005, 10:49 AM

IC: Meanwhile, Chompy's vision had returned - a little. "Finally*," Chompy grumbled.
Rebel Drone smiled. "It seems the only thing you gained out of this was grumpiness and
"Bepity bo bep!" Little Bot agreed.
"Ah, shut up*!" Chompy growled. "I have not grown grumpy and sarcastic*!"
"Then what are you doing now?"
Chompy stared, then blushed. "Maybe I have*..."

Jul 5 2005, 11:01 AM

OOC: AT Guinea Pig?

IC: Rebel Drone landed the Ogel Airship nearby a cave. Suddenly, a bunch of Droens rushed
out of the cave, pointing lasers at the captured Airship. One Drone with a Megaphone called,
"We have you surrounded for rebeling against Ogel and capturing one of his airships!
Surrender yourselves or die!"

Jul 5 2005, 11:15 AM

IC: "You're forgetting one option," Rebel Drone smiled. Chompy tried to find the "Launch
Cannon" button, but accedently pressed the "Lift into the Air" button...

Jul 5 2005, 12:43 PM

IC: "I thought you said you can see again!" Rebel Drone grumbled, trying to evade the
lasers while looking for the cannon button.
"I can*," Chompy growled back, "I just can't see clearly*!"
"Beep bo be!" Little Bot beeped, pointing to the button. Rebel Drone ran to it, ready to
attack the Drones.

Jul 5 2005, 12:59 PM

IC: Chompy stalked off to the back of the Ogel Airship. He was completely useless without
his vision. "When I get my claws on that Drone who blinded me*..." Chompy growled, "it'll
wish it was never born*!"

Rebel Drone and Little Bot were doing well, until General Evil appeared with a fresh army of
Drones. "This is not good at all," Rebel Drone muttered. "Where's AT when you need them?"

Jul 5 2005, 01:09 PM

IC: Frozeen and PBB ran out into the tundra. Strange things were going on, Rebel Drone's
Ogel Airship - and with it, Rebel Drone, Little Bot, and Chompy - had disappeared, AT
Agents being captured, and General Evil still on the loose. Frozeen still hadn't told PBB
about General Evil's return.

Jul 5 2005, 01:15 PM

IC: Rebel Drone sent a S.O.S. to Frozeen. "I pray he gets this..."


Jul 5 2005, 01:45 PM

IC: Frozeen received the message. "Rebel Drone, Little Bot, and Chompy are in trouble!" he
told PBB. "This isn't good at all!"
"At least General Evil isn't here anymore," PBB said ignorantly.
Frozeen sighed. "PBB, I've got to tell you something about General Evil..."

Jul 5 2005, 01:59 PM

IC: Frozeen couldn't tell PBB about General Evil, for that the sight that they saw next
stopped him from continuing. Rebel Drone's Airship was under attack by a bunch of Drones.
It was a very strange sight, seeing an Ogel vehicle attacked by Drones.

Jul 5 2005, 03:58 PM

IC: Frozeen grabbed four lasers, and PBB readied his energy-fire blasts. Then, they charged
at the army of Drones. That took the Drones by surprise, not expecting to have someone
else join in the fight. And if the Drones weren't expecting anyone else to join the fight, they
were wrong. The Dragonflies began attacking the Drones, forcing them to retreat.
"Strange," Frozeen wondered, "I haven't seen General Evil anywhere - " Suddenly, he was
hit in the face by General Evil.
"You fool!" General Evil smirked. "Even you can't defeat me!"

Jul 5 2005, 04:33 PM

IC: Frozeen looked around - to find PBB nowhere in sight. "Looking for that purple-headed
fool?" asked General Evil. Then, he began to mock Frozeen. "Oh, help! Big scary thing in
front of me! Help! I need the help of some guy who's absolutely stupid! Hoo, hoo hoo!"
"Shut up," muttered Frozeen.
General Evil stopped mocking. "You're going to have to be taught a little respect," growled
General Evil. With just one hand, he picked up Frozeen.

Jul 5 2005, 05:02 PM

IC: Suddenly, a Drone ran by General Evil and Frozeen. Instead of the other Drones, it was
wearing a black hat and was pushing a red handcart. The Handcart Operator Drone. "Out of
my way," it said quickly, "very busy, must carry this handcart, must carry supplies, out of
my way..." It continued, and rammed right into Frozeen, carrying him on the handcart. The
Drone stopped to laugh, then carried the handcart all the way to OMF.

Jul 5 2005, 08:09 PM

IC: Frozeen was all rolled up in a ball and was wacked hard by the handcart, which
explained why he wasn't trying to get out of the handcart. The Hancart Operator Drone
continued pushing Frozeen to OMF. "This'll be good," the Drone muttered.

PBB, back by the Ogel Airship, had his head planted into snow by one of the Drones. When
he got out of the snowdrift, he looked right at General Evil. "Frozeen, you've dropped your
cloak," PBB "helped."
General Evil smiled evilly. "I always knew you weren't that smart!" he said.
PBB's jaw dropped. "General Evil? B-But you're dead!"
"No I am not," General Evil answered. "It seems that even PBB, the 'super-smart' BB wasn't
even able to tell that the one that you killed wasn't me!"

Jul 5 2005, 07:58 AM

IC: When the Handcart Operator Drone reached OMF, it dumped its load - Frozeen - onto
the floor. Then, it ran through the halls. A few Guard Drones looked at Frozeen's rolled-up
and unconcious figure. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" asked one.
"It's that Agent again, Agent Frozeen!" answered another.
"What you reckon we do with him?" asked a third.
"You fool!" the second Drone scolded. "What do you think? Throw him in the jail cell, of

Jul 6 2005, 07:43 PM

IC: Frozeen untangled himself to find he was in a cell. The same cell he was in right before
he was killed by General Evil. "General Evil..." muttered Frozeen. General Evil probably had
captured him. The last thing Frozeen remembered was getting hit by a Drone carrying a
handcart, known as a Handcart Operator Drone.

Jul 7 2005, 08:41 AM

IC: Frozeen tried to remember as much as he could about Hancart Operator Drones. They
were quick, wore black hats, and carry red Hancarts. They don't stop when there's an
obstacle, so they will just ram into it and carry the obstacle wherever they go until they
empty their load. Which explained why he had been transported from out in the tundra to
here in the OMF cell. But, where was PBB? Chompy? Rebel Drone and Little Bot? He wished
that SOMEONE would get him out of this cell.
Jul 7 2005, 09:23 AM

IC: Chompy was poking through the back of the airship. His vision had returned a little bit
more, so he could read things better. Chompy came over an article discussing something...


I, Ogel, have been planning on doing something like mutate Dinosaurs to make them
rampage across cities and destroy everything. Unfortunately, this plan has come to a halt,
and now a stop. It has proven too dangerous, since by the time my Drones would get near a
Dinosaur carrying a "mutant orb," they would be eaten. To avoid this, I have stopped even
thinking of this plan. I will NEVER do it, unless of course someone else decides to steal my
idea and think of a better way to mutate dinos.

"Well*," Chompy said after a long moment, "I'm glad that THIS plan isn't ever going to
happen!" Chompy was right... for now. Little did anyone know that in 2010, Mutant Dinos
would be roaming the earth. And little did anyone know that... Ogel would NOT be the cause
of this...

Kanohi Takua
Jul 8 2005, 06:14 AM

IC: Mirage entered a hut located in a cliff. It was incredibly unlikely to find someone there,
let alone find evidence of life. But there was. Inside was Joey, a good friend and mechanic.

"Kai! It's been a while since we last met!"

"Yeah. I've joined the Alpha Team. I need help with something."
"Alpha Team, eh? You might have some fancy agent name..."
"Heh. So, what's the problem?"
"My mech's taken some serious damage. I hope you can fix it."
"Blimey! A mech! Some thing Alpha Team is."
"Yeah. So, you wanna have a go at it?"

OOC: Whoa. Some plot it is, PBS...

Jul 8 2005, 10:13 AM

OOC: Thanks, KanohiTakua!

IC: Chompy then walked back to the front of the airship, where Rebel Drone and Little Bot
were waiting. "There you are!" Rebel Drone said.
"What, you didn't go looking for me*?" Chompy snorted.
Rebel Drone shrugged. "We didn't guess that you would be in the back of the airship. We've
got a problem - no, TWO problems - Frozeen's captured, and PBB is battling General Evil."

Jul 10 2005, 10:58 AM

IC: Frozeen looked around in the cell. Last time he was in the cell, he couldn't find anything.
But Frozeen was different now. He found that one floor tile seemed rather... loose. Then, he
set to work pulling out the floor tile, revealing a secret passage. He hopped down it, hoping
that it led to a safer place than an OMF cell.

Jul 12 2005, 12:56 PM

IC: Frozeen followed the secret passage in the dark. What he later found was torches
lighting the hall, then what looked like burned equiptment. Finally, Frozeen surfaced to find
himself in a cave. "Where am I?" he asked.

Jul 12 2005, 02:55 PM

IC: Looking around, Frozeen realized he was not in a good situation. He was in an Ice
Monster Cave. Sleeping, the "men of ice" looked like giant snowballs made of ice. Frozeen
slowly and quietly crept towards the cave exit.

Jul 12 2005, 05:09 PM

IC: Frozeen was almost out of the cave when suddenly, he put his foot down in an incorrect
place. SNAP! All the Ice Monsters unrolled themselves and looked right at Frozeen. Frozeen
darted out of the cave, but before the Ice Monsters could follow, he smiled, and caved-in
the cave entrance. "See ya, stinkers!" he laughed.

Jul 12 2005, 07:09 PM

IC: Rebel Drone blasted a cannon at General Evil. He barely dodged it, but it almost hit PBB.
"Hey, watch where you're blasting that thing!" PBB said angrily. General Evil took that
moment to kick PBB's head off. As the body was looking for the head, General Evil escaped.
"Lost him," muttered Rebel Drone.

Aug 2 2005, 07:36 PM

OOC: I'm back! Apparently, I haven't got around to catching up, so I'm just going to take
some time to catch up after this.

IC: Frozeen had spent a blizzard that was raging for the past few days - perhaps a week - in
a cave. He only ate bread, and the water he drank was melted snow. Now that the blizzard
was over, he walked out of the cave.

PBB, Rebel Drone, Chompy, and Little Bot, meanwhile, had been remodeling the Ogel
Airship. PBB just couldn't stand the fact that is was looking like, well, an OGEL Airship, and
they knew that it wasn't strong enough. So, they remodeled it.

Aug 6 2005, 03:05 PM

IC: Frozeen looked around for the others. He only found an abandoned TT. Hopping in, he
drove around.

"Where are we?" asked Rebel Drone.

"I don't know," PBB answered. They hadn't found any sign of Frozeen. Even worse, they had
no idea where they were, since they couldn't find any other Agents for that matter. "Every
snow drift looks exactly like another. Not even my skills or Little Bot's sense of direction
could tell where we are right now!"
"Then what do we do?*" Chompy asked.

Aug 6 2005, 03:22 PM

IC: Frozeen noticed something similar about the TT. Then, it hit him like a donkey's kick.
This was his TT! "Glad to be back," Frozeen said, trying his best not to hug the TT's
controls... "But how did it get here?"
"To lure Agents such as yourself!" a voice yelled. General Evil lept out of his hiding place,
landing on Frozeen's TT. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Frozeen!" he said.
Frozeen grumbled, "General Evil," then grabbed a laser.
"Sweet dreams," General Evil answered. He grabbed what looked like a spray can, then gas
came out, choking Frozeen. Then he blackened out.

Aug 6 2005, 05:44 PM

IC: Frozeen woke to see a giant machine in front of him. General Evil was sitting behind it.
"Now, tell me AT's secrets," he demanded, "why you always get away, what is AT's
weakness, where are the AT vehicle weak spots, everything!"
"Never!" Frozeen yelled.
"Very well," General Evil said. He turned on the machine. Bolts of electricity shot out of it,
hitting Frozeen. He tried his best not to scream in pain. Finally, General Evil turned down
the energy. "Now, will you tell me?"
"NO!" screamed Frozeen.
"Warned you," General Evil said. Frozeen didn't have the time to say, "you never warned
me." More stronger waves of electricity hit Frozeen again.
"I... Will... Never... Talk!" Frozeen screamed.
"Very well," General Evil laughed, turning up the energy.

Sep 1 2005, 02:09 PM

OOC: Could someone fill me in on what's been going on lately?

IC: Frozeen used a certain moment to destroy the machine with a single kick. "Face it, Evil,"
he muttered, "our power is equal! To defeat me, you don't need some kind of machine!"
"Equal, you say?" General Evil said. "Really, I thought that mine was higher!" In one kick,
Frozeen was sent hurtling across the room, smashed through the wall, and was disappeared
underneath all the rubble. General Evil inspected the area, but couldn't find any sign of him.
Nor of any life. "Defeated, at last!" he said.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 1 2005, 07:27 PM

OOC: Well, Databoard went evil because Ogel erased his memories, but the device
was reversed and Databoard's memory was restored (Aside from the fact he can't
remember going evil). Several Drone's disguised themselves as doctors and blew
up much of HQ, so we're working on repairing it. Kotua seems to have gone evil as
well, and has currently been captured by Alpha Team.

Databoard got into his Ice Blade and drove of. He soon found himself where MSO's
base had been, now just a giant pit filled with water. He then noticed the MSO jet
that Agent Shadow and himself had used to escape the expolding base. He then
noticed something: there was a gaping hole where its anti-beam sheild generator
would be. Someone must have found it and salvaged it. And Databoard had a good
idea of who that person was working for: Ogel.


BZP Noob #30000

Sep 1 2005, 08:12 PM

IC: Phantom paid a visit to Kotua.

Phantom: So, you tried to kill us again.

Kotua: So? You can't kill me.
Phantom: That's what we'll see.

Phantom went to a radar room. He saw that some agents were missing... One of them was
called Frozeen.

Sep 1 2005, 08:28 PM

IC: Someone spoke at the Black Eagle's radio.

Databoard: Agent Phantom, please, come back. Ogel has anti-beam shield technology.
Phantom: I'm not going to OMF. I'm going to rescue a agent.

Sep 1 2005, 08:35 PM

"Phantom, Ogel has plenty of technology, he's gonna have anti-beam sheild
generators on half his Snow Crawlers by tomorrow." Databoard said. "You don't
have to head back to HQ, just keep that in mind. And what Agent?" "An Agent by
the name of Frozeen." Phantom said, and sped forward. Databoard kept close
behind, in case Phantom needed any help.


Sep 2 2005, 04:26 PM

IC: As soon as General Evil left, Frozeen sprang out of the rubble. It took a while before he
realized his cloak was missing. "General Evil stole it!" he muttered. "This was his plan - I
would get out of here, only to be mistaken for General Evil... again..." His red eyes almost
grew redder. He remembered how long it took last time to convince Data, PBB, and Ice that
he was not General Evil. No way he was going through that again!

Sep 2 2005, 04:46 PM

IC: "You're not making THIS AT Agent give up so easily!" Frozeen muttered. He ran out of
the chamber, looking around.

A Drone walked in that hallway. A noise made it look around, then it shrugged, continuing
walking. Suddenly, Frozeen dropped from the ceiling, crushing the Drone. Then, Frozeen
continued sneaking around OMF. He wasn't going to leave until he had his cloak back.

And taught General Evil a lesson.

Sep 2 2005, 05:28 PM

IC: Frozeen mainly crawled on the ceiling, which was easy to do with the General Evil hands
and feet. It was also the best way to avoid getting the attention of the Drones. Pretending
that he was General Evil wouldn't work, Frozeen guessed, due to the fact that General Evil
probably warned the Drones about him.

Sep 3 2005, 02:49 PM

IC: More and more Drones were running across the hallways. Some were just plain
guarding, while the rest were panic-strucken. Frozeen wondered what could be the cause of
the disturbance. If it was AT, then they'd be running towards the "scene of crime" to stop it,
not running away in fear. Frozeen did all he could do to avoid catching the sight of Drones.
He needed to find his cloak before he left, or he would be thrown into the nearest AT Jail
Cell, being mistaken for that no-good General Evil.

Sep 3 2005, 03:19 PM

IC: He found an empty chamber. The only on in the chamber was a Guard Drone, who
appeared to be asleep. Frozeen snuck into the chamber, quietly. But almost as soon as the
door closed, the Drone woke up. "Red alert!" he yelled. "Red alert! Frozeen is in here!"
Holes in the ceiling opened, and Drones hopped into the room. But the Drones seemed
rather... shaky. Their heads twitched, hands shook. Frozeen immediately reconized these
kinds of Drones. Lurcher Drones.

BZP Noob #30000

Sep 3 2005, 04:57 PM

IC: Data and Phantom ran to the dungeon. No one was there.

Databoard: If he's not here, then... Where he is?

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 3 2005, 05:04 PM

"They might have taken him somewhere other then the dungeon." Databoard said
after searching the room. "I can't think of anwhere other then OMF that they
would bring him to." They snuck out of the dungeon, careful not to be spotted by
any Drones in the area.


Sep 3 2005, 07:24 PM

IC: Lurcher Drones were the most devious of Drones, and also the most dangerous. "You're
u-under arrest, Fro-ozeen!" one said.
"How do you know I'm Frozeen, not General Evil?" Frozeen asked, trying to immitate
General Evil's voice as best as he could.
"What's your f-favorite fr-ruit?" asked another.
"Uh... watermelon?" Frozeen asked.
"Incorrect!" said the first. "You're F-Frozeen, and you're u-under arrest!"

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 3 2005, 08:03 PM

OOC: Favorite fruit? Can General Evil even eat if he's a robot?

Databoard and Phantom snuck down the corriders of OMF, searching for Frozeen.
"We've been searching for almost an hour!" Phantom whispered. "How do you
know they didn't take him somewhere else?" "Every Agent I know that's been
captured was taken to OMF." Databoard said. "Besides, OMF is a big place. There
are still a few areas we haven't searched yet." He said, as they headed down
another corrider...


BZP Noob #30000

Sep 3 2005,10:01 PM

OOC: If the Lurcher Drones are the most dangerous Drones, then why they're talking like
scared people?

IC: Suddenly, in front of them, a Drone appeared. But he was no normal Drone... He was
black. And the floor was freezing under his feet.

Black Drone: Hello, agents. Are you looking for someone?

Phantom: It's none of your business!
Black Drone: That's what I tought you would say. I guess I'll have to freeze you...

OOC: The black drone is a Super Ice Drone, from the SOL set.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 3 2005, 10:09 PM

OOC: Lurcher Drones arn't scared, just twichy. Why, I don't know, maybe they've
have to much caffine?

Databoard and Phantom leapt out of the way as a burst of ice shot from the
Drones hands. Databoard fired a laser at it, but it merely dodged and shot more ice
at them. They dodged, and fired back, but it evaded the lasers once again.
Databoard and Phantom then ducked to avoid more ice.


Sep 4 2005, 02:17 PM

OOC: Well, CoKK, remember, General Evil's NOT a robot.

And as for the twitchy Lurcher Drones, well, they twitch like that in the AT Game. Must have
something to do that they're the only Drone in the game that actually chase your AT

IC: The Lurcher Drones lurched (hence the name) at Frozeen. Frozeen jumped out of the
way just before two caught him. "G-Get him-m!" one yelled, and the other Lurchers charged
at Frozeen.
"So you want to play dirty, eh?" asked Frozeen. "Okay, then!" He kicked one Lurcher, who
was sent flying through a wall. He jumped again - and two Lurcher heads colided into each
other. Three down, seven to go.

BZP Noob #30000

Sep 4 2005, 06:38 PM

OOC: If GE is not a robot, then he is half robot, half organic like General Grievous?

Databoard: Phantom, if he is shooting ice...
Phantom: ...Then his weak point is FIRE! But where we'll get fire now?
Databoard: I don't know...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 4 2005, 06:44 PM

Databoard pulled out one of his laser bombs. "This might work." Databoard said,
handing Phantom his laser. "Keep the Drone busy." Phantom began firing both his
and Databoard's lasers at the Drone, while Databoard wrked to reconfigure the
laser bomb. After a few mintutes, he had rewired the device to emite a powerful
burst of heat. He leapt from his hiding place and prepared to throw the heat


Sep 4 2005, 07:01 PM

OOC: Well, Norik, you could say it like that... hmm, never thought of General Evil and
Frozeen like that...

IC: Frozeen lept out of the way. The Lurcher slammed right into the wall. "That's gotta
hurt," Frozeen muttered. He turned to face the remaining 6 Lurchers. They wasted no time
in running towards him.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 4 2005, 07:07 PM

the heat bomb exploded, sending waves of heat through the hallway. The Drone
colapsed, and slowly got back up to its feet. It tried to freeze them, but the heat
caused the ice to melt. "We'll meet again!" He shouted, and ran in the oppisite
direction. Phantom handed Databoard his laser, and they rushed off to find


Sep 4 2005, 07:17 PM

IC: Frozeen was ready for the attack. He used all of his six limbs to punch and kick, his
wings holding him aloft to allow him to use both legs to kick. Lurcher by Lurcher fell, until
there was only one standing. Frozeen smiled - almost cruely - as the Lurcher realized there
was nobody else to back it up.

Sep 4 2005, 07:25 PM

IC: The Lurcher ran off, screaming. Frozeen turned around to face the last Drone - The
Guard Drone. Although not nearly as devious as the Lurchers, Guards tend to be more
aggresive. And they always carry spears. This wasn't going to be easy.

Sep 5 2005, 12:45 PM

IC: Frozeen's plan was to remove the spear from the Guard's hands. He charged towards
the guard, who pointed its spear at him. At the last moment, Frozeen turned his run into a
slide, sliding under the Guard. Then, Frozeen jumped up before the Guard could turn around
and took the spear. Then, with little effort, he pushed the spear through the guard. Finally,
he went through the chamber the Guard Drone was guarding.

Sep 5 2005, 01:17 PM

IC: Data and Phantom came into a chamber where they found 10 dead Drones. One of
which there was a spear stuck through. "There must've been a battle here or something,"
Data guessed.
"Perhaps Frozeen was in here?" guessed Phantom

Frozeen found out that the chamber he was in was made up of icebergs floating in water.
No, SHARK-INFESTED water! Frozeen thought for a moment how he was going to get to the
next chamber. Flying wouldn't help, due to the low ceiling. Swimming was suicide,
obviously. And the icebergs could be unstable.

BZP Noob #30000

Sep 5 2005, 01:21 PM

IC: Data and Phantom found Frozeen trapped in a room. But they thought he was...

Data: General Evil!

Phantom: General Grievous?
Data: No, General Evil.
Frozeen: Guys, it's me! Frozeen!
Phantom: LIAR!

Sep 5 2005, 01:45 PM

IC: "No way I'm putting up with THIS stuff again!" Frozeen muttered. Then, he dived into
the water.
"That's suicide!" Phantom said.
"No," Data said, "he can't be killed by sharks."

He was right. Frozeen forgot about that fact, so not even a shark could eat him. Unless
sharks carried the most powerful bombs in the world! He silently swam to the other side of
the chamber. Ignoring Data and Phantom, he ran into the next chamber. If he didn't find his
cloak soon, then he would be captured very quickly, being mistaken for General Evil...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 5 2005, 01:52 PM

"We have to go after him!" Phantom shouted. "We can't let Genera; Ev-" "That's
Frozeen." Databoard said. "There's no way Evil could have remembered the last
time this happened. Besides, It not like we could get across..." He motioned to the
shark-infested water in front of them. "How about we ride one of those iceburgs?"
Phantom suggested. "Almost as sucidal as swiming across, but its worth a try."
Databoard said. They found a somewhat stable iceburg and got on it, slowly
headed for the other side...


Sep 5 2005, 01:58 PM

IC: In the next chamber, Frozeen found his cloak! Just as he was about to grab it, who but
General Evil had to appear. "I see you realized my plan," General Evil said, "but you aren't
going to have your cloak back!"
"That's such a stupid way to say that," Frozeen snapped back. The words were out of his
mouth before he knew it.
"Oh really?" General Evil asked. He was clearly smiling at Frozeen's confidence. Confident
Agents mess up worse than others. And one mistake was all that was needed...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 5 2005, 02:02 PM

The iceburg started to break. "This was a mistake." Databoard said. He flung a
grappling hook at the ceiling, and they were pulled off the iceburg as it colapsed.
They were now dangling above shark infested waters. "This is the last time I listen
to you..." Databoard muttered to Phantom.


BZP Noob #30000

Sep 5 2005, 02:17 PM

OOC: Cobra?

IC: After a while, Phantom and Data could jump to the other side from the ceiling.

Phantom: Let's go!

Sep 5 2005, 02:30 PM

IC: General Evil made sure that Frozeen knew that they were going to fight. But Frozeen
wasn't in the mood for a fight, much less prepared.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 5 2005, 02:34 PM

Suddenly, Drone's surrounded them. "You're not going anywhere!" One shouted,
and they all began firing. Databoard and Phantom ducked, and several Drone's
were hit by they're own lasers.The rest continued to shoot, and Databoard and
Phantom defeated them. But then more Drones showed up.


Sep 5 2005, 02:47 PM

IC: Frozeen tried his best to dodge General Evil's blows, but it wasn't easy. General Evil had
skill, speed, and balance. All of which Frozeen lacked.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 5 2005, 03:15 PM

Databoard looked at the Drones that surrounded him. Several attacked him, slowly
pushing him towards the edge of the water. Several sharks gathered below him,
waiting for him to fall into the water. Databoard fired at a group of Drones, who
ducked but they're weapons were destroyed. Several Drones leapt at him, but he
got out of the way and the Drone's fell into the shark-infested waters below.


Sep 5 2005, 04:33 PM

IC: "How old are you?" Frozeen asked, dodging one of General Evil's blows.
"72!" answered General Evil, lunging for Frozeen.
"You don't seem 72!" Frozeen replied, just barely dodging.
"I've had skill, practice, and more than you have!" General Evil said. "Plus, the General Evil
body makes me practically ageless! Why you ask!"
Frozeen's plan worked. General Evil had been distracted long enough so he could grab the

BZP Noob #30000

Sep 5 2005, 04:36 PM

OOC: 72 years old?

IC: Phantom and Data shot the other Drones.

Data: We're done here. Let's go look for Frozeen.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 5 2005, 04:54 PM

Databoard and Phantom entered the chamber, and saw Frozeen and General Evil
fighting. Actually, it was more of Frozeen dodging attacks from General Evil
"We've got to help him!" Phantom shouted. "Wait Phantom." Databoard said.
"General Evil is next to indestructable. There's no way we could fight him."


BZP Noob #30000

Sep 5 2005, 05:23 PM

Phantom: We can't defeat him, even with this?

Phantom took a small bomb from his pocket.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 5 2005, 05:32 PM
"I don't think that would help." Databoard said. "Are you sure there's no way we
can defeat him." Phantom asked. Databoard looked over what he had in terms of
weaponry. Aside from his laser and a few laser bombs, he had nothing. "We don't
have anything capable of fighting him." Databoard said.


Kotua in Space
Sep 5 2005, 05:58 PM

IC:A Reverse Blade Bug flew silently over agents Phantom and Databoard. It aimed its
reverser beam, and fired. It hit Data, turning him into a toddler. Phantom looked up a it,
and blasted it, but not before the REver BladeBug also fired at him...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 5 2005, 06:10 PM

OOC: Kotua, you are cruel. Cruel and evil.

"Great, what am I going to do!" Databoard thought. "Kotua's gone nuts, Frozeen's
in trouble, and I can't do anything about it cause i've been turned into a toddler!!!"
Right about know, Databoard was quite mad with Ogel.


Kotua in Space
Sep 5 2005, 06:36 PM

OOC:Mwuahahahahhaha*Cough*hahaha*Ahem*....sorry...but your still a Toddler in the

IC:kotua flew towards the location, to find Phantom, and a toddler.
What in the world..thought kotua.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 5 2005, 06:47 PM

OOC: I repeat, cruel and evil.

Databoard watched as the Robo Blade landed. The hatch opened, and Kotua looked
out. "What do we have here?" He said. "Shut up, Kotua." Phantom shouted, pulling
out a laser. "I'm getting really tired of you!" Databoard agreed with what Phantom
said, but didn't say anthing to Kotua.

Kotua in Space
Sep 5 2005, 06:52 PM

IC:kotua looked at Data.

"Looks like it'll be a while efore you can do anythinyg useful.."said ktoua, taking out a
Phantom fired, and kotua ducked.
Phantom fireed agian, and kotua fired back, knocking the weapon out of his hand.
kotua then aimed the blaster at Data.
"Any last words...kid?"asked kotua, trying to contain his laughter....

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 5 2005, 07:03 PM

Databoard rolled out of the way, and the blast hit the ground instead. He
continued to roll out of the way, ans was soon in front of the wrecked Reverse
Blade Bug. Kotua fired again, and hit the Reverse Blade Bug. It shorted out, and
fired a beam, which hit Databoard, reverting him back to normal. Databoard then
grabed his blaster and shot the half-active Reverse Blade Bug, preventing it form
causing more damage. He then turned his attention to Kotua. "It's payback time."
He muttered.


Kotua in Space
Sep 6 2005, 05:46 PM

IC:"Indeed Databoard. THats the last creation you will destroy!"said kotua.
THe ground shook, and a hovercraft popped out of the ground. ktoua jumped onto it, and
flew off. seconds later, ktoua returned, but on a giant, hammer wielding mech...

BZP Noob #30000

Sep 6 2005, 05:51 PM

OOC: Ditto.

Phantom: Any ideas, Data?
Databoard: Actually, no. Let me think...
Kotua: DIE!

Kotua in Space
Sep 6 2005, 05:57 PM

IC:all exits closed down, trappign them. ktoua laughed maniacally, and the mech swung its
hammer, nearly squashing DAtabnoard. kotua realized Phantom was still there, and fired
drone gas at him.
the cansiter hit te ground, and both agents ran as the gas came out...

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Sep 6 2005, 06:07 PM

Databoard ran as the gas cloud drew closer. Soon they were trapped at the edge of
the shark filled water. They had no other choice. Databoard pushed Phantom into
the water, and leapt in after him. Sharks came at them, But Databoard and
Phantom fended them off. Above, Kotua thought they have been devoured by
sharks and left. Phantom and Databoard swam down into a nearby cave and came
out in a tunnel. They walked off, trying to find a way out of OMF...


Kotua in Space
Sep 6 2005, 06:12 PM

IC:Despite being EVil, kotua still knew Data survived. Or at least felt it. But it was too late.
ktoua just turned the mech, and piloted it back to the hangar...

Sep 7 2005, 05:04 PM

IC: "Why, you little - " General Evil hissed. He lunged at Frozeen. But Frozeen, had
completed his mission, ran for it. He jumped back into the water. But this time, he had to
avoid having his cloak been chopped off by the hungry sharks. Nevertheless, he made it to
the other side.

Sep 7 2005, 05:20 PM

IC: Frozeen discovered that General Evil had quickly called the security. Drones were
everywhere, but by using the "climb on the ceiling" thing he learned that day, he didn't get

Sep 9 2005, 02:28 PM

OOC: Hey, welcome back!

I don't know where Ice is right now, sorry.

IC: Frozeen, before long, made it out of OMF. Then, a giant airship landed in front of him.
"Hey, buddy!" said a familiar voice. "There you are!"
"PBB!" Frozeen said thankfully. After he boarded the airship, he looked around. "Wow," he
said, "what is this thing?"
"The best name we came up with so far was... The PA!" PBB answered.

OOC: Yep, the PA that gets blown up by Kotua in 2010!

Sep 9 2005, 03:24 PM

IC: After the PA took off, they decided to go to AT HQ. "Hopefully," Frozeen said, "There
isn't any danger there..."

OOC: Ooh, how wrong Frozeen's going to be!

Sep 9 2005, 05:45 PM

OOC: You can't destroy the PA, otherwise there'd be nothing to destroy in the year 2010.

IC: Frozeen, PBB, and Chompy landed the PA near the ruins of AT HQ. "This is not good,"
Frozeen gasped.
"You think?*" Chompy snorted. Frozeen and PBB traded glances. Since when was Chompy
ever this sarcastic and grumpy?

Sep 9 2005, 07:02 PM

OOC: Yep, thanks CoKK! Can't wait till Kotua turns back good.

IC: Frozeen investigated the ruins of AT HQ. "How on earth could this happen?" he asked.
"I have no idea," answered PBB.
"Looks like there was a battle," Frozeen said. "Either that, or there's an AT Agent gone

BZP Noob #30000

Sep 9 2005, 07:05 PM

Phantom: Both would do. You are...?
PBB: AH! Don't scare me like that! Er, I'm PBB. That is Frozeen.

Sep 9 2005, 07:08 PM

IC: "Nice to meet you," Phantom said.

"Just an hour ago you tried to kill me," hissed Frozeen.
"Sorry," Phantom said. "I thought you were..."
"Go ahead!" Frozeen snapped. "Say 'General Evil!' See if I care!" PBB looked at Frozeen,
surprised. It was not like Frozeen to be like this.

BZP Noob #30000

Sep 9 2005, 07:25 PM

Phantom: Sorry! It's just that you both have the same body. If you had something that
differ you from General Evil... Like your body's color.

Sep 9 2005, 07:27 PM

IC: "That's why I was in that chamber," explained Frozeen, who suddenly calmed down. "I
was trying to get back my cloak, the only thing differring General Evil and I."
"Oh, now I see it," Phantom said.

BZP Noob #30000

Sep 9 2005, 07:38 PM

Phantom: But if you lose your cloak, then we'll think you're GE. You could use something

Sep 9 2005, 07:43 PM

IC: "That's exactly what I was doing," Frozeen said. "General Evil stole it, so I had to
retrieve it. Other than that, it's really easy NOT to loose it."

Sep 18 2005, 05:27 PM

IC: "Well," Frozeen said, "nice meeting you, Phantom."

"Nice meeting you, too," Phantom answered.
"Oh, by the way, which Agent was it that went evil?" asked Frozeen.
"Kotua," answered Phantom. "We have no idea what got into him, but he's evil."

Sep 30 2005, 04:52 PM

OOC: FINALLY! Kotua's good again! At least I hope...

IC: "Why did you get all angry like that at Phantom?" asked PBB as they were walking.
"I don't know," Frozeen said. "It's just like those rages I get sometimes. I can't control it... I
just... well, you know... feel as if... as if it's in my nature."
PBB shrugged. "I guess that's what happens when you are a brother to a villain,
'Brickstealer!'" he said playfully.
"Ah, shut up about 'Brickstealer' and Brickster!" Frozeen returned, just as playfully.

Oct 5 2005, 03:27 PM

IC: Frozeen, PBB, and Chompy continued walking. Rebel Drone and Little Bot were busy at
work adding on to the PA. So far, the amount of Drones and Ice Orbs were very low. They
had only encounted 10 Drones, and less than 2 of them had Ice Orbs. "Things have been
quite boring, lately," Frozeen muttered.

Oct 5 2005, 07:07 PM

IC: "Be careful what you wish for, Frozeen," PBB said.
"Ah, come on!" Frozeen said. "What could possibly happen right now?"
Suddenly, the PDA began to beep. A message from Adventure Island was calling. And it
asked for Frozeen alone.

Oct 7 2005, 06:26 AM

IC: "I don't like this," Frozeen muttered. "Not at all."

"What's wrong?" asked PBB.
"Something's funny here," Frozeen said. "If the S.O.S. was real, then why would they ask
for 'only me alone?'"
"Dunno, but you can't take chances on whether or not the S.O.S. is real," PBB said.
"You're the technology wiz!" scowled Frozeen. "You should be able to detect false S.O.S.s
from real ones!"

Oct 13 2005, 05:21 PM

IC: Frozeen checked the address. It was different from the one that Johnny Thunder had
sent many months ago. "Guess that answers our questions," Frozeen muttered. It was a bit
too obvious that the messenger was General Evil.

Oct 14 2005, 05:23 PM

IC: Frozeen, PBB, and Chompy found a tunnel. Curious, they entered it. Frozeen looked
around. It was dark, but his eyes - adapted due to the fact that they were those of a G.E.
Body - could see something in the far end. "PBB, can you shine your fire over there?" asked
"Done," PBB said, and a small flame lit up the place. Frozeen, PBB, and Chompy looked up
and gasped. There was a G.E. Body! But no ordinary G.E. Body.
Instead of the silvery color of the regular one, it was blacker than night. Replacing the
insectoid wings were bat wings. 6 arms, not 4, protruded from the body. A tail with spikes
at the end - something that CERTAINLY wasn't on the original G.E. Body - was also
attached. The most disturbing feature was that the eyes weren't red. They were a spike-
shivering blue.
Oct 16 2005, 06:31 PM

IC: PBB and Frozeen looked at each other; Chompy was still trying to figure out where they
were in the darkness. "Some other time," Frozeen said, "we're going to have to remove
this! But not now - we don't have enough people with us!"
"True," PBB said. Then, they left the cave, not realizing that when they would return a few
days later, the Super G.E. Body would be gone...

Oct 17 2005, 08:16 PM

IC: Suddenly, another message blinked on the PDA. Also from Adventure Island. "What, just
because I was part of the Johnny Thunder Fan Club means that EVERY SINGLE S.O.S. I GET
if from Adventure Island?!?" Frozeen complained
"Well, let's look at it," PBB suggested.

Oct 17 2005, 08:36 PM

IC: That night, Frozeen had the strangest dream. First, Rebel Drone died. Then, he had to
hide from some danger, his idenity covered by a dark cloak and shadows that would appear
within the cloak, as if part of the cloak. He called himself "The Phantom," not risking to
loose his idenity. Then, before he knew it, he was working alongside with a giant, perhaps
mutated T-Rex that spoke perfect English. PBB died, too. Chompy was fine, but much more
grumpy. And Little Bot... well, it might just be because his dream was wierd, but he wasn't
just a little can with limbs anymore...
Frozeen woke up. "Well, that wins the 'Strangest Dream of the Year Award,'" he muttered.

Oct 26 2005, 01:05 PM

IC: Frozeen, PBB, and Chompy had set up a camp. "Things have been WAY too boring
lately," Frozeen muttered (he has no clue of what Data and Kotua went through).
"You're telling me!" PBB groaned. "For once, couldn't there just be a whole army of Drones,
each equipped with a SOL and a whole lot of Ice Orbs?"
"I know, for once I'd be happy to see that," Frozeen said. "Plus, I haven't seen my buddy
Sub in the longest time!"
"Last you saw him," PBB said, "you were in your regular body. Now you're in a G.E. Body."
"Yeah, I last saw Sub not too long before first meeting that horrible General Evil."

Nov 21 2005, 07:44 PM

IC: Frozeen, PBB, and Chompy were spending their weeks trying to wish that a Drone Army
could at least attack their camp. But what happened was not expected. They had several
tents - each filled with supplies needed for survival. Frozeen woke up one morning to the
smeel of smoke. PBB ran into the tent, a worried expression apon his face. "We have to get
out of here!" he yelled. "Someone's setting our camp on fire!"
"A wild guess: General Evil," Frozeen muttered, but ran out of the tent. He saw PBB was
right. "Where's Chompy?"

Dec 4 2005, 10:52 AM

OOC: Could someone fill me in on what's going on?"

IC: "Right here,*" growled Chompy.

"Good," Frozeen said, "now let's get out of here!" He, Chompy, and PBB all hopped into the
TT and sped off.

Chronicler of Ko-Koro
Dec 4 2005, 12:40 PM

OOC: Well, since you're last post, MSO teamed up with Ogel, someone framed
Databoard for attacking Arrow, and now, Kotua and Databoard are captured on a
vessal out at sea.

Databoard looked around the jail cell. He didn't know what was happening with
Kotua, but he doubted it was anything good. He had an escape plan in case it was
nessesary, but he was hoping he wouldn't need it, as the chances of it working
were not the best. And he still needed proof that someone else had attacked


Dec 15 2005, 07:40 PM

IC: Frozeen was alone, and spying on OMF. He noticed something odd - there were strange
little posts that had what appeared to be trans-light blue sticks on top surrounding OMF. He
took out a laser, and shot at one of the posts. Instantly, a shield surrounded OMF, coming
out of the posts, and deflected the blast. "Amazing," muttered Frozeen.

Dec 16 2005, 07:41 PM

IC: "It's going to be no easy task getting into OMF's Transportation Center," he muttered.
Thankfully, the shield hadn't blocked him from entering the base. Now the hard part was
being able to find the Transportation Center.

Dec 16 2005, 08:54 PM

IC: "You.. are... here..." read Frozeen, reading a huge map, just like the ones at the malls.
"Teleport Station... Teleport Station... which one is it... Aha! It's Number 9! 9 is... over

Jan 1 2006, 05:09 PM

IC: Once Frozeen found the transportation center, he found three transporters. One was
wrecked, with a smashed sign above saying "Undersea Orb Factory." One was constantly
having Drones come in and out of, and he couldn't see the sign. The third was labeled "Ogel
Island." Frozeen's plan was to cripple the Drone Army by destroying the Drones coming out
of the second Transporter.

Jan 1 2006, 05:18 PM

IC: Frozeen stayed out of sight of the Drones by hanging onto the ceiling. Lately he'd been
doing that tactic, being that in a G.E. Body, it was easy. Using his blaster, he'd shoot down
the Drones.

Jan 2 2006, 09:54 AM

IC: After a long time of shooting, the pile of dead Drones was rather large. Suddenly,
Frozeen caught sight of something odd - there was one Drone still with a MDS helmet. And
it was still alive. He tried to aim at it, when the Drone suddenly turned around and shot at
him! Frozeen laughed, knowing that no bullet cought pierce a G.E. Body, but suddenly, right
before hitting him, the bullets expanded into nets, capturing Frozeen! "I am Drone Chief,"
the Drone said, introducing himself, "and you, Frozeen, will be taken to General Evil."

Jan 2 2006, 10:11 AM

IC: Frozeen tugged and tugged at the twine of the net with all his four arms and his legs,
but it wouldn't come undone. He groaned. Sooner or later General -
"We meet again, Frozeen," called a very familiar voice that Frozeen was officially tired of.
Out of the corridor stepped General Evil.

Jan 2 2006, 10:29 AM

IC: General Evil took out a laser and cut apart the rope, setting Frozeen free. But Frozeen
couldn't escape. "You and I have to talk," General Evil commanded.
"What this time?" complained Frozeen. "Now you're my Father? And Ogel is my uncle? Or is
it that Brickster has turned good and opened up a cookie factory?!?"
"None of them," Evil snarled. "Now, follow me, or you'll never see Alpha Team again!"

Victor Draven
Jan 7 2006, 10:14 PM
IC: "You may remember Agent Subzero?"
A flashback stood in his mind. Three Alpha Team agents stood and welcomed a cloaked
figure warmly into the base. He pulled off his cloak and started slicing them apart with a
long blade. Cryogen backed away on his knees, his arm bleeding horrifically.
The whir of his mechanical arm brought him back to life, and, through the leather gloves, he
could hear gears making his fingers move.
"I could never forget."
"He's Alpha Team enemy number two. And we need YOU to hunt him down."

Jan 8 2006, 09:09 AM

OOC: Horray, Victor Draven returns home! Boy, a lot has happened since you took a rather
large.... break.

IC: "You just think I'm going to sit here and let you take time away from me defeating your
brother?" Frozeen asked impatiently.
"Why yes," General Evil replied. "You see, I have to tell you something. Your dumb team is
doomed!" Then he laughed evily.
"Laugh all you want," Frozeen answered, "but I tell you. One day, you shall die!"
"So what?" asked General Evil. "Even if you kill me, Ogel will still live!"

Jan 8 2006, 01:54 PM

OOC: Well, we know for a fact that Dino Attack takes place in 2010. Everything else we
have to assume.

IC: "Alpha Team will see to that," Frozeen replied. "And I will see to your death. I swear, I
shall be the one to kill you!"
General Evil laughed. "That, my friend, is suicide! My weaknesses are your weaknesses!"
"I know," Frozeen said, and with surprising agility, he lurched foward, two of his hands on
General Evil's throat, the other two restraining General Evil's arms. General Evil was

I'd love to say that General Evil died right there, on the spot, and couldn't find a way to
return. I'd love to say that his treachory had come to an end then. But, alas, I can't write
what did not happen. It depresses me that I can't make up happy endings where they didn't
happen. But I have vowed to chronicle Frozeen's true story, and thus I have to tell the
truth, and General Evil did not die.

OOC: GRAH! Help, I'm going Lemony Snicket Style!

Jan 8 2006, 02:43 PM

IC: One of General Evil's hands was loose in Frozeen's grip, and immediately pushed an
alarm. An army of Drones appeared, and one shot Frozeen with a ray. The ray surrounded
him, imediately weakening him, and forcing him to let go of General Evil.

Jan 8 2006, 05:16 PM

IC: "You see," General Evil said, smirking at Frozeen, "you are just too weak to defeat me!"
He looked at the Drones. "Allow Frozeen to meet my new friend! The one that was better
than the over-grown grasshoper Cruncher!"
Then the Drones took Frozeen away.

Jan 8 2006, 06:16 PM

IC: "Oof!" moaned Frozeen when the Drones threw him into a pit. "This is it? Just a dumb
General Evil walked over the edge. "It's more than a pit, Frozeen! I'm sure you remember
"Cruncher... that creature of yours that looked like a mutant grasshopper that I eventually
killed. Yeah, I remember."
"Cruncher was too easy to beat," Evil said, "but here's a creature that you'll never be able
to escape from!"
That's when Frozeen was aware of two glowing red eyes also in the pit...

Jan 8 2006, 06:32 PM

IC: A snarl came from the eyes, and then a huge head emerged from the darkness, followed
by a mamoth-sized body, legs, and tail. It was very lizard-like, in contrast to Cruncher's
grasshopper appearance. Spines covered the creature's back and head. It's four long legs
ended in claws with talons. The tail ended in a stinger. Frozeen backed away from the

Jan 8 2006, 06:41 PM

IC: Then, there was another sound. A sound that started Frozeen, the creature, General
Evil, and the Drones: It seemed to sound like an active drill. Suddenly, a wall in the
chamber collapsed to make way for a Magma Drill. Frozeen, with a start, reconized the
Magma Drill as his own.

Jan 13 2006, 08:12 PM

IC: PBB and Chompy hopped out of the Magma Drill, which already shifted back into the
Tundra Tracker. "Did I miss anyone getting beaten up?" he asked.
"Err, no," answered Frozeen. "In fact, you're a bit early."
"Actually," General Evil said, grinning evily, "you're right on time! CHARGE!" Imediately, the
Drones surrounding General Evil charged at PBB. Then, more drilling was heard, and
another part of the wall came down to reveal a giant, insectoid vehicle. Rebel Drone and
Little Bot hopped out. "MOC," said Rebel Drone with a grin.

Jan 13 2006, 08:25 PM

IC: Then, the army of 4 charged at the Drone army. But frankly, with PBB's powers,
Chompy's maw, Rebel Drone's cleverness and Little Bot's... well, stuff that won't be
revealed in this RPG, they were a good threat to the Drone army. Yet in the meantime,
General Evil escaped... again. And Frozeen was still in the pit with the giant lizard-thing!

Jan 13 2006, 08:31 PM

IC: Frozeen fought the giant lizard with all four of his arms. 3 times he attempted to fly out
of the pit, but each time, the creature knocked him out of the air and back into the pit. PBB
was busy, Chompy was busy, Rebel Drone was busy... but Little Bot wasn't...

Jan 13 2006, 08:42 PM

IC: Little Bot ran back to the insectoid vehicle, grabbed some rope, ran back to the pit, and
threw down the rope. Frozeen grabbed onto the rope, and began climbing it. Unfortunately,
the creature was no dummy. Before Frozeen reached the top, the stinger lashed out, cut the
rope and knocking Little Bot off his feet, and both Little Bot and Frozeen plunged back into
the pit.

Jan 14 2006, 04:48 PM

IC: Frozeen and Little Bot repeatingly tried to stop the giant lizard. But the creature seemed
immune to their attacks. Even worse, Mini Crawlers (OOC: the vehicle in the Blizzard Blaster
set), carrying Ice Orbs, were swarming into the chamber.

Jan 15 2006, 09:39 AM

IC: The lizard swung its tail, and when it hit Frozeen, it gave him an idea. The creature's
body was warm - freeze it, and the monster may be stopped. Frozeen found several
disabled Mini Crawlers the PBB had pushed into the pit by accedent, took their Ice Orbs, and
hurled them at the lizard. It froze in mid-attack.

Jan 15 2006, 03:57 PM

IC: Eventually, the Drone army was defeated, and Frozeen and Little Bot escaped from the
pit. But Little Bot looked very uncomfortable about something.

"He says he has met the lizard that you two met before," Rebel Drone explained. "He knew
the creature for a whole 20 years, and they were friends. Apparently, it seems the lizard
has turned evil - "
"Wait, you said Little Bot knew the lizard for 20 years?" Frozeen asked.
"Yes, according to him," Rebel Drone replied.
Frozeen's eyes narrowed. "I thought you told me you invented Little Bot 5 years ago."
Rebel Drone paled, he let something slip.

Jan 15 2006, 04:02 PM

IC: "Okay," Rebel Drone said, "the truth is... I didn't invent Little Bot at all. 5 years ago,
when I began rebeling against Ogel, he just walked out of nowhere, and we teamed up. I
have no idea of his past; he never told me."
"Strange," Frozeen muttered.

Jan 22 2006, 08:32 AM

IC: Frozeen and PBB were scouting ahead of the group, trying to make sure that there was
no dangers of where they were going. Frozeen looked at PBB. "Do you think you can find
any info about Little Bot's past?" asked Frozeen.
"I've tried," PBB solemnly answered, "but I can't find a single thing!"
"So this means we're going to have to wait 4 years before we discover Little Bot's past?"
asked Frozeen.
PBB chuckled. "Well, if we couldn't find it now, then I doubt we could in 2010. Unless
someone invents something knew."

Mar 1 2006, 07:45 PM

IC: Later, after defeating several SOLs and Snow Crawlers, Frozeen, Chompy, and PBB met
up with Rebel Drone again. "Hey, PBB!" the Drone called. "Something's been bugging me
for quite a while. While in the cave of the Ice Snake Queen - "
"Queen?" repeated Frozeen, shocked. "I thought there was only a King!"
"Yes, there's also a Queen. Well, while in there, she mentioned this 'Libo.' What is that? Can
you look it up?"
"Sure," PBB said, walking away. "I'll try."

Mar 5 2006, 09:29 AM

IC: While PBB was busy searching for an answer to Rebel Drone's question, Frozeen,
Chompy, and Rebel Drone were facing a problem themselves. Several hundred or so Drones
were attacking. Frozeen hopped into the Tundra Tracker and began attacking back.
Chompy, being a T-Rex, didn't need anything but his maw to attack the Drone army. After a
while, the Drones were gone, but now Snow Crawlers were attacking!

Mar 12 2006, 03:50 PM

IC: PBB walked over to Frozeen and Rebel Drone. "Found anything?" asked Frozeen.
"Yes," answered PBB.
"Good," Rebel Drone sighed in relief. "So just who is Libo?"
Then, PBB read off a piece of paper he held. "Libo was the leader of the LA, a group of
biomechanical creatures that defended the world. You could say that the LA was the AT
before the AT. He and his army defended the world from practically every possible threat.
The LA's downfall was pretty sad. Ogel was the new threat. It seemed like no problem. So
intent, so confident were the LA that they foolishly attack Ogel's forces, barely even trying
to win, expecting to win anyways. Unfortunately, Ogel and his forces were much stronger
than they expected. One by one, they fell. Some even joined Ogel.
As for Libo himself, his fate remains unknown. Rumor is it that he was last heard of when
AT was being founded. Then he was never seen nor heard again."

Mar 13 2006, 07:26 PM

IC: "Well, that's rather odd," Frozeen muttered.

"No wonder the Ice Snake Queen knew Libo," Rebel Drone thought. "They had battled each
other once."
"Exactly," PBB said.
"Well, I'll be on my way," Rebel Drone said. "See ya!"
"Where are you going?" asked Frozeen.
With a sly grin, Rebel Drone explained, "To infiltrate Ogel's base!"

Exactly three minutes after Rebel Drone left, several SOLs appeared. "They're not going to
be friendly at all!" Frozeen muttered. "Inside the Tundra Tracker!" The two Alpha Team
Agents (okay, PBB is technically not a AT Agent, but who cares?) hopped into the vehicle.
Then, Frozeen fired the Tundra Tracker's laser at the SOLs.

Mar 13 2006, 08:50 PM

IC: Frozeen shot at the cockpit of one SOL, and the Drone inside jumped in surprise as the
glass broke and the controls were smashed. The other SOLs' tails moved into the mid-
section and pulled out Ice Orbs, then flung them towards Frozeen and PBB. "So you really
want to play dirty, is that it?" asked Frozeen. "Initiate Alpha Mode!" Then the Tundra
Tracker shifted into a Magma Drill. Then Frozeen drilled into the side of one of the SOLs.

OOC: Man, I feel good! I'm back in buisness, and I feel part of Alpha Team again!

PBB: Um, sorry, but PeaSam's acting wierd now. I'll translate for you. Basically, he's been
taking long breaks, and for those posts he did make, it wasn't much of the feel of this RPG
that he had before Sub left. Now, especially with the line "Initiate Alpha Mode," he feels that
feeling again! Hey, Frozeen, did that make any sense...?

Mar 15 2006, 07:31 AM

IC: The SOL was now down, but the Drone inside opened the cockpit and shot lasers at the
Magma Drill. Frozeen responded by initiating Alpha Mode, then shooting the Drone back.
Suddenly, another SOL flung an Ice Orb at the Tundra Tracker's wheels. Frozeen imediately
hopped out, took out a drill, and drilled away at the ice. PBB, in the meantime, kept the
other SOLs at bay with the Tundra Tracker's laser.
Mar 15 2006, 08:04 PM

IC: As soon as the Tundra Tracker's wheels were no longer frozen, Frozeen hopped back in
it. Then, he shot at the SOLs. But they weren't falling that easily. Then, Frozeen looked at
PBB. "Hop into the empty SOL," he commanded, referring to the one that was first to get
shot, but unharmed, but the Drone inside ran away. PBB hopped out, and headed for the
unmanned SOL.

Mar 16 2006, 07:26 AM

IC: Now, with the unmanned SOL taken over by PBB, Frozeen and PBB were taking down
the SOLs much more easily. Sometimes, the SOLs would be able to through Ice Orb at
them, but many of those were poorly aimed, and some of them even hit other SOLs!
Eventually, the SOL army was down, and Frozeen and PBB returned to AT HQ.

Mar 16 2006, 01:21 PM

OOC: If he finds a way out of this mess...

BTW, he was fighting a different set of SOLs than you.

IC: Frozeen woke up to hear a lot of yelling. He walked over to an Alpha Team Agent, by
the name of Enter. "What's going on?" he asked.
"Something... odd has happened," Enter replied.
Frozeen walked over to the AT HQ door and opened it to exit. To his shock, the way out was
completely covered in ice! "What the - ?" he cried.
Enter walked over. "Space AT HQ has taken several photographs of HQ from bird's eye
view," he said, and showed Frozeen several transmitted photos. It shocked a huge block of
"And... AT HQ, which is where we are in, is in... there?" he asked.
"Yes," replied Enter.
"Ice Orbs!" cried Frozeen, using Sub's favorite phrase. "This couldn't have happened - not
with the security system on!" Then he looked at Enter. "Wait, are you saying that...
someone has turned off the system to allow this?"
"The best theory we have," replied Enter.

Mar 16 2006, 01:51 PM

OOC: You can come to help remove the ice if you want! However, leave it to Frozeen to
solve the mystery why the Security System was down, please.

IC: Frozeen, disgusted, put down his third drill. So far, each of his three drills had only
drilled a small part - make that very small - of the Ice Block before breaking. "Plan B," he
said to Enter. "We need to use our vehicles now."
"Yes," Enter said. "I'll get Garage and inform him."
Later, a voice on the AT loudspeaker spoke, "Everyone to their vehicles. NOW!" Thus, a mob
of AT Agents ran to their vehicles inside the AT Garage. With hot engines, sharp weapons,
lasers, thermo blasters, and in the Tundra Trackers' cases, drills, it would seem easier to
get out of the ice block now.

Mar 16 2006, 05:49 PM

IC: "Perfect!" cried Frozeen when he heard the news. "More Agents from outside the HQ are
helping us out!" His Magma Drill's drill was drilling away at the ice faster than even a Rock
Raider's Granite Grinder could. Then he transmitted a message to Return, an AT Agent
inside one of the Blizzard Blasters.


He received two messages back.



Mar 16 2006, 09:15 PM

IC: The AT Agents were working double-time to remove the huge layer of ice. a good deal
had now had been removed, but many more times that deal still remained. "How long is this
going to take?" muttered Frozeen, who was close to falling asleep inside the Magma Drill.

Mar 18 2006, 03:00 PM

IC: Suddenly, the Magma Drill's drill halted. "What the-?" Frozeen muttered. He tried to
back up to see if anything was wrong with the drill, but the vehicle would not move. Frozeen
groaned. "Broken down."


Mar 19 2006, 10:54 AM

IC: Soon, Garage had fixed the Magma Drill. "That should do it!" he said to Frozeen.
"Good," Frozeen replied. Then, he added under his breath, "Now I'll have to go back to this
super-boring work of drilling through this stupid ice!" He hopped back into the Magma Drill,
and resumed work. "I just hope we clear this ice block soon!"

Mar 20 2006, 07:42 PM

IC: Unfortunately, word had reached Ogel that AT Agents were trying to remove the ice
surrounding AT HQ. Data looked up to see several Snow Crawlers and SOLs, armed with Ice
Orbs, heading towards the ice-covered HQ. In shock, Data realized their plan: Create more
ice to surround AT HQ, ensuring the trapped Agents inside never to escape and the outside
Agents never to find refuge!

Frozeen had set the Magma Drill on Auto-Mode, and was drilling through the ice with his
own drills as the Magma Drill drilled on its own. However, Frozeen, not having the heat
bombs that Data had, accedently uncovered an Ice Orb, which fell to the ground, and froze
another layer of ice!

Mar 20 2006, 07:56 PM

OOC: Man, I know just when to make SOLs and Snow Crawlers attack you...

IC: Frozeen by now was absolutely disgusted with this ice. If his disgust gave off heat, then
the ice would probably melt! Okay, maybe not that much heat...
"We've encountered a problem," reported an AT Agent. "Scanners located SOLs and Snow
Crawlers, armed with Ice Orbs, just outside of HQ. If we try to break through, they'll
unleash the Ice Orbs, and we'll have more ice to remove!"
"This just keep getting worse and worse, doesn't it?" muttered Frozeen.

Mar 24 2006, 03:26 PM

IC: Frozeen was now holding a scanner with him to detect hidden Ice Orbs. This way, he
could disable it before it could re-freeze the ice. But, even with the trouble of the Ice Orbs
out of the way, there still was the ice. Looking at the other Alpha Team agents who owned
Magma Drills, Frozeen suddenly got an idea from what they were doing. He stopped his
Magma Drill, then added two more drills. Then, the Magma Drill went back to work - only
drilling 3 times faster!

Mar 28 2006, 07:55 PM

IC: Frozeen suddenly heard a loud CRACK!, followed by cries, shouts, and clapping. Frozeen
walked over to Enter. "What's going on?" he asked.
Enter smiled as he replied, "We've just broken through!" Then, suddenly he looked very
confused. "Wait, weren't you just somehere?"
"You were walking out of the garage!" Enter said.
Frozeen didn't understand at all what Enter meant. "When?" he asked.
"Just now," Enter said.
Frozeen got worried. Something really wierd must be going on...

Apr 9 2006, 08:18 PM

IC: Before long, many more openings in the ice block were made. But Frozeen didn't join
the small celecbration, for he had many questions in his head.
Just how did the secuirity systems go down?
Will there be any more challenges ahead for this ice block that we have yet to discover?
Will the ice - without much support - come crashing down and smash the HQ?
Are there enemies waiting outside the ice block, ready to freeze our hapiness as soon as the
ice block has the last molecule removed?
And what in the world was Enter talking about?!?

May 11 2006, 05:33 PM

IC: Frozeen wandered through the AT hallways. He still had to figure out who was
responsible for turning off the AT Secuirity System, allowing the HQ to be frozen. He noticed
a mirror in the hallways, dismissed it, and continued walking on. Suddenly, it occurred to
him that there were no mirrors in AT HQ...

May 24 2006, 04:42 PM

IC: Frozeen checked the spot where he thought he saw a mirror. Instead, he saw an empty
hallway. That meant only one thing - someone who looked like Frozeen was in AT HQ.
"I bet I can figure it out in just one guess," Frozeen muttered. "General Evil." Then, he ran
down the hallway to look for the imposter.

May 28 2006, 12:25 PM

IC: Frozeen found several AT Agents crowded around something. Using his wings, he
hovered over them to see the still form of Enter.
Still, as in dead.
An AT Agent that witnessed the death looked at Frozeen. "That's him!" he cried. "He killed

Kotua in Space
May 28 2006, 12:40 PM

IC: Frozeeen, Kotua, Circuit, and Cactus heard some people shouting and shots going off.
They ran, to find...Frozeen?!
Everybody turned to look at both Frozeens.
"One is GE...and the other isn't"thought Kotua.

Location: Gotham City
The blue car stopped at a small diner. the woman driving got off, and walked in. There she
ordered a salad and water, and then sat down at one of the tables. After a while, a man in
his 30s walked in, ordered some food, and sat down in the same table as the woman.
"Excuse Ma' yor name Daisy?" said the man.
"Why yes... Why?"asked the woman.
"My name is Eduardo, and you called me about something
"Indeed Eduardo."said Daisy.
"So... You told me over hte phone you had something you wanted to show me...what is
it?"asked Eduardo.
"Very good 'medicine'. Limited offer though."said Daisy.
"Indeed. I'd like to see 'em."said Eduardo.
"I'm afraid that's not possible. I have some pictures though."said Daisy, taking out a small
folder, and handing it over to Eduardo.
Eduardo looked at the pictures in the folder.
"You've got my attention. How much?"asked Eduardo, closing the folder with the pictures,
and looking around.
"Well, the 'medicine' is hard to come"she took out a piece of paper and a pen, and
wrote something down."this much" she said, handing it over to Eduardo.
"Are you kidding me!?"said Eduardo.
A few people in the diner turned to look at Eduardo.
"Shhh! Your gonna get us caught!"whispered Daisy.
"Sorry."muttered Eduardo.
"Like I said...this 'medicine' is hard to obtain...The price I'm giving you is quite low
compared to my previous you should consider yourself lucky."said Daisy.
"My boss isn't gonna be happy."said Eduardo.
"Not my problem."said Daisy.

May 28 2006, 12:44 PM

IC: Frozeen ran as fast as he could. "Stop chasing me!" he yelled to the angry AT Agents
right behind him. "I'm not the killer!"

"Killer?" repeated Kotua. "So someone was killed, and they're blaming him. If he's saying
that he's not the killer..."
"... then it must be Frozeen," completed Data.
Kotua shook his head. "But what if it's General Evil lying?"

General Evil took oportunity of Kotua and Data's distraction and placed a small green orb by
them. Then, he ran off before either AT Agent could discover that he had put it there...

OOC: The green orb is the Mind Control Orb from 2001. After AT defeated Ogel, only a few
orbs remained. General Evil is using one of them.

May 28 2006, 02:14 PM

OOC: So there's more than a few Mind Control Orbs left?

IC: Frozeen looked over his shoulder to see Kotua joining the group of AT Agents after him.
"This just gets worse and worse," he muttered under his breath. "I swear, I'll kill that
General Evil next time I see him!"

Data looked around. He noticed a green orb in the snow. Bending down to take a closer
look, he found it looked oddly familiar. He didn't notice that the green mist - the mist that if
it comes in contact with a Minifig, it will turn them into Drones - starting to come out...

General Evil watched Data. In a few seconds, the AT Agent would be a Drone. Leaving one
less Elite Agent to worry about. And if Data managed to destroy the Orb first, then Evil
would act innocent. Glancing at the real Frozeen getting chased by AT Agents, he smiled.
Everything was going as planned.

May 28 2006, 03:58 PM

IC: At the last possible second, Data reconized the Mind-Control Orb, took out a laser, and
destroyed it. "So Ogel has brought Mind-Control Orb production back?" he muttered.

General Evil groaned. The tables were beginning to turn. But that's why Evil planned
another plan in case of this... setback. He ran over to Data. "Is everything okay?" he asked.
"I saw some green mist around here, and thought - "
"It's okay, Frozeen," Data said. Thinking quickly, he added, "When I destroyed it, the mist
"Okay," 'Frozeen' said. "I just was worried that the Mind-Control Orb would turn you into a
As 'Frozeen' walked away, Data smiled. "The truth is revealed," he muttered.

Kotua in Space
May 28 2006, 05:04 PM

Location: Gotham City
Eduardo handed the suitcase to Daisy.
"Here...Now then, I want you to deliver-"
"out of the question! No deliveries!"said Daisy.
"We'll pay you extra."said Eduardo.
"I'm sure you will... but don't worry. I'm sure you can figure out a way to take them...oh
and by the have until tommorrow night to do it..."said Daisy.
"I thought you would do that."said Eduardo, nodding at the other man.
THe man drew his gun, and aimed it at Daisy.
"Your going to get these delivered, and your going to tell us your 'sources' for the
orbs.."said Eduardo.
"You could shoot me, but you'd get neither..."said Daisy.
"We'd get our money back."said Eduardo.
"Well...My boss wouldn't want to hear you killed me...He'd be angry...and he makes your
boss seem like a beginner..."said Daisy.
"You have a point."said Eduardo, signaling again at the other man, who lowered his gun.
"Now then, if you'll excuse me, I have to go somewhere now..."said Daisy.
Location: Miami
Alpha Team and Police vehicles entered the Miami Airport. The vehicles headed towards an
privately owned hangar. It was closed. SWAT officers in full gear sorrounded the hangar.
Jerkins, Cam, and Wildcard walked towards the Hangar doors.
"Daisy Harshfield, this is the police! Open the door!"shouted Detective Jerkins.
Various shouts could be heard within the hangar, along with clicks of guns being loaded.
"We'll give you until the count of three!"shouted Jerkins.
No response. Jerkins sighed, backed away along with Cam and Wildcard, and signaled the
SWAT teams.
"GO! GO! GO!"shouted Jerkins.
The SWAT officers near the doors used a device to burst them open. Various men covered
except for their faces, which had sunglasses and breathing masks opened fire at the SWAT
teams, forcing them to fire back. The covered men ducked inside the plane in the hangar as
SWAT officers ran in, firing at them...
Location: Antartica
Kotua drew his weapon, and took aim at Frozeen.
"General Evil, Freeze now, or I'll shoot you!"shouted Kotua.

May 29 2006, 06:40 AM

IC: Data snuck up from behind General Evil. Swinging his laser, he hit Evil in the head,
knocking him out. He knealt down beside the unconscious villain, smiling. "I never said it
was a Mind-Control Orb," he said, "and I couldn't see you when I was looking around."
Walking away, he added, "There was no way that Frozeen would've known that I was
attacked by a Mind-Control Orb!" He had to get to Kotua before something horrible
happened to the REAL Frozeen.

OOC: Hey, Kotua, mind if I call the Mind-Control Orb simply Evil Orb? That's what it was
called in the AT Game, and it uses a lot less typing... (yes, I know, I'm quite lazy! )

May 31 2006, 03:07 PM

IC: The AT Agents were almost upon Frozeen when Data threw himself in their way. "Stop!"
he yelled. "He is innocent! That is Frozeen," then he gestered towards the unconcsious GE
Body in the snow, "and THAT is General Evil. He's responsable for the killing."
The group of AT Agents traded glances, then ran foward to attack General Evil. Frozeen
looked at Data. "Thanks," he said. "I owe you one."
"Yeah," Data nodded. "I noticed that Evil tried to impersonate you by wearing a cloak
similar to yours. Listen - there's a problem. General Evil tried to attack me. Not directly, but
by means of an Evil Orb!"
Frozeen's eyes widened. "Evil Orb?" he repeated. "The ones that Ogel used to - "
" - turn Minifigs into Drones, yes," answered Data.

May 31 2006, 09:12 PM

IC: Location: Antartica

Kotua put his gun back into its holster.
"We should get General Evil into some sort of high profile jail, far from here. Otherwise he'll
just keep doing this kind of sneaky stuff..."said Databoard.
"Yeah..."said Frozeen.
"There has to be another way to make you distinguishable from GE...something that GE
won't be able to copy."said Kotua.
"Thanks for that, captain obvious." said one agent sarcasticly.
Location: Miami
Jerkins's cellphone rang, and he stepped out of the Hangar to anwser.
Wildcard climbed into the airplane.
"Theres blood here...oh my..."said Wildcard.
"What is it?"asked Cam.
"Not a pretty sight..."said Wildcard.
Location: Gotham City
An GCPD(Gotham City Police Department) official watched the crime scene from his squad
car. The crime scene was a diner. The diner had been part of a robbery, but the manager
had managed to fire at the robber in the hand, making him drop some blood on the floor,
and fleeing. The CSIs had managed to get the blood, but it hadn't matched anyone yet.
The robber stumbled around the subway station. He placed his left hand (Which was also
the one he had been shot in) on the side rail of the stairs. As he slowly walked down to the
station, he left a small trail of blood...
A few hours later:
A man in a suitcase headed towards the subway station. He was late, and was in a hurry. As
if his day hadn't been bad enough, his hand landed on a wet part of the stair rails. Since he
had no time, he merely shrugged it off, thinking it was merely harmless water, and that he
could clean it off later...

Jun 2 2006, 07:18 PM

IC: A SOL speeded towards the fallen form of General Evil. Before any of the surrounding AT
Agents could react, the Drone inside leapt out of the SOL, grabbed Evil, jumped back inside,
closed the cockpit, and sped away. The SOL was pursued by a few TT and MBCs. Frozeen
and Kotua watched this. "How come the villain always has to escape and survive?!?"
Frozeen muttered, cursing under his breath that Evil didn't get what he deserved. Looking
back at Kotua, he replied, "Yes, I need a new method... but what method?"
"Memory," replied Kotua. "That's how you got Data and Ice to believe that you were
Frozeen and not Evil."
Frozeen sighed. "Evil has already invented a daydream device that he used on Ice... next
would probably be either a memory-wiping or mind-reading machine!"
Kotua knew that Frozeen was right. With Ogel and General Evil around, not even memory
was a good enough tool.

Kotua in Space
Jun 3 2006, 01:24 PM

IC: Location: Antartica

Kotua continued thinking.
"If there was a way to go trough the metal, we could make you a new shape..."said Kotua.
But Frozeen countered with "...which GE would just imitate."
"Yeah...Perhaps installing a special device so we can tell its you."said Kotua.
"But what if I lose it?"
"We can install it inside of you, and make it respond only to frequency of special AT
equipment."said Kotua.
Location: Miami
Agents Cam and Wildcard sat in the Miami police station.
"Well, looks like this is over. Those goons probably took some Orbs, and killed Oscar."said

"We didn't find any on them."said Jerkins, walking in from arresting the thugs at the airport.
"Guess it isn't over."said Wildcard.
"We recieved a call from Gotham City police, that one of our suspects, Daisy Harshfield, was
seen over there.."said Jerkins.
"Well well...Let's see what She's up to..."said Wildcard.
"I also got a call from your HQ. Apparently you two are not authorized to go after Daisy
Harshfield."said Jerkins.
"What?!"said Wildcard.
Location: Antartica
by now most of Ogel's forces retreated as AT HQ defense systems activated, and began
Kotua walked towards the mission room, a room designated for mission debriefing and
tactical planning.
He entered, as he had been called on by Dash. He entered, to find Circuit and Cactus barely
taking their seats.

"Glad you could join us agent."said Dash.

"What's going on?"asked Kotua.
"Well, you see, I have been contacted by the Alpha Team in the United States...Apparently
somone has been smuggling Orbs. That person, now identified as Oscar dead. His
orbs are missing. Now then, keep in mind I'm talking about Mind Control Orbs..."said Dash.
"This is bad."said Kotua.
"It gets worse."said Dash.

"Ex AT agent Daisy Harshfield has been suspected of doing this...whether for herself, or for
someone else we don't know yet."said Dash.
"Why can't the AT in the US take care of it?"asked Cactus.

"Various laws...we are considered a "branch" of AT, and so were being asked to do the
investigation. Now then, Miss Daisy Harshfield is a well-trained woman. Don't underestimate
her. She is located in Gotham City. Gotham City FBI officials will give you the rest of the
files and info when you get there.
Now then, your mission: Find the Orbs, investigate Daisy Harshfield, and find out where
they got the orbs. We may be dealing with a new Mind Control factory be
careful."said Dash.

"Got it."said Kotua.

"Anything else we should know?"asked Circuit.
"She hates AT agents..."said Dash.
"No surprise there."said Cactus.

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