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Tayabas City

Grade 7-English
Quarter 4
Linking with the World

Lesson 3
Living with Decency

Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary Philippine literature as a means of
responding to the demands of the global village; various extended text types; lexical and contextual cues;
appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and behavior; and use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs and
wh- questions.

Performance Standard:
The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be cooperative and responsible in
today‟s global village; using appropriate strategies to comprehend extended text types; using
lexical and contextual clues to understand unfamiliar words and expressions; using imperatives,
prepositions, and appropriate and polite oral language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing

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Tayabas City

Grade 7-English

Quarter: FOURTH
Theme: Linking with the World
Sub-Theme: Living with Decency

Content Standard: Performance Standard:

The learner demonstrates The learner transfers learning by:

understanding of: contemporary Philippine explaining the need to be cooperative and
literature as a means of responding to the responsible in today’s global village;
using appropriate strategies to comprehend
demands of the global village; various
extended text types; using lexical and contextual
extended text types; lexical and contextual cues; clues to understand unfamiliar words and
appropriate and polite oral language, stance, and expressions; using imperatives, prepositions, and
behavior; and use of imperatives, prepositions, appropriate and polite oral language, stance and
verbs and wh- questions behavior in various information-sharing formats.

EN7LT-IVb-6: Discover through Philippine Literature the need to work cooperatively and
responsibly in today‟s global village

1. Evaluate the various roles of every Filipino in today‟s global village.
2. Perform presentations highlighting the abilities and values of Filipinos which are
relevant contributions to the world.
3. Continue to appreciate and take pride of our own Filipinos identity.


Lesson: I’m Glad I’m a Little Guy by Carlos P. Romulo
1. Handout on I’m Glad I’m a Little Guy
1. K to 12 Curriculum G (May, 2016), p. 162
2. Bridges to Better Communication I, pp. 117-118


Introduction: Now that we are living in the 21st century, everyone is now already connected with
one another. Moreover, nations continue to boost their ties and cooperation with the other
countries. Indeed, we are now a global community, a world without borders, and people without

We are an emerging division where excellence is a habit and allegiance for quality is a pledge.
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Likewise, Filipinos play a vital role as global citizens. Slowly but surely, we emerge as
citizens who are well-equipped with skills and values which are ready to be showcased to the
world. We contribute to the betterment of this world we live in. Yet, at the end of the day, we stay
committed to uphold our old traditions and real identity as a nation.

 Task 1: What is My Role!
Directions: Our world is consisted of different countries with different leaders. Together with
your partner, describe the identity of the following countries and their respective contribution
to the world.

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 Task 2: Let’s Hunt!
Directions: Find out meaning of unfamiliar words in the essay “I‟m Glad I‟m a Little
Guy” by Carlos P. Romulo by arranging the jumbled letters of each

word. Once you‟re done, take the letters that appear in boxes and unscramble them for
the final message.

discussion of opinion between people

comprehensive or good view
someone you know but not your friend
very easy to see or notice
being low or lower in rank
a less powerful person
to make judgments
to throw or push something
to speak in a loud way
a person of wisdom
something said to cause laughter
not too proud or confident

the author of „I‟m Glad I‟m a Little


 Task 3: Pinoy Ako!
Directions: Identify and highlight the different qualities and characteristics of
Filipinos as mentioned in the song, “Pinoy Ako” by Bamboo.

in times of
• _______________________

his bravery • _______________________

his "anting-
• _______________________

his strength • _______________________

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 Task 3: Character Sketch!
While reading the essay “I‟m Glad I‟m a Little Guy” by Carlos P. Romulo, you can
sense how a Filipino was being humiliated in front of different people around the world. Yet,
Carlos Romulo was able to stand up and raise the pride of his fellow countrymen.

Find out the different experiences of Carlos Romulo and his “smallness” by ending the
open-ended statements about him.

Carlos P. Romulo…
…was insulted by Mr. Vishinsky saying, “You are just a little man from a little
country.” Carlos Romulo replied saying…
… is a little fellow at home. His sons…
… was become aware of his smallness when…
… sees that smallness has many advantages because…

 Task 4: Little is Might!

According to Romulo, there are many advantages of being small as compared to
other nationalities. Supply the benefits of being small by completing the chart

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What are the advantages of being small?

 Task 5: All in!
Filipinos have given a lot of contributions to the world through their wisdom, talent, skills,
and innovation. Research on pictures highlighting the Filipino power and in a white
cartolina, form a collage using those photos.

 Task 6: Literature Circles!
Directions: In this activity, you will be in small groups. As you read the text, each of you will
receive a role sheet to accomplish. After completing the tasks, the group gets together and
discusses what you read and shares what you did. All of your outputs will be posted as a blog
in a website set by the teacher. Please be guided by the provided rubric.

Discussion Director:

Develop a list of four or five questions that thegroup might want to discuss about
the essay.

The questions shouldbe about major details of the reading.

The purpose of the task is to help people talk over the big ideas in the reading and
share their reactions.

Smart Summarizer:

 Prepare a brief summary which should include the key points, the main
highlights, and the essence of the selection.

Literary Luminary:

 Locate three parts or sections in the text that the group would like to
hear read aloud. Examine figurative language and vivid images found.

 Help the group remember passages or lines from the text that may be
significant, interesting, confusing or well written.
 Write a sentence or two stating why passages or lines were chosen.
Committed Connector:
 Find connections between the text and the world outside.

 Connect the text to one’s life, to happenings at school or in the community,

to similar events at other times and places, to other places, to other people or

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Vocabulary Enricher:

Find five to eight especially important words in the text. List the page number and
paragraph, the word and the definition.

Inspired Illustrator:
 Illustrate a part/scene from the text.
 As the drawing is presented, the members of the group will give comments.


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Rarely Sometimes Usually Often

1 pt 2 pts 4 pts 5 pts
Shares ideas, Shares ideas, Shares ideas, Shares ideas,
questions, and questions, and questions, and questions,
thoughts with thoughts with thoughts with and thoughts
the group group group usually, with group
rarely, refuses sometimes, with respect often, with
to participate. with respect for for others. A respect for
others. An strong group others. A
average group member who group leader!
member who tries hard!
does what is
Management Rarely uses Sometimes uses Usually uses Uses time well
time well to time well to time well to to accomplish
accomplish accomplish accomplish tasks and
tasks and read tasks and read tasks and read read assigned
assigned assigned assigned pages.
pages. pages. pages.
Rarely listens Sometimes Usually listens Almost always
to, shares with, listens to, shares to, shares with, listens to,
and supports with, and and supports shares with,
the efforts of supports the the efforts of and supports
others. Often is efforts of others. the efforts of
not a good others, but others.
team player. sometimes is
not a good
team member.
Often forgets Almost always Almost always Always brings
needed brings needed brings needed needed
materials or is materials but materials to materials to
rarely ready to sometimes class and is class and is
get to work. needs to settle ready to work. always ready
down and get to work.
to work.

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I’m Glad I’m a Little Guy
Carlos P. Romulo

One day at a United Nations sessions in Paris, I found myself in a heated debate with Andrei
Vishinsky, chief of the Soviet delegation. I had strongly disagreed with a proposal he had made. Suddenly,
Mr. Vishinsky insulted me. You are just a little man from a little country,‖ he said.
For him that answered the argument. My country, spared with his, is just a dot on the map. And I
stand only five feet, four inches in my shoes.
Even in my home, I’m a little fellow. My four sons all look down at me from a vantage of
two or three inches. Even my wife is an inch or so higher than I am when she is wearing high heels. Once she was
interviewed after our marriage, she made the modest remark, ―I prefer to glow faintly in my
husband’s shadow.‖ An acquaintance jested that this didn’t leave her much room to glow in.
My small stature has often been made conspicuous in my relations with famous people. During
World War II, I was aide-de-camp to General MacArthur who towered eight inches above me. We went
ashore together during the Leyte landing, and the reports stated: ―General Mac Arthur
waded ashore in waist-deep water. General Romulo was at his side.‖ A columnist wanted to
know if this was true , pointing out that if the general was waist-deep in water I would have drowned.
In my lifetime I have given much thought to the problem of littleness and bigness. And I want to say
that I’m glad to be a little fellow.
That may surprise you. Many little fellows feel a sense of inferiority because of their stature. I must
confess that in my younger days I once experimented with wearing elevated shoes. But the lifts made me
feel I was trying to appear something I was not. I threw the shoes away.
These shoes were weakening one of my great natural advantages which is this: the little fellow is
generally underrated in the beginning. Because he is small, little is expected of him. Then when he does
something well, people are surprised and impressed. In their minds, he has done a great deed.
I first became aware of this when I was on the debating team at Columbia University. My smallness
made me seem more like a schoolboy than a college student. Right from the start, the audience was
rooting for me. To them, I was the underdog, and most people were expecting so little of me.
We little fellows have another advantage, We usually have a special gift for making friends. People
feel protective over us. They find it easy to confide in us. Most of us learn in life that friendliness is as great
a force as physical strength.
Small size is no barrier to personal effectiveness. Many of the greatest men in history were not tall.
Beethoven and Admiral Nelson were both five feet, four inches. But they were giants like the poet John
Keats and the philosopher Immanuel Kant, who stood a bare five feet high. Saint Francis Xavier, one of
history’s most inspiring religious men, was reported to be only four feet and six inches tall.
Then, of course, you have the celebrated short man of them all, Napoleon I. Napoleon proved to the
world what a great man he really was. Today, a period in history is called Napoleonic Era in his honor.
I mentioned that Mr. Vishinskyinsulted me because I dared to criticize Russia. But that did not mean
that I did not answer him back. I bounded to my feet and told the assembly that Mr. Vishinsky was correct
in his description of me. But I added:
―It is the duty of the little Davids here to fling pebbles of truth between the eyes of blustering Goliaths
- and make them behave!‖
Mr. Vishinsky frowned and said nothing.

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