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a = int(input("Enter your first number : "))

b = int(input("Enter your second number : "))

print("First number, in relation to the second number is:")

greater = a>b
print("Greater: " +str(greater))

lesser = a<b
print("Lesser: " +str(lesser))

equal = a==b
print("Equal: " +str(equal))

lesser_equal = a<=b
print("Less than or equal: " +str(lesser_equal))

greater_equal = a>=b
print("Greater than or equal: " +str(greater_equal))

a_range = a in range(10,21)
print("First number in between 10 - 20: " +str(a_range))

b_range = b in range(10,21)
print("Second number in between 10 - 20: " +str(b_range))

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