More Important To (Towns & Cities) P: Am Convincedapprove of The Most Role Providesupport

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TYPE 01: Compare two objects

A. Possible Questions
1. Some people say it is more important to [TOWNS & CITIES] plant trees in the open
spaces in towns and cities than to build more housing. To what extent do you agree or
disagree? GIA HUNG
Despite the benefits of planting more trees in rural towns and cities, I am more convinced that
unoccupied space in these urban areas should be allocated to the construction of more
residential areas.

THESIS STATEMENT: Comparing the importance of these two approaches seems

irrelevant to me, whether which aspect is more important ||| depends on the conditions of a
particular city.
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, planting more trees is more vital in [heavily polluted cities],
while for [major cities attracting huge populations], constructing more houses would be a wiser

Building more Trees: cities hardest hit by air pollution

tourism-based cities, European cities houses: cities with large population

BỐI CẢNH: towns & cities

The world’s steady population growth and migration to urban areas has put a huge pressure on
urban infrastructures. It’s recommended that a number of planting trees in city residential spaces
plans be launched in the belief that this will provide a healthier environment for citizens rather
than putting an emphasis on high-rise buildings or dwelling accommodation . From my
perspective, I am completely convincedapprove of of this opinion for the following reasons.

Planting trees should be encouraged in urban spaces due to several benefits for the citizens
[cleaner air => contribute to their mental wellbeing]. The most significant role of planting
trees lies in their ability to providesupport residents with cleaner air. Planting trees remains one
of the most cost-effective ways of drawing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere since trees are
cproven to get CO2 absorbed and stored as cellulose in their branches and produce, release
oxygen as a by-product of the natural process of photosynthesis. A single mature tree can
averagely absorb up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide and produce 260 pounds of oxygen in a
year, which is enough for a couple to inhale. Research has also shown a 60% reduction in
particulates from car exhaust fumes on streets lined with trees. [han che dùng data nha!!]
Therefore, a purer atmosphere is the centerpiece of every planting tree project in urban
community [mỗi đoạn cần gắn vào 1 câu REASONING TẠI SAO MORE IMPORTANT -
twisting a sentence] [TWIST 01] Needless to say, given an unprecedented rise in
respiratory diseases deteriorated by air pollution in metropolitan areas, more emphasis on
planting trees rather than houses can undoubtedly enhance public wellbeing in the long
run. [TWIST 02] Indeed, unlike houses which might only worsen air pollution by emitting
extra fumes and exhaust from household activities, green trees in urban areas can help
improve air quality both by collecting nanodust with their leaves and by raising the rate of
oxygen in the atmosphere.] [TWIST 03] Concrete construction has taken up a large
proportion of towns and cities' land together with heavy traffic flow, a lack of green plants
could aggravate air pollution in these regions whereas more residential sites could be built
vertically instead of taking more horizontal space. [này hay]

Additionally, trees offer urban settings with the aesthetic impact and seasonal interest that
more residential areas can compare. Trees create variations in color, texture, and height in the
visual landscape, which can provide huge visual appeal and significantly enhance the design of a
streetscape. A case in point is the recently completed project, Bryggervangen and Sankt
Kjeld’sSquare (2016-2019) in Copenhagen, which resulted in an urban nature that is aesthetic
and functional, biodiversity and sustainable, climate adaptable, and creates a sense of
community. Hence, it is justifiable why the benefits of planting trees should be praised in terms
of its additional beauty for the cities space. OK NHƯNG MÀ NÓ CHƯA TRẢ LỜI ĐC CHỮ
pruning trees carefully could shape a more aesthetic sense for those areas rather than more
houses thanks to express the more artistry [TWIST 02] => RẤT KHÓ

[conclusion]: To encapsulate, the assistance for human existence of trees has outweighed the
importance of constructing houses by supplying new comfortable space and adding charm to the
beauty of the areas .

2. Some feel that it is a waste of time to plan for the future and it is more important to focus
on the present. To what extent do you agree or disagree? GIA HUY
Time is inevitably an abstract definition, yet it is an indispensable marking point for us to
shape our life. Therefore, it is considered one of the top controversial topics to determine
your orientation in life???, whether it should be present-oriented or future-oriented. =>
a growing trend towards the motto of “You only live once.”, many Today, some people
opine that there is no point in preparing a plan for the future and it is more advisable to
concentrate on the present. From my perspective, whether it is future or present that you
choose is of the same importance.
=> chưa đưa ra với mình cái ji more important! [THESIS STATEMENT]

[FOCUSING ON THE PRESENT IS CRUCIAL (trong tương quan với planning for the
+ Focus on practical and actionable steps that can be achieved easily → prevent
procrastination upon looking at a far-flung target → accomplishing short-term goals
inspires actions and ensure gradual and consistent progress over time → keep us on
the right track & a sense of fulfillment in each stage of life (evoke/induce a feeling of
gratitude and fulfillment)
+ Lots of things in the future might change (ex: trend of job)// focus on the present might
be more practical as well as unlock more benefits rather than wasting time planning for
an unstable future // hard to go according to plan => [BỐI CẢNH - IN A VOLATILE
WORLD] focusing on the present can flexibly respond to changes and problems //
learn to adapt to any unexpected situations => [benefit] protect us from the feeling
of disappointment//depression
+ Cherish one-off precious moments spared with beloved ones // pay more attention to
spiritual aspects of life rather than being overwhelmed with future plans and expectations
+ It offers an golden opportunity to reflect on one’s own thoughts and emotions =>
enhance intrapersonal development
+ Focusing on the present helps us achieve a sense of life fulfillment in every precious
moment in life=> embrace ourselves and ensure our life satisfaction rather than being
+ or pessimistic about the future => be in the right frame of mind to tackle what may
On the one hand, focusing on the present is truly an unforgettable experience since it allows you
to immerse in the moment. A renowned American writer named Dale Carnegie once said:
“Today is life - the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today”. In other words,
under no circumstances should we fill our life with regrets for the past or illusions about
the future. Instead, we should realize that we possess the choice to enjoy and make the most
of the present, so that we can either waste it or live to the fullest. [đọc kỹ sẽ thấy idea này là
về live the moment to the fullest or waste it // nhưng mà trong đề nó bắt mình so sánh với
việc “plan for our future”] Consequently, we are able to develop gratitude and enthusiasm in
our life, as compared to feeling worried, stressed or anxious brought by future expectations,
resulting in a life with various positive things. [có mỗi câu cuối đúng!]

On the other hand, it is undeniable that making a plan for the future acts as an incentive to press
forward. To illustrate, future-oriented people have the tendency to visualize themselves as
winners as they set long-term goals, which are usually a bit out of reach. Therefore, this can give
them a high sense of optimism in order to incentivize them to break own their limits and
achieve their aims. In fact, research carried out by psychologist Gabriele Oettingen, and
colleagues show that people who expected to lose weight were more likely to meet their
expectations, students who desired to find a job were more likely to land one [chưa thấy
planning]. This work, to some extent, has proved that a plan or a goal for your future definitely
boosts your self-development, which guarantees a more likely-to-succeed future. [KO DÙNG
“YOU” NHA!! => the flow is strong]
TERM GOALS [starting up // working in demanding fields] => contribute to our life
fulfilment // example // a small concluding sentence => REWORD để nhìn rõ là a flow of

In conclusion, it hardly makes any difference whether you give the present or the future the
priority as they are both advantageous regarding various aspects.

TYPE 02: Topics with “the best” // “the most important”

A. Possible Questions
1. Some people think that the most important thing about being rich is it gives a person the
opportunity to help other people. Do you agree or disagree? (Hoàng Phú)
APPROACH 01: Although giving to others is an important meaning of being rich, it is far
from the most important aspect since the meaning of wealth varies from one person to
+ On the one hand, (types of people) the most crucial aspect of being rich is to help others
altruistic people//philanthropists
+ On the other hand, (types of people) equate the meaning of richness to other aspects of
+ + SUpport their own family, community
+materialistic people => consider wealth as a means for them to gain respect from
others // // show off their high social status/ satisfy their inner selfishness….. Gain social
respect/recognition/ lead an extravagant lifestyle→ different mindset, backgrounds

+budding entrepreneurs=>consider wealth as a means for them to gain social recognition and
build their own reputation

APPROACH 02: Although giving to others is an important meaning of being rich, there
are other equally crucial factors to consider, making the former far from being the most
vital aspect.

In this day and age, the disparity between the rich and the poor has been increasingly broadened
due to the inability to maintain the same level of earnings as high-status individuals of the latter.
Quite a few people, therefore, hold a firm belief that the utmost advantage of being wealthy is to
help those in inferior positions. From a personal perspective, I would concur with the statement
above for the following reasons.

[ỦA SAO C KO THẤY TRẢ LỜI ĐỀ BÀI TA] It is indisputable that being affluent offers
individuals better chances to assist others considering the widespread impact one may have
when doing charity work. Owing to the unavailability of resources and finance, middle-
class people don’t have the ability to devote much of what they process, leading to the less
significant influence they can have on the community when it comes to helping the ones in
need. Nonetheless, the opposite would be true for the prosperous as being rich opens such
opportunities for the reason that money is not their concern. By means of illustration, Jeff
Bezos, one of the most affluent men in the world, provided that he was a beneficiary for “
Feeding my starving children”, his contributions would be a thousand times greater than that of
many households, resulting in a larger proportion of African children being fed.

[đọc TS sẽ có a feeling of writing OFF-TOPIC ideas rồi Phú ơi] One of the reasons why the
elite ought to give a helping hand to those lower in status is that the practice of not assisting
each other is deemed callous. Human lives rely profoundly on codependent relationships- one’s
survival is subject to the other’s- which can be undoubtedly seen in today’s world. To clarify, the
majority of the services that the richer make use of to meet their basic needs are usually the work
of blue-collar workers, such as taxi driving or electrical repairing. Hence, by helping the poor,
those of high social status would strengthen this relationship and bring people from various
societies together. Moreover, this benevolent act is also considered a way of expressing gratitude
and the benefactors may experience a sense of fulfillment.

To encapsulate, an affluent person is the one in a more favorable situation and has the capacity to
give assistance to the superior. Therefore, it is evident to claim that a prominent thing about
being wealthy is that it gives us the opportunity to help others, regarding the reasons stated

In this day and age, the disparity between the rich and the poor has been increasingly broadened
due to the inability to maintain the same level of earnings as high-status individuals of the latter.
Quite a few people, therefore, hold a firm belief that the utmost advantage of being wealthy is to
help those in inferior positions. Although giving to others is an important meaning of being rich,
it is far from the most important aspect since the meaning of wealth varies from one person to

On the one hand, individuals such as altruistic people or philanthropists would be convinced that
the most the most crucial aspect of being rich is to help others. It is indisputable that there is a
vast array of billionaires being brought up in impoverished backgrounds, struggling to find a way
out of such conditions. As they became matured, this gradually turned into a motivation that
coerce them to thrive so as to give a helping hand to those who are In the same circumstances.
This can be attributed to the fact that wealthy people are commonly believed to grasp an
opportunity to allocate their budget to underprivileged ones and the community since financial
issues are not their main concern. By means of illustration, Oprah Winfrey’s childhood
nightmare of being in poverty that she even had to wear potato sacks due to lack of clothing has
incentivized her to donate millions to keep the boarding school for disadvantaged girls in grades
eight to 12 running

On the other hand, people with different mindsets may equate the meaning of richness to other
aspects of life. To be specific, materialistic people who regard affluence as a means of gaining
respect from others will only attempt to earn money to serve such a purpose as they believe that
is the most vital facet of being rich. Other than donating to charitable organizations, the money-
oriented would only throw extravagant parties and purchase high-prìced pieces of jewelry with
an aim to showing off their high social status or satisfying their inner selfishness. This can also
be ascribed to the fact that growing up poor has led to their obsession with being prosperous so
as not to be looked down on. Additionally, attaining social recognition and possessing a thriftless
may be deemed a way to make up for their unfortunate childhood. Hence, it is justifiable to claim
that diverse viewpoints and backgrounds urge individuals to become well-off.

To encapsulate, an affluent person is the one in a more favorable situation and has the capacity to
give assistance to the inferior. Nonetheless, to quite a few people, there are other equally crucial
factors to consider, making the former far from being the most vital aspect.
2. Some countries are struggling with increases in crime rates. Some believe that having
more police on the streets is the best way to reduce and combat crime. To what extent
do you agree or disagree? PHUC
PURPOSE: to reduce and combat crime
The best way: having more police on the streets

+ CCTV: Unlike having police patrolling, CCTV can be more efficient regarding
places that may be hidden or hard to be controlled strictly such as car parks. //
However, with technological advancement, it is more efficient and cost-effective to
install closed-circuit televisions or surveillance cameras on the streets compared to
employing police forces. => MORE COST-EFFECTIVE // record evidence/ images
of suspects as well as
+ Enhance SOCIAL WELFARE // Take actions to reduce the unemployment rate =>
eliminate the reasons for people commiting crime for money => Able to resolve the
problems at their root cause // PRODUCE DIRECT IMPACTS ON PEOPLE’S
LIVES >< More police on the streets have no positive effect but to drive people’s
back to the wall -> Lead to more aggressive types of crime (Perhaps combat with the
police or resort to the use of guns, knives, … to commit crime)
+ Educational campaigns => raise social awareness of the consequences of such
crimes>< using police force may give rise to social unrest since this may convey a
image of authoritarianism and a sense of being conquered
+ Stricter penalties // impose/ harsher punishments => prevent crime actions and
relapse Instead of arranging more police on the street, the implementation of stricter
penalties could prevent crime actions and relapse thanks to harsher punishments related
to fine and imprisonment. => MORE SUSTAINABLE // MORE COST-EFFECTIVE
+ NOT THE BEST WAY TO REDUCE CRIME: 1 - cannot tackle cyber crime >< on

Conventional wisdom has it that a steady increase in the misconduct and violation of laws has
been witnessed in the modern world, posing a dilemma for countries currently encountering it.
Therefore, opinion is largely divided as to whether increased police presence would lead to more
efficient crime prevention, with which I partly agree.

On the one hand, the deterrent effect of police activity on crime lies in the changes in
punishment certainty that result from changes in police activity ?? [what is this con oi]. To
illustrate, it is not a fallacy to state that more police patrolling the streets would scare criminals
off. It follows from the deterrence hypothesis that rises in police strength should cause potential
offenders to refrain from criminal acts due to their perception of a higher likelihood of being
arrested and punished. In this sense, criminals will then reflect carefully before carrying out
unlawful activities, aiding in the prevention of crimes. As an illustration, lower fears of crimes
have been reported among residents of a hotspot place in America after adopting such practices.

efficiency of this measure is also open to question. Despite the intuitive theoretical linkage
between police activity, individual-level perceptions of punishment risks, and crime rates, no
studies have assessed such assumptionsthese associations empirically. However, many scientists
have found that variations in actual punishment levels have little or no impact on individuals’
perceptions of punishment risk, and, by extension, do not affect crime rates via general
deterrence mechanisms. The question of whether more visible indicators of punishment risks,
such as the level of police strength, have an impact on perceptions was not addressed and thus
remains open to empirical scrutiny.

In conclusion, I would argue that the effectiveness and efficiency of increased police patrolling
regarding crime prevention remains to be seen, given their little effects on the thinking of
potential lawbreakers.
TYPE 03: Extreme topics with “the only” // “everyone”
A. Possible Questions:
1. The only way to improve road safety is to give much stricter punishments for driving
offenses. To what extent do you agree or disagree? LAM => important problem:


The reality that road accidents are among the primary causes for human fatalities
worldwide has recently prompted mounting concerns regarding postulating feasible
solutions. In that sense, it is opined that only an imposition of more uncompromising
penalties can give a leeway to improved road safety. From my perspective, although
instant positive impacts of stricter fines are unassailable, I would argue that other
measures, in the long run, can prove themselves far more effective.

Admittedly, as aforementioned, prevailing support for imposing stringent road

regulations is legitimate to a certain extent. To begin with, more severe penalties can
act as a wake-up call, deterring other would-be offenders from audaciously violating the
road regulations. More specifically, a plethora of road punishments, namely license
suspension, small fines and even incarceration collectively aim to help dangerous
drivers to become highly cognizant of the severity of their misconduct, thereby
rendering them more disciplined and alert while engaging in future traffic activities. Most
importantly, the remarkable effectiveness of this type of method is evident in a deluge of
different societies, especially in developing nations such as Vietnam. To elucidate,
considering the predominant circumstances of illegal drinking and driving in Vietnam
over the course of history, the adoption of lifted fines up to 40 million VND of late has
successfully cut down on road accidents, with data recorded dropping by over 20% in
both the official cases and fatalities. OK NÈ MÀ TOO LONG FOR ONE PAR

Nevertheless, I do not endorse the belief that harsh penalties are the only way to
ameliorate the level of safety, instead, a combination of raising awareness and
upgraded designs can make a difference. Firstly, since the worsened quality of
commuting is chiefly attributed to human activities, an emphasis on public education
about safe driving could sustainably enhance on-road experiences. One of the pioneers
in applying this efficient measure is India, in which a significant amount of government’s
attention is paid to training courses for road safety. To clarify, India’s World Resources
Institute is striving to improve road safety awareness through several workshops and
training for trucking and taxi associations with an aim to minimize the number of road
casualties. Furthermore, updated road design should be applied to lay the groundwork
for better commuting. Indeed, such minor elements as warning signs, speed bumps or
road bends can be equipped sufficiently to take control of the speed and concurrently
reduce unfortunate accidents due to limited visibility. => PAR NÀY DÀI QUÁ TA??

All things considered, the upsides of activating more austere regulations on enhancing
road safety are indeed irrefutable. However, it is my firm conviction that such
approaches as educational programs and refurbishments can, sooner or later, tweak
global commuting security.

2. Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a
healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree? THAO NGUYEN



ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS → The meat industry contributes largely to the

overall carbon and methane emissions // worsen global warming → a larger number
of people switching to a vegetarian diet => reduce the demand for meat-based
products // producing vegetables is more efficient than meat production



+ children & teenagers

+ bodybuilders // athletes
+ people with certain medical conditions
+ women who are pregnant or breastfeeding

On overlooking the role of meat in health-related aspects, some people state that humans
should totally remove it from our diets and become vegetarian. However, from my personal
perspective, I partly disagree with this statement and the following essay will further clarify my
point of view.
On the one hand, it is an indisputable fact that being a vegan will have positive effects on
human’s health. [HEALTH BENEFITS] Since a vegetarian diet is associated with high
consumption of nutrients such as fiber, vitamins C and E, folic acid, magnesium, unsaturated fat,
and numerous phytochemicals, vegetarians usually have lower cholesterol, low blood pressure
and reduced chances of heart diseases. This is proved in a study of 44,500 people in England
and Scotland which showed that vegetarians were 32% less likely to die or need hospital
treatment as a consequence of heart disease than meat eaters [don’t use data nè]. Therefore,
choosing to be vegan will result in a healthier and happier individual.
On the other hand, a vegetarian diet is unbalanced [ADDRESS THE KEYWORD:
EVERYONE???]. As many nutrients mostly originate from animals, restricting any of the main
food groups will cease the supplement of essential nutrients. This, as a result, increases the
possibility of nutrient deficiency faced by vegetarians, forcing them to be extremely careful
when planning a diet to avoid nutrient shortages. For instance, according to the National
Institutes of Health, vitamin B12 mainly comes from animal products like beef and seafood. On
account of this fact, vegetarians are at a rising risk of lacking vitamin B12. In order to resolve
this, an increasing consumption of eggs, milk, fortified foods or supplements is needed
which require much greater effort in terms of time, knowledge and money of vegans to
adjust. e
To encapsulate, for the aforementioned reasons, I believe that people should flexibly modify
their diet between vegetarian and non-vegetarian to stay healthy instead of completely
eliminating meat, which is a vital source of nutrition.

TYPE 04: Topic with “should, could”

A. Possible Questions:
1. Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals are free to do
whatever they want to do. To what extent do you agree or disagree? [KHÁNH]

It stands to reason that the constitution has invariably been an integral prerequisite for the
formation and development of any society. Hence, many opine that if people had the freedom to
do as they please, the permanent and efficacious functioning of a community could be disrupted.
From a personal perspective, I emphatically concur with this standpoint and the following essay
will elaborate on the rationale of my stance.

To begin with, laws and regulations play a paramount role in safeguarding individuals’ security
and well-being. More specifically, since the legal system operates under the harm
principle???, it protects people from such incidents as violence or property crimes, thereby
conferring them with a sense of safety and peace of mind. Therefore, the absence of basic harm
principle laws could eventually prompt the society to degenerate into despotism, in which the
powerful and aggressive gain domination over the weak and non-violent. A compelling example
of this lies in food safety laws, which defend the public from potentially fatal food poisoning
instigated by previously unscrupulous and profit-oriented food manufacturing industries.


could be irreparably descended into chaos and hostility in the absence of rules and laws that
maintain its order. To elucidate, when individuals are allowed to do whatever they want, they are
prone to become more selfish and greedy owing to being driven by self-interest rather than
public-induced spirit. As a consequence, such people would conduct malicious and ego-eccentric
behaviors namely assaulting or even murdering, thus morphing the society into a state of
anarchy. This can be vividly illustrated by the COVID-19 pandemic, during which the disease
could be transmissible on a substantially larger scale without daily briefings, mandatory
quarantine and social distancing initiated by governmental laws. okkk
[BENEFITS] Ultimately, it is irrefutable that rules and laws are pivotal to social progress
considering their adaptation and evolution with the times. By way of clarification, the failure of
the legal system to exist could not have resulted in several positive changes on a societal level
throughout the course of history. For instance, as time progressed, humans have benefited from a
wide array of legislations ranging from fundamental needs such as sustenance to more advanced
wishes namely gender equality and freedom of expression. In other words, the continuous
process of human civilization would be hindered or disrupted if jurisprudence remained stagnant

All things considered, in view of the aforementioned arguments, it is my firm conviction that the
presence of rules and laws ought to be considered indispensable for the sake of both individuals’
safety and society’s sustainable development.

2. In some conditions, people who break the law should be warned instead of
punished. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (Anh Thái)

Essay #1 Lesser punishment

Punishments for lawbreakers have always been a largely contentious issue. Depending on the
circumstances, it is argued that offenders could be let off with a warning instead of incurring any
penalties. Personally, I emphatically agree with this statement and the following essay will
articulate my point.

To begin with, considering different types of offenses, admonishing an offender without

punishing reflects the clemency in the judicial system. Indeed, the ultimate purpose of the law is
not for making people suffer but to ward people off committing criminal activities. Therefore,
should the person show genuine remorse for his or her wrongdoings as well as the willingness to
make up for the damage caused to a satisfactory extent, generous treatment from the police or
jury is justifiable to the tolerant nature of the legal system. However, this should be carefully
applied to avoid being abused by devious lawyers to free dangerous delinquents from their
deserving retribution.

[CHÀ IDEA NÀY LẠ QUÁ!!] Moreover, forfeitures should also be dropped for naive juveniles
due to their immaturity. In a sense, most cases of the young breaking the laws largely originate
not from the child himself/herself but the malevolent individuals with a fear of taking
responsibility for their misdeeds. Therefore, such individuals choose to take advantage of
gullible youngsters to cover up their criminality. This could be clearly witnessed in multiple past
terrorism acts carried out by innocent teenagers threatened and manipulated by hidden tring
pullers. Had it not been for the effort from the police forces to find the true miscreant, these
children would have been unfairly sentenced to death or decades in prison.
In conclusion, while it is true that punishment is required to properly manage a peaceful society,
different scenarios around illicit acts should also be taken into account for the best decisions to
be made, ensuring safety as well as justice for the citizens.

1. Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a
healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree?

Essay #2 Vegetarian topic

The wide selection of tasty and healthful plant-based foods in the contemporary world has been
challenging the need of meat consumption for a balanced diet. From my perspective, despite
certain benefits of switching to a meatless diet, I strongly believe that urging all citizens to
follow such a plan is biased and unfeasible

To begin with, it is undeniable that a vegetarian diet does good for the human body to a
certain extent. Fruits and veggies have been scientifically proven to contain the majority of
vitamins and minerals essential for healthy functioning of the body. This, coupled with the
modern-day high-speed transportation and advanced preservation technology, afford customers
access to various types of plants from different geological locations, further diversifying the food
choices and supplying vital nutrients deficient in local crops. Moreover, vegan produces also
have the capability to reduce the risk of a range of critical diseases such as cardiovascular or
diabetes. Therefore, in the long run, following a plant-based diet would greatly enhance the life
quality of the majority of the population.

However, such benefits of eating plants cannot be equated with the statement that
everyone should become a vegetarian due to the indispensable meat consumption in certain cases
as well as the personal freedom in dietary decisions. Specifically, certain groups of people such
as athletes require an enormous amount of calories as well as macronutrients such as carbs or
protein for bulking up their muscles which a vegan diet cannot fulfill. Similarly, young children
and teenagers or pregnant women whose bodies need a large supply of energy in a short period
of time should turn to meat for maximal development. Furthermore, considering the
contemporary global trend moving towards consumer-based society, it is utterly unfeasible to
restrict the eating habits of the citizens. Indeed, due to consumers’ independence in thought and
finance along with huge corporations created to satisfy buyers’ demands, people can choose to
purchase and consume their desired food products at will. Hypothetically, a ban on such freedom
would provoke immediate objections as well as riots, proving it impossible to do so.

In conclusion, while the merits of a plant-based diet is eminent for people following it,
the aforementioned statement is an extreme viewpoint impractical in the actual world. Instead,
citizens should strike a balance between meat and plant consumption, making sure to reap the
best benefits from both types of food for their own betterment.
TYPE 05: Topics about “facts” // “existing issues nowadays”
A. Possible Questions:
1. Some people say that nowadays children have too much freedom. To what
extent do you agree or disagree? [NHẬT ANH] MÌNH CÓ ĐỒNG Ý RẰNG -
EXCESSIVE LEVEL OF FREEDOM// nếu viết về parents should hay
shouldn’t give children freedom => OFF TOPIC
Compare to the past, children have more freedom but it is far from being

Many possess the belief that children in the modern world are granted excessive
freedom. Notwithstanding that, I partly concur with this stance: albeit having more
authority in terms of speech and choices, children are being restrained from several
aspects of life, which was unprecedented in previous generations.

On the one hand, it is legitimate to a certain extent that children are permitted more
freedom than ever before. First and foremost, such autonomy is evident in the rights to
make decisions. Indeed, the hyperconnectivity and the prevalence of western culture
has mitigated the influence of entrenched but conservative ideologies that suppress
children’s freedom. For instance, in Eastern countries, the gender stereotypes applied
on children’s wear and hairstyle is gradually phased out, thereby giving girls the leeway
to dress in menswear and have a bold and short hair-cut, which used to be frowned
upon in the old days. Secondly, as social media and other Internet platforms are gaining
traction in this century, children have an alternative space to exhibit their thoughts and
ideas alike without the interference of adults. By way of clarification, the aforementioned
sites serve as an autonomous epicenter of idea exchange that parents could not keep
abreast of their children’s activities and speech.

On the other hand, compared to the past, children are allowed more freedom but it is far
from being excessive. In other words, the modern world has imposed restrictions on
children’s freedom even though in a distinctive way from their parents’. To begin with,
considering the current world state, several regions, in particular urban areas, are
constantly plagued with social ills, such as crimes, pollution and road-related risk
factors, thus, children are no longer allowed to wander on the street or go camping in
the forest that used to be commonplace activities in the past. Moreover, the
preoccupation with mania-driven practice has kept children from fully enjoying their
childhood. To elaborate, living in a rapidly developing world, parents are convinced that
academic achievements should take priority over other recreational activities. Hence,
they register summer courses and other self-development classes for their children for
fear of their children being behind other fellows. Unfortunately, the time budget allocated
to these educational activities could, in turn, deter youngsters from their hobbies, friend
circle and even from their one-off childhood.

In brief, although gaining more independence of speech and choices, the contemporary
world hampers children from partaking in leisure activities and cherishing their
childhood. Therefore, I strongly believe that parents should strike the balance between
their children’s academic learning and joyful activities for the sake of their well-rounded

2. The government and individuals are spending too much money on national celebrations
like new year or festivals. Do you agree or disagree? Nhat Linh
While the government and individuals pay more investment for national celebrations, I
would argue such spending is reasonable.
There is a school of thought that there is too much investment from the government and
individuals for national celebrations such as new year or festivals. Personally, I would argue that
much spending is necessary to unlock far more benefits.

On the one hand, it is justifiable for some to argue that the government and private corporations
spending too much money for these occasions. To be more specific, the fund for preparing each
event could be up to some million dollars, which might act as a humanity help for the
underpriviledge. In other words, instead of wasting money for celebrations, the government and
individuals could support the poor in their country as well as facilitate a more humanitarian
society. Furthermore, those funds could be used to address many emergence issues of their
nation, which might be more critical and practical to invest rather than those yearly celebrations.

On the other hand, emphasising in speng money on national events could bring far more benefits
in terms of commercial for a nation’s image as welandsm economy. More specifically, those
investment for national celebration could act as a significant tool to attract more tourisms, which
contribute remarkably to the local economy. In addition, such practices could enable the
government to popularize their national tradition, culture and local tourist destination, which
might enable foreigners to seek a proper understanding and gain an insight into their country. For
example, many investments every year for Da Nang city in Vietnam to organize various national
events, which facilitate this region to boost their economy and job opportunities for the locals as
a city of toursim. This explain why the government and many business always spending money
for those events yearly despite the huge demand of money.

In conclusion, despite the huge total annual spending for those celebrations, I am more
convinced that it is much necessary and significantly contribute to the development of nations.
The government and individuals should balance the investment for national events and other
issues to maintain the quality of society.


Gia Hưng :
The world’s overpopulation growth and migration to urban areas haves put a huge pressure on
urban infrastructures. Some believe that unoccupiedassets that have unoccupied space in these
urban areas should be allocated to the construction of more trees rather than residential areas.
From my perspective, comparing the importance of these two approaches seems irrelevant to me,
whether which aspect is more important depends on the conditions of a particular city.

On one hand, the significant role of planting trees lies in their ability to provide residents with
cleaner air, which protects residents from respiratory diseases and contributes to their
improvement in mental well-being. Being around nature, specifically trees, has been shown to
lower the levels of cortisol in our brains, known as the stress hormone, contributing to and this is
subjected to the reduction in symptoms of anxiety and stress. Trees and green spaces have also
been proven to be a vital factor to avoid skin cancer, asthma, hypertension, and other stress
related illnesses by filtering out polluted air, reducing smog formation, providing shade from
solar radiation, and providing an attractive, calming settings for recreation. Meanwhile, since
concrete construction has taken up a large proportion of towns and cities' land together with
heavy traffic flow, a lack of green plants could aggravate air pollution in these regions

On the other hand, putting an emphasis on building residential areas means addressing the
overpopulation problems. Needless to say, it is more practical to provide qualitative
accommodation for the growing global population .It can be exemplified by China and India, In
countries like China and India undergoing far-reaching effects of population boom, rural-urban
migrationm . The increase in urban citizens has resulted in skyrocketing pressure on the
sustainable services and deteriorated sanitary conditions. If the entire open space is covered by
trees, the prices for renting and the proportion of homelessness will increase, which means that
they will face the issue of lack of shelter. Such housing shortages would result in domino effects
of other serious problems such as slums and higher crime rates. .

To encapsulate, planting more trees is more vital in heavily polluted cities, while for cities with
huge residential numbers , constructing more houses would be a wiser choice. Dedicing on
which type of features to add to a city depends on its specific conditions.

Gia Huy:

Making a thorough plan for the future is most people’s recipe for success. However, some opine
that it is no use having a vision of the future instead of focusing on the present scenario, which is
more realistic and important. From a personal perspective, I believe that planning for the future
can be of greater benefitone should give precedence to future-orientation, and this essay will
discuss reasons for my choice.

On the one hand, it is undeniable that enjoyingworking for the present is more crucial, to some
extent, in comparison with being obssessed with thethe future. Being present-oriented, people are
able to focus on practical and actionable steps that can be achieved easily, preventing
procrastination upon looking at a far-flung target. Instead, accomplishing short-term goals
inspires actions and ensures gradual and consistent progress over time, thereby inducing a feeling
of gratitude and fulfillment which keeps us on the right track in each stage of life. Moreover,
paying more attention to the present is synonymous with the fact that individualsyou can cherish
one-off precious moments spared with beloved ones, and have more chances to improve the
spiritual aspects of life. On the contrary, plans and expectations about the future are likely make
usto do nothing but to make you over-worried or pessimistic about upcoming events, detering us
from living each moment of our life to the fullest.. As a result, it is more advisable to focus on
the present to enjoy life to the fullest.

On the other hand, I believe that setting a and staying commited to future goals should be
contribute more to our success and development.goal in the future is more vital than the present
for some following reasons. First of all, a plan for the future keeps people motivated throughout
an entire life. To illustrate, future-oriented individualspeople have the tendency to visualize
themselves as winners because they usually set long-term goals that require step-by-step
preparation and are beyond which are a bit out of the reach of those having no clear vision.
Therefore, this can give them a high sense of optimism in order to This is the case for those
wishing to pursue jobs as doctors and researchers as these occupations require them years of
traning and strong commitment to stay on right track rather than being distracted by other
factors.incentivize them to break their own limits and achieve their aims. Secondly, a well-
prepared plan is attributed to the ability to respond to changes and expected problems. problems,
which on most occasions are unexpected. For example, during the outbreak of the covid-19
pandemicwhen the Covid-19 struck, many daily wage earners became unemployed which had an
adverse impact on their budget and resultant their living during the lockdown. Conversely,
people who invested the time and money on savings, benefited from their wise decisions.
Considering the aforementioned example, it is necessary to spend time on future planning
activities for better preparation whenever such an abrupt change confronts.

In conclusion, while giving priority to the present means that people can make the most of every
moment in their life, planning for the future actualizes a better version of life. Therefore, I am
more convinced by the view that people should be encouraged to strive for the future.

Thảo Nguyên:
On overlooking the role of meat in health-related aspects, some people state that humans
should totally remove meat-based products it from our diets and become vegetarians. However,
from my personal perspective, I partly disagree with this statement and the following essay will
further clarify my point of view.

On the one hand, it is an indisputable fact that a vegetarian diet provides humans with several
advantages. One of the most easily seen aspect is health benefits, since a vegetarian diet is
associated with high consumption of nutrients such as fiber, vitamins C and E, folic acid,
magnesium, unsaturated fat, and numerous phytochemicals, vegetarians usually have lower
cholesterol, low blood pressure and reduced chances of heart diseases. Therefore, choosing to be
vegan mightwill result in a healthier and happier individual. Another noteworthy factor is
environmental benefits, as the meat industry contributes largely to the overall carbon and
methane emissions, people switching to a vegetarian diet would mean a reduction inwill reduce
the demand for meat-based products as well as the amount of greenhouse gases, leading to an
improvement in our global environmental quality.

On the other hand, a vegetarian diet might will not be suitable for some groups of people,
especially teenagers and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding because of its potential
consequences. To clarify, a vegetarian diet is unbalanced. Since many nutrients mostly originate
from animals, restricting any of the main food groups will cease the supplement of essential
nutrients, making a vegetarian diet unbalanced and sufficient for body growth. This, as a result,
increases the possibility of nutrient deficiency faced by vegetarians, which would affect grops
such as enagers, pregnant or breastfeeding women who require a sufficient amount of nutrition
for health development. . For instance, it has been sciencitifcally proven thataccording to the
National Institutes of Health, vitamin B12 mainly comes from animal products like beef and
seafood. On account of this fact, vegetarians are at a rising risk of lacking vitamin B12. However,
teenagers, pregnant or breastfeeding women are people who require a sufficient amount of
nutrition for health development. Hence, becoming vegan will not be advisable for these types of

To encapsulate, for the aforementioned reasons, I believe that people should flexibly modify
their diet between vegetarian and non-vegetarian to stay healthy instead of completely
eliminating meat, which is a vital source of nutrition. Therefore, the idea of becoming a vegan
should depend on individuals’ needs and health conditions.

The reality that road accidents are among the primary causes for human fatalities worldwide has
recently prompted mounting concerns regarding postulating feasible solutions. In that sense, it is
opined that imposingonly an imposition of more uncompromising penalties can give a leeway to
improved road safety. From my perspective, although the positive impacts of stricter fines are
unassailable, I would argue that other measures, in the long run, can prove themselves far more

Admittedly, prevailing support for imposing stringent road regulations is legitimate to a certain
extent. To begin with, more severe penalties can act as a wake-up call, deterring other would-be
offenders from audaciously violating the road regulations. More specifically, a plethora of road
punishments, namely license suspension, small fines and even incarceration collectively aim to
help dangerous drivers to become highly cognizant of the severity of their misconduct, thereby
rendering them more disciplined and alert while engaging in future traffic activities. Most
importantly, the remarkable effectiveness of this type of method is evident in a deluge of
different societies, especially in developing nations such as Vietnam. To elucidate, considering
the predominant circumstances of illegal drinking and driving in Vietnam, the adoption of
heightenedlifted fines up to 40 million VND of late has successfully cut down on road accidents,
with data recorded dropping by over 20% in both the official cases and fatalities. HAY NÈ!!

Nevertheless, I do not endorse the belief that harsh penalties are the only way to ameliorate the
level of safety, instead, a combination of raising awareness and upgraded designs can make a
difference. Firstly, since the worsened quality of commuting is chiefly attributed to human
activities, an emphasis on public education could sustainably enhance on-road experiences. One
of the pioneers in applying this efficient measure is India, where a significant amount of
government’s attention is paid to training courses for road safety. To clarify, India’s World
Resources Institute is striving to improve road safety awareness through several workshops and
training for trucking and taxi associations to minimize the number of road casualties.
Furthermore, updated road design should be applied to lay the groundwork for better commuting,
since . Indeed, such minor elements as warning signs or road bends can be equipped sufficiently
to control the speed and reduce unfortunate accidents due to limited visibility.

All things considered, the upsides of activating more severe regulations on enhancing road safety
are indeed irrefutable. However, it is my firm conviction that such approaches as educational
programs and refurbishments can, sooner or later, tweak global commuting security.

1. Some people say it is more important to plant trees in the open spaces in towns and
cities than to build more housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Inevitably, the rapidly deteriorating air quality in metropolitan cities has sparked off
environmentalists’ pleas for urgent measures. In that sense, some opine that unoccupied space in
urban areas should be allocated to tree planting rather than constructing accommodation.
Although I acknowledge that shelter building can exerthave a direct impact on social issues, I
argue that allocating spaces toinvestment in trees and green parks would be a wiser option.

Admittedly, the opinion that governments should emphasize housing is legitimate to a certain
extent. To begin with, this approach can, in the first place, address the problems surrounding
overpopulation in such large cities. Indeed, constant migration from rural regions to major cities
in search of jobs is undoubtedly placing unbearable strains on urban housing, which has already
been in dire need of renovation. Such consequences can be clearly seen in New York City, USA
where inhabitants have suffered a surging shortage of housing over the last decades. To be more
specific, New York recently gained nearly 500,000 new residents, yet the figure for newly built
housing units was merely 100.000, resulting in thousands of homeless people and pushing home
prices to record levels by 20%. Therefore, that authorities may distribute fundings to expand
residential areas for the sake of citizens is understandable. đỉnh

Nevertheless, I emphatically believe that house construction is eclipsed by planting trees in

municipal cities when it comes to the level of urgency and necessity of the latter. Needless to
say, given an unprecedented rise in respiratory diseases aggravated by air pollution in various
metropolitan areas, more emphasis on planting trees rather than houses can undoubtedly enhance
public wellbeing in the long run. Most importantly, unlike blocks of buildings which worsen
global warming by emitting tons of harmful fumes from household activities, green trees can
serve as a cost-effective air purifier, collecting nanodust and concurrently providing oxygen
essential for human survival. A salient example of this is Hanoi city, in which, considering its
top rank in the world’s most polluted cities, experts project that the air temperature will
reduce by 3.3 degrees Celsius via covering the whole city with around 250.000 trees in 2022.
On such grounds, metropolitan authorities should make a concerted effort to plant trees to
improve public health. [MÀ RA THI CÓ DATA MÀ VIẾT HOK????]

To sum up, the direct influences of attention to accomodation in urban areas are indeed
irrefutable. However, from my perspective, the government should prioritize planting trees in
such densely populated regions;, otherwise, inhabitants might not be in a healthy statecannot be
healthy-qualified enough to tackle such less menacing problems as housing. HAHA ĐC NÈ!1


Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to
have a healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree?

Dietary habits are a crucial contribution of a healthy body. A propos of this, it is opined
that vegetarian meals are a go-to diet for everyone as a wholesome diet does not
necessarily contain meat. However, from my perspective, I partly agree with this idea as
abstaining from meat, in the long run, results in unforeseeable problems for the meat
industry and even the vegetarian themselves.

On the one hand, vegetarian meals reduce the risk of certain cancers. Indeed, plants
are known to foster a healthy mix of beneficial bacteria that would protect the body from
cellular damage and short-term inflammation. Meanwhile, red and processed meat
includes a chemical called haem, also a risk factor of cancer. Thus, consuming whole
plant foods, as opposed to meat products, could prevent cancer cases, such as heart
disease, to a certain extent. Moreover, adopting a meatless diet helps in
mitigatingcutting down the carbon footprint contributed by animal farming. To elaborate,
livestock raising is among the leading factors of global warming owing to a huge amount
of methane it discharges into the atmosphere and forest clear-off to make way for
pastures and farming facilities. As a rule of thumb, the declining demand for meat would
minimize the scale of such farms, thereby, reducing its detrimental bearings on the
environment. OKKK khoa học quá

On the other hand, supposing that people opt for becoming vegetarians, farmers in the
meat industry would suffer from negative impacts. By way of clarification, since their
products are not in high demand, cattle farmers would lose their market share to
veggies distributors. Subsequently, those working in the meat sector would be
prone to unemployment, which exerts a financial burden on the government to
subsidize these individuals. [bài dai roi bo cai idea 01 nay dc nha!! → Dạ ^ ^]
Additionally, advocates of plant-based diets would argue that vegetables and seeds can
replace meat as a component of a healthy meal. However, this reasoning is mainly
exaggerated as meat and poultry, according to health experts, plays a pivotal part in a
balanced diet. Indeed, although soy and legumes along with meat are a rich source of
protein, a lack of nutrition knowledge could expose vegetarians to inadequate protein,
vitamin, and mineral intake. For this reason, a combination of meat and plant-based
food is a more effective way of promoting physical health than a meat-free meal
especially in the case of children and pregnant women. s.

In conclusion, despite having positive implications on the overall health and the
environment, vegetarian diets could carry the risk of large-scale unemployment in the
meat producing sector and nutrition deficiencies if lackingwithout a solid background
information. Therefore, I am convinced that before commencing eating meat-free,
individuals should carry out thorough research to weigh up its pros and cons. OKKKK

Nhat Linh

Some people think that the most important thing about being rich is it gives a person the
opportunity to help other people. Do you agree or disagree?

Although giving to others is an important meaning of being rich, it is far from the most
critical aspect since the meaning of wealth varies from one person to another.

On the one hand, or some altruistic people and philanthropists, the most crucial aspect of
being rich is to help others might be right for some altruistic people and philanthropists.
To be more specific, such people full of kindness might prefer the richness in charge of
supporting the ones having poor circumstances, especially the underprivileged. For them,
such activities of helping poor ones would act as humanity, which might be believed as
thea main meaning of wealth since it not only facilitates better conditions for the
underprivileged but also contributes to the society's growth. For example, Theresa Lloyd
is recognized as one of the UK’s leading experts on philanthropy, whose associate wealth
with his ability to uplift the lives of the underpriviledged guideline of richness is to assist
poor conditions; hence, she spent all her time and financial support for charitable workthe
charity and non-profit institutions. For these larger-than-life individuals paying more
focus to spiritual values, their sense of life fulfillment mostly comes from their
devotion to society and others’ happiness.

On the other hand, it is justifiable for some to equate the meaning of richness to other
aspects of life. To be more specific, in our increasingly materialistic world,
manymaterialistic ones would consider wealth as a means for them to gain respect from
the public as well as show off their high social status. In other words, their mindset
usually revolves aroune extravagant lifestyles, wealth accumulation, and social
status would prefer the crucial meaning of wealth is first to satisfy their inner
selfishness and secure a feeling of being superior to others such as gaining social
recognition and extravagant lifestyles. Such meanings would be much critical for
budding entrepreneurs, who might prefer the wealth to build their own reputation
kỳ nha. Therefore, the meaning of richness varies from one person to anotheron many
points,, which could not be claimed , with no concrete formula to set any aspect as the
most important meaning of wealth. for any aspect.

In conclusion, despite the humanitarian meaning of helping others, it is far from being
supposed as the most critical one. Furthermore, people others with many different
attitudes and perpsectives would pursue wealth and prosperities for various purposes.
argue the meaning of wealth is firstly for themselves.

Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a
healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree?

It stands to reason that vegetarianism has gained in burgeoning popularity on a global

scale over recent decades. In that sense, advocates of this growing trend opine that it
should be adopted by all members of society since eating meat does not necessarily
contribute to a wholesome diet. From a personal perspective, although the tremendous
merits offered by vegetarianism are highly conspicuous, I would deem everyone’s usage
of this practice as practically unfeasible. 2 câu thoii!!!

Admittedly, a multitude of health benefits can be brought about by a diet bereft of meat
and fish. First and foremost, not only does a plant-based regimen abound in nutritious
food constituents namely fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts but it also comprises a vast
array of vitamins and antioxidants. Hence, absorbing such wholesome sources of food
can potentially curb vegetarians’ vulnerability to several chronic illnesses such as
diabetes, high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease. In addition, opting for
vegetarianism also assists the adopters’ process of achieving an ideal body weight. By
way of clarification, owing to its lower intake of calories and fat, a veggie diet can
facilitate excess weight loss more efficiently than a meat-heavy one, thereby averting
obesity - an acutely unsettling issue among the young these days.

That being said, the aforementioned favorable impacts of a vegan diet are by no means
equivalent to the fact that it is completely advisable for everyone. To begin with, a diet
excluding meat and fish, in certain circumstances, can prove detrimental to people with
underlying health conditions. For instance, since a type of protein called gluten, in which
vegetables are abundant, is not good for individuals with stomach ulcers, a plant-based
regimen could cause a lack of nutrients, thus aggravating their ailment further. Similarly,
this applies to children in the growing age, whose optimal physical and cognitive
development will be hampered in the absence of adequate vitamins and minerals
provided by meat. Furthermore, there exist specific beneficial features of meat conducive
to a healthy diet that vegetarian food is devoid of. To elucidate, as an animal-based diet
contains profusehigh levels of protein, it can tremendously increase the metabolic rate
and foster the retention of muscle and bone mass, thereby effectively averting such
illnesses as arthritis or hip fracture. CHÀ CÁI NÀY CHUYÊN MÔN QUA!!!

All things considered, the salutary effects vegetarianism exerts on individuals’ physical
well-being are indeed irrefutable. Nevertheless, I fervently believe that rather than being
universally followed, this type of diet plan should be adopted based on each person’s
demand, preference as well as health condition.


3. Some countries are struggling with increases in crime rates. Some believe that
having more police on the streets is the best way to reduce and combat crime.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Conventional wisdom has it that a steady increase in the misconduct and violation of laws
has been witnessed in the modern world, posing a dilemma for countries currently
encountering it. Therefore, opinion is largely divided as to whether increased police
presence would lead to more efficient crime prevention, with which I partly agree.

On the one hand, the deterrent effect of police activity on crime lies in the changes in
punishment certainty. To illustrate, it is not a fallacy to state that more police patrolling
the streets would scare criminals off. It follows from the deterrence hypothesis that rises
in police strength should cause potential offenders to refrain from criminal acts due to
their perception of a higher likelihood of being arrested and punished. In this sense,
criminals will then reflect carefully before carrying out unlawful activities, aiding in the
prevention of crimes. As an illustration, lower fears of crimes have been reported among
residents of a hotspot place in America after adopting such practices. Hence, it is not
fallible to say that this method can be helpful in combating crime.

On the other hand, albeit the possible virtue of patrolling police in combating crimes, I
would contend that many other more effective solutions exist. First and foremost is
installing CCTV in each street. However, with technological advancement, it is more
efficient and cost-effective to install closed-circuit televisions or surveillance cameras on
the streets compared to employing a police force. For example, The overweighting
usefulness of CCTV can be seen in places that may be hidden or hard to be controlled
strictly by police such as car parks. Second, putting more police on the streets has no
positive effect but to drive people back to the wall, consequently leading to more
aggressive types of crime. Instead, governments should enhance social welfare, and
reduce the unemployment rate to eliminate the reasons for people committing crimes for
money, hence being able to resolve the problems at their root cause. Therefore, increasing
the number of police on the street does not seem the optimal preventive method against

In conclusion, the installation of more police on the streets can certainly be successful in
crime prevention to a certain extent. Nonetheless, I would argue that its effectiveness and
efficiency remain to be seen given its cost of more financial and human resources

Essay #2 Vegetarian topic

The wide selection of tasty and healthful plant-based foods in the contemporary world has been
challenging the need of meat consumption for a balanced diet. From my perspective, despite
certain benefits of switching to a meatless diet, I strongly believe that urging all citizens to
follow such a plan is biased and unfeasible

To begin with, it is undeniable that a vegetarian diet does good for the human body to a
certain extent. Fruits and veggies have been scientifically proven to contain the majority of
vitamins and minerals essential for healthy functioning of the body. This, coupled with the
modern-day high-speed transportation and advanced preservation technology, afford customers
access to various types of plants from different geological locations, further diversifying the food
choices and supplying vital nutrients deficient in local crops. Moreover, vegan produces also
have the capability to reduce the risk of a range of critical diseases such as cardiovascular or
diabetes. Therefore, in the long run, following a plant-based diet would greatly enhance the life
quality of the majority of the population.

However, such benefits of eating plants cannot be equated with the statement that
everyone should become a vegetarian due to the indispensable meat consumption in certain cases
as well as the personal freedom in dietary decisions. Specifically, certain groups of people such
as athletes require an enormous amount of calories as well as macronutrients such as carbs or
protein for bulking up their muscles which a vegan diet cannot fulfill. Similarly, young children
and teenagers or pregnant women whose bodies need a large supply of energy in a short period
of time should turn to meat for maximal development. Furthermore, considering the
contemporary global trend moving towards consumer-based society, it is utterly unfeasible to
restrict the eating habits of the citizens. Indeed, due to consumers’ independence in thought and
finance along with huge corporations created to satisfy buyers’ demands, people can choose to
purchase and consume their desired food products at will. Hypothetically, a ban on such freedom
would provoke immediate objections as well as riots, proving it impossible to do so.

In conclusion, while the merits of a plant-based diet is eminent for people following it,
the aforementioned statement is an extreme viewpoint impractical in the actual world. Instead,
citizens should strike a balance between meat and plant consumption, making sure to reap the
best benefits from both types of food for their own betterment.

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