Konservasi Penyu Hijau English

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1.1 Background
Turtle is one of the protected animals because it is endangered in Indonesia. These marine
reptiles are able to migrate very far along the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Southeast Asian
regions. In the world there are 7 types of turtles and 6 of them are in Indonesia. Namely
leatherback turtles (Demochelys coriacea), green turtles (Chelonia mydas), hawksbill turtles
(Eretmochelys imbricata), lekang turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea), loggerhead turtles (Caretta
caretta) and flat turtles (Natator depressus). The most common turtle found in Indonesia is green
turtles. Sea turtles, including oviparous animals, take place in the mother's body. Green turtles
are endangered and protected by the government through Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning
Conservation of Natural Resources. At the national level green turtles have been protected by the
government through the establishment of Government Regulation No. 7 of 1999 along with 236
species of animals and 58 other types of plants.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

1. How to overcome the declining population of green turtles in Indonesia.
2. How to maintain a green turtle ecosystem to stay awake.

1.3 Purpose of Writing

1. To find out how to increase the population of green turtles.
2. In order to find out how to maintain the green turtle ecosystem.

1.4 Writing Method

The method used in this paper is taking secondary data from various types of journals that can be
accounted for.

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2.1 Green Turtle

Turtles are reptiles that live in the sea, whose existence has long been threatened both from
nature and from human activities. Internationally, turtles are included in the 'red list' on IUCN
and CITES Appendix I (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species), which
means that their presence in nature is endangered. The efforts of turtle conservation are
important and urgent programs to protect and save turtle populations. Among the six types of
turtles found in Indonesia, namely Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriecea), Hawksbill Turtle
(Eretmochelys imbricata), Lekang Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), Crock Turtle (Caretta
caretta), Flatback Turtle (Narator depressus), and Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas). Turtle as a
species whose life cycle is naturally vulnerable, the continuity of its population is increasingly
threatened by increasing human activity. Factors that influence the survival of species and habitat
for turtles include damage to coastal habitats, nesting sites for turtles and feedstuffs, deaths from
interactions with fishing activities, egg theft and illegal trade in turtle products, inadequate
management of conservation techniques, climate change, diseases, and various exploits that
endanger the environment. The destruction of turtle habitat will directly endanger the
sustainability of the species. Protection of turtles as an endangered species is very important to
do. The characteristics of the turtle life cycle are very long and unique, so that to achieve a
"stable" condition (a condition where population abundance is relatively constant over the past 5
years) can take a long time. Thus all forms of turtle utilization and circulation and their products
must be taken seriously.

2.2 Green Turtle Conservation

According to the World Conservation Union (IUCN), the basic understanding of conservation
areas is "The area of land and or sea, especially those intended for the protection and
maintenance of biodiversity, and natural resources that are connected with related cultures, and
managed through the application of law or in an effective way others "(Broquere, 2005). The
following is considered a Marine Conservation Area as part of an effective conservation system
for the area at sea. Marine conservation is part of an ecosystem management or conservation
effort. According to Pomeroy (2012) the existence of MPAs can protect ecosystems overall,
because through conservation can protect species that are targeted for exploitation from
extinction while protecting important habitat conditions such as spawning and maintenance areas
of these species.

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Decree of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries No. 34 of 2002, that coastal areas are
very dynamic but vulnerable to changes that occur must be divided into several management
zones, namely:
1. Preservation Zone / Core Zone
It is an area that has high conservation value which is very susceptible to interference from the
outside so that minimum human intervention in it is sought. In its management, this zone must
get maximum protection.
2. Conservation Zone
It is a protection zone in which there are one or more core zones. This zone can be used very
limited, based on strict arrangements.
3. Buffer Zone
It is a transition zone between the conservation zone and the utilization zone. In this zone, a
disincentive regulation can be applied for spatial use.
4. Utilization Zone (Cultivation Area).
Intensive use of this zone can be done, but consideration of the carrying capacity of the
environment remains a key requirement. In this zone there are also areas which are local
protection zones.
5. Certain zones in the Coastal Zone and Small Islands
It is a special area intended primarily for defense and military activities.

The establishment of conservation zones in a zoning plan, among others, aims to maintain the
sustainability of coastal ecosystems and small islands, protect the flow of fish migration and
other marine biota, protect marine habitat, and protect traditional cultural sites. The
implementation of collaborative management in which there is a division of authority and
responsibility between the government and the community (stakeholders), in a management of
resources in the fields of forestry, fisheries and others, can be identified as one of the stages
towards an effective system of governance (Carlsson & Berkes 2005; Berkes 2009). The future
and the success of sustainable community-based fisheries management will greatly depend on
the level of government cooperation with the community concerned (as well as between
departments within the government). In other words the implementation of collaborative
management should not only function as a means of control for the government, not as a means
for stakeholders to participate in the management role (Jentoft 2005). The government does not
always know the real problems of society and the community is sometimes limited to technical
Consultation and collaboration between the two are prerequisites so that the development of
community-based integrated fisheries resource management can be achieved (Alpı´zar 2006).

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Turtle conservation can be done in line with environmentally friendly tourism. Ecotourism is a
type of tourism that is based on environmental sustainability and contains environmental
education that can support conservation activities.


2.1 Conclusions

2.2 Suggestions

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Ario, R., Wibowo, E., Pratikto, I., & Fajar, S. (2016). Pelestarian Habitat Penyu Dari Ancaman
Kepunahan di Bali. Jurnal Keluatan Tropis Vol 19(1) , 60-66.
Harahap, I. M., Fahrudin, A., & Wardianto, Y. (2015). Pengelolaan Kolaboratif Kawasan
Konservasi Penyu Pangumbahan. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia (JIPI) , Vol. 20 (1): 39 46.

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