Basic Consept of Fiction

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1. FEBRA HERNANDES ( Characters)

2. ASIH SULITA ( Setting )
3. MERNA ( Theme )





All praises to Allah swt the almaighty who has given his mercy and blessing, so the writer
could finish the assignment well. The papers title “Basic Concept of Fiction” Can be finished
on time.

This paper is a requirement to fulfill the assignment from Sir Andriadi, M.A the lecturer of
Introduction To Literature . The writer also thanks to him for all the guidance to complete it.

In completing this paper, the writer faced many problems, but with the help of many people,
all the problems could be passed. May Allah SWT give the blessing for them. It provides the
intrinsic elements in the Happy Prince short story with detail explanation. Although this
paper has many deficiencies in the arrangement and explanation, the writer hope that it can be
used as a reference for the reader to understand the Elements of Fiction.

Bengkulu, march 2022

Table of Contents

1.1 Baground Of The Problem

Literary works are imaginative works in the medium of language, both written and
spoken, which have a dominant aesthetic element. According to Stanton (2012: 22-23),
literary works consist of elements of story facts, themes, and story tools. The facts of the
story consist of three elements, namely characters, plot, and setting. These elements serve as
a record of the imaginative events of a story. Therefore, the characters, plot, and setting are
often referred to by Stanton as the factual structure of a story. The factual structure is not a
separate part of a story. A factual structure is a simple path whose details are regular and
form a pattern that conveys a theme.

The structure is studied to find the totality of meaning that builds a story in a literary
work. Thus, analyzing literary works in detail must look at the structure of the work (Teeuw,
1984: 135). The structure has complex parts, so the meaning must be directed into the
relationship between elements as a whole (Endraswara, 2003: 49).

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. What are the definition of fiction

2. What are the story pacts
3. What are the plot
4. What are the setting
5. What are the character
6. What are the theme

1.3 Purpose

1. To know what the definition of fiction

2. To know what the story facts
3. To know what the plot
4. To know what rhe setting
5. To know what the character
6. To know what the theme


A. Definition of Fiction

According to Experts :

To add to our understanding of the definition of fiction, consider the following

definitions of fiction according to the experts, including;

1. Indonesia Dictionary

According to the KBBI, Fiction is:

1) fictitious story
2) Fiction, fantasy, imagination and not based on reality
3) Statements that only arise from imagination or thought.

2. Nurgiantoro (2010:2)

Fiction is a narrative prose that has the nature of imagination but is still rational
(reasonable) and contains truths that dramatize the relationship between living things.

3. According to Altenbernd and Lewis (1966:14)

it can be interpreted as "narrative prose that is imaginative, but usually makes sense
and contains truth that dramatizes human relationships.

So, fiction is a literary work made based on imagination,frantasy adn not based on
reality. But still makes sense.

B. Element of Fiction

1. Story Facts

Story facts are elements that serve as a record of the imaginative events of a story. The
building elements of prose fiction, Sayuti (2000: 39) mentions the fact that the story includes
three parts,namely characters, plot, and setting. The fact of the story is also a things that
would be told in a work of fiction.

The facts of the story include:

a. Plot
Such a structure of event arising out of a conflict may be called the plot of the story.
Like many terms used in literary discussion, plot is blessed with several meaning.
Sometimes it refers simply to the events in a story.
To have a plot, a story doesn't require intense, sustained conflict.
Plot is the logical interaction of the various thematic element of a text which lead to a
change the original situation as presented at the outset of the narrative. Plot is the
sequence of events in a piece that drives toward answering the major dramatic.
We conclude, the plot is intractions of various sequential events and are able to make
changes in the situation in the story so that it can become the main framework on a
a). Structure Plot
An ideal traditional plot lain encompasses the following four sequential levels :
First,exposition.Exposition is the part in which the author intiduces the
characters,scene,tema and situation.
Second, complication.
Complication or risinf ection is the dramtization of event that compicated the situation
and gradually and intensifies the complitc.
Third, climax or turning point'.
Ia where the rising action ( complication and conflict ) come to further development
and to amoment crisis.
And the lastly, resolition.
Action is the problem or confliet process toward resolition.

b. Setting
c. Character
Character is the people ( Or Animals, things,etc.Presented as People in a literar
 Type of Characters

First,Round characters and Flat Characters.

Secound, Dynamic Characters and Statis Characters.
Thirt, protagonist and Antagonist.
 Round characters.
Round characters are complex convincing, and true to life characters.they are
described more detail, having many different and sometimes even
contradictory personality traits.

 Flat Characters.
Characters are stereotyped , shallow, and often symbolic.They have only one
or. two personality traits.

 Dynamic Characters.
Dynamic Characters undergo some type of change or development in the
story, often because of something that happens to Them.

 Statis Characters
Statis Characters do not change in the story.

 Protagonist.
The main Characters in the literary work.

 Antagonist.
The Character who opposes the protagonist.

In Conclusion:
Protagonist and The Antagonist are the round characters or magic characters in the story.

d. Theme

Theme comes from the Greek tithenia which means 'to put' or 'to put.' According
to the meaning of the word "something that has been deciphered" or "something that
has been placed." The meaning of this theme is then emphasized by Keraf (1994: 107-
108), that the theme is a formulation and topic that will be used as a basis for
discussion and goals to be achieved through the topic.
The definition of the theme according to the experts.

 Finoza (2008: 215) emphasizes that the theme is the main idea, idea, or
certain idea that will be the background and encourage someone to write his
essay. Thus, if someone thinks about something or determines a theme, it
must contain certain goals or objectives. This is what underlies the
background (intentions, goals, objectives) poured into his writings.

 Regarding the nature of the theme as a central idea, Baribin in Wahyuningtyas

and Wijaya (2011: 2-3), explains that the theme is a central idea, something to
be fought for in a writing or work of fiction. It is clear that, the theme is the
main idea or central idea of the author in the work he made based on the goals
to be conveyed by the poet or writer.

 The definition of theme is reaffirmed by Lord in Taum (2011: 103-104), that

theme is a number of ideas or groups of ideas that are regularly used in
storytelling. In other words, a theme consists of a number of ideas or groups
of ideas that are outlined in a work. Thus, themes can not only be assembled
through a series of words, but also groups of ideas or groups of ideas that
support the purpose of the conversation. This is done so that the theme
becomes more and more alive.

Shipley distinguishes themes in five levels, namely

1. physical level themes, namely themes that refer to the amount of physical
activity rather than mental, for example Around the World in Eight Days by
Julius Verne;

2. an organic level theme, which concerns or questions the issue of sexuality-an

activity that can only be carried out by living beings, for example the works
of Muchtar Lubis, such as Maut and Cinta, Tanah Gersang, Jalan No End;

3. social level themes, namely themes that refer to human problems/conflicts

with others and with the natural environment in the form of economic
problems, politics, education, culture, struggle, love, propaganda, superior-
subordinate relations, and various other social problems and relationships
which usually appear in works containing social criticism, such as the crisis of
life, Ronggeng hamlet Paruk, Royan Revolution, and others;

4. the egoic level theme, namely a theme that refers to individual beings with
various problems/conflicts in the form of human reactions to social problems
they face, for example Atheism, Endless Paths, Passion for Life and Death,
Kuala Lumpur Night, and so on;
5. divine level themes, namely themes that refer to human problems with the
Creator, issues of religiosity, or various other philosophical issues such as
views of life, vision, and beliefs, for example the collapse of our Surau, the
Coming and Going, Drought, and so on.

e. Title


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