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DICS Classic MBTI (Myers Brigg T.

Indicator) CBCI

What is it in short Behavioral report Personality assessment Individual’s genetic brain processing

Describes behaviour based on how It measures preferences in how people Defines the way each person
people view themselves in their perceive the world and make decisions. experiences their environment and takes
various environment. It describes a It describes how people approach the in and interprets information, which
person’s behaviour, and using this environment intellectually and results in specific ways of perceiving and
knowledge, being able to predict how attitudinally and how they process evaluating problems, events and
they are likely to act in the future. It information. situations.
measures dimensions of observable
behaviour of individuals within their

Theory Basis Dr William Marston Dr Carl Jung Ned Hermann, Cloninger and Dr Sandra

Concept 4 behaviour styles Group to 16 categories based on Identify the fundamental patterns in the
D – Dominance-how a person individual’s preferences on Four way our brain is genetically processes
responds to problems and challenges dichotomes : the world around us:
I -Influence- How a person influences 1) Attitude (Extraversion or 1) Green brain – chaotic processing
other s to his or her point of view Introversion) 2) Red brain – Linear Processing
S-Steadiness- How a person responds 2) Perceiving Information (Sensing 3) Blue brain – Intuitive Processing
to the pace of the environment or Intuition) 4) Purple brain – Relational
C-Compliance-How a person responds 3) Making decision (thinking or Processing
to rules and procedures set by others Feeling)
4) Lifestyle (Judging or Perceiving)


Appropriate Applications Help people understand individual Help people determine whether their By awareness of individuals’ genetic
behaviour. Such information may be behaviour should change to become brain processing, we maximize our
used to determine how he may want to more effective. It can also be used to capacity to act intelligently, to strengthen
adjust behaviour to work more identify underdeveloped behavioural our natural brain processor, to
effectively with others or better adapt strategies that can be developed to understand others at a deeper level and
to situation enhance interpersonal effectiveness unleash greater potential for
relationships at work and at home for
greater harmony and cooperation with
our environment and the teams.

It gives insights into a person’s colored

brain and gives individuals and leaders
the ability to make better decisions about
their environment and how they interact
with it, and how to unleash greater
potential to act intelligently

Area of Application Self awareness Self Awareness Self awareness

Leadership Leadership Development Communication
Team building and team development Team Building and team development Leadership development
Frontline Management Organisational Change Team Building and team development
Coaching and giving feedback Organisational Change
Resolving conflict Coaching
Resolving Conflict
Career Counselling
Recruiters Training
Help in building corporate cultures and
sustains cultures
Other comments Not about personality. Similarity with CB - Have elements of Based on primary psychology make-up =
Compliment CB. Colored Brain & environment. Colored brain + Human Drivers Ranking
Measures personality and humans are = 4 to power of 4 x 3 to power of 8 =
too complicated to put into 16boxes. 1.68million types of 'Personality"!!
Popular in Asia not in US. (exclude postures, values & core
The Difference of CBCI from MBTI and DICS

CBCI is part of the DIRECTIVE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, CBCI defines the way the brain genetically processes information and the world about it.

When combined with the Environmentally Developed and Changing DC Eight Emotional Drivers, Environmental Values, Postures and Core Identity, there is
an infinite number of “Personality Types”

These Environmentally Developed factors change with time, culture and experiences.

By understanding each factor independently , the system makes it easy to apply to improvement of group dynamics

CBC Study based on:

1. C. Cloninger – on Temperament & Character in 1994 involving 4 years of modern genetic research on children of alcoholics and those who have alcoholic

children. Focus - genetics & environment based. Conclusion - character and temperament is genetic.

2. Dr. Sandra Seagal, David Horne & associates since 1979 - involving >50,000 people representing >25cultures - identifying inherent distinctions in the

genetic functioning of people as whole mental – emotional – physical systems. Study on behavioural pattern of people from birth to adulthood. Believe

that personality is from birth.

3. Ned Herman’s (HBDI - Human Brain Dominance Inventory) research on whole brain thinking since 1972. Fundamental of Colored Brain. Do not identify

personality. Identify thinking style - Right & Left Brain but not genetic thinking processing. Also identify logical thinking style but no detail on how people

perceive. Dominant can be changed.

4. All 3 studies showed different conclusion. AFC took certain part of 3 that are congruent / consistent.

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