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Week …5… (June 13 - June 19, 2022)


Family & Friends 2 (Mr. 17/06/2022 Review old lessons:

Mario) - What’s your name?
- How old are you?
- How are you?
- Where do you live?

Family & Friends 2 (Mr. 18/06/2022 Review Unit 11: What are
Loius) you wearing?
 What are you
 I am wearing…
 What is he / she
 He / She’s
Vocabulary: gloves, skirt,
boots, jean, scarf,
Colors: red, blue, black,
white, green, yellow,
Unit 12: What time is it?
 It’s … o’clock.
 It’s quarter to …
 It’s quarter past …
 It’s half past …
New vocabulary: June,
cube, flute, tube,

Family & Friends 2 (Mr. 19/06/2022 Review Unit 11: What are
Louis) you wearing?
 What are you
 I am wearing…
 What is he / she
 He / She’s
Vocabulary: gloves, skirt,
boots, jean, scarf,
Colors: red, blue, black,
white, green, yellow,
Unit 12: What time is it?
 It’s … o’clock.
 It’s quarter to …
 It’s quarter past …
 It’s half past …
New vocabulary: June,
cube, flute, tube,

OBSERVER’S NAME: Phan Thanh Long

1. Stages and activities

of the lessons - Listen to the song “Hello!” to warm up.
- Play a game to review old lessons. That game is “Put the
words into the correct order (in the video). Student’s task
is to arrange the shuffled words in the correct order in
which to complete the sentence. Students will raise their
hands to answer, their correct answers will be marked
with a star, if they get 3 stars they will be given a logo at
the end of the lesson.
- Play a game. The teacher will divide the class into 2
teams, Team A and Team B. The two teams will line up
in 2 parallel rows. Each member of the 2 teams will step
up and compete against each other. The teacher will say
the answer and the player's task is to rewrite the question
of the answer that the teacher just read. The player who
finishes writing the answer first touches the bell and wins
1 star for his team.
- Do worksheet.
- Giving logos to students at the end of class to encourage
them to study.

2. Comments on the
activities/tasks of the The class is always full of energy and fun. Teachers organize a
lessons lot of activities that make students extremely excited and
interested (play games, teamwork, listen to English songs,
answer the questions, do exercises,…). These activities both
help students relax and help promote their English ability. After
a few observation sessions and directly into the classroom, I
noticed that teachers always want to create as many activities as
possible to boost students' confidence and bring everyone

3. What you learned After many observation sessions with foreign teachers and
from the contents of Vietnamese teachers, I learned from learning how to organize
the lessons some interesting activities, how to manage the classroom as well
What are useful for as how to handle some situations that arise with students.

4. Suggestions for the Firstly, I think students should be encouraged to bring water
improvement bottles. This will both limit the students' going out and be safe
for their health. We can encourage them to bring more water
bottles by giving them logos or stickers.

After some observation dates, I think I can apply some activities

5 What you can apply in my own lessons such as letting students listen to English
in your own lessons music to warm up, play some games such as Pass the ball,
Flashcards, Board game,…

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