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EE330A: Power Systems

Module V
Transmission line parameters
Lecture 3
Previous lectures

 Shunt conductance – Corona loss

 Line resistance
 Inductance of conductor due to internal flux

27 August 2018 EE330A 2

Inductance of conductor due to internal flux
 The total inductance of a current carrying conductor due
to the internal magnetic flux is
Lint = ×10 −7 H / m
µ r − Relative permeability of conductor wrt free space
 It is independent of conductor’s radius
 Generally, conductors are non-magnetic materials µ r ≈ 1
 Assumptions
• Current density is uniform in cross section of conductor
(No skin effect)
• Return conductor is far away – no distortions in concentric
magnetic flux lines

27 August 2018 EE330A 3

Inductance b/w points outside conductor
 Same assumptions
• Current density is uniform in cross section of conductor
• Return conductor is far away

27 August 2018 EE330A 4

Inductance b/w points outside conductor
 Same assumptions
• Current density is uniform in cross section of conductor
• Return conductor is far away
 Conductor of radius r with
current I out of plane


27 August 2018 EE330A 4

Inductance b/w points outside conductor
 Same assumptions
• Current density is uniform in cross section of conductor
• Return conductor is far away
 Conductor of radius r with
current I out of plane
 Points P1 and P2 are at P1
distances D1 and D2 from

centre of conductor

27 August 2018 EE330A 4
Inductance b/w points outside conductor
 Same assumptions
• Current density is uniform in cross section of conductor
• Return conductor is far away
 Conductor of radius r with
current I out of plane
 Points P1 and P2 are at P1
distances D1 and D2 from

centre of conductor
 By right hand thumb rule,
concentric flux lines are in
counterclockwise direction

27 August 2018 EE330A 4
Inductance b/w points outside conductor
 Consider a cross section of width dx and length dl at
distance x > r, from the centre of the conductor


x dl


27 August 2018 EE330A 5
Inductance b/w points outside conductor
 Consider a cross section of width dx and length dl at
distance x > r, from the centre of the conductor
 Directions of length vector dl, field intensity Hx & flux dl
density Bx are shown Hx


x dl


27 August 2018 EE330A 5
Inductance b/w points outside conductor
 Consider a cross section of width dx and length dl at
distance x > r, from the centre of the conductor
 Directions of length vector dl, field intensity Hx & flux dl
density Bx are shown Hx
 By Ampere’s law, net mmf
around a closed path is P1
equal to net current
enclosed which is also the x dl

line integral of field intensity r
tangent to circumference of
closed path

27 August 2018 EE330A 5
Inductance b/w points outside conductor
 Consider a cross section of width dx and length dl at
distance x > r, from the centre of the conductor
 Directions of length vector dl, field intensity Hx & flux dl
density Bx are shown Hx
 By Ampere’s law, net mmf
around a closed path is P1
equal to net current
enclosed which is also the x dl

line integral of field intensity r
tangent to circumference of
closed path

∫H x .dl = I
27 August 2018 EE330A 5
Inductance b/w points outside conductor
 Since, current density is uniform, hence Hx is same at all
points on circumference of circle
 Thus, line integral results to dl
H x ∫ dl = I Bx
⇒ H x 2πx = I
⇒ Hx = At / m x dl

 Flux density is dx
µ0 I
Bx = µ 0 µ r ,air H x = Wb / m 2

where µ r ,air = 1 P2
27 August 2018 EE330A 6
Inductance b/w points outside conductor
 Stored magnetic energy density is
Bx H x µ0 I 2
u Bx = = 2 2 J / m3
2 8π x dl
 Stored energy is density Bx
times volume, which is
µ0 I 2 P1
dE = u Bx 2πx.1.dx = dxJ / m
4πx x dl

 Total stored energy is r
µ 0 I 2  D2 
E= ln  J / m

4π  D1 
27 August 2018 EE330A 7
Inductance b/w points outside conductor
 Total stored is also LI 2
E= J /m
 Hence, inductance between P1 & P2 outside the conductor
due to the conductor’s current is
µ 0  D2 
Lext , P1 , P2 = ln  H / m
2π  D1 
 Alternatively, flux linkage per unit length b/w P1 and P2 is
µ0 I
dλ = Bx .dx.1 = dxWbt / m
 Thus, total flux linkage between P1 and P2 is
µ 0 I  D2 

λ = ∫ dλ = ln Wbt / m
2π  D1 
27 August 2018 EE330A 8
Inductance b/w points outside conductor
 By definition of inductance,
L= H
 Hence, inductance between P1 & P2 outside the conductor
due to the conductor’s current is
µ 0  D2 
Lext , P1 , P2 = ln  H / m
2π  D1 
 Thus, effective inductance b/w centre of conductor and a
point which is distance D away from centre is
 µ 0 µ r µ 0  D  −7  D 
LD = Lint + Lext ,r , D = + ln  = 2 ×10 ln − µ r / 4  H / m
 8π 2π  r   re 
27 August 2018 EE330A 9
Inductance of single phase two wire lines

 One conductor acts as return conductor, i.e. I2 = -I1

 The conductors are spaced apart, i.e. D >> r1,r2 so that
concentric flux lines are undistorted
 Also, current densities are uniform in the conductors
 Flux lines due to I1 are in clockwise direction while the
same due to I2 are in counterclockwise direction
27 August 2018 EE330A 10
Inductance of single phase two wire lines

 By Ampere’s law, a flux line set up by I1 at a distance more

than D + r2 from centre of conductor 1 does not link
conductor 2 as net current is 0
 At distance less than D - r2 from centre of conductor 1,
current I1 links the circuit

27 August 2018 EE330A 11

Inductance of single phase two wire lines
 Hence, inductance of circuit due to I1 is
L1 = 2 ×10 ln  H / m where r1 ' = r1e − µ r / 4

 r1 ' 
 Similarly, inductance of circuit due to I2 is
L2 = 2 ×10 ln  H / m where r2 ' = r2 e − µ r / 4

 r2 ' 
 Since, mmfs are additive due to the direction of currents,
thus total inductance of the circuit is
 D 
L = L1 + L2 = 4 ×10 ln
−7 H / m
 r 'r ' 
 1 2 

27 August 2018 EE330A 12

Flux linkages of a conductor in a group of
 Group of n spaced
apart conductors
carrying currents I1,
I2,…, In such that
I1 + I 2 +  + I n = 0
 One or more conductors in the group act as return path(s)
 Recollect that the flux linkage between points P1 and P2
per unit length due to a current carrying conductor is
µ 0 I  D2 
λ= ln Wbt / m
2π  D1 
27 August 2018 EE330A 13
Flux linkages of a conductor in a group of

D21 is center to centre

distance between conductors
1 and 2. So are other centre to
centre distances

 Hence, flux linkage between P and centre of conductor 1

due to I1 is µ 0 I1  D1P 
λ1P ,1 = ln Wbt / m, r1 ' = r1e − µ r /4

2π  r1 ' 
 Similarly,
µ 0 I 2  D2 P  µ 0 I n  DnP 
λ1P , 2 = ln Wbt / m,  , λ1P ,n = ln Wbt / m
2π  D21  2π  Dn1 
27 August 2018 EE330A 14
Flux linkages of a conductor in a group of

D21 is center to centre

distance between conductors
1 and 2. So are other centre to
centre distances

 Net flux linkage is sum of all flux linkages

µ0   D1P   D2 P   DnP 
λ1P =  I1 ln  + I 2 ln  +  + I n ln 
2π   r1 '   D21   Dn1 
 Also
I n = −(I1 + I 2 +  + I n −1 )

27 August 2018 EE330A 15

Flux linkages of a conductor in a group of
 Hence,
µ0   D1P   D2 P   DnP 
λ1P =  I1 ln  + I 2 ln  +  + I n ln 

2π   r1 '   D21   Dn1 
µ 0  I1 ln D1P + I 2 ln D2 P  + I n ln DnP 
λ1P =  
2π − (I1 ln r1 '+ I 2 ln D21  + I n ln Dn1 )
  D1P   D2 P   Dn −1P 
µ 0  I1 ln  + I 2 ln   + I n −1 ln 
λ1P =   DnP   DnP   DnP 
2π  
− (
 1 1 2
I ln r '+ I ln D 21  + I n ln Dn1 ) 
 As P moves towards infinity, distance of P from centres of
conductors are same i.e. D1P ≈ D2P ≈ … ≈ DnP
27 August 2018 EE330A 16
Flux linkages of a conductor in a group of
 Thus,

  D1P   D2 P   Dn −1P 
µ 0  I1 ln  + I 2 ln
   + I n −1 ln 
λ1P =   DnP   DnP   DnP 
2π  
− (
 1 1 2
I ln r '+ I ln D 21  + I n ln Dn1 ) 
λ1∞ = − (I1 ln r1 '+ I 2 ln D21  + I n ln Dn1 )Wbt / m

 This is the flux linkage of conductor 1 in a group of net
current zero conductors
 Similar, flux linkage can be evaluated for other conductors

27 August 2018 EE330A 17

Inductance of composite conductors
 Stranded conductors are example of composite
conductors that contain a number of strands arranged in
parallel to each other
 Two such composite conductors with one as return are

I/n -I/m

 Assumptions
• Strands are all similar
• Strands have uniform current density
• Flux lines are concentric and undistorted

27 August 2018 EE330A 18

Inductance of composite conductors

I/n -I/m

 Hence, total flux linkage of strand a per unit length is

µ0 I −I 
λa = −  ln (r ' D D  D ) + ln ( D D  D )
am ' Wbt / m

a ab ac an aa ' ab '
n m 
µ 0 I  (Daa ' Dab '  Dam ' )1/ m 
λa = ln 1/ n 
where Daa = ra '
2π  (Daa Dab  Dan ) 
 Inductance of strand a is

La =
nµ 0 
( Daa ' Dab '  Dam ' ) 
1/ m
H / m
1/ n 
I / n 2π  (Daa Dab  Dan ) 
27 August 2018 EE330A 19

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