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Republic of the Philippines




FY 2020
Agency: Philippine Science High School - CALABARZON Region Campus
Central Agency: PSHS System/DOST
Total GAA of Agency: P 202,183,000.00

GAD Result
GAD Mandate Gender Cause of the Relevant Agency Performance Indicators Actual Result Total Agency Actual Cost
Statement/GAD GAD Activity Variance/Remarks
Issue Gender Issue MFO/PAP and Targets (Outputs/Outcomes) Approved Budget Expenditure

To increase the
number of male and
Strengthened Less number of male 38 male and female
female NCE passers 43 male and female
enrichment strategies and female NCE ELEVATE employees and 191 male
from feeder schools by CID employees and 250 male 100,000.00 90,728.14 9,271.86
to feeder schools (GAD passers from feeder CALABARZON and female participants
strenghtening the and female participants
Goals of PSHS) schools attended
capabilities of their

Lack of awareness
420 male and female
Increase in number of on gender issues To address gender 624 male and female
students and 2 male and
students experiencing that may trigger issues that may trigger SSD Mental Health Summit students and 2 male and 42,500.00 24,001.09 18,498.91
female employees
mental health issues mental health mental health illnesses female employees

Lack of gender PSHS-CALABARZON

Gender inclusion in all To include gender in all 18 male and female 18 male and female
inclusion in all FAD, CID, SSD Strategic and Budget 50,000.00 41,605.68 8,394.32
campus PAPs campus PAPs employees employees attended
campus PAPs Planning

Less awareness on
To increase awareness 61 male and female
Violence Against gender violence 18-Day Campaign 61 male and female
on gender violence FAD, CID, SSD employees participated in 100,000.00 110,996.27 10,996.27
Women experienced by Against VAW employees
experienced by women the online campaign

Incorporation of GAD in Lack of awareness To increase awareness

all institutional trainings on incorporationg of all faculty and staff
GAD in all canpus- in incorporating GAD in 61 male and female
Human Resource PSHS-CALABARZON 61 male and female
wide activities all campus-wide employees participated 100,000.00 113,949.68 13,949.68
Management Unit In-Service Training employees
including trainings activities attended

To help male and

Lack of awareness
Increase in number of female employees 55 male and female
on gender issues in PSHS-CALABARZON 55 male and female
employees achieve the normal FAD, CID, SSD employees participated in 81,000.00 183,754.55 102,754.55
the campus and their Wellness Program employees
experiencing physical weight for better the program
Lack of technical
To provide technical
and scientific
and scientific
Implementation of equipment that will
equipment that will Procurement of
specialized secondary help in the
help in the CID Technical and Scientific 100% delivery of items 100% items delivered 3,899,000.00 3,138,346.00 760,654.00
science education implementation of
implementation of Equipment
(GAD Goals of PSHS) specialized
specialized secondary
secondary science
science eduation

Lack of ICT
To provide ICT
equipment that will
Implementation of equipment that will
help in the
specialized secondary help in the Procurement of ICT
implementation of CID 100% delivery of items 100% items delivered 2,665,000.00 2,645,500.00 19,500.00
science education implementation of Equipment
(GAD Goals of PSHS) specialized secondary
secondary science
science eduation

Lack of awareness To increase awareness

Use of gender-fair on the use of gender on the use of gender
CID, SSD Procurement of Books 100% delivery of items 100% items delivered 1,227,820.00 938,445.00 289,375.00
language fair language in fair language across
textbooks subjects

Lack of supply of
water in the
To increase the supply
dormitory and
of water in the
Advanced Science Procurement of
dormitory and ASTB 100% delivery of items 100% items delivered and
Gender Needs and Technology FAD, CID, SSD Pressure Water Tank - 790,000.00 713,670.00 76,330.00
for male and female and installation installed
Building (ASTB) for Dorm and ASTB
employees and
male and female
employees and

Lack of security in
To increase the level
the campus of male
Addressing gender of security of male and
and female
needs and attribution of female employees and FAD Security Services 100% services rendered 100% services rendered 1,863,310.80 1,681,069.59 182,241.21
employees and
PAPs to GAD Budget students while inside
students while inside
the campus
the campus

Site Development
Lack of gender-
To provide gender-
sensitive facility to 100% completion
Addressing gender sensitive facility to includes road networks,
address gender
needs and attribution of address gender needs FAD side walk with roofing, 100% completion 9,810,000.00 7,342,959.98 2,467,040.03
needs of men and only 75% attribution based
PAPs to GAD Budget of both men and streetlights, parking
women in the on the HGDG which is 19.0
women in the campus area, and interlocking
Lack of facility that
To provide facility that 100% completion
will ensure safety of
Attribution of PAPs to will ensure safety of Retaining Walls and
both men and FAD 100% completion 29,582,000.00 14,786,606.59 14,795,393.41
GAD Budget both men and women Riprap only 50% attribution based
women in the
in the campus on the HGDG which is 14.0

Lack of facility that To provide facility that

Implementation of 100% completion
will help in the will help in the
specialized secondary Construction of Science
implementation of implementation of FAD, CID 100% completion 29,678,000.00 14,829,342.64 14,848,657.36
science education Research Facility only 50% attribution based
specialized specialized secondary
(GAD Goals of PSHS) on the HGDG which is 14.5
secondary education education

Lack of facility that To provide facility that 100% completion

Implementation of
will help in the will help in the
specialized secondary Construction of
implementation of implementation of FAD, CID 100% completion only 75% attribution based 41,503,036.00 31,499,999.80 10,003,036.20
science education Academic Building III
specialized specialized secondary on the HGDG which is 15.0
(GAD Goals of PSHS)
secondary education education (includes variation orders)

TOTAL 121,491,666.80 78,140,975.00 43,350,691.80

*PS included

Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:

Quennie Marice D. Maglasang Ma. Theresa P. Pagulayan Dr. Jose M. Andaya

GAD Focal Person FAD Chief Campus Director

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