SWOOD Design 2016 - Training Manual

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SWOOD Design

Training Manual 2016

55, avenue de Melgueil
Phone : +33 (0) 4 67 63 72 65
Fax : +33 (0) 4 99 62 94 03
Email : eficad@eficad.com
WebSite : www.eficad.com

Table of Contents
SWOOD Design Training Manual 2016............................................................................................................................ 1
EFICAD .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
I. SWOOD & SOLIDWORKS .............................................................................................................................................. 5
1. Full Integration of SWOOD in SOLIDWORKS ................................................................................................................................... 5
2. First Launch & Data directory ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
3. Next launches................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
4. Requirements in SOLIDWORKS ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
a. Managing views ........................................................................................................................................................ 7

b. Large Assemblies .................................................................................................................................................... 7

c. Materials and textures ......................................................................................................................................... 7

d. Dynamic highlight .................................................................................................................................................... 8

5. Data Directory Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9

II. Libraries materials and edge bands ...................................................................................................................... 10
1. Materials ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2. Edge bands .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
III. Creating libraries elements ....................................................................................................................................... 17
1. Panels ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
a. Creating a panel .................................................................................................................................................... 17

b. Application materials and edge bands ....................................................................................................... 24

c. Drawings................................................................................................................................................................... 26

d. Panels Edition ......................................................................................................................................................... 27

e. Stock Options.......................................................................................................................................................... 34

2. Frames ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
a. Template Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 37

b. Panel Insertion ....................................................................................................................................................... 38

c. Frame Edition ......................................................................................................................................................... 41

d. Frame adding parameters ............................................................................................................................... 41

e. Creating a new frame from an existing one............................................................................................. 42

f. Template Creation and save ........................................................................................................................... 42

3. Connectors .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
a. Library Edition......................................................................................................................................................... 43

b. Single component creation .............................................................................................................................. 44

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c. Composed component creation .................................................................................................................... 45

d. Connectors Test ................................................................................................................................................... 47

4. SWOODBox ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
a. Template Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 48

b. SWOODBox Principle .......................................................................................................................................... 49

c. SWOODBox Tab Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 49

d. Definition and control of variables in a SWOODBox ............................................................................. 49

e. Machinings definition .......................................................................................................................................... 55

f. Test Mode ................................................................................................................................................................ 61

5. Profiling .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 62
a. Shape creating ...................................................................................................................................................... 62

b. Applying a profile on a part .............................................................................................................................. 63

IV. Project Creating .............................................................................................................................................................. 64

1. Principle ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
2. Furniture Project........................................................................................................................................................................................ 64
a. Frame copying........................................................................................................................................................ 64

b. Frame Filling ............................................................................................................................................................ 64

b. Changing inserted SWOODBox...................................................................................................................... 65

c. Management of machining SWOODBox ................................................................................................... 66

d. Applying connectors ............................................................................................................................................ 66

e. Deleting SWOOD components in assemblies ......................................................................................... 69

f. Material Applying .................................................................................................................................................. 69

3. Layout Project ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 70

a. Layout sketch creating ....................................................................................................................................... 70

b. Frame insertion ..................................................................................................................................................... 71

c. Frame filling ............................................................................................................................................................. 72

d. Additional elements adding .............................................................................................................................. 74

e. Sketches changing ............................................................................................................................................... 76

f. Modification of materials .................................................................................................................................. 77

V. Project report ................................................................................................................................................................... 79

1. Report generating ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
2. Report configuration ................................................................................................................................................................................ 80

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3. Others types of documents................................................................................................................................................................... 80

a. Export xml................................................................................................................................................................. 80

b. ZPL picture format .............................................................................................................................................. 81

c. Pictures 64 ............................................................................................................................................................. 81

4. Report formatting ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 81

VI. Attachments ..................................................................................................................................................................... 82
6. EPDM Management................................................................................................................................................................................. 82
7. SWOOD Design Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................. 82
a. Customization of dimensions text box names: Panels & Frame .................................................... 82

8. SWOOD Design Libraries management ......................................................................................................................................... 83

a. Drawing ..................................................................................................................................................................... 83

b. PDF Files ................................................................................................................................................................... 83

9. Unities Management ............................................................................................................................................................................... 85

VII. Additional Information................................................................................................................................................... 86
1. Web: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 86

SWOOD Design 2016 – Training Manual

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1. Full Integration of SWOOD in SOLIDWORKS

SWOOD Design et SWOOD CAM are software completely embedded in SOLIDWORKS. They are used as Add-Ins
in the same way that SOLIDWORKS Add-Ins (photorealism, design validation ...). Their activation and deactivation is
possible in the same way through the menu Options → Add-Ins.

Activation is identical to others Add-Ins:

➢ If checked on the left, activation in SOLIDWORKS current session.

➢ If checked on the right, start-up activation (cf. Figure 1).

Figure 1- Activate SOLIDWORKS Add-Ins

We find also SWOOD integration in SOLIDWORKS with the accessibility of its features and libraries in different
menus identical of SOLIDWORKS.

Figure 2 - SWOOD Library and Menus in SOLIDWORKS

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2. First Launch & Data directory

The data directory contains your libraries, with full design data (libraries SWOOD Design frames, SWOODBox,
connectors, materials ...) and machining (SWOODCAM libraries Tools, Aggregates, Machining of Entities). The choose
of Data directory is done by browsing and selecting the directory containing the library of your SWOOD products.

Figure 3 – Data directory customization

3. Next launches
In next SOLIDWORKS launches, SWOOD Design and/or SWOOD CAM will be available with user customization
defined as current user.

4. Requirements in SOLIDWORKS
To have the best compatibility between SWOOD and SOLIDWORKS, some SOLIDWORKS options must be
checked after the creation of the SWOOD Data directory.

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a. Managing views
In SOLIDWORKS, the coordinate system is configured with the Front view oriented towards the positive Z axes. But
in the management of furniture, SWOOD directs the height of the furniture in this view. It is advisable to change the
standard views so that the Front view becomes the Top view. For this, the Update Standard Views command in the
orientation window (accessible with the keyboard space key).

Figure 4 – Managing views

b. Large Assemblies
If an assembly includes many parts, it can be considered like a Large assembly. In this case components are in a
lightweight mode (no editable functions). However, SWOOD functions must be editable in the project design. It is
advisable to change the quantity of components for the assembly is no longer considered like a Large assembly.
(SOLIDWORKS → Tools → Options → Assemblies).

Figure 5 – Managing large assemblies

c. Materials and textures

When you create a material, SWOOD material is attached to a SOLIDWORKS material. The SWOOD’s materials
database must be added in the SOLIDWORKS’s materials database. For that, be sure that the directory

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<data_directory>\SWOODDesign\Materials is in the list of SOLIDWORKS’s materials database (Tools → Options

→ File Locations → Material Databases).

Figure 6 – File location of Material Databases

A texture can be attached to a SWOOD material. It’s necessary to verify that SWOOD Texture directory
(<data_directory>\SWOODDesign\Materials\Textures) is added in the SOLIDWORKS’s textures directory
(SOLIDWORKS → Tools → Options → File Locations → Textures).

Figure 7 – File location of Textures

d. Dynamic highlight
To use drag and drop functions of SWOOD Design, the "dynamic graphical view Highlight" must be active in
SOLIDWORKS options. For this check that the option is checked in Tools → Options → Viewing/selection → Highlight
Dynamic Graphics View.

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Figure 8 – Dynamic highlight

5. Data Directory Introduction

The Data directory (or UserSWOOD) is the folder where all SWOOD configuration and library files are.

This folder is created during the first start (see First Launch & Data directory). It is advisable to store it in a
directory easily accessible and not likely to be deleted (e.g. if the hard disk is partitioned, favor a directory on another
hard disk than local disk C :).

We find in this folder, subfolders to your own use, which can be divided into three parts:

➢ SWOODDesign folder, which contains all SWOOD Design libraries

files (frames, SwoodBox, Panels, Profiling, Edge Bands, Materials).
➢ DAT folder, is composed of the configuration files of SWOOD.
➢ Template folder, which contains prefilled library files
➢ Other folders are used in SWOOD CAM Add-Ins (Customization,
Tools Library, Post-Processors …).

In SWOODDesign folder, sub-folders match with libraries which are

available in SWOOD Library in SOLIDWORKS task Pane (Picture 9).

Figure 9 - SWOOD Design Library

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II. Libraries materials and edge bands

1. Materials
Access to library materials is done by right-clicking in the window of the Library SWOOD SOLIDWORKS task pane
and selecting the Edit command.

You can import a list of materials from an external library, or ERP optimization software. (see import materials) .

Creation :
The library can consist of 3 types of materials:

• Panel (Melamine, solid…).

• Laminate (for application on the faces of panel).
• Panels compound (panel 3 ply).

Each type of material has the following variables:

➢ General
- Name: Name of the material in SWOOD.
- Description: Optional description (shown in brackets in the library).
- Material type: Panel / Compound / laminate.
- Thickness: Set the thickness of the piece if different from 0.
- Laminate impact on panel thickness: By default, the application of a laminate is added to a
panel, but it is possible to subtract the individual cases.
- Grain: Allows changing the grain orientation in the Panel Edition.
- Cost: Depending on the defined method.
- Costing type: Linear / Surfacing / Unit / Volume.
- Machining cost factor: Used to apply a factor in calculating the cost.
- Density: Density of the material.
➢ Thickness calibration
- Allow thickness calibration: o allow different flow thickness of the final thickness when
- Minimum thickness: It is necessary to specify the minimum thickness for the final thickness
➢ Appearance
- Color: Color of material for application to the panel.
- Texture: Texture of the material for application to the panel.
- Texture Direction (Horizontal or Vertical).
- Top/Bottom Options: Applies for each face a specific color or texture.
➢ Saw
- Use in saw cut: If checked, the panels with these materials will be included in the export
document to the panel saw and the grain orientation will be the length or width of the panel.
- Saw cut reference: Reference material for export to the panel saw.
➢ Feed/Grain correction
- Angle: Angle limit definition correction ahead. (Scheduled for later use in SWOOD CAM).
- Factor: Factor of feed rate speed correction (for SWOOD CAM use).
➢ Edge band
- Edge band: Edge band to use in the case of using the special edge band.

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➢ Extended properties
Additional variables can be created by using the button "Extended Properties" . It is possible to
create variable type String / Integer / Real / Boolean.
These variables are exported when creating the report SWOOD.

Figure 10 - Définition des propriétés

Note: SWOOD manages laminates using the Custom Properties SOLIDWORKS. The addition of a laminate on a panel
creates more properties used to control the information. Deleting these properties will have the effect to remove
the laminate.

Creating a composite panel:

When creating a panel type "Compound", new settings are displayed for selecting the different layers of the
panel component material.

Figure 11 – Compound panel parameters

Click on to open the Layers window management material. This is divided into 2 parts:

➢ The left side represents the layer list panel.

➢ The right part for setting the selected layer.

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Figure 12 – Manage Material layers

Adding a layer:
• Adding a new layer is done by clicking on the button , which has the effect of opening the material library
to select one of your first layer component.
• Then select the « Layer type », which can be of the type:
o Simple.
o Chassis (rectangular frame). In the case « Frame width » and the « Mini length frame » of each
body must be specified, and the grain orientation (along the main panel or not).
• Grain Direction (direction different layers depending on the grain material of Compound).
• Extension of the stock (rate additional layers debit the full panel).
• Thickness: This is a grey box because related material selected.

Note: The choice of chassis type layer increases the flow of data for reporting and changes the display panel in
the Edit Panel, but does not change the display of SOLIDWORKS.

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2. Edge bands

Access to Library of edge bands is done by right-clicking in the window of the Library SWOOD SOLIDWORKS
task pane and selecting the Edit command.

You can import a list of edge bands from an external library, or ERP optimization software. (see import edge bands).

Figure 13 – Edge Bands Library

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Creating an edge band :

Click the New button and fill in the following variables:

➢ General
▪ Name: Name of edge band.
▪ Description: Optional description (shown in brackets in the library).
▪ Cost: Optional.
▪ Reference: Edge Reference in the database (required for export .csv).
▪ Thickness: Mandatory edge band.
▪ Create body:
o Add: edge band is not part of the panel dimensions.
o None: no change in the dimensions of the panel.
o Remove: the edge band is one of the dimensions of the panel.
▪ Stock offset: Increase the size of the stock panel. Useful if your edge bander not exactly
withdraw the edge band thickness, and optimization software does not check this parameter.
▪ Force stock exclusion: The edge band is excluded from the stock. It does not affect the stock
dimensions of panel.
➢ Appearance
▪ Color: Edge band color on the panel application.
▪ Texture: Edge band texture on the panel application.
➢ Shape (optional)
▪ Shaping: Choice of shape to apply (above/below).
▪ End shaping: Choice of shape to apply the ends.
▪ Profile : Allows you to apply an imported shape of a sketch.
➢ Extended properties
As the materials, additional variables can be created by using the button "Extended Properties" .
These variables are exported when creating the report SWOOD.

Figure 14 – Add new extended properties

Creating shaping
This allows you to apply some types of shape on edge bands. It is mainly used to export information used on
digital banders.

It is possible to apply shape on the top and the bottom of edge bands, as well as define the ends.

Note: This feature is usable only edge bands configured with the option "Create Body: Addition / Subtraction.

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Edge bands shaping

A shape is defined by the following variables:
➢ General
▪ Name: Name of shape.
▪ Description: Description.
➢ Top
▪ Shape (Round/Chamfer): Choice of the shape to be applied to the top.
▪ Round Parameters:
o X Offset: Lateral offset removal applied.
o Y Offset: Vertical offset removal applied.
o Radius: Radius of fillet.
▪ Chamfer Parameters:
o Width: Chamfer width.
o Height: Chamfer height.
➢ Bottom
▪ Shape (Round/Chamfer): Choice of the shape to be applied to the top.
▪ Round Parameters:
o X Offset: Lateral offset removal applied.
o Y Offset: Vertical offset removal applied.
o Radius: Radius of fillet.
▪ Chamfer Parameters:
o Width: Chamfer width.
o Height: : Chamfer height.
➢ Extended properties
Additional variables can be created by using the button "Extended Properties" . These variables
are exported when creating the report SWOOD.

Figure 15 – Edge band shape library

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End edge bands shaping

The shapes of end are used to set the radius to apply for covering of edge bands.

The end shaping is defined by the following variables:

▪ Name: Name of shape.
▪ Description: Description.
▪ Shape: Choice of the shape to be applied (only type « Round » is currently available).
▪ Radius.
▪ Extended properties
Additional variables can be created by using the button "Extended Properties" . These variables
are exported when creating the report SWOOD.

Figure 16 – Edge band end shape Library

Note : Extended properties applied to edge bands and/or shapes of edge bands can be used later during
export "csv" or "xml", For example, for export to the profiling machine / edge banders.

Figure 17 – Adding new extended properties

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III. Creating libraries elements

1. Panels

A panel is a part SOLIDWORKS consists of a sketch created in the XY plane, with extrusion Z. They also have
three custom properties to link dimensions (LENGTH, WIDTH, and THICKNESS), and a material and, if necessary,
edge bands.

It is possible to create as many panel that is desired, with their custom properties and drawings, and then use
them for models of boxes or, for direct use in implantation.

a. Creating a panel
Creating a new panel is done using models SWOOD.

In SOLIDWORKS, click on File / New and select the SWOODPanel model.

Figure 18 – New SWOOD Document

A new piece of rectangular type SOLIDWORKS opens. It is composed of a material as well as multiple planes to
be used for positioning constraints.

By clicking in SWOOD Design menu on the Edit command Panel, a dialog SWOOD appears (see Figure 19 -
Panel Management) to set the following panel:

o The dimensions of the panel

o Orientation and type of panel (Panel/curved panel/Multi stock): change the direction of the length and
thickness to stock and grain management (cf. p.29 - Panel Orientation).
o The material (along the grain if defined) by choosing from the library SWOOD materials (cf. p.30 - Mater),
as well as laminates and stock extension.

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Figure 19 - Define the panel

The defined dimensions are related to the dimension’s sketch and functions SOLIDWORKS, through custom
properties (cf. Figure 20); length in the direction X, width by Y et thickness by Z (positioning orientation on the machine).
For the proper functioning of the complement, this orientation must be respected.

Figure 20 - Relation of panel’s dimensions with SOLIDWORKS

Note: The name of the panel dimensions (length, width, thickness) can be changed. Refer to the section Customizing
designations of dimensions: Panels & Enclosures.

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Panel adding parameters

You can add parameters to a panel to have custom panels in SWOOD library. To do this, add custom properties
in SolidWorks file and link them in the same way as panel dimensions. When editing panel, these new settings will be
available in a Parameters square.

Figure 21 – Add panel parameters

Once panel is fully parameterized, save it in folder <User Directory>\<Username>\SWOODDesign\Panels with

a specific name. Return to SWOOD Library in Task Pane, click on Panels and press F5 key to update library (or right
click → Refresh).

Note: Panels are library files that will be copied with different names when creating frames based on these. To keep
the connection settings in the copied file, it is necessary to remove the part name in the value of the custom property
(D1@Sketch1 instead of D1@ Sketch1 @Part1).

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Creating a curved panel

➢ Panel Modeling

Starting from a blank piece of model SOLIDWORKS, create a sketch with the desired requirements, then use the
thin Extrusion function: Function "Boss / Extrusion" by selecting the "Thin Feature."

Create a custom property "THICKNESS" linked with the fine extrusion.

Figure 22 – Support sketch

Figure 23 – Creating thin extrude

Figure 24 – Link between thickness and thin extrude

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➢ Panel Management with SWOOD

Once the model is created, use the command Edit a panel to open the panel management dialog SWOOD. Click
on the button then on « Curved panel ».

Figure 25 – Access to the management of the curved panel

Using « Support sketch », select the path curve of the panel. Then configure if necessary the panel orientation
with « Angle » by default defined along the sketch.

Figure 26 – Management of the curved panel

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Creating a Multi-body panel

➢ Panel Modeling

Starting from a part of model SOLIDWORKS, create one or more sketch (s) with the desired constraints to create
multiple solid bodies, then use the (they) function (s) Extrusion making sure to uncheck the option "Merge result."

Figure 27 – Example of sketch for a multi-body panel

Figure 28 – Extrusion of many body

➢ Panel Management with SWOOD

Once the model is created, use the command Edit a panel to open the panel management dialog SWOOD. Click
on the button then on « Multi stock ».

Then select for each solid bodies (cf. Figure 29 – Multi Stocks Configuration):

- What is the panel type (single or curve)?

- The thickness direction
- The length direction
- The grain direction
- The stock extension

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Figure 29 – Multi Stocks Configuration

Figure 30 – Multi Stock panel during configuration

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Other ways to create a panel

➢ From Task Pane

In SWOOD Library tab in SolidWorks task pane, right click on Panels and select New
command. Rename panel with a specific name. Right click and select command Edit.
A new panel is opened and ready to be modified and customized. Once customization finished, save

➢ From existing panel

o Right click on an existing panel in SWOOD Library tab and select command Copy. Rename your panel
with a specific name. Edit your panel with command Edit by right click (you can also drag your panel
from library to SolidWorks if any file is opened). Modify your panel as you like and save your file in
folder <User Directory>\<Username>\SWOODDesign\Panels.
o Copy an existing panel in SWOOD Library tab (using Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste). Open the
panel, modify it as you like, add parameters if necessary and save your file.

➢ From new part

Create a new part in a rectangular area. Assign panel dimensions to rectangle dimensions with
custom properties link (Length, Width, and Thickness). Add parameters if necessary and save part
in folder <User Directory>\<Username>\SWOODDesign\Panels.

b. Application materials and edge bands

Application a material on a workpiece

The application of material is done with a simple drag and drop from the library SWOOD material on the panel.
SWOOD automatically applies the material in the design tree SOLIDWORKS, and also change the thickness of the
panel SWOOD if it was informed.

During a drag and drop in an assembly, SWOOD proposes the application of the material at different levels: part,
subassembly, assembly. If the material is applied on a sub-assembly or assembly, all parts having the same material
will change.

Figure 31 – Application of a material in an assembly

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Application a laminate on a workpiece

As for the application of a material, that of a laminate can be done with a simple drag and drop of library
materials on the Library SWOOD room SOLIDWORKS. If the panel does not already applied material, the laminate
will apply directly instead of the core.

Figure 32 – Application of a laminate in an assembly

When dragging, SWOOD ask on what side of the panel must be applied laminate (both, up, down).

Note: Unlike the application of a material, a laminate panel is applied by panel.

Application of edge band on a workpiece

The application of edge band is done with a simple drag and drop on one side. SWOOD automatically creates a
function in the part SOLIDWORKS, visible in the design tree.

Figure 33 - Feature manager view

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During a drag and drop in an assembly, SWOOD proposes the application of the edge band at different levels:
edge band, part, subassembly, assembly. If the edge band is applied on a sub-assembly or assembly, all parts having
the same edge band will change.

Figure 34 – Edge band application

Note: There is a special song "From the material" in the library. Applying this edge band, it will be replaced during
the application of a material by the edge band associated with it (see variable "Song" in the definition of Material).

c. Drawings
Each panel in the library, it is possible to create a drawing. This should be saved in the same folder with the same
name. In the future copies of this panel, the drawing will be copied and modified automatically by SWOOD.

Figure 35 – Panel and its form

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Figure 36 – Drawing with edge band references and drilling table

d. Panels Edition
Using the command Edit a Panel allows you to see/change the direction and the materials component the
panel, but also to access production information such as:

▪ Finished dimensions
▪ Stock dimensions calculated using the grain orientation
▪ Stock extensions
▪ The visualization of the different layers (laminates, composed material layers)
▪ Information of the different layers (finished dimensions, stock dimensions, grain orientation)
▪ The orientation of the grain laminate
▪ Laminates stock dimensions recalculated using the grain orientation
▪ Extension dimensions of the laminate
▪ The edge bands present on all 4 sides of the stock panel
▪ The excluded edge bands of stock on all 4 sides of the panel

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Figure 37 – Panel materials management

In this edition, the stock informations are also directly on the panel.

Figure 38 – Panel Edition and stocks

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When you want to edit panels in an assembly, it is possible to switch from one to the other without editing out
the dialogue with the top of the dialog box Component selection.

Figure 39 – Component selection

Panel Orientation
Changing the orientation of the panel will alter its dimensions, as the reverse length and width. This will also
impact on the edge bands, a song being in front of a panel following orientation.

Figure 40 – Panel orientation

This feature allows to provide guidance to a part designed in an assembly.

Figure 41 – Part designed in any plane

For it:

- Select an edge indicating the direction of Z, then click on the arrow to the right .
The Z axis must change and « Custom » to be shown in the box (see Figure 42 – Z axis orientation
- Click on the arrow to the right of the box , then in the empty box to enter selection
mode and go select the edge indicating the direction of the length (see. Figure 43 - Length management).

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Figure 42 – Z axis orientation management

Figure 43 - Length management

Grain Panel et grain orientation
When using a grain material (excluding use of a laminate), the use of the "vertical grain" does not affect the stock
dimensions, length and width will not be inverted (cf. Figure 44 – Panel with vertical grain and 10 mm rough extension).

The use of "the length direction" will have a stock with the grain in the direction of the length. The panel orientation
is changed, the edge bands are also modified (in the Figure 45 – Changing length in a panel with grain and 10 mm
rough extension).

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Figure 44 – Panel with vertical grain and 10 mm rough extension

Figure 45 – Changing length in a panel with grain and 10 mm rough extension

Laminate and grain direction

The addition of a laminate on a panel adds a layer. The main material of panel is applied only on the "core". The grain
direction will be applied only laminate, The stock length will always follow its direction.

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Figure 46 – Laminate orientation modification

Note: By default, a laminate automatically takes the same stock expansion as the core. The addition of a stock
extension on a laminate will add it also on the core.

Figure 47 – Stock view of a laminate applied in length direction with 5 mm rough extension

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Figure 48 - Stock view of a laminate applied in width direction with 5 mm rough extension

Figure 49 - Stock view of a laminate applied with an angle of 20° and 5mm rough extension

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e. Stock Options
Next configurations panels, materials and the use of edge bands, some options will impact the level of stocks.

Stocks & Materials

Standard materials (type « Panel ») et « Thickness calibration ».
For the standard panels configured with a thickness, it is possible to allow a calibration modifying the thickness of
the panel. Useful case when the panel finish to a thickness which differs from the stock.

Figure 50 – Material calibration

Check« Allow calibration» and indicate a minimum thickness. When using the material, using the function« Edit
panel » it will be possible to modify the thickness of the panel.

In the example below, the actual thickness of the panel is 19mm (related material « Lamelle-Colle 19 Frene »). By
checking « Calibrate the thickness », You can change the value of the thickness manually to turn to 18mm.

Figure 51 – Thickness modification

Stock & Edge bands

According to the settings used when creating a edge band, its application affect the panel in various ways. The
following examples make it possible to see the influences:

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Figure 52 – Edge bands options

Note: Adding an edge band will delete automatically « extensions » od stock added to the panel.

Example 1:
o Thickness 2mm
o Create body: None
o Stock offset: 5mm

Adding this edge band on a panel of 600x450 does not affect the dimensions of the finished panel, but
adds 5mm in length and width on each side for stock dimensions.

Figure 53 - Example 1

Example 2:
o Thickness 2mm
o Create body: Add
o Stock offset: 5mm

Adding this edge band on a panel of 600x450 affect the dimensions of the finished panel. The edge bands
in « Add », a solid body thickness indicated will be created. A premium of 5mm per side is also added.

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The end panel will have a dimension of 604x454, while the stock dimensions will be of 614x464.

Figure 54 - Example 2

Example 3:
o Thickness 2mm
o Create body: Remove
o Stock offset: 5mm

Adding this edge band on a panel of 600x450 does not affect the dimensions of the finished panel, but
adds 10mm in length and width for stock dimensions. It will also have the effect of creating solid bodies for
each edge bands.

Figure 55 - Example 3

Note: « Stock Exclusion » has the effect of suppressing information about the edge bands on the stock. It will have
no influence on the panel dimensions.

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2. Frames
a. Template Introduction
When creating a new file, you have the choice in an additional tab SWOOD with three files: SWOODPanel,
SWOODFrame and SWOODBox.

Figure 56 – SWOOD Templates

Note: If SWOOD’s tab is not available, you can add it adding folder <User Directory>
\<Username>\SWOODDesign\Templates to SolidWorks documents templates (Tools → Options → File

SWOODFrame template is like a SOLIDWORKS assembly with planes defining box area (Frame Bottom Frame
Front, Frame Left, Frame Top, Frame Right, and Frame Back). There are also rectangular sketches, linked by
collinearity to box area (cf. Picture 57). When creating a new frame, save it directly in folder <User
Directory>\<Username> \SWOODDesign\Frames.

Figure 57 - SWOODFrame

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The volume of the box is managed by custom properties linked to offset distance between planes (Picture 58 &
Picture 59). You can change frame dimension by editing frame with command Edit Frame in SWOOD Design menu.

Figure 58 – Edit Frame button

Figure 59 – Frame volume definition

Figure 60 – Frame edition

Frame creation is divided in two main parts, insertion of panel and assembly them thanks to SolidWorks mates.
Panel dimensions will then be linked with frame box area.

Note: Frame orientation is the following: WIDTH along X, DEPTH along Y and HEIGHT along Z.

b. Panel Insertion
To insert a panel, click on command New Panel in SWOOD Design menu. You can also do right click
on a panel from library and select command Insert Copy. A new dialog appears in which you select which part
of frame you want to insert. After that, select which panel from library to use and change panel name with possibility
to add prefix and/or suffix. By default, panel name is made up of <position>_<frame name>. You can also choose if
your panel is a virtual component (Picture 61).

Use a virtual component has the advantage to have internal references linked to the assembly. However, it cannot
have drawing and it can’t be used in other assembly.

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Figure 61 – Panel insertion

Valid panel insertion by click on OK. Panel is inserted and prepositioned in box area. Once inserted, panel edition
dialog is opened. We have now to define panel dimensions and fix it with SolidWorks mates.

Note: Panel name is very important for the rest of project (Bill of Material, manufacturing documents for example).
It’s necessary to have a well-defined system for naming files, because when inserting a frame in a project, panel
name will be: <panel library name>_<frame name>_<instance>_<project name>. Default panel’s names can be
configured by SWOOD Design options.

Warning: It's better to favor short names. Windows is limited to 256 characters (paths + name of file), and he can
be easy to exceed this number when we use a lot of folders and sub-folders to sort projects.

➢ Dimensions Definition

Dimensions definition is done when editing panel. In the dialog box:

- Select dimension to compel (the bottom of the box appears pink).

- Select the geometric entities SOLIDWORKS (see Table 1) with the Ctrl key pressed the keyboard (plans "Left"
and "Right").
- Then click on the edit dialog panel button. The bottom of the box becomes grayed out, meaning that the
dimensions are constraints. The detected length is specified, it is possible to declare an offset if necessary
(see Figure 63).
- Repeat for other dimensions to define.

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Figure 62 – Panel dimensions’ management

Figure 63 – Panel dimensions during definition

References geometries
2 faces planes and parallels
1 face and 1 plane parallels
1 face and 1 edge parallels
1 face and 1 point or edge summit or summit Tableau 1 – Selectable geometries to define panel
2 planes parallels
d'esquisse dimensions
1 planes and 1 edge parallels
1 plane and 1 point
2 edges parallels
1 edge and 1 point
2 points

➢ Panel mates
Once sized, panel must be positioned and fixed in the box area. To do this, use SOLIDWORKS mates to
constraint panel entities (faces, sketches, points, …) with frame entities (planes, sketches, yet inserted panel
entities, …).

Note: It is better to fixe panels by using at the mosts the planes.

➢ Panel edition
Once sized and positioned, panel is always editable. To change dimensions, select part in Feature Manager
and use command Edit panel in SWOOD Design menu.

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Repeat these steps for all panels necessary for the efficient design of your frame. Observe that the orientation of
parts was done automatically in the right direction when inserting.

Figure 64 – Frame after panels insert

c. Frame Edition
Once the structure completely defined, it is possible to check the consistency of the frame by changing its
dimensions. Select command Edit Cabinet in Swood Design menu. Change box area dimensions and valid
by clicking on rebuild button.

d. Frame adding parameters

In the same way, as for the panels, it’s possible to add parameters in a frame. The method is the same as adding
parameters in a panel. Add custom properties in SolidWorks file and link them to SolidWorks by selecting dimensions
in graphic view (cf. Figure 65 – Parameters creation to drive frame). When editing frame, these news parameters
will be available in a box Parameters (cf. Figure 66).

Figure 65 – Parameters creation to drive frame

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Figure 66 – Frame Edition

e. Creating a new frame from an existing one

Like the panels, it is possible to create a new frame from an existing one in library.

For that, select a frame in the SWOOD Library and copy it using Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. Rename this new frame using
a right-click and the command “Rename”. Do your modifications and save the frame.

f. Template Creation and save

SWOODFrame template is perhaps not sufficiently developed to your library start. You can create a new one with
adding elements (planes, parameters…) to start a new frame more easily.

Once elements added, just save assembly as an assembly template with command Save As in File menu.
Change Save As type to Assembly Templates and select SWOOD templates folder <User Directory>
\<Username> \Templates\ SWOODDesign.

Figure 67 – Save a new template

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3. Connectors
a. Library Edition
Access to the Connectors Library is done by right-clicking in the window of the
SWOOD SOLIDWORKS task pane and selecting the Edit command.

The edit window is divided into 3 parts:

➢ The left side represents the list of items in the library.

➢ The portion corresponding to the 3D visual of the implementation of the
Figure 68 – Connectors libraries
selected element between two panels.
➢ The right part is used to set the item.

Figure 69 - Connectors libraries windows

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b. Single component creation

By clicking on the button « New item », we have the choice to create the following items:

➢ A new library (example : BLUM).

➢ A new folder (example : Eccentrics).
➢ A new element:

➢ A composing items:

On the central part of the window appears a 3D visual of the implementation of the element between two panels.
On the right side appears a drawing of the selected item. It is in this part that we will set our element.

The buttons above the display window used to inform, assess, and configure the variables
defined in our component. Variables are predetermined by SWOOD, but it is possible to create new ones.

• « Variable » is used to define existing variables and to define new (name, default value, range, ...).
• « Validity » is used to define the validity of the element.
• « Evaluation » will allow to write a script that will drive scenarios of changing / parameters of
the element (s).
• « Edit script » to open the editor in a new window.
• « Components » sis used to link the element of SWOOD link library file to a SOLIDWORKS (part
or assembly). The origin of the SOLIDWORKS file represents the insertion point that can be of three
types: the normal contact opposite direction 1 , the normal contact face to the direction 2 , on the
outside .
• « Test Mode » allows you to check the consistency of our established links elements

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Figure 70 – Example connectors linear dovetails

Figure 71 - Example connectors full tenon mortise

c. Composed component creation

In a pre-selected library, create a new composed element with the command New Item; rename it. To create a
combination of simple elements, drag their library on the right side of the compound element. Once dragged, the
elements are arranged in a tree with aliases assigned automatically. By clicking on each item, we realize that the
settings are no longer available. Only the insertion position can be changed.

Figure 72 – Simple component insertion in a composed component

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Note: Initial position of each element is (0, 0, 0), that means centered on panels contact face.

The definition of an element compound is to position and handle the removal of simple elements according to the
dimensions of the panels in contact (these dimensions are variables available in evaluating the compound element).

Using the language described in the SWOODBox function. For the position, use the syntax Alias.P.Axe (X or Y) and
Alias.S syntax for deleting management.

Figure 73 – Connector script example

Example :

DO3.S = True ‘Initialize the deletion state of Dominos 3

DO4.S = True Initialize the deletion state of Dominos 4
DO1.P.X=AL /2-32 ‘the position in X of domino 1 is at 32 to the right end
DO2.P.X=-DO1.P.X ‘the position in X of domino 2 is the opposite of the domino 1

IF ((AL>=300) AND (AL<500)) THEN ‘if the contact length is between 300 et 500
DO3.S = False ‘the domino 3 is activated, with the default position of 0
ELSE ‘Else
DO3.P.X=(AL -2*32)/6 ‘the domino 3 is positioned at the specified calculation
DO4.P.X =-DO3.P.X ‘the domino 4 is the opposite of the domino 3
DO3.S = False ‘the domino 3 is activated
DO4.S = False ‘the domino 4 is activated

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d. Connectors Test
When defining your connectors, it is possible to directly test the consistency of your items using the Test mode
accessible via the button "Mode Input / Test" at the top of the viewing window. It is then possible to simulate the
insertion of connectors by varying the dimensions of the panel.

Figure 74 – Connectors test mode

It is also possible to change additional settings (button ) that define the "external" to the dimensions of your
panels contact area.

Figure 75 – Additional parameters for test mode

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a. Template Introduction
In the same way as panels or frames, there is a template for SWOODBox. It’s accessible when creating a new file
in SWOOD tab with name SWOODBox. SWOODBox template is like a SolidWorks assembly with planes defining box
area (SWOODBox Bottom, SWOODBox Front, SWOODBox Left, SWOODBox Top, SWOODBox Right, and SWOODBox
Back). There are also rectangular sketches, linked by collinearity to box area (Figures 76 & Figure 77 – SWOODBox
volume definition).
When creating a new SWOODBox, save it directly in folder <User Directory>\<Username>\SWOOD

The volume of the box is managed by custom properties, linked to offset distance between planes

Figures 76 & Figure 77 – SWOODBox volume definition

There is also a new tab near Display Manager to create and defined SWOODBox elements.

Note: Frame orientation is the following: WIDTH along X, DEPTH along Y and HEIGHT along Z.

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b. SWOODBox Principle
A SWOODBox is a SolidWorks assembly included in a box area. The main benefit of a SWOODBox is to change
dimensions and relationships between different parts (mates, delete ...) according to box area dimensions. To achieve
this, we will write conditional scenarios in which we bring in SolidWorks entities (dimensions, mates, configuration ...).
Scenarios that can then be easily modified when editing a SWOODBox.

This assembly will then insert in another box area (like frames for example), which when modifies, will update
SWOODBox box area and so scenarios defined inside.

The other benefit of SWOODBox is to embed parametric machinings on parts in contact with SWOODBox box

c. SWOODBox Tab Introduction

SWOODBox Tab is made of three parts detailed below:

Figure 78 – SWOODBox Windows

➢ Creating of SWOODBox variables and parameters:

Variables and parameters which will control SWOODBox’s associated scenarios are created in this

➢ Machining definition:
This section allows the creation of parameterized machinings on parts in direct contact with the box
or plane area when inserting a SWOODBox in assembly.

➢ Test Mode:
This mode allows to check, without inserting the SWOODBox in a cabinet, the coherence of it.

d. Definition and control of variables in a SWOODBox

This section allows to create variables which will control different scenarios in the SWOODBox
associated. This creation requires 4 stages (.Figure 79 – SWOODBox parameters creation and script writing.).

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Figure 79 – SWOODBox parameters creation and script writing.

Parameters definition
A parameter needs 3 main characteristics to be well defined: a type, properties, a SOLIDWORKS link. Schedules
below describe the different possibilities and combinations of these characteristics.

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Parameters SOLIDWORKS link

Distance Dimension (sketch, feature, mate, driven or not)
Custom Property
Angle Dimension (sketch, feature, mate, driven or not)
Custom Property
String Configuration
Custom Property
Edge band
Integer Dimension (sketch, feature, mate, driven or not)
Custom Property
Edge band
Boolean (true or false) Custom Property
Feature or component delete
Decimal Dimension (sketch, feature, mate, driven or not)
Custom Property

Tableau 2 – Parameters and SOLIDWORKS link

Note: There are 4 variables set by default when creating a SWOODBox. Three are driving box area (Height,
Width, Depth) and one assembly configuration (Configuration with alias SWConf).

SOLIDWORKS links selection is done by clicking in the Selection box. When pink, select SOLIDWORKS entities in
the graphics window (for dimensions), in the Feature Manager (for mates, features and components) or in the
Configuration Manager (for configurations).

Function parts allows writing scenarios to control SWOODBox. By default, there are three equations to control
box area dimensions.

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Scenarios writing consists in move on, logically, desired SWOODBox configuration. For this, we write with a specific
language (Tableau 3 - Script used to drive a SwoodBox), tests and values assignments to defined parameters.

Figure 80 – Script Windows

The following syntax rules need to be respected to write the script:

o Start of a comment is initiated by a '; all that is written after this character is not interpreted. Comments
are written in green.
o Alphanumeric variable values must be written within " ".
o Expressions of assignment or test can be in parentheses; a different number of opening and closing
parentheses causes a syntax error, so writing in red.
o When evaluating a numeric expression, arithmetic operators * and / take precedence over
+ and -.
o Expressions with Boolean operators must be into brackets: (expression 1) AND (expression 2).
o Variables and operators can be written in upper or lower case.
o Keywords can be written in either French or English.

In case of syntax error, the script editor turns red and an error message tells you where it is.

Figure 81 – Syntax error

Operators and functions

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Script en Français Script in English

Affectation L=SBL L=SBL
Arithmetic operators + - / *<>= + - / *<>=
FIX (retourne la valeur entière) FIX
SQR (racine carré) SQR
ABS (absolu) ABS
MOD (modulo) MOD
Boolean operators ET, OU, NON(ET), NON(OU) AND, OR, NOT(AND), NOT(OR)
MAJ(alias de la variable) UCASE
Boolean value VRAI, FAUX TRUE, FALSE
Test SI (expression de test) ALORS IF (test expression) THEN
affectations assigment
SINONSI (expression de test) ALORS ELSEIF (test expression) THEN
affectations assigment
affectations assigment
Boolean test SI nom du booléen ALORS IF name of boolean THEN
affectations assigment
SI NON(nom du booléen) ALORS IF NO(name of boolean) THEN
affectations assigment
Functions MSG="message" MSG="message"
(alias de la variable).expose=false (variable alias).expose=false

Tableau 3 - Script used to drive a SwoodBox

Comments are written in green.

Keywords are written in blue.
Variables, brackets, equal sign, numerical values are written in black or red in case of syntax error.
Alphanumeric variable values are written in "magenta".

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SWOODBox settings
Settings defined in this tag are used when the SWOODBox is inserted.

➢ Edit when inserted: When inserted in a box area, the SWOODBox

parameters are directly editable.
➢ Allow Null Length / Height / Depth: Allow to define if an area can
have null dimensions (for example to use handles SWOODBox).
➢ Double Rebuild: Sometimes it could be necessary to rebuild a second-
time parameters to have the good result.

Figure 82 – SWOODBox options

Automatic link between SWOODBox and Frames

When you drag & drop a SWOODBox in a frame, an automatic link can be created between a SWOODBox
parameters and a Frame Custom property. For that, the name of the SWOODBox parameter must be the same that
the Custom property of the frame. The window below appears when the SWOODBox is inserted:

Figure 83 – Link between frame and SWOODBox parameter

If you valid this window, the link is created. This parameter can be driving directly from the frame.

Warning/Error messages
After a SWOODBox insertion, it is possible to display an alert (warning or error) in the Feature manager.

For that, in the SWOODBox Functions, you can write 4 types of instructions:

▪ General alert in a SWOODBox → msg="Error message/General Warning".

▪ Validity of the SWOODBox → valid=true/false.
▪ Message assigned to a specific variable → alias.msg = "Error message / Warning about variable".
▪ Validity of a variable → alias.valid=true/false.

This resulted in a color code applied to the SWOODBox icon in the Feature manager SOLIDWORKS, and
during the edition of this SWOODBox (message displayed and colored parameter) (Figure 84 – Error message).

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Figure 84 – Error message

e. Machinings definition
This section allows the creation of parameterized machinings on pats in direct contact with the box or
plane area when inserting a SWOODBox in an assembly. To do that we use the second button in
SWOODBox tab and proceed to threes steps to set these machinings. There are two kind of machining:
holes and extruded cut.

Drilling pattern
This first step will define the holes that you want to do. We use Drilling Pattern at the bottom of the

By clicking on New button, scheme properties dialog appears at

the bottom, where you can fill its name, default holes’ diameter and

Figure 85 – Drilling pattern creation

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By clicking on New hole button, a new hole is added to scheme. By

select it, you can modify his properties: diameter and depth if different of
scheme, and position X and Y referenced on a scheme origin.

Figure 86 – Drilling creation

Note: If scheme can be used in another SWOODBox, it’s possible to save it in the folder <User
Directory>\SWOODDesign\SWOODBox by clicking on .
After you can insert it by clicking on .

It’s also possible to import a scheme from a SOLIDWORKS sketch by selecting a sketch in Feature manager
and clicking on . Sketches points are creating holes with default diameter and circle are creating holes
with its own diameter. Sketch origin matches scheme origin.

Machings definition

➢ Drilling definition
Smart Drilling can position the hole patterns in relation to defined points in SOLIDWORKS.

Figure 87 – New drilling creation

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Click on first button New Drilling. Fill machining name and reference point by selecting a point in
graphic view (selection box must be pink). Point coordinates will appear in this box. Then select Pattern to
apply to this point. Point reference matches scheme origin.

You can also define scheme X or/and Y Offset from reference point and apply scheme X and/or Y

➢ Drilling Driven by Sketch

Drilling driven sketch allows positioning of the holes with respect to points drawn on sketches. It was then a sketch
that will drive our drilling.

After clicking on the repeat button Led by Sketch, click in the box Sketches and then select pilotage
sketches in the SOLIDWORKS design tree. Then select a diagram definition. All sketch points represent a reference
point for the selected pattern. If no scheme is selected, the sketch points represent holes with the diameter and the
depth defined in the hole. The circles are bores with their own diameter and depth defined in the hole.

Figure 88 – Drilling driven by sketch creation

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➢ Extruded cut machining

It is possible to apply other types of machining on the parts in contact with the envelope volume of SWOODBox.

You can apply on direct contact box area parts others machining than drillings. For that click on button Extruded
Cut. Then click in Sketches box and select sketches in SolidWorks Feature Manager.

Figure 89 – Extruded cut creation

Note : In all these machining definitions, it is possible to control the parameters (diameter, depth, X offset ...)
according SWOODBox variables by writing an evaluation function. Click on the Function button and write the
scripts. The variables of SWOODBox are called SBC.Alias.

IF SBC.H>500 THEN ‘If SWOODBOX Height parameter is superior to 500 then
D=15 ‘drilling diameter is 15

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➢ Compound Machining
Click on button New Compound Machining, we will be able to associate several drillings created with the others

Figure 90 – Compound machining

Compound machining will be created by dragging not compound one in white box (under Depth and Diameter
line). Each dragged machining has a specific alias SP1 for example. You can also in this dialog change parameters
generally (Depth, Diameter…). To keep dragged machining values, let the compound machining values 0. Compound
machining is defined with all necessary machining, and after manages machining deleting.

Insert all necessary machining by dragging and use the same script as using in SWOODBox Function to manage
machining according to SWOODBox parameters (SWOODBox parameters are also naming as SBC.Alias).
Machining deleting is manage as a Boolean parameter (SP1.S=true/false).


SP1.S=False ‘First dragged machining deleting is false

IF SBC.P > 500 THEN ‘If SWOODBOX depth parameter is superior to 500 then SP1
SP1.S =True ‘SP1 deleting is true
SP2.D=1 5 ‘Second dragged machining diameter = 15

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➢ Machining offset from the contact face

It is possible to define machining operations that are not directly in contact with the environment of the
SWOODBox. Just set a lag in the drilling template with the parameter "POSITION.Z". This may for example allow to
declare the holes from outside the panel surface.

Figure 91 – Example of machining offset with the parameter "POSITION.Z"

At the top of this dialog, you can choose which machining applies to SWOODBox faces. Select in front of each
desired face, machining in dropdown list.

Figure 92 - Machining application on a SWOODBox face

If machinings are similar in opposite faces (left and right, top and bottom, front and back), we can choose
(Symmetry) in dropdown list.

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f. Test Mode
The test mode (available in the third button of tab SWOODBox) is a way to check, without inserting the SwoodBox
in a cabinet, the coherence of.

Figure 93 - Test mode of a SWOODBox

Change SWOODBox box area dimensions (Width, Depth, and Height) and exposed parameters, to have scenario
to check. Private parameters are grayed and unchangeable. They are calculated with the function, when clicking on
Compute button. Check if modifications of parameters cause a good scenario result.

Note: By default, the Test mode displays only the exposed variables. To see all the variables, click the button .

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5. Profiling
a. Shape creating
SWOOD shape profiles are linked to SolidWorks sketch. To create a new one, right click in Profiles Library in
SWOOD library tab and click on command Edit shapes. A SolidWorks part is opening with a new tab Profiling. Right
click in this tab. A new sketch is editing. Create your shape in the sketch and quit sketch edition. Rename your sketch.
There is now a new shape available with sketch name in Profiling Tab. Save SolidWorks part.

Figure 94 – Profile creation

Note: Sketch origin matches with edge or sketch insertion profiling. To

check, in Profiling tab, there is a help viewer at the tab bottom. You can
change panel thickness and insertion reference (Superior, Center or

Figure 95 - Visualisation of profile

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b. Applying a profile on a part

Applying a profile on a SolidWorks part is done by drag and drop on edges or sketches. Once applied, a dialog is
opening in Property Manager. In this dialog, you can change shape, select additional edges or shift reference.

A Profiling feature is created in SolidWorks Feature Manager.

Figure 96 – Profile application

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IV. Project Creating

1. Principle
Once user and libraries created, use SWOOD Design is very easy. In fact, from Frames Library project creating
will be done by copying, inserting copy. After that we will finish our furniture or layout by using others libraries
(SWOODBox, Connectors, Material…).

2. Furniture Project
a. Frame copying
Select a Frame library frame, right click and select command Copy. SWOOD
provides to save project. Once saved, project is opened in SolidWorks. It’s now
possible to change frame dimensions and parameters thanks command Edit cabinet
in SWOOD Design menu.

Note : When saving project, SWOOD create a folder with project name where
all components are saved. Frame parts are renamed as
<LibraryPartName>_<ProjectName> to keep part uniqueness in project.

Figure 97 – Furniture project


b. Frame Filling
Once sized, cabinet is ready to be filled. Drag and drop a SWOODBox from SWOODBox Library to a frame box
area. This selected box area becomes green blue (cf. Figure 98). SWOODBox assembly and component parts are
added in SolidWorks Feature Manager.

Figure 98 – SWOODBox insertion

A SWOODBox feature is also added. Another SWOODBox Machining feature is added in parts in contact with
SWOODBox faces where machining was defined in library. (cf. Figure 99).

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Figure 99 - SWOODBox features and machinings

b. Changing inserted SWOODBox

When editing the SWOODBox (right click / Edit function), a dialog window opens to change many of its parameters
such as:

• Redefine volume insert.

• Add offsets against plans/insertion faces.
• Rotate in volume.
• Change the exposed variables.
• Add other milling bodies (not concern parts of the contact area when inserting).

In the case of a deletion of one of the component have been used during the
insertion of the SWOODBox, it is then possible to modify the faces / plans to
redefine its volume insertion. This is comparable to the amendment of the mats

Figure 100 - Cas d'une entité support


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Figure 101 – SWOODBox edition mode

c. Management of machining SWOODBox

When inserting a SWOODBox, the parts defining the volume may be defined by multi-body. In this case, all bodies
in contact will be supplied with the machining of the SWOODBox.

At any time, you can add or remove bodies from the part selected by editing the child feature available from the

d. Applying connectors
Drag and drop a connector from SWOODBox Library to a contact face between two parts (Figure 102).

Element representation is appearing. Keep left click pressed and change if necessary one insertion direction by
driving along one or the other parts in contact. The other one direction is changed by pressing Tab key on keyboard.
A specific SWOOD feature is created in assembly and selected parts (Figure 103), By editing this feature, we can
change insertion direction and connector type.

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Figure 102 – Connector insertion

Figure 103 – Connection feature edition

When inserting connectors with 2 parts SOLIDWORKS, several volumetric bodies may define the contact face.
For example, if edge bands with an apparent thickness are present, these may be concern of the contact face.
Machining will be (Figure 104).

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Figure 104 – Multi body – connector insertion

It is also possible to edit the child features to exclude or include volumetric bodies in the selection (Figure 105).

Figure 105 – Volumetric bodies management for connectors

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e. Deleting SWOOD components in assemblies

Each deleting a SWOOD element must be by its function in the Feature Manager SOLIDWORKS.

It is also possible to make multiple deletion. In this case, select SWOOD functions to delete, and use the Delete
command available by right-clicking or the Delete key on your keyboard. then select “Yes to All “.

Figure 106 – Multiple SWOODBox feature delete

f. Material Applying
Drag and drop a material from SWOODBox Library to a part face. If a material is already applied on SolidWorks
parts, choose which level to material changing.

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3. Layout Project
a. Layout sketch creating
To insert a frame in a layout project, two sketches are needed. One to define Width (along X frame) and Depth
(along Y frame) and another one to define Height (along Z frame).

In a new SolidWorks assembly, create sketches to define your layout. Of course, you can define different “furniture”
level (top and bottom furniture for example) and add other components to create an environment like kitchen or
living room. (cf. Figure 107).

Figure 107 – Layout sketch

It will be possible to add additional items to complete the arrangement (plinths, worktops ...) through panels
SWOOD Design inserts, or the functionality of SOLIDWORKS (part in context for example), as well as elements
environment (floors, walls, decoration, ...).

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b. Frame insertion
Select from Frame library a frame , right click and select command Insert Copy.

Figure 108 - "Insert Copy"

Frame is inserting in SolidWorks assembly and a Positioning dialog is appearing in Property Manager. Select
sketch points to define furniture insertion origin and dimensions.

Figure 109 – Positionning dialog

A SWOODLayout feature is created and added in SolidWorks Feature Manager. When editing this feature, you
can redefine frame insertion (Figure 110).

SWOOD Design 2016 – Training Manual

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Figure 110 - SWOODLayout feature created in the feature manager

c. Frame filling
All implanted box can then be modified. Given that this is a box-copy library, only the implanted undergo this change.
It is therefore possible to remove items from the box, add SWOODBox, links, etc. ... even after implantation.
To fill your frame, you have to repeat steps explain in Furniture project section

➢ SWOODBox Inserting by edition of the frame

To insert a SWOODBox in a specific frame, you must edit this assembly thanks SOLIDWORKS’s
command(Figure 111).

➢ SWOODBox inserting directly from the project

Figure 111 – SWOODBox insertion in a layout project

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Inserting SWOODBox can also be done without editing the frame, directly from the main assembly of the
project. In this case, the files of SWOODBox will be directly visible in the SOLIDWORKS design tree, but will not
be added as sub-assemblies of the box.

Figure 112 - SWOODBox inserted directly from the layout project

Note: Inserting a SWOODBox in a specific box after editing will subsequently be able to save this box modified
library for future use. While inserting a SWOODBox from the project assembly will create an automatic link
between variable and SWOODBox a project variable (Figure 115 – Variable link between SWOODBox and layout project

Figure 113 – Variable link between SWOODBox and layout project

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➢ Applying connectors

This can be done directly from the project, primarily to create links between different implanted boxes, or
any other element added later (connections between worktops ...).

Note: For inserting links in a box, it is advisable to open the assembly of the box before inserting links in the case
of a likely backup library.

d. Additional elements adding

After implantation and filling of boxes completed, it is possible to add any additional element insert "classic"
SOLIDWORKS parts or assemblies.

➢ A work plan addition:

The addition of a work plan can be done by creating a new panel (button Create a panel in the
SWOODDesign menu), or by a panel of copy insertion (right-click Insert copy from a panel of SWOOD Library).

Create a new panel from the SWOOD Design menu, choose the name as "Workplan" then validate.

Figure 114 – New panel creation to be inserted in a layout project

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After validation, the panel is positioned in the project with the open panel edit window. Then indicate the size of
the panel, manually or by forcing them between several planes or faces, as in the creation of a box (Panel Insertion).

Figure 115 – Length panel management according other cabinets

After the panel size, apply the desired material and confirm. It only remains to position the work plan using

Figure 116 – Work surface panel resized and mates defined

SWOOD Design 2016 – Training Manual

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e. Sketches changing
By modifying sketches dimensions and SolidWorks rebuild, SWOOD will rebuild frames and all filling elements
according their library parametric rules:

- SWOODBox components and its parametric rules (dimensions, deleting, embedded machinings) manages by
- Connectors and parametrical rules

Figure 117 – Cabinets before resizing

Figure 118 – Sketch dimensions’ modification

Figure 119 – After validating

new dimensions

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f. Modification of materials
It is possible at any time to change the materials of the project, panel, per box, or the entire project.

➢ Modification by drag and drop

Choose from the Library materials SWOOD Design the desired material and then drag and drop it on one of the
panels of the project to change. At that time, SWOOD offers several options: change the material of the selected
part, all parts with the same assembly material, or all parts with the same project material (Figure 120).

Figure 120 – Drag and drop of a new material: choose of elements to change

➢ Modification by the menu « Edit a frame »

It is also possible to use the "Edit a box" to see all the materials currently used in the project and select the new
material to be applied. The use is the same as that seen in the chapter: In the SWOOD Design menu, select
"Edit a box," then choose the materials to modify and validate.

Figure 121 – Materials changing by « Edit a frame »

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Figure 122 – Layout project after materials changed

Note: If the material chosen has a different thickness of the old material, SWOOD change all thicknesses and
automatically recalculate all the dimensions of each panel project and the SWOODBox and connectors…

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V. Project report

1. Report generating
Once the project is completed, SWOOD generates different production materials. The default files are created in
html format and can be viewed using a browser (Internet Explorer preference for better compatibility scripts) and a
csv export flows (importable in optimization software).

Report generation is from the button « Report » in SWOOD Design menu.

The default generated files contain:

Figure 123 - Report window

➢ A general view of the project.

➢ Views of the project on different sides.
➢ A conversion of the SOLIDWORKS drawing file (if created and saved with the same name as the assembly)
in pdf format.
➢ An export in eDrawings format.
➢ The list and details of the programs (available only for users of SWOOD CAM).
➢ The list of hardware
➢ The cut list
➢ The list of materials
➢ The details of cost of materials used

SWOOD Design 2016 – Training Manual

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Figure 124 – Stock list from report

2. Report configuration
The report files are specific to each production, a study and a custom configuration is needed. By default, the
report will come out as the main information from SWOOD without any sort, with paths export by default.

It is possible to identify SOLIDWORKS parts and assemblies with a specific type. One can for example testing the
path or custom properties. This is useful for defining a document on specific files (eg hardware stores are typed
through their repertoire that includes 'Hardware', the boxes may be numbered ...).

3. Others types of documents

a. Export xml
Default Report SWOOD can create TXT, CSV, and HTML. But it is also possible to create XML files, which can
next allow you to link your documents / data to another application.

For example, you can generate SWOOD data in an XML file and use an .EXE file to call a VB macro and complete
an Excel document.

SWOOD Design 2016 – Training Manual

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Figure 125 - Export XML Export and variables integration in an Excel template

b. ZPL picture format

This is GRF pictures to introduce in ZPL documents. Zebra Programming Language (ZPL and ZPL II). It is mainly
used in embedded systems CNC labeling.

c. Pictures 64
Pictures can be managed as basic string 64 to be used directly in HTML documents. This prevents the links in
this type of files.

4. Report formatting
SWOOD Report data can be formatted, defining for example the number of 0 decimal places. This formatting can be
active on all documents or only for a document type. In addition, for a specific value, it is possible to use the .Net
format to set the format of a numerical value or string. The units can also be modified on certain types of documents
(mm, inches ...).

For more information on this format, you can visit the Microsoft links below::

SWOOD Design 2016 – Training Manual

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VI. Attachments

6. EPDM Management
The management of SWOOD copy can be linked with data configured in SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM (parts
name and assemblies linked with EPDM serial number, application of EPDM data card during copy…)

The EPDM configuration is different for each SOLIDWORKS user. A modification of the SWOOD 2016
configuration is necessary to an appropriate management of data.

7. SWOOD Design Configuration

a. Customization of dimensions text box names: Panels & Frame
You can rename dimensions’ names of panels and frames as you want. To do it, edit the SWOODDesign.cfg file
and replace parameters X Dimension Label, Y Dimension Label et Z Dimension Label with the whished value in the
two categories [PANEL] and [FRAMES] (Defaults values for panels are Length, Width, Thickness. For frames: Width,
Depth and Height).

Figure 126 – Text boxes name modification of panels dimensions

SWOOD Design 2016 – Training Manual

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Figure 127 - Text boxes name modification of frame dimensions

8. SWOOD Design Libraries management

a. Drawing
It is possible to save a drawing for each SWOOD Frame model and SWOODBox. Its name must be the same as
the assembly name. It must be saved in the same directory in the SWOOD User Library.

Figure 128 - SWOODBox drawing copy

during its insertion

The drawing will be made directly after the Frame and/or SWOODBox copy.

b. PDF Files
You can associate a PDF file with one of the element in your SWOOD Library (frames, SWOODBox, panels).

SWOOD Design 2016 – Training Manual

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This file will not be copied during the copy of the element, but is used to display an explanations file.

Figure 129 – Access button for PDF file

The save of the file, as drawing, need to be in the same directory of the element it is associated, with the same

Figure 130 – PDF file saving

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9. Unities Management
Unities SWOOD text box are the same as SOLIDWORKS unities launched during
SOLIDWORKS open. If a change is made in a specific file SWOOD Design unities will be
changed also.

You can design SWOOD Design projects in mm, inch, or all other length unity
available in SOLIDWORS.

Figure 131 – Example of units

you can use

Note: You can change manually the unity in SWOOD text box (Edit Frame or Edit Panel for example). Just change
the unity directly in the text box

Reminder: Since SWOOD 2014, it’s possible to define SWOOD Design dimensions by mathematics formulas
(Width=2000+6 for example).

SWOOD Design 2016 – Training Manual

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VII. Additional Information

1. Web:

EFICAD Web site: http://eficad.com

SWOOD Web site: http://swood.eficad.com/

EFICAD LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eficad

EFICAD YouTube Chanel: https://www.youtube.com/user/SWOODEFICAD

SOLIDWORKS Web site: http://www.SOLIDWORKS.fr/sw/products/details.htm?productid=4731

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Figure 1- Activate SOLIDWORKS Add-Ins .................................................................................................................................. 5

Figure 2 - SWOOD Library and Menus in SOLIDWORKS .................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3 – Data directory customization ................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4 – Managing views .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 5 – Managing large assemblies ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 6 – File location of Material Databases ....................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 7 – File location of Textures .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 8 – Dynamic highlight .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 9 - SWOOD Design Library ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 10 - Définition des propriétés ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 11 – Compound panel parameters ............................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 12 – Manage Material layers ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 13 – Edge Bands Library ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 14 – Add new extended properties ............................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 15 – Edge band shape library ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 16 – Edge band end shape Library ............................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 17 – Adding new extended properties ...................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 18 – New SWOOD Document ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 19 - Define the panel ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 20 - Relation of panel’s dimensions with SOLIDWORKS .................................................................................... 18
Figure 21 – Add panel parameters .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 22 – Support sketch ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 23 – Creating thin extrude ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 24 – Link between thickness and thin extrude ...................................................................................................... 20
Figure 25 – Access to the management of the curved panel ...................................................................................... 21
Figure 26 – Management of the curved panel .................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 27 – Example of sketch for a multi-body panel ...................................................................................................... 22
Figure 28 – Extrusion of many body ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 29 – Multi Stocks Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 30 – Multi Stock panel during configuration .......................................................................................................... 23
Figure 31 – Application of a material in an assembly ....................................................................................................... 24
Figure 32 – Application of a laminate in an assembly ...................................................................................................... 25
Figure 33 - Feature manager view ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 34 – Edge band application............................................................................................................................................ 26
Figure 35 – Panel and its form ................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 36 – Drawing with edge band references and drilling table ............................................................................ 27
Figure 37 – Panel materials management ........................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 38 – Panel Edition and stocks ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 39 – Component selection ............................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 40 – Panel orientation ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 41 – Part designed in any plane .................................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 42 – Z axis orientation management ........................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 43 - Length management .............................................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 44 – Panel with vertical grain and 10 mm rough extension ........................................................................... 31
Figure 45 – Changing length in a panel with grain and 10 mm rough extension................................................. 31
Figure 46 – Laminate orientation modification ................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 47 – Stock view of a laminate applied in length direction with 5 mm rough extension ....................... 32

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Figure 48 - Stock view of a laminate applied in width direction with 5 mm rough extension ........................... 33
Figure 49 - Stock view of a laminate applied with an angle of 20° and 5mm rough extension....................... 33
Figure 50 – Material calibration ................................................................................................................................................ 34
Figure 51 – Thickness modification .......................................................................................................................................... 34
Figure 52 – Edge bands options ................................................................................................................................................ 35
Figure 53 - Example 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 54 - Example 2 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 55 - Example 3 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 56 – SWOOD Templates ................................................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 57 - SWOODFrame ............................................................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 58 – Edit Frame button ................................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 59 – Frame volume definition ....................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 60 – Frame edition ............................................................................................................................................................ 38
Figure 61 – Panel insertion .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 62 – Panel dimensions’ management ...................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 63 – Panel dimensions during definition .................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 64 – Frame after panels insert .................................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 65 – Parameters creation to drive frame............................................................................................................... 41
Figure 66 – Frame Edition ............................................................................................................................................................ 42
Figure 67 – Save a new template.............................................................................................................................................. 42
Figure 68 – Connectors libraries .............................................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 69 - Connectors libraries windows.............................................................................................................................. 43
Figure 70 – Example connectors linear dovetails............................................................................................................... 45
Figure 71 - Example connectors full tenon mortise ........................................................................................................... 45
Figure 72 – Simple component insertion in a composed component....................................................................... 45
Figure 73 – Connector script example ................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 74 – Connectors test mode .......................................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 75 – Additional parameters for test mode ............................................................................................................. 47
Figures 76 & Figure 77 – SWOODBox volume definition ............................................................................................... 48
Figure 78 – SWOODBox Windows ........................................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 79 – SWOODBox parameters creation and script writing. ............................................................................. 50
Figure 80 – Script Windows ........................................................................................................................................................ 52
Figure 81 – Syntax error ............................................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 82 – SWOODBox options ............................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 83 – Link between frame and SWOODBox parameter ..................................................................................... 54
Figure 84 – Error message ......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 85 – Drilling pattern creation ....................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 86 – Drilling creation ........................................................................................................................................................ 56
Figure 87 – New drilling creation .............................................................................................................................................. 56
Figure 88 – Drilling driven by sketch creation...................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 89 – Extruded cut creation ............................................................................................................................................ 58
Figure 90 – Compound machining ............................................................................................................................................ 59
Figure 91 – Example of machining offset with the parameter "POSITION.Z" ......................................................... 60
Figure 92 - Machining application on a SWOODBox face .............................................................................................. 60
Figure 93 - Test mode of a SWOODBox ................................................................................................................................ 61
Figure 94 – Profile creation ......................................................................................................................................................... 62
Figure 95 - Visualisation of profile .............................................................................................................................................. 62

SWOOD Design 2016 – Training Manual

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Figure 96 – Profile application .................................................................................................................................................... 63

Figure 97 – Furniture project creation ................................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 98 – SWOODBox insertion ............................................................................................................................................ 64
Figure 99 - SWOODBox features and machinings ............................................................................................................. 65
Figure 100 - Cas d'une entité support supprimée .............................................................................................................. 65
Figure 101 – SWOODBox edition mode ................................................................................................................................. 66
Figure 104 – Connector insertion ............................................................................................................................................ 67
Figure 105 – Connection feature edition ............................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 106 – Multi body – connector insertion .................................................................................................................. 68
Figure 107 – Volumetric bodies management for connectors ................................................................................... 68
Figure 108 – Multiple SWOODBox feature delete ............................................................................................................. 69
Figure 109 – Layout sketch ......................................................................................................................................................... 70
Figure 110 - "Insert Copy" ............................................................................................................................................................. 71
Figure 111 – Positionning dialog ............................................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 112 - SWOODLayout feature created in the feature manager ...................................................................... 72
Figure 113 – SWOODBox insertion in a layout project.................................................................................................... 72
Figure 114 - SWOODBox inserted directly from the layout project ............................................................................ 73
Figure 115 – Variable link between SWOODBox and layout project .......................................................................... 73
Figure 116 – New panel creation to be inserted in a layout project.......................................................................... 74
Figure 117 – Length panel management according other cabinets ......................................................................... 75
Figure 118 – Work surface panel resized and mates defined ..................................................................................... 75
Figure 119 – Cabinets before resizing.................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 120 – Sketch dimensions’ modification ................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 121 – After validating new dimensions .................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 122 – Drag and drop of a new material: choose of elements to change .................................................. 77
Figure 123 – Materials changing by « Edit a frame »....................................................................................................... 77
Figure 124 – Layout project after materials changed ..................................................................................................... 78
Figure 125 - Report window ......................................................................................................................................................... 79
Figure 126 – Stock list from report ......................................................................................................................................... 80
Figure 127 - Export XML Export and variables integration in an Excel template .................................................. 81
Figure 128 – Text boxes name modification of panels dimensions............................................................................ 82
Figure 129 - Text boxes name modification of frame dimensions ............................................................................... 83
Figure 130 - SWOODBox drawing copy during its insertion .......................................................................................... 83
Figure 131 – Access button for PDF file................................................................................................................................ 84
Figure 132 – PDF file saving........................................................................................................................................................ 84
Figure 133 – Example of units you can use .......................................................................................................................... 85

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