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Duncan Hewett, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Asia-Pacific & Japan, VMware
The great news is India has some of the highest numbers of female STEM graduates in the world with around 45% of graduates being
women. So the future should be looking bright for the Information Technology sector working population to trend strongly to 50-50 gender
representation. Unfortunately, this fantastic opening position with graduates statistic does not extend into the workforce past the first few
years. The technology sector has seen some success in narrowing the gender gap at the entry levels but only modest change. The challenge
for India’s technology sector (and others) is many talented women dropping out of the workforce mid-career. Most of them do not return to
work after a career-breaks as the rapid evolution of technology leaves their skills outdated or their confidence eroded. This is an irreparable
loss for an industry that continually innovates and constantly needs talent.

In January 2019, VMware opened up a new initiative designed to address this increasing gender gap in India’s technology sector.
VMinclusion Taara, one of India’s largest up-skilling programs, started with humble aims, to simply provide a support mechanism for women
who want to get back to the workforce. The program is founded on the belief that training and upskilling are essential for a
thriving IT career to keep pace with the rapid technology evolution and a key path to regaining confidence. The free courses are
designed to help women get “current” on their technical knowledge and build their confidence to get back into the workforce.

Today, two years later we can humbly say, we now have over 10,000 women who have chosen to enrol and take charge
of their lives and regain their skills and confidence. VMinclusion Taara is proud to be making a difference in the lives of
Indian women technologists and be a small part in helping them personally and help India’s technology sector by
bringing them back to the workforce. We can proudly say now, over 1000 women have re-joined the technology
sector across 800 plus companies after leveraging our VMinclusion Taara program.

This e-book captures the stories of some of our VMinclusion Taara heroes. These personal stories have a
few common threads – the unavoidable decision to take a break, the strong desire to make it back into
the workforce, and the value delivered by upskilling and the genuine help it has provided to regain
confidence. These stories are testament to the fact that we all can make a difference and need to
extend a helping hand to help restart careers, and upskilling is central to assisting women to
return to work.

I hope your experience reading these stories is like mine - humbled by their a
In January 2019, VMware announced a new initiative designed to address the increasing gender
gap in the technology sector. VMinclusion Taara, one of India’s largest up-skilling programs,
was designed to support women who wanted to get back to the workforce and effectively
give them a second chance at a successful career in technology. The program was born of
belief that we needed to do more to empower women in the workplace and particularly within
the technology sector. And of the firm conviction that upskilling is the need of the hour for
technology professionals and particularly for women who have been away from the industry for
a bit.

Since the program launched, we have seen overwhelming response from women across the
country. We have heard so many women telling us that the program helped them rediscover
their confidence and made them hopeful of restarting their careers on an equal footing with
their peers. We saw women giving the program their all even as the pandemic related lockdown
doubled their domestic duties. We saw countless organizations come forward to pledge their
support to the program. And, we saw so many of our graduates rejoin the workforce as proud
VMware certified professionals. This is the kind of meaningful impact that we had hoped for and
is proof that with some industry support and commitment, a career break doesn’t have to hold
women back from work. They can prioritize what’s important to them at any point in their life
and return to work when they are ready — with upgraded skills.

This e-Book captures just a handful of stories, but it is a celebration of each Taara learner and
their triumphant return to work. We hope it will inspire a new generation of Indian women to
think of restarting their careers in the technology sector.

VMinclusion Taara Helped me Upskill in Cloud
Computing and Automation
Akshata Nayak
My first career break was in 2008, a year when the world was hit by the global recession. After
four years of juggling between a job, my Master’s program, and responsibilities at home, I felt
this was the ideal time to take a break. My joy knew no bounds when I stepped into motherhood
in 2009. I never knew how time flew by until 2011. That is the year I decided to get back to
work and started looking for opportunities. I was fortunate to bag an offer with a reputed
multinational organization. My joy was short-lived as within a few months of joining I had to quit
as my husband got transferred to another city. Lack of a support system and also my conscious
decision to be with my child was what led to my second career break.

In 2019 I felt the need to get back to work but the tech industry was not on my mind. At
this time, I was exploring options and even took to volunteering, content writing, technical
writing, and blogging. It was when I had undertaken the volunteering, that I heard about

I decided to attend the webinar that VMinclusion Taara conducted for potential entrants. As I
had lost touch with the latest trends in technology, this webinar proved to be an eye-opener and
helped me make up my mind about getting back to IT. I realized Taara was giving me a platform
to upskill and stay relevant in the job market. Doing this course has helped me gain some
confidence because my exposure was largely in the areas of mainframes and testing. At present,
I am pursuing Level 3 of the Taara program and reskilling in Cloud computing and Automation,
an in-demand technology.

VMinclusion Taara has given me the much-needed confidence to restart my career even after a
decade of being away from IT. I hope to land my dream job soon. I am grateful to my husband
who encouraged me to take up this program, to the Taara team, and fellow Taara candidates
who have been my pillar of support throughout my Taara journey.

How I Restarted My Career After Nine Years!
Ambika Srivastav
I started my career as a software developer almost a decade ago. But I was keen to join the
government sector, cleared government exams and interviews, and was selected for the desired
job role. However, it didn’t work out as there were no vacancies for the job post at the time.

I was out of the workforce for nine long years and dedicated my time to bringing up my child
and focused on the things I loved such as drawing and painting. I even held an exhibition of my
paintings and since it received an overwhelming response, I started an e-commerce portal which
is a repository of my artwork.

Although I enjoyed pursuing my passions, I did not want to lose touch with the technology
sector. I did an online certification in Data Science technologies from XLRI Jamshedpur. In 2019,
my husband introduced me to VMinclusion Taara. It was self-paced, online, and allowed me to
upskill in the latest technologies. I signed up for the course immediately and right from the start
I felt that I was in the right place at the right time. The courses were extremely relevant and
the mix of theory and practical labs were perfect for building an in-depth understanding of the
latest technologies. While I was on Level 2 of the program, I was hired as an intern in a reputed
organization, and a few months later based on my performance during the internship I was hired
full time within the same organization. I now work there as a member of the technical staff.

A career break is unsettling and can leave one feeling underconfident because the rapid pace
of technology disruption leaves one’s skills outdated. Upskilling, therefore, is a must for
women on a career break. And VMinclusion Taara is the perfect place to start.

Here’s Why I Chose VMinclusion Taara to
Reboot my Career!
Amruta Bisain
I worked in the field of software testing for 17 years before I decided to take a break for personal
reasons as I needed to focus on my family. During my break, I did some freelance projects as
well and kept in touch with people working in my line of work. After one and a half years when
the situation on the home front had stabilized, I got to know about VMinclusion Taara through a
LinkedIn post. Also, when I surfed the words “break from work” or “rejoin work”, Taara topped
the list.

I had, of course, heard about VMware and the innovative work they were doing in the tech
space, but I was not aware of what the program offered. I was aware that it had modules on
cloud computing and virtualization, so I decided to find out more. I attended Taara’s workshops
and motivational sessions in which they spoke about the program and explained how it works. I
signed up for the program soon after.

It is important to mention that, Taara builds your confidence since their content is top-notch.
Their courses are online and offer you great flexibility to learn at your pace. The program is
designed to upgrade your skills, using layman language which makes it easy to grasp. The
beauty of the Taara program is that you are always connected with trainers, and other students
via e-mail. The program is user-friendly and interactive and covers relevant areas of technology.

This makes Taara a great option for women on career breaks trying to make it back into the
workforce. I would say that even if you take a break for over five years, Taara can help you get
back to the mainstream work environment. I strongly vouch for Taara as it can boost your career
by upskilling you.

VMinclusion Taara: The Perfect Platform
for Women Trying to Restart their Careers
Anindita Datta
My corporate journey began in 2005 soon after completing my Masters in Computer
Applications with a leading telecom firm where I joined as a Software Engineer. Over the next
9.5 years, I moved rapidly up the corporate ladder across various organizations. But when my
mother was diagnosed with a serious and long-term illness, I knew I had to focus on looking
after her. Of course, I did not regret my decision even for a second, but I knew I wanted to
return to work once things had stabilized at home.

During my hiatus from work, I used to attend webinars and subscribe to different magazines to
stay abreast of the latest in tech. But I knew that if I wanted to take my career to the next level I
would have to upskill in the latest technologies. Most importantly, I needed to find a course that
would allow me to learn the practical application of technologies.

Around this time a friend told me about VMware’s VMinclusion Taara, and it seemed like the
program had been custom-made for me. I liked its combination of courses on cutting-edge
technologies like cloud and virtualization and hands-on labs. There were also mentors and
program coordinators to address any queries one might have regarding the program. And the
opportunity to earn a globally recognized certification free of cost and from the comfort of my
home was brilliant. There were even soft skills training sessions and interactive sessions with
industry leaders to help women on career breaks prepare for interviews.

Currently, I have completed Level 3 of the program and I am confident of making it back to
the workforce soon. VMinclusion Taara helped me not only upskill but also rebuild my

Learning in the Lockdown
Anusha Subramanium
After having been a part of the IT sector for almost six and a half years, I gave up my flourishing
career to focus on my kids. Years later, I realized I still missed working and wanted to rejoin the
workforce. I applied for every job that was available for women who had been on a career break,
but my lack of expertise in the latest technologies soon became a hindrance. I realized I would
have to upskill and thought an MBA diploma would help. But even after completing my MBA, I
still lacked the required technology skills that employers in the tech sector were looking for.

Around this time, I heard of VMware’s VMinclusion Taara. It offered women like me, the
opportunity to upskill in cutting edge digital technologies that most organizations were looking
for, and it allowed me to learn online at my pace.I signed up for it immediately, confident that
this would be the opportunity to build my expertise in emerging technologies.

But when India went into lockdown, it became difficult to manage my time. I had two active kids
attending online school at home and my husband was working from home as well. It felt like I
would never be able to take the time out to go online and learn. But I soon chalked out a plan
with my husband to make sure both of us could focus on our individual professional priorities.
Today I have reached Level 3 of the program. And I am working as a Team Lead with an MNC.
I feel a lot confident now and this has been a perfect start for me.

Taara Revived my Career after an Extended Break
Archana Panchal
I had a flourishing career in the technology sector that I chose to quit. I started my career as a
junior developer and moved up the ladder over the years. I worked in different roles- senior
developer, application lead, consultant and I loved the fact that I got the opportunity to learn
about diverse countries and their cultures. But a few years back, my mom fell ill and had to
undergo some surgeries, and to look after her I decided to quit my job. I wanted to be present
when my mom needed the support.

After a 3 year break, I wanted to restart my career and become financially independent once
again. I missed the highs and the challenges of my job, the buzz of the office, and the colleagues
who made work fun every day. I began preparing for job interviews and applied for jobs
through several job portals. However, most of them led nowhere. I tried to keep up with new
technologies, but I felt like I needed a concrete and foolproof plan to return to work.

Around this time, I learned about VMinclusion Taara. It was an exclusive return to the program
for women on a career break. Their advanced technical online courses on digital transformation
were in-demand and top-notch. I wanted to upskill and so when I enrolled, I was confident that
I could finally make it back into the industry armed with new skills. I became aware of the fact
that the program is designed carefully and thoughtfully and is completely online, so women like
me will find it easy to learn. It equips us with new skills, with abundant support and guidance.
And that’s what gave me back my confidence. I now work with a multinational firm and I credit
VMinclusion Taara with helping me get back into the workforce.

VMinclusion Taara Gave Me the Confidence to Begin Again
Arthi Narasimhan
I started my career as a software engineer and worked for startups in the field of open source
and virtualization technologies. After about 6 years I took a break to raise my newborn. Later I
rejoined the same team after enhancing my skills. Upskilling has always been a top priority for
me. I took the General Management program from IIMB and later took up a technical program
management role while I was working. I restarted work but after 4 years, I again took a break to
care for my second child.

With two small kids, it was tough to find the time for any training program and I was not sure
how I could make it back to the workforce. I missed the buzz of the office even as I enjoyed
motherhood. I tried to learn all that I could about the latest in tech, vicariously through friends
who were still working and were in the thick of things. But I knew it was not enough. And
when I began the job search again, my fears were confirmed – my skill sets were outdated and
redundant in a technology landscape characterized by rapid change and innovation.

Around this time, I got to know about VMinclusion Taara, and it felt like the program was
made for women like me. The entire course was online and self-paced so I could learn at my
convenience. I enrolled immediately and was impressed with not just the technologies covered
but also its balanced mix of theory and practical lab sessions. To be honest learning with Taara
was an engrossing process and it helped me rebuild my confidence as well. Today, I’m a certified
cloud solutions architect working as an Engineering Manager managing multi-cloud projects in a
multinational technology company. Taara has been a boon for me and so many others.

VMinclusion Taara — A Bridge Back to Confidence,
Ambition, and Success
Bhavini Gadhiwala
I am a graduate in Computer Science Engineering . I moved to Philadelphia in 1998, where I
began my career as a software engineer. The arrival of my daughters and our move back to
India had changed the course of my life. Balancing work, family, and household responsibilities
was chaotic and demanded a lot of time and effort. But I never let my passion for learning fade
away, even as I was juggling parenthood and adjusting to a new life back in India.

I took a break from my career to focus on my family and before I knew it, I had been out of the
workforce for 15 long years. When my eldest daughter started college, I felt it was the right time
to make a comeback into the workforce. But there were huge challenges that stood my path, my
skills were outdated, and I was convinced that no potential employer would hire me. But then I
signed up for VMinclusion Taara’s program and realized that Taara recognizes a serious problem
in the market — that of upskilling women who had been on career breaks.

I am now a VMware Certified Professional in Cloud Management & Automation. I landed a job
with a multinational firm after completing certification in digital technologies. Taara has opened
new avenues for me that I never imagined. I’m grateful to the program for being the perfect
guide and pillar of support. Beginning the second innings of your career shouldn’t be hard for
anybody. To this day, I am thankful to Taara for helping me acquire the skills and giving me the
confidence I needed to restart my career. It gave my life a new direction and helped me prove
that age or time away from the workforce don’t matter; only determination, skills and
confidence do.

I Started my Career after 7 years, Thanks to
VMinclusion Taara
Bhawna Hasija
It had been seven long years since I had been out of work. I loved working; I was always an
independent woman. After completing my Master’s in Computer Science, I started my career
with a multinational firm and worked there for about five years as a software engineer. I took a
break to focus on my children but always knew I wanted to restart my career. During my break,
I pursued Bachelors in Education and a 6 months course on Enhancing Early Education which
helped a lot with my children and their education. But when my children were older, I knew
I had to reignite my tech career. I updated my resume and began applying for jobs. But I felt
dejected when things didn’t work out. The fear of not being able to get back to work was making
me anxious.

When one of my friends introduced me to VMinclusion Taara, I was confident that if an

organization like VMware had created this initiative, I could never have second thoughts about
it. I went on and enrolled in the program with great hope. VMinclusion Taara provided a perfect
platform to upskill in the latest cloud and virtualization technology and provided a gateway to
the second innings of my career. To manage my studies and upskilling , I planned my days well,
woke up early, and focused on my studies while my children were asleep. I completed Level 2
of the program, and I feel so proud. Sometimes change can feel uncomfortable and new, but
change is good. Today I’m glad I took this step; I have found a job with a multinational firm and
I couldn’t be happier. Thank you, Taara

A Taara of Hope And Rebuilt Confidence – How VMinclusion
Taara Helped me be a Role Model for my Daughter
Kaustubha V
I started my career as a Systems Administrator at a supermarket chain and worked there for
nine years. It wasn’t the most exciting job in the world, but I enjoyed it and given my terrible
personal circumstances I did not have the bandwidth for any career growth plans. I was married
young and suffered years of abuse at the hands of my in-laws that escalated after my daughter
was born. Ultimately it ended with my husband, my baby, and I being thrown out of the house
with just the clothes on our backs.

My family and my husband stood by me like a rock. I wanted to restart my career and I wanted
to challenge myself by pursuing something different. I knew technology was evolving at an
incredible pace and cloud would shape the future of every aspect of business, work, and life
itself in the years to come. So, I wanted to upskill in cloud technologies and eventually start my
career in the IT sector. Around this time a Facebook ad for VMinclusion Taara popped up while
I was surfing. It seemed like it was custom-made for me – the opportunity to upskill in the latest
digital technologies, online, and free of cost. I signed up for it and I loved every minute of it. The
combination of foundational theory classes and practical sessions was perfect. And the kind of
support I received from the program manager was just amazing! Plus, the webinars and soft
skills training we received was extremely helpful as well.

I began the Taara journey when I was at my lowest. And this experience of learning and
connecting with other women helped boost my confidence immensely. Today I know I am a
fighter and a survivor and I am determined to be a strong role model for my daughter. I have
received a job offer from a prestigious organization and I can’t wait to restart my life.
Thank you, Team Taara, for helping me rediscover my voice and myself.

Upskilling for a Better Future with
VMinclusion Taara
Sandhya K
I began my career as a Software Engineer and worked in a large tech company for over nine
years. I handled different responsibilities and roles and moved up the corporate ladder as well. I
lead teams and was recognized as the most valuable employee in my unit – something I am very
proud of.

The decision to take a career break didn’t come easy. But when I had a small baby at home and
being the primary caregiver in a joint family, it only seemed fair to take a break from my work to
balance my responsibilities. But after seven years of being away from the workforce, I wanted
to reclaim my old identity - that of a financially independent woman. When I appeared for an
interview after my break, I knew I was ill-prepared for the job. My skills were outdated, and I
knew I had to upskill. A Google search led me to VMinclusion Taara and I knew I had found the
right program. I was aiming at upgrading my skills and knowledge and Taara was the perfect
platform for me.

Taara allowed me to upskill in the latest technologies without stepping out of my home and
without compromising on my family responsibilities. The course material, training videos, and
especially the practical labs were outstanding. The most incredible part of it was that the course
materials were free and self-paced. Attending webinars, completing assignments, and going
through the lab sessions was so exciting! I learned about Digital Business Transformation and
products from VMware such as vSphere and VRealize Automation. I have completed all levels of
Taara, and I’m so thrilled that I will be part of the industry soon!

Beginning the Second Innings of my Career with
VMinclusion Taara
Sonia Kanchan
A few years back, just after I resumed work post my maternity leave, I had to make another life-
altering decision. My mother had to undergo spinal surgery and needed care. And I had a baby
to look after as well. I knew how this would impact my career, yet I followed my heart. Prior to
quitting my job, I had worked for almost 8 years in the IT sector as a Senior System Engineer
and later a senior consultant with a multinational firm.

With time, my mother began healing from her surgery while my daughter was growing up too
fast. It had been more than a year since I was out of the workforce. I always wanted to set an
example for my daughter and decided it was time for me to return to work. I began looking for
jobs and applied on different portals. Unfortunately, the gap in my resume was a significant
obstacle as potential employers felt that my time away had left me out of touch with the
developments in the technology space.

Around this time, I saw an ad for VMinclusion Taara, and I decided to enroll. Not only did it
offer courses in the latest digital technologies, but it was also online and self-paced. I upskilled
in virtualization technologies and regained my confidence. Today, I’m a level 3 VMinclusion
Taara graduate and a VMware Certified Professional. And I have already restarted my career
as a Senior Application Expert with an esteemed firm. I am thankful to Taara for making me an
independent woman once again!

Dreams, Dedication, Focus and VMinclusion Taara
Helped me Revive My Career Dreams
Srividhya Ramaswamy
I had worked as a Business Analyst for over six years before I took a break to focus on personal
priorities. But I missed working, missed having coworkers and friends and above all, I missed
being financially independent. But returning to work was not as easy as I thought it would be. I
was sadly out of touch with the industry and the latest technologies.

I decided to join VMinclusion Taara as I was convinced that the program’s courses in digital
technology would be my stepping stone back to the workplace. Upskilling in the latest
technologies is no longer a “good to have” initiative. It is an imperative for career growth and
success. And for women like me who have been out of touch with the industry for an extended
period of time, upskilling is the lifeline we need to get back into the workforce. Without
upskilling, we have no future. I devoted at least 2 hours a day studying and networking with
other women from the Taara program. Despite the challenges thrown up by the pandemic and
lockdown, I stuck to a disciplined routine. Honestly, the end goal of returning to a thriving career
and being financially independent is what kept me motivated.

I believe VMware’s VMinclusion Taara is a complete package for women looking forward to
resuming their careers once normality returns. I love the fact that the program allows women a
chance to upskill in new technologies that are greatly valued in the industry. I have completed
Level 3 of VMware’s VMinclusion Taara program, and am studying Network Virtualization. It is
fascinating to see how far technology has advanced and the sheer possibilities of tech fueled
growth in the future. I can’t wait to complete this course and get back to work in the Indian
technology sector.

How VMinclusion Taara Changed the Course of
my Life
Chandana K
As women, we often struggle as we transition into motherhood, readjusting our careers and
responsibilities. I wanted to focus on my baby for the first few years, so I quit my job. I had been
working as an SAP Business Intelligence Consultant for about four years. After the arrival of
my newborn, I felt like the luckiest woman on earth. And I was sure that I would return to work
soon. But after my initial career break, in 2013 we had to move to the US for my husband’s new
assignment. And my short break continued and became a longer one.

By the time we moved to India I had been out of the workforce for seven long years! But I still
wanted to return to work and restart my career. I was aware that beginning a career after a long
break would be an uphill struggle. So, I would spend days browsing job portals and trying to find
upskilling initiatives that could help me bridge my skill gap. When my husband introduced me to
VMinclusion Taara, I was thrilled because a lot of factors appealed to me. Firstly Taara offered
certification courses in new technologies like cloud, network virtualization, digital workspaces
and more. Secondly it was a self paced course and offered me the flexibility so I could manage
my time and attend the classes at my own convenience. With the pandemic crisis that unfolded,
I found myself overwhelmed and burdened with responsibilities. But after the initial hiccups, I
organized my routine and balanced my work and studies. As of now, I have finished Level 3 of
the program and I can’t wait to restart my career. It’s been a beautiful journey. Thank you,
Taara for lighting my way.

Balancing for Better with VMinclusion Taara
Chittra M
I quit my stable and secure job to travel the world. It sounds like a risky thing to do, but I never
thought that I would find it difficult to get back into the workforce. I felt like my life was stuck in a
rut at my corporate career. I had no time to pursue any of my other interests and I really wanted
to travel. So, after working in the technology sector for a decade, I took the plunge and resigned
from a job that was making me unhappy.

I started my travel blog and visited different continents. I went to places that I had never heard
of- like Cesky Krumlov, a small medieval European town. The decision to take a break to
travel was surreal and exciting and definitely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. All my
inhibitions, fears dropped away, the life-changing experience transformed me as a human.
But through it all, I always knew that I wanted to return to work someday. Two years later, I
decided to hang up my traveling boots and get back to work. The stark reality of being out of
work hit me hard. Restarting my career in a fast-paced disruptive tech sector was unnerving as
my skills were sadly outdated. I decided to enroll with VMinclusion Taara, and that opened a
new vista of opportunities for me. It redefined my professional skills and paved a new path for
me by future-proofing my career

Taara has been instrumental in rebranding my profile and putting me back on track. Today,
I’m a Systems Engineer at one of the top tech companies in the country and, life couldn’t be
any better. I still travel and have managed to strike a balance between an exciting career and
unquenchable wanderlust. Thank you, Taara!

Why VMinclusion Taara is a boon for Women on
Career Breaks
Deepthi Grandhi
After completing my Masters in Computer Applications, I worked as a testing engineer at a few
well-known IT companies. I took a break after 5 years when we decided to start a family. Around
the same time, my husband had to move to Indonesia and then the Philippines, and a break
from my job was unavoidable. The break stretched to a total of 11 years during which I applied
for short-term assignments but due to very strict rules for the work permit, it was difficult to get
a job.

On our return to India, I did an online course on Selenium, the testing automation tool. I was
certainly worried about the major career gap and was aware that the IT industry is dynamic and
evolving rapidly. I was worried that my skill sets would be outdated. Armed with my certification
for the Selenium automation course, I had applied for jobs, but with no luck. Because of my
break, many recruiters didn’t even call me for an interview.

Around this time, I began looking for career re-start options and came across the VMinclusion
Taara program. As I started the program, in the initial stages I found it difficult to understand the
concepts of data virtualization because this field was new to me. However, after listening to the
videos and going through the materials provided, I understood the concepts and was able to
complete all the 3 levels.

The beauty of the Taara program is that it is user-friendly; the materials, videos, and support
provided are amazing. The program has given me much-needed exposure to Cloud
Computing which I am sure will stand me in good stead as I work towards restarting
my career. The Taara program is a boon for women who take a career break, and then
want to get back into mainstream IT.

Why Upskilling with VMinclusion Taara Can Help
you Advance your Career
Divya Nair
After completing my formal education, I started my career as a Technical Support Executive.
When my son was born, I took a two-year break. It was difficult to get back to work at that time
due to a lack of opportunities for women who take a career break. Finally, I did manage to get
back to work in operations after which I worked as a Software Quality Analyst before taking
a second break of three years when my second child came along. By now, I had a decade of
experience in Software Quality Assurance, Project Management & Technical Analysis.

During this gap time, I took up certification courses on C++ and Java and wanted to restart my
career. But having faced the difficulties of returning to work once, I was prepared for an even
greater struggle the second time around. Luckily, around this time, I heard about VMinclusion
Taara from my close friends. Cloud Computing and Virtualization are key technologies that will
shape the future of the world. The fact that VMinclusion Taara offered courses on these key
technologies was the clincher for me and I signed up for the program. The fact that it was self-
paced and completely online was also a key point because, with two kids at home, I needed to
balance my learning journey with my other responsibilities.

VMinclusion Taara helped rebuild my confidence and helped me believe that I can restart my
career successfully despite my career gap. I have completed the Level 3 Taara Course on VCP-
DCV and am ready to begin the next chapter of my career. For an IT professional, upskilling
is of paramount importance as the industry is going through significant disruption with new
technologies emerging rapidly. Taara offers a great platform for women to network and support
each other’s return-to-work journeys.

Upskilling with VMinclusion Taara was life-changing!
Divya Vasudev
After taking a substantial break from my professional career, I decided that it was time to
re-enter the workforce. I moved away from work due to personal reasons. While I was not the
first woman to hit the pause button in her career, I was well aware of how the industry evolved
rapidly. And to stay ahead, one must upgrade and upskill with new technologies. When VMware
launched VMinclusion Taara in October 2018, I thought this was a brilliant initiative for so many
women like me. It offered free technical education and certification courses and upskilled
women in the latest digital transformation technologies on virtualization, networking, etc. I was
astounded by the flexibility of the program, it wasn’t time-bound.

The program is divided into three levels and is designed very comprehensively. It starts
with foundational courses and then moves up to advanced ones. There is a wonderful mix of
theoretical material and practical labs which I think is crucial because it helps to make learners
job-ready. We know not just the theory of each technology but also how to apply and manage
it in real life. So, when we do join the workforce we are ready to hit the ground running. After
completing the third level there is a final exam. I have upskilled in Cloud Management &
Automation and am ready to rejoin the workforce. I am so glad to know that today, more than
10,000 women have registered for the program. Returning to work after a career break can be
daunting for so many women, but if you make the right choice, it can be a seamless learning
process. I’m glad I enrolled with Taara!

VMinclusion Taara — A New Hope for Women –
On a Career Break
Divyashikha Verma
The circumstances under which I took this decision to quit my job were compelling. And
throughout my break I held out hope that finding a job when I decided to return wouldn’t be
difficult owing to my rich professional experience.

Just a year later, as I sat across from my interviewer, I realized that re-joining the workforce
was going to be a lot tougher than I had expected. I was not away from the workforce for a long
time, but skills have a very short shelf life in the technology industry. The interviewer was not
convinced with my responses, and worse, I wasn’t either. It was a distressing situation and I had
to do something about it.

I soon realized that the only way to get back to the tech industry was through retraining
and upskilling. One day, I came across a unique program meant for women like me called
VMinclusion Taara. I was relieved to finally come across a program that aimed at helping
women on a career break. It would help me re-join the workforce with updated new skill sets
via certification programs in the latest digital transformation technologies. An important point
to note here was that the courses were available online without any costs attached. I must say,
this really earned my respect because it was evident that VMware was doing this to genuinely
change the gender status quo in the industry. After completing the course, I soon got a great
job, and I can proudly say that I owe the second innings of my career to Taara. It has allowed me
to dream of a second chance at a career. I hope more women take advantage of programs like
VMinclusion Taara and revive their careers.

Making the Shift from Teaching to Technology
with VMinclusion Taara
Dolly Singhal
After completing my B. Tech in 2006, I worked as a lecturer in an engineering college. After 4
years of working, I decided to take a break to focus on my newborn. During this time, we also
moved to Bangalore. In 2011, I went on to complete my M.Tech. But with the birth of my second
son, my career pretty much stalled.

Before I knew it, 10 years had gone by and I knew that my skills were redundant in an industry
marked by disruption and transformation. I knew I wanted to get back to work, but the question
was what kind of work did I want to do? To be a lecturer again I would have to do a doctorate
which was a time-consuming affair especially since I had been out of the workforce for a decade
already. I had never considered a future in the technology sector because I never had the
guidance I needed to navigate the corporate world. But when I heard of VMinclusion Taara from
a friend I felt it might be the opportunity I needed. To begin with, it was online so I could learn at
my convenience. Plus it offered a range of courses in the latest digital technologies which I felt
would be a huge advantage for me as I tried to enter the IT industry. I signed up for the course
immediately and knew I had made the right decision. In addition to the courses themselves, the
mentoring, guidance, practical sessions, webinars, and opportunity to engage with other women
like me did wonders for my self-confidence.

Today I have completed Level 3 of the VMinclusion Taara program, and I am confident about
starting a new career in technology.

Balancing Personal Responsibilities with my VMinclusion
Taara Upskilling Journey
Gnanashree T
I took a career break to focus on my personal responsibilities. But I knew I wanted to rejoin the
workforce eventually. I believe that upskilling is crucial in the fast-paced world of technology,
where emerging technologies are constantly disrupting established norms. And I wanted to
upskill before I began my job search. I heard about VMinclusion Taara while listening to a talk
show on the radio and was inspired by the women who narrated their return to work stories. I
knew it empowered women like me with the skills needed to restart my career and I signed up

I loved the curriculum and format of the program. It covered the technologies that are most
in-demand today and prepared us for the future of tech evolution as well. And its online self-
paced format meant that I could learn in my own time and at my own pace. But when India went
into lockdown, my days and my To-Do list got longer, but my determination did not dip. With a
disciplined routine and help from my husband, I finally found a structure that helped me manage
all my responsibilities. I set aside some time to do the Taara courses uninterrupted and am now
on Level 3 of the program. Despite all the challenges, I feel it’s crucial to be mentally strong and
focus only on the positives of every situation. With my sights set firmly on the outcome, I am
sure the upskilling and learning will help me restart my dormant career once normalcy returns or
when organizations start looking to hire. I am convinced that the demand for highly skilled digital
transformation technology professionals is set to increase. I have completed Level 2 of the Taara
course. And I now work with a multinational firm.

Learning is Freedom: How I’m Upskilling in New
Technologies from my Hometown
Komal Dwivedi
After working in the technology sector for five and a half years, I had to move to my hometown
for personal reasons, and there were no suitable jobs available in this small city. All in all, it
was a two-year break, during which I didn’t keep in touch with the IT industry. So naturally, I
was worried that my skill sets would be redundant in a rapidly dynamic industry. I was afraid
that I would never be a part of it again. I knew I wanted to restart my career and be financially
independent but had no idea where to start from. On the other hand, I was neither a fresher nor
a working professional. From a work perspective, my experience was that of a part-developer
and part-business analyst; so I wasn’t sure if my experience would be of any value in the job

Then through a friend, I heard about VMinclusion Taara. I knew that upskilling was vital to stay
up to date with the latest technology evolution and so I enrolled immediately. The fact that it was
online was fantastic because my location being my hometown was not a barrier to my learning
journey. I have now completed Level 1 of the program and I fully intend to continue to complete
other levels as well. I recently joined VMware’s Nakshatra program as an intern as well.

Women are often forced to quit their jobs due to unavoidable circumstances and family
responsibilities. There’s a huge talent pool of women professionals on career breaks out there.
With Taara, women who have the drive and want to part of an evolving IT sector can upskill and

How I got into the Tech Sector Inspite of my Non-STEM
Loretta Reena
I graduated in commerce and got my first job in a leading multinational in treasury accounting.
I changed jobs and in 5 years, I rose from Team Lead to Assistant Vice-President. After working
for a decade, I took a break to raise my children and that break lasted over 7 years.

In the initial years, I did not really keep in touch with my area of specialization but pursued
a post-graduation in Financial Analysis, did volunteer teaching, and enhanced my IT skills
primarily focusing on Python & Tableau. Despite this, I was skeptical if my past work experience
and new learnings were enough to help me get back on track.

After deciding to jumpstart my career, I envisioned what I wanted to do in the next 20+ years.
I wanted to change the course of my career and explore a career in the technology sector.
I began to research opportunities to upskill as well as return to work programs by various
organizations and that is when I came across VMinclusion Taara.

I was from a non-technical background and I wondered if I would be able to cope with a
program designed for techies. After attending a couple of Q&A sessions, I realized that not
having prior technology knowledge was not a barrier - the program was designed to build the
technical knowledge and upgrade your skills.

Driven by a passion to learn virtualization concepts, today I’m a VMware Certified Associate
- Digital Business Transformation 2020 and have successfully cleared VMware vSphere
6.7 Foundations exam. I am now working at a leading tech company as a Service Support
Manager. I was able to make it to the interview rounds because of my certifications and my
new knowledge of VCP. In the past year, we have seen how the world adapted to technology,
ensuring business continuity. There cannot be a better time to restart your career in tech.

VMInclusion Taara helped me get back in touch
with the technology sector
Manjusha Mammen
I took a break from my job as a Linux Systems administrator when my husband and I decided to
start a family. I didn’t plan on a long break from work, but during that time, we moved to the US
for my husband’s onsite assignment. And before I knew it I had been out of the workforce for a
decade. During this time, I kept myself busy with freelance work such as web hosting but these
assignments did not come by on a very regular basis.

However, I kept in touch with the technology industry by speaking with ex-colleagues who
even suggested areas that I could try and upgrade my skills when I was ready to re-enter the
job market. During the break, I had also tried applying for jobs but without much success.
I realized that getting back to a full-time role would require extensive upskilling. I learnt
about VMinclusion Taara from an acquaintance and signed on. Getting a certification from
VMinclusion Taara was important for me as I felt that it would definitely make a difference to my
career prospects. The program has in-depth courses on Virtualization and Cloud Computing
which are the areas of the future. I have completed Level 3. I have not yet written the tests but
plan to do so in the near future.

VMinclusion Taara helped me hone my skills and get up to date with the latest technologies.
Most importantly, it gave me the confidence to restart my career. A career break not only results
in one’s skills becoming redundant but also makes one unsure of one’s own ability to adjust
and adapt in a working landscape that is vastly changed. Taara for me was a helping hand
when I needed it.

Here is How I returned to work with VMinclusion Taara
Four years ago, I took a life-altering decision and bid goodbye to my bright and promising
career after the birth of my child. My family felt complete and I was happy. Yet, I felt something
was missing. I was once an ambitious career woman who had a thriving career at a product
services company in Pune delivering open and robust private cloud solutions. And though I
loved the time I spent with my baby, I knew I did not want to be a stay at home mother forever.

Years later, when I felt ready to restart work, I was riddled with doubts as the technology
landscape had evolved significantly and my skills were outdated. Honestly enhancing one’s
competencies by upskilling has always been a critical need in this industry and I had not been
able to do that during my break. In 2018, I attended the Grace Hopper Celebration India (GHCI).
Here I learned about VMinclusion Taara, a unique return to work program from VMware that
aimed at upskilling women and helped them begin the second innings of their career. And that
was the opportunity I needed.

The self-paced online learning program felt like it was tailored for me. The program included
briefings & QA webinars, on-demand content, hands-on labs, live online instructor-led
classes, and even a social platform to meet more women striving to upskill. And that gave
me the confidence to begin afresh because I didn’t feel isolated anymore! I now work with a
multinational product firm and I know I wouldn’t have got here without VMinclusion Taara.

All Set to Return to the Workforce After 6 Years
Thanks to VMinclusion Taara
Neha Parmar
I was a software engineer with a tech firm, and I was fairly ambitious. But when I was expecting
my first child, I decided to take a break. I did not plan for a long break, but before I knew it 6
years had passed by and I had been out of the workforce and out of touch with the industry.

When I was ready to begin working, things were not the same anymore. Taking a break was my
decision and my family supported me when I said I wanted to return to work. But in just 6 years,
the industry had changed completely and my skills were sadly outdated. Around this time I
learned about VMinclusion Taara. The initiative had already helped more than 10,000 women on
career breaks. It seemed perfect for my requirements and I signed up with the program.

When I enrolled with Taara, the promise of being a VMware Certified Professional pushed
me ahead. Before Taara, I was apprehensive regarding the different program courses that
were available for upskilling. But Taara’s courses amazed me. They were well structured
and organized, and tailored to suit the needs of women like me. Not only were the digital
transformation courses advanced but they offered us full-fledged mentorship and guidance. And
networking with so many other women, helped me build a strong support system as well. I felt
even more confident when I heard that Taara’s courses were quite in demand in the industry.
The program understands concerns that women like me have, and offers us the flexibility to
learn at our own pace. I have completed Level 3 and I can’t wait to begin my career.

I Restarted my Career Even After a Break Thanks
to VMinclusion Taara
Nidhi Gupta
Relocating to a new country was a big move for us. And with the arrival of my son, I had to
make the tough decision to quit my job. Despite a supportive husband, the guilt of leaving my
newborn for work was intense. The thought of giving up my career hit me hard, but I wanted to
treasure the joys of motherhood too.

With over 10 years of work experience in the technology sector as a Senior Software Engineer,
I knew I had a fulfilling career and I enjoyed working. During my time in Japan and Singapore,
I loved the dynamic work culture and diversity in the organizations and had big aspirations. But
motherhood changed me for good and I decided to take a break.

A year later, I began planning to restart my career. But I never thought my decade-long
experience would be deemed redundant in the modern tech landscape. It was heartbreaking.
Because of my career break, I had lost touch with the industry that had evolved significantly. I
was not aware of new technologies defining the sector. The only way to overcome this challenge
was by upskilling.

I found out about VMinclusion Taara and enrolled on the same day. The program included
professional training courses on key digital transformation technologies like virtualization
software, data center virtualization, network security, and digital workspace. And the best part?
The entire program was self-paced and available online, so I could learn at my convenience.
After finishing the course, and becoming a VMware certified professional, I was offered a job
with a multinational tech firm. I felt like someone I had given me wings to fly and that I could
once again dream of fulfilling my professional ambitions again.

How VMinclusion Taara uplifted my Career!
Paramita Varma
I began my career just after completing my Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Electronics
and VLSI design. I was also a graduate in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering.
I had a fulfilling career and after nearly a decade, I decided to take a break from work due to
motherhood responsibilities.

During my two-year break, I did keep in touch with the technology industry. My husband and I
often had discussions at length on the new technologies and how dynamic the industry was. At
the back of my mind, I always did have apprehensions – fear of falling behind as my skills would
be outdated by the time I got back into the workforce.

I have always wanted to be financially independent and was sure I wanted to restart my career.
Then one day, I came across VMinclusion Taara through a LinkedIn post. I knew instinctively that
this was the program for me. I found the curriculum extremely relevant, and the course structure
with its balance of theory and hands-on labs was perfect. Best of all, it was self-paced and
online, so I could learn at my convenience. I enrolled immediately.
VMinclusion Taara gives women a fair chance to re-boot their careers. VMinclusion Taara,
however, does a remarkable job of helping women like me to reskill and get back into
mainstream jobs. It’s a blessing. The program has been designed with utmost care to help
women even from non-technical backgrounds have an in-depth understanding of these
advanced technologies. I have rejoined the workforce as a VMinclusion Taara certified Senior
Quality Engineering Developer in the Security domain at a large multinational firm.

Upskilling with Taara has Reignited my Career
Poornima Krishnamurthy
In a dynamic IT sector, VMware’s Taara program helped me upskill effectively. I started my
career as an Application Developer in 2005 and eventually moved to testing. After about 15
months, I moved jobs, and then about that time, I got to know that I was expecting. So, I took
my first career break. This was not a very long break, after 15 months I got back to a full-time job
with a software company. I then worked for 8 years before I took a second break which was to
handle several domestic responsibilities and challenges. During this time my husband was on an
assignment in the UK so the home front was a top priority.

During my first break, I didn’t have the time to focus on my industry but once my son was older,
I was able to find time to study and even completed industry-recognized testing certifications.
Despite this, I had some apprehensions during my second break. One break in your career is
understandable but twice may not be accepted by the industry.

I realized that to get a job again, I needed to improve my skill sets and learn the latest digital
technologies. While browsing through various websites I came across the VMinclusion Taara
program. I already had a bit of experience of using vSphere in my last job and I thought - why
not learn more and become a VMware certified professional.
VMware certifications are among the top 10 certifications in the world. I hope having a VMWare
certification will assist me to get back to work. I have completed the VCP-CMA exam and have
started to apply for jobs. Can’t wait to get back out there!

Upskilling can become a Key Differentiator in the
Post-Covid World
Prativa Nayak
I graduated in Electronics & Communication Engineering and my first job was as a software
engineer in a multinational company. I took a break in my career after 8 years when my
husband and I decided to start a family. Close to six years after that break, I was ready to join
the job market but was anxious that I had lost touch with the latest technologies. Though I
had kept in touch and even reskilled myself in automation testing, Oracle apps technology,
etc. I still felt less competent.

I loved the technology industry and return to work was always on my mind. Then one day,
my husband told me about VMinclusion Taara, I enrolled in the program that very day. It
changed my life. The Taara program included professional training courses on cutting-edge
digital transformation technologies like cloud computing and automation, virtualization
software, data center virtualization, network security, and digital workspace. I could plan my
day as the course was flexible.

After I cleared Level 1, the pandemic hit our shores, and the ensuing lockdown doubled my
responsibilities at home. I was determined to not get bogged down with the mental strain.
So, with the right planning, I continued my upskilling journey with VMinclusion Taara. In a
post-Covid era, there would be a huge demand for skilled technology professionals and that
was a great sense of relief and hope for me.

I am now a VMware Certified Professional in Cloud Management & Automation. I’m grateful
to the program for being the perfect guide and pillar of support. I would strongly suggest
that women who want to rediscover their professional ambitions should sign up for
the Taara program. This has been a great learning journey for me, and I wish you
all best of luck to all the women stepping into this upskilling journey.

Setting Out on the 3rd Phase of my Career Journey
with VMinclusion Taara
Preeti Thankachan
I started my career as a test analyst with a large multinational firm right after I graduated. After
about five years I took an extended maternity break. I loved being home with my baby but
after the first two years, I started missing my colleagues and the hustle and bustle of a full-time
job. Luckily, I was able to land a full-time job with a multinational organization soon. But after
working there for more than three years I had to take yet another break as my husband’s job
required him to move to Mumbai. He had to travel frequently so I decided to stay home and look
after our daughter.

I have been out of the workforce for over five years now, and I had adjusted to my life as a
homemaker or so I thought. But then the pandemic happened, and I saw my husband working
full time from home. This made me realize two things. One that I desperately missed working.
And two, work was not confined to an office anymore, which meant that women like me did
not have to give up their careers to balance their lives better. I reconnected with friends and
asked them if they could help me get back to the workforce and one of them suggested I first
upskill with VMinclusion Taara. I enrolled the same day. I love that the program is online so I
can learn at my pace. But it also instills a certain amount of discipline because the courses have
to be completed in a certain amount of time. I love the engagement via webinars and the social
interactions with other women like me. It makes me feel like I am part of a community and
boosts my confidence and morale.

I completed Level 3 of the program and received the VCP- CMA certification. And I am
confident I will begin the third phase of my career very soon.

How I Began Upskilling in Network Virtualization
with Taara
Rashmi DR
After completing my graduation in engineering, I worked as a software engineer on PHP MySQL
development. I always had big career aspirations and dreams. Though it was tough, I managed
to balance my professional and family life despite my family opposing my career aspirations.
I had to put a pause on my career when I stepped into the new journey of motherhood.

During my break, I kept in touch with niche technology, leveraging my contacts, and began
doing projects at home on PHP MySQL development for a couple of years. Then one day I saw
an email from ‘Jobs For Her’ on the VMinclusion Taara program, I registered immediately as
I was keen to enhance my skillsets and restart my career.

During the lockdown, at my mother’s house, I spent my time doing the various levels of the
VMinclusion Taara program. I have completed 2 levels and am now preparing for level 3 as well
as the interview. I am now focusing on Network Virtualization which is a vast area and one that
I believe will be extremely relevant in the years to come. Finding the time to study as well as
focus on my baby would have been difficult if Taara had not been completely online and self-
paced. I find time in the evenings to do labs and focus on the theory part during the day.

In IT, upskilling and skill development can be a game-changer for women in the long-run. This is
where the study modules at Taara can help. With its combination of labs and theory, I feel Taara
can help you ace any interviews that you may attend. It helps build confidence in your abilities.
Finally, the certificate and badges are the icings on the cake. I have completed Level 3 and
I recently got a job at a reputed firm. Thanks to Taara.

Returning to Work Confidently After a 5-year
Long Break
Riya Varghese
I am a Computer Science graduate and started my career with a multinational tech company as
a programmer. I changed jobs and worked with some well-known organizations before I took a
break to focus on my young children. I enjoyed working and I wanted to get back to work once
my kids were older.

But, after five long years out of the workforce, I knew that restarting my career would not be
easy. The technology landscape had changed so much since I last worked. Not only was digital
transformation a top priority for most organizations, but there were also new technologies
emerging at an incredible pace. Upskilling and training was the only way for technology
professionals to grow in their professional journeys. But as a woman out of the workforce for
years, I did not know where to access such upskilling courses. Luckily for me, my friend who
works at VMware told me about VMinclusion Taara. The program was designed to help women
like me upskill in the latest technologies and return to work on an equal footing with our peers.
I signed up for the program because the course material was extremely relevant, and the entire
program was online so I could easily balance all my personal responsibilities as well.

Today I have completed all three levels of the program and am a proud VMware certified
technology professional. VMinclusion Taara not only helped me upskill, but it also gave me
the confidence to start looking for new opportunities. I am looking forward to kick-starting my
professional journey once again.

VMinclusion Taara gave me an opportunity to
explore new technology
Reena Sharma
I began my career with a technology firm at Pune and then moved to Bangalore when my
husband was transferred. Around this time, my husband and I had just started a family. In
addition to adjusting to the challenges of living in a new city, my husband’s job involved a lot of
traveling and I wanted and needed to be at home for the family.

At my last workplace, I was the Test Lead but my exposure to the new and emerging trends in
technology was limited. So, when I decided to get back to work, I had a few apprehensions.
Then at a Women’s Diversity seminar, I met a person from VMinclusion Taara. After she walked
me through the program, It motivated me to sign up.

Given my interest in technology, I kept in touch with some colleagues at my workplace in

order to be aware of changing technology trends. I had also enrolled in a Project Management
Certification which would strengthen my skills and enable me to get a job that I would really
like in the IT field. But upskilling in the latest technologies was extremely important for me.
I had been reading a lot about the future of IT and I knew which cloud computing and data
visualization were the technologies most in-demand in the years to come. I knew I had to
be ahead of the curve. In five years, I feel that anyone who doesn’t have knowledge of these
important trends may not be able to get a job in a dynamic IT world.

I am extremely grateful to VMinclusion Taara for giving me helping me explore the exciting
world of new and cutting-edge technology. I have completed Level 3 so far. Thanks to
VMinclusion Taara, I believe that I am future-ready.

VMinclusion Taara gave me back my confidence
Reena Gupta
Before I took a break in my career, I was a college lecturer and then worked for an MNC for
three and a half years. I decided to leave a full-time assignment when my baby arrived as
motherhood was then a top priority. The years actually flew by and it’s been 12 years since I last

During this over-a-decade break, I took up several freelancing projects. I was, however,
unaware of the advances in the tech sector. Due to parental responsibilities, I did not even
devote time to stay updated and informed of the changes in the industry. When I quit my job,
I was afraid that my skills would get outdated while I focused on domestic responsibilities. And
12 years later, I knew for a fact that I was ill-equipped for the modern workforce and industry.
I knew I had to upskill but had no idea where to begin. It was my husband who suggested that
I enroll with VMinclusion Taara. Fortunately, I found that I had the minimum requirements to
enroll, and immediately registered. It was during the pandemic that I realized the importance
of technologies like Cloud and Virtualization, and the tremendous impact of technology
on everyday life. I am so glad I have the opportunity to learn about new technologies like
Virtualization, Cloud Automation, Network Security thanks to VMinclusion Taara. Moreover, it
is an online course and easy-paced which is a huge help. Certificates and badges are the icings
on the cake but getting back one’s confidence is paramount and that’s where I owe VMinclusion
Taara so much. Today, I am happy to say that I have been placed in a well-established company
and the second phase of my career has taken off, thanks to Taara .

I Upskilled and Restarted my Career After a Break
and So Can You
Roopa Pai
Getting back to work was one of my new year resolutions for 2020. The decision to quit my job
wasn’t easy. I left my job because I wanted to be a devoted mother. Prior to my break, I was
a Senior Software Analyst at a leading MNC technology firm where I was a part of the private
cloud team working on Virtualization and Cloud computing technologies.

After my five-year hiatus from work, I realized that the sector had changed. My technical skills
were outdated in a landscape characterized by disruptive new technologies. But a job interview
confirmed what I suspected . I knew that I didn’t have the skills for the job and my confidence
was at its lowest. But instead of rejecting my application outright, the interviewer suggested
that I enroll with VMinclusion Taara. He explained that VMinclusion Taara was a return-to-work
program by VMware that aimed to address the very issue of outdated skill sets that I was facing.
I registered for the program on the same day.

The fact that the VMinclusion Taara courses were all online and self-paced made my life so
much easier. The VMware certified courses have helped me land a job with a global networking

The whole ‘unemployment versus lack of skill’ has underlined the paradox that women on a
hiatus face. Upskilling with Taara helps you stay competitive, relevant, and relevant for longer,
apart from ensuring professional development and growth. I firmly believe that upskilling is a
game-changer, especially in a fast-evolving digital world. And VMinclusion Taara is the perfect
partner in one’s upskilling journey.

VMinclusion Taara Is a Boon For Women on
Career Breaks
Sagarika Sahoo
I worked in the IT industry in a job I loved. But after 3 years, when I had a baby, I decided to quit
to focus completely on my baby. For two and a half years I was a stay-at-home mom with no
time or energy to stay updated with the changes in the technology field. I did want to restart my
career at some point but was not sure if I would be able to. First, my work experience was not
extensive. Second, I knew that the technology field was changing at an unprecedented pace my
skills were outdated and irrelevant in a vastly transformed tech landscape.

I did try to apply for jobs during this time only to be rejected because of the break-in my career.
Then, my husband told me about the VMinclusion Taara program, and I realized this was my
opportunity to brush up on my tech skills. I loved the fact that it offered comprehensive courses
on the most important digital technologies of today. And since it was online and self-paced, I
could dedicate some time for the classes according to my convenience. Best of all, it helped me
connect with other women like me through the social group, which helped keep me motivated.
The course boosted my confidence and made me more determined than ever to rejoin the

And I am proud to say, today I am back at work with a leading technology multinational
organization. I am so thankful I found VMinclusion Taara at the right time. The program is
making a real difference in the lives of women like me who had to take a break from work.

VMinclusion Taara – My Way Back into the
Santoshi K
Unlike most women in technology, my career began in 2002 in the Hotel industry. Later, I
worked with call centers for a brief period, and then finally moved to a leading technology MNC
where I worked as a Sales Representative. My career flourished and I worked with the EMEA
business until 2015 when I decided to take a break. I had worked in the industry for over thirteen
years and had a fulfilling career. But I wanted to take some time out for the family. After a year, I
was fortunate to restart my career with the same company as a Program Manager. I was good at
my work and life was blessed.

Unfortunately, I had to take another career break due to circumstances beyond my control just
when COVID 19 was disrupting every aspect of work and life. It was one of the scariest moments
of my life as I lost my financial independence at a time when the global economy was impacted
thanks to the pandemic. I wanted to get back at work and relentlessly looked for opportunities.

When I was working at my last job, I had been a volunteer, responsible for communicating
details about VMware’s VMinclusion Taara program to the Sales Floor Teams. And it struck
me – upskilling is vital for building a flourishing career in technology and here was the perfect
opportunity to develop my skills and knowledge further. After all, I had the time and I knew
the perfect course - Taara was my way back to the workforce. I enrolled with the program
immediately because the program was brilliantly designed for women like me. And I believe,
we are students all our lives, learning new possibilities to become a better person. I completed
the first level of the Taara program and have already restarted my career as Senior Manager in a
reputed firm. I am looking ahead to a bright future.

VMinclusion Taara- The Wind Beneath my Wings
Sapna G
I always knew I wanted to work and do well professionally. I was happy to live in the moment
and felt my family was also a top priority for me. But I didn’t expect that I would have to choose
between the two. And leave one for the other for a long seven and a half years.

My career has had its share of ups and downs, and while I was doing well professionally, I didn’t
want to miss out on the little joys of life, most importantly motherhood. After I had my first child,
I found myself juggling between my profession and family life, trying to stay afloat. I was guilt
ridden for not spending enough time with my child. When I found out that I was expecting my
second child, I didn’t want to go through the same experience. I decided to take a break from

I had a successful career, and years of hard work helped me carve a niche for myself in the
technology world. Once my children were old enough and more independent, I knew I owed
it to myself to restart my career. And I also knew that after a long break spent away from the
technology sector, I had to upskill in the latest tech trends. When I heard of VMware’s return to
work program ‘VMinclusion Taara’, I decided to dive right in. VMinclusion Taara’s free online
technical education and certification courses helped me upskill in the latest digital transformation

Taara reminded me that there are other moms who are working on figuring out this often-
confusing space between work and motherhood. It has given me the skills, and encouragement
I needed to begin again. VMinclusion Taara is no less than a guiding star in my life.

It is Never Too Late to Upskill and Start Afresh
Shambhavi Mulay
With more than 10 years of experience as a Software Engineer, my career was progressing
well. But I was passionate about learning new things and teaching. So, in 2015 I decided to quit
my job and pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of Pune, after which I
worked full time as a teacher. I wanted to continue learning so I went on to do a few certification
courses in German and Sanskrit and then eventually went on to get a Master’s degree in
Sanskrit. I loved teaching and learning and acquired some valuable soft skills during this time.

My career break was for about five years. And soon I wanted to return to work in the technology
sector. I tried my luck with various return to work programs offered by different organizations,
but the job offers did not excite me. And my lack of knowledge of the latest digital technologies
failed to impress any prospective employers. I realized that to land the job of my dreams I
would have to upskill in the latest technologies but did not know how to find such an upskilling
program. Around this time, I heard about VMware’s VMinclusion Taara. I connected with Taara
candidates separately on LinkedIn and was impressed to hear their stories. I enrolled right away.

Taara helped me learn not just digital technologies and current industry trends, but also helped
me master other skills like analyzing job descriptions, preparing for interviews, and building a
winning resume. It also allowed me to network with other women like me to exchange ideas and
even motivate each other. I knew I wasn’t alone anymore. I have completed all the three levels
of Taara and have started working with a reputed organization. It’s never too late to upskill
yourself, and If I could do it, nothing can stop you either.

Restarting my Career after 11 years with
VMinclusion Taara
Sharmila Vaithilingam
I loved working in the technology sector. I got my first job through campus placement at a
multinational firm. But, after I got married and moved to the US I took a small break, though I
was able to restart my career when I wanted. In 2009, my family returned to India. I found the
transition from the US to Bangalore quite difficult with multiple things to consider and balance
and my search for a job was put on the backburner. And when I had my second child I had no
time to think about my career at all.

I still tried to keep in touch with the industry during this time. I did a course in Human Resources
from a well-known distance education institution. I joined JobsForHer as an ambassador and
regularly attended their events and webinars where I met so many women who had given up
their jobs just like me. I also attended seminars by Women Who Code. But even then, I stayed
out of the workforce for 11 long years.

A long absence from the workforce is tough. It breaks down your confidence and you start
doubting your abilities. I missed working but did not know where or how to begin again. Then
luckily I heard about VMinclusion Taara. The fact that the program addressed the challenge of
outdated skills due to time away from the industry resonated with me. After enrolling with Taara,
I was amazed at how well-curated the program was, how much it added value to one’s career.
I have completed all three levels of Taara and got my certification in CMA and I am thrilled to
begin my career once again!

Here’s How I Rebuilt my Confidence with Taara
Srividhya Surendran
After completing a degree in engineering, I worked with a well-known automotive company
before deciding to take a break. This was because my husband got transferred to the US.
Four years later, we returned to India but due to personal reasons, my break got extended for
another year. It was only around the end of 2018 that I began considering getting back to a full-
time job.

During this break, I was regularly in touch with tech developments in the automotive sector by
regularly reading websites and video blogs. I also continued my studies in Carnatic music. But
given my long break from the industry, I was naturally quite apprehensive about getting the
right opportunity to restart my career. As I applied for jobs, I had little success as no one really
wanted to hire a woman after a career break. I got to know of VMinclusion Taara while doing an
internship at a Bangalore-based firm. It seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to refresh
my skillsets and learn about the technologies shaping the world. For me, given my automotive
background, Taara was the stepping stone I needed to enter the technology sector.

I attended a webinar and acquainted myself with the program’s varied and top-notch content.
The beauty of this program is the practical experience -- lab work, e-books, and access to
VMware documentation -- which is a big advantage. One also gets ample time to finish the
course and prepare for the exams.

I think upskilling is paramount if you want to switch jobs and get a varied profile. The courses
covered by VMinclusion Taara enable you to do just this and I am now very confident that
I will land a job of my choice. I have so far completed all three levels and will write my
Level 3 exams in CMA very soon. Taara has given me the confidence that I can ace
upcoming job interviews.

A Midlife Career Shift Thanks to VMinclusion Taara
Subha Arun
I have always loved teaching kids, and so I ran my own preschool for more than ten years! I
enjoyed every bit of it because being around kids and teaching them made me really happy.
But a part of me wanted to push my boundaries and I dreamt of building a career in technology.
After all, technology has seen some impressive advancements and is now powering every
aspect of business. But I was not sure if I could get into the tech sector after all this time. I was
also much older than the average new entrant to the field and I wasn’t sure if the industry would
accept me.

One day while scrolling my Instagram page, I came across VMinclusion Taara. I loved the fact
that it was offering women without a tech background an opportunity to learn and enter the
technology industry. It was a perfect fit for me. I enrolled in the program, immediately.

Shifting careers is a daunting prospect. There is so much uncertainty associated with it. And
the older you get the more unsure you are of yourself. It is so important to find the right path
and the right guidance. It is important to keep the dream alive and find a support system that
motivates and encourages you. I am lucky to have found VMinclusion Taara because it not only
helped me learn the latest technologies but also helped boost my confidence when I needed
it more. Today, I have completed all three levels of Taara. And I can’t wait to start my career in

Upskilling to Restart My Career After Seven
Long Years
Supraja G
My four-year long career was short, but I loved every second of it. For reasons beyond my
control I had to take a break, and before I knew it, that break had extended to more than seven
years. Restarting my career after all this time seemed daunting, especially since my skills were
outdated. I knew I had to upskill but didn’t know where to start.

Then my husband told me about VMware’s VMinclusion Taara, a unique program that was
offering women like me the opportunity to upskill and restart our careers. It offered certification
courses in new and leading technologies like cloud, network virtualization, digital workspaces
and more. Best of all, the courses were available online and were self-paced so I could access
them and learn at my convenience. I signed up immediately and began my learning journey with
great enthusiasm.

Then the pandemic hit our shores, and the ensuing lockdown doubled my responsibilities at
home. But I knew I had to continue with my learning journey despite the circumstances. In a
post-Covid future there will be renewed demand for professionals skilled in the latest digital
transformation technologies, and this was my time to prepare for that. With my family’s support
and some planning, I continued with my upskilling journey with VMinclusion Taara. Now, I am
a Level 3 graduate, and I can’t wait to restart work. I am thankful to the Taara team for being
my strongest support, giving me the opportunity to interact with other Taara graduates on
social media platforms. I can’t imagine a better start than this and I hope more women join
VMinclusion Taara to rediscover their ambitions.

Getting back after a Career Break, Here’s what
I learned!
Sushma Bhaskar
I began my career as a front-end developer and continued to work for over seven years. I
worked with technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Angular, Redux, etc. Life was good but
when I had a baby, I decided to hit the pause button for some time as I wanted to be present
for my little one. Balancing work and family can be like walking on a tightrope which is why I
decided to take a break. I stayed out of the workforce for about three years.

When I tried to restart my career, I realized that the industry was biased women trying to
come back from a career break. This is partly because of the rapid pace at which technology is
evolving. I believe upskilling and constant training are top priorities for tech professionals. But
for women on career breaks, access to such learning opportunities can be limited.

I was determined to look for platforms that would help me upskilling and return to work on an
equal footing with my peers. During this time, my friend who worked with VMware introduced
me to VMinclusion Taara. The upskilling and certification program was the perfect return-to-
work platform for me. The advanced technologies were in demand and the program was entirely
online and self-paced. The courses were the perfect mix of theory and practical sessions. I
received incredible guidance and support as well. Best of all, I was able to connect with a
network of women just like myself, which helped boost my morale and my confidence, and kept
me engaged and motivated. Thanks to VMinclusion Taara I have been able to reboot my career
journey and I am so grateful. Keep up the good work and help bring more women back into the
workforce Team Taara.

Here Is How I Restarted My Career After A
Three-Year Break
Varshini Sankar
I quit my highly coveted job when I was expecting and had to relocate to Germany with my
husband for his job. The decision to leave my job did not come easy. I was always ambitious and
had a flourishing career till then. After my graduation in Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics
and Communication, I secured a job with HCL technologies in Bengaluru in 2010. Later in 2015,
I joined VMware as a Technical Support Engineer. And about a year later, my career was put on

Motherhood was life changing. I loved those little moments I spent with my baby. But while
my baby was the love of my life, I felt like I’d forgotten my identity, and ambitions. More than
anything else, I wanted to be financially independent and rekindle my interest in technology.

Almost 50% of the women in tech drop out of the workforce after approximately 5–8 years and
I was a part of that statistic. And my time away from the workforce had left my skills outdated
because the technology landscape was evolving rapidly. Around this time, I learned about
VMinclusion Taara from a few social media posts shared by my former colleagues at VMware. I
enrolled for the program after a little research. Taara’s extraordinary program not only offered
industry-leading certifications in advanced digital technologies but also addressed the pain
points of women on career breaks. It was self-paced, free-of-cost and a great learning platform
for women like me. I have completed all 3 levels to become a proud Taara graduate and landed
my dream job recently. I couldn’t have got a better start than this, thank you, Taara.

Kickstarting my Career with VMinclusion Taara
Varuni Rao
I completed my graduation and was confident that like most of my classmates, I too would
secure a job through the campus placement initiative. Unfortunately, this did not happen. Given
how important technology is in the current context, I decided to try and build a career in the
tech sector. As a first step I did a course in Java and Python but even that didn’t help me land a

Around this time, one of my father’s former students told us about VMinclusion Taara. I loved
the fact that a company like VMware had thought about women trying to return to the workforce
and had come up with this program for them. I also loved the fact that they had decided to
expand the scope of the program to include girls like me – graduates without a job. I spoke with
women who were going through the program to know more about the courses. It was incredibly
reassuring to connect with other women also trying to make their way into the tech sector. I felt
less alone and intimidated.

I signed up for the course immediately. The courses were self paced and practical and
extremely interesting. Despite having no background in technology I completed the first two
levels quite easily. The badges I got as I completed milestones were particularly motivating.
And once the course completion status started reflecting on my LinkedIn profile, the job offers
started pouring in. I soon secured a job as a Junior Software Engineer with a private technology
firm, but I am determined to complete the third and final level of my VMinclusion Taara course.
This program came as a beacon of hope at a time when I was confused and down on my luck
and I will be forever indebted to it for helping me kickstart my career.

VMinclusion Taara helped me Rebuild my Career
Veena Byrappa
I was laid off from my full-time job at an MNC technology company. I was looking for
opportunities but nothing interesting came my way. My break eventually extended for a year,
and I was quite worried about restarting my career. I also knew that it would be in my best
interest to use this time to upskill in the latest technologies and prepare for the next phase of my

I had heard about VMinclusion Taara and decided to sign up for the course. And I am so glad
I did. My earlier job experience was in Oracle EBS and I knew that cloud computing held VMinclusion Taara
tremendous potential for the future. VMinclusion Taara gave me the opportunity I needed to
learn more about cloud computing. The beauty of the Taara courses is that they are online
and self-paced and if I missed a live session, I could catch up on the recorded sessions at my
helped me rebuild
convenience. Moreover, the courses are open to people of diverse backgrounds, not just
hardcore computer and engineering professionals which makes it an interesting mix. The
and redirect my
hands-on training it provides is invaluable as it helps us to become job-ready. And I love the
networking opportunities it provides with other learners. It helps to know that I am not the only
career and I hope
one trying to start afresh.

The VMinclusion Taara certification is also valued in the industry and with my newfound
knowledge of cloud computing, I was soon able to crack a new job handling cloud development
other women also
benefit from this

and support. wonderful program

-Veena Byrappa

VMinclusion Taara Helped Me Find the Confidence
to Rejoin the Workforce
Veena Mohan
I decided to take a break after working for 8 years. I was expecting my first child and decided
to devote my time fully to taking care of my family. But after a four-and-a-half-year break, I was
keen to get back to a full-time job. Trying to return to work after a break can be tough. I realized
that when I began to job-hunt, I wasn’t getting calls from the places I had applied to due to the
career break. This affected my confidence.

It was around this time that I realized that I had to upskill myself to be able to handle new IT
jobs, and that’s when I read about VMinclusion Taara on social media. I found it apt for me and
quickly registered. I attended the webinar and was inducted into the program. The webinar
focused on the basics of data virtualization concepts. Given that my basic background was in
software testing, I was happy to learn and upskill myself in the new developments in the IT
world. All sessions were very informative and engaging and I enjoyed my learning journey.
It was good to attend these sessions with other women who like me had taken a break. Our
interactions really helped, and I didn’t feel left out.

The VMinclusion Taara program completion and certification was a fantastic value addition to my
resume. I started applying for jobs even while I was upskilling with Taara. And I soon landed a
job in the cloud architecture space involving development and testing. I am grateful to Taara for
giving me the confidence and skills I required to restart my professional journey.

Confident about Restarting My Career Thanks
to VMinclusion Taara
Vinu Jegan
I have a Masters in Philosophy (M.Phil), Computer Science and worked in IT for a year. Later,
changed paths and moved into teaching. I worked as an Assistant Professor in a reputed college
for two years. I took a career break to look after my twin babies and help my mother-in-law.

I was away from work for about six years. During this time, I took up teaching once again and
taught in schools. But I stopped even that soon after and I have been a stay-at-home mom for
the last three years. Once my kids were a little older I wanted to return to full-time work. The
lockdown last year was incredibly stressful as it brought with it financial pressures as well as
a lot of anxiety. I wanted to find something useful to do and even secured a job at a premier
education institution but never got an appointment call from them. It shattered my confidence
and my optimism.

I decided that I needed to upskill myself and learn about the latest technologies to take my
career forward. I came across VMinclusion Taara while I was researching upskilling courses.
Honestly, I was inspired by reading the stories of Taara graduates who returned to work
after career breaks. I felt that I too could fulfill my dream of restarting my career. Joining the
Taara program was the best decision of my life because it adds tremendous value to one’s
resume. I have now completed the VCP-CMA certification of the Taara course. And I feel more
confident about my abilities and skills. And I’m glad to announce that I have found a job with a
multinational firm. Thanks to Taara for instilling advanced and in-demand skills.

1. Women make up 48% of the Indian population but India has one of the
lowest female labor force participation rates in the world – World Bank

2. India which is home to 0.65 billion2 women, has widened its gender 0.65
gap by closing at 62.5% this year billion

3. India has the highest STEM graduates in the world but a study by 20
World Bank states that 20 million Indian women quit their jobs be- million
tween 2004-12, of which 65-70% never returned to work3

4. 60% women believe that reskilling/upskilling gives them better

job opportunities after a career break – JobsForHer4

5. By rebalancing the gender gap in its workforce,5the Indian 27%

economy would be 27% richer – The Economist

worldbank.org/en/news/feature 4
businessinsider.in 5

if you are looking to upskill to return to the tech industry

after a break, register at

taarainyou | Medium Blog

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