Condensation and Boiling PK Nag Solved Examples

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[498 Heat and Mass Transfer from the correlations in Chapter 4. However, once boiling is initateg appear atthe surface and are carried into the mainstream of the fgg; by known as bubbly flow. There i a sharp increase in the convection fe Tht coefficient associated with this bubbly flow regime. As the volung'st "tty bubbles increases individual bubbles coalesce to form larger bubbles to vapour. The volume occupied by bubbles Keeps on increasing gi) 7 that fraction of about 0.1 isreached. The slug flow regime is followed by 4, flow regime in which liquid forms a film. This moves along the inng Mr while vapour moves ata larger velocity trough the core ofthe tube pt transfer coefficient continues to increase through the bubbly flow ang" the annular flow regimes. However, dry spots eventually appear on co surface, at which point h begins to decrease. The transition reget characterised by the growth of dry spots, until the surface is completely all remaining liguid is inthe form of droplets appearing inthe vapour got? canvection coefficient continues to decrease through this regime, There gt change in this coefficient through the mistflow regime which peri units the droplets are converted to vapour. The vapour is then superheated by forced convection from the surface [20, 21]. SOLVED EXAMPLES. Example 6.1 Saturated steam at 54.5°C condenses on the outside surface of a 25.4 mm our diameter 3.66 m long vertical tube maintained at a uniform temperature of 43.3°C. Because of the occurrence of ripples on the surface of the condensate film the actual heat transfer coefficient is about 20% higher than that obtained by Nusselt’s equation. Determine the average condensation heat transfer coefficient over the entire length of the tube and the rate of condensate flow at the bottom of the tube. Check that the flow is laminar. The Properties of condensate at 48.9°C are hy, = 2372.4 kJ/kg, k = 0.642 W/mK, p= 988.4 kgin’ and #1 = 0.558 x 10° kg/ms. Solution: By using Nusselt’s equation with 20% excess and neglecting density of vaout, : Aan ho ao (tistem MOL a [° 642)" x (988.4)? x9.81x(2372.4x10)] (0.558 10->) (54.5— 43.3) x 3.66 = 4559 Wim? K Ans. Condensate flow rate, = EDL by (T,-Ty) Ig “4 Scanned with CamScanner r Condensation and Bolling 499 | 2X 25.4 x10" 66 x 4559 (54.5 ~ 43.3 59 (34,5 ~ 43,3) 4x10 : 26.24% 10" kg/s Ans, ids number, Reyne are 4%6.24x1073 “"p (0.558%10") rx 25.4107 = 560.2 since Re < 2000, the flow is laminar and the above calculations are valid, 6.2 im lowing at a rate of 10,000 kg/h and at 120°C is con \densed using coolin; water at an average temperature of 20°C. The condenser contains 800 tubes jchhave an outer diameter of 18 mm. Estimate the heat transfer coefficient whetcondenser i vertical and (b) ifthe condenser is horizontal with tubes on iim pd condensation takes place outside the tubes, Solution: From Eq. (6.34), 2 \l3 13 (Hi } - (*) he} AB-| =1.47) 4b o(Z pig A, o Atthe average temperature of (120 + 20)/2 or 70°C, for condensate film p= g718kg/m’, k = 0.66 W/m K and 41 = 404.7 x 10° ke/ms. T= mass rate of flow of condensate per unit length of perimeter _ _10,000/3600 ~ 800 x x 0.018 = 6.14 x 10°? kg/s per metre of perimeter. Re 2 Reynolds number, Re = a = 4614x107 _ Go 404.7 10° Flow in the film is thus laminar and the equation (1) above is valid 3 404.7 107°)" r Im Sa = 1.47 (607)"* (0.66)° (977.8)" x9.81 Ig (3.931 X 10°) = 1.47 x 0.116 = ONT4 2 4426 Wim? K Ans. (a) ™ 3931x107 (b) Horizontal tubes 2 Ww ya tn( gr] 1si(4") A pig My here T Nee” is defined as the mass rate of flow per unit length of tube nN Scanned with CamScanner 500 Heat and Mass Transfer $$ 10,000/3600 3x 800 47’ _ 4x1.15x1073 “p 404.7x10 The flow is laminar and the equation is valid. Ir, X 3.931 x 10° = 1.51 x (11.44 _ 0.670 ™ 3.931x107 This illustrates the advantage of using horizontal rath condensers. Example 6.3 Saturated steam at 110°C condenses on the outside of a bank Of 64 hori, tubes of 25 mm outer diameter, 1 m long arranged in a 8 x 8 square ary, Calculate the rate of condensation if the tube surface is maintained at 100°C. Th, Properties of saturated water at 105°C are p= 954.7 kg/m’, k = 0.684 Win? K, H= 271 x 10° kg/ms and hy, = 2243.7 ki/kg. Had the condenser been vertical, what would have been the rate of condensation? Solution: Using Nusselt’s equation for condensation on a bank of horizontal tubes, Bi pt aly \!* (hy) = 0.725 [Sabet re = 1.15 x 10” kg/s per metre =114 = 17,048 Wim? K Ans. (by ler than Verticay .684)? (954.7)? x9, .7x10°) ] -ons{ * )° (954.7)? x 9.81% (2243.7 x 10 T 8x271x10"6 x 25x10™ x10 .725 (10.432 x 10°) = 7563.5 Wim? K Rate of condensation, @ = 7563.5 xx 25x103 x 1x 10x64 . 2243.7 10° = 0.1694 kg/s Ans. Fora vertical condenser, a v4 hady = 0.943 (aise MOL 4 = 0.943 | (0-684)? (954.7)? x9.81x2243,7x 2) 21x10" x10x1 = 0.943 (69.77 x 10) = 6579 Wm? K Scanned with CamScanner -— | Condensation and Bolling 501 | ofondensation fora vertical condenser, pate’ 6579 x 64 xm x0.025x1x10 = S5T9XOAXHX0.025x1x10. 2243.7 x 1000 = 0.147 kg/s Ans, ple 6.4 surface of a vertical cylindrical drum of 350 mm diameter i ‘qe ca steam at 2.0 bar for condensation. If the surfece temperame’ of ae sai ig maintained at 80°C, calculate (i) the length of the drum and Gi) the dieanes of the condensate layer to condense 70 kg/h of steam. ‘Solu ition: Given: D = 0.35 m, T,, = 80°C, rt = 70 kg/h Comesponding to 2 bar, from steam tables, Trae = 120.2°C, py = hiyg = 2201.6 kJ/kg. ‘The properties of saturated water at the mean film temperature, Te 120.2 +80 7 2 P= 956.4 kg/m’, k = 68.23 x 10? WimK, H= 283 x 10% ke/m-s Assuming film condensation and laminar flow, the film thickness at the bottom. 14 4k Ox & =| ————$_ Pr (Pr~ Pe )Bhg | 2 6 v4 §, = | 4%68:23 x10 x283 x 10° 4120.2 80) xL 958.4(958.4 — 1.13) x 9.81 x 2201.6 x 10° = 1.988 x 107 x (L)4 Average heat transfer coefficient is given by 4 ky 4 68.23x107 36, 31.988x10*L" Heat = 3432.09 (Ly* Transfer rate, Q (using McAdam’ correction of 20% excess of h) 100°C he ‘ =H A, (Ts —T,y) = mh l s (Tat fg 2 3432.09 x 14x wx 0.35 x Lx (120.2 ~ 80) ~~ Scanned with CamScanner [502 Heat and Mass Transfer 5 30 x 2201.6 x 10° 182046.8(L)** = 42808.88 L= 0.1452 m= 145.2 mm Ans. (i) 1,988 x 107 x (0,1452)" = 1.227 x 104 m= 0.1227 mm Ans. (ii) Let us now check whether the condensate flow is laminar or not, = Ani 4 x (70/3600) ~ BRD ~ 283x10% x 7x 0.35 AsR, < 1800, the assumption of laminar flow is correct. Example 6.5 A vertical plate 300 mm wide and 1.2 m high is maintained at 79°¢ and exposed to saturated steam at 1 atm pressure. Calculate the heat trang coefficient and the total mass of steam condensed per hour. What Would be the heat transfer coefficient if the plate is inclined at 30° to the vertical? Solution: Re 50 The mean film temperature of the condensate = 70100 . gsc, Properties of saturated water at 85°C are: Pr= 968 mi/kg, U; = 3.37 x 104 Pa-s, k, = 0.674 WimK, he, = 2255 kI/kg. 3q4 ease Pr (Pe ~ Py )8 hig Ke Lug (Tey - Ty) Ke pt aly Titi Tux =Te) ws = 0.943 ] » Since DP, >> py. Poss [om X (968)? x 9.81 x 2255 x10? |" 1.2x337x10~* x30 = 4.51 x 10° W/m’K Ans. For checking _ Ain Re= Fp. Also, A (Ty - Ty) = hey = MAGx - Ty) Ing th 4 Scanned with CamScanner Condensation and Boling __503 | the plate width and L its length, ing. iW is sos AhA (Tex ~ Tw) Rea) PH 7 , A=WL,P=w _ 4xX451X10? x1.2x 30 = 2055 x 10° x 3.37 x10-* ge < 1800, the flow is laminar and the equation used is valid. = 856.6 R so ose tough the plate, = hA AT =4.51 x 10° x (1.2 x 0.3) x 30 = 48.7 kW Mass flow rate of condensate, rit _ 487 = Olle, = F555 X 3600 = 71.16 kg/h Ans. Ifthe plate is inclined at 30° to the vertical, @= 60°, 4 r kf pi gh sin® = 0.943 | 4" — h [ LuaT = 0.943 | (0.574? (968)? x 9.81% 2255 x 10? x sin60°] nee: 1.2x337x10* x30 = 43510? Wim°K Ans. Example 6.6 Atube of 15 mm outside diameter and 0 KPa, Calculate the average heat horizontal, (b) vertical and its surface temperature Solution: Saturation temperature at 40 kPa or 0.4 bar is 7 jg 047 : ee = 63°C and the properties of saturated water are: 1.5 mong is used for condensing steam at transfer coefficient when the tube is (a) is maintained at 50°C. 16°C. The mean film temperature p, = 980 ke/m?, 41, = 0.432 x 10° Pa-s, k, = 0.66 WimK, hg, = 2320 keg, P1? Pur (@) Horizontal tube Scanned with CamScanner 504 Heat and Mass Transfer — —— = 0.725 | (0-66)? x (980)? x 9.81 x 2320x1939! — 0.432 x 107 x1.5x 26 ] = 10,000 W/m7K Ans, (b) Vertical tube : Equation (6.13) shouldbe used fora vertical tube ifthe film thickng small in comparison with the tube diameter. 8 iy, 4 4uKLAT Film thickness, , = | —“——— ° . [ hg Pi ] 4 [sagazzate® | © | 981x2320x10° x (980) = 0.3413 x 107 m= 0.3413 mm Since 5, << 150 mm, the tube diameter, Eq. (6.26) is used, Coda - 0.77 (5)" On)v _ 10,000 Cav = 0.77150/15)° = 7303 Wim?’K Ans, ‘Thus, the performance of horizontal tubes for filmwise laminar condensation better than vertical tubes, thus horizontal tubes are preferred, Example 6.7 A square array of 400 tubes 15 mm outer diameter is used to condense steam atmospheric pressure. The tube walls are maintained at 88°C by a coo flowing through the tubes. Calculate the amount of seam condensed per hou pt unit length of the tubes. Solution: Properties of condensate at mean film temperature of 884100 - s4-c a: c= 963 kg/m”, 1, = 3.06 x 10 kg/m-s, ky = 0.678 WimK, hg, = 2255 x 10° Jikg. A square array of 400 tubes will have N = 20. 4 “ h =0.725 Hotehg NU, Doo 4 (0.678)? x (963)? x 9,81 x 2255 x 7) 20 x 3.06 x 10°4 x 0.015 x12 = 6.328 x 10° Wim?K = 0.725 [ 4 Scanned with CamScanner _— _________Condensation and Bolling __505 | 100 tubes, Ap = 400 x 3.1416 x 0.015 x 1 rea of 4 ye = 18.852 m? per metre length of tube 8 Q=h Ap AT = 6.328 x 18.852 x 12 = 1431.56 kW 1431.56 7255 * 3600 Condensation rate, = 2285.4 kg/h per metre length Ans. ple 6.8 . the power required to boil water in a copper pan, 0.35 m in diameter. js maintained at 120°C by an electric heater. What is the, evaporation a xia the critical heat flux. : soliton: Table A.6, for saturated water at 100°C: p, = 1/v, = 957.9 kg/m’, p, = I/ 70.5955 kg/m”, Cp = 4.217 KI/kg K, 4, = 279 x 10°* No/m?, Pry = 1.76, hy Th ys7 kiikg and = 8.9 x 10-3 N/m. . *‘pycess temperature AT, = 120 ~ 100 = 20°C. According to the boiling curve affig. 6.14, nucleate pool boiling will occur and the recommended correlation is given in Eq. 6.52. an [e5e]"| “nat ] " . o Cog Igy Pry ‘The values of C,, and n corresponding to the polished copper surface water combination are taken from Table 6.1, where Cy = 0.013 and n = 1.0. Substituting numerical values, the boiling heat flux is Gy = 279 X 10° N s/m? x 2257 x 10° Ike 9.8 m/s? (957.9 - 0.5955) kg/m? | 58.9 x10"? N/m tite % 4 (_4:217 x10? Ikgk x20°C 0.013 x 2257 x 10° J/kg x 1.76 = 630 Jims x 39.1 + x 4.36 m = 1096.25 k Wim? = 1.096 MW/m? Boiling heat transfer rate Q = gy A= 1096.25 kWim? x a x (0.35) m? B =105.5kW Ans. ‘Yaporation rate of water, 3 = 105.5x10° W__ 9.9467 kg/s = 168.3 kg/h Ans. 225710? J/kg Scanned with CamScanner 506 Heat and Mass Transfer _ ‘The critical heat flux for nucleate boiling can be estimated from 24.6, ia aaa naz = 0-149 hg Py [poz] = 0.149 x 2257 x 10° J/kg x 0.5955 kg/m? 54, -3 N/m x 9.8 m/s? x (957.9- | $8:2102 Nim x3.8 m/s? X(857.9- 0.5955 igi (0.5955)? (kg/m?) = 1.26 MW/m* Operation of the heater at qy = 1.096 MW/m? is below the critical hea fn, Example 6.9 {A metal-clad heating element of mm diameter and emissivity 0.9ishoionaty immersed in a water bath. The surface temperature of the metal is 260°C unig steady-state boiling conditions. Estimate the power dissipation per unit length heater. \ Solution: Properties of water at 100°C are p; = 957.9 kg/m’ and hi, = 2257 kifkg. 2 Properties of water vapour at (260 + 100)/2 or 180°C are , = 4.808 kp, qv 2.56 kITkg K, ky = 0.0331 Wim K and 1, = 14.85 x 10° N sh’, Excess temperature = 260 - 100 = 160°C. ‘According to the boiling curve of Fig. 6.14, film pool boiling conditions prevail. Using Bromley’s correlation, Eq. (6.55) 8(01~Px)Py Kili +0.68¢p, AT) |" Dy AT. i = 0.62 9.8 m/s? (957.9 - 4.808) kg/m? x 4.808 kg/m? = oe 1 Wt . (0.0331)? (W/m K)°(2257 x 10°? + 0.68 x 2.56 x 10° J/kg K x160°C) 14.85 x 10°® Ns/m? x 8 x 10°* m x 160°C . 1.629 (2535.5x 10°) ]* = 0.62 [ee = 423 Wim? K £0 (Ty - Ti) Ty ~ Toa 0.9 5.67 10-* W/m? K* x (5334 — 373*) K* (633 -373)K j } Scanned with CamScanner ; © _ wdensation and Boiling 507 p19 (807.066 ~ 193.569) = 19.87 Win? K 20! Reh 2 h, = 423 +0.75 x 19.57 = 437.68 W/m? K per unit length = WA (Ty ~ Toa) = 437.68 X x8 x 1073 160 =1,76kW/m Ans, est transfer rate mple 6.10 is desired £0 generate 100 kg/h of saturated steam at 100°C using a heating Iris dene copper of surface area 5 m”. Calculate the convective heat transfer riient, the temperature of the heating surface and the critical heat flux. solution: Mass of steam (0 be evaporated is 100 kg/h. Enthalpy of vaporization at 100°C, Iigg = 2255 Ki/kg. Q = 2255 x 10° x 100/3600 = 62,639 W OIA = Gu = pg = 12,528 Wim? Properties of ‘saturated water at 100°C are 7, = 958.4 kg/m?, py = 0.598 kg/m’, = 0.283 x 10°? Pa-s, Cy = 4217 IkgK, Pr =1.75, C= 0.013, = 58.8X 10° N/m. From Eq. (6.52), oe 0.33, ar,= £4 Mig Pol Ow o Cu Hate 8(P1- Pv) 033, 0013x2255 x 10? x 1.75 12528 4c [588x107 4217 0.283 x 107 x 2255 x 10° 9.81x 9578 =45°C Ty = 104,5°C Ans. y= AT, = 12528 Wim? 12528 45 h= = 2784 Wim?K Ans. Citcal heat flux is obtained from Eq. (6.54) 4 op) - | Pp max = 0.149 hig a N Scanned with CamScanner [508 Heat and Mass Transfer X 588x107 x9 91 = 0.149 x 2255 x 100596 7 (O5ogp = 1259.7 x 10° W/m? Ans. UMMARY Phase change heat transfer processes such as boiling and co, . easier indice a Condensation yy have wide applications in industry are introduced. Vapour can egos.” Mtg cooled surface intwo ways, i. dropwise and filmwise. Atentionhas eet mainly to film condensation. The classical Nusselt analysis of laminae condensation on a vertical plate has been presented and the exten, analysis to account for subcooling of condensate, and superheating of been discussed. Nusselt’s approach to the analysis of laminar film conden on a single horizontal tube as well as a vertical tier of N horizontal test explained. In boiling heat transfer the fundamentals of pool boiling, Nukiany experiment, typical saturated boiling curve for water at atmospheric Pressure ang various boiling regimes are explained in detail. Nucleate boiling reine elaborated, Rohsenow’s correlation and Zuber’s critical heat flux coreatones Presented. Flow regimes for forced convection boiling and two phase fow a explained. IEW QUESTIONS 6.1 Why are heat transfer rates high for a phase change process? 6.2. What are the five significant dimensionless numbers in boiling and cor densation? 6.3 Explain the physical significance of Jakob number and Bond number. 6.4 What are the two modes in which condensation can take place on a cooling surface? What is film condensation? 6.5 Explain the conditions under which dropwise condensation can take plac. Why is the rate of heat transfer in dropwise condensation many tines larger than in filmwise condensation? 6.6 Whatis a promoter? Why does its effectiveness decay with time? 6.7 State the assumptions made in deriving Nusselt’s equation for film densation, 68 Explain how the condensate film thickness on a vertical plates ifluen by different parameters. and ee hatis bulk temperature of the condensate? Show that itis subeooled 1s less than the saturation temperature b 30/8, where 0=7,-To | 6.10 Whatis the effect of inclination of the teee plate on the average conde Sation heat transfer coefficient? zontal tbe 6:11 How does the Nusselt’s equation for condensation on a horizon! differ from that on a vertical tube? ~ Scanned with CamScanner _ ———-— ...Condensation and Boiling __ 509 | in why the condenser tubes are usually horiz si splat the mean hent transfer coefficient ina eee decrease if the 4! wymber of horizontal tubes in a vertical tier (N) increases? rr ati condensation number? How is it related with Reynolds number for 614 condensation on (a) a vertical tube and (b) a horizontal tube? what is the effect of turbulence on condensation heat transfer coefficient? Why is turbulent flow of condensate hardly ever reached on a horizontal on the effect of high vapour velocity on the rate of condensati i i y isthe Cia of superheat not significant on condensation heat tinasfer coefficient? ; g Discuss the Gis ofa noncondensable gas like air on the rate of condensa- ton of steam How is air removed continuously from the condenser shell in power plant? ; 9 What do you mean by subcooled boiling? What is saturated boiling? 20 What is pool boiling? How is forced convection boiling different from 1 boiling? 621 State the regimes of pool boiling. 6) Draw and explain the Farber-Scorah boiling curve. #5 What is nucleate boiling? Why is it important? 624 What is excess temperature? What do you mean by ONB and DNB? 6.25 What is critical heat flux? What is its importance? £26 Explain partial or unstable film boiling. 627 What is Leidenfrost point? What is its significance? 698 Explain film boiling. Why is it avoided? What is boiling crisis? 6.29 What are the two separate,processes of nucleate boiling? 630 State the two conditions which are required to be fulfilled for bubbles to form. 631 Why do bubbles form on the heating surface? 632 When does a bubble grow or collapse as it moves up through the liquid? 633 What are nucleation sites? What are active cavities? 634 Why is less liquid superheat required for bubble formation when a noncondensable gas is present in the bubble? 635 What is Rohsenow’s correlation in nucleate boiling? On what does the coefficient Cy-depend? 636 Explain the flow regimes in two phase flow through a tube. What is the difference between slug-flow regime and annular flow regime. 637 What are dry spots? What is mist flow regime? as PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE 6.1 Saturated steam at 1.46 bar and 110°C condenses ona 25 mm outer diam- tter vertical tube which is 50 cm long. The tube wall is maintained at 100°C. Calculate ‘the average heat transfer coefficient and the rate of condensation, Check that the condensate flow is laminar. The properties of ~~ Scanned with CamScanner 510 "Heat and Mass Transfer the condensate at 150°C are k = 0.68 Wim K, p = 954.7 kpjm} = 0.271 x 10”? ke/ms and hy, = 2243.7 kJ/kg. : ns. 7789.33 Wim? K, 1.36 x 10° kpjs) 6.2 Air-free saturated steam at 65°C condenses on the outer surface of a 25 mm outer diameter 3 m long vertical tube maintained at a uniform tem, perature of 35°C by flow of cooling water through the tube. Assuming film condensation and 20% in excess of Nusselt’s value calculate the average heat transfer coefficient over the entire length of the tube and the rate of condensate flow at the bottom of the tube. Confirm that the flow is lami. nar. (Ans. 3729 Wim? K, 11.23 x 10™* kg/s, Re = 1018) 6.3 Determine the average heat transfer coefficient and the total condensation rate for problem 6.2 when the tube is horizontal. (Ans. 7918 Wim? K, 23.86 x 10° kg/s) Saturated air-free steam at 75°C condenses on a 0.5 m x 0.5 m vertical plate maintained at a uniform temperature of 45°C. Calculate (a) the aver- age heat transfer coefficient over the entire length of the plate, (b) the total rate of condensation and (c) the thickness of the condensate at the bottom of the plate. Be 6. (Ans. (a) 6142 Wim? K, (b) 1.953 x 107 kg/s, (c) 17 mm) 6.5 Saturated air-free steam at 85°C condenses on the outer surface of 225 horizontal tubes of 12.7 mm outer diameter arranged in a 15x 15 array Tube surfaces are maintained at 75°C. Calculate the total condensation rate per metre length of the tube bundle. (Ans. hp, = 7150 Wim? K, O/L = 697.84 kW/m, W/L = 0.3 kg/sm) 6.6 Saturated steam at atmospheric pressure,condenses on a horizontal copper tube of 25 mm inner diameter and 29 mm outer diameter through which water flows at the rate of 25 kg/min entering at 30°C and leaving at 70°C. Making necessary assumptions, calculate (a) the condensing heat transfer coefficient, (b) the inside heat transfer coefficient and (c) the length of the tube. (Ans. (a) 11,489.0 W/m? K, (b) 4618.2 W/m? K, (c) 5.47 m) 6.7 Saturated water at 100°C is boiled with a copper heating element having a heating surface of area 0.04 m? which is maintained at 15°C. Calculate the surface heat flux and the rate of evaporation. (Ans. 484 kW/m, 30.9 kg/h) 6.8 In the above problem, if the heating element were made of brass instead of copper, what would be the heat flux at the surface of the heater? (Ans. 4930 kW/m’) 6.9 Water at atmospheric pressure is boiling on a mechanically polished stait- less steel surface that is heated electrically from below. Determine the heat flux from the surface to the water when the surface temperature is 106°C, and compare it with the critical heat flux for nucleate boiling. Re- peat for the case of water boiling on a Teflon-coated stainless steel UI" (Ans. 29.29 kWim?, dag = 1.107 MW/m?, 345.3 kW/at?) uo ——s Scanned with CamScanner > we ae Condensation and Boiling 511 sag the boiling of saturated water at 100°C wi ic heati a busing a ogc of S00 KW? with an electric heating , is achieved with a temperature differ- . ce of 9.3°C. What is the value of the coefficient Cy for the heater sur- face? ‘ (Ans. 0.008) 1 Repeat Problem 6.9 using a surface temperature of 400°C for the mechani- 6.11 Bify polished stainless stee! surface, . (Ans. 44.74 kW/m?) ia Water at saturation temperature and atmospheric pressure is boiled with 6:12 electrically heated, horizontal platinum wire of 1.27 mm diameter. De- mine the boiling heat transfer coefficient and the heat flux f - perature difference AT, = 650°C. ux for a tem (Ans. 368.2 Wim? K, 239.33 kW/m?) 413 Anelectrically heated copper kettle with aflat bottom of diameter 25 emis to boil water at atmospheric pressure at a rate of 2.5 kg/h. What is the temperature of the bottom surface of the kettle? (Ans. 106.1°C) 6:14 An electrically heated, copper, spherical heating element of diameter 10 cm is immersed in water at atmospheric pressure and saturation tem- ture. The surface of the element is maintained at a uniform tempera- ture at 115°C. Calculate (a) the surface heat flux, (b) the rate of evapora- tion and (c) the peak heat flux. (Ans. 484 kW/m?, (b) 24.3 kg/h, (c) 0.933 MW/m?) 6.15 Water at saturation temperature and atmospheric pressure is boiled in the stable film boiling regime with an electrically heated, horizontal platinum wire of diameter 1.27 mm. Calculate the surface temperature necessary to produce a heat flux of 150 kW/m’. 6.16 Calculate the heat transfer coefficient during stable film boiling of water from 9 mm diameter horizontal carbon tube. The water is saturated at 100°C and the tube surface is at 1000°C. Assume the emissivity of carbon surface to be 0.8. Properties of steam are p, = 0.266 kg/m’, fly = 28.7 x 10° kg/ms and k, = 0.0616 W/mk. (Ans, 283.8 Wim? K) 6.17 Saturated water at 100°C flows through a 20 mm diameter copper tube with an average velocity of 2 m/s. The tube well is maintained at 111°C. Calculate the heat flux, assuming nucleate boiling. Take p, = 0.6 kg/m (Ans. 326 kW/m?) —__————— REFERENCES : pod W Nusselt, "Die Oberflachenkondensation des Wasserdampfes”, e ler. Deut. Ing.; Vol. 60, p. 541, 1916. be me Meddatte’ Heat Transmission, 3rd Ea, MeGraw-Hil, New ork 1954. pags ie ee : 30WAM! Rohsenow, “Heat Transfer and Temperature, Distribution in lame ane Heat Tees ie Ye 7,149, 1986, Scanned with CamScanner

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