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NIM :201901035


Paragraph 1
(Definition of Children's Room)

Have you ever been in the nursery?

Children's inpatient room is a room that is used for the care of pediatric patients. Children's
inpatient rooms provide comfort to patients by providing professional services, inpatient
services, and adequate facilities.

Paragraph 2(Children's room criteria)

According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the general criteria for
hospitalization for children are:
1.oxygen in every bed
2.Nurse call at every bed connected to the nurse post (nurse station)
3. And the minimum size is 2.4 mx 3 m for 1 bed etc
And don't forget to provide a hand sanitizer on every bed because of the covid 19 period

paragraph 3
(Equipment and number of people and activities)

In the children's room there is a doctor who is visiting accompanied by nurses and parents of the
patient. In the children's inpatient room there are also thermometers, poles & infusion fluids, tv,
dolls, curtains and funny spei so that children do not feel afraid when in the room

Paragraph 4
(How to provide service)

How to provide services to children who are afraid of nurses because they see needles
A child is usually always afraid when he sees a nurse because nurses are synonymous with
making them afraid
As nurses we must know how to deal with it, namely by approaching the child, providing a
relationship of mutual trust and praising/gifting the child to be given an IV or other action if

Paragraph 5 (conclusion)

The children's room is a room that is specifically for children under 17 years old and is decorated
so that the room looks attractive and the child feels comfortable so that the child does not

experience trauma when he has to be treated again .

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