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God’s Justice

Over the past few weeks, God’s message to me was that he will do justice to the people around

and us as the body of believers. It has started outside us and we should be ready when it comes to


Situation: I hold on to the fact that holy spirit has tuned me to listen to God’s justice and here is

what he says: He will justify himself to the people around us first. Once he is done, he will come

to us the body of believers. So be prepared. If you are doing anything bad, he will justify himself

and everything will be known. The other thing that God has attested is sorcery, and he assures

that he will come to the bottom of that too.

C.H. Spurgeon: “A church that does not exist to reclaim heathenism, to fight evil, to destroy

error, to put down falsehood, a church that does not exist to take the side of the poor, to

denounce injustice and to hold up righteousness, is a church that has no right to be. Not for

yourself, O church, do you exist, any more than Christ existed for Himself.”

Amos 5:21-23 “I hate all your show and pretense – the hypocrisy of your religious festivals and

solemn assemblies. I will not accept your burnt offerings and grain offerings. I won’t even notice

all your choice peace offerings. Away with your noisy hymns of praise! Instead, I want to see a

mighty flood of justice, and endless river of righteous living.”

Qstn 1: When we worship are we concerned about our self-image or our attitude towards God?

When God is praised vertically but injustice is tolerated horizontally, God plugs his ears. For

God is just which is as intense as love, good, holy etc.

Qstn 2: What is Justice?

Restoring right to the places where wrong is triumphing.

Isiaih says the Lord is the God of Justice and he later adds that “For I the Lord God love justice I

hate robbery and wrong”. Psalms supports this statement by stating that God’s throne is the

foundation of all Justice. This implies that God does not act or behave based on any external

standards of righteousness (not dictated by external laws outside himself). The main reason for

this is that he himself is the standard. Chemists often consider a universal indicator as a true

determinant of whether a solution is an acid or base. For God, He is the universal indicator in

terms of Justice.

Luke 19:1-10. Zachaeus gets a visit from Jesus and receives a wonderful gift of salvation. See

what he decides, “I will give half my wealth to the poor, lord and if I have cheated people on

their taxes, I will give them back four times as much!”

See here when Zachaeus is reborn, he becomes a man of Justice.

Qstn 3: Would you use this phrase “a man of Justice” to describe a friend who is reborn?

Seeking justice is not synonymous with the centrality of the good news the gospel. But to Jesus

it’s the indispensable evidence that he is at the center of our lives. You don’t get saved by doing

social acts of goodness, but being motivated with a strong sense of justice shows and gives

indisputable evidence that Jesus is Lord in your life.

Genesis 1:26 This verse has been a song to everyone, though we do not understand its

implicative nature. In this case, injustice increases to a level that our understanding of the image

of God in men and women decreases which makes people belittle each other and, in some cases,

killings are seen. Is that justice when you regard your fellow brother as inhuman or reject every

word, they have said to you whether in public or private meetings?

We reject the voice of the holy spirit when he wants to tune us to hear the call of his God’s

justice. At most times we reject because we are looking out for ourselves. For a spirit filled

Christian here is what you need to do so that you can be empowered:

1. Start by listening for cries of injustice around you. Don’t minimize the cries made by


2. Empathy is needed and out of it there should be willingness to enter into the sorrows of

others. Be quick to hear non-defensively to the wounds beneath their hearts.

3. Speak out courageously for the weak or against who misuse authority to oppress.

Proverbs 13.

4. Give yourself out to making right what is wrong through praying one area of brokenness

in your society.

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