Theme 3 - Gerund and Infinitive - Theory

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1. Form: Ving
2. Use: Gerund is used as a noun
 Subject: Swimming is my hobby.
 Object: He enjoys reading books.
She gave up staying up late because it’s not good for her health.
3. Verbs go with gerund
Admit : thừa nhận Mind : ngại
Anticipate : liệu trước Postpone : trì hoãn
Appreciate : đánh giá cao Practise : luyện tập
Avoid : tránh Recollect : hồi tưởng
Be worth : đáng (được) Risk : liều lĩnh
Can’t help : không thể cưỡng lại Spend : dùng, trải qua
Complete : hoàn thành Suggest : gợi ý, đề nghị
Consider : xem xét, cân nhắc Forgive : tha thứ
Delay : trì hoãn Encourage : khuyến khích
Deny : phủ nhận Imagine : tưởng tượng
Encourage : khuyến khích Mention : đề cập
Enjoy : thích Miss : bỏ lỡ
Escape : thoát khỏi It’s no use/good : vô ích
Fancy : thích To look forward to : mong, đợi
Finish : hoàn thành Can’t bear/stand : không thể chịu được
Involve : bao gồm, liên quan Have difficulty/trouble : có vấn đề, gặp khó khăn
Keep : tiếp tục Các giới từ khác : on/in/at/up/with...
Ex: She admitted stealing his money.
This job involves meeting people.
1. Form: To V
2. Use: To infinitive is used as:
* Subject: To become a famous singer is her dream.
* Object: It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home. (sau động từ)
I’m pleased to see you. (sau tính từ)
3. Verbs go with To – infinitive
Agree Offer Decide Appear Ask Would prefer Remind Enable Want
Refuse Attempt Plan Seem Expect Would like Warn Reach Learn
Promise Manage Arrange Pretend Mean Dare Force Persuade Tell
Threaten Fail Hope Afford Help Tend Invite Get Order

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