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 Pollution free and cheap source of energy

 Expensive in initial phase but very cheap in term if long term basis it a renewable source of energy
 Easy to transmit and use
 Suitable for operation of various electronic and electrical device
 Simple for conversion, transmission and distribution system

Alternative source of energy

Alternative source of energy are developing to eliminate the issue of energy crisis due to heavy use of
coal, mineral oil and natural gas. The energy source which are used in place of conventional source of
energy are called alternative source of energy. Bio fuel, tidal energy, wind energy, solar energy are some
example of alternative source of energy. In present scenario, it is very necessary to develop and use
alternative source of energy to solve the energy crisis.

1. Bio fuel
 It is a fuel that produce from different parts of animals and plants.
 Nepal is an agriculture country such that raw materials for bio fuel are easily available.
 Bio gas is a cooking gas that is produced by composition of animal dung. It consist of methane,
carbon dioxide, hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide.

Advantage of Bio- fuel (HOME-WORK)

2. Nuclear energy
 Energy obtained from nuclear fusion and nuclear fission reaction.
 It is the energy that remains stored in the nucleus of an atom and the enormous (huge) amount
of energy released by nuclear reactions.

Type of nuclear energy

Nuclear fusion reaction
 The reaction in which lighter nuclei combine to form a heavy nucleus by leasing a large amount
of energy is known as nuclear fusion reaction.
 Example; The formation of helium atom by the fusion of hydrogen atom. Nuclear bomb is made
on the basis of nuclear fusion reaction.
 This type of reaction continuously occur in sun and starts.
 This reaction produces tremendous amount of energy in the form of heat and light.
 Nuclear fusion reaction produces more energy than nuclear fission reaction.

Nuclear fission reaction

 The reaction in which heavy nucleus breaks down into two lighter nuclei by releasing large amount
of energy is known as nuclear fission reaction.
 Heavy nuclei of radioactive elements like uranium, plutonium, etc. are split into two lighter nuclei
when they are hit with free neutron. In nuclear fission the unstable atoms like uranium which
consists different number of proton and neutron such that when it get bombarded with neutron
then it break into two nucleus then huge energy is released.
92U +0n1=92U236=56Ba144+36kr89+30n1+energy
 When a heavy unstable and radioactive atom is hit with free neutron, the atom splits into two
lighter nuclei and during this process some mass gets lost which produce tremendous amount of
 The amount of heat that produced during nuclear fission reaction can be calculated by the
Einstein’s energy relation is given below;

E= mc2

Where, E= energy generated

m= loss in mass

c= speed of light in vacuum, i.e. 3x108m/s

Nuclear fission reaction is carried out in nuclear power plans to produce heat. The heat is used to produce
steam for operating steam engines. Steam engines are used for the rotation of the turbine to generate
electricity. Here, the electricity of thousands of MW can be generated by controlling nuclear fission
reaction in nuclear power plants.

Nuclear fusion reaction is not possible on the earth as it required very high temperature and pressure like
in sun and starts.

Homework (different between nuclear fusion and fission reaction)

Wind energy
The energy that is produced from fast blowing wind is known as wind energy.
It is a renewable source of energy that is used from ancient time. This energy can be used to run
sea boat, wind mill, etc. it can be also used for generation of electricity, water pumping, etc.
Tidal energy

 Electricity can be generated by rotating turbines with the help of water current of tides.
 The energy that generated from the tides of the sea is known as tidal energy.
 Water of tides is collected in large dams. And the water collect in dams is sent through
pipes to rotate turbine for generation of electricity.
Solar energy

 Solar energy is a best alternative source of energy as it is available in different parts of the
 Solar energy consisted of solar cell that converted the solar radiation directly to electrical
 When solar radiation falls in the solar panel then it converts solar light to electricity and
stored to the battery. Then the energy stored in the battery can be used for various
electrical and electronic applications.
 Advantages of solar energy (home work)
 Geothermal energy
 The energy which is obtained from the heat inside the earth is called geothermal energy.
 In the place where earthquake and volcano are active, the temperature increases by 800C
while going about 1 Km deep in the earth’s crust. In other place, the temperature
increases by 300C. Hot rock are found inside the earth crust.
 To obtain the geothermal energy, two parallel holes are drilled deep below the earth’s
crust mainly in volcanic reasons. Water is sent through a hole which gets converted into
steam using enormous heat below the earth crust. Then the steam produced out through
another holes which is used for operation of steam engine to produce electricity.
Energy crisis
Shortage of energy source due to population growth. Huge amount of use of non-renewable
source like fossil fuel is major reason for energy crisis. And these sources are limited in nature.
We are using them at so rapid rate that their stock will be finished from nature in the very near
future. It will results in great scarcity of energy sources.
Main cause of energy crisis are;

 Population growth
 Careless use of existing energy sources
 Lack of development of alternative source of energy.
Some method to overcome energy crisis are;

 The existing sources of energy should be used wisely and economically.

 Alternative source of energy should be developed and used.
 Population growth should be controlled.
 Awareness should be generated for wise and economic use of existing sources energy.
Methods of conversion of energy at home;

 Food should be cooked in pressure cooker to save energy.

 Computer, television, bulb, etc. should be switched off if their operation is not necessary.
 Lead bulb should be used instead of filament bulbs to save electricity.
 Energy saving device should be used.

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