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Tutorial question for Grade X section-E

Chapter I (Force)

Understanding questions

a. Write down two differences between gravitation and gravity.

b. Why is Newton's law of gravitation called university law?
5.67x107 1 1Nim?/Ke?. What does it mean?

ce. The value of un’ versal gravitational constant

d. The fali ofa parachute towards the earth’s surface is not a free fall. Way?

e. Astronauts feel them weightless inside spacecraft. Why?

f. Write two difference between acceleration due to gravity and gravity.

Application type question


b. Mention any three consequences of gravitational force.

ce. The mass of the Jupiter is 1.9x10?7Kg and its radius is 7.1x 10*Km. calculate
acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the Jupiter. What will be the weight
of he
person of mass 65 Kg on that planet?

d. Write down two application of gravity. A stone is dropped freely frora 45m he
tower, it reaches the ground in 3 seconds. Calculate the acceleration due to ar

a. Prove that F=

e How would a parachute fall on the surface of moon? Describe. The mass of the
Jupite> is
1.9x10?’Kg and that of sun is 2x10*kg. If the gravitational force of attra
them is 4.166x10°V, calculate the distance between their centers.

n detween

f, What do you understand weightlessness due to free fall? The mass of ‘he earth is
6x10"Ky and its radius is 6400 Km, what will be the acceleration due io gravity ata
distance of 3600 Km far from the surface of earth?

g. Atmosphere is present around the surface of the earth but absent around the
surface of
moon. Why? The mass of the Jupiter is 1.9x10?’Kg and its radius is 7.1x 10*Km.
the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of Jupiter, What will be the weight
if she
person of mass 85 Kg on that planet?

Chapter 2 (Pressure)
a. Write down the application of Archimedes? Principle. And also mention the
principle. :
b. Define the law of floatation.
€. Mention the factor that affects upthrust.

Write down two differences between force and pressure.

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