Subspecies of Archaic Human

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subspecies of archaic human

The name Neanderthal comes from the Neander Valley in Germany, where the first fossils of this species
were discovered.

Because the Neanderthals lived in a location with an abundance of limestone caves, which kept bones
well, and where there has been a long history of ancient research, they are better known than any other
archaic human group. As a result, they have come to be known as the typical "cavemen."

Neanderthals inhabited Eurasia from the Atlantic regions of Europe eastward to Central Asia

Until the late twentieth century, Neanderthals were thought to be genetically, physically, and
behaviorally unique from current humans on all counts. Neanderthals were alive before and during the
last ice age of the Pleistocene. Compared to modern humans, they had adaptations for living in cold
weather conditions and were physically strong. They developed a productive culture that was based on
hunting, with some scavenging and local plant collection thrown in for good measure. They also
developed a complicated stone tool technology.

Neanderthals developed tools for residential purposes that were distinct from those used for hunting.
Scrapers were used for tanning hides, awls were used for punching holes in hides to make loose-fitting
clothing, and burins were used for cutting into wood and bone.

after that they were replaced by early modern human which is homo sapiens

Homo sapiens

"Homo sapiens" refers to modern people who are still alive today. Homo sapiens is more intelligent
than the other homo groups and all other species living, this species is also known as wise man a term
derived from Latin.

In comparison to other organisms, Homo sapiens has a much larger brain in proportion to their physical
size. their high level of intelligence, as well as the behavioral features they exhibit, such as the use of
tools and even the usage of languages,

The difference between Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis is

Homosapien is the modern human who lives today while neanderthal is an extinct species. Neanderthal
had a stronger and larger body structure than homo sapien, but homo sapien is more intelligent than
Neanderthals. The similarities between them is they are both species belong to Homo and they share
DNA similarities.

This subspecies consists of only modern humans. Homo sapiens sapiens is the scientific name for

These specimens are regarded as early modern humans because they still have some archaic features,
such as prominent brow ridges and projecting faces

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