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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Davao City

Second Periodical Test in Technology and Livelihood Education

(Housekeeping) for Grade 9


Direction: Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter that best describes the statement.
(kailangan mo mamili ng mabuti para hindi ka mapunta sa taong mali)

1. The following are procedures in cleaning the toilet bowl except one:
a. Flush the toilet bowl c. wet the surface
b. Clean the toilet seat and cover d. Flush again
2. These are hair product used to remove oils, dirt, dandruff, and other contaminant particles in the hair.
a. hair conditioner c. shampoo
b. hot oil d. soap
3. Oral hygiene instrument used to clean teeth and gums
a. mouthwash c. toothpaste
b. tissue paper d. toothbrush
4. Millennium Goal in sanitation that refers to management of human faces at household level
a. environmental sanitation c. improved sanitation
b. food sanitation d. on – site sanitation
5. Hygienic means of promoting health through prevention of human contact with the hazards of waste
a. Disposal c. segregation
b. Sanitation d. washing
6. Leaves, flower, twigs, branches, and stems are classified as:
a. compostable waste c. residual waste
b. recyclable waste d. special waste
7. Refers to solid waste materials that are non compostable and non recyclable.
a. compostable waste c. recyclable waste
b. residual waste d. special waste
8. Waste disposal management that lessen household trashes and avoid unnecessary packaging of
a. recover c. reduce
b. recycling d. re –use
9. Practices that will bring down the amount of trash we dispose by avoiding the amount of unnecessary
packaging of the products and reducing its waste toxicity
a. recover c. reduce
b. recycling d. re –use
10. Mandate of Republic Act 9003 is otherwise known as:
a. Clean Air Act c. Modernization Act
b. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 200 d. Clean and Green Program
11. Center of the house where meal is prepared.
a. bedroom c. living room
b. dining room d. kitchen
12. It is used to describe any woven or knitted bath, bed, or kitchen textile such as sheets, towels and
table clothes.
a. Linen c. cloth
b. table napkin d. apron
13. A fabric case filled with deformable or resilient material, used for sleeping on.
a. blanket c. matress
b. fitted sheet d. pillow
14. A tool used to dust an entire mattress with baking soda.
a. soap c. cleaner machine
b. vacuum cleaner d. vacuuming
15. One who usually suggest the best method on how to clean a particular type of mattress.
a. reseller c. costumer
b. buyer d. manufacturer
16. An excellent way to save money and prolong the quality of the bed.
a. vacuuming c. baking soda
b. cleaning c. powder soap
17. First to remove in cleaning the mattress.
a. dirty pillow c. dust and mites
b. mites and blanket d. dust and pillow
18. refers to any waste material retrieved from the waste stream and free from contamination that can still
be converted into suitable beneficial use.
a. residual c. special
b. recyclable d. disposal
19. An essential items we needed every day to maintain one’s cleanliness and good hygiene.
a. bathroom cleaner c. bathroom supplies
b. school supplies d. Vacuum cleaner
20. a linen that protects the pillows.
a. Pillow case c. Linen pillow
b. Linen case d. pillow protector
Direction: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not correct. (Matuto
kang pumili sa tama o mali baka kasi mapili mo yung taong akala mo magpapasaya sa’yo pero yun pala
ang mananakit ng todo sa puso mo)

____21. Bathroom is considered as the most traffic area inside the house.
____22. Use tools and materials for an intended purpose accurately.
____23. Keep tools and materials after use clean and wet all the time.
____24. Store cleaning tools, supplies and materials that is easily reach of children.
____25. Handle and use tools and materials with extra care and attention.


Direction. Match the item in Column A with those in Column B. Write the letter of your answer in the
blank provided below. (2 points each) (Sa buhay kailangan mo munang mailto bago mo makuha ang
taong karapat dapat para sa’yo)

A. B.
___26-27. Hygienic means of promoting health through A. Food Sanitation
prevention of human contact with the hazards of waste.
___28-29. Known as hand antiseptic which is an alternative B. Environmental sanitation
to hand washing with soap and water.
___30-31. Hygiene measures to ensure food safety C. Sanitation
___32-33. Health care hand alcohol that are antiseptic products D. Hand Sanitation
that can be liquid, foam or flowing gel.
___34-35.Sanitation that includes solid waste management E. Consumer alcohol based
hand sanitizer

36-37. Two (2) types of Bed Setting.

38-40. 3R’s of Solid waste management.

Direction. Give the use / function of the different bathroom supplies. (2 points each)

41-42. Soap
43-44. Detergent
45-46. Toothpaste
47-48. Conditioner
49-50. shampoo

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