Term Paper (Analysis 1)

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The ultimate outcome of an interview comes from the etiquette maintained. This analysis part
covers some etiquette which consider standards for any type of interview. These etiquettes have
been found after conducting secondary research. Some basic interview etiquettes are being
confident, looking fairly smart, being punctual, having adequate knowledge about the company
and the job, maintaining eye contact, good gesture and posture etc.
Being Punctual
Punctuality is the first and foremost etiquette to maintain for an interview. Being punctual in an
interview gives a good image to the interviewer about the candidate. It is one of the first
impression which states that the interviewee is serious about the interview. Arriving late for a job
interview reveals a lot about your personality and work ethic to interviewers. It might indicate
that the interviewee isn’t paying attention to key aspects. It demonstrates that the interviewee is
unconcerned about other people's time. Punctuality is seen as a sign of contempt. No one wants
to leave an interviewer with that impression. Coming late as well as coming early has an
negative impact for the job.
Assume the candidate's interview is at 2 p.m. and they arrive at 1 p.m. This is far too soon. It
may appear to the interviewer that the candidate is desperate for the job. It would also be
considered impolite, as others would be upset by the candidate's presence so early. They might
be unprepared for the candidate. Not to mention that the candidate would be tired and bored,
which will affect their performance in the interview.
On the other side, being late gives the sense that the applicant isn't really dedicated to the
position. Not to add that being late is a rude gesture toward anyone, and the interviewers will not
like it.
It is important to arrive at the interview site around 10-15 minutes before the scheduled time.
Arriving a few minutes early and recognizing your tardiness is a fantastic approach to make a
positive impression on employers.
Eye Contact
Maintaining eye contact is a sign of confidence. It is an important etiquette of interview.
Maintaining eye contact create a positive impact on interview. It sends the idea that both
interviewer and interviewee are at ease to exchange information. Also, it increases
trustworthiness to the interviewer. Moreover, it shows that the candidate is interested to the
conversation going on between them.
Unwilling or unable to maintain eye contact is a definite symptom of uneasiness,
unpreparedness, and, worse, suspicious conduct, which interviewers may misunderstand. If you
have trouble staring strangers in the eyes, you should start practicing today. Keeping eyes closed
or staring down or anywhere else for long periods of time might give the impression that the
interviewee has something to hide, making him/her appear less trustworthy to others.
Good Posture
Posture indicates the body language. This is one of the most important etiquettes as this
determine the smartness of the interviewee. One of the significant postures is sitting style. For
instance, the interviewee needs to sit at the back of the chair, keep both feet on the ground, nod
while interviewer talks etc. Interviewers are more observant. They observe every possible thing;
from entering room to exit. It is possible to show confidence to the interviewer by maintaining
correct posture. When you sit up straight and stare straight ahead, you are more likely to look
directly into the eyes of the interviewer. So, it is very important to keep a good posture during
the interview.
A candidate's poor posture may give the interviewer a negative impression. Because a
candidate's initial impression is so critical, a lousy posture might quickly spoil it. As a result,
candidates should keep a positive attitude throughout the interview.
Entering the interview room
Walking into the interview room, there are two things an interviewee should keep in mind.
Firstly, their first impression will have an influence on how the interview goes. Second, no
matter how captivating a person is, the task will require talented workers. Nothing can help a
candidate who is unable to effectively display his abilities.
Every individual is assessed on their first impression, and the first impression is based on their
appearance. According to our research, getting appropriately suited for an interview is another
top importance action for a candidate. Not every interview will require a Mont Blanc well-fitted
formal suit. The interviewers will assess the candidate's ability to appear intelligent while using
whatever they have on hand. Furthermore, according to the data we gathered, 46% of
respondents who received employment through an interview said they dressed casually for the
interview. Of sure, certain occupations will demand us to wear professional attire. That is why
knowing what to dress to the interview is crucial.
Second comes giving an accurate representation of what a candidate can do. Our gathered data so
far has implied that 88% of the candidates who got excepted showed their skillset through a work
they recently did. Just academic results won’t be enough. Therefore, it imperative for a candidate
to bring copies of their work and as well reference letters that will help establish a good
connection with the interviewer. Bring them in a proper case or envelope will help a candidate
find their papers easily instead of frantically going through everything. Now-a-days most tech
jobs ask for a copy of their work through cloud services which is great at reducing the amount of
paperwork to bring in the interview.
Etiquettes Towards the Interviewers
Interviewers are just like any other regular people we encounter. And no one enjoys being
disturbed. The interviewers are in the same boat. Interrupting the interviewer while he or she is
speaking is a highly poor behavior that will leave a negative impression on the interviewer. Even
if it is a response to something that they misunderstood, it is advisable not to interrupt them and
to correct them nicely afterwards.
Asking the interviewer to repeat the question or comment they just made is also deemed
inappropriate. The last thing a candidate wants to do is ask the interviewer to repeat his question
since we couldn't focus on his question or statement for any reason. According to our findings, if
it becomes difficult to follow the interviewer's question or statement, the applicant can take notes
in a notebook. However, he or she should surely inquire whether they may take a notepad with
them to take notes.
The majority of interview rooms or boards are designed in a relatively straightforward manner.
On the other side, there is a chair for the candidate, a table, and the interviewers. Most interviews
in our country (Bangladesh) are conducted like examinations, with all candidates present and
interviewers speaking to each one individually. We may, however, attend earlier or at the same
time as the interviewer in organized interviews when we are the only candidate. So, fundamental
etiquette dictates that we do not sit until we are ordered to. We should also request permission to
enter the room.
Research also suggests that the applicant should initiate the conversation with a pleasant hello. It
is preferable to use a neutral welcome rather than a religious greeting. It's important to remember
that the applicant is the one being assessed. It may appear that you should wait for the
interviewer to begin, but some interviewers do not, and things can get awkward when both
parties are silent. So don't be hesitant; go ahead and introduce yourself and start a discussion.
These small nods go a big way in an interview, according to the polls we collected.
Another etiquette point to remember is to address the interviewers by their respective titles. The
last thing anyone wants to do during an interview is irritate the interviewers by saying the wrong
title. In rare situations, addressing the interviewer with the incorrect title may dissatisfy the
interviewer, resulting in a terrible interview experience or a bad first impression.
D, C. (2021, 7 10). Retrieved from Eden Indors: https://www.edenindoors.co/how-to-act-when-first-

Fusion Career Service. (2017, 3 27). Retrieved from https://www.fusioncareer.com/eye-contact-


Jobs Cruze. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://jobscruze.com/blogs/interview-preparation/important-


Staffing Partners. (2016, 1 29). Retrieved from https://www.staffingoregon.com/2016/01/29/portland-


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