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Republic of the Philippines


(Formerly Ramon Magsaysay Technological University)
Graduate School



Name: AUREEN KATE A. BARANTES Date Submitted: 02-26-22

Program and Level:MA-ED EA Score:


1. Answer the two (2) questions comprehensively.

2. Maximum of two pages only.
3. Submit in PDF format.
4. Submit your attached answer with filename: (lastname)_02262022
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5. God Bless and Good Luck.


1. Do you think a leader should adopt a certain leadership style or should he or she should be more flexible in
exercising leadership? Explain your answer.

2. What is the relationship between planning and controlling?



Adapting a certain leadership style is a great way to effectively lead your team. There will be an established
way and strategies on how a leader manages its team. But in today’s fast-paced, rapidly changing, globally diverse
business environment, flexibility is an absolute necessity. Leaders must be able to respond quickly and creatively
with great speed in an increasingly complex work environment. So, for me, a leader should be more flexible. A
leader should exercise adapting to new ideas, understands business cultures and adaptive to certain and different
leadership styles. Because, increasing your flexibility as a leader will allow you and the company to be more
effective when working with diverse individuals and responding to a variety of situations. Also, a flexible leader
always finds bright and creative ideas for the organization. Leaders must be flexible and effortlessly move from one
leadership style to another to meet the changing requirements of organizations and employees. A good leader knows
how and when to change his or her style to suit every situation.

Planning is your framework, your blueprint, the sets of strategies you are going to accomplish. It is
your guide to achieve your goal or success. While controlling is how you manage to do your plans. It is
basically “how you do it”. Controlling is how your plans aligned and focused. They are related because
without any of the two, there will an unsuccessful business and organization. When you think of
something, you’re planning and then you start controlling your plan when you begin the "activity"
required to enact the plan. There are many examples of these two. We do this daily. You probably
don't realize how much planning and controlling you do in your everyday life because you can fall
back on the same plan or organizational method that you've used a thousand times. But when you're
confronted with a new task, your mind will go into planning mode. Shortly after (and perhaps even
concurrently), you'll start controlling (enacting that plan with physical action).

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