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24/06/2022 The One who borrows Souls

On a quiet day. You can sometimes hear them. Every now and then, there’s be a
tapping or a scraping or a rustling from behind the door. Occasionally (if you’re
patient enough to sit for the whole day and watch) movement can be glimpsed through
the dark windows Once, just once, the faint sound of whispering in hushed tones

The boy has spent his entire summer holidays whisking for something for something
to emerge from the mysterious door.He had spent yet another sunny morning hiding in
the tall grass at the bottom of his garden just staring at the door, hoping to
catch a glimpse of something or someone extraordinary.

The moment he had been waiting for had finally arrived… The door began to slowly
creak open…
Out of being startled he went to check who it was on the doorstep. He peeked out
the window whilst heavily breathing and a being anxious, he had a flight or fight
response and quickly jolted to the door after realizing it was them…

“They finally came” the boy screamed.

After days, weeks and months of waiting they finally came.
It felt like the luckiest day of his life and he went to open the door.
He slowly but excitedly opened the door and in front emerged a dark shadow that was
tiny but imitating.

The boy felt a bit of shock to realize what was at the door.
A gnome like figure was peering out the door in the harshly pouring rain with
roaring lightning. The borrower was drenched and looked like he was drunk”

The boy spoke up to break the awkwardness and said “ Can I help you?…”
The gnome said with his agonizing voice “ Yes… I would like to borrow one of the
many books you have on your top shelf”

The boy now creeped out and in shock asked “ Ho-How…? Do you know about the books
on the top shelf-“
Before he could finished the sentence the borrower now angrily said
“ GIVE IT TO ME!” And growled

The boy now frightened said

“No! It’s my mothers gifts before she passed”
The borrower now about to snap pulled out a long dagger engraved in blood and
looked above a century old.

The boy’s flight or fight response kicked in and he jolted to the kitchen but the
tripped and fell to the ground.
Realizing that the borrower was chasing him he tried to get up out of of fear but
he felt frozen and felt there was nothing he could do.

The borrower already near him strikes his dagger and…

To Be Continued

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